Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, October 06, 1904, Image 5

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Subscription, $t.OO Por Yoar.
J. S. Iiuraick in the city Saturday
from Minion ctioik.
Dr. M. A. l.earh, ilentUt, office In the
new I'uir building.
J. I), Hrowiof Ilintoii creek, did bmd
neM In town Saturday.
J. K. Nuniimukrr was u a bmuneas
vUitor iu town Monday,
J nek Line of lUrdman, was vUitor
in town the Grit of the werk.
Your money rrfundrd II ileppncr
(lour fail to fclvc swilafaclloti.
V. K. Iliiriult wan Ui from hi lAwrr
Snnd Hollow ranch tint fiml ol the wrek.
II. Tniili, atoikmau mid wliraturower
of the lfanluimi viuinity, ii in town on
Kvcry mick of ) 1 eppitrr (lour positively
guarantee 1 to fclvc iiutlnfactuiri or money
A. M. Mmklum was a huaineaa vUitor
In town Saturday from hi Clark's can
you ranch.
Tom Iavidon, prominent rancher
mid stockman of GooMcberry, in in the
city Oil hllniiirai. ,
Jiuura M. While, prominent wheat
grower of Islington, waa in the city on
buninehs Saturday.
J, W. Iltiird n'turned Friday ffttl
'rip to New herK, where he lia been
vimlinu the pant month.
llf)mr 11 air In aain on the mnikct
lvvery auck positively guaranteed to give
auto-faction or money rrfundrd,
J. II. Hulforil, a alockmuu of the upper
liutter crrrk country, was transacting
bmiiKnn iu town the iiral of the week
Alex. Ttmnipson write Geo ('onaer,
from CorvalliH, that h expects to come
home in a few day uiiIcm he juius the
football league.
l'cter llieuuer of Might Mile, who waa
in town Monday, teporla ihnt it will take
ut leant two wrtks to fiuiah threshing iu
the liighl Mile country. He had been
opeiatiug a mm In tic dining the season
up to Saluiday, when he drove iu owiii
to a scarcity ol help.
If you are flrotrous or making entries
t the fuir ol the Second Iiaslern Ore
gon Agricultural Society, aik your pott
manter for a catalogue containing a lint
of piemiutna, or write to T. A. Hudson,
tirii!tury, The Iiullea, Oiegou. He will
end you one by return mail.
Am It Thompson and K. N. Slanficld
of litittrr creek, were in town the first of
the week looking after cuttle. They
have already bought large number of
feeders, hut want more. The hay crop
on Butter creek i unusually large thia
year, and more cattle will be fed than in
ny previous year.
Dou't fail to attend the fair of the Sec
ond KaMrru Oregon Agricultural Society
to W held at Hie Dalles on October 4,
to 8, in addition to the agricultural ami
lock ahow. They are going to have
some good racing, alto plenty of good
inutic and other attiactious will be fur
nished each evening.
W. C. Lacy of Illackhorte, presented
The Timet, Saturday, with a bo of
choice plum of the Columbia ami Gol
den drop varieties. They wern fine
onea, grown without irrigation, ami
prove beyond doubt that with proper
cultivation ftuiti can be succeKsfully
raised here without the trouble of water
ing them. The plums were cual in
every respect to tboae grown in the
f anion Hood Kivcr v.t'.ley.
K, V, Urowning of Illackhorte, left
with Tbe Time S.ilurdiiy a box ol Hurt
lett pear and sample of three varictiet
of applet that were very fine. They
were not only large and writ fUvored,
but were a nire imooth, well foimrd
fruit, and were grown without Irrigation
Thia serves at another illuitratioii of the
fact that Morrow county cannot be
beaten for fine fiuita, ami that they ran
be successfully grown without irrigation.
1'. 1',. McKnight prominent slock
nmn who wan in town Saturday from
Ilutter creek, think the dock market It
going to improve right along, esticcially
the sheep market. The latter, he tayt,
J. T. Ayer waa in from Ilutter creek
Satur Jay,
J. W. Ilecket wm in the city 8iturday
from l-lght Mile.
W. It. Iliutt of .Social Itldge, was in
the cit on business Saturday,
Mr. ami Mr. W. . MeCarty of Sand
Hollow, wcie In town Haturduy.
