That Tired Feeling las a Common Spring Trouble. It's a sign that the blood 1 deficient In vitality, Just m pimples and other eruptions are signs that the blood U Impure. It't a warning, too, which only the hazardous full to hood. Hood's Sarsaparllla and Pills Remove It, give new life, now cour age,, strongth and animation. They oleanse the blood aud clear the complexion. Accept no substitute. ' "I telt tired ell the time end could not lep. After taking Hood's Bersaparllla a wtill I could sleep well end the tired fooling bad (one. This great medicine tine also cured rue ot scrofula." Mat. 0. II. Hoot, Glload, Conn. , Hood'a Sareaparllla promises t cure and keeps the promise. JUDICIAL DECISIONS. How to Sleep. It U not uncoiimioii to bnnr people say "I wu too tired to sleep" but It t not (toiHTully known bow great a help it In at such time not to try to loop, but to go to work deliberately to get rested In preparation for It. In nine cases out of ten it Is llio unwill ingness to llo owuko tlmt keeps us awake. We toss and turn and wish we could sleep. We fret, aud fume, and ' worry, because we do not sleep. We think of all we have to do on the fol lowing day and are oppressed with the thoiiKlit that we cannot do it if we do not sleep. First, we try ouo expert' incut to seo if it will not tuuke us sleep, and when it falls, we try another aud perhaps another. Iu euch expert- Leas of Kla and More of Kind. I A Hoot wbo served an Englishman A statute gTm&r aTtbrneys a Hen on BUlJe mi friend on a fishing- trip the cause of action for their fees In ba(i wuat 11)e London Dully Mall calls suits instituted by thcin la beld in ..tUB natloual weakness" for claiming Tompklos vs. Nashville, C. St Bt L. relationship with all the Influential Ity. (Tenn.) 01 U It. A. 340, not to dV tmilen In that part of Bcotland. prtve the plaintiff of the right to dls- 0ne aaJ the Englishman met him on miss liis sun against tueir win, or en- tne roaj jrTjug pig, and saw a lit title them to be made parties with t)e fun the right to prosecute the action to pro-1 i)ol.Bi(1 .. gaij b ..lg tuat 0ne tect their own interests. ' , ,.. r.i.,ion-r Injuries caused by the widening of, "ob, no." said Donald, quietly. "This the canal are held, in Mullen vs. take ia jUHt an acquaintance like yerse!'." Drummoiid Canal and W. Co. (N. C), j til L. It. A, 833, not to be Included in For fortv year Klso s Cur tot Con the original condemnation of the right sumption has cured coughs and colds. At ... 1 . . .u i . ..,. druggists. Price 25 cents. the subsequent recovery of damages for them. The other cases on the con struction and operation of eumil are collated iu ad elaborate note to thlsi case. - The Indorsement by the principal of i a check given in purt payment of the j purchuso price of laud Is held. In Thompson vs. New Houth Coal Com pany (Ala.), 02 L. 11. A. r51. not to be a sufficient subscription of the contract to make It binding on him, where it was' made by an agent not having suf ficient authority to bind the principal, although the check was attached to the contract A plan by a voluntary association of merchants engaged In selling proprie tary medicines, adopted by manufac turers of them, looking to the mainte nance of prices, by which the manu facturers should sell at fixed prices, with s rebate only to concerns who could be relied on to maintain the sell ing price, is beld, in John D. Turk & Sons Company vs. Notional Wholesale Druggists' Association (N. V.), 02 I It. A. 032, not to be void as creating a monopoly or in restraint of trude, or as against public policy, That repairs premised by an em ployer to be made upon a defective machine "the fore part of the follow ing week" nod not been' made by As Defined. "SnV. DO." uiieried little Johnnie Bum peruickle, "what's a light-weight boxer'" "A lightweight boxer, my son, is s nan who is engaged in prating straw berries," replied the old geutleuian. riTO Parmananuy win, wo steor nerrousBss Ilia aftr Ant day's UMoftir.Kllne'eOreatt'anre fUwlor.r. nnl lor rree a inainmiiaana irwwi