Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, July 07, 1904, Image 5

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Subscription, tl.OO Per Year.
(4.00 up at Lee Cant-
Wbtelts from
J. L. Jeuklai wil t visitor la tht city
Friday from Eight Mile.
Self-sealer fruit jars in plots, quarts
nd half gallon at Blnut Broi.
Clyde Wellt U building a neat cot
tag in tbt south part of town.
J. D. Brown was In from Hinton crtek
Saturday transacting baaincoa In town.
W. B, Barratt wai up front Iower
Sand Hollow Saturday on a business visit.
M. C. Fuque waa tranaactlng bualntaa
in the city Friday from Eight Mile,
Moaei Aahbaugh of Irrigon, wai in
Heppner a couple of dayi on business
tbla week.
Chaa. A. Stanton of Upper Eight Mile,
waa tranaactlng business in Heppner
Friday last.
Mrs, Sadie Bowtu of Arlington, spent
several days the pais week at her home
toad near Eight Mile.
Dr. A. K, Higgs gives special attention
to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and
throat. Glasses properly fitted.
J. H. Edwards expects to leave to
morrow morning for Tillamook, to visit
sister whom he has not seen for 31
Peter Brenner was In from Eight Mile
Friday for a load of supplies and tools,
getting ready for the rapidly approaching
D. E. Baiter, editor of the Spray
Courier, was in the city yeaterday on
his return from a business visit to
Kodert F. Hynd anb Ales Lindsay will
bepart tomorrow morning for Scotland
on a three month's visit with' relatives,
and friends of their boyhood.
Atty. C. B. Woodson has been spend
ing the past week at The Dalles, where
he has tome legal business, and at Cor
valll visiting with friends.
Leo Blackman returned last week from
Tortland where be liaa been attending
the Portland high school from which he
graduated, at the head of his class.
Atty. Jay Bowerman of Condon, was
in onr city yesterday looking after some
legal matters. Mr. Bowerman is State
Senator-elect from Gilliam, Wheeler and
Sherman counties.
D. A. Herren accompanied E. S.
Brock, a coal mine expert of Wyoming,
to the Heppner mines Friday. Doubt
less Mr. Brock is making an examination
for the Railroad people,
D. Cox, who was In from Hinton creek
Saturday, reports crops looking fine, the
recent rains greatly helped the grain
crop. The grasshoppers have not been
numerous enough to damage crops in
his section.
W. W. Bechdolt, who has been en
gineer at the water and light plant here
the past three or four years, gave up hla
position last Friday, and Saturday moved
bla family to his homestead south of
F. E. Browning, who was in from his
Blackhorse ranch Saturday, says ha ex
pects to commence harvesting bla wheat
crop this week, He has a little over 200
acres ol fall wheat which he thinks will
make 36 boshels per acre,
Rev. F. C. Adkins returned Saturday
from a three week's vacation spent at
his brother J. J'a. ranch.. He has been
greartly troubled with nervous headache
ot late, and be reports that the three
week's hay pitching has greatly be
nefitted him.
The city council met in regular session
yesterday evening but little business
outside of the regular rotlne was had
Some liquor licenaes were granted and
the resignation of Marshal Ourdane was
accepted and bis place left vacant, leav
ing the city with one marshal, J. W
Dr. A. K, Hlggt It the proud possessor
of a very fine, sold gold watch charm
presented to him by W. G. Scott at
recognition of medical service rendered
On one side the charm bears ths In
acrlptlon "Presented to Dr. A. K. Hlggi
forfait valuable services." The other
aid la emblematic of tbt Elks lodga of
which tht doctor It a member. It It
high tribute to tht Doctors medieal skill
and la valued very highly by him.
Sherifl Shutt leflTCrtCfttiyTnorning on
brief buitneea visit to Portland.
J. T. Ayers of Galloway, was transacting
bulsness in town a the first of the week.
Theo. Anderson, prominent wheat
grower of Eight Kile, was in the city on
bnlsness yesterday.
rhil Colin and faintly left Friday for
San Francisco where tbey will spend
their summer vacation.
Mrs. W. II. Latrace left Monday for
Ocean Park where she will visit with
relatives and friends for a month.
Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Simons wera passen
gers Monday for Goldendale where they
will visit for a couple of weeks with their
son Bert and family.
