1 Eruptions Dry, moist, scaly tetter, all forma of eczema or suit rheum, pi in plot and other cutaneous eruptions pro coed from humorH, either Inherited, or acquired through defective di gention and nHHliullutlon. To treat theno eruptions with drying niedlelnfta 1h dungorous. The thing to do U to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Which thoroughly cleanse the Wood, expelling nil humors and building up tho whole system. They cure Hood's (Ws&parlll permanently cored J. 0. llliioa, Franks, III., uf ecsama. (mm which he had etilTnre4 fur some times and Mini Alvlna Wultnr, III, Algmi, Wli of pirn' lli on lior face mid keck and chafed akin on bur body, by which ah had len rrxatlf troubled There aro mora testlinonlala to favor of Hood's than ran be published, Hood'a Saraaparllla promlsos to Cure and kpi the promise). J 4 T ""V 'jo? SJ T 1 A'T JUDICIAL DECISION, Chilian Minora Powerful. 1'erliapa th sri-ati-st Wflghts home for any Ulstatifo on men's hat'ka are tho loud of oro liroimlit up from tho mlurs of Urn Ainli' ly tho-mlmm of tlillt. Darwin vUlloit a cupper inln In a rnvliH! lnllnit from tlia main ruiik'o of tint Cordllli-rns, wlu're the work whs enrrlrtl on liy autrh primitive ini'nlia tlmt, thoUKll til"! mints had lictui workt'tl In tint mountain for at least two oeiiturle. tli water wm re iiiovinl In sninu !y ciinyliiK It up suuf.s In lentluT bilk's on ini'u'a bnt'ks. Htr Fraud Uciul, when visiting a mmliur initio, found tlmt all tho ore n fiinti-il up to tho stir furs, a ver teal ellinb of 4M) fret, l.y tho miner, iid tlmt the averniu weight carried wn ii.i0 noundn. ThU loml was uot turned up a wlmllnit ntutr, but up i.otehed trunk of triva, set almost up right, ou touchliiK anoibcr. Tho food of the Chilian miner, ac cordion to Darwin, consisted of ra tion of sixteen (1k and two ainnll loaves of bread for breakfaiit; for din ner boiled beaua, for .supper wheat crushed and ronxtcd. They scarce! ever tuHted meat roan aa Iirreeinakere. Burn are the Impositions practiced on department atorea by women claiming- dreesmiikers' dlacounta that a lead ing metropolitan bouau ttudi It ueces- ary to employ three detectives whoso t-xdusUo taak It la to verify statu- tuwiita of thla character. Those entl tied to dlacounta receive credential, while the others are tabulated under the claaalllcatlon "fraudulent." Many tore provide separate cashier's desks for dressmaker patron, who repair hither for their authorised rebate, av ernfliig 10 per cent. This privilege la usually confined to merchandise apper tnlnlnk to dressmakliiK, and la uuavall- able for other itood. Cut rate and apeclal sale are also exempt from dressmakers discounts. The fortune of the house of Itlsmarrk passes to a U.y of 7. II btars the great chancellor's Usui of Otto. It Is generally niore profitable to reck on up our dermis thsu to boast of our at tainment. Csrlyle. Charity snd personal frnvs ara tha only luveetuieuta worth anything. Walt Whitman. rowerfu! alfiholle beverage can ba distilled frm bananas, the milk of co coa nut, rica and pes a. Kirypt claim tha oldest nun la the world Ahmed Selim, who ha turned six core. It miieuibers Napoleon In Egypt, Pi4iiily3 Newnort Newa. Va.. Tulr JJ. toot. Last aumtner while recovering from ill tiea of fever, I had severe attack of Inflammatory Kheuuiatlatn In the kneea, from which I waa unable to leave my room for several months. I waa treated by two doctors and also tried different kinds of linamenta and medicines which eemed to relieve tne from pain for while, but at the Mine time I waa not ny nearer getting well. One day while reading rMijwr 1 aaw an advertisement of 8. 8. for Rheumatism I rledilwt to eive it a trial, which I Jul at once. After I had taken three bottlea I felt great deal better, and I still continued to take it regularly until I waa entirely -ured. I now feel better than for years, nd I cheerfully recommend 8. 8. 8. to ny one suffering from Rheumatism. 613 jad St. Cua. E. CituitRSUiUVB. Rheumatism I caused by uric acid or ottie other cld poUon in the blood, which when deposited In the muscles nd joints, produce the sharp, cutting pains and the atilfnesa and soreness pc cullsr to this disease. S. 8. 