Area St.. fliUadelpbl, fa. BLSIECCD BY RATS. The flirt threshing machine was re cently set up in Damascus. It is a steam thresher from Indiana. CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of There Is little peace or comfort In life if we are always auxluus as to future events. Coleridge. ment we are watching to see If it will work. There ore many things to do, wrtneinr u im tn in,. v. iwot. any one of which might help us to Vvm Compiiny (N Y-)i 62 L. B, A. sleep, but the watching to see if they CUi not t0 fl(,prlve , empoy who .will work keeps us awake. complained of the defective condition When we are kept awake from our of the roacblne of tUe bollcflt ot fatigue, the first thing to do Is to say ruls (lmt an , who over and over to ourselves that we do work , rellanc0 0 te ,,., not cure whether we sleep or not. in Ue t0 f doe, not MM1M th0 order to Imbue ourselves w lb a ' , defoct, flur, m r(,a.ollal,,e Ume healthy Indifference; about it It will ; aowed fof mak tne , 1 am too tired to I train ia neiu, in mm wis uity, fori M. B. Company vs. Little dlffereuco to-suy ABSOLUTE SECURITY. me to do is to get rested in order to prepare for sleep. When my brain is well rested, It will go to sleep; It cannot help it When it Is well rested, it will sleep just as naturally as my lung breatho, or as my heart beats." Les lie's Monthly. - All Night Agsla. Opal, Wyo., May 10. After suffering terribly foi four or live years Mr. A. J. Kohner of this place has been com pletely restored to good health. Ilia coae and its cure is another proof of the wonderful work Dodd's' Kidney Tills can do. Mr. Kohner says: "For four or five years I have been a sufferer with Kidney trouble and a pain over' my Kidneys. I thought I would give Dodd's Kidney Fills a trial and I am glad I did so, for they have done me good work and I fuel all right again." Many cases are being reported every week in which Dodd's Kidney I'ills have effected cures of the most serious cases. These strong testimonies from earn, est men and women are splendid trib utes to the curative properties of Dodd's Kidney Pills and judging by these letters, there is no case of Kidney trouble or backache that Dodd's Kid ney Pills will not cure promptly and permanently. aien are still rree to be the slsves of pawlon, than which servitude there i not a wors. , Deafncas Cannot Be Cured 1r loral appllrattons a thej cannot reach the dliuial portion o( the ear. 1 Here la only one way looure doalueaa, anil that la br eunatltu ttunalremeitlea. lealueaa la eauaeil by an In tlainrd ouudltlon of the muRoua lining of the Kmtaohlan Tut. When thla tub la InHamed you bar a rumbling anund or Imperfect bear. lnf , and when It la entlrelr eloaed, lieafneaa ta Ilia ratult, and utilu.a the fnllainmation can lie ia Ken out ana mie tune re.toied to Ha normal condition, hearing will b deatroyed fnrerer; which la nothing btitau lullamed cundltlou oi ine-miirotifl auriarve. WewlllKive Una Hundred Dollan for any can of lirafneaa (rauaeil by catarrh) that can not le cured by llall'l Catarrh Cure, bend for Circular!, ire. K. 1. CIIKNEY & CO., Toledo, O. Hold by Drugxlnta, 7."h llall'l Family I'll la are the beat. Four Klnde of IJar. The lute Kir Frederick Itramwell of England was famous both as a witness and arbitrator in engineering disputes, It Is recalled Hint his brother, the lute Lord Justice Itramwell, on giving ad' vice to a young barrister, told hlin to be careful of four kinds of witnessed: "First of a liar; second, of the liar who can only be adequately described by the aid of a powerful adjective; third, of the expert witness, and, final ly of my brother Fred." AQBNTS WANTED For our New Uaaoleue Drag Haw. We eat an iline only one lor eaoh log. One man can move aaw. W hauclla the only Malleable drubbing Maehln. Writ ui your weuta tn ue niauuinery una. RKfKKoON MACHINKRY CO.. Foot Morrteoo Hk Portland, Oregon 27, Tested 4 True eiiai oiuiui ail litl sane Iijw-i enisi ml t, ma raitsi Bail Cuuri tt'rup, lulei UtNHl. UH In 1 1 Mis. Mtn ny dniKtiau. au (Kan.) ei L. It. A. 