AT THE FAIR, HEPPNER, OR. ALL SUMMER GOODS AND STAPLES MUST BE CLOSED OUT THIS MONTH Yes they must and they will be run out quickly when you see the prices we quote on the kind of goods you need every day of your lifo. V need the room for our immense line of new fall goods soon to . arrive, and will put thejknifo in deep on all staple goods, as nhwlinga, ginghams, percales, etc. ! OUR COTTON GOODS HAVE TAKEN A DECIDED DROP IN PRICE Now is the time to buy Sheeting?, Muslins and all cotton goods here. These prices will tell you why to buy now. WIDE SHEETINGS-Prlced Low 9-4 beet bleached Sheeting 22c 8-4 " " " 20c 10-4 " unbleached " 22o 94 " " " 20o 8-4 " " 18c Only ten yards to each person PILLOW SLIP MUSLINS 45 iu. Pillow Tubing 15c 42 in. " " 13c 45 iu. " Casius: 13o 42 in. " " 11c Best Lonsdale Cambric. . . . 11c Only ten yauls to each person BLEACHED MUSLINS 12Jo bleached Muslin ...i. 9 c llo bent Lousdulo Musliu.. 8!j0 lOo " Hope 7$o 9o Silver Medal 7 o 8o " Dover " 5 c Only ten yards to each person UNBLEACHED MUSLINS 10 c Wilmington, ex. heavy 8o 8J Missouri AAA " 7o 8jo Anhuru It. soft fiuish. . 7n Lieut LL Muslin Co " House Lining 4c Only twenty yards to each person STAPLE WASH GOODS 12Jo Fr.Oing.and ChiunbryH 9o 10 o Johnsou Percales .... 7s 12Jo Twill Shirtings 10o 10 o double fold Zephy 1 8 .. 7o 8 Jjo apron-cheek (linguains fo Only ten yards to each person TABLE LINENS, CRASHES, TOWELS, SHEETS, PILLOW CASES & PILLOWS WAY DOWN Here is the best opportunity you ever had to save money on these necessary articles for the home use. TABLE LINENS SACRIFICED $1.25 72-in. Table Linen . . 95i 1.00 70 io " " .. 75o .75 70 in. " ... 55o .50 68-in. " " .. 35o .55 63-in. Turkey Ked.. 35c Five yards to a purchaser LINEN andDOTION CRASHES 20c fine bleached H nek .... 15c 15c " " Linen ... 11c I2i " " " .... 8$ 8 heavy brown " .... 5o 5c brown and white cotton 3c Ten yauls to a purchaser TOWELS REDUCED 50o fancy Huck and Dam'bk 35o 30j fringed Damask. ..... . 23c 25o Turkish Hath 17o 15c linen Huck........... 11c 10c " " 7c 5o cotton, hand 3c Six to a pui chatter SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES 81x90 hemstitched (sheets. . 68o 81x90 hemd and torn sheets 58c 72x90 " " " " . 8o 42x3(5 hemstitched P. cases 1.7o 43x30 hemmed pillow cases l4o 42x3ti " " " ldo Six each to a inrchusir BED AND COUCH PILLOWS 20x26 3-lb feather pillows 70o 20x30 2J lb " G0c 26x20 couch pillows 55o 21x21 " " 45o 22x22 " " 35o lXxlS " " 23o LACE CURTAINS AND BED SPREADS LOWER THAN THE LOWEST ' 4 50 Lace Curtains $3 68 $2.25 Lace Curtains $108 $1.25 Lhco Curtains 78 $3.50 white Spreads $2 9S $1. 75 white Spreads $138 3.50 " " 2.78 1.98 " " 1.48 1.00 " " 08 3.00 " 238 1.35 " " 98 2 50 " " 1.87 1.75 " " 1.33 .75 " " 58 2 25 " " 1.78 .98 " " 68 MUSLIN UNDERWEAR FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN LOWER YET LADIES' GOWNS REDUCED 50 muslin gowns 35c $75 " " 48c $ 90 " " 73c U 25 " " 93c EONCi CHEMISE IIKUl (ID $1 25 comb'tu Chemise $ .83 1.75 " " 1.38 215 " 1.68 225 " " 1.83 LADIES' DRAWERS Raduca4 $0 25 muslin Drawers ... .15 .40 .75 1.00 .23 .53 .08 CORSET COVERS IICDITCD 19c C.irset Covers 5c 20c " " 13- 30o " " 23c 40c " " 27c 50c " " 35u CHILDREN'S MUSLINS Lasa tha i eost of material 30c child's Gons 15o 35c " " 23c 45c " " 27c 50c " , " 35c Children's Muslin Drawer 5c 15j Musliu Drawers .... 