8. coea di rectly into the circulation, all irrlta- lnr substances ere neutralized . and filtered out of the system, tho blood is msde pure and the general health is Luilt ud under the purifying and tonic - - tahle remedy. Write for our pe dal book on Rheu matism which la iMinswIU advise without charge ail who will write us about their case. Tos Swift aosolfto CowPtiiy, Atlanta, 6a. Ta, what do they mean by the dwtb rate?" "That, my son, Is the speed at which an automobile travels." Cleveland Leader. Van Tart I don't think much of lenp year. I.e Whey What's the mat ter? Van Tart The girl propose to you, but expect you to buy tho ring. . The button trust la bankrupt. The button 1 a small article, but It baa destroyed the peace of many a home, and It la only ripping aa it ha been aewed. Ilultlmote American, "John," said a atlngy old bunk to bis hired man, a he waa taking dinner. "do you know how runny pancake have eaten fourteen." "Well," said John, "you count and I'll eat." "But have you any expectation, voumr man?" "of course. I have. Three rich girla want to marry me, but I am going to give your girl the first chance." Cleveland I'lalti Dealer. "I Juat wisht I wus bigger," said Mischievous Willie Bmart. "Indeed V asked hi mothor. "How much big ger?" 'Oh, Just big enough to do all tho thing I git blamed for doln' now." Freda lis claim to be related to you, and saya he can prove It Floyd lUilutod to me? Why. the man'a a fool. Freda Of course; but that may be a mere coincidence. Illustrated lilts. Jack Women have no bead for fig urea. Tom How do you make that out? Jack I know a girl whose edu cation cost her father ten thousaud, and she can't Ogure her own age correctly. "Jury," aald a Western Judge, "you kin go out and find a verdict If you can't find ono of your own, get the one the last Jury used." The jury re turned a verdict of suicide In the ninth degree. Halloa!" cried the neighbor. "What are you building new chicken bouse for?" "Why." replied Nettle, "for a flock of pink elephanta, of course. You didn't suppose I'd put chickens in it, did your lied And when this happened on the links, waa he addresalug the ball? Green Well, I don't know Juat what be waa addressing, but It waa quite evident from the language that he wa not addressing a' Sunday school. Meeks Why don't you try Dr. Quackem'a elixir of life? A friend of mine who took a bottle of It praise It to the akle. Weeks Yes, and a friend of nilm who took three bottle of the atuff ta now up there somewhere. Chi cago Newa. A precocious youth telegraphed to his parents ou their golden wedding day: "Is marriage a failure?" The old couple Inld their heads together over the reply-paid form, and present ly made answers "No; but ita results sometimes are." "I never knew till now why this waa auch a windy country," aald the bright little girl traveling through Illi nois. "And have you discovered why?" asked her father. "Of courae. See all the windmills on these farms we're passing." Philadelphia Ledger. "Darrlnger, have you a hulf-aov erelgn you don't want?" "Why, cer tainly. Here it la." The next day "I say, Darrlnger, that half-sovereign vou gave nie waa a bad one." "Yes, Itromley. You askea me lr 1 nna halfoverelgn that I didn't want." "Why do the rosea fade alowly away?" ahe inquired poetically, "Well," replied the baldheaded young man. "when you think it over lt'a all for the best, lt'a more comfortable to have them fade alowly away than to go off all of sudden, like a torpedo." "That's my last canvaa," aald D'Auber; "I atarted that six months ago. You see, some days I palut away feverishly, forcefully, abaorbed- ly, while on other daya I can't palut at ail." "I aee," aald Crlttick; "you painted thle on one of the other daya." Philadelphia Press. "If Crabbe ever cornea around your place borrowing anything." aald Sub bube, "don't let him have it." "You've apoken too late," replied Newcomer; "he was sround thla morning." "You're easy. What was he borrowing?;; trouble. He's du tholiospftal now." Philadelphia I-edger. Aa my wife at the window one beau tlful day atood watching a man with Bin res in a Joint stock association J are held, In re Jones (N. Y.), 60 L. B. A. 470, to be properly dealt with aa personalty in applying the lawa pro viding a transfer or succession tax, although the property of the associa tion la real estate. The destruction of s will expressly revoking former one is held in Stet son vs. SteUon (III.), 61 L. It. A. 2M, to revive the earlier under a statute providing that a will can he revoked only by a subsequent will d ex' hiring the revocation of former ones. In a prosecution