Peculiar To Itself In what it la and what it docs con- latest Fleotrlcal Novelty. Down nor Atlantic City, N, J., there has bean In successful operation for HTiril mouths au experimental trolley road minus tha trollujr. Mora astonishment atlU there U no third rail or storage battery to be aeen on t'TTTtTTTTtTTtTtTTTTTttTTT tulning the best blood-purify lng, ' tbla unique bit of road. Without any alterative and tonio subBtancca and PPrent niMM 01 the au- .. ., . , . Important electric current, motor cara effecting the mont radical and per. wlll iTllw , X),ooo-pound load on thia manent cures of all humors and all road. Of couree, the secret of It all eruptions, relieving wcuk, tired, ,n ,ho application of a new sys languid feelings, and building -P rX--! the whole system is true only of twaan tba rulla whore a metal button Hnnd's Sarsanarllla-vnl!U nbove to turouKb which iUUU. A UU( AUfJUf (CCU ,.,,., tim powerful current carried No other medicine acts like it along wlrea In a aubway. A person no ottior medicine lias done so much real, substantial good, no other medicine has restored health and strength at so little cost. "I u troubled with serofula and esms Boar losing my nrealirbU For fuur months I eould not so to do anything. After taklut two bottles of Hood's ttarssiifti-llla I could see to walk, aud when I had Uknn alicht bottle I aould i ai well at ever." Busis A. Uaims ton, Wit ban, N. 0. Hood'a Saraaparllla promisee to cure and keeps the promise. Tha Ilalra of tha Head. Ttt'd-liulrcd people) are loss subject to Imlilnoas thim others. A doctor ex- lihilua tho matter thus: The balr of tho red hen tied lit relatively thick, one red hulr being almost na thick a Ave or three brown lmlis. With 30,000 red linlrs tho scalp la well thutched, where as with tho Kama number of fair Imlrs one la comparatively bald. It takes nearly fair and 105.000 brown lialra to cover udeijtmtely an ordiuury lieud. Conflicting? Kviilonoe. The Widow 1 wonder why Minerva wan culled tha goddess of wisdom? Tha llaohelor l'robubly because aha wasn't foolish enough to marry. Tha Widow Then why waa Solomon, who hud a thousuud wlrea, called the Wisest man? Eight relative! of Premier Sadden of New .oalaud draw ou an average of t'J.1,000 each lu aalary from the government. Flno'i Cure U a aood couirh nedtclne. It has cured cotiiths and colda for forty yean. At druggists, 23 cents. might atep on tbla button and one of the ralla at the aame time and not receive a ahock, but, aa the car passes over, a powerful mngnct nndorncatb attract the button and In raising It establishes the circuit which auppllei the motor with enough of the essential fluid to propel the car along the tlx teen feet of track to another point of contact. The aavlng of ezpenac In Installation and maintenance over that of tho old ayatema, the freedom from overhead wires which so serl ously Interfere with tho fighting of fire In the cities, and the Immunity from fatal shocks which It insures are factor which wlll no doubt bring about It rui)ld adoption. Meant What It Said Mr. Lelghton lms none of the spirit of a burgfiln hunter, and Mrs. Lelghton decided that to have blm accompany her ou one of her Monday expedition was moro of a trial thun a pleasure, In splto of bla capabilities us bundle-car rier. "Kdward, I wish you would look at that golf vest and seo If you don't think It Is exactly, In every particular, like the ono we saw at Itrown's. That was only $3,70, and this 1 $4.25. I'm sure I don't know what they mean by culling these bargains," sold Mrs, Lelghton. I can't see that It says they are bargnlua on that placard," said Mr, tiCighton, In an uncomfortably clear tone. "It soya, 'These good are being sold regardless of cost,' and probubly they are, my dear." The total annual revenue of Russia, according to tha Inst report, waa $1, 011.13b.000. Mule Willie. Willie Mr. OldlKjy, why do they aay you are lu your aecoud childhood 7 Mother Willie! Willie Oh, 1 know: It'a because you are buhlhendnd, just like baby Dick. Uoston Transcript. riTO Pmrmeiwntlf unna. wonuornarvoasMse Ilia aftar flratday'suMof Ur.Kllnc'sUnalMs Jlalorr. Hvnd fur r,M mt trial hntllftanft traallM. In. K. U. Kline. Ui..W Arab a., rtilladalsfcla, i'a. Contlnaext. We are told that, lu many directions, It la the Impossible which la true. Per haps Uie extravagance of the follow ing story, told by the New York Times, may help vouch for It accuracy: A book club had engaged lu the study of "Hamlet." Hut two meetings bad taken place when one member met another at an afternoon tea. "Aren't you dying for the next meet ing of the club?" she asked. "I don't know. Why?" "Why, because we're studying 'Ham' let'l Aren't you simply crazy to know bow It comes out?" The Clause or It. "Wbat'a the cause of all this twaddle about elevating the atago, I'd like to know?" "Want to get It above the level of the womcn'a hate, I auppose. Fact's About Japan. Among the Japanese one divorce take place for every four marriage. The Emperor of Japnn 1 the direct descendant of the Emperor Jlmmu, who ascended the throne 2,504 year ago, making the dynasty older than any other dynasty that exists or ever did exist The true name of Korea Is Choson, meaning "Land of the Morning Calm.1 It 1 by this name that the country la designated In diplomatic paper at the State Department In Washington. Japanese soldlera are fed on lice, sited fish, dried seaweed and pickled plums a diet that la almost univer sal In Japan, except In the navy, where rations of meat are served. Soldiers are allowed meat when on campaigns, bnt rarely eat It. Bad aa a Bullet. Hospital Physician This man seems to ba half dead, aud yet I cannot find anything the matter with him. Where la ha from? Ambulance Driver I got him at tha door of tha Ht. Fashion Assembly Hull There Is a ball going on there. rbyslclan Ah, I see. II probably stepped on a lady'a dresa aud slit euld "Sirl" It All Depends. "They tell me," aaid the youth, "that men who work live longest Do you believe It?" "Well," remarked the snge, "It de pends a good deal on who they try to ork." OLD - FAVORITES Tha Mistletoe Hough. The mistletoe hung In tha custls hall, he holly branch shoos on tha old oak wall; nd the baron's retainers wen blithe and ar. And keening their Christmas holiday, The bnron beheld with a father's prld His beautiful child, young Ixivell's bride; While she with her bright eyes seemed to be The star of this goodly company. I'm weary of dancing now," h cried; Here tarry a moment I'll bide, I'll hide! And, I.ovoll. be sure thon'rt lint to trace The clow to my secret lurking place. Away she ran and her friends began Euch tower to search, and each nook to