T. J. Iliirrough of Upper Butter creek,
was visitor in Ileppuer Tueaday.
F. 1, Vaughan wa a business vloitor
in town Saturday from l'.iglit Mile.
To Rent Vacant room. Apply to L.
Tuke a glirnpso into tho future a little and sco what there will bo for your choosing at
For this Kali and Winter. Whilo we have not all of these in stock now, wo have a few of them, and will have
tlicrn all later, and many others which we cannot show here
W, Hrlggi, secretary of the Maaonic
C. It. Woodao i went to Moro tbe firat !
of the week to look after some legal !
uiattcra. j
MUsJ'ay Bartholomew left Tui-iday
morning for I'ortland to reaume her
atudira iu ijiumc.
The Georgia Harper Company will be-1
gin a week' engagement at Robert
opera houim Monday, Octolx-r 10,
CIihh Krlthly ha bought the It K. !
Mnrrinon rmldtnice on Gale and Center
atrrrU. The coliaideration wat J.IS00.
J 1'. Ward of I'arkcr't mill, wat in the
cily the firat of tbe week attending to
tonic buamek matter pertaining to the :
The family of W. B. Hnncock departed
Turaday morning for Lucky Boy, Ore,,!
whete Mr. Htncoek ha a rxmitlon Iu a
qtiurtx mine, j
S K, Willi told hit Social Ridge
ranch Saturday to VV. S. McKimmey. !
Th tract cormiatcd of a quarter lection,
and told for fl5l)0.
J. L. Howard wa in town Saturday
from Butter creek. He wat accompanied
home by Alex -Lindaay, whose family
hn been vitdting with the family of Mr
Mrit. ltobert L Nrlton, who bai hern
vititing the past few week with her
grandmother, Mrt. T. W. A) era, in thia
cily, left Tueitday morning for her home
at Baker City.
Jamrt Hart left Saturday (or Lucky
Boy, Oregon, where he ha accepted a
position with a mining company. II the
position tnlli he wjll return in a few
dayt and move hit family down.
Jamri Wyland drove down twenty-five
bead of item from bit ranch near Hard
man fla'.urdav and detveret tbeas to' M.
S Corrigall of Butter creek, who will
feed thrm for the ipiing market.
A band of 300 head of cattle were
driven through Ilrppner Monday morn
lug enroute from Gilliam county to But
ter creek, wlure they will be fed or the
tpring market. They were bought by
Harry Rogen, who will feed them at hit
alfalfa ranch near Kcho. j
G. W. Cbipin, a ttockman of Hard
man, wa in the city on buHineat Mon
day, Mr. Chapin reporta that quite a
large number of cattle are being bought
in bit aection. Most all are feeder and
are being driven to Butter creek. The
prevailing price being raid it f?.50 per
hundred for tteer. -
W. K. Wharton inform u that the
tame company who are back of the
Bank of Ileppncr, have juit cloied a
deil for the Pougla County, Wish ,
bank at Walterville. At tbe time of the
purchane thil bank had depoiit of f'.'TO,.
IKH), and cah in aafe and olhrr bank
amounting to f lliO.OOO, making It one of
the mlid institution of the Big Bend
The city council met in regular tension
Monday evening, but no buntneti of
Importance waa transacted. The usual
routine of bill were allowed and a
couple of aaloon licentr granted. A
committee waa requetted to teat the new
combination nointe, which wat done
Tueaday. It worked latiitactorily and
the city council w ill invett in four of
them at f finch.
W. T. Campliell, who wa in town
Tin iday to it-cure boan for the letter
protection of hit threihing machine from
fire, report that he came near loiing hi
machine, and Wm. Hendriz a lot of
grain Tueiday morning by fire. Only
for the timely work of the crew all would
have been burned. It appear that the
neparator caught fire from tpontaneoui
combustion and that the prompt woik
of the cicw tncceeded in extinguiahing
the fire before any great damage waa
Thia ia an even length walking ikirt
made up from very fine cloth and in
the lateit of fashion.
The New Tourint Coat with the
Butcher Back will be the smartest
thing ehown this Fall.
l! "'r
The short form fitted jacket are
Kill in evidence, made up of nice
cloth ; are a dressy garment.
