Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, September 01, 1904, Image 5

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Subscription, l.OO Por Yoar.
Wheel from f 1 .(H) tip at l.tt Canlwclt.a
Dr. M. A. l.rach, dentist, office In the
Dew 1'iilr building
Dining room In connection with the
I'acific lo1 k ' 11 K house.
C. A. Kep, ol IUrdmaii, visited
over Sunday In Heppner.
J. J. KcCrt returned 1'rUUy from
business trip (o The Dalle.
Jck l.nnr, of llur Iiiiiiii, wm transacl
lug buiiii In lli'ppnrr Monday.
Mr. aud Mm. W. C. Lucy, of lllack.
horse, ere visitors In town Katurduy.
Johnny Spencer, of lihea creek, wti
trantat-ltng huninr in towu Saturday.
' Mr. and Mr. H K. Willi, of Claik's
Cnyou, were visitor in towu Saturday.
W. J. Watteuhuijtrr wa In from But
tcr creek I'rltUy transacting busineas la
ShitillTSliutt and l'rank Cray paid
visit to the outing cwp in the tnoun
taint HuniUy.
l'or a fimt-dsM livery rig call on Wm.
Cordon. lie lis some of the fin cut turn
out in the city,
John TroedMin, a promlucnt farmer of
l'or a firot-clas meal, try the Pacific
dining room.
Carl hJe-Uon, of Ella, wm In town on
TLuai ! 'lutmlir.
CocmI, lawly Ironer wanted at ths Cres
cent Kteatiti Laundry.
Dan I tee of IUrdmau, n doing bua-
nraa lit tliia city yesterday.
l'rank ICnglcinan, of lone, w a vi-
itor In He.iner the first of tbe week.
1'. 1 1 U lie, of Spray, wu transacting
bulnr In Ileppuer tbe first of the
Frank. Wilson and Herbert Halstead,
of Condon, were visitor in our city
Cha. Thornton was culled to Humpter
last week on account of the illueiM of
hiii brother William.
John Kinsman will ahip another car
lovl of txrel cattle to tbe Union Meat
coiiipuiiy tomorrow.
J. I,. Howard wae In the city Tuesday,
returning from a vinit oil Rhea creek to
hia ranch at (ialloway.
The I Icppner Milling Company ia in
the market for choice nulling wheat.
IliKhcat cash price paid.
Jme Wylaud wit down from bi
ranch near Hardman yeiterday trans
acting lutines in town.
One tar Schafer, a prosuiuent stockman
o( Mouuuicut, i in the city looking
after some uuniucs matter.
Kev. It. L. Beichtol left Tuesday
An upr rl typlt would like to rent 1
typewriter for evening practice. Ma
chine Miunt be a standard make, single
keytasrd and in good condition. Call
t this) office.
Now I the time to list your real estate
a the prospect are very favorable for
lively selling of Morrow county realty
during the neat twelve tnonthi. The
countv h been more thoroughly ad
vertised the pant few month than ever
before, and thre will doubtless tie buy
er in the field soon. The Times b
made arrangement whereby we expect
to lie able to handle considerable prop
erty right along. So if you have prop
erty to ell It will be to your advantage
to call and lint now. Remember it cost
you nothing if no alu in made.
Klla, hi a huiiuew visitor in KIU the uiorulng to attend the conference of the
fimt of the week.
Mr. ind Mr. P. M. Morris, of Cecil,
viiiled toverl dv the tst week with
friend in Heppner.
Wra. Potter, of Spray, wa in Heppner
the latter part of the week looking after
some buMnrti mutter.
Mr, and Mr. I). II. Keiter left Fri
day morning for Seattle, here they ex
pert to uuke their home.
The rr vl of an right-pound g'f'
reported t the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
John M. SprouU, August L'.l.
A. M. Mumlmui w in from hi
M. It. church at The Dalle.
Mr a. Dave McAtee and children re
turuetl from their au turner outing in tbe
mountain the first of tbe week.
The fauiilr of V.. J. Slocuui returned
from their lumnicr outtug in the moun
tains tbe latter part of last week.
Mm. L,. E. Cuhu and daughter, Gladys
returned Tueday from a six week' out
ing avt the beach and at Portland.
Mr. Loretta Leeier and her daughter
Mattel returned Monday from a two
week a' visit with friends at Portland.
Mir a Klta Morrison, who ha been
Mr, l'.iirton II Peck and Mini Myra
F. Ycager were uniiVd in marriage at
the home of the bride' parent, Mr.
and Mr. J. L. Yeauer, in this city yes
terday evening at 1 o'clock, Rev. Frank
C. Adkln omciating.
The wedding wa a quiet one, only
immediate friends of the contracting
parties Ixmig present. Those present
Is-side the Yeaner famiiv were: Mr.
and Mr. T. L. Dormao, Mr. and Mri,
J. A. Patterson, G. W. Harris. Mark
Leach, Initio Davi and Nellie Hornor,
Following the ceremony an elegant
we lding nipper wa terveil.
