food's Saraparilla b unquestiona bly the greatest blood and liver medicine known. It ' positively and permanently cures every humor, from , Pimples to Scrofula. It b the Best Blood Medicine. Illnaard Its Ilualnea. Tho Indies of (lie club were cloudy grouped ulxmt the speaker of the sft riiouii, a remarkably successful wom an, In whom commcrclul mid nteritry ability were admlrulily bulunced. "Tell us, In n few words, how to he auecesKful," an Id one of the Indies, la Intently. "To bo successful." anld the success fill one, "nil wo women hnvo to do le to miike as milch of a business of our own business nn we do of the thing tliut are none of our business." Heat Hpnrt. JThs ticket speculator entered the prl Tate olllee of the greut nmmifiictiirer. "Now, air," siild the former, "let me ell you a season ticket to the baseball grounds." The great manufacturer shook hit head andly. "No," he sighed, "I'm only the boss. Tou'll have to see the orllee boy." An Important feraonage. Caller Well, the nerve of thatl Merchant What? Culler Didn't you hear Unit snip of a boy referring to you a I H II If Merchant 'Mi! Tlint'a our olllce boy. Ho lone aa I run pretend I didn't hear him It'a all right 1'hlludelphlu Ledger. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Boar Signature of 5m Fac-Sleall Wrapper Bator. Vary avail a4 aa my Uke amga rot headache. rOR DIIZINESS. rOR IIUOUSIESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. rOR CONSTIPATION. rOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION , . 0mJVJJJJ WW aha fatA-rueit titZ I ret7 TftU CURE SICK HEADACHE. C N. U No, Jl-tfO. lyHKN wrltlaa; to adaartlaar plana 111 aaamtloa tbla papar. CARTERS Optic If IVER The wont disease) the world has ever known, and the greatest acourge to the human race, ia Contagious Blood Poison. , horrible of all diseases will pollute and vitiate the purest, healthiest blood, and within a short time after the first little sore appears the system is filled with the awful poison and the akin breaka out in a red rash ; the gland of the groina swell, the throat and mouth become ulcerated, the hair and evebrowa dron out. and often the entire aurface of the body covered with copper-colored splotches and sickening sores and erup tions. Contagious Blood l'oison serpent. You may be carrying it in of its existence ; for while mercury and potash seem to cure and all external aigna disappear, the dis ease ia doing its destruc tive work within, or the Catient is constantly y arassed by returning symptoms and unmistaka ble tracea of the blood poison. Thousandsof physical w r e c k a and chronic invalids from the effects of Bloed Poison know the uncer tainty of the mercury and potash treatment that it stfflca but does not kill the serpent. As long aa there is life in the serpent there is danger in its fanrrs ; and while your blood is tainted there is dancer of infec tion. Safety lies only in crushing out the life of the loathsome disease and killing the serpent. For many years S. S. S. has. been known aa an antidote for Blood Poison. It is a remedy com none d entirely of vegetable ingredients, and we offer the other blood, tion, Blood without Write us about your case, and out charge, and we will mail you ing all about Contagious Blood agrroptoma. 77r SWIFT SPCCmO CO ATLANTA, CA, The Theory. Tnlf health food doesn't do any good," aaaerted the Irate customer. Terbaps you overlooked the Crat rulo relating to ita use," suggested tbe grocer. "What's thatr Tlrst get your health. Tou don't aeem to understand the theory of It You wouldn't get dog blacult unleaa you had a dog, would you?" "No." "Or blrdieed unless you had a bird?" "No." "Then what are you doing with health food before you got health?" ' "JSut It I bad health I wouldn't need It." "Well, that's your lookout" Proved Beyond a Doubt. Middlesex, N. Y.. July 25 (Spec ial) That lOieiimatlsm can I cured has been proved beyond a doubt by Mrs, Betsey A, Clawaon, well known here. Vhat Mia Claweon had libeu matlsrn and had tt bad, all her ac quaintances know. They also know ahe is now cured. Dodd's Kidney l'ills did It. Mrs. Clawson tells the story of her cure as follows: "1 was an Invalid for most five years canned by Inflammatory KhaumatiNin, helpless two-thirds of the time. The flret year I could not do as much as baby could do; then I rallied a little hit and than a relapse. Then a year ago the gout set in tny hands and feet I suffered untold agony and in August, 11)03, when my husband died I could not ride to the grave. "I only took two boxes of . Dodd'a Kidney l'ills and in two weeks I could wslt on mysoll and saw my own wood. I dug my own potatoes and gathered my own garden Jest fall. Dodd a Kid' ney rills cured me. ' Rheumatism is caused by uric acid in the blood. Dodd's Kidney Fills put the Kidneys in shape to take all the uric acid out of the blood. Does It poy to sav (ire per ceut of jour Income by economizing ou your mention tli in year and brenk down next yenr fniin the roiitiminl strain aud be obliged to pay f0 per cent for doctor's bills, beside the time lout iu enforced idleness ? Succnaa. fTP Pirman.ntir tnML jrontaornanrousnaal I Iu fWf!rl(:)r'iuiMMrir.Knnf'.