Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, May 05, 1904, Image 1

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VOL. Vil.
NO. 2G.
11 llMllo
Signs of Spring
Coming is,a warning that Your Blood
needs attention. You cannot tell what
disease may bo lurking there. There's
nothing bettor, cheaper or handier to
use than the
Red Blood Tonic and
Laxative Pill
They should bo used by every one dur
ing the ppring months. Every box
guaranteed to give satisfaction. Trice
50c per box.
Grocery Store
By purchasing 125.00 worth of goods at this btore you re
ceive free of ohargo a get of this beautiful ware - - -
No Stale Cooda
. . CALL
And eee us and we will treat you right.
Have just opened a Dew
aaloon at the comer of
Main and May street
Finest L-lquors
and CigarB
Pendleton Beer
On Draught
Hot and Cold Lunches
Heppner, Or.
olumbias Imbibe too Free
ly and Get into Trouble.
Cor. Main and Willow Sta.
Contractors and Builders
A share of the patronage
1 Office one door north of Scrivner'i
f blacksmith chop, Main atreet.
I n m 1 1 Anyone thinking of MM-uring a
HeoDner iVlarDie m..nomn . n.
t wlwrr' Uilveorfrlumt Will do well to
and Granite Works
aa. ... .M..Arf n An all Pnmninrw ami .nltilfnr wnrlf ait lined brit'tM.
MINOR it LOWE, Trops
Breeders of C. B. P. Rocks
and 3. C. B. Leghorns From
March 1, Eggs for setting
$1.25 for 15. From Choice
pen $2.25 for 15. -
Single Birds
or Pairs
The Tables-will be Sup
plied at all Times with
the Beet Eatables to be
Found in the Market.
Board per week... S5.00 V
Single meal 50
Rear of P. O. Borg's Jewelry
Store. ::::::-:
1 O. W. CRABTREE, Prop.
I havo just received a new stock of
groceries, full and complete in
every line, and am prepared to fill
all orders for largo or small quantities.
W. M. Ashbaugh. j
All The Lending
Cigars in Stock. :
Brands of
Agents Hazelwood Ice Cream
Eggs for Sale
Bard Plymouth Rock
egg for sale for setting
purposes. Mated with
high grade rooster just
from pen at Portland.
Eggs per setting of .15 f 1
Gallowav. Ore.
her playing being especially pleasing in
the Chopin acherzo.
Mrs. Dierke waa recalled many timet,
and not until two extra soloa, Moszkow
eki'a "Spanish Caprice" and Etnde,"
op 9 No. 5, Chopin, were given, waa the
audience content to let her merely bow
her acknowledgements. She waa the
recipient of numerous boqaeta and bas
kets of lovely blossoms. Evening
At the opera house, Heppner May 13.
Wool Market Brisker than
Last Year.
Alt Efforts of Officers to Ascer-
tUIn who Sold Liquor to In
dians Without Avail.
A band of Columbia river Indians
ho have been camped down near the
depot in thi city the paat few days, had
serious trouble Saturday night.
All , day Saturday they circulated
bout town freely and in the afternoon
engaged in wrestling witn wbite men
which afforded a great deal of amuse
ment for a large crowd of people who
ad congregated at the south end ol
Gale street.
Late in the evening the Indians re
tired to their camp in the north end,
but not ontil they had made arrange
ments, it appears, for a libera! supply
of "Fire Water."
Along about 11 or 12 o'clock at night
great commotion was heard in that
vicinity. Guns were discharged, the
war hoop raised and the air was rife
with bad Indian language.
Marshal Gurdane and Night Watch
Rasmus hastened to the tcene ot trouble
to find frightened Indians scattered in
all directions. However, there were
wo, Buffalo Bill and Winnamuck, who
were so seriously hurt that they were
rendered unable to travel, Buffalo Bill
was found with bis bands tied behind
bia body and bis head beaten almost
Into a pulp and one shoulder badly
bruised. It appears that other of the
Indians after fastening his hands had
taken a rock and pounded his head
until they thought him dead, and for a
time Sunday it was thought be might
die from the wounds, but he will prob
ably recover. ,
Winnemuck was not so badly injured,
but sufficiently that he will remember
his experience with "Fire Wate" for
some time to come.