The groom is a prominent young far
nier of the vicinity of Lexington where
he ha the r expect and confidence of a
wide circle of friend. The bride ia the
eliluHt dauglitt-r of Mr. and Mr. J. L,
Y eager, of this city, where she is held
In hinli esteem by a host of friends,
whom the Time joins in best withes for
the happy couple.
Clark's canton ranch Saturday attend- writU a wholesale millinery house at
lug to ionic bushics niHtter. I'ortlaud the past feiw tuootb, returned
C. A. Rhe returned Saturday from Tuemlaj evening.
Portland and went out to hi ranch Sun- TUoae who have not paid the laat half
day to look after bi livestock interests. I of their 11)03 Uxea should bear in mind
l..mll Cochran, a prominent stock- lnt if they are not paid before October 3
Dan Florence Dead.
Dan I... ron of Mr. and Mr. A. L
Florence, died at the home of hi par
enU, on Willow creek, last Friday at
the ae of 17 yean, after a long suffer
iiit; from comuiiitition. The funeral
ervice were held at the Heppner cem
etery Sunday forenoon, conducted by
Kev. Frank C. Adkins. The funeral
wa largely attended.
Young Florence had suffered many
months with the dread disease, hot all
tj'i't uicdical i-kill could do was un
avhilini. The bereavel family have
the sympathy of the community in their
irreparable 'oe.
m n of Monument, wa iu the city the
fiiit of the week looking after ome bu
inc.t matter.
J. M. lluye brought hi little dnugh
tcr Roxey in from hi ranch Monday
and left Tuedy lor Portland where he
took her for medical treatment.
John P. Spray, of Spray, wa in the
city eveil of days the pant week solicit
ing aid for the construction of a bridge
acrow the John Day liver at Spray.
Contractor Carr & Cox are building a
very neat colliign on West Center alrect
for W. P. Dutton. The building, when
completed, will he occupied by Mr. and
Mr. Frank Farntworth.
Mr. VV. W. Smcad and daughters,
Mr, Williard llerren, Mra. Baylis, Mrs.
J. W. Shipley and Mia Lena Glasscock
left Monday to vinit for ome time with
penalty and Interest will be added.
Mr. and Mr. W. K. Burtou came in
from Kock Creek Tuedy, and Mr.
Burton lelt on yesterday morning's train
for it vuit with friends in the Valley.
l'or Rent -1000 acres of the best bunch-
graa pasture and HO tona of hay lor sale.
Peed lots, rscks and plenty of water.
Inquire of II. M. Uawley, Heppner. 2ui
J. T. Ayers was in from his Butter
creek ranch Tuesday with t hack load
of atlfalfa honey. His crop of honey, as
well as his fruit crop, is very good this
G. R. Jones of Itrtgon, eut Mr. A.
AaUbaugb, of this city, a box of very Cue
IrriKou peaches yesterday. Por quality,
tiize and rich color the peacher are sel
dom equaled.
Mass Meeting.
A meeting of the citizens of Heppner
and Morrow county is herebv called at
the city council chambers in Heppner
on Friday eveuing, September 2, for the
purpose of organising a Morrow county
Development LeaKiie to work in con
junction with the State League. It is
earnestly requested that all citizen who
re interested in the development of our
county and state, will attend this meet
ing, heron. e a member and thus assist
in the work of better advertising our re
sources, and in the upbuilding of our
Fhank Gili.iam, Mayor.
Adjudged Insane.
Wm. Lefiler, a herder, who has been
herding sheep for Art Minor the past
few months, was examined here Tues
day morning by Judge Ayers and
County Phytician F. B. Kistner, and
wss adjudged iniane.
It appears that Lefiler had left his
hand of sheep in the mountains some
time Monday and started for Heppner.
ArrtTing at P. C. Creswell's ranch on
Willow creek, a few miles above this
city, he stopped and ' asked for some
thing to eat. On talking with him a
few minutes Mr. Creswell oerceived
that he was crazy, and asked him to
lay down a double-bitted ax he was
currying and come in and get supper.
At first he did not want to part with
the ax, but finally consented. While
he was eating Mr. Creswell harnessed a
team hastily and persuaded him to ride
to town, where he was turned over to
Sheriff Sbutt, who, upon searching bim,
fonnd a bowie knife with a six-inch
blade, hidden beneath his shirt, which
be said he had brought along for pro
tection, as he had tbe hallucination tbt
someone was trying to kill him. He
stated to Mr. Creswell as they came to
town that they, meaning imaginary per
sons that were endeavoring to kill him,
bad already killed Art Minor and a
couple of otber men, and that he needed
the ax for protection.
He also stated to tbe sheriff that some
man bad been riding about his band of
sheep bleating and scaring tbem and
endeavoring to kill bim. He said the
bleating did not worry bim, but it hurt
the sheep, so be procured an ax and
knife and started out to defend himself.
Sheriff Shutt and Joe Boyer left yes-
where he was committed to the asylum
by Judge Ayers.
Has Sold a Plla of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
I have sold Chamberlain's Congh
Remedy for more than twenty years and
it has given entire satisfaction. I have
sold a pile of it and can recommend it
very highly. Joseph McElhiney, Lin
ton. Iowa. Yon will find this remedy a
good friend when troubled with a congh
or cold. It always affords quick relief
and is pleasant to take. For sale by
terday morning with Lefiler for Salem', Slocum Drug Co.