Tbe most stylish suits will be the
severely Tailored garments. The
blonse front is still good.
Here is repre-ented the new rain
coat for ladies. We have a nice line
of thene; no two alike. Take order
for sptwial sizes.
While there is nothing specially new
in any of the Canes shown for Fall.
They are always good ; no two alike.
A sfnart Jacket for the Misses.
The Butcher Back is brought into
evidence here to good effect.
The long coat for the little onei
is the most sensible thing for the
winter. A nice assortment is
ready for your inspection.
li been quite lively for aonio week, ! dune. Th teparator wa tenrched ome
and hn predict a further advance. Mr.
McKnight doe not look for an' advance
In cattle price Wore Rpring, a by that
time the picking houae will have unci!
up the urplu accumulated a a conae
ruenco of the late ttiikt.
but win k wa returned In few hours
after. Mr. Campbell i loud in hi
pralit of the heroic work of hi crew
aotne of whom were slightly burned
The machine wa at the Wm. Hrndrlx
I place at the time of the fire.
J. A. Woolery of lone, wat in the city
on buHine-i Tueiday.
Att'y. C. It. Redfield returned Monday
from a business trip to Pendleton.
Cha Ham of Hardmau, wa tram
meling business in Ileppuer yesterday,
V.. P. Jirtnon of Echo, was transacting
luminesa in Hcppuer the Grit of the week.
Sila Wright was in Saturday from hit
Clark Canyou ranch transacting busi-nei.
A brand new typewriter for sale for
only $.'3. Call at the Times office and
see it.
For Sale Twenty bead of Merino
buck, at (5 (H) per head. Geo. French,
Hcppner, Oregon. tf
Dr. K. R. Hunlock and family arri
ved Tuesday from Portland, and will
locate permanently in thi city.
Claua lohnion. F. M. and It. E. Lov-
gren, prominent wheet grower of the
Gooseberry country, were in town Tues-
P. M. Parker, who was in town Satur
lay from Lexing on, reports that thresh
ing iu his locality will not be finished up
abort of two weeki yet.
Sick headache is caused by ditordered
condition of the stomach and is quickly
cured by Chamberlain's stomach and
liver tablets. Por Kile by Slocum Drug
C. C. Patterson is about the happiest
man in town these days. Cause the ar
rival of an eight pound boy at his borne
last Friday evening. The mother and
child are getting along nicely.
Moses Klliott, who went to Mansfield,
Mo., a few weeks ago, returned Friday
Mrs. Elliott remained in Missouri as
Motet ha not determined whether or
not he will remain permanently in Mor
row county or go back to Miaiouri. Mr
Elliott brought back with him few
white oak acornt at an evidence that he
really went back as far as his native
We Pay
4 Per Cent
Farewell Party.
A very pleasant dancing party was
given in honor of Miss Fay llortholo
inew, at Huberts hull Friday evening
last by tho H. U. Club. There were
present a dor.cn or more couples, and a
moat enjoyable time is reported. Miss
Bartholomew w ill dciKirt soon for Port
laud to leuuuio her studies iu music.
Gathers nuts. in the Foil and stores them in a place
that he remembers, and when the snow and sleet
covers the ground so he can find no more nuts, he
does not miss a single meal ! He has nuts then ! !
ARE you aa intelligent as the squirrel ? Would you be like him and always have a square
meal ? You can, and can have a home; and all that money can secure I Simply deposit
$1.00 with the BANK OF IIEPrNER, lleppner, Oregon, get a Home Bank and save small
6ums in It that you would not go to a large bank to deposit individually, and deposit it
occasionally. You need not wait until you have One Hundred or Five Hundred Dollars in
hand, but can open an account today with only ONE DOLLAR ! and add to it from time,
to time as you can spare the money. Then, if sickness comes, or you are thrown out of
work because of a strike, or for any other cause, you'll always have money that Dollar
anyhow more, if you save it I If you have money you can't go to the poor house 1 ! they
won't take you. If you have money you can own that fine home ! If you have money you
can own that splendid ranch It .
Heppner, Oregon
CAPITAL - $25,000
Vice President
We (?ay
4 Per Cent
XClc bare Xewfs Si Claris
jfatr Souvenir Dollars for