Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, November 24, 1904, Image 2

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    S MV1V NJ 4 -,wa wti
perpetrated gros Imposture."
I -If It should b Clameraor thought M4rM
tht brain, to capable of working out V
treat crime! Fat must hv luter- Y
po,, i J
While thu talking to bimseir n el
bowed hie wy through the crowded
cn.vrTER xxiv.
An hour later Mm. Fauvel ordered
her carriage, ml went out. M. Kanvel
jumped into a hackney coach anJ follow
ed her. :
-Heaven grant that M. Verduret may
reiich there in timeT cried Nina to her
self, "otherwise Mme. Fauvel and Kaoul
re lost
Mme. Fauvel hastened to Vesinet.
convinced that ome new misfortune w
In store for her. Her alarm was ground
less. She found Raoul more tender end
affectionate than he had ever been. He
saw the necessity of reassuring her, and
winning his old place In her forgoing
heart, before making his disclosures. He
nieceeded. The poor lady had a smiling
end happy air as she sat In an armchair,
with Kaoul kneeling before her.
"I have distressed you too long, my
dear mother," he said. In his softest
tones, "but I repent sincerely; now listen
t inv
ite had not time to say more; the
Wr was violeutly thrown open, aud
lla.ml sorincius to hia feet, was con
fronted by M. Fanvel. The banker had
a revolver In his hand, and waa de.idl.v
pale. It was evident that he was mak
ine sunerhuman effort! to remain calm,
like a judge whose duty it la to justly
mulish crime.
"Ah." he said, with a horrible laugh.
"rnn look surprised, lou did not ex
pect me? You thought that mj imbecile
credulity insured your safety.
Rsoui had the courage to place him
self before Mme. Fauvel, and to stand
rrenared to receive the expected bullet
..V . i.. " , 1,1.1,
l assure you, uucic c
"F-nouch!" interrupted the banker,
with an angry gesture, "let me hear no
more infamous falsehoods'. End this act
ing, of which I am no longer tuo dupe.
"I swear to you "
"Snare vourself the trouble of deny
Ing anything. I know all. I know who
pawned my wife's diamonds. I 1 now
who committed the robbery for which
an innocent man wai arrested aud iui-
Alma Fanv t. white with terror, fell
nvm her knees. At last it had com
the dre.xdful day had come. Vainly had
the added falsehood to falsehood, ainly
had she sacrificed herself and others; all
waa discovered. She aw that all was
lost and wringing her hands, she tear-
fullv moaned:
"Fardon, Andre! I beg you, forgiv
At these heart-broken tones the bank
er shook like a leaf. The memory of his
tost hanoiness was too much for th
stricken man. He forgot the preseut In
the past, and was almost melted to for-1
"Unhappy woman!" be murmured,
"unhappy woman!"
For some moments nothing waa
heard but the sobs of Mme. Fauvel.
"I came here." continued the banker,
""wlth themtenTlmr ot tminf you both.
But I cannot kill a woman, ami I will
not kill an unarmed man. Defend jour
aelf!" cried the banker, raising his arm,
if you do not "
But the horror of the scene waa too
much for Mme. Fauvel to witness any
longer without interposing. She under
stood but one thing her sou and her
husband were about to kill each other
ti.fnra her Terv eves. Rushing up to
court yard of the hotel, At th foot of
.L. -.-1 L - 4 I f t.'nt.,vl.,r fttt.l SkS
! ninin-fliv lie it'ium .... ,-. ...
three peculiar looking Individuals, sunn
ing together, as if waiting for some one.
"Well." cried M. Verduret, "what is
the matter?"
With laudable emulation the four meu
A Little Lesson
In Patriotism
Although any on of bl cor of
other explolta would in ltalf hav been
tufflelent to raise Oon. Wajrn to tns
Kaoul had been quietly creeping to
ward the door, hoping to escape while
no one was thinking of him. But M.
erduret was watching him out of th
eoru.-r of on ey, and atopped him Just
as he was about leaving the room.
Not so fast, my pretty youth," he
said, dragging him Into th middle of
the room; "it la not po! 'r ut ,0
unceremoniously. I-et us finish th story.
Clameron hasteued to London. Ho had
no diitlculty in fiuding the farmer'a wife
whom the old countess had Intmstefl
5aston s son. Hut her an unexpected
disappointment greeted him. He learned
hat th child, whose name was regis
tered on the parish books as Raoul al
entine Wilson, had died of th croup
when eighteen months old.
