THE HEPPNER TIHIES. THURSDAY, JULY 28, I404 NOTICE TO PATRONS. All changes In advertisements, and nil v . .spondenoo Ml'ST be left at this oSrf ediwaday noon, otherwise thev mill be hel jvcr until the following week. Weaim to go t preaa early Thunulay morning. and i-Minot tw 4 ilayed by ad, and ct .rwpoii'lcnc which cai just ae well be Med earlier In the week lse remember this A charge of five centa line will hp made publishing " Resolutions of ron nl-e." MODES Or THE MOMENT. The tub bat la oae of the season! novelties. It la made of all over em broidery, the openwork English de signs being preferred. For cool summer evenings tbere are pretty knitted shawls, shaped to the shoulders, and they are seen In all light and pastel shades. The corset skirt lias come to supple ment the corset cont. It has no less than seventeen gores, Is fitted snugly fiver the hips and ripples at the bottom. Tartar plaid linens resembling Irish poplin are the latest addition to the wash goods counters. They are very beautiful, but not particularly cool looking. When thin gowns are mounted over foundations of lawn a chiffon inter lining adds greatly to the airy and graceful effect of the outer gown. The most fashionable material for tailored 6uits is undoubtedly covert cloth. This fabric, until now used ex clusively for light coats, wears remark ably well. It comes In a variety of tones and in several weights. Any sleeve Is correct just so it fits at the shoulder and is pouched at the elbow or a little below. The full flow ing sleeve Is a favorite for lace and chiffon materials, and many of these show exquisitely dainty undersleeves. New York Post PLAYS AND PLAYERS. Maud Adams Is camping out in Egypt Ezra Kendall will be starred In new play by Herbert Hall Winslow. Grace George has acquired the lease of a cottage near Paris, where she will spend her summers hereafter. Two churches in Boston have sent Invitations to Dorothy Kae of "Peggy From Paris" to sing in choirs. During the summer Interval Mrs. Fiske will devote much time to the tudy of Lady Macbeth, in which char acter she will be seen a year from next autumn. E. F. Boddington and Harriet Ford are at work on a dramatization, of Mary Johnston's novel "Audrey." The play will not be presented until the holidays. "Are Ten a Mason V "Lady Hunt worth's Experience," "The Second In Command." "When We Were Twenty one." "The Liars" and "The Magis trate" were recently acted in Shanghai. William Herbert, a member of Miss Henrietta Crosnian's company in the New York run of "As You Like It," has oeen re-engngea ior ine pan oi Auam i for her revival of the Shakesperean comedy next fall. FACTS FROM FRANCE. Another porte has been erected In Paris, to be known as the Gate of the Gobelins. Not more than 2,500 persons in Tarls have a capital of as much as $200,000, and nearly one-third of those are for eigners. The French town of Fecamp provides free sterilized milk for one yrar to ev ery child whose mother applies for it. The milk is delivered at her house. The French monument which is to be erected on the field of Waterloo is now complete. It consists of an Immense eagle mounted on a granite pedestal. The prefect of the Seine having pla carded Paris with posters describing the terrlble effects of alcohol and absinth drinking, the cafe proprietors each filed a damage suit against him. An Idea of the growth of the tobacco habit may be had from the develop- ment of the business of the French to-' un iu"lu'J. "- nopoly was established in 1810. and In that year the receipts were $4 023,000. Last year the receipts were $84,000,000. EDITORIAL FLINGS. We are not naturally suspicious, but we can't help thinking thut Kaiser WI1 helm Is framing up a touch. Chicago Journal. A Chicago physician has discovered a aalt