(irMferT In, M. U. Kllua. IAA..W An HI., I'ulladolpbla, i'a, If a folded bed must be lined, contrive some wy to keep it aired aud whole some. f 100 Reward, IIOO. The readers of Ihln tair will be pleased to learn thai Iher I at leant ana dreadud disease thai it'teiita haa beau, alilu to cure In alt IU ILK", anl Ui at la Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cur in the only positive eure known to the iraiorutiy. alarm neina a conntitU' lliinai a l , requires a eoimuuuouai treat- mailt. ItaU'aCaiarrn Cure Uiakeu Internally, aiMlu( directly ukiu Iba I Lixd and muioui urlatiol the nyittfiii, thereby d 'Slroylna; the foundation of th. dtsean i, ana ItIiii the pa- tr.iiRth by liailittue up tba constitution and aasiailn nalura In di ami aasiaMU nature in aoina iuuri. mi proprietor, have au much faith In Iu curative powers that they ontir Una Hundred iiuliari lor any caw that tt falls to cure. Bend fur 111 of tK.tlRlUDlelM. A.l.lre... K. J. CHENKT t CO., Toledo, 0 Bolil by druRRiita, 71x1. llail't family 1'UU are the bait. A acheme for the eatabllahment of prrinnni'iit tvlrelcaa service between Swe den and Germany la near realization. For forty year's Vlao's Cure for Con sumption baa cured cough and oolds. At druggieta. 1'rire 'lb can ta. Several apeciea of ants keep cow, the aphis answering the purpose, aud milk them at regular intervale. LIOUOR-MORPMINE-TOBACCOl fure HABITS PERMANENTLY CURED roe rua siwtkuiasj la a year nearly 100,000 persons trar eras the forty-seven inilcs of railway across th Isthmus. KILL THE SERPENT One drop of the virua of this most is aa treacherous and elusive as the your veins with no visible evidences After eufferlne- twelve year from Oontea-lona Blood Polaoa, end trying- the beat phyatelana obtainable, and ell the patent enedlolnea procurable, end atead lly eontlnninar to arrow worae. I Ta u all hope of reoerery, anal phyelolana pronounoed By eaao inourable. Hoping aratnet hope, X tried 8. . I IranroTed from the flret bottle, and after taktnar twelre waa enred aound and well, and for two years have ha4 return or eymptesa ef the vile dlaaaae. Warsaw, X. 0. K. X. RKOIBTSB. for proof that it contains least particle of mercury, potash or mineral. It thoroughly purifies the improves the appetite and diges and tones up all parts of the system In chronic and long-standing cases of Poison. S. S. o. acts promptly and leaving any bad after-cUecta, our physicians will advise with' free our home-treatment book tell Poison and ita different stages and WORLD'S FAIR SCllPTLRf. Y ' " t ";'. - i-' r f. i. v V- -I c ?vS y v. h N JC "TUK ei'IHJT OF THE PACIFIC." Some of the heroic statunry at the It. Louis world's fair Is very beautiful. One of the niOHt exquisite Is "The Spirit of the Paclfle," by Isidore KouU. BREAD IN PARIS. The Manner of Maklnir It Taken Cour age to Iu.pcct. I have never bad tbe courase to per sonally liiHpect. I only know tlmt In stead of belnit fabrlcnted In Uie homo or in Kroat, clean, sanitary factories a n tbe united Stutcs, It Ik made eotne- wbcre In the bowels of the earth under the small liuke m. J would no more dare go down Into one of these bread kltcbcns tlmn I would dare flBk my culainlere how many times In her life nlie lias had a whole bath. I have aeon enoiinh at the counters where bread In sold to irct the I rench point of view concerning bread, which la even worae tlmn the Kronen point of view concerning literature. "Just as I am wilting I glance across tbe street Into a bakCKhop oppo site, and I sec a woman dusting off a pile of bread In the window with a feather diiHter. They have absolutely no sense of any difference between bread and wood and coal, and they de liver It at one s home accordingly. It Is never wrapped, and In nuahcsirts made of slats or In great openwork basket It Is heaped less carefully thnn wood or coal Indeed, because bread Is easier to buy than wood or cotil in arls. The carts or biiKkeU are pushed or carried by women wearing atout, blue aprons covering them from neck to knee, which aprons, like the sheets on a French bed, are changed perhaps as often as once a month. Arrived at a bouse where bread la to be delivered. the open cart or basket stacked with the staff of life is left In the road for tbe femrues de chatnbre all around merrily to shake down upon It any thing they will, while the woman mounts to one's apartment carrying the day's ration of pet Its pains bundled up tn her apron, and the two long, thin