TOR the next thirty days we offer all kinds of
School Supplies at reduced prices. Now is the
time you need these goods, and we extend to you
an opportunity to save some money in the pur
chase of same. We carry the finest line of tablets
in the city
Dr. Senuett, tbe optician, will lie at
Koy Glumcock at Mt. Vctuou, Graut I slocuui' Drug Store, Heppner, on Sep
county. I tember 1st to.lhe 4th. Wring your eye
Kiravnl Awav. One dark iron eray with vou if you are in need of a pair of
' j i -
mare, e four year, weight 1 150 pound), Kls.e.
branded " J " on the left stifle. Very heavy rain is reported at Cecil,
A rewsrd of flO will lie paid for t,i county, Saturday night, but no daui
delivery of animal at the John Her hc to crop resulted. Haying in that
ranch five mile northwest ot Ileppuer. I BC-ction ha been Guiihed up and thresh
lug is well along;.
l'or Trade I have 100 head ot cattle,
lialf and evi'U-Mhts Durham, that I de
aire to trade towards 3000 lambs. Ad-
Hay For Sale.
I have alfalfa hay for sale. Good cor
rail and feeding mangers all ready to
feed beef cattle. For further inform
tion address C. P. Bowman,
Echo, Oregon.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to extend our sincere
thanks to Social Itule people for kind
assistance during the illness and funeral
of our son Frank.
Mb. and Mks. A. A. Willis.
H.A.Mvkks, Heppner, Ore. al
Joseph Howell and Maude McPaniel,
of Hardman, were married in this city
Inst wek by JubiIco Whitica. Both
bride and groom are wull and favorably I ircB( jeme Dwlaon, or O. Hunsaker,
known youiig people of the south end of
the county, where their many friends)
wish them happiness and prosperity.
Judge Ayer returned Saturday from
Pendleton, where he went to meet bia
daughter, Mrs. lilie Lasater, who m
about to leave for Ann Arlxir, Michigan,
where her hmhand, James Lasater, la
studying law at the Michigan State Uni
versity. Mr. Laaater has been viaitlng
with relatives and fi lends at Heppner,
Pendleton and Walla Walla the past two
W. B McAlister, who was In the city
lust Thursday afternoon from Lexington,
says the yield of wheat per acre in the
wheat belt about Lexington will le
larger than in li02, which with the new
land wheat, will greatly increase the
amount usually handled at the ware
nouse in hi town. He thinks at leaat
200,000 bushels will be shipped from
North Powder, Oregon. a25tf
Miss Libbie Vaughan, who has been
teaching in the Matteson district the
pant four months, left Saturday for
l'omeroy, Wash., where she has accepted
n position ss leacner in me scnoois oi
tliat town.
Full wilt be brought by Portliud
liquor dealers to test the constitution
ality ol the new local option law of Ore-
tron. The suit will be in the nature of
an injunction restraining the county
clerk from issuing a notice of the local
option election in any of the precinct of
Multnomah county.
I'. II. Stevenson, manager for the
Heppner Milling Company, tells lis that
be bought his first load ol new wheat
Tuesday. It was the bluesteui variety,
from the ranch of K. L. Knlghten on
Eight Mile. The price paid was 75 cents
per bushel, but it wss No. 1 milling
Tgr nfi 1 1 ii ri
Mtss. Agnes Wejtlsy
616 Wells Otrset'
816 Wells Strwt,
Marinette, Wis., Sept. 25, 1903.
I was all run down from nervous
ness and overwork and had to resign
my position and take a rest. I
found that I was not (raining my
strength and health as fast as I
could wish, and as your Wine of
Cardui was rocommended as inch a
good medicine for the ills of our
sex, I bought a bottle and began
using it. 1 was satisfied with the
results from the use of the first
bottle, and took three more and then
fonnd 1 was restored to good health
and strength and able to take up
my work with renewed vigor. 1
consider it a fins tonic and excellent
for worn-out, nervous condition,
aud am pleased to enslorss it.
807, Xortfc WlHunslii Holland SooUtr.
Secure a f 1.00 bottle of Wine of
Cardui and a 2,c. pockape of
Theulord s lilacic-Draugnt today.
General Merchandise
Mid-summer Sale
We are now closing out our line of Summer Goods to
make room for the New Fall Stock
, Shirt Waists
We have a line of Bhirt waists which
formerly sold at from $1.00 to $2.00
which we are now selling at 50c regard
less of cost or former prices.
The remainder of our stock of Men's
and Boys' Clothing will be sold at. cost.
They will soon go at t'he prices i?e are
now making.
Men's Hats
A new line of Kingsbury hats in the
lates styles, just received. Prices very
We also have a new line of fine Ties
and a general stock of Men's Furnish
ing Goods at the right prices.
Our stock of groceries is now very complete. We carry a full
line of canned fruits and vegetables of the choicest brands. We
make a specialty of Schilling's Best Baking Powder, Extracts and
Spices, which never fail to give entire satisfaction-
Lexington this season.