THE II EPP II 11 TIMES. THUR8DAY. JULY 21. 1004. Subscription, il.OO Per Year. NOTES. Wheel from f I. IX) up at Lee Caulwell.i J. S. Ilui'oii k wsalndom lliuton creek Mnudny, Lcll L. Mullock has been visiting lu Portland tin past week, Self-sealer fruit jurt in pint, quarts and half gallons at Hintis Bros. 0. It Jones of (Clght Milt), wasabusl urss visitor in lU-ppucr Friday. M. I'., null was a visitor in the city the firat of the week frou Hard nau. Chat.' Harnett of Lraington, wm a buit nest visitor in lleppurr Monday. M. S. Miswell, of lone, wat In the city Tuesday en route to llarduitiu on a business vis t. J. T. Kirk allended Grand Lodge A. ). U. W. at Portland Ibis week at a delegate trom Wbllmore lode of thia city. Dr. A. K. Higgs gives special attention to disease! of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses properly fitted. I'or Sale Team, buggy, double and tingle harueas, cheap for cash. For par ticular apply at Timet office. j21 The party who borrowed a stride sad ' die from our stable will please return tame at once. Stewart & Kihk. Wheal harvest it in full operation throughout Morrow county this week and tbe ) ield it about up to expectation. Don't forget to tave your tamplet of grain now, the fruits and specimens of woods, minerals, etc., can be gathered later. The Misses Zylpha and Zetta linger left last week for Bingham Springs, where thry will upend their summer vacation. Ollie Andrews of the lleppner Drug Co , feft Sului'luy fur Pendleton, where he will spend a week looking after tome buisnest matters. J. T. Ayers was in from hit llutter Cretk farm Saturday with load of peaches and alfalfa honey, tbe first of tbe season's crop of each. Jay Drvin brought In Saturday a sam ple of wheat from his Sand Hollow ranch for tbe fair committee. The grain stands six feet high aud it well filled. Vern Duncan came iu from Condon Sunday with a race mare belonging to Dave Mo A tee, of lleppner, which ha will truin for the fall races here. Ixng Creek Light. It. C. Willi has lieeu chosen aa dele gate ot the lleppner Hediuen Council to attend the Grand Council which convenes at Seaside next Week. He will leave Sat urday. r Guy, son of Cas Matlock, was brought in from the Matlock ranch on Butter Creek Thursday evening last, aud Friday morning was taken to a Portland hospital to undergo an operation for appendicitis. A fire alarm caused flurry of excite ment Monday forenoon when it was thought Dave McAtee't retidence wat on fire. However, it proved to be only tome dry grau burning back of the house K. L. Kreeland left last week, at a delegate of lleppner Lodge, B. P. O K to attend the National convention of the Elks, which convenes iu Cinclnuatti tliia week. He will alto visit the St. Louis fair before returning. J. C. Kirk, who wat in from Rhea Creek Saturday, says that he lost none of his first crop of allalfa from tbe recent storm, but the second crop wat damaged some. The damage to crops on Rhea Creek was not nearly to great ts at first reported F. P. Vaughan returned the latter part o( last week from a three week's busi nett trip lu tbe Valley and in tht Sound conntry. He reports cropt suffering badly in those sections for want of rain Not more than a half crop will be bar vested. J. W. Morrow, tax commissioner for the O. R. & N. came up from Portland Saturday aud remained a couple of day on business. While here he let a con tract for the repairing of the old City hotel building which wat partly de troyed by fire recently. Wlllard Ilarren, who came down from tbe mines Monday, reportt the roads in very bad condition on Upper Willow creek. The recent heavy ralnt washed them badly in tome placet and in olbert loose rockt are piled up to such an extent that It It almost Impossible to get aloug with rig. Ike Howard wat la front Buittr Cretk Tuesday for load of supplies. Harrison Chapin of Hardrosn, was in town yesterday transacting business W. 11. French of Haidmau, was Iran net lug business