stress er Eating liietwoen meals, belrlitiifC, votii- iIhIcik u, fit of iutvoun lieud- liun in tlie tiotiiueii, am uu f uiiin of JyHii'iiIii, Hint thu longer u'L'H'cU'U ino nuttier iti to cure, it. wd's Sarsaparllla and Pills HitdlMilly ami permanently enro it ti't'iigtliiMi uitil tone tlio stomach mid other digestive orpins for tlio natural performance) of their function. ' Accept no iulmtlluto fur Jlood'i. I "I hud dyaprpiila twenty-five years and took illtT'TBlit mrrilchiei but Kilt no help until I began taking IIimhVi Hursapartlla. ! Have taken four bottles of this niedlrln nil can now eat slmoat anything:, sleep well, liar no crump" In my stomach, no burning and no autrea. Mr. Wii.i.un O. lUmiKTT, 14 Oln-jf PI., Providence, II. I. Hood') 8arapnrllla promise to cur and kooa tha promlao. WHIN SCHOOL OPtNSj SGML .'aOS'IS" IOR PARINIS llrnxll Una a I'lun Tea. I'lllted HUltfM ColiMil Ay tlio writes from 1'iu'ii n riH-oin iin-iiiiii tloti of a Urn Klllan bcvi'i'iiKi', yerhti unite ten, which In pii'i.inu front tin1 rousted anil pul verised leuve of uu fvcrifrcca forest tri'i. Yerhn mitte In lnwly ronaumed In I'nniKiiiiy and In Uu; Itrur.llliiu Hlutos, where It I made. It lie extensively ('oiihiiiihmI In ArReiitliiit. In t'riiKuny, uml to a If eslenl In Chill. There Ik a h in ii II coiimiiuiiIIiiii In oilier Htutes of Jlrnzll, a h inn i 1 iiuiuitlty la exported to Europe ami still less to the United Sluti-a inn ('omnia. r.Htliiiuted ox purl a imiy roui li 4,",(KiO to 67,(mk) ton aunu Klly. Yerhn mate hn a peculiar bltt(r, mnoky taste, which la usually consid ered unpleasant, rftid thl has uiricoly operated to prevent It morn extensive use a a tcverni;e, Thla smoky bitter lien la chiefly due to the rude meth' od employed fur drying the leavea and It Hi-c in likely Unit the Improved uiethiHla of dry Inn the mate on Iron or copper ia im would Klve a much more delicate and aureetible product Mate 1 aald to have all of the beat quailtle of coffee, and tea aa a stimulating health beverage, without the disadvan tage of rlther. It U a more gentle. Hllnmlnnt than either and la aald to be lilili'h uaed In the hospital of Pari. The tree could probably be grown In aouthern California, perhapa In aouthern Texas, certainly lu many purta of the Philippine. Could Oct No Rest. Fieeuorn, Mmn, Oct.. 17 (8clal) Mr. It. K. (toward, a well known man here, la rejoicing in the relief from suf lerimi he hna obtained through tiffing liuld'a Kidney I'illa. Ilia experience ia well worth repeating at it ahould point the road to health to many an other in a similar condition. "I liad an angravating caae of Kid ney Trouble," says Mr. (iowanl, "that gave me no rent lwv or night but using a few boxes of Dndd'a Kidney I'illa put new lifo in me and I feel like a new man. . "1 am happy to Mate I have received great and wonderful lienellt from Iodd' kidney I'illa. I would heartily recom mend all sufTereis from Klflney Trouble to itive DiKld'i Kidney Pill a fuir trial aa I have every reaaon believe it would never be regretted," Dodd'a Kidney I'illa make you feel like a new man or because mey cure the kldneya. Cored kidneys mi an pure blood and pure blood meana iKiundina health and energy in every part of the body. A i.litlo Too flood. lldaba'nd Why do you' ahop at Slogo li t'o.'a, liistend of at Faatlme'a? Wife Kaalline'a hna aome new aort of electrical contrivaiice which hriiiKi jour change ao cpilrk you don't bar time to chnuge your mind. Do not believe all thut your children tell you about aclmol. There: wua only one (leoiiiu Waahlugtoii, and he la dead. ' Do not tell the teacher that Willie will not Ho, bhe probably kimwa bet ter. lo not condemn the teacher with out a fair hearing. That la nccordi-d to even the worat