Did any one state such a fact as
that?" Interrupted Raoul; "It is false:
"It was not only stated, but pro veil.
my pretty youth," replied M. Verduiet
You don t suppose I am a man to trusi
to oral testimony, do you?
He drew from his pocket several offi
cially stamped documents, with red seals
attached, and laid them on the table.
These are the declarations ot in
nurse, her husband, and four witnesses.
Here Is an extract from th register of
births; this Is a certificate of registry ot
his death; and all these are authenti
cated at the French embassy. Now are
you satisfied, young man?"
"What next?" inquired M. t) auvei.
"The next step was this," replied M.
Verduret "Clatncran, finding that in
child was dead, supposed that he could.
in snite of this disappointment, obtain
money from Mme. Fauvel: he was mis
taken. His first attempt failed. Having
an Inventive turn of mind, he determin
ed that the child should come to life.
Amone his laree circle of rascally ac
quaintances he selected a young fellow
to personate Raoul Valentine Wilson;
and the chosen one stands before you."
Mme. Fauvel was In a pitiable stitte.
And yet she began to feel a ray of hope;
her acute anxiety had so long tortured
her that the truth was a relief; she
would thank heaven if this wicked man
was proved to be no son of hers.
"Can this be possible?" she murmured;
"can It be?"
Raoul saw that th gam was op.
"You are a detective!" he ejaculated.
The fat man smiled grimly.
"At present" he replied, "I am merely
a friend of Prosper Bertomy. It depend
entirely upon your behavior which char
acter I appear In whll aettllng up tut
little affair."
"What do yon expect me to do?"
"Restore the three hundred aud f.fty
thousand francs whi?h you have stolen. "
"The money is In this room."
"Very good. This frankness Is cred
itable, and will benefit you. I know
that the money Is In this room, and also
exact! y where It Is 'to he found. B
kind enough to look behind that cup
board, aud yon will find th Hire hun
dred and fifty thousand francs.
Raoul tremblingly went to the cup
board, and pulled out several bundle of
bank notes, and an enormous package of
pawnbrokers' ticket.
Very well done," aald M. erduret
a he carefully examined the money and
rushed forward to report to their u- .height or fam, "Mad Anumny win
perior oftleer. ever t best rememlwej a th hero of
. , . Mt.l . ..
The matter la this, patron, "i;tha CRPtur of Stony rolitL ou in
tilght of July 0, ma
Ftinferlot, dejectedly. "I am doomed to
111 lack. You see how it Is; this U th
Mily chance 1 ever had of working out a
benutifn case. and. pat: my cnmina
must go and fixxle! A regular case of
"Then It Is Clameran who "
"Of course It Is. When the ra-nl saw
me this morning he scampered off like a
hare. You should have seen him run: I
thought he would never stop this side of
lvry; but not at all. Ou reaching the
Boulevard dea Ecolea a sudden Idea
seemed to strike him, and he made ft be
line for his hotel; I suppose to get his
pile of money. Directly he gels tnere
what does he see? these throe friends
of mine. The sight of thes gentlemen
had the effect of a sunstroke upou him;
he went raving mad ou th pot ino
Idea of serving me such a low trick at
th very moiueut 1 wa sure of success!"
"Where la he now?'
"At the prefecture, I suppose. Som
policeman handcuffed him, and drov off
with him In a cab."
"Come with me."
M. Verduret aud Fanferlot found
Clnmernn In one of the private cells r
uirwl for daneerous prisoners. He had
on a strait-Jacket, ud wa struggling j
violently against three men, who were
striving to hold him, while a physician
tried to force him to swallow a potion.
"Help!" he shrieked; "help! Do you
not see my cousin coming after nic?
Look! he wants to poison me!"
M. Verduret took the physician aside,
and questioned him about the maniac.
'The wretched man Is In a hopeless
state." renlied the doctor; "this species
of insanity la Incurable. He thinks some
one is trying to poison him. and nothing
will persuade him to eat or arinn any
thin: and. as It Is Impossible to force
anything down his throat he will die of
btarvatlon, after having sunerea an me
tortures of poison."
M. Verduret, with a thudder, turned
to leav th prefecture, saylug to fan
Mm. Fauvel Is saved!"
