PPM .1 ii 1 4 4 VOL. VII. 1IEITNER, OREGON, THURSDAY JULY 14, 1904. NO. 3G. TOT I o o o o o o JO ft o l : s a a t o o o o o to Vt t w My W w w w w w i What a traveling man says of Slocum's Scalpine (Jciif lcnu'ii: After lining troubled several years vil liliiiitlnin',hirit which time 1 tried thoroughly many roi n inont Ko-called retne dies, also the prescriptions of two or three, proininicnt Physician; 1 used a portion of one hoitk) of Slocuins Scalpine. Tho resull was very ratifyin indued. The . dandruff has entirely disappeared and my hair has ceased to tall out. J5otli in a healthy condition. I can mi a ran leu vour reniedv iair and ncalp are without, re striction. ours verv trulv 1'kim;i:n Drx.v, 211 Townsetid St. San Francisco, Cal. Grocery Store DHCUKATKD HKMM'ORCKLAIN WARE FUKE I5y purclnihing !f2.").l)() worth (if goods at this wtore you re ct ivu fno of clmrg 1 11 set of this tx-u uti f ul ware - - - - PREFERED STOCK GOODS Remember No Stalo Goods EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH . . CALL And him; ns and wc will treat you riVit. B1NNS BROS. Cor. Main and Willow St. HEPPNER, ORB. GROSHENS AND ZOLLINGER Have juHt opened new saloon at the corner of Main and May streets Pinet Liquors . and Cigora , Pendleton Beer On Draught Hot and Cold Lunches Heppner, Or. 'ii''t"iiiitiiii!ii't:iifliii!iiiiiitiiittitiHiP!iniiiiiitmmnn-tiimiHimH ituiiiiiiiiuiiHmiiiiuiiwtt GftRR&GOX j Contractors and Builders J ESTIMATES AND PLANS I FURNISHED ON ALL WORK i A ehare of the patronage ,f solicited. j HOUSES MOVED and REPAIRED I I Office one door north of Scrivner's I 1 blacksmith shop, Main street. t ? ! triunmmtiiiiimiHimiMnimiiiiiinitrmi'iniiKiHiiuiuuiiHwiiiinMmHniiiiiiiiiiitmiMumMtiT. Heppner Marble and Granite Works Anyone thinking of eriirfnn a liiiiniiiui'Hl lor (li'purli'il re lative or friend Will do Mill to gi't our prima before iurcunlng eUi-wluTO. Uc ru prepared to do nil (YliU'tory t ti 1 ImlMIni! work at reduced prlrei. MOHTERASTELU BROS. THE PASTIME All The Lending Cignrt in Stock. : IlrnndH of Agents Hazelwood Ice Cream Celebrated Cuffinan Chocolates, Used at all leading Theatres. : : : : : jj ELITE H C i i i ""IT" r""7""T" "Tr T" 3 BOARDING HOUSE t The Tables will be Sup plied at all Times with the Best Eatables to be Found in the Market. f Board per week .. $5.00 C Single meal ,30 C Rear of P. 0. Borg's Jewelry 5 Store. ::::::-: J U. W. CRABTHEE, Prop. Awlihuugh & Ayerw. BICYCLES. The Knmbler IenclH , U JY AN UP-TO-DATE WHEEL All kinds of repair work promptly at tended to. Bicycle Sundries. Opposite Pulaco Hotel Lee Cnntwell j Heppner Transfer Company Do a general Dray and Transfer business. All kinds of heavy hauling. Household goods moved and handled with care. Prompt attention given to all work Miller & Mitchell Of BUSIES County Commissioners Dis pose of Much Business LONG LIST BILLS ALLOWED Bonds of County Officers are Approved-Appropriate $100 for County Exhibit at 1905 Fair. The county commissioner! met in regular session July 6, with Judge T. W. Ayers and Commissioners F. M. Griffin and W. G. McCarty preient. . Miscellaneous bill allowed. RC Wills, bailiff , f 6 00 C C Patterson, exp act 6 57 M A Bates, criminal act 1 00 50 00 6 CO 4 80 3 00 39 75 '3 00 40 65 J D Allen. , Bushong & Co Lewis Groehens, rd & brd W A Richardson, election act W B McAiister, " J H Pearson, . " y Heppner Gazette, " " L E Barber, " " E H Andrews, exp act W II Herren, rd & brd 19 00 Ed WeeJ. " " 12 00 C E Jones, election act 5 00 Lewis Grotbens, rd 4 brd 90 00 H L Burchell, " " 67 00 Carr 4 Cox, Ca. exp 41 00 J H Allen, road suprv 29 50 J H Williams, rd 4 brd 9 00 ' " 6 00 stationery.. Irwin Hodon, Co. exp, Heppner Times, election act Minor 4 Co. Co exp . . . . Rliea 4 Welch, pauper act. . W Hill, Jail act...-...:.... i V JVilliaiss, Justice feea 19 65 Lewis Kenney, const fees 5 53 Jacob McKinxie, wit. lees 5 80 Joe rotter, " 5 80 C 8 Jackson, " .' 