Mr. and Mrs. R. II. Stillwell of Hard
man, were visitors in Heppner yesterday.
Mr. Htillwell reports stock fat and crops
looking fine In bla locality.
E. II. Clark, the Salt Lake stock buyer,
who shipped out over 30,000 Morrow
county sheep a few weeks ago, returned
again the first of the week. This time be
comet after cattle, however, not sheep.
Mr. Clark stated to the Times that he
expects to buy only a good grade of stock
Dr. J. B. Bennett was in the city the
latter part of the week making arrange
ments to open an office in this city.
The Dr. is a graduate optician of the
Northern Illinois college of opthalmology
and otology. See his adv. in another
The two-year old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Van Winkle died at the Pacific
Lodging house, where Mr. and Mrs. Van
Winkle had rooms, Monday, the cause of
death being from catarrah of the stomach.
The remains of the child were burrled in
the Heppner cemetery Tuesday forenoon,
. !
Cause For Rash Act Is Not
Known. j
Mat Lichtonthal, for ilx years treasurer
of Morrow County, and a business man
of Heppner for many years, shot him-1
self in his bed room in this city shortly
before 9 o'clock yesterday morning.
The shot was fired from a 41 Colts
revolver, the ball entering the right
temple aud ranged upward and forward,
lodging against the skull in the top ol
the bead, from where it waa removed
by Drs. Higgs and Kistner.
The ball was removed between 11 and
a o'clock and everything possible done
by the physicians to revive him but be
never regained consciousness, dying
about I p. m. The ball plowed through
the upper part of the brain, and strik
ing the upper part of the skull, tore it
loose all the way round, but the ball
did not psi out.
Yeaterdav Mr. Lichtenthal came up
to tewn aa usual and swept out bis
store, then made out a check in favor
oftbe County Treasurer-elect, E. G.
Noble, for something like $27,000 the
amount of money he bad on hands be
longing to the county, and made other
arrangements necesssry in turning the
office over to bit successor.
Thia being done he went direct to
hit borne. Mrs. Lichtenthal, noticing
that he acted strangely followed him to
the bed room, but be demanded that
the leave the room or he would kill her,
having the revolver in hit hand at the
time. Bhe immediately ran for Mr.
Prater who was painting near by, but
befor ht could reach the house the
fatal shot bad been fired, A number
ot near by neigh bora beard the ibot and
hastened to render what assistance they
could. He had evidently stood in front
of the mirror and deliberately took
deadly aim.
The remains will be held until to
morrow for interment when tbey will be
laid to rest in the Heppner cemetery
under the auspicet of the I. O. O. F.
and other lodges of which he was
He leaves a wife and three daughters,
one or wuoni it married, and two
brothers In Chicago. Hit family It well
provided for.
The cause oi hit self deatruction it
not apparent, at it it believed that hit
account with the county la perfectly
staight. It hat been intimated that
family troubles wat tht cause, and that
despondency over defeat at the recent
election lead him to commit the ratb
of the Lewis and Clark Fair Commission,
has revived a considerable Interest among
our people In regard to an exhibit.
These gentlemen were here for the
special purpose of interesting the cititens
of Morrow county In an exploitation of
the county's resources, and to gut the
matter atarted a mass meeting was held
at the court house Tuesday evening to
discuss the proposition with our people.
While there was not a large gathering,
owing ta the short notice given, there
was a sufficient number of representative
citizens to get the ball started to rolling.
Messrs Myers and Harry explained
that they were making tour of the
state, and especially making a strong
plea with interior and sparcely settled
eonntiesto make extraordinary efforts
for a magnificent display of their re
sources at Portland next year. The
reason for this is apparent This section
Is capable of supporting large popul
ation; it la practically unknown to the
outside world for lack of advertising :
the development of thlt vaat Eastern and
Central Oregon section la of vital Im
portance to the prosperity of the state,
hence the great effort of the fair com
mission to induce this and other Eastern
Oregon counties to gather the best ex
hibit possible for the Lewis and Clark
Mr. Myers also stated that there teems
to be an idea prevalent throughout the
state that the fair la for the sole purpose
of upbuilding Portland. But, said he,
while Portland Is striving for ber own
upbuilding she does not overlook the
fact that upon the development of the
tributary country depends the growth
and prosperity of that city, henc her
piople are at much interested in the
development of the entire state as the
people of the various counties and dis
tricts are themselves.
