No Appetite Means loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and is often a pre cursor of prostrating sick ness. This b why it is serious. The best thing you can do is to take the great alterative and tonic Hood's Sarsaparilla Which has cured thousands. fommnllni Hentciira, Judge tlary, at a recent meeting of fkt'i'I Trust stockholders in llolsiken, aid In the course of an argument: "Your objection remind tue of the objection a lawyer oneo made to a judKo'a ai'iiti e, Tlil Judge had giv en a prisoner, convicted of second de gree murder, tlilrly years' solitary con finement, whereupon tho lawyer cried out: " 'Hut, your honor, my client In old. Ilo won't II vp thirty year.' "Well, th ' Ha Id thft Judge. 'I'll shorten hi sentence to life. Imprison ment, If you 11 re for It.' " New Vork Tribune, Another t rank. Wlint did that new arrival want?" asked the Uncording Alice). "lit) ii hU ma If 1 knew where ha roil hi net bold of four old lialoa," mi id HI. 1'eier. "lie siiys he wauls to try to build an automobile," riilludolphla i'remi. . The total trndo of Abyssinia Is shout f:i,OUO,H per annum. Why Nel I Use and the JUtj. "That wee a brave actl" ejaculated a Hoston man, a a lie stood on the wharf In a little aoulheru town and an w an old negro plunge urihcsltatlng ly Into tha deepest water to aava a very ainall boy who bad stumbled and fallen from aoma piling. "A brave act and b la a hero, no matter how black tha akin bo wears!" Tha ItONtonlnn win foremost In the (roup that leathered about Unci Ned when be climbed back on tba deck with tba rciiciied bid. "Your aou la It, old man?" ba quer ied. "Or perhaps only your grand aonr Tbera waa very fervent admiration in the down router's tonea aa be put the question. ' "No, auh; no, auh," gurgled Uncle Ned. "Kat 11 1 raacul ain't no kluuery er mine." "Then it waa all the braver," ex claimed the InterroKntor, positively baring bin bend out of reaped for the old man's high-born courage "Huh," sputtered the hero, "you alio' don't think l'no durn fool 'nough to let dnt boy drown when he's got every l k er my HhIi bull in bla pocket'" Washington l'oat. How's 1 bis T Wo nir,.r One Hundred Dollar Reward ft any )( atarrh thai cauliul bo cured dj u-ii'm I'oiMrrh Curt,. jr. J, Uil.MCV 4 CO., Prop, Toledo, 0. We. the uiiiiBrlKiii"i, nave kdowii r. j, 3SS-' tor to UFt UNOER WATER. rt.Hiia tr ilia 1.l Iff, vran. ami believe h in perfectly honorable III all business IraiisaO (in u mid fliiauclally able lo crry out auy ol- llgalluiia mads by uwir arm. . Wear ib Tkua. Wholesale lirunlsts, Toledo, O. WaUiiNM, Kiknam 4 Masvih, W boUssaie Urug- Hall's Cuarrb Cure Is taken Internally, lrnr directly uwin iho blood and in ti no us sur- Ititi o( th system. I'rlce Ion. ier butU. Bold tiy all liruKglsis. testimonial Ires, iiall't ITaially Tills ars Uie best. Mrs. Haskell, Worthy Vice- Templar, Independent Order Good Templars, of Silver Lake, Mass., tells of her cure by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. " DkabMiw. Pihma: Four year ffo 1 waa nearly dead with inflamma tion and ulceration. I endured dally I untold agony, and life waa a burden ; to me, I hod used medicines and walies internally and externally until ; I made up my mind that there waa no ; relief for me. Culling1 at the home of a friend, I noticed a bottle of I,ydl U. l'l itk hum's Vrirrtnble Com Otilul. My friend endorsed it highly, and I decided to give it a trial to see if It would help me. It took patience and peraeverence for I waa In lad con dition, and I uhciI Iydla H. lMnk bam'H VeBtublo Compound for nearly five months before I waa cured, but what a change, from despair to happlnnaa, from misery to the delight ful exhilarating feeling health alwaya brlnga. I would not change Lack for a thousand dollars, and your Vegetable Compound ia a grand medicine. "I wish every atck woman would try it and be convinced." Mrs. Ida. IIarkki.i,, Silver Lake, Mass. Worthy Vice Templar, Independent Order of Oood Templars. $K000 forfait If original of about lotttr omil'l wwImimm tuitut oo jk eWae, Prepared for I'.inrrgenclcs. The proprietor of a largo office building, who bad a room for bla own uhh in otio of the upper Atorlca, waa eurprtNcd one morning by the entrance of a ban with a valise. "Don't you want something, air," began the caller. "In the vay of a new and Improved outfit for marking handkerchiefs, un dergarments and " "No, I dont.," interrupted