loaves of bread, unwrapped, of course, one under each arm." Harper's Razar. Number In Karly Days. In a paper read before the Thllo'ogl- cal Society of the University of Michi gan recently, Prof. Ceorge Hempl commented upon the forerunners of our present system of numeration. Some two years ago, In seeking the origin of the Hunlc letters (!he first let ters used by the (Jer manic races), I'rof. Hempl discovered the primitive (iermanle numeral notations. This threw new light upon tbe early CJer- manic numeral system, as well as upon the primitive Indo European numerical system and upon the development of tbe Greek alphabet and the Greek nu merical notation. The primitive Indo-European numer ical system was a mixture of the deci mal and the sexagesimal. The first large number was the "shock" that Is, sixty and the next large number wss the "bund," or "hundred," that Is 120. Between 00 and 110 there were no numbers like our 70, etc., 70 being "a shock and 10," and 80 being "a shock and 20." The Introduction of our present numbers between 00 and 120 arose out of the Introduction of the decimal bund or hundred, that Is, 100, In distinction from which tbe old hun dred (120) wss called the duodecimal hundred, or the "greet hundred," which Is still used In Iceland and parts of England. Mistook the Motive. An old man was sitting In the street-car. In tbe aisle near him stood a young woman, lie made a move ment to rise, says tbo Detroit News, as If to give her bis seat. "Never mind, sir," said the young women, Imperatively, "Just keep your sest" Hhe smiled pstronlrlngly on the old man, Mho stared aud looked dnscd. After two blocks more be again 'at tempted to rise, but the young wom an pushed him back, explaining po litely, "I've stood so long now I don't mind It. I'lease keep your seat." "I say, young lady," cried the old man In shrill Irritation, "I want to git off 1 You've made me go half a mile past my street already." Hearing a Fly W alk. It Is said that a fly makes O0 strokes per second wltu its wings, and it has been proven that by the use of the microphone you can hear a fly walk. Lockjaw, or tetanus. Is caused by the development In tbe body of the tetanus bacillus, a germ living In tbe soil In many places, especially In city streets, round barns and stables and In pastures. This bacillus does not grow readily when exposed to the air, so there Is usually little danger of lockjaw following large wounds. The danger lies In tbe punctured wounds, the ragged wounds, and often also the seemingly trivial wounds which Leal rapidly, and so seal up tbe tetanus germ away from tbe air; there it rind the conditions moxt favorable to Its development and tbe manufacture of the nerve polaon which causes tho symptoms of tbls terrible disease. Such being the case, the treatment of little wounds from pistols, torpedoes and crackers Is to make them bigger. Tbis requires some courage on tbe part of the doctor, and tbe more cour age the smaller and apparently more Insignificant Is the wound, and par ents ought not to Increase bis trial by pleading against tbe necessity of cut ting deeply into the wound, opening It widely and washing it out thoroughly with antiseptic solutions. It Is only In tbls way that the danger of lockjaw can be reduced to a minimum, and even tbls In exceptional cases does not prevent the diseaae. The modern treatment for this dis ease Is the Injection of tetanus anti toxin. Even this may fall If Injected simply under tbe skin or into the mus cles, and the antitoxin has occasion ally been Injected into the sheath cov ering the spinal cord, or even beneath tbe membranes of tbe brain, so that It may the more directly reach the nerve centers chiefly affected by the poison. WAS NEVER ABSENT OH TARDY. KFLLIE J, M'lIlLLin. . Tbe proudest day In the life of Nellie J. Mcillllln of Kushvllle, Ind., was when the County Board of Education presented her with a gold medal for punctual school attendance. Miss Mc- Mlllln Is 16 and has attended school since she was 5, and In all that time she was never absent or tardy. Tbe last four years she has lived in the country, which made punctual attend ance a serious matter, but ber record la unbroken. She has graduated now. English Bard Was Right Dramatic critics aud comments tora bare long been puszled to account for the fact that Shakespeare placed tba scene of "Hamlet" at Elalnore, In the Island of Zealand, whereas tbe Dan ish prince lived and died In Jutland. But Just recently tbe municipal au thorities at Elsinore, or Helslngor, have discovered In their archives that an English company wss acting in their town in 1587 or 1588, and among the names of the actors are several of those who were acting with Shake speare In London In 158. Obviously, these actors must have talked about their adventures in Den