122, to have a right to rely upon the representations of a local ticket agent that such train will stop at a certain point to which he has purchased ticket and desires to ride, and the company is held to be liable if he Is compelled to leave the train be fore reaching bis destination, because i by the general rules of the company, unknown to the passenger, such train is not scheduled to stop at such sta tion. An Insurer agnliiHt employers' lia bility, whose contract gives it the right to defend against stills by employes agnlust the assured, and which, after a Judgment In excess of the insurance has been obtained against the assured, agrees to perfect au appeal. Is held, in Getchell St Martin L. and Mfg. Com pany vs. Employers' Liability Asttur ance Corporation (Iowa), 02 L. K. A. C17, not to be liable for negligently falling to do so, whereby the Judgment is affirmed, in the absence of anything to show that the Judgment was errone ous and that the plniutlff could not have succeeded on a second trial. With tills case Is a note on liability involved in the exercise of the right to control or carry on litigation in the mime of another party. Mr. Nolan's Kitibaaay. Mr. Nolan bad acquired a great rep utation for tact, so that when Mr. Cns sidy fell from a ladder and broke his leg it was quickly decided by all the workmen that Mr. Nolan should bear thme tidings to Mrs. Cussldy. "He broke the news gradual," said Mr. Leahy to his wife that night, "aud by the time she leurutHl the thiuth she was as ca'in as n clock, they say. Ob, he's the great man, is Tliumy Nolan!" How did he do it?" asked Mrs. Leahy, Impatiently. "Like this," said Mr. Nolan's ad mirer. "Ho wlnt to the house and rung the bell, and he says, 'Thin Dlttnls is not dead, Mrs. Cassidy, or you'd nlver be so gay-lookln',' "'Dend!' she screeches. 'Who said ho was dead?' 'Thin It's not thrue he's near to dyln' wid the smallpox, either,' said Tlmmy, 'or you'd nivcr bo lotiklu' so amazed.' " 'Smallpox! she cries. 'Has lie got the smallpox, Tlmmy Nolan, and been tuk to the hospital wldout me snyln' good-by to him? " 'Sure an' ho has nfit,'. said Tlmmy Nolan, In a comfortln' tone. 'It's only that he's broken n few bones In his leg, fallln' from a ladder, and I'm slut ahead wid the news.' "'It's you that's a thrue friend, an' you've lifted a big load from me hearrt,' said Mrs, Cussldy, aud she gave a wnrrm shake to his hand uud wlnt back to her wnsliln'." A We Find II I m. We came upon the college man la the green sweater. "Studying much?" we asked. "Studying?" he ex-hoed, his eyes di latlng with astonishment "Well, guess not. I finished up football In the fall; now I'm playing hockey; soon it will be polo, then lacrosse, and later on baseball." "When do you expect to open your books?" "Woll, during next vacation, if I get a chance." ' Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of A story which recalls liltdiop Ilatto and his round tower is told by a corre spondent of the New York Press. A Mr. Hardy had purchased an old slaughter-house in a New Jersey town with the Intention of converting It Into a machine shop. He went to the place to make some repairs, and was there when a heavy storm arose. Busy with his work on the ground floor of the building, be paid little heed to the storm. Presently he saw a big rat scurry across the floor from the cellarway. This rat was followed by another and another, and then they came In drove. Investigation revealed the fact that the flood waters were running Into the cellar, and the rats were seeking safety. Suddenly the man realized that the room was alive with rats. They poured up the stairway, clambering over one another In their attempt to escape from the water, and squealing noisily. Some attacked Mr. Hardy, and bit bis feet and ankles. He seized an Iron shovel which lay on the floor, and began to lay about him. If be desisted, the rats returned to the attack. Tired of the fight he then tried to leave the bouse, but to his dismay found the water was deep around it With difficulty he beat the