3 40 The following bills of election clerks and lodges and other election expenses were allowed each precinct as follows : Cecil, Precinct Irrigon, " Pine City " Lena, Alpine, ' Gentry, " Matteson, " RESERVE PATROL. Sheepmen Plead Ignorance of the Law. The sheep are skirting the borders of the foreat reserve and Overseer Terrill is kept busy doing a patrol stunt that is decidedly strenous. A number of herds have been over the lines, but he has not made any arrests aa yet, though the second offending will beget trouble. The herders In' each instance, par ticularly those from Heppner, and Lee of Baker City, who are near Union creek, have pleaded woeful ignorance of any law or regulation which required them to recognize a limit in ranging their banda of bleeters. Should they get over again, Mr. Terrill says he will have the offenders before the United States commissioner at Baker City. He says the sheep have crossed over the headwaters of both the Sumpter and Baker City supples of aqua pura, to the detriment of both, though not seriously in the case of the former. U. 8. Commissioner Chance told Terrill, so he says, that he did not know under what statues a case could be made against such offenders. If such is the case, the law will prove decidedly faulty, and the sheepmen will give the forest reserve officials the hearty ha-ba. Mr. Terrill proposes to have It tried out if a second offender is detected. John Day News. 60 63 50 32 50 3 46 25 70 26 80 iWIMMimMMMIIIIIIIl ..GORDON'S.. LIVERY, FEED A1ID SALE STABLE MAIN STREET, - - - - Heppner, Oregon, jt Wm. GORDON, Prop. 11ns alili3'l a rtuinbi'r of I'irat C1hb hrea and New Ki(i, both lii!(jis Hti'l IliickH, unci dflVirs yntt (lrnt class service, and )ou will receive courteous treatment. A share of yonr patronage I : : : (SOLICITED IF YOU BUY IT OF liORU IT'S ALL RIGHT. TO WATCH BUYICRS Wo hv the txit nnMnrtmrnt of WKlclm III thin WM'lInn ol Ihi' Hutu. Wi tlll iliilli'ln ny relUbli. wU h nt ihr .rln., vo ynu rxpn-u i hart(-, mi l miy rlKknl Intuit, minoy.nii.. Wi m'H ri'llHlili-wntrhct In Mn u.M up. c it'll tlin 7, II, 17, anil 2l-)wlrl wm. lifn In tlin illlTiTriil trxloa In Nli-ki-l. HirrlliiK Milvwr, Uulil Killed and II K. 80II1I IhiIiI 1'HM-a. We llimriiiiUT nil wnli hoa, and II they iruvii Iniiliy Irnin workinmmlilp, will fully ri'luru your money. 1 P. O. BO KG JKWULKH AND OITK'tAlf 41 20 42 00 40 40 40 00 41 00 36 00 36 00 Mu Vernon " 36 00 Dairy, " 40 00 South lone, ' 39 go Wells Springs, precinct 42 00 tight Mile, 40 20 North lone, " 39 60 Lexington, " 37 so Heppner, 35 00 Dry Fork, ' 41 40 lllfillllf 5 Real Estate. Ixinuton town prorty $550 will buy a six-room house, four lo's, small barn, young fruit trees. Can be irriga ted. Enquire of 8. E. Notsok, Lexington. Jurors and witness fees were allowed as follows for May term of circuit court: Mat Halversen 5 so C H McKee, 5 cq Frank Evans 4 40 J 0 Kincaid,' 5 80 Edward Glock, 7 00 Oscar Keithley 6 40 WOBaylee, 8 00 C T Walker 7 60 A Carlson,.. 8 00 L L Jakes, 8 20 J M Baker, 8 00 R. F. Wigglesworth ; . . 8 00 W It Cochran 8 00 W T Campbell 0 70 Ed Palmer, 8 20 J W Cradick 8 00 Chs. Emry 8 00 J P Hadley 8 20 E A Chapel 8 20 P C Cieswell 6 20 W P Scrivner, 4 20 K F D.y 2 20 11 A r.mereon, ' 4 20 0 8 Andrews, 4 20 W G Scott 3 00 8 W Meadows, 4 20 J V Rhea 5 50 Mifcellaneout bills allowed. fcarl Conner, assessors act 44 00 II II Gove, " " 200 00 City of Heppner, rd 4 brd 12 00 This Will Interest You. Morrow county to Toe represented at the Lewis and Clark 1905 fair, and in order to further the interest and secure exhibits Minor 4 Co. will give the following prizes for the beet samples of iruit and (arm product : 1. Best sample Bluestem wheat, not less than 20 straws and heads, one flour bin, value $2.50. 2. Best sample ol fife wheat, not less than 20 atrws and heads, a bread box, va'ue $2.50. 3. Best sample of barloy, not less than 15 straws and heads, an egg packer, value $2.50. 4. Ten largest and tallest stalks of corn, a Rochester coffee pot, value $1.75. 5. Biggest squash, any variety, one box of soap, value $1.00. 6. Biggest and best beet, any variety, 2 or more species, set of decorated pie plates, value $1.05. 7. Biggest and best potato, any variety, 5 or more samples, one covered dish, value $1.25. o ti r . 1 , . , . o. Biggcn ami Deei caDDage, any variety, one glass table set, value $1.25 9. Beit display of apples, plate of 4 or more, one set of cups and saacers value $1.50. 10. Best display of peaches, plate of 4 or more, a berry set, value $1.25. 