the pro- prlctor. "How did yon got up here? We don't allow peddler or canvassers in thla building." "You don't 1" "That's what I anld." "I saw no sign to that ffect." "Well, you'll ace one the next time you come. I shall have one put up." "In that case," rejolnod tae man, opening bla valise with alacrity, "you will need one of these." Here be displayed a neatly pa'.nted card over a foot long and nearly aa wide, with tbla Inscription, in large letters: "No reddlers or Canvassers Allowed In Tbla Hulldlng on Any Pretext What ever." In recognition of bla caller'a clever I ncKS, genial humor and business like : forethought, the owner of the building ! not only itought the curd, but invested In one of the marklug out tits. There Was Una Who Did Not Laugh. "Mark Twulu" once expressed the following sentiments to a young wom an who had not smiled at a thing that be had aald during an impromptu re ception In bla honor at Hrya Mawr College, to which his daughter hud In vited him. All the young ladles but one were in a atnte of greut glee dur ing the humorist's address nil but one hud laughed heartily at every witty re mark. Just as "Twain" flulhlied, be turned to the young woman who had not laughed, and said, in an under ' tone: "You nre the only aensible one here. I have not said a single nnnis . ing thing. If It were not for the con- aplcunusness of it I would like to press i your hand." Success. AN INVISIBLE EHEMY TO HEALTH Malaria is a slow poison, but the most stubborn and deeply rooted w'.icn it tukes possession of the sys tem. We brcutlie into the luns the polluted, gcrm tuintcd air; the little microbes then enter into the sys tem, and feeding upon tlio red corpuscles of tho blood, soon reduce this vital, life-sustaining fluid to such a wcuk, watery state that tlio putient becomes listless, pale and anaemic, and men tally and physically de- ... . Amory, Miss., Jan. 88, 1003. J , ,, , Abont fifteen years atro I auffered with bolls, pressed. Malaria nitty be- ,nd took a oourse of 8. 8. S., which built me np trin with slii;ht riLTors or ""d entirely cured me of the bolls. Three yeara , ... , . r ,, , aao I suffered with Malaria, and remembering; Chilly sensations, followed how muoh food B. S.B. had done me, I deter by fever and thirst; but mined to try ltecaln. I am rlad to say that the .iu. .11 r ,u results were all I oould have daalred. Blnoe than gradually all parti Of the I take B.B.S. every spring, and have no attack ol System are afTectcdt the Malaria. Last summer 1 spent moat of the time ' . . , , . j on Tomblgbes bottom having; timber out. liver becomes torpid and a. E. DALKTMPLS. dark or yellow splotches appear upon the skin; the stomach fails to properly digest the food, and there are frequent headaches, dizziness, bad taste in the mouth, constipation and a general worn-out, tired feeling that only a sufferer from Malaria can describe. Other and more dangerous symptoms are apt to follow where this disease is neglected, such as nervous pros tration, palpitation, sleeplessness, enlarged liver, weak kidneys, boils and risings and dangerous-looking sores and abscesses. Malaria is all the more dangerous because of its insidious and stealthy nature. It ia an invisible atmospheric poison, and the germs and microbes that are lodged in the blood are propagating and increasing in number all tho while, clogging the circulation and gradually wrecking the health. What is needed in Malurial troubles is a blood purifier and tonic. S. S. S. purifies the germ-inlected blood, tones up the stom i i. i i . . acn, improves mo appeiue ana invigorates the entire system. It stimulates the tornid. sluggish organs of the body, enabling them to Dronerlv tierform their functions and carry off tho poisonous secretions and health-destroying matter that have been polluting tho blood and clogging the circulation. S. S. S. con tains no strong minerals, but is strictly a vegetable remedy, a blood purifier without an equal, and tho greatest of all tonics. If you have any symptoms oi juaiana, wruc us, ana meuicai uuvico win do lur Dished without cost, VIZ SWIFT tPCCIHO CO.. ATLANTA, Ok Eat, drink and be merry, morrow we diet Smart Set. Judge I flue you $10. rrlaoner Iion't you give any discount to regular customers? Town Topics, "Anything new about the warf "An unofficial dispatch baa Just been con Armed." Chicago Hecord-Herald. First Moth Have you anything on band