criminal. There are uatially two aldea to a atury. Do wit aend a acalhliiK note to the teacher by Nellie, tlio content" of which ahe know. 11 er aggreaalve Umk of triumph I not Nonfiling, and the teacher la only human. lo not make unfavorable comment upon the method of i the teacher in the presence of your child. Bend him to carry in tlie worn! while you are doing ao, If It muat be done, lM not plead lack of time to vlalt the chool, There I tio excuae for shirk Ink a duty. 1 I'm not reproach the teacher wl'..h the fact that 'Tommy ha not learned a alngle thing the entire year." Kho la not reatxiiwlble for hi lack of braliia. iMi not tend a verbal request to have Jemtle't iwat changeil. There 'la often no vacant aeat, and one change uu ally mean at leaat half a dozen. Do not expect the teacher to man age without frlctlvu a child whom you youraelf have never been able to con trol. Do not Inalat that the teacher I keeping your child back through" plte. Hhe will hardly rlak her reputation a an instructor to gratify a personal grudge, however dlaagreeahlo the child mar be. Do not forget that the parent owe a duty to the teacher Juat aa surety aa the teacher doe to the child. Alice Cook Fuller. Ayers Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? Of course you don't. Do you like thick, heavy, smooth hair? Of course you do. Then why Hair Vigor or not be pleased? Ayer'sHair Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair, that's the whole story. Sold for 60 years. "I h bm4 A r' Ilalr Vlnr for a Inn a otita. 11 la. Hianm, a tt.putiftriui iair tnnir rtorlii livallti tn tlta tialr NH'I raln. and. at Iba tauia llitia, provlna a aiiltllfl niH.niKu. - ua . n. i Arm, nauiu, iu. . tl 00 a hnllla. A M rtrn','l.- for' i.e. a van co. ..,ll. M. Weak Hair BIORY FROM AN ABSTRACT, ' J THE POSTAL SERVICE. Fo Many Have, "Here I an article about our cor rupt police." said the reporter. "How should I head It " "fih. liiKt sav the city has n bad case of the blues," replied the great editor. "KeeleyUOUOR-MORPHINE-TOBACCO ,Viure MASITS PERMANENTLY CURtC JO, f ULU MTItULAR5 aaaatM t arri r y im nnirr o n tl a n o,o k. OKfallTV I am compelled by a aenae of gratitude to tell you the great good your remedy ia done me in a case of Contagious Dlood 1'oiaon. AmonR other ay mptom I was se verely afflicted with Rheumatism, and pot alnioat piuit going. The diaease got a firm hold upon tnyayatem; my blood was thor oughly poisoned with the virus. I lost in. WCIIIV, WU lull v w, w ...,w...a eruptions, splotches and other evidence rf tin, liwnu. I ivm truly in a bad shape when I began the use of S. 8. 8., but tlio pcraiatent use of it brought me out of my trouble afe and sound, and I have the rniirni'e to nuhllclv testify to the virtues of your great blood remedy, 8. S. 8., and to recommend It to all blood-nolson Buffer- era, ainccrcly believing if it i taken ac cording to directions, and given a fair trial. It will thoroughly eliminate every particle of the virus. Iames lUHRAri. iitark Hotel, Crccnsfiurg, Ta. Talnf ulswelllngs In the groins, red mm" lions tipon the akin, sorts in the mouth and loss ot Iiair anil eyenrows, are some in the symptoms of this vile diaeaae. S. S. S. is an antidote for the awful virus that attacks and destroys even the bones. B. 8. 