mark, and ao Shakespeare became well acquainted with Elsinore, aud, when be wrote "Hamlet" naturally placed the scene In a place which he knew by description rather than In an Island of which he knew nothing. Tbe poet waa bo great stickler for accuracy in geographical matters and tbls visit of tbe English actora plausibly explains the reason why tbe tragedy of "Ham let" wss placed In Zealand and not In Jutland. Cure for Indigestion. Scientific Investigation bas dlscov ered that that troublesome disease. dyspepsia, can be cured by short in tervala of exposure to intense cold, followed by bearty eating. M. Ilaoul Plctet, a Swiss gentleman, was ex pertmentlng with a low temperature, He bad produced an artificial temper ature In a sort of pit which caused the thermometer to sink to 1-10 or 150 de grees below sero. Among other ex periments lie exposea uimseir ror a brief Interval to this temperature by lowering himself Into the pit. On emerging be found himself Intensely hungry and ate freely. The proceaa waa repeated several times, and aa a result be found himself cured of chron ic Indigestion, from which be bad Buf fered for years. Wlllla'a UeOnlilon. Teacher Willie, you may construct an original sentence containing tba word 'Hominy.' " Willie Itroadhead (after a season of stressful cogitation) Hominy days tm the Fourth o' Jul1 St 14 ag f ( it a X f-h it 1WT l V 01 ft J?- r- ' : Thousands of women suffer from pelvic catarrh and catarrhal nervous- , ness and don't know it. If you feel fagged out, begin at once taking Dr. Hart man's Peruna. It will relieve your catarrhal affliction and all your organs will be restored to health. Buy a bottle today, as it will immediately allevi ate your case. Salt nibbed on the black spot on dishes will remove them. Mothers will find Mrs. Windows' Boo thing Byrap the best remedy to n for their children during the teething period.. The minimum rainfall at which trees will grow is twenty inches. XVcgetaUk PreparatkmFor As similating ttteFoodandBeguta ting (he Stomachs aislDowels of Promotes DigestionJCheerfur ness and Rest. Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. TnotKarcotic. Atx.Smmt fW. fiaslarssaMtsVMK Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa Hon, Sour StOTih.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness And Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YDTiK. T varTI Ma) i j I J1 EXACT COPY Of WHABECS. J alf M3 i ll RUSSELL HIGH GRADE MACHINERY ai ENGINES r- I BOILERS SAW MILS The A. H. Averili I riTl "DID'NT HURT A BIT IS WHAT W ran extract on out l.unlna a tut, La Wsgrl ML an. ilar If vnu daslra. Our avaiam of crown anr) bridge work la simple, quick and palnlena. Katabllnhad in Portland 17 iter. Th season w atdfanls 1 to let yon anuw woera wa ara. 0en creulna till 9 Phona UH. W. A. VMna, WISE bROS., Dentists w-tiifiiCilmrZfi us Tft) A BEAUTIFUL YOUNd SC CIETY WOMAN'S LETTER. St. pAor., Mink. 621 Wabasha St. Dr. Hartman, Columhua, 0., Dear Hir: "I took Perona last summer when I waa ail run down, and had a headache and back ache, and no ambition for any thing. I now fel aa well as I ever did in all my life, and all thanks is due to your excellent J'eruna." Besa F. Healy. The symptoms of summer ca tarrh ar( quite unlike in different caws, but the moxt common one are eeneral btasitude, played-out, tired-out, nsed-up, run-down feel ings, combined with more or less heftVV. Kt.llTlirl condition. Relish for hwxi and the ability to digest food aeema to be lost. Bkin eruptions, sallow com plexion, biliousness. coated tongue, fitful, irregular sleep, help to complete tlte picture which is so common at this sea son. Peruna so exactly meets all these conditions that the demand is so great for this remedy at this season of the year that it is near ly impossible to supply it. Peruna Contains No Narcotlca. One reason why Peruna has found permanent use in so many homes is that it contains no nar cotics of any kind, i'eruna is perfectly harmless. It can be used any length of time without acquiring the drug habit. PRICES THAT TALK. , Thrhermn and Hawmlll Men Rote! 150 ft. KnfUPHA Lfnrn Mltclli, Heavy Cativaa, 4 ply, 7 Inch HcIUpk. rn.u). 160 ft. t Inch wide, same aa above. 3-.0. Tank Pumps complete, will) IS ft. 1 Inch Htieilon Hose, 10 ft. ijinrrrirge Hoe, with no tel and atnuuer, (10.50. Uvltlns, Hone and Packing at wholesale pri-. Ueneral aney for Parsons -Hawkeye Helf Feeder. Ijute HlilKgle mill, ruaualy JduyN, sta hai-gain. W rile lor ca alottx. KKIEUNOX MATHIKKKV CO. PJl; I LAND. OltttlON. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signature In use Cni (lfV I Ul UVDI Thirty Years THRRSHERS W I STACKERS Write for Catalogue and Prices Machinery Co., PORTLAND OREGON THEY SAY or all yonr taath wlth- ami put In new tooth th Sunday from t Main . UK. 1. tf, WiBk I Br the t