iu lleppner the brut of tbe week. W. H. Irwin was pasrnger for Port land Monday where be went on brief business trip, Mn F. Hallock and children left yes terday for the blue mountains for their summer vacation. Henry Iilacktnan, who has been con fined to his room the past three weeks Is reported to be improving. All Saints Memorial church will be c'osed until Sunday, August 2i. John Wurreu, Missionary in Charge, T. A. Drlskell, who wat iu from Rhea creek yesterday, reportt that he lost no hay from the recent freshet, and that hit tecoud crop of alfalfa will be but slightly damaged. Mrt C. A. Jonet and ton of WaiUburg, and Mn. L. G, Alherton of Dayton, ar rived Monday to vltit for totu,e time with their parents, Rev. and Mrt J. V. Craw ford, of thitclty. Atly. C. B. Refideld returned Tuesday evening from tbe democratic national convention aud a visit to the World's fair at St. Louis. Mr Redfield wst one of the Oregon deligates to tbe convention. Farmers are experiencing considerable difficulty iu securing labor to harvest their large wheat crop. Most every day there it inquiry for barveit hand, aud In many fields they are running short banded. " Luther Huston, who was In town yet terday from Eight Mile, says harvesting is in full blast iu his section, but no threthlng has yet been done, only bead ing, and a fair estimate of the yield is not attainable. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Brock telurned Monday from Portland, where they have been residing the past ten mouths. Mr Brock recently graduated from the Port luud Dental College and expects to open parlors in lleppner. A. T. Corlet of Rollins, Wyoming, and Webb Summers of Nauipa, Idaho, this week bought the Newt Jonet and Henry Cannon bunds of horses. There were 150 head in the lot, which waa ahipped to Chicago yesterday. The price for which the auimala Bold was not stated. Tbe amount asked by the Great South ern Railway company to coustruct shops and terminti workt in The Dalles bis been subscribed, and now tbe only thing to be done is to agree upon the condi tions. A written copy of these will be presented to the company, aud as toon at tbe contract it tigned, the deedt will ie deposited in escrow in the-bank, waiting for the completion of the work to be delivered. There is do doubt now thst Tbe Dalloa will be the terminus of a great railroad running far into the inte- ior, and will reap many advantages thereby. Chronicle. Rev Swift, who was in from Kight Mile Tuesday, says harvest is progressing nicely and that the crop will be the lar gest they ever bad. The yield will range from IS to 35 bushels per Acre. Mr Swift sayt at Cliff Jonet' place tbe wheat it to heavy that four header beds can hardly handle the gralu from one ma cule, and many fieldt have at heavy grain, while in othert the yield will be lighter. Thti late raint greatly benefitted tbe wheat crop, causing the fall towing to fill well, but the benefit haa been great tit to the tpring grain, which it wat thought before the raint would make scarcely anything, will now yield almost equal to the earlier wheat. This Will Interest You. Morrow county to be represented at the Lewis and Clark I'.m fair, and in order to further tbe interest md secure exhibits Minor A Co. will give the following prizes (or the best samples of fruit and farm product; 1. Dust simple Bluettem wheat, not lest than 20 ttrawt and beadt, one flour bin, value $3.60, 2. Beat sample of fife wheat, not lest than 20 ttrwt and hea It, a bread box, va'ue 2.50. 3. Best sample of barly, not lest than 15 straws and heads, an egg packer, value 2.50. 4. Ten largest and tallest stalks of com, a Rochester coffee pot, value $1.75. 6. liiKgest squaah, any variety, one box of soap, value $1.00. 0. Biggest and best beet, any variety, 2 or more species, a set of decorated pie plates, value $1.05. 7. Biggest and best potato, any variety, 5 or more samples, one covered dish, value $125. 