for manslaughter on the ground that decsed waa kill ed unintentionally while the slayer wa in the commission of an unlawful act, it is held in Johnson vs. State (Ohio) 61 L. H. A. 277, that it must be shown that the alleged unlawful act la prohibited by law. The other authori ties on the question of negligent bom lclde are collnted In a note to tliis case. A telephone company which re moves, destroys or Injures trees plant ed by an abutting owner along the street adjacent to hie protierty, under the term of a city ordinance, in erect ing poles and wires under ita fran chise, la hold, in Uroson vs. Albion Telephone Company (Neb.), 60 L. It. A. 4M, to be liable for the resulting damage, though no unnecessary injury la Inflicted. Carry Inn a loaded gun from one room of a house, In which It hud been left by another person, to an adjola lug room, is held, in Doody va. Nation al Masonic Accident Association (Neb.), 00 L. It. A. 424. to be "han dling firearm" within the meaning of a clause in an accident-Insurance poll cy limiting to $500 the recovery for any injury received while hunting or while using or handling loaded fire arms. A Judgment In a suit between the owner of property abutting on a high way and the municipality to establish the boundary of the highway, la held, in Iiong va. Wilson (Iowa), 60 L. It, A 720. not to be conclusive on the owner of property located on the op posite aide of the street, who is not made a party to the suit, end whose access to and from hla property will be interfered with if the boundary ao established prevails. A conviction of manslaughter upon the second trial of an indictment for murder, upon which there waa a con viction of nutmlnugbter at the former trial, which was set aside and a new trial granted. Is held, In people va. McFarlane (Oul.), 61 L. R. A. 215, to be sustainable, although the evidence establlahed murder on the second trial, where the evidence does not prove a case where the verdict must be for murder or acquittal as justifiable hom icide. The resumption of martial relations by a wife living separate from her husband, and about to commence pro ceedings for divorce against him, to which ahe waa entitled because of bis wrongdoing, is held, In Moayon va. Moayon (Ky.), 60 L. R, A, 415, to be sufficient consideration for hla prom ise to convey property in trust for the benefit of their children, and, in the event of their death for ber benefit A note to this case collates the other authorities on the validity of a con tract between huaband and wife to compromise a pending or contemplated divorce stilt Ayer's You can depend on Ayer's Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops Hair Vigor fallingof the halr.also. There's great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap pointed. Isn't that so? "Mr hatr fadd unlit It about whtta. It took Jot 01,. Iula f Arer't H.lr VIor to r.ur u to in format 4r, rlth eolor. lour lUIr Vigor erilnlr tv wht yon claim lor It." A. M. JUKiuaa, Buckingham, f- Clab of Cllanblnar Jape. The Japanese Alplc Club, which 1 the oldest In the world. Is also a re ligious society, snd the ascents accom plished by its members sre preluded by a prayer which runs: "May our hearts be pure, and may the wathrr on the honorable pea'x be One." ft m a twttta. A M (Ir.iryHt. for f. O. AT1H CO., Fading Hair Plao Cure fa remedy foreonrh. old and oonaumption. Try It. iTica a oanis, t aruggiats. Von and Worae. "My wife aod I went to call on th Dumlcys last night. I can't imagim anything more tiresome than spending an evening with them." "You can't? Walt till thejr pome tr apand an evening with you." Philadel phia Press. TIT Prainnttr curaa. front or narvonamav Hid fUr nrrtdr'o"fIr.KllO''"rt Nrv rianturw. Hem! for Frf B)2 trial bolland trMtlf 1r.K.fcL Klloa. U4..KV Area tit, i-uUadolpbla, fa, A Complaining Wife. "So yon enjoy bearing your wife aoenk in public?" "Yea," answered Mr. Meek ton; '"i is s arest comfort to me to hear her de- acribing faults and difficulties for which I cannot poaaibly ba held responsible." Washington Star. TRtOf vVli MARK. , A Marvel of Relief St. Jacobs Oil Safs and aura tor Lumbago and Sciatica It lathe aweifle virtue of penetration (n thla remedy that carries It right to tha pain ipot ana el I ecu a prompt cure. OO 0OO0XKKKOX0KK to Those Newspaper Hints. Foreman We need a few lines block out s column. Kursl Kditor (wearily) Well, esy King Edward ha begun wearing old clothes, befsuae they are more comfort able. Perhaps It will start a fashion that you and I can follow. You Can Oct Allen's Foot-ease FREE. Writs Allen S. Olmited, Boy.N. Y., tor a free sample of Allen 'a Foot-Ka. It eurea sweating, hotawollan, aching ft. It maliea aw or tlgnt anofa eauy. k. r' - eorna, Inrrowlng nalla and bunlona. All drug gists sell It. 25c lon't accept any aubatltute. An immense panoramic picture of the battle of Waterloo Is being painted in Paris by Joseph Van Driesten. He has the figures of 200,000 men in the rough sketch. The best theology a pure and benefi cent life. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATION!, as they cannot reach tha aeat of the dinease. Catarrb la a blood or conaUtiitlonal dlarSM, and In orderto cure It you mUHt take Internal remedies. Hall's Caiarrh Cure ia taken Internally, and atria directly on the blood and mucous sunacea. i iiirrh Cure ia not a auack medicine, It wan prescribed by one of the Uat physlciana In thu countrv lor years, and is a resular pre- acrlotlon. It la comnoaed of tb best toulca known, combined with the belt blood purl- flan actlnv tlirectlv on the mucona aurfacas. The perfect com blna ion of the twolngredleota la what produces such wonderful reaulta :ln curluK Catarrh. Send for testimonials ire. F.' 1 CHENEY A CO.. Propa., Toledo, O, Bold by driiinflsts. price Lie. Hall's Family 1'illa ara the best. Love's Young Dream Nellie (calling to her sinter) I'm going to make some lemonade, Jennie. Where l the smieezer? Jnnie (absently) The squeezer! Oh, ho hasn't srrived yet, but I'm expecting him any minute. wn..r.wllt And Mrs. Wlnalow" Boothlng Byrup the best remedy tons tor their children auxins in. Kentucky's Bljc Mosquitoes. Big galllnlpper niosiiultoes that acem to have can openers In place of eung- era are attacking chickens In the East End, and they are aald already to have killed twenty-two fowls owned by Mrs. Bridget Owcna, of Fulton street All of the chickens were attacked while roosting. The mosquitoes seem to de scend toward the earth from high in the air early In the evening or after darkness and attack animals of all kinds. It la thought that they breed in low, marshy places, but fly high most of the time. Louisville Herald. monkey s cart catue along with a hroth of a boy. wno was timing n stout llttlo donkey. To my wire then 1 snoke by wny of a Joke 1 nero a a relation of yours lu that carriage." To which sho replied, when tne ciotiKey .i. ...,in.i "Ah. vesl- a relutlon by sue bi w niurrlngo." The minister sought to Improve the time by giving Hobby a lesson In morality. "My boy," he Sltui. - i nine itv,t fortv-flve years, and huvo never used tobacco In any form, nor told a lie, nor swore, nor played nooucy, llor ." "Ilavo you goi any mn bora?" Interrupted Bobby. "No, 1 rarhlgliry lucky," aald Bobby. "If you pleuse, sir?" "Well, Jim- m.r "Me gramimouier, f 1 la lima. Italian Hallway Trains. One of the worst and greatest draw backa to railway travel in Italy la the want of accommodation on many of the trains, and strangely enough this applies to a greater extent on long-dis tance trains than on those made up for ahort Journey. We have no hesitation in saying that for any party of four or five person wishing to travel, let us say, rrom I tome to isapiee (wi houra), and desiring to sit all together, It Is necesaary to arrive at the station at least three-quarters of an hour be fore the time at which the train la advertised to start Even then we say without exaggeration that the thing la no certainty. The use of ft smoking carriage with any degree of comfort is almost an Impossibility. One may ar rive alone, In reasonable time for the train, only to And that the very few first-class smoking compartments have long ago been filled with ladlea and children, or more probably Invalids. We speak as a flrwt-claas passenger only, and. so far as we have observe Italian trains can still be recommend ed. The overcrowding and discomfort here are tretched to their utmost 11m- lta. while the thlrd-clase carriage may be dlBmlased In a few words, this conveyance. In the form of a cattle truck. Is open to all the winds mat blow, and appears to be used chiefly for the transport of troops. The only sitting accommodation corudats of 0 aerlce of benches fitted crosswise at Intervals of from two to three feet, while on the outside Is indicated In large lettering the number of men which the authorities are permitted to stow away all very similar to our own railway trucks, upon any one of which we may read the prmtea rofru i..h oa to welirht of goods or num. her of animals which It ia safe for this hum ot veniCie to carrjr. uuoiuuci. Journal. MALLEABLE IRON STUMP PULLERS KasleM, lightest and stronirest Htump Puller on the market. 