8. contains no Mercury, Potash or other mineral Ingredient. We offer $ lor proof that It Is not absolutely veget ans, iiome treat ment book giving the symptoms and other interesting and valuable infor mation about thla diaeaae, mailed free. Our phyai clan advise Ires those who write us. A High Htandanl of llcyotton to Duty la Mulntuliied. One clerk wa buay throwing mall In a combination amoker and baggage car, when suddenly, without sn tnatant's warning, he felt the car leap from the track and heard a terrific crah. When he regained consciousness the wreck presented this clutoUc condition: The two forward cara bad been plunged down a seventy-foot embankment; the combination car landed lu an upright position with the rear trucks on the roof, every seat In the smoking com partment being utterly demolished, while on the floor of the mall compart ment was a huge angular stone weigh ing not less than half a ton. llow the mall olerk escaped unhurt will always be a mystery, ay the World' Work. There 1 probably no department of the government service in which a higher standard of devotion to duty Is maintained than In this. During heavy freshet on the Huaiuehauua lUv- er, lu, 1WK), all bridge were swept away and the railroad tracks along the hanks practically deatroyed. Four mall clerks remained lu their car until the water rising and flowing through the door compelled them to take to an Im provised raft which consLsted of pieces of floating sldew'alka and other debris of the Inundation, lashed together. On thl trail craft they put their pouches, and carefully propelling by pole along with the curreut, gained the postolHee, a mile away. They found thla aban doned, with eight feet of water lu the street at that point They were almost exhausted and their condition waa pre carious. Finally, however, they were rescued . by boats and taken Into houses through the second-story win dows. The letter mall waa all intact and In fairly good condition. Some time ago the "run" on a West ern road was "short" a clerk because of sickness. An ofMclal of the service happened to be on the train and voluu teered his services. For fifteen hours he stuck to hi work at the letter case, In the Journey of more than BOO ruUes he had only a sandwich or two for food, and stood on hi feet without re lief. There are other Instances on rec ord where entire crews have stood to the work without food for twenty-four hours. Preferred Arrest. A thief broke Into a large mansion early In the morning and found him self In the music room. Hearing foot steps appfoechlug, be hid behind a screen. From 7 to 8 o'clock tHe eldest daugh ter had a lesson on the piano. From 8 to 9 o'clock the second daughter took a singing leaaon. From 9 to 10 o clock the eldcat on had a Violin leneon. From 10 to 11 o'clock the other on took a lesson on the flute. At 11 o'clock all the brothers and sister assembled and at ml led an ear splitting piece for the piano, violin, flute and voice. The thief staggered out from behind the screen at half past 11 and, falling at their feet, cried, "For mercy' sake have me arrested, but stop!" flood Joke at a Church Fair. - "Had a great time at the church fair last night!" ' "Ho? What was doing?" "They had some strawberry short cake, and I nearly laughed myself to death thinking how I fooled 'em, 1 didn't eat it" Farm Now In Kanaaa City Hold by Keo- lor 1'k krcll in liojrhooi!. If Senator Francis Marlon Cockrcll could have foreseen when be was a boy that the great city of the Missouri valley would be built here nt the Junc tion of the Kiiw and Missouri river he mli.'ht now be a multimillionaire. In examining an nlmlruet to a ht on Tracy, between Thirty-sixth and Thirty-seventh streets. It. J. Ilolmden, thu attorney, mado the discovery that Cockrell, In 1S47, when he was a boy of n, owned eighty acres there, and he sold It all for !HiO. The lot which Mr. Ilolmden was looking up sold re cently for $."i.0K. The land. G4) acres of It wa deeded by the United Ktntes government In 187 to the State of Missouri for semi nary purioscs. The tract wa all of section 21, township 40, range 3.J. lu 1K.TJ Joseph Cockrell, father of tho Senator, bought eighty ncrea of It from the State