8. Biggest and best cabbage, any variety, one glass table set, value $1.25. j 9, Best, display of apples, plate of 4 ; or more, one set of cups and aaucert ! value $1.50. , i 10. Best display of peaches, plate of 4 or more, a berry set, value $1.25. 11. Best display of peart, plate of 4 or more, one setdinnet plates, value 00o. Anything grown on the farm that it beyond the average in size and quanity brought to us will be placed on exhibit ion at our store and tagged with the grower's name and address. Tbe best specimens will be perserved and tent to Portland and there placed in the Morrow County booth. Minus &. Co. CLEAN-UP SALE OF SUMMER GOODS One Lot Ladies TAILOR SUITS AT HALF PRICE MINOR & CO One Lot of SHIRT WAISTS AT HALF PRICE We shall endeavor to make this July long to be remembered by our patrons for the matchless bar gains they got htre in SUMMER GOODS during this July Clean-up Sale. The inauguration of this July Clean-up Sale means a savini? of ONE-THIRD to ONE-HALF .on every purchase of Summer Goods made during July. ISverything in Summer Gooda will be Sacrificed in this Great Sale. Bring this Sheet in with you for Reference. For Sale A good ranch of 100 acres 120 acres in cultivation; fairly good! house, barn and ont buildings: eood ! well and running water; all under fence and cross fences; located 4 miles from lleppner. Safeguard tht Children. Notwithstanding all that is done by boards of health and charitable inclined persona the death rate among small children is very high during the hot weather of the summer mouths in the large citiea. There is not probably one case of bowel complaint in a hundred, however, that could not be cured by tbe timely use of ChamberUia'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by Slocum Drug Co. One Lady's Recommendtlon Sold Fifty Boxes of Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tablets I have, I believe, sold fifty boxes of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets on the recommendation of one lady here, who first bought a box of them about a year ago. She never tiret of telling her neighbor! and friendt tltout the good qualiliea of these tablets. P. M. Shore, Druggist, Rochester, Ind. Tbe pleasant purgative effect of these tablets makes them a favorite with ladies every where. For aale by Slocnm Drug Company, Mill-End Sale of LACES AND EMBROIDERY We received through our New York a choice lot of Mill Ends of fineLacesand Embroideries 2 to 8 yards long at about half their regular values. These Mill Ends go into this July Cleanup Sab? at Half Price One lot, 3 to 8 yaids lengths, Qc a piece. One lot, 3 to 8 yards lengths, 20 a piece. One lot, 3 to 8 yards lengths, 4Qc a piece. REMNANTS We are continually closing out piece goods of all kinds to short ends, which go on to the Remnant Counter One-Third and One-Half Off Summer Goods of ALL KINDS REDUCED to clean up the stock before the season ends. . 12c fine A. F. C. ginghams, for. 10c 15c Te-il de Nord ginghams, for. . .Uc fe figured challies, for 4c 5c 6gured lawns, for 4c 35c crash suiting, for 23c 45c shirt waist suiting, for. !34c 10c figured dimity, for 6Xc 15c blue polka dot duck, for 11c 25c plain pink organdie, for 17c 25c mercerized ginghams, for 17c HAND EMBROIDERED SILK WAIST PATTERNS Six Waists Cot of White Jap Wash Silk, hand embroidered in colored dots and figures. $4.75 patterns marked special for the Clean-Up Sale, at, each 35c Jap Wash Silk For 27c In all the wanted colors and black and white. Ladies Muslin Undergarments Cheaper Here are values that force them selves upon you and justly claim rec ognition. Look over this list and then through our clothes press and tee if these prices do not suggest a thought that will bring you to Minor & Co.'s for some new Lingerie. Corset Covers 25c kind for $ 19 40c ki-ad for 32 50c kind for 41 65c kind for , 49 $1.00 kind for 84 1 25 kind for 89 1 75 kind for 1 59 2.25 kind for . 