Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, September 08, 1904, Image 5

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Published Every Thursday by
THURSDAY. SEPT. 8. 1904.
KliUrd kl tlio I'lMtortlca Hi ll(''nrr, (M'Km
aa dcuikI clans nialtr,
If you want school books go to Slociini
IrK Co,
1'hII opening Ht The I'ulr Monday,
September 11.
Dr. M A l.each, dciitirit, office In the
new l'ir building. '
Good, lady ironer wanted at the Cres
crnt Steam Laundry.
J. M llaircr returned Mond.iy from
business trip to 1'etitllrtou.
If you want anything In school (tip
plies io to Slocum Hn Co,
P. W. Allison, of llanlman, waa vln
llor ill this city over Sunday.
Mra. Thomas Humphreys and children
caitu in Irom an outliiK in the mountains
liiat week.
John Klniman shipped another carload
of beef et;e to the I'oi tUixl Market
C. II, HUbee left Saturday for Spray,
whrre In has if cepted a position In a
hUckiiuith shop.
Geo. Conscr ami Dr. Frank B KiHtner
paid the Ditch creek oullilif camp a vinit
the first (if the week.
The lleppner Milling Company ia in
the rimrkrt fur choice milling wheat
Highest cash price paiil.
I'rof. I). V. S. Held ami family re
turneil Sunday from their summer out
ing in the mountaina,
Regular services at the M. E. churrh;
aotilh, next r-umhty at tl a m. ami 7:11(1
p in. J. M. llKAkl), I'aKtor.
I'rntik 'bug left Ibis morning for Mi
aouta, Mon ., whete he ha accepted
bin fortiii-r pohition in a jewelry store.
l'or Kcnt-liXH) acre of the best hurii h
grata pasture aii'l HO tons of hay lor sale,
l'eed Iota, racks and plenty of water.
Inquire of II, M. Hawlry, Heppner. 2m
Mr. ami Mr. J A. McKee departed
Monday for a visit with Mr McKce'a
parents in Karxa. They will alo vh t
the World's Fair at St. Louis before re
turning. Mr I.operand Mia I,ena Khca re.
turned Saturday from San Francisco
where Mra. I.tiper haa lirrn the past few
weeks selecting her fall and winter
lock ot tii 1 1 1 1 ri r y .
l'or Tr.ide I have NX) head ot cattle,
hall and seven-eights I nullum, that I de
aire to trade towitrd IKHHI lamb. Ad
drraa. Ice DimIwiii, or O. IiunsaVer.
North Powder, Oregon. alltf
fli-encer Akerf wan in the city on busi
ness Saturday.
0. W.Scott wat up from Islington'
.Saturday tail parti rig limine in Hcpp.
The hi'ar Cut shears, the only auto
matic ahe.ira In the world. C. A. I,efller,
Mra. Fred Ilallor k and children re
turned Saturday (roui their outing iu the
A J. Davia, a praminent rancher of
tower Putter creek, waa a business via
ilor In lleppner Saturday,
Mra. Phil. Metachan returned Satur
day from an extciv'tid viait with rela
lives at Jacksonville, Oregon, j
Mra. Jamea Keeney, of Shaniko, via- !
Ited the past week with her lather, J. T.
Mullock, and family in thia city.
Ehear-Cut aheara are eapeclally tnanu-'
lactured of the beat Sheffield ahear ateel, j
extra hardened and fully warranted. C j
A LefTler, Agent.
Illahop C. J. O'RIley will hold ser- j
virea at the Catholic churrh In thia cltv ,
on Su'U, September IS. A general
invitation it extended.
J . W. Ilecket waa In from lilt Bight
Mi'e ranch Sat unlay He tella lie "hat
he had just finished threahing hie crop
ol wheat, which averaged a little over
twenty luuhela per acre.
Cardiac out announcing that Mips
Mahel l.eezer, of thia City, will lie mar
ried to Mr. A. Haacorn, of Terrill, Iowa,
at All Sainta Memorial church In thia
city, next Wednesday evening, rieptem-
her 1 Ith.
V. P. Vauihnn, who waa In town from
Klvht Mile, renorta that he haa finlahed
thrrahing hia wheat crop, which aver
aged upwarila of twenty buahela an acre.
The yield exceeded hia expectations by
aeveral hundred buahela.
MUa Amln Currin, of Idaho, baa been
vlaitinK with her tirand mother, Mra
Win Ayert, and th family of her uncle,
Geo. I. Currin, In thia city. Miaa ('ur.
rin haa juat graduated from the medical
department of the Btute University of
I). C Ourdane and Johan Troedaon re
turned Friday from their chase after the
oartv of emivranta who hurularized re-
idences in the forth end ol the county.
They went aa fur aa Walla Walla, hut
roulfl find no trace of the party after
they left Echo.