Stony Tolnt had been regarded a
I th moat Impregnable position of whlon
th British wer master. The uiougiu
of Its enrtur advanced by Anthony
Wayns sevnicd Inaan. Its fulfillment
lmosltlo. Th plan wa bold ana
brilliant; but th misgiving of th
Americans wer greater than their
faith lu th ability of Wayn. Ther
wa ono, however, who believed in th
dashing IVnnsylvnnlan; ami. that
one was Gon. Washington, the enter
prise, tho lldot ami most haxardoiu
of the entlr war, was Intrusted to
In th taend ami front of th attack,
wherever the danger wa greatest, waa
Qatar Freak of Two Brother Who
Owned an Knl'" lan.
An Interesting llttlo treasur hunt is
causing soma cxiitomout In Watford
shire village, say the Uuidou Mall.
The treasure hunter ar not rushing
round wlih surveyor' chain and pick
axo. but they search very patleutly
and very persistently In old boot and
Un kings, piece of newspaper, behind
wall paper and wainscoting 1,1
black lMlt!o. They are searching for
the accumulated wealth of one Joseph
Attwood. who, with hi brother, kep:
the Vine Inn at Delph. Bilerlcy Hill.
Joseph died not long ago, and hl
brother being unable to transact tht
business It waa transferred.
The brothers Attwood had curious
Idea as to the conduct of their busi
ness and Uie employment of capital
Idea which would commend them
selves to no self-respecting economist.
When the elder brother died there was
n hunt for the money which It was
known he hud saved. In on of the
rooms, which had not been opetnd for
llfteen jenr. 5hi lu gold was found,
stowed away In ooruer of the room
Hundreds of silver coin wero found
corked up In gin ItoUle and beer Jars.
Half a hundredweight of copper
wa found hidden In nooks and cran
nies, old gloves, stockings, paper bugs
and euro-lopcs and rolled up In teu
lead. Check which had never been
prosvuted; a woman's watch and n
very old hunting watcli were also discovered.
Altogether iKl hna been found In
various parts of tho house. When the
treasure seeker have torn down the
wiills, ripped up tho floors and search
ed under the soot In the chimneys,
claim will be pegged, out lu tho gar
We know whti all good doc
tors think or Ayers L.ncrry
Pectoral. Ask yourown doc
tor and find out. lie will tell
you how It quiets the tickling
throat, heals the Inflamed
lungs, and controls the
hardest of coughs.
' fhr fectnnl ! !! l
out ni!l. wslhhik It U wwllolus
lit th wmI4 tf emishs ! iul;l..
V.. MKl.. f I M.
AO (lr,H-,'lll
On of Aor s PHI at hodtimo wtl
naaton recovory. vvrmj m.-..-.
riT Pi-rum
II I O sflt-r nrily'ilwnr Klln-'"tr-l Nrv
ltr-ti,ri-r. Si-tiil for l-'rrf n'J IrlitllMittli-nml trrtttltw,
lit. K. II. Klliiv. l.t.i .uJl Arch ok, I'hllwl.lplilis t't.
Four davs had passed lnc th nents
Just narrated, when, on morning, M.
I.ecoq the official Leoq. wno rsm
bled th dignified head of a bursau
wa walking up snd down hi pnvat
office, at each turn nervously looking at
the clock, which slowly ticked on th
mantel, as If It had uo intention of strik
ing any ooner than usual, to grainy
the man so anxiously watching its piacm
At last, however, th clock did tnk.
and Just then th faithful Januulll
opened the door, and ushered In Mme.
Vin nnil FrnilnM HprtOmV.
Ah." said M. Lecoq, "you are pnnc-s. oeioveu memory
the general who had planned and ex
ecuted thl daring attack. Once, a b
rallied his men, a British shot struck;
htm In the head. He fell to the earth.
stunned by th shock and wound; but.
by a magnificent effort of hi Inflexible
will, he rose and continued th attack.
The asnault was successful, and Stony
Point waa won.
Monmouth, Germantown. Yorktown,
wer other fields of his glory. When
tb "Penimylvaula line," disheartened
and discouraged, were In mutiny, and
the fate of th revolution bung upon
Its outcome. It was Gen. Wayne who
succeeded In Inducing the mutineer
to return.
Ilia country, to whom he gave his
services freely and unselfishly, and for
whom he had so often courted dentil,
gives him in return the honor of n
Ills courage, lils
The nint-k Hand.
"Charley had a ureaillul time last
night," said young Mrs. Torklus, "He
snys he was a vlcliiu of th 'Black
Hand.' "
"You don't say o!" exclaimed th
"Yes. He cam home without a cent
I don't Multe understand the particulars
as he explained them, lint they pulled
deadly weupon on him that Is kuowu as
a club flush." ashlngtou hear.