Before the officers arrived on the scene
of trouble Tom Sampson and others,
who bad won the "Honors of the Day,"
had made good their escape and their
The City Council.
The city rouncil met in regular ses
sion Monday evening with Mayor Gil
liom and Council men Qnaid, Noble and
Warnock present.
The applications of Frank Roberts,
Frank Natter and D. Matlock for saloon
license were read and licenses ordered
itsued to Roberta and Natter, but the
Matlock application was lai I over until
the next regular meeting.
Ordenance 100, relating to a fire limit
was read second time and went over to
the next meeting for final action.
Ordinance 102, providing for a back
and front and in certain cases a side
exit, was read second time.
The matter of an ordinance regulating
certain features of drayage buaineaa was
placed in the hsnds of tity attorney.
The matter of dedication of street for
privileges of new county road coming in
from the west, was posponed until the
necessary survey be made.
The following bills were allowed :
Conover & Gray .$ 3 75
A. M. Slocum 49 83
Heppner Transfer Co 55 75
C. C. Patterson 31 74
Gilliam & Biobee 7 55
Wm. Henderson 18 00
Gilliam & BiBbee 14 50
Albert Williams 17 75
D. C. Gurdane 64 25
J. W. Rasmus 60 00
L. W. Brigga. 8 33
W. A. Richardson. 16 65
Heppner Water & Light Co 97 80
Gooseberry Notes.
Mr. M. Z. Biddle of Hardman, if
visiting in the neighborhood.
Our Foetmaeter I. R. Esteb is taking
his vacation over at Walla Walla visit
ing with his son.
County Judge Ayers and F. M. Grf
fin are here today looking after road
matters and politics incidentally.
We aro showing some
17 and 21 Jewel Hamil
ton' Watciiks, Silver or
Gold filled, dust proof
cases, most reliable
watches made, at mod
erate cost.
Jewelor and Optician.
We have heard of giving a calf plenty
apprehension is doubtful aa the officers of rope and be will bang himself, but
here have no direct information as to we never heard of oce breaking bia leg.
who the guilty partiea are. The measley brute will never be able
The real guilty party, however, ia the to tell how he broke it.
one duo sold tne nquor to me in- Baseball ia all ins rage nere now, tne
dians, and along the line of his appre- boys are practicing every chance they
hension, Sheriff Shutt and Marshal get and ere long expect to join the
Gurdane have been directing their beat Western League and then lookout for
fforts everv since the affair occured. Western Morrow county, the will sure
They locked up Winnemuck who they come to the front.
ave reason to believe knew from whom Candidatea are very scarce In this
the liquor was obtained, but ithout neck of tne wooda, especially those who
Secretary Cwinn Hopeful for
Better Prices for Oregon'
Wool this Year.
J. H.Gwinn, secretary of the Oregon
Woolgrowers' Association, is more
hopeful than ever for good prices for
Oregon wool thia year, says the E. O.
Advice from the East indicate that the
same grades of wool are telling at an
advance of 1 to lyi cents per pound
over last years prices and that buyers
are very active In contracting at present
prices, which would clearly Indicate
that they expect a raise, before the
season's clip is disposed of.
Mr. Gwinn haa received the following
figures from a Boston review of the wool
situation, which indicate that all the
merchants and buyers confidently ex
pect a raise in price before the clip of
1904 is marketed. The review says :
'If the Boston market lacks interest
just now in point of sales, there is en
ough activity m the growing sections to
make amends and show that there are
plenty of operators with faith in the
future. Bayers are numerous in Wyom
ing and Utah, which are just now the
centers of activity. The new clip is
moving lively at stiff prices. At Caspar,
Wyoming 13 and 14 cents have been
paid. Choice clips have been contracted
at the latter figure, that were bought
last year at 13 centa.
"In Utah nothing- leti than last year 'a
prices are acceptable to the growers,
the range being from 13 to 15 cents,
with what are called medium xlips
selling for 14 and 15 cents.