J W, Morrow, tax cotnmisaioner for
the 0. H. N. company, wag here lat
week to appear before the board of
equalization. The matter of adjutinv
the O K & N. taxes was postponed to
Friday, September 9, when it will come
before the county commlittiioners.
When troubled w'th conatipation try
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tal -I'ts.
The are eaay to take and produce
nn (iripini; or other nnpleasant effect.
For sale by Slocum Drug Co.
Take a glimpse into the future a littlo and see what there will be for your choosing at
For this Fall ami Winter. While we have not all of these in stock now, we have a few of them, and will have
them all later,, and many others which we cannot show here
This is an even length walking skirt
made up from very fine cloth and in
the latest of fashion.
The New Touriat Coat with the
fintcber Back will be the smartest
thing fihown thia Fall.
The short form fitted jackets are
still in evidence, made np of nice
cloth ; are a drese? garment.
The most stylish suits will be the
severely Tailored garments. The
blouse front is still good.
Mr, anil Mra Watdon lthea returned
the lutt'r t art of the week fiom a v a.t
with Inrnda at Pendleton. They '
viti'r t several Haia at their Lower Hut
, tcr creek ranch while away.
Mra. Liier haa juat returned from San
FianclM-o with a m at complete stock 01
fall ami winter millinery, ilia aele tiona
being tna'le from six of Mie leading
wholraale millinery lumen ot ban Fran
Mis Lilian Chchrnn, one of the gradu
ates ol the l'HH cla-Mi of the lleppner
High echool, aui'ceaalully paaneil at the
recent teachera' exatntnation, securing
a eecoml giade cer'.ifiiate, baa iMtn
engaged to leach the fall term of the
GoiKelierry school. She wilt open hrr
school next Monday.
Merrill, manager for the lleppner
end of the lleppner-Canyon slave line,
who callel at the Tunes office Mumlay.
Inlormol us that the equippage of the
line ia now belter than ever before. His
rigs have all been put in good repair and
the ecjm pment in general has been put
in fiini i luas condition,
T. . Morgan, a prominent farmer of
the Gooseberry country, waa in town
Tui-wlay. He eaya threahing in bis sec
tion is about finihhed up and that the
yield was considerably better than was
expected lielote inresiinitf conimrnicu,
nearlv everv farmer havinif to wo ami
vet more sacks alter the machines
Mrs L. K. Colin, the leading milliner,
will have a very i retty display of hat"
Salnrduy, September It Miaaea Belle
Colliver and ICtta Morrison, who have
spent ten weeks in Poitbiud in the
wholesale tilllliiictv detturtmeut, will be
In cIibikC of work room, and the ladies
ol lleppner and vicinity will have orders
left here filled piouip.ly. Apprentice
II. V.. P.urcbell. who wis in the city
Saturday from hia ranch north of Lei
iiivion. informed Us that he had finished
mi hia threshing Htid that his cr M of
ano acres of wheat averaged fiom 1H lo
Vll huchela tier acre. Kiuhty acrea made
thlitv bushels to the acre. Iliayie'd
iiroved fiv- bu'be' per acre more thn
e expected befo c harvest commenced.
I). A Herren and family returned
Kuturiluv friuii their summer uutmi'
which they spent in the Greenhorn (lis.
ret. Mr Herren reports tnai mere
.n Imuieii-f anioiiut of duveloptiient
work bring done in the various mine- of
the di-trict. He says a'so t nt trmn
fishing in the streams of Gieenhorn is
verv good; that they caught mom fish
than they could u. ,
Fred Tliomac, who was In town the
other day, repo ts thnt the, Win, Camp
bell and Will HlHUlTer llireabing crews
ere doing some K"d work in the Social
Kidge country. He also reports that
th're waa born lo Mr. and Mrs. G. M.
jVlh n on August US, a fine boy. The
mother and child are iioinft nicely and
Oeorge is exacted to fully recover In
l'renk H. McKnight was in the city
Satureav from llnlter Creek. He hail
just relumed from a three keek's trip to
the Bumpier Country, where he has hia
beep on summer range. He reports
that there wm) onlv about !I5 head ol
Ilia sheep that were poisoned by a miner
recently. He savs he knows who did
the poisoning, but thai it would be
next to Impossible to secure hi" convc
lion. Mr. McKnluM savs ranye Is fine
and hia sheep are doing splendidly.
Hay For Sale.
I have al'alfa hay for aale. Good cor
rail and feeding manners all ready t
feed heef cattle. For further Informa
tion address C. P. How MAN,.
J .cho, Oregon.
Here is reprerented the new ruin
coat for ladies. We have a nice line
of these; no two alike. Take orders
for special sixes.
While there is nothing socially new
in any of the Canes shown for Fall.
Tbey are always good ; no two alike.
4$H In
0 i Mix
A smart Jacket
The Butcher Back
for the Miseee.
is brought into
evidence here to good effect.