to cure lockjaw. Even better per haps to delve for something that would keep some men's Jaws closed. New York Telegram. Sir Thomas may think he has sport ing blood, but John W. Gates will bet him $50,000 on any kind of a propor tion and take either end of the bet. Detrolt Free Press. It was kind on the part of the Ameri can oOlcers to tell the kaiser all about battle ships and turrets mid rapid lire guus. The kaiser is trying to construct a navy himself. Detroit Free Press. A New York paper prlnfs an esmiy on "How to Live on What You'va Got." As If that was of any interest to New Yorkers. The frame over ther Is to live on what the other fellow's ot Philadelphia Inquirer. At M. E iu...-j iiext Sun day at 11 A. M. ami 8 00 P.' M. Sundsv School at 10 A. M., Fpwnrtlt Lrspue 7:00 P. M. Yon are cordially Invited to attend. U. L. Bikchtol. Potior. Ura. Smith Wanted a "ftalrt Cheek" to tWtUry thaw's Story of 4 Lawytr Shaw Something Wat Due. Who Was Obatlnate, Fifteen years ago Representative Secretary Shaw of the United Hank Smith was wedded. As he is States treasury recently had occa a lawyer and delights in the tri- aion to reiterate his refusal to ap umphs of his profession, the wed- point the friend of a prominent sen ding day this year had more than ator to otTice. "I will not do it," the usual significance for him, for said the secretary, with emphasis, en that day he also won a law case. Then, remembering that "a soft an- Mr. Smith secured a favorable ewer turneth away wrath," he add verdict in the Washington courts ed: "I'm afraid you will think 1 am for his fellow townsman, Mr. W. II. as obstinate as a judge out in my Harrison, in a suit involving a con- state. The judge had a little tern tract for granite for the pedestal of Per which he gave up to sometimes fheShemTnn monument. He imme- ? daJ he irritated the trial diately telegraphed to Mrs. Smith, who is something of a wit as Well as her liege lord in congress : "Have just won a good verdict in lawsuit ou the anniversary of our wedding. What shall I bring you for a present?" A half hour later the messenger boy brought this reply from Mrs. Smith, in Pontiuc: "I will take a rain check for that present till you get home." Wash ington Post. Faith and Work. . . . , , unes laitn is onen wonaeriuny i strengthened when some one unites it with works. We are told that one hard winter, when sickness came to the poorly paid pastor of a certain New England church, his flock de termined to meet at his house and ofTer prayers for the speedy "recov ery of the sick ones and for the ma terial blessings upon the pastor's family. While one of the deacons was offering a fervent prayer for "I VB EROnOHT PA 8 PBATEBS. blessings upon the pastor's house hold there was n loud knock at the door. When the door was opened, a stout farmer boy was seen. '"What do you want, boy?" asked one of the elders. ''I've brought pa's pray ers," replied the boy. "Brought your pa's prayers ! What do ' you mean "Yep, brought his prayers, nn' they're out in the wagon. Just help me, an' we'll get 'em in." In vestigation disclosed the fact that pa s prayers consisted of pota toes, flour, bacon, cornmeal, tur nips, apples, warm clothing and a lot of jellies for the sick ones. The prayer meeting adjourned in short order. Kural Sew lorker. Wise Men Change Their Minds. At Oxford university the late Professor Ritchie was a favorite stu dent of Professor Jowett, and dur- ing the progress of Jowett's transla tion of "The Republic" he asked Ritchie's advice regarding a difficult passage. The young scholar with diffidence gave his opinion, with BUnicient reasons, as he thought, to hack t! hut thfi master was i, In. rate and held an opposite view. The two scholars parted for the night without coming to an agreement, but