119 Horse power on the sweep Willi two horses. Write lor descriptive catalog and prices. REIERSON MACHINERY CO. Foot of Morrison Street lortland, Ore;on ii 1 ii. mi join iii"wmii niiijiipsii.i j ii. -a l ."...I 1 ..- -- . s (fiffmi I llltS ; 11 It I H AVgetable Prepaiatioafor As similating itieFoou'andBeguIa ling iheStoinaclB andBowcls of SO Promotes DigesUon.CheerFu ness and Rest .Contains neiUer Opium.Morthiic nor Mineral. ISotHakcotic. HtnSel- For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought T Bears me Signature SAW A perfect Remedy forConstipa- tion, sour aionvacn.uiarnioea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. TacSijTule Signature of XEW VORK EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. a t-t 1 Ml .r ir'i hi i. ia r In Use For Over Thirty Years m ilH VMS HRTMiii aoaiaanv. mtw vom orrr. Pi "DIDN'T HURT A BIT" IS WHAT THEY SAY By Our Method BEST BY TEST "l have tried all kinds of waterproof clothing and have never found anything at any price to compare with your Fish Brand for protection from all kinds of weather." (The name and addmt of rha writer of this unsolicited letter may ba had upon application.) The Sin of the Fish Maktr, of Warrants Wti Wiathtr Clothing UK. T. V. WlSli. We areenaWcl to extract from one to S2 teeth at one aittine, positively and abso lutelv without pain or rail after effect. People In delicate health need have no fear ai our method of extrai ting ia posi tively safe and absolutely painlesa. Absolute cleanliness is our motto. Vi e do crown and bridge work without pain. Our 17 years' ex erience In plaie worn enables us to nt your mourn comi My. 1 he best is the cheapest la tees We have feelings aa well as you. open evenlngr till 't Sundays from 9 t Phone Main via. rvi Las wy I " J V J. x XsaMHaWHsfl ifort- jr to u a-iJ 1R WISE BROS. Dentists, .,3Fmp UK. W. A. Winn. A. J. TOWER CO. Boaon. U.S.A. TOWER CANADIAN CO.. LIMITED Toronto. Canada intluiothcrt Ml- " c5o on, Jim- Aua, 7 ,.1 ... moth mv " "111 jinuuiu""'- , . .". . .... -.,e ...ntlmr. tool "W iiat, auu . iiuA nie IMS ... 111 an f iw. BOin Twry .-- .. , Bro ..,. Wlmothar au- ., tuke ?o the basohall gams this afternoon an !. want niS to Stay iiumc - Jar, of ms Tittle bruadcr.'-Clevclaud Plain DsftVs'. Pr.CGecWo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This wonderfot I'tal ea doctor Is eallsd (rrsl b-sus ha cures reopis Wllliout oira. ion uisi arsfivsn up rj dls. lit cures with j hnaa Wnnrferrol I 'hi. I herbs, rwou, buds, EvaV. i Isrki, and veelsbles RiJ4 f W"!?it4 list rs entirely an- Ictj; l JJI, rt4;S inowl to medical sui. nosjn Oils country. Through Ihe use o( hewf hariuleM rsmedlsa this fsmnus doctor Snow His actum of over too different rsm K1I.J whlrh hs suoeessAilly diss In linsr.nl li-s He iiisrantees 10 cure eatlarh. asth- n.iif, uirost, rheumatism, nervousness, HOh, liver, kidneys. SIC 1 has hundreds al monlals. Chsraes moderaia. c&il ami hi 111. Patterns oul of I be oils' writs for ks and rlrciilars. Hand stamp. CUMaUL- lUil sn.ll.lh. le C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 18J Alder St., Hnrttaad, Ursfoa. -Meunau papar. An Inducement. Mnahrilla I cheap? KrankWv No. What's the usJ Kt ewThoaj steals u r eajowj nna SV .tnallng. rimauc.y-.- 3 " " "" ' 1 A w as, 11 aim 1 k less toauiv u first. RUSSELL HIGH GRADE MACHINERY ENGINES CTl? f THRESHERS BOILERS ilT739 STACKERS SAW MILLS .The A H. AveriU Machinery Co., 1 Write for Catalogs and Prices PORTLAND OREGON No. 471004 UKN writing to dvrtltr plMM sisjhsioh mil yapr I ( yr - . MaaaBfaSl J- 1 .sfcA . mm r Ask Your Oms ( carrlod oy .ocai iraoera. write Wadbaioa SiUo, who wlU advlae wbere eutmaahte, PUTNAM FADELESS DYES sea4 pen paid at 10 a package. Color asora roods brluhtar and taster cotoea tkaa any other dye. One I lie packaza colors silk, wool and Cottnn equally well andia nimm.l Write tor frea ho. 1,1.1 fc, K, . . . . 10 give periect reaulls. Ask dealer ae wa wal write for free booklet bow ta dye block ami ealxed colors. MONKOH UKUU CO., UmawviUe, lUiAwa