The long coat for the little ones
is the most sensible. thing for the
winter. A nice assortment is
ready for your inspection. '
Ha Sold a Pile of Chamberlain'
Coiifcth Remedy.
I have sold Chamberlain's Congh
Reined v for more than twenty years and
It has given entire satisfaction. I have
sold a pile of it and can recommend it
very highly. -Joseph Mclvlhiney, Lin
ton Iowa. You will find thia remedy a
good friend when troubled with a cough
or colil. Ii alwavs affords quick relief
and is pleasant to take. For sale by
Slocum Drug Co.
Tliiilier Ijind ai l Juno 3, 1S7H.
Notice for Publication.
D. Cox was in the city Saturday from
Hiuton creek.
Dr. A. K. HiggB attended a meeting of
the state medical association at Portland
last week.
All Saints Episcopal Church. Fif
teenth Sunday after Trinity. Both morn
ing and evenin aervice, at 11 and 7:30.
I special invitation to evening service.
John warren, aiisaionary.
Notice of Hearing on Final Account
('lilted States Land OfVice The usllea, Oreuon,
June 17, 11I.
Notlep la hereby elven that In compliance
with the provlnlnn ol Ilia act of I'tuiKri'Ms of
nine :i. 1K.H, ii 1 1 1 It- "n act tor the aale ol
tliiilier Isinln In I lie stales ol l 'nil forum, Ori'ipm,
Nevsils Mill Wanhlnaton lerrllnry, aa ex
ti'iiited to all (lie pultllr littiil states hv act of
AiiKUit I. In'rj, the follnwliiK unfiled fM-rsons
have tiled III lliltulllce lliulraoiu atatiuiviita,
Euunnn A. ChBDel
of ttaritinan, eiMiniy of Morrow, stite of Ore-
frnii, swum slsteini'iit o. tto. lileil (iclnlM'r l,.
I'.scl, fur the pureliase of the K half SW iiunrter
uf bi'i tlon iki, 1 1. ft Mutiih, raime -i K W. W.
Albert A. Allen
of llsrdmsn, eoiiuiyof Morrow, slsteof (reeon.
Bwurii alHtemctil No iM, tiled Jsnury 2, I'.SH,
for llie nurrlisse of the K half iiusrter of
Meetlon JO snd N tin It SV iiunrter of Section 21,
I'p, j bmilli, Kmiiki' '.ti K., v. M.
waynn nowara
of lleppner. count v of Morrow, state of Orcftnn.
sworn statemeiii So. 2PSI, filed lereintH-r ft,
I'nih, (or tlie imrrtiane ol the N half NKuuartcr
SV iiiarter NKipiiirter ot section Pi and Nw
ipia ler .v " iiiih i u r ul aecllon 11, 1 p. u wiuiu
Kanire -SI K , W. M.
1 hat they will offer proof to show that the
laud soiikIiI la more valustdc- for Its timheror
Mom- than for sitrlctiltuiHl lmrpose-i, and to
nilillsli their claims lo said land Isdore the
count y clerk of Morrow county, si lli'ppucr,
ureuoii, on hepiemta'r .m, nan.
They name as wllnesaes:
(ieotKH A. Hh-nkman. 1'rede Owsna, Orrln K
Ks-iiswortli, Frsnk Kramer, Hlacy Itolierts
Koy H, HuI.eriK, Dsiilel Kleennd Ads M, Parker
nl , I I l II1HI1, nri'Koti; Matt HllKhes, Mlgelli'
Mallesiiii, Patrick Nptllatiu ami Jamea J, Mi',
(iee of He niiner.Ori'iiiin.
Any atnl all pemons clniiiiinir adversely the
Mliove-ilettcrlheil lanils aru reuueMted lo til
their eialnis In tins ntlli-o on or buforu the aatd
ilrd (lay ol BepU iuber, ltl.
MicHAKLT. Noi.am,
J:U)-alt KeKister.
In the ("otinty Court of Morrow County, Oregon
In the matter ol Hie estslv ot lA'iiora t. Kliea
Notice is herehv ulveii that the underslirned,
, A. Ithi-ii, Hilnii n n.1 rHtur of the estate of h"-
mira K. lilies, ijeeeaseil, has tiled Ins riiial ac-
tint in anl etate, In the office ol the I lerk ol
id Court, ami ill puistiiitii e of an order of the
mumble T. W. Avers, Jmliie of the slsive en-1
tilled Court, said final sccuiint will come on
,r In ai inn im.l seiilemeut on the tiilnl u y ot ;
O tolaT A. D., IssM. ai ten o'clock 'n the (ore-1
n of -M Ml ilav. I lie same ta-liiK the first day t
u( i he October term of said Coin I, at the Court-'
ohm- In lleppner. Mo-row 1 ounty, elate ot i
Ou'iron. On or before sanl time any person ln-
tcii'Mcil in salil entato urn y Hpcsr aim nie ins 1
eptious in writinx lo salil account, ami con-
ti"-! t tie same.