in the morning Ritchie hurried to Professor Jowett to say that he now saw his own mistake and that the master was right. "Oh, well," was Jowett s reply, "I, too, have been considering the matter and have translated the passage accord ing to your view, and I will make no change now. Cured of Chronlo Plarrhoea After Ten Year of Suffering. "I wish to fat a few word In praise o Chstnbrrlain's Colic, CIHera ai r" Diar;bnea Remedy," inyi Mrs. Burn of Msrtinvi'le, Va. "I suffered fron chrnlc diarrhoea for ten years and dm inn tbst lime tried variom mid'cux without obtaing any permanent relief, i.a-t summer i ne oi my children ws ken witn cholera nwrnut, smi l pro nrcd s bo'tle of 'ld remedy. Only tvu if es were n quired to (jive her emir reli'f. I then decided to try the m-il cine myseii, ao i aiti not ue ail oi one bottle before l'ws well and I bsve never Inc- been troubled with that complaint On cannot say to much In favor ol tha wonderful medicine." For aalt by Blocutn Drag Co. ft'- yi f ' vt mam mm, judge during the argument of a case. Tl he judge on the bench commanded v him to take his seat, but the arguer i refused. He simply stood where he Jv was. 'Sit down repeated the judge, v pointing his finger at the offending lawyer. I here was no movement ou XI the part of the old judge. 'Sit down, Q 1 tell you! thundered the trial judge, getting white with rage, jno ,i movement on the part of the judge, vi i nne you ior contempt oi oi court.' was the sentence. The fine x was paid immediately. But that afternoon as the lawyers were leav- ing the court room a friend of the ju3 - remon8trated with him. 'You did very wrong to anger the trial judge,' ne was told. '1 our client is in litigation before him nearly all the time, and you have prejudiced your case.' Turning to his adviser, the judge declared warmly, 'If my legs were made of candles and I had been standing in hades I would not have sat down until the candles had melted."' People Who Make Depew Tired. Chauncey M. Depew was talking somewhat bitterly about the class of men who never see the point of a joke. "John B. Gough," he said, "used to tell about one of these men, a millionaire whom he knew in Bos ton. "Gough was lecturing in Boston, and in the course of his remarks he , said there were two poets, one old and the other young, who spent an ' evening together. The younger poet suggested that they two collaborate upon a volume of verse, but the oth-1 er answered haughtily: j " 'Would you hitch a horse and an ass together ?' n - ' I "'My dear friend,' the younger poet retorted, 'why should you call yourself an ass?' I After his lecture was over Gough went home with his Boston friend. The latter asked him gravely if he wouldn't explain the point of the story about the two poets that he had told. Well.' said Gough, a little con fusedly, 'I suppose the point of that story lies in the deftness with which the young man madt the old man call himself an ass.' But,' said Cough's friend, 'the old poet didn't mean he was the ass.- Lie meant that he was the horse. "Gough at this could say ho more. "What, indeed," Mr. Depew end ed, "can one say to those people who End it impossible to see the point of a ioke?"; Boston Tost. hamberlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy i certain to he nredrd I s1 every home liefore the um ner is r It can nlways e d pend, d npm n in the m'oRt severe and - snye-on set It is espcclallv viluxble foi mntner di-ordrra in children. It jv na-ant to lake and n vr fa Is to giv mpt relie . Why not bd it rn? I miv-ave 'if-. For sale by Sloruni i Co. Tlmbi-r Lund act June 3, 1H78. Noth e for Publication United States Land Office The Dullei. Oregon, June17, 1901. Notice Is hereby given thnt In compliance Ith the provision ol the act of Coiiare of me 3. 