"Many of the leading Boston houees
are now operating and are paying the
prices demanded. Some few are hold
ing back, as usual, but it would seem,
however, that the price of the clip has
been established and that the wool sold
in Oregon and other new sections yet to
be opened to the market this season,
would be on the same high level aa
those already told."
Celebrated Coffman Chocolate, Used
at all leading Theatres. : : : : '
Ashbaugh & Ayers. 2
imWIII TTOwtHwwM 999 Himill 99 HHWf g
I have for rent laro pas
ture with plenty of
water, shade and bunch
grass. Cattlo 75c, horses
00c, . mules $1.00 per
month. : : : : :
Harry Cummings
Hardman, Oregcn.
do the treatins act. but once in a while
one comes along who puts up a stink-a'
duro, Cnbanola, Perfecto, and of course
we will certainly cast our rights
sufferage in the right direction.
One neighbor takes bia potatoes
lone and sella them for one dollar per
tack in trade. Another neighbor goes
to the same place, buys potatoea, pays
one dollar and seventy five cents pe
sack and pays the cash thia Fall. This
is why the farmer gets rich quick and
lives in fine pallacea while of course the
merchant is doing a good legitmate
business and has no kick coming.
Splendid Musical.
Beatrice Barlow Dierke' playing was
an important feature of the entertain
ment. There were four soloa: (a) Vari
ations, "Nei Cor Fieu," Beethoven, the
characteristics of hose music are the
tranquil and the peaceful; (b) the dainty
Kusa Waltzes," Strauss-Rosnthal ; (c)
Chopin scherzo in B flat minor; (d)
"Isolde' Death," Wagner-Lisxt, from
the opera "Tristan and Isolde."
The solos were well chosen, differing
as widely in character aa could be.
Mr. Dieike added to the laurels she
bat already won in Portland. She was Bast Cough Medicine for Children
moat winsome in a stmBlegiwn ot white, When yon buy a cough medicine for
and made a very attractive picture In small children you want one in which
all her work the young artiat creates you can place implicit confidence. You
unusual interest, for In her shines the want one that not only relieve but
light of genius. Her .tyle was all that cure. Yon want one that ia unqueshon-
, , . ... , ably'harmleaa. Yon want one that la
could be desired, in Interpretation and ch.mberUln., Cough
execution, her lelectiona being sufficient- Remed eeti , of thete condition.
ly contrasted to display everv detail of There la nothing ao good for the coughs
her marvelous technique and her won- and colda Incident to childhood. It la
,l.,rlno.erof.xDresiion. also a certain preventive and cure for
Sh captivated every one by the die-
croup, and there ia no danger whatever
trom whooping cough when it ia given
Mrs. Delia Riggs ia sick.
Superintendent 3. W. Shipley was in
town Friday evening.
J. J. McGee was in town Monday.
He had beenjurveyiug.
Johnny Leach and Prof. Wilcox went
down on the sand hunting, Tuesday.
Mies Iona White waa quite sick the
first of the week. She ia able to be
out again.
Our school cloaed Friday. In tha
forenoon, a program waa rendered by
the pupils.
Rev. Walter Skipworth lectured on
local option at the Congregational
church Wednesday evening.
Mrs. W. R. Munker and Mr. M n
nie Mulligan went to The Dalles on
Friday, returning Saturday.
We understand that Frank Tyler
underwent successful operation at
Portland Friday, and ia doing well.
C. A. Johnson's family are now lo
cated in Mrs. E. A. Beymer'a house.
We welcome them again to onr town.
Fred Beymer i hobbling around on
a crutch thia week. He sprained bit
ankle while playing ball a day or two ago.
Messrs Wilcox, Doll, and Notson,
and Misses Elsie Palmer and Nellie
Scott attended the local institute at
lone Saturday.
There will be preaching next Sunday
morning at the Methodist church by
Rev. W. O. Miller, and in the evenig by
tinction of her legato, and the flexibility u hM been Qed ,n miny epidemic cf
and equality of her finger work, the faa- disease with perfect luccesa. For
clnating quality that sings through all tale by Slocum Drug Co.
Rev. II. S. Shangle.
The Timet and Oregonlan 2 a year.