for 2Xri an acre. Mr. Cock rell died, and In JSI". when Francis Marlon Cockrell was 13 year old. ho petitioned the court, through hi guar dian, to sell the eighty acre. ; In his petition he said that he al ready owned a farm in W'arrerisbiirg hulHclently large for his needs when he should become of age, and, besides, he said, the big storm of 1841, the year of the great flood, had blown down all the trees on his eighty-acre tract In Jackson county and therefore It would be useless for him to hold It because, when he would come of age, the timber would be all dead. Hick end Smart of Independence were Coek rell's lawyers. The court granted his request and the land wa bought by Joseph lirown for $000. Kansas City Star. Htats o Ohio, Citt or Toleixi, I , l.l't'A enemy, l FatSK J. i hikii tnakea oath that he la aetilur partner of the llrmof K. J. Chunky A Co., dolus bulnei In the lty of Tolixlo, Cuun tjr anil Btata afmeiaid, and that aald firm will pay lh ui olONK 111 NUKKl) linl.LAKH lor . h and every cane of ( in null that cannot be cured by ttu) uae ul II all a l atahhh ' j nr.. flworn to before ma ami aubacrlbed In my presence, thla tb day of liei-ember, A. P., 1866. J.sal( A. W. OI.KAHoN iutary Public. llall'i Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, and arm directly on tho blood and mui'ima aurfaoea VI tae ayatem. nenn Mr leaiimomaia, tree. r. J.tniMi b iu., ioieuo, u. Bold by DniKKlii'a, 7fw. Uall'a Family i'illa ar tha beat. Her Mother's Prognostication. lie Why doea your mother inaist on your having u tlaborate church wed dim;? She She aays It's the last chance I'll ever have to show off in good clothes. Motbera will find Mr a. Wlnalow'a Boothlng Ryrup the beat remedy Uitiae lor their children Curing tae teeming penoo. Tha late Anton Tchechnff waa an inti mate friend of (rorki aud Tolatol, and it waa the remarknhle success of the former that encouraged him in hi literary c (Torts. ' Tlao'a Cure U a ko4 couph nediclne. It has cured coughs and colds for torty yeara. At ilrungista, i centa. The Washington Monument, In Wash Ington, I). i the highest in the world. It tower SrCi feet in the air. and ia com posed of 1S,(XK) blocks of martile, each two feet thick. Storm Cannon. The storm cannons now in use alonj the southern side of the Alps, where damage from hailstorms during har vest time I Imminent, look like a huge megaphone, such a boat-crew coaches use, and they ere set, with their wide mouths gaping skywand, beside little house that look like sentry boxes. When they are fired they boom like 'sure enough" cannons, and aend re verberating, echoing, boom-booms ear romiug about among the hillsides; but Instead of a ball or shell, or other sim ilar projectile, they emit a ring of smoke which grows larger and larger a It ascends, until at last, before It breaks. It Is big enough to surround a ten-acre field. What the effect of a smoke ring upon a mischievously In tent cloud la I cannot exactly aay, but Instead of bail, only rain fall when ,the guns are used, and damage to cropa la prevented. p. AVtgclable Preparalionfor As similating UtcFoodandBegula ting the 5 toinacis and Bowels of Promotes Dislionrieerfur ness and Rest Contains neiiher Otnum.Morpliine norIiiicraL otXajicotic. Jlme afOUa-SiKVELPtTCHCR lUfiaUinilfUia ftrrt!id .luqmr mix 1 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears' Signature of Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa rion.SourStomach.Diatrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOTIK. I I EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. J i) aa. the . t AW In Use For Over Thirty Years Will i tm8 HaWM aeamtKV. aan veaa em. CITC rarmananny uoran. wo nuor nerrooaneal 1 1 lu after flratdaT'auaforUr.KUnaClreM