1H7S. entitled "Art a t for ihe "ale of mher lnrt In the tatf ol California. Oregon, cvada nd Wanhlngton Territory," an ex mlud to all the puhllc land utatea by act of nguiiU, H'.H, the following named pcrom i -ve II led In llil office thclriworn atatementa, n-lt: Eugene A Chapel if llHrdman, county of Morrow, at to of Ore on, worn statement No. Inn, flier! October 17, W, for the pureliHM- of the K half NW quarter if Section 30, Tp. ft South, range 21 E., W. M. A bert A. Allen if Hnrdmnn, county ol Morrow, mate ol Oregon, worn matement No 1S. died Janury 2, 11)04, for the purchase of the E half HK quarter of Section SO and N half SW quarter of Section 21. Tp. 6 South, Range 21) E., W. M. Wayne Howard of Hcppner, county of Morrow, atale of Oregon, worn tatement No. 2190, filed December 8, 19)13, for the purchase ol tne N half NE quarter, 8W quarter NK quarter of acctlon 111 and Nw qua ter NW quarter of section 11, Tp. 6 South Kange2H E W. M. That Ihey will offer proof to dhow that tho land sought I more valuable for Ha tlmla-ror tone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish ilielr clalina to laid land before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Ucppuur, regno, on September 211, IU04, They name wltneasci; Ucorgo A. Rluakman. tlreda Owena, Orrln E, FarnswortU, Frank Kramer, Stacy Roberta, Koy K. Roberta, Daniel Klceand AdaM. I'arker of llarilinan, Oregon Halt Hughes, Eugene Matteaon, Patrick Hplllane and Janim J. Mc llennf Henpner, Oregon, Any and all persons cliihnlng adveraclr the alanc-dca'-rlbed lands are requested to Hie their claims In this ofHce on or before the said 2ti day of September, Wl. Mlt'UAKLT. Nut. in, JW-rt Register, OVERSTOCKED Wo aro closing out, for the next 30 days, Men's, Hoys' ami YoufU' Clothing at cost. Shirt Waists We now have a styles for sjirinK Also a Good Shoes 1 1 1 Wo have just received from the east a new line of Men's, La dies' and Children's Shoes in tho latest styles and of excellent quality. These goods are all marked at very reasonable prices We are closing out the remnants of our old stock of shoes re gardless of cost. Some as low as 25c and 60c per pair. Clothing We are also just in receipt of a fine lino of Men's and Youths Suits in an excellent variety of styles and of superior quality. These goods are all nicely mado up and are sure to please tho most particular customer. Mens Hats t r SI We are just in receipt of a new and well selected stock of hats to which wo invite special attention. Groceries 8 Our stock of groceries is now very complete. We carry a line of canned fruits and vegetables of tho choicest brands, make a specialty of Schilling's Hest Baking Powder, Extracts Spices, which never fail to give entire satisfactionooo RHEA & WELCH N tlce for Publication. Department of the Interior, Ijind Olllce at La Uremic Otcgon. .nine i-"i. n mVdae" lei ha. tiled noil eof I.e. tuteutmn makeUnal pioof In u poit ol hei i lalm i lid La Grande Oregon, lime hat -aid pioof will lie inadi belo.e the cunlity . lerk ol Monow county, Oicgon, at lleppncr, Oiegon, on Allgutl7 HKM.vU: II. E, No I.LKi, Elizabeth J. Hoiilt-on, of lleppi er, O egon, fur Ihe E half NW qiiaite id E hall SW qtiailei See Id, Tp. I N E W. M. lie names ihe following ltnc to p ove ..rcontlnuou- reaiden e upo . and cultlvallon f said land, via: j Many Bartholomew. K. Thompson, Waller i lenl.'J. B. Moiehead all of lleppner, Oiegon.' E. W. Davim, 17-augll Reglat- Notice for Publication Department of the Interior, Land Ortlee at La (iraiide, Oregon, Ms) IWI. No-Ice l hereby given that the following named settlei haa U-d notice ol hla liitentloa to make final proof In support of hla claim, and that aald proof will be made before the county clerlt. ofrMoi row ( o. (Ve., at lleppner, Oregon, on July 'Alt', via: U.K. No. mm, John M. Lundy, of Jleppncr, Oregon, foi the N half VE quaru-r and NE quarter N quarter 8c :. 