Hated September first, V.Wi.
0. A. KltKA,
Administrator of Hie estate ot
Lcnora K. Kliea, deceased.
In the Clrriilt Court of the Htate of Oregon tor
Monow I ounty .
Clyde C. Sating, Kilinlllui K. Killing,
Ai tlmlaia rtaluig. liilntlffs,
Hubert Haling, Milton F. Morgan,
.Mile MolgHli, Amlrew Motgall,
Levi Morgan. Mary Morgiin,
1 1 1 in in Slorgini, llarry Mot gall Slid
Helen .Morgan, ilelcnilsnls.
To Hubert Haling, defendant above named
in the name of the Htato ol Oregon, you are
hereby reipilred loappcar In the above villi
lied court and cause on or before the vtuth day
of October. I:i. salil ilntu being six weeks Iruui
suiiiieinber Kill, the ilate ol (lie llrst publication
of t his summons, and answer the complaint of
i, bill, tirfa illeil herein airalnst von, ami If you
full lo so Hppcar, for want thereof plaintiff will
aiuilv to the court for the relief prayed for lu
Ins complaint.
The relief prayed for la that the Interest of
the plaintiffs and the ilefeuilants In ami lo the
Northwest quarter and the Hnullieaal quarter
and the Hoiiihwest quarter ol seciloil la, town
ship 1, south range J7. K, W M., tie aM'ertalued
anil determined by the above entitled court
uml thai salil iiriinerlv he sold and the pro
ceeds of en I1 sale, alter the payment ol costs
and expenses, lai paid Ui the owners ol aald
hind In such proportion aa their lulurust may
appear aa ascertained by I lie court.
Thia summons ia served upon you by ruiblt.
cation thereof by oruerot the Hon, W. K. Kills,
judge of the above entitled court, which aald
order waa made on the Hrd day of HoptemlH'r,
loot, nt cluimbera at I'eiiilleliui, Oregon, and
prescribed Hint thia suuiniolia be published
fur six con ullve weeks, ami that Hie tlisl
publication thereof be , made on Hie Hlh day ol
rlcplemhcr, lwl. II. W. PUKi.es,
Atlorucy lor I'lalntlffs.
We Way
4 Per Cent
peoide suffcT X. 1
lion. biliousness. 1
W 1
Huge Deposits in Chicago Institutions Are IVIade
Wage-Earners Year's Jump, $22,000,000.
Saving deposits now in Chicago banks $100,000,000
Amount one year ago 78,000.000
Amount ten year ago '. lo,000,000
Amount in 1890 12,350,000
Poconse tlio liver is
with const i wit
headaches and fevers. Colds attack
the bines and cotitncious diseases
take bold of Ihe system. It is safe
to say that if tlio liver were alwaya
kept in proiwr working order,
illness would e almost unknown.
Thedford's Iilack-PraiiBlit is so
successful in curing such sickness
liecause it is without a rival as a
livor regulator. This prpnt family
medicine ia not a strong and
riruxtio drug, but a mild and
healthful laxative that cures con
stipation and mnv be taken by a
mere child without possible
Tho healthful action on the livar
cures biliousness. It has an in
vigorating elluct on the kidneys.
l!ocam tlio liver and kidneys uo
not work regularly, tho poisonous
acids along with tho waste from
tho bowels get back into the blood
and virulent contagion results.
Timely treatment with Thed
ford's Illaek-Drnuglit removes tho
dangers which lurk in constipation.
liver ana kidney troubles, ami will
foaitivdy forestall tho inroads of
Iright's disease, for which dis
ease in advanced stupes there is
no euro. Ask your dealer for A
uric, pnckaijo of Thedford's Uluck-Draught,
Savings deposits in Chicago banks have passed the $100,000,000 mark.
In the past year they have increased upward of $22,000,000, or more than 20
per cent. And what is best of all, according to one of the bankers interested,
Chicago is just beginning to learn to save.
The state banks and savings institutions have been going out after the
people in the past few years as they never did before, to show them how easy it
is to save money and how valuable it is to have a good balance in the bank.
The introduction of the little STEEL BANKS has started thousands of
people to saving money that was wasted before. They have imbued many a
boy and girl wage-earner, as well as older folks, that it is a good idea to put
asido something for a rainy day. And, as far ps I have observed, the accounts
that are started in that way grow and aro never withdrawn except in cases of
absolute necessity.
The most remarkable gain was that of the Illinois Trust, which showed a
savings increase of nearly $8,000,000. But this bank has upwards of 100,000
savings depositorsenough to mako a larger town than any in the sfato out
side of Chicago.
We (pay
4 Per Cent