to-night? Second Motb Yes, I'm Invited to a camphor ball. I'blladel plila Record. She My face la my fortune. He (Vt, yet ardent) And ict me assure you my dear, you have siicnt none of it- New Yorker. Mother Have you tnken your cold bath yet, Willie? Willie There wasn't any cold water warm enough. Chlcu go Imlly News. "Are you still making visits to your dentist?" "No." "Uow'a thut?" "Oh, nothing; only I ran out of teeth." De troit Free Tress. IlJInks Time runs on, eb? Now what makes Time run on? ItJInks 'lie spur of tho moineut, I a'posc Houston Chronicle. Ilenaon Iiought a sawmill, eb? What are you going to do with It? Jenson Bring out a new breakfast food. Town Toplee. lie's what I call a 'budding gen lua.'" "Who? Iiraggr "Yea, like all budding things, he's Inclined to blow." Philadelphia Press. Johnny Pa, what la a diplomat? Pa Well, aon, it's a man who can atretch handa across the sea without putting bla foot In It, too. Exchange. "What's be going to call It?" "Por trait of a lady." "But It doesn't look like her at all!" "Then be might call It 'portrait of another lady.' "Life. "They have called two doctors in for consultation." "And do the doctors agree?" "I believe tbey have agreed upon the price." Philadelphia Ledger. "Did you ever take a chance In Wall street?" "No," anawered Mr. Ardluc "I put up my money several times. But never got a chance." Washington Star. Young Author Wben I write fa Into the night I find great difficulty In getting to aleep. Friend Why don you read over what you have written? Princeton Tiger. "Mamma," said little Elsie, "we have to be very saving, don't we?" "Yes, dear." "But I waa Just thinking, sup pose we 'conomlxe on cod-liver oil'." Philadelphia Presa. Friend What are you .going to do with all those presents? You have no family. Smart Going to send 'em to my friends In St. Ixuils. I'm going to the exposition. Exchange. "And do you think," be asked, "that men progress after death?" "Well." she replied, "if they don't it would al most seem useless for some of them to die." Chicago Uecord-IIerold. Brown Don't get gay, or I'll bo forced to pound a little sense Into your head. Green Huh! It would tuke a dozen men like you to pound any souse Into my bead. Chicago News. "What's wit, anyway?" "Well, a good many people aeem to have the Idea that wit la the knack of making one person uncomfortable in the pres ence of others." Chicago I'dst. Teacher So I've caught you chew ing gum, have I? Sammy No, mum; I wasn't chewln'. I waa Jest keeplu' It there instead of In my pocket. It's io sticky. Chicago Daily News. "What can I do for my little boy?" asked mamma, "so that he won't havo to eat between menlsV" "Have tho nunla ficker together," replied the greedy young limn. Glasgow Evening Times. MJor (Indignantly) What do you menu sentinel, by sleeping at your post? If the enemy should appear you would be lost. Sentinel Don't worry, major. I haven't an enemy In tho whole city. Fllegendu Blatter. "Are there clubs for women In this town?" aked the sufTruglst from the East. "Certainly not," replied the gal lant Westerner, "we can bam. e wom en without cluDs. . uieago evening Post. She (bored) No, Mr. I.ytely, I can never love you. I honor and respect you. I am sure you won hi miiKe some other woman a good husband. I He Well er give me n letter of rec- Nlght in a anlt-iarlne-Iilatluc-tneaa of Maperanrface Found, Jules Verne has been vindicated. Ills dream ship, which for genera tlona has been voyaging under 20,UJU leagues of Imaginary water, baa at last become reality a aubmarlne fact. It bas been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the United States navy that Captain Nemo and bis fabled Nautilus bave been ecUpsed, or, in nautical phrase, submerged by a modern submarine tor pedo devil, tbe Fulton, which recently spent a comfortable night on the bot tom of Narragansett Bay. On the night following the speed and firing teats, It was decided that the babitablllty test should be made by submerging the Fulton at tbe bottom of the bay. Tbla was the first test ever made under naval supervision to determine whether men can live aboard a submarine boat under water as safe ly as they could In a Newport villa. Cooking utensils as well as reading matter and other articles of comfort and necessity were installird on the Fulton during the afternoon, and at 10:13 that evening tbe boat was sunk, with nine men aboard. One of the