Eavery county of the state will be
given ample space for their products free
of charge and everything possible will
be done by the commission to make the
expense of collecting the exhibit.
It was suggested that the county court
he asked to appropriate a turn sufficient
to cover the cost, which should be small.
After a thorough discussion of the
matter It waa decided to organize a club
at once, as the necessity of commencing
the collection of an exhibit at once is
very appareat.
judge T. w. Ayers waa chosen as
chairman and R. F. Hynd secretary,
and a committee of five waa appointed
by the chair to solicit membership
The meeting then adjourned to yeater
day evening.
At the meeting last night permanent
organization wai affected. Judge Ayers
remains as president and C. E. Woodson
secretary of the organization, Mr. Hynd
asking that he be relieved on account
that he will be away during the next
three months.
A. committee of three, consisting of
Jndge Ayers, Commissioner Geo. Conser
and Mayor Frank Gilliam waa appointed
to look after the collection and care of
grass and grain exhibit, which it Is
necessary to gather at once.
So any farmers who have either grass
or grain suitable for exhibition are re
quested to leave the same in the care of
this committee who will forward it at
the proper time to the fair free of charge.
The only expense Morrow county will
be to in msking an exhibit will be that
of getting it together at the fair com
mission will pay freight charges, furnish
jars for preserving fruits, give free space
in tht agricultural building and properly
display it.
Club Organized to Ehlblt the
Resources of Morrow Coun
ty at the 1005 Fair.
The visit to our city this week of the
Hons. Jefferson Myera and O. Y, Harry,
One Lot Ladies One Lot of
We shall endeavor to make thia July long to be remembered by our patrons for the matchless bar
gains they got here in SUMMER GOODS during this Jnly Clean-up Sale. The inauguration of this
July Clean-up Sale means a saving of ONE-THIRD to ONE-HALF on every purchase of Summer
Goods made during July.
Everything in Summer Goods will be Sacrificed in this
Great Sale. Bring this Sheet in with you for Reference.
Mill-End Sale of
' We received through our New
York a choice lot of Mill Ends
of fine Laces and Embroideries
2 to 8 yards long at about half
their regular values. These Mill
Ends go into this July Cleanup
Sale at
Half Price
One lot, 3 to 8 yards
lengths, Qc apiece.
One lot, 3 to 8 yards
lengths, 2Qc a piece.
One lot, 3 to 8 yards
We are continually closing
out piece goods of all kinds
to short ends, which go on
to the
Remnant Counter
One-Third and One-Half Off
Summer Goods of
to clean up the stock
before the season ends.
12c fine A. F, C. ginglttms, for. 10c
15c Teil de Nord ginghams, for. , ,11c
6Xc figured challies, for. . , 4c
5c figured lawns, for 4c
35c crash suiting, for , 23c
45c shirt waiat suiting, for . .34c
10c figured dimity, for
15c Mae polka dot duck, for. . . . . .11c
25c plain pink organdie, for ...... 17c
25c mercerized ginghams, for 17c
Six Waists Cat of White Jap Wash
Silk, .d embroidered in colored
dots and figures. $4.75 patterns
marked special for the Clean-Up
Sale, at, each
35c Jap Wash Silk For 27c
In all the wanted colors and black
and white.
Ladies Muslin
Undergarments Cheaper
Here are values that force them
selves upon you and justly claim rec
ognition. Look over this list and
then through our clothes press and
see if these prices do not suggest a
thought that will bring yon to Minor
& Co.'s for some new Lingerie.
Corset Covers
25c kind for.................. f 19
40c kfrad for. , 32
&Oc kind for 41
65c kind for ,. 49
$1.00 kind for 84
1.25 kind for 89
1.75 kind for 1 29
2.25 kind for 1 69
79c lace trimmed, for; $ 67
75c lace trimmed, for 63
$1.00 lace trimmed, for , . 87
1.50 lace trimmed, for $1 08
1.60 lace trimmed, for 1 23
1.75 lace trimmed, for 1 32
Night Gowns
I 5 embroidery trimmed, for. ,$ 63
1.20 kind, sale price. 89
1.25 kind, gale price 96
1 85 kind, sale price 1 43
2.00 kind, sale price 1 OS
2.25 kind, sale price 1.78
3.00 kind, sale price 2 28
We have yet a nice lot of those Button Shoes for misses and children, which we
are offering at One-Third Less than the regular price. These prices will prevail as
long as there any of them left.