Narva ttaaiorrr. Hrnd for FrnSi trial bottle and traattaa, Dr. K. H. Klloe. LUI..U.' Area BU FtaUallpbla, a A Son's SnggestSon. "Pa na." aid little Arthur, after bis mother had punished him, "will you do something for me?" "What is it yos -nnt?" "Marry somebody else, and I'd wish you'd pick out grandma, because she's ; alwavs kind to me. (Jtucago wecora Herald. v Cmm nt Allcn'a Fnot-Eaa FBEB. Writ. Allen 8.01n,.tea,te Boy.N. T., for a' MJffl Co Iraa ol Allen 'a Foot-Kane. It eurea Ttf C, Gee Wo, thlneaa Medicine Co., 2SS iatW hot iwolten achinr fet. It makea Alder at.. Portland. Oregon, regreta being eon- aweatlng. "e- -Vtain core tor "Hh Doctor ie Sing Non. who waa sew or tlghl ;ahoea eaay. A - killed rcenetly In Portland Ir Wo ia not .T.'Jn ask tDtMrotutl dead, andlapfactici gat ume location, 223 (Uu sell it. 2Sc. Von t accept any auuauiuw. A) 1ef gt wt some people thought tbera wa Choice Selection. "I learn that the Van Ituxton allow their chickens to diet on their neigh bors flowers. Do they keep It se cret r "Well, I should think not If you dine with them the suave Mr. Van Ruxton will ask if you prefer ylolet fed fowl or 'chicken de roses. " I The Royal Color. Purple bus always been considered the royal color. The ill-fated Charles I. was, however, at hi own desire, crowned In a robe of white. Although he was seriously reminded that of the two exception to this rule, Richard II. and Henry VI. who wore white satin robes at their coronations; both had come to a violent end, one at Ponte fract castle and one In the Tower, Charles I. was resolute lu his decision. nd, when, twenty-three yeara after ward, almost to a day, his body was conveyed to Its grave through a heavy nowstorm, the superstitious could not help remarking' that the third, "white king" bad suffered a violent death. Thoroughly Experienced. ' Official Yes, we have room for a few more "L" road guards. Had any experience? Applicant (ricoferously) Sehnoowoo niowwoystreet! Wake up! Don'tbeall day! Steplively! Shakaleg! only one C'hfneae doctor. Domestic Happiness. Mrs. Neighbors Men have different ways of making home happy. Mrs. Hamer How so? Mrs. Neighbors Some do it by stay ing at home and some by staying away. When Monkeys Eaten in Brazil. The savage tribes in the Interior of Brazil are exceedingly fond of roast monkey. Humboldt estimated that one small tribe of 200 Indians consumed over 1,200 monkeys during a year. It Is said that uatll (recently monkey meat was for sale lu the butcher shops of Itlo Janeiro. Mr. Wallace, when in the Amazon region, had a monkey cut up and fried for breakfast The flesh somewhat resembled "rabbit In flavor and had no unpleasant or peculiar taste. Archtilabop of Weatmlnaler. The Archbishop of Westminster has become a total abstainer. Like Car dinal Manning, ho has recognized tlie havoc nindo among his flock by drunk enness, and aa he must preach teetotal lam to those who need It, he has decid ed to practice It as well. Why aay a man ha an eagle eye, meaning he 1 aharp eyed? Before the eagle ha awakened up enough to know If It I on a tree or a hone, a cat I eating It prey. Hereafter, when any one 1 sharp to see a thing, call him cat-eyed. Every time a woutan see the hide ous underwear on the line which tho men bay to wear, she must ba grate ful that sh la a woman. Mrs. L. C. Glover, Vice-Pres Went Milwaukee, Wis., Business Woman's Association, is another one of the million women who have been restored to health by using Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege table Compound. " Drab Mas. PiKn am : I wa mar ried for several years and no children blessed my home. The doctor said I had a complication of female trouble and I could not have any children un less I could be cured. He