first mpresslve features of the experience was the distinctness with which sound waa conveyed to the party under wa ter. In the small hours of the morn- rig the crew were awakened by near- ng what waa afterward explained to have been the Fall Uiver liner Plym outh touching at Newport en route from Fall Illver to New York. Although the Plymouth did not pass within a mile of the submerged Fulton, several of the submerged party were awakened by bearing ber ploughing through tbe water. Prior to retiring for the night the water-imprisoned company bad an excellent meal, which was prepared on board, and arter the boat was submerged. All the cooking as well as lighting was by electricity, and bad It been necessary the boat could bave been heated by the same means. The air reservoirs were filled to their full capacity of forty cubic feet; and when the Fulton rose to tbe surface at 11 KW a. m., after being under water for twelve hours and twenty-hree min utes, there was hardly a perceptible difference between the air of the sub merged boat and that of the surface world. Aa a result of these teats the naval board of inspection and survey will recommend the exoendlture of the 1830,000 recently appropriated by Con gresa for submarine destroyers of the Fulton type. This means that the United Statea soon will have a flotilla of a dor.en aubmarlne devils for aeren- ilve and offensive purposes during war. New York Times. -What "he Bald. "George, dear," shs ssid, with a blash, "do you know tbst Mr. Simpson asked me last tiittlit to be his wife?" "Well, 1 like his Impudence. The Idea ef proponing to ao engaged young lady! What did yoa ssy to hi in?" "I told him that I was very sorry In deed, but he was too late." Tidbits. IgT-orsnre is tiis night ef the mind, bat a night without moon or star. ta-fuciua. riTA rmiMMirum woauoruanuuaiw f llO aftOTflr-ldr'aiwfIr.KllnfaOiMNr-a IiaMen t. r4 for rrat trial bottle and tnatlMk ilt. Jk U. Kilo. IM- HI AKt) Kt.. 1-aUMKIpbla. Km. The Chiefs Mistake. Big Injun (sdniiringly) Ms like ple- tur College Msn (proudly) I thought yon would. Big Injun Heap pretty sqnsw! College Man (wrsthfully You old heathen! that's a portrait of me when I belonged to the football team. For coos-hs and eolils there Is ao better medicine than Piso's Care for Consump tion, rrice 25 cents. W here Women Are Ruled. "Are there clubs for women io this town?" asked the suffragist from the East. "Certainly not," replied the gallant Westerner. "We can handle women without clubs." Chicago Post. POSITIONS GUARANTEED. .000 forfeit placed with a National Bank to maka good any fallurs on oar part. Catalog am Ire. Writ today. Doutol Buslnoam College Taauum, Was. Columbia Collegiate, Prepara tory, Commercial and University S." Gf,d Boarding school lor young men ana Doys. Box 322 Inrvtnity Park Station, forfait Ore. Apply for Catalogue. PftlCES THAT TALK. Iteat galvantud itanriard wronibt Iron pipe. ; men, -i.w per n wet. this oil run pipv. Beat calvanliad atanrlard wrnnxht Iron pipe, 1 Inch, S7.fe per lift feet. All lze In black and gtlvantieit pltia at loweMt market prices. Wood I capacity one barrel per ml note, Kubber, pump LtCUCK-MORPHIKE-TOBACCC T.-- HH!T. PFRMANFNTLY C1IRFC -fOrt FULL PARTICULARS ntm'.fimnmir ponnNO,or, Why la Tbla Tbns? We see the player on the plot catch every whizzing ball; high tall, low ball, grounder hot, he catches one and all. But it is strange, w do declare, this self-same catching star, will chase him self for half a square, yet fail to catch his car. Mothers will Bad Mrs. WIc1ows's Soothing Byrop the beit remedy to ua lor their children during the teething penoo- leather and canvaa belting, hoee and packing at wnoienaie price, wriieoaior your want In the machinerr line. Irrigation plants a peclalty. kclaraon Machinery Co., Port land, Oregon. WANTED 200 MEN. r day. Board 4.W) per per day. Exten- Avoided the Subject. Winks Did McKick bave much to say on riie subject of railroad monopoly while you were there? Minks Well, no. Yon see. Just after I called, a carttnan drove op with a box for him. The railroad freight on it for a hundred miles waa a quarter; the cart man's charge for hauling it aiz blocks was fifty cents. Wares 12.25 per daj week. 60 teamfl I2.UJ Its irrigation cori'tructlon. Perma nent employment for good men and teams. Deschutes Irrigation and Power Company BEND, ORIOOK N BUY For Your Perfect Comfort. At the Bt. Louli