. O. ATBIiro
Hard Coughs
(Iratltud l th fairest blossom which
pring from th soul; and th heart ol
man ktmwetn nous uior fragrant llo
mi Ballnu.
As It Pliould II.
"No," aald the dentist. "It would
simply be a waste of good money for
me to advertise In the newspaper."
"Why do you think so?" queried the
persistent solicitor.
Because," explained the tooth car
pouter, "my work speak for Itsell
through tie mouths of others."
vel moved.
time, then
Baoul, she threw her arm around him, papers; "this I th most sensible stp
and said to her husband: you ever took.
"Kill me. and me alone! n.nnl ruA n this mnment. when
At these words M. Fauvel glared at k..'. .tt.ntlon would be absorbed
th guilty pair, and deliberately taking fcy the moneT) to makt hi escap. H
aim nrea. tenner naoui u.r i.iujc. aU- y , towani n, door, gently opened It
slipped out, and locked It on th outside;
the key being (till In th lock.
"He ha escaped!" cried M. FaoveL
"Naturally," replied M. Verduret,
without even looking up; "I thought h
would hav sense enough to do that"
"But is he to go unpunished?"
"My dear sir, would you hav this af
fair become a public scandal? Do you
wish your wife name to be brought
Into a rase of this nature before the
police court?"
'Oh. monsieur;
'Then the best thing you can do I to
let the rascal go scot free. Her ere
receipts for all the articles which he ha
pawned, so that we should consider our
selves fortunate. He has gept nrty thou
sand francs, but that Is all th better
for you. This sum will cnnble him to
leBve France, and we shall never se him
Po saying, th fat man took np hi bat
The banker fired a second
a third.
He cocked the pistol for a fourth shot.
when a man rushed Into the room.
snatched the pistol from the banker's
hand, and, throwing him on the sofa,
ran toward Mme. Fauvel. This man
wa M. Verduret. who had been warned
by Cavaillon, but did not know that
Mme. Gypsy had extracted tue tan
from M. Fauvel's revolver.
"Thank heaven!" he cried, "she Is un
hurt" "How dnre yon Interfere?" cried the
banker, who by this time had Joined the
group. "The villain shall die!"
M. Verduret seized the banker' wrists
In a vine-like grasp, and whispered in his
"Thank heaven, you are saved from
committing a terrible crime; th anony
mous letter deceived you. Do yon know
who that man Is that you attempted
A New I)lah.
WJL V .V .t,n.in nd quietly left th room, and Jumping
The word of this stranger, showing " ' ' . , ,m
hi intimate knowledge of th private
affairs of all present, seemed to con
found and frighten Raoul more than M.
Fauvel' threats had don. Yet he had
sufficient presence of mind to say:
"It I the truth!"
The banker looked wildly from Baoul
to M. Verduret; then, fastening his
haggard eyes on his wife, exclaimed,
"It is false! You are all conspiring to
deceive me! Proofs!
"You shall have proofs," replied M.
Verduret, "but first listen."
And rapidly, with his wonderful talent
for explanation, he related th principal
Points of the plot h had discovered.
The true state of th casa was terribly
distressing to M. Fauvel, but nothing
compared with what he had suspected.
His throbbing, yearning heart told him
that he still loved his wife. Why should
he punish a mistake committed so many
year ago and atoned for by twenty
sears of devotion and suffering? For
some moments after M. Verduret bad
finished hi explanation ju. f auvel re
mained silent.
8o many strange event had happened
Into his cab, ordered th driver to return
to Paris, and drive to th Ilotal du
Louvre as rapidly as possible,
Hi mind wa filled with anxiety
about Clameran. II knew that Ilnoul
would glv him no mor trouble; th
young rogu wa probably taking his
pBMiag for some foreign land at that
moment But Clameran should not es
cnoe unpunished; and how thl punish
tnent could b brought about without
compromising Mm. Fauvel wa a prob
lem to be solved.