rats away, and leaped to a stairway lead ing to a top floor. When he reached the story above he found the rets were there before him. He killed a score or more, and then stood at the head of the stairway and beat back the horde that tried to come up. "It was my life or theirs," said Mr. Hardy, "and I killed rats till my strength wos exhausted." For several hours he was a prisoner. Then the flood receded somewhat with the tide, and he went downstairs, ran through the room where the rats were still scurrying about in great numbers, and got away through the water; up to his waist A aosi Ont of School. . Plain-mannered, common-sense rela tive serve no mor useful purpose than In keeping down vain pretensions! and silly tendencies In other members of the family. The New Tork Press say that It had become fashionable In a certain school to diversify names. Mabel bad become Maybelle, May Mayme, and soon Jessie caught the In fection. She write a letter to her elder broth er, Sam, and algned it "Jessica." Sam detected the slns of the times, and tbls was his reply: "Dear Sister Jessies: Your letter re ceived. Aunt Marks and Uncle Geor- glca started for Bostonica yesterday. Mamlca and paph a are well "I bought a new horse yesterday. She Is a beauty; her name Is Maudlc Your affectionate brother, Samica." Honoring Head White Klephanta. Curious ceremonies are witnessed in Slam whon one of the sacred white elephants dies. It is given a funeral grander than that accorded to princes of royal blood. Buddhist priests ottlei' ate, and thousands of devout Siamese men and women follow tCe deceased animal to the grave. Jewels and of ferings representing some thousands of pounds are buried with the ele phant TESTED AND TRUE GUARANTEED NOW) I the time t USE IT. Ayer's When the nerves are weak everythine goes wrong, iou are tired all the time, easily discouraged, nervous, and irritable. lour cheeks are Sarsaparilla ?ale and your blood is thin, our doctor says you are threatened with a nervous breakdown. He orders this grand old family medicine. ' " For mora than Tsara I haT uA Att' Sartaparnla in my family. H ta a irranri tonte at all ttmei. and a wondnrfol medicine for Im pure blood." P. C. Holt, Waal Havan. Conn. fl 00 a bottla. Alt dT-ttirct.. for J O. ATI CO., !.fiwo. Ma. Weak Nerves BELIEFS OF MALAYS. A Pitting Reception. Mrs. Suhurti Dora! lora! Daughter Yes, ms. Mrs. Suburb Run to the piano and play "Hail to the Chief." Here comes the new girl. 1 You Can Oct Allen's Fovt-Eaae FREE. Writ Allen B. Olmsted, le Koy.N. Y., tor a tree aamnle of Allen 'a Fnnt-F.aae. It cure sweating, hot awollen , aching feet. It makes new or tiaht ahoea eay. A certain cure for coma, Ingrowing nails and bunions. Alldrug fiiuaellit. 2ic Xjon't accept any snbetitute. Kasily Pleased. Jack Are the new fire-dollar silver certificates out? George I haTec't noticed any. Juek Oh, well, it doesn't matter much. One of the old ones will do, if yon can let me have it for a few days. Keep the bowels regular with Aver') Pills, juat one pill each night Home Kxceptlon. Slimpurse (airily) Aw, me good man, is it-customary to tip wsitahs heah? Head Waiter (condescendingly) Not unless you are richer than the waiter, sir. Keelev liouor-morphine-tobacco ,Vture HABITS PERMANENTLY CUfitii s vy m r on f uu particulars eemf ftrrtiiYiH$imnr.- resTiNB,oar,! The naicaime Way. A pretty girl; a trowded car: "Please take my seat," and there yoa are. A crowded car, a woman plain; She stands and there you are again. ICothera will find Mn. Winalowa'a Soothing Syrup the beat remedy tons for their children d urine the teething period.. A woman never realizes that she has done something wonderful after step ping backward off a street car and escaping with her life. 5e Fac-Slmll Wrapper Below. l! a rvrrrxn I I n itti r 1 I frlte It Canti Try a mall amd a r to take a am fan. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR IIUOUSKEtS. FOR TORPID UVUt. FOB CONSTIPATION, FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION I Purely YeyetaMe.wg jummw M mn an 1 1 n CURE SICK HEADACHE. Trace of an Old Religion in Their Present Life. Many people In Singapore are mon or less Interested Just now in the thir ty days' fast, yearly undertaken by all followers of the Islam faith. In these days of . modern luxuries and good living it would seem an anomaly to reside In the midst of a people wbo rigorously abstain from meat and drink, from sunrise to sunset, during one entire month of the year. It Is no easy matter for a native who is work ing all day in the broiling sun to do so without even moistening his Hps with water. There have been cases known In which a Malay has been downright ill, yet refused to take medicine from hie master, until aaeured over and over again that it would be Allah's will that be should cure bis body by drinking that medicine. Mohammedanism is nearly related to Christianity, Inasmuch as it recognizes the miracles, teaching and Messiahsblp I of Christ, aud by means of the Koran KILL T3H SERPENT1 BUY FROM YOUR DEALER Tbe GtMwTOWER'J POMMEL SLICKER HA3 BEEN ADVERTISED AND 30LD FOR A QUARTER OF A CfNIURY. i LIKE ALL fSSiWATMOF 5 CLOIHING. It is made of the but r&teruils. in black or jrelkw. fully Guarantee 4. and sold by reliable detlert everywhere. MICA TO THE SIGN OF THF FISH TOWER CANADIAN COullMh, A J TOWIR CO. TOtOHTO, CAN. ; a10N.IUU.UlLi! The worst disease the world has ever known, and the greatest scourge to the human race, is Contagious Blood Poison. One drop of the virus of this most horrible of all diseases will pollute and vitiate the purest, healthiest blood, and within a short time after the first little sore appears the system is filled with the awful poison and the skin breaks out in a red rash ; the glands of the groins swell, the throat and mouth become ulcerated, the hair and eyebrows drop out, and often the entire surface of the body s covered with copper-colored splotches and sickening sores and erup tions. Contagious Blood Poison is as treacherous and elusive as the serpent. You may be carrying it in your veins with no visible evidences ot its existence ; tor while mercury and potash seem to cure and all external signs disappear, the dis ease is doing its destine- i ..i . it eommands a verv hltrh state of mor- uve worx Wlinm, or me allty to be observed and has obtained! patient is constantly a wonderful hold over the Malay race, harassed by returning Europeans sometimes find It hard to symptoms and unmistaka- rarocntT.a tha fnnt thflt tllA Mnliiva hlft frflrpfi nf thtt VAnnA ., ,... vri,,man. ; Tl, a a f no return or symptom of the rile dtseaee ua,v Wv am tvmuau iv uiuuuiuiuvuuu- Aiuvu a u V U B U U VI Ism, being before that believers In the physical wrecks and Hindu religion, and before that again, ' chronic invalids from the effects of Blood Poison know the nncer. worshipers of Dyak Idols. tainty of the mercury and potash treatment that it stifles but does not A cursory Inspection of the hideous kill the serpent. As long as there is life in the serpent there is danger wooden gods in Raffles Museum and in iu f . and while blood , tainted there78 d f of . f ?- Z?lTr tion' Safety lieJ only in crushing u h lif f loathsome disease in the natives states, gives a very clear -j l:ik u. , . . idea of the Malay's original upbring- For many years S. S. S. has been known as lag i n antidote for Blood Poison. It is a remedy composed entirely of Some of the old superstitions and, vegetable ingredients, and we offer $1,000 for proof that it contains folk lor still cling to the natives. For ssw aw w tne 'east Particle of mercury, potash or Instance, they believe ha a f-'i'i - fJ fJ other mineral. It thoroughly purifies th bird called the jlntayu, and on his lm- I VwV ood, improves the appetite and diges- aglned longing for rain have founded a proverb which refers to people who are full of anxiety and despondent They say, "As the Jlntayu awaits the rain;" one would suppose the Jlntayu was fully satisfied this season. Pitts burg Press. After sufferlngr twelve year from Contagious Blood Poiaon, end trying- the beet phyalciana