11. Best display of pears, plate of 4 or more, one setdiones plates, value 90c Anything grown on the farm that is beyond the average in size and quanity bronght to us will be placed on exhibit ion at our store and tagged with the grower's name and address. The best specimens will be perserved and sent to Portland and there placed in the Morro County booth. Minob 4 Co. (eoNTiNuanoN tawn 8) The Portland Commercial Club has issued a call for a convention for August 2, and 3, at Portland, for the purpose of organizing an Oregon Development League. The mayor of every city or town, the county commissioners, president of every horticultural, agricultural, stockgrowers, irrigation, dairy and other association in Oregon, which have lor their purpose the upbuild ng and betterment of this state, win nave ine right to name dele gates. The purpose of the con vention is an endeavor to unite the forces of the state in the mat ter of better advertibing the re sources of Oregon, with the ulti mate result of the development ana oeuerment 01 the state. Mor row county should be well renre sented at this meeting as few counties in me state has more room for development. Agricu ture ana norucuiture are only in their infancy, while the great .coa deposit has only been uncovered sutliciently to ascertain its extent Beside our county has various uuior resources inai need more capital and new energy. Samples of All Products of the County Wanted HELP ADVERTISE COUNTY Grain Samples Should Be Gathered In Bundles 8 or 10 Inches In Diameter and the Heads Protected. Everybody in Morrow county should interest themselves in the gathering of an exhibit of our county's resources for the Lewis and Clark fair. The only cost attached will be in getting tha ex hibit together, and if all do their part in this the expense will be nominal. Every farmer who has a nice lot of wheat, rye, barley, alfalfa, grass of any kind, fruit, vegetable, berry or any farm pro duct of the county he should care fully preserve it and forward it to the committee of the Morrow county Lewis and Clark Fair Club, who will see that it is placed on exhibit in proper shape at Port land next year. It is necessary to collect the exhibit of grains and grasses, fruits and vegetables this season as next season's crop will not mature in time for the fair which opens June 1, 1905. So let everyone get in and do his part toward getting together an exhibit of our resources that will be a credit to' Morrow county. Our (wmmis'siojfeY, Geo. Cetiser, Mayor Gilliam an4. Judge TfW. Avers .1 . . . 4 . . are morovgniy interested in the matter ana promise to do. their part or more in making a creditable exhibition of our resources. They will probably make arrangements for the depositing of samples of any kind at Hardman, lone, Lex ington and other points in the county where they can be secured at the proper time for shipment. amples of any kind of product of the county is desired, mineral?, wools, cereals, fruit or anything that is produced in the county. Every article will be properly labeled bearing the name of the person who produced it. It is the . desire that every section of the county be represented by some product. The commitee requests that sam ples of grain be pulled up by the roots, and that each bundle be not less than 8 or 10 inches in diam eter, carefully wrapped to prevent the grain from shattering. A Narrow Esape. Sam Meadows had a narrow escape from death or serious injuries Monday morning. He drives the bus for the Palace hotel, and as nsual had drove down with outgoing passengers and was waiting for the train to back up to the station. As the train was backing up the team became frightened and started to run, and just as they ran across the track the rear end of the train caught the bus, cutting it loose from the team, neither of the horses being injured, but the bus was turned over, the tugs broken and one wheele smashed and otherwise,damaged, while the trucks on one end of the freight car were derailed. It was a fortunate escape for Sam, however, who was in the bus at the time, as he wmt through the ordeal without Injury, with the exception of a severe shaking up and a temporary jar to his nervous system. The Harvest Begins. In some localitis in Morrow county wheat harvest Is in progress is in pro gress this week, but it will not be geneml throughout the county before next week. So far as we have been able to as certain the yield will be fully up to ex pectatione, or perhaps a little better, as the late ranis have greatly benefitted the crop, especially the spring grain.