1 69 Drawers 79c lace trimmed, for $ 67 75c lace trimmed, for 63 $1 00 lace trimmed, for 87 1.50 lace trimmed, for $ 1 08 1.60 lace trimmed, for 1 23 1 75 lace trimmed, for 1 32 Night Gowns $ 85 embroidery trimmed, for. 63 1 10 kind, sale price 89 1.25 kind, sale price 96 1 85 kind, sale price 1 43 2 00 kind, sale price 103 2.25 kind, sale price 1.78 3 00 kind, sale price 2 28 SHOE BARGAINS We have yet a nice lot of those Button Shoes for misses and children, which we are offering at One-Third Less than the regular price. These prices will prevail as long as there any of them left. SPLENDID VALUES IN OUR RECULAR LINE OF MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES In these we excell in style, finish and quality, with price absolutely guaranteed the lowest. We put these against the world and guarantee every .pair. If you uiinK mis is oniy Dunco taiK, try us. DR. SEN NETT GRADUATE OPTICIAN Now a resident of Mor row County. : : : : Appoint Delegates. Wonder if Morrow county will be rep resented at the State Development League, which it called to meet in Tort land August 2, and 3? Other counties have taken the matter up and are ap pointing delegates, and our county should not be caught lagging behind her neighbors in tbe matter of a little en terprise. Such an organization can be of great benefit to tbe state at large, and Morrow county should fall Into line and help push the movement along. t Our county Judge, the mayors of our townt and the president of any Indus trial organization it entitled to name delegates, and certainly tome of those will take enough interest In the matter to not leave tbe county entirely uti rep resented at a meeting that bat for lis object the upbuilding of our county and state, Ollice at Slocum's Drug Store Regular trips to lleppner the first and third weeks of each month OUR $1.25 SHOE WE COMPFTITION I OUR ?i.6o SHOE For Misses, 11 to 2, is a fine ULM For Misses, sizes 11 to 2, is Kid Lace Shoe, with stock tip, on our MISSES SHOES and made from extra fine soft and spring heel, medium sole, medi- heavy American kid, lace, pat- SOLICIT COMPARISON. LACE CURTAINS UNDER PRICED Baby Summer Bonnets. $1 25 kind for $ 79 13 25 kind for $ 73 An ele8ant ,ine nd complete assortment of fine Swiss 1 50 kind for 1 23 3 60 kind for 2 98 Embroidered Bonnett, lace and ribbon trimmed. All at 1 75 kind for'.'.'."..". 1 38 3 75 kind for.'.'.'.'" 3 10 Clean-Up Prices. See the reductions below: 2 00 kind for 1 63 4 00 kind for 3 43 $1 65 Poke bonnet for $1 23 $1 25 Silk bonnet for.f 93 2 25 kind for 1 82 4 50 kiud for 3 93 1 25 Straw crown tor 72 2 00 Embroid bonnet 1 63 2 75 kind for 2 23 J 00 kind for 38 30 Lawn bonnet for 23 1 75 Embroid bonnet 1 32 55 Silk bonnet fo.. 47 85 Silk bonnet for. 64 Odd Pairs at Half Price Ladies Purses Cheaper 25c onea, now 15c I $1 00 ones, now 55c 25c Sunbonnets, Now 19c ;;;;;;;; 1 50 o-""". MTNOR & CO. I NINOR & CO. Card of Thanks. Mrs. M. Lichtenthal and chitd.en desire to express their sincere thanks to the people of lleppner who ren dered kind assistance during their recent trouble. ..Palace Hotel.. HEPPNER, OREGON. Beit appointed Hotel in Eastern Oregon. Every Modern Convenience. Lighted by electricity. Best Mealt in the City. Real Estate And Fire Insurance TUdhltela & Hattevson UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PHIL, M1XTSCHAN, Jr, Prop t jt j-g j jtfut) jsjsjjs Js M-mJ9J9J)J9JJ9JJJQ HUDSON & BR0WNHILL Real Estate and Investment Go. TUB DALLES, OREGON. We will make you a blue print of any township in The Dalles Land District, corrected up to date, showing all filings and vacant lands, for fifty cents. We have 10,000 acres of Forest Reserve Lieu land scrip for sale in quantities from 40 acres up, and will undersell any quo talion either in Portland or San Francisco. Don't fail to get our prices before ordering. :::;::: If you have a Farm, Grazing Lands or City Property for Sale call on us. Or if you Want to Buy we can suit you as we have a Long List of Properties to Select from. Os"- o Land Scrip For Sale