In these we excell in style, finish 1
the lowest. We put these aeainst t
think this is only bunco talk, try us.
In these we excell in stvle. finish and rmaiitv ritk aWinUv m4rant
tne lowest. We put these asrainst the, 1TA11
For Misses, 11 to 2, is a fine
Kid Lace Shoe, with stock tip,
Bpring heel, medium Bole, medi
um toe.
on our MISSES SHOES and
Few Misses, sizes 11 to 2, is
made from extra fine soft and
heavy American kid, lace, pat
ent tip, low flat heel, wide toe,
medium .sole, solid throughout.
fl 25 kind for $ 79
1 60 kind for 1 23
1 75 kind for 1 38
2 00 kind for 1 63
2 25 kind for 1 82
2 75 kind for 2 23
$3 25 kind for 2 73
3 50 kind for 2 98
3 75 kind for...... 3 10
4 00 kind for 3 43
4 50 kind for 3 93
5 00 kind for 4 38
Odd Pairs at Half Price
25c Sunbonnets, Now 19c
Baby Summer Bonnets.
An elegant line And complete assortment of fine Swiss
Embroidered Bona eta, lace and ribbon trimmed. All at
Clean-Up trices. See the reductions below :
$1 65 Poke bonnet or $1 23
1 25 Straw crown lor 72
30 Lawn bonnet for 23
55 Silk bonnet fc.. 47
$1 25 Silk bonnet for.$ 93
2 00 Eaabroid bonnet 1 63
1 75 Eanbsoid bonnet 1 32
85 Silk bonnet for. 64
L-adies Purses Cheaper
25c ones, now. ....... .15c I $1 00 ones, now 55c
35c ones, now. ....... .19c 150ones,now ...75c
60c ones, now... 35c
Cured of Chronlo Diarrhoea After
' Ten Years of Suffering.
"I wish to say a few words in praise of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy," says Mrs. Barge,
of Martinville, Va. "I suffered from
chrnic diarrhoea for ten veara and dur-
Horse Thieves Arrested, ingthat time tried various medicines
Sheriff Shutt returned the latter part i "Moot btaing any permanent relief.
of the week from the northern end of
the county where he had been fori
several days on the trail of some horse
thieves who have been operating in
Umatilla counU.
He arrested Judd Teeters at Castle
Rock and turned him over to Sherifl
Taylor of Umatilla. About the same
time Sheriff Taylor arrested Warren
Stevens on Butter creek, and the trio
is now in the Pendleton jail awaiting
Geo. Ditty, who hat been operating
with the gang, it wanted, but to far hat
made hit escape.
When bilious take Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. For tale
by S locum Drug Co.
I have buyers for Oregon farms. If
you want to sell, list with me or write
for particulars. Horace Grant, Heist
Building, Kansas City, Mo,
isi summer one oi my children was
taken with cholera morbus, and I pro
cured a bottle of this remedy. Only two
doses were required to give her entire
relief. I then decided to try the medi
cine myself, and did not use all of one
bottle before I waa well and I have never
since been troubled with that complaint.
One cannot aay too much in favor of that
wonderful medicine." For sale by
Slocutn Drag Co.
For Sale A good ranch of 100 acre
120 acrea In cultivation; fairly good
house, barn and ont buildings; good
well and running water; all under fence
and cross fences; located 4 miles from
Heppner. Frice $11 an acre. Address
the Times, Heppner.
Estrey Taken np at my place on
Butter creek, one bay horse, branded
horizontal J connected with M on left
shoulder. Owner can have same by
proving property and paying chargea.
j7 J. L. Howard, Galloway, Gre.
Real Estate
And Fire Insurance
Mbiteis & flbatterson
If you have a Farm, Grazing
Lands or City Property for
Sale call on us. Or if you
Want to Buy we can suit you
as we have a Long List of
Properties to Select from.
Land Scrip For Sale