9, Tp. 3 H K. M t. W. M. He namea the following witneaaea to prove Discontinuous residence upon and cultivation ol aald land, via. Walter Koblaon, George A. Btevenaon, Paul U later, and John B. Buseick allot lleppner, Oregon. E. W. Dvia, J-Julyl4 Keglster. Cuardi n Sale of R-al-Estate. Notice la hereby given thai the tinders gned by virtureof an order and license of sale issued out of the county court of the state of Oregon, for Morrow county, on the 11th day of June l'U, authorizing me to sell the real properly of Manuel Ba yer, my ward, I will on Friday the WXh day of July IHot at the hour o(2o'c1im k p. m of aald day at the fiont door of the county court house at flcppm-r Morioweo my, Oregon, aell to the highest and beat bidder for cash lu hand subject to conformation by aaid court all the lollowing real eatato, to wit, an undivided one ball interest In and to tho NE iiiarter Bet j, the W half NW quarter the HV quarter and the 8 half of BE quarter of See. 'JO. Tp. 8. H. R, XI E, W. M. all in Morrow county Oregon. O. E. FaRNhwor-ii ):a)-Jli Guardian of Manuel Sawyer. Notice for Pubilcatl n. Department o the Interior, Land Office at La Grande. Oregon, June?, l'.KH. Notice la hereby given that the following named settler has died notice of her intention to make final proof In support of her claim, and that aald proof will be made liefore I tie County ('lerk, of Morrow county Oregon, at lleppner, Oregon, on July XI, IUU4, via; II, K. No. H-'M, L'zzle Navllla of lleppner, Oregon, for Ihe HW UV. 'i Bee. 4, Tp, 8 U. and Lot i and SW quarter NW quar er Hee. 8, and Lot I, Hec. 4, Tp. i 8 , R. E. W. M. She namoi the following wltnesaea to prove bur continnoua residence upon and cultlva-i tion of aald land, via: (lldeon Hatt, ..'aek Parker, Walker Crosby, .David Met'ull ugh all of lleppner. Or gon K.W. Davia, J11-J21 ' Register. good nssortment of iShirt Wnists in IntcBt and summer. Assortment of Dress Goods THE RED FRONT s -10 O 1 Oi- 11 Li 1 V t3 1 Ve JT 3 v3 Q. GO rsjQ.10 sOL3.016 U svivw STUWAliT & Good Hacks, Buggies and Saddle Horses for all Bsf possible care taken Ilorara, Marneaa. Sit 'tllri and Vihiclea bouuht and aold. Grain ior mle. Cll an l tee na; we'll treat you while. First National Bank -OF HEPPNER" C A RHEA Prealdent T A. RUB A Vice Pre.ident Transacts a General Banking Business EXCHANGE ON ALL PARIS OP TUB WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD. Collecti mi mude on nil pninti on reasonable ternu. Surjilua and undivided profita f.'!fl,0(X) 00. Liberty Meat Market RI-I1SA & MATLOCK, Prop. Beef, Mutton, Pork and Veal Poultry In Season. Fiah on Frldaya. High est Market Price Paid for Fat Stock. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DcaioN CorVRiaHTa An. Anvnn aenillng a aketch and rtMcrintlon may QiileSly aai-erlaln our opinion fra wiiatlinr an Invention la prubatily natenlntitn. Tom mu rile, tlonaairiotlyeoiiadsiitfal. HANDBOOK on Patmita hi, if, viii,a, aaiii-r ior sai-iiring iMkieiiia. raiani uaen inrouan muiiii a Co. ri . raoalra rpfruu nocica. wn nout eriarKe, in tba Scientific American. oulttton uf mnf dimitttln touriiftl, 1 rni, H a vniir i fmir ntontbt, $U Doia by all nawH.,ra. m & C0.88,Bro,,,wi'' iv.sis va ww, -- Branch Offloa, 1136 T Rt, Washington, Tim Tiuiea and Weokly OrHgonlan. The Timet and Oregon lan 2 1 year. S3 3 :. I I'M C4 a i.:i !0 full We and KIIiTC, Propn. parts of Interior' v of horses left in our charge. Alio Baled Hay and GEO W. CONSKR. E. L. FRKKLAND. , Caahler ..Ataiitant Caahler Our Monthly Putllcatioa will keep you posted on our work nd metboda. Mailed Free to tho ADVERTISING MAN any responsible house 'itmMmm