obtainable, and all the patent medicine procurable, and stead ily continuing- to arrow worse, X up all hope of reoovery, and phyeician pronounced my ea ineurable. Hoping ag-aina t hope, I tried S. S. S. I improved front the flrat bottle, and after takinr twely waa cured aonnd and wall, and for two year hare had E. V.. E.EGI3TEB. A beautiful girl is one who is pretty and doesn't kuow it Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Tata wondarTat Chi on. doctor hi eallad rrat bacauaa ha cura panple without opar ion tliat are gtvan up to die. Ha curaa with Ihoae wondarfut t'ht ntw harba, roou, binla, barka aud vjrtabla 11 1 at are entirely ur kiiowa to mvdtcai act. rnca III Uila ooualrr. Ihnaa barmlaaa ram.dlM una famous doctor nnwa ina action or over WO different mm IIm, wblih ha auccvaarullj uaaa In diSarant dlacaana, Ha uarantsa to cure oattarh, aatb ma, lung, throat,' rhruniatlam, narTouanaaa. ammarh, liver, kldnara, eto.t baa hunriraua ot iMtlmoolale, I'hareae moritrai. call and aa hi m. Fatlanta out of tha city writs fur blank! and circulars. Bond stamp, UUMSUir TA'ilON yHKK. AbUMUUS The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. ISJ Alder St., foreland, Orsgea. jSsTMsutieu pa par. Througli tha una o The New Version. A soldier of the Russians Lay japanned at Tschrizlcjskiviteh, There was lack of woman's nursing And other comforts which Might add to his last moments And smooth the final way; But a comrade stood beside him To hear what he might say. The Japanned Russian faltered As he look that comrade's hsnd. And he said: "I never more shall see My own, my native land; Take a message and a token To some distant friends of mine. For I was born st Smnlxzrskgqncskl, Fair Smnlxzrskgqrxski on the Irks trvsklmnov." New York Sun. P. N. U. No. 2!-eo. rltlne- ta advertiser bUbm mention thla paper. Crab Shell Barometer. A curious barometer Is said to be used by the remnant of tbe Arauca nian race which inhabits the southern most province of Chile. It consists of the cast-off shell of a crab. Tbe dead shell is white In fair, dry weather, but the approach of a moist atmosphere is Indicated by the appearance of small red spots. As the moisture in the air Increases the shell becomes entirely red and remains so throughout the rainy season. Long Billt Ilaoe. The longest race ever run on stilts took place from Bordeaux to Blarrlta in 1893. The distance Is 303 miles. tion, and tones up all parts of the system. In chronic 'and long-standing cases of Blood Poison, S. S. S. acts promptly and without leaving any bad after-effects. Write us about your case, and our physicians will advise with out charge, and we will mail you free our home-treatment book tell ing all about Contagious Blood Poison and its different stages and symptoms. W smfT spEcmc CQf ATlAt:TAi CAm 'T CE1 Piffleultlei are only fences acrois Tour chosrn and a bunineK education are the muscle and Hki gut over the fences. Make the first jump today by writing us for patB. HtenoaranhT kill that help you to our catalogue. Our graduates are all employed BEnKE-WaUER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland, Oregon. DO YOUR JAWS ACHE? Perhaps It's) Plat Trouble). Kxtreme Measure. Mother If I catch you chasing those hens again I'll wash your face every day next week. Punch. An egotist is a man wbo expects a woman to marry him for himself alone. Flate trouble Is a common thing, and there are various kinds ol It. Many plates never were rlitht. Others are properly maile, but the mouth 1 not nut lu proper condition for wearing the plate. If your plates are In any way unsatisfactory we will be glad to matte an examination and tell you the caua ol trouble. We extract teeth wholly without pain and all work la at lower than reasonable rates. Extracting free when plates or bridge! are ordered. UK. W. a. Mirth ordered. Kit. 1. 1 . niu WISE BROS., Dentists SSSSS Open evening till Sundays from to U Oregon, Main 2W " ' - ' RUSSELL "CYCLONE" THRUSHURS Write for Catalogue and Prices THE A. H. AVERILL MACHINERY CO. PORTLAND, OREGON.