tried to cure mo. but after exnerlmentlnir for BCV' eral months, my husband became dis gusted, and one ulght when wo noticed tho testimonial of a woman who had been cured of similar trouble through the use of Lydia. H. Fiiikham'a Vepetablo Compound, ho weut out and bought a bottlo for me. 1 used your medicine for three and one-h.'Uf months. Improving steadily In health, and in twenty-two months a child came. I cannot fully express the Joy and thankful ness thut 1 In my heart. Our home Is a different place now, as we have something to live for, and all the credit Is due to Lydlit U. lMnkliam'g Vegetable Com pound. Your very Bincercly, Ma. L.C.ULOVrn,oUOroveSt, Milwaukee, Vi." Vice President, Milwaukee BuNlneaa Woman' Association. $5000 fnrftli If erinixol of ataxa MIMr aravlag f aaaav hi aaaaat aa arodma. OkfiOON POKTLAND ST. HELEN'S HALL A OIRL'8 school of the hiohkst t'LASaeorpiiil teacl a a, location, build ing aquipiuent tha beat. Bend lor catalogue. Term Open Reptemnar IK, 1004 PRICES THAT TALK. Rt aalvanied itan.lant wrought Iron ripe inch. per luu le-t. Beat galvanized Mandard wrought Iron Ilpe, 1 Inch, 7.- pt 114) feet. All aizea In blact ana gmvanue I'ln at loweat market iirirva. Wood pumna i'i,.i'Iiv una liarral rwr minute. H, Kubuer, leather and ranvaa belling, hoae and packing at wholesale prlcea. Write na lor your wanta In the machinery line. Irrigation jilanla a atiertaltr. Kelaraoe Machinery Co., Port land, Oregon. cumt wntKi aa lui iauv Beat Unuga t);riit, l aatiia UihhI. Uaa Hind by 1ruttir-tft - Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL ffi j HOME f i TREATMENT lTW' Tina wnnderfnl Chi- K'.fc) iirar diK-ior la called ' 19 ,real becaua. ha eurea V C people wtlhout o)ra- UM'J Ixiii Ilial ar. r'H P ..j.'uSV lo difc II. enrea wiik r " 'sJrjJ IllllW winiiirniii ,n- gT'f T"--t nea. h.rlia, ronia. Inula, C ' j.,f" .iV A liarka and .etal.lea Ef.s-, e5rf,v-i"i I Him are entirely uu- Sj. s , f J kmivn to melil ihii- i ilUjanw enre In Una ro irnrr. Thmu(li 111. u i knowa Hi. ai'una of er WD riu edlea. wlili-h Ii. aiiccaarully uam In diflerenl diaeaaea. H. auaraiilewa to cure catlarli, aatli- nia, lung, iiiniai, riieiim-ii.iii, b,itu.i'""i inmaA-h. Ilvar. knlneva. etc.1 baa bundr.Ua of leatlmontala t'ltargea mmleraie. Call and ar. him. I'atlema out of tlie rliy writ. In blanka and clrrlllare. Bend atame. t'OMitiie lAlluN Hkk Abinta.a The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. rWUanJ. Orej.n. XS1 Alder St.. aa Meui.Oi. pa,M,r. P. N. U. No. 4.I-IVU4 E UEN wrltint to adTertliera pleaaa mention tine pier. St. Jacobs Oil The old monk cure, stroiig, straight, sure, tackles Hurts, Sprains, Bruises The muscles flex, the kinks untwist, the soreness dies out. Price 25c. and 50c. DIDN'T HURT A BIT" IS WHAT THEY SAY FY UH. I. f. W l.-a. By Our Method We areenablcd to extrai-t from one to 32 UMUh at one Hitting, positively and auro lulelv without vain or bad a.ter efteita. People In delicate health need have no fear a our method of extracting ia posi tively safe and absolutely painle-a. Alirolute cleanlineaa is our motto. Ve do crown and bridge work without pain. Our 17 yeara' ex erlcnce In pla.e work enahlea u to tit your mouth comfort ably. The beat i the chcajeat in Ueend. We have feellnga aa well aa you. ju evcoinga till Sundara from to 1. i'hone Main 2UJ9. lm. i . A. iBL, WISE BROS., Dentists, '"'rSS? RUSSELL HIGH GRADE MACHINERY ENGINES BOILERS SAW MILLS The A. H. fiiil THRESHERS STACKERS Write for Catalogue and Prices Averill Machinery Co., PORTLAND OREGON V V ( f 1 V ' aeW' f ;v:- v,"tT'H ' ' , . te". . ' - i '" ' "' Aak Your Urocar li not carried by local grocers, writ Wadhauia A V, who will adrla whar obialoaul. Tbi 8wlft8peoIflo Company, Atlanta, Ca,