10c 20o " " .... 14c 30c " " 23c 40o " " .... 27i- Child's Muslin Walais 6c LADIES WRAPPERS LOWER $0.98 Wrappers $0.48 1.25 " 83 150 " 1.23 2.00 1.38 SOe Lawn Klminai 33c $0.75 Lawn Kinionas. . 80.53 1.00 " " .. .08 123 " " .. .88 1.75 merceiiz d 138 Discreet shoppers will not fail to avail themselves of some of. these flattering inducements. We offer Seasonable Goods at prices never before equalled in Heppner. LADIES SHIRT WAISTS AND SKIRTS REDUCED 25 PER CENT These are all this season's stock bright, new goods none carried over, and all the CELEBRATED MANNER BRAND LADIES AND CHILDREN'S, MEN'S AND BOYS SHOES-BROKEN LINES AT HALF PRICE Speaking of Misses Shoes. We are selling misses shoes, 11 to 2, at 95c that outclass any $1.25 shoe you can find elsewhere. MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING, HATS, SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR ALL REDUCED We always close out our broken lines regardless of profits, so as to have a complete new lino to start the season. MEN'S NUTS ARE DOWN .HEJi'll PASTS LOWPRICE HOYS NUTS HEDICED MEN'S ft II I It IN LOWER MEN'S UNDERWEAR LENS DlttEHENT KINDS . $17 50 Meu's Suits $14 75 $3.50 dress Pants. .. $195 $10.00 2 piecd Suits $4.75 $1.50 dress Shirts. ... 95o $2.25 underwear suit $1.45 $100 mcu's Kai Kai $2.75 14 50 " " 11 75 2.00 work " ... 125 7.00 3-piece " 4 75 100 dress " .... 45o 1.00 " " .90 2.75 boys' " 108 1350 " ' 975 . 100 cottonnde ... .75 5.00 knee pants suit 2 95 .00 work " ...,35o 50c broken lines, ea .25 Men's crash suits... . G0c 10.00 " " 7.50 2 50 youth's ... 175 Hays' crash Nnii5c Boys soft " .... 25o Boys' underwear suit .45 ah straw Hat. m Men's bib overalls 45c Boys bib overalls 20c Men's jumpers 35c Boys jumpers 20c CLOSING OUT OUR TIN AND G RAN ITEW ARE AT ACTUAL WHOLESALE PRICES We do this to clean out all the odd lots, as we will soou have a complete new lin of these goods. $0 85 gran. Dinhpans. 08c $1.00 grau. Riceb liters 74o 55o gran. CofTepots . . 38o 50o strainer Milkpaila 38o 10c tin Milkpans 7o 55c auto. LaDtern ... . 44c .05 " " 47c .35 " Milkpans 27c 50o " Teapots.... 35o 39o " " 28o 7o " " 5o 17c Floursifters 9o 1.25 " " .89 .27 " " 21o 25c " Dippers.... 14c lOo tin Milkpans 8c Go largo Pietins 3c Tin lids, all sizes 3o CLOTHES WRINGERS AND GARDEN IMPLEMENTS AT HALF PRICE TO CLOSE R5f" long lliyforks. .. . 43c 65o short " .... 33a $1 00 spadea, all mzps 50c .75 Garden Forks.. 38c 05,. long Hikes 33o Extra Handles 10a $3 83 Roy'l Wringers $1 92 2 45 Cres. " 1.23 $2.25 Daisy Wringers 1.13 1.49 Novel " 75 $7.00 Stove $3.50 Hope per pouud 05 These are jnst a few rf the money. savers we have to rIiow you. Ther are msny mot not mentioned here, as our Kpsce tan out. However you know that when it comes to a real sale genuine bargains w r the original ad only rootey-savers. Our new fall Slock will be larger and more complele than ever. We solicit mail orders THE B"AXI THE JTU THE EiVII