KitK-itlon. which la Terr aevere upon the teet, reinettiber to take along a box or two oi Alien rum r.aM a powocr ror not, urea, arn- Ing, swoll-n. iweatlna f-vt. gc!4 by all Ilrugglau, There are few paupers in Japan. Ev ery Doay wonts, ana it is considered a disgrace to be supported by your rela tives while you have the ability to earn yonr own living. ON THE FIELD OF WATERLOO. Monument Erected by France to Her Soldiers Who Fell There. Tbe field of Waterloo, where the star of Napoleon I. forever set in a night of gloom, bas been variously marked with monuments by the na tlona whose soldiers took part in that titantlc atruggle. No more attractive memorial has been erected, however, i Vy b FROM YOUR DEALER P. N. U Na. JS-104. BEN writing to advertlsm plm mention mia paper. mmm 1 V!?, Vegetable Preparationfor As similating tlieFoodandBegula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of TIIE WATEIILO0 MONfMKNT. than tho new one Just dedicated by France to her soldiers who fell In that conflict. The French lost about IIO.OOO men, while tho nllles lOnplish, liutch and Germans lost 23,000. These frightful casualties throw into luslg nltlcunce the combats thus far waged in tho F.imt and which Japanese tulmlr ers would buve tbe world believe as trnnseeuding anything preceding them, Tho monument Is crowned by s wounded eagle, typical of the defeat France sustained in the downfall of Napoleon. omiiicudutlon to my next place. Tit-lilts. Kddlo Aren't you sorry thnt you are an only child? Freddie Oh, no; I don't mind it, but It's tough on pa. Eddie How so? Freddie Well, you see, I'm getting too big for .him to have to take mo to the circus, and there nren't any younger kids In the family for him to fall back on. ltrooklyn Life. "You have been fighting again, Tom. my!" "I couldn't help It, nintnnm. riint Stapleford boy sunned me." "That was uo reiiHon for fighting. You should have remembered that 'a soft answer turnetb away wrath,' and given blm a soft answer." "I did. I lilt him with a chunk o' mud." Chicago Tribune. Why He Idked It. "Your friend looked at the lines tn my palm the other evening," said Miss Elderly, "and be said it was a great pleasure to read such a band as mine." "Yes," assented Miss ranillliie, "George la a great hand to read au clent history." Indianapolis Sun. Promotes Digcstion,Cheerfur ness and Rcst.Contains neither Opium.Morphine norImeiaL IsOT NARCOTIC. MapetfOUJOrSSMVILmQait Atx Smnm RlCuoatmhSdm KirmSfd- Mm ji'mi rtmr. Aperfecl Remedy forConsl3p.v non, sour stuuiacn.uiarrnoca Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Lo s S O F SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK. i.VvM.'7-'U.ii. 1 -5 . .v. Tor Infants acfl CliHflren. L The Kind You Have Always Bought T) .T Signature Axf tV X fit t If In Use For Over Thirty Years tms ecRTaua aeaaT. am voas arrv. E.iii.-iiu ii ; urn iii ij i. a.. wimn niinumiimn in mnn m. rii. -ra.... i .1. -t ' - - - r Kngliah Axes at ftaatlngs.' At the battle of Hastings the corps d'ellte of the English army were nc coutred with sword and shield, and in addition to this they bad hung "greiit hatchets on their necks, with which they could strike doughty blows." Whenever a special deed of valor la credited to an Engllahmnn In that battle, with one exception, It Is due to the ax he bears. And now what were these axes that dealt such deadly de struction on the Norman knight? As to tbla we are left In no doubt. Time after time does Waco call them "great axes." The bead alone tn one Instance was s foot In length. And the Iiayeux tapestry out of about twenty axes represents all except some three as having long handles. Hardly ever do we find hi tapestry the short ax for one hand. RUSSELL HIGH GRADE MACHINERY ENGINES THRESHERS i Mm Will Give Up Tribal Itole, On March 4, 1000, 89,000 red men lo the Indian Territory will give up tribal rule and become American cltlteus. BOILERS SAW MILLS The A. H. Averill Machinery Co., STACKERS Write for Qtalogoc and Pikes PORTLAND OREGON 6 DID'NT HURT A IS WHAT THEY SAY BIT I II We fan extract one or all your ti eth with out hurtlna a tut, and put in new tea k the ania day II you deilre. Our ayitem ol crown and bridge work Is Impls, quick and pal n leu. Established in Portland 17 years. The reaaon we adreritue la to let you mow wotsr we ars. i - i iK. W. A. nib Open evenings till f Pundays from ( 1 Fhons Main Kit. WISE BROS., Dentists Tr11jS' s