After long thought h decided that an
accusation of poisoning must com from
Oloron. H would go ther and work
upon "public opinion, so that, to satisfy
th townspeople, th authorities would
order a post-mortem examination of M-
douI. But thl mod of proceeding re
quired time, end Clameran would cer
tainly escape befor another day passed
ovr his head. II wa too experienced
a knav to remain on slippery ground,
now thst hi eye wer open to th dan
ger which menaced hltn. It wa almost
dark when th carriage topped In front
of the Hotel du Louvre. M. Verduret
noticed a crowd of people collected lu
tuai." bravery, bis uruiauntcu annng. nis un-
"M. Verduret save us express orders nueatloned patriotUim. have won for
to meet here In your office this morning, bim a place among the Immortal heroes
and we hav obeyed, saia Aiauam of American history.
lypy. Every man ha not the military
very gooa, sa.a ine .ruMi ur . .. . w noaiiewed: but
tectlve. "Then be k nd enough to wait " ' " . . ,
a few minutes; I will tell him you are y man may have the desire ot
r Wayne to do hi beat for the cause of
ibrini the ousrter of an hour that freedom ana ngni ami justice. un
Nina and Prosoer remained alone togeth- out the ipark of patriotism the flame
r they did not xchange a word. Finally of fnme may never be kindled. And
a door opened and M. Verduret appear- every man may be a pntrlot Chlcngo
ed. Journal.
Mna and rrosper eageny trxea 10-
ard him, but h checked thm by on
of those peculiar look which no ou
ever dared resist
You hav com, h ald, severely,
"to har th secret of my conduct I
hav promised, and will kep my word,
however painful It may be to my feel
ings. Listen then. My best friend Is a
loral. honest man, named Caldas. Eigh
teen month ago this friend wa the usp-
idest of men. Infatuated by a womnn.
he lived for her alone, and, rooi that
h was. Imagined that she felt the same
love for him."
She did!" cried Gypsy; "ye, she al
ways loved him."
"She showed her love In a peculiar
way. She loved mm so mu-n mm one
fine day she discarded him. In his first
moments of despair Caldas wished to
kill himself. Then he reflected that It
would be wiser to live and avenge him
"And then!" faltered Prosper.
"Then Caldas avenged himself In his
own way. 11 mad m woman wno as
serted him recognize hi linmens supe
cousin wa disgraced, and wa failing
over the verge of a precipice, when th
powerful hand of Caldas reached forth
and saved him. You understand all now,
do you not? The woman I Nina, the
cousin I yourself, and Caldas 1
With a quick, dextrous movement he
threw off hi wig and whiskers, and
stood before them the real, Intelligent,
proud lAicn.
"Calda! ' cried Mna.
"No. not Caldn. nor Verduret any
longer: but Lecoo, the detective."
M. Lecoq brok the stupefied sllenc or
bis listener by saying to Prosper:
"It I not to rne alone that you owe
your salvation. A noble girl confided to
rn tho difficult task of clearing our
reputation. I promised her that M. Fau
vel should never know the secrets eon
rernlng ,hi domestic happiness.
T!o's Cure U ood coiiKh nedlcln.
It has currd roiitrhs and cold for lorty
years. At druggist, cents.
Thn King of Korea.
Only the King of Korea may rear
gonts or have round column and
sijunre rafter to hit house or wear a
cont of brilliant red. Only the King
may look upon the faces of the
Queen' hundred of attendant Indie
oi have any building ouMde of which
there ore more than three stepe. rour
step would bo high treason aud
would cost their owner a traitor a
death. Clipping.
Mnthmwlll find Mrs. Wluslow's Soothing
Byrup the beat remedy tout lor their children
during th Uethlng period.
illss Rose Peterson, Sec
tary Parkdalc Tennis Club, Chi
cago, from experience advises all
young girls who have pains and
sickness peculiar to their sex, to
use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound.
How many beautiful young girl de
velop Into worn, lUtlesa nd hopeless
women, simply because aufllctent atten
tion ha not been paid to their physical
development. No woman la exempt
from physical weakness and periodic
pain, anu young jrlrla Just building' Into
womanhood should be carefully guided
physically as well a morally. Another
Mi.is Hannah E. M oration. Col
ling woixl, NmI stays t
"I thought I would write and tell
yon that, bv following your kind ad
vice, I feel like a now person. I waa
always thin snd dellcuU, sod SO weal
that I could hardly do anything;. Men
atruntlon was Irregular.
" I tried ft bottle of your YcprrtnMt)
Compound and began to feel belter
right away. I continued lu use, and
am now well and strong, and men
atruate regularly. I cannot say enough
for what your medicine did for rne."
tSOOO fwftH It tlQinct af afcw leMsr
p vnwfiwMM cannot 99 pruavtfea.
Lydia K. lMnkham'g Vfffctalrio
Compound will cure any woman
In the land who suffer from
womb troubles. Inflammation of
the ovaries, aud kidney troubles.
Startling Area of Coal Fields.
It 1 estimated by exports that the
area of American coal field, at present
open to mining, I more thnn five time
aa great a that of the conl field of
England, France, Ccrintiny and Ilel
glum; the great coal producing coun
trle of Europe. While practically all
the available coal areas of those coun
tries have been opened to mining, our
have scarcely been estimated. When
we tuko Into consideration tho fact
that coal 1 ono of tho great motive
power In tho manufacturing world, It
1 evident that this lniinciiso wealth of
conl will be of such an advantflgo to
the United Ktatea a to bo beyond any
mau'a calculation. Sueccs.
"Give lis some class yell oysters,"
said Willie Sofmore and Harry Whoo-
Weak, timid and helpless, her pley aa they pulled up to the table.
"Class yell oyster!" asked the wait
er. "I'ardon me, put wnat are ineyj
"Haw! Haw I Itaw!"
. 1 ,1 1 11nHrl aiih AiliAP In BiiiAaa
aion, and culminating In th shorting r discussing soins Melting
..n. .-MM, hid b.t tsk-n nine, that e"t which emed to bav Just taken
"What ha happened!" b demanded
of a louniar near by.
"Tb strangest tiling you vr beard
of." renlied th man. "Yes, I aw bim
with my own eye. He first appeared at
M. Fauvel seemed to be too bewildered
to think clearly. Hut the sight of Ruoul
froze the words upon hi lip.
"So thl I your sou," b ald to hi
wife "this man, who ha plundered you
and robbed me?
Mme. Fauvel wa unable to otter
word In reply, to thes reproachful
"Oh!" ald 51. Verduret, "madam will
tell you that thl young man Is tho ion
of Gaston de Clameran; she ha never
doubted It. Hut the truth li
letter thwarted all my plan, and nade
It Impossible for m to keep my prom
ts. 1 have nothing mor to ay.
lie turned to leav the room, but Mna
barred bis exit
"Caldas," sh murmured, "I Implor
von to have pity on tne! I am so mls-
erablol Ah. If you only knew! II for
giving to on who ha alway lovd jou.
Caldas! Listen!"
One month later wa celebrated at
the church of Notre Dam the mnrilng
The OuioKonarlan.
They were neither of them brilliant
scholars, but they liked to move with
the time o regard their knowledge
of current events, so the dully ntw-
papor wa regularly delivered at theJr
humble domldlo, and It wa Jnnle'
duty to rend ont during break fust time
all the most Interesting Ileum of the
day. One morning, after wading
through the latest Intelligence from the
front, alio turned to another page of
the paper and anld:
"Ilerldo, It any her that anoUier
Tour octogenarian's dead."
"What' an octogenarian?"
"Well, I don't know wlwut they are,
but they must be very sickly creaturee.
You never hear of them hut they'r
Keyed Up to the Mark.
"Oea whhe! Ethel!" exclaimed the
young ludy's beau, "this toothuche la
almply frightful."
"Obi Qeorge, It's too bad," aald the
dear girl. "Of course, you won
"That In order to ewindl bur b ha auwtlonr bad vanished.
that seventh story window; h wa only of SI. I'rosper Hertomy and Mil. Made- apeak to papa to-night"
half dressed. Pom men tried to sell
him. but with th glllty of a uli-rl
be iumiied out upon th roof, shriuklii',
'Murder! murderl'; Th rcklesnes of
bis conduct ld in to nppo "
Th iossId stopped short In hi narra
tive, vary much surprlssd and Txd; hi
lulim Fauvel,
Th banking lions Is still In the Hun
da I rovlnce, but as SI. Fauvel hns de
cided to retire from business nd live
In the country, the name of the firm
ha been changed, and I now;
(Th nd.)
"Won't I, though? I'm Just In shape
for It Hrlng on your old manl
don't care what happen to me."
rhlladelpnla Treaa.
Courtship serves as a curtain-raiser
on th matrimonial tragedy.
x m. ?Vif iyi
8now:rt-ruLL ureof
A, t. TOW I Si CO.,osto, ., u..a.
I tow i s ewoiweo.,tvo,, tosohto. cwos.
Thw Kind You IIuvo Always Jlotiglit Iihn borne the Mifiiu
turn of ClniH. II. I'lctt licr, nnd Iiiih been iiiudo under hU
IierHonal HiiervlHloit lr over . years. Allow no ono
to deeelvo you in UiM. CounterfeltH, Imitations iiml
tTiist-UH-frood" aro biitKxperlinentH, and endanger tho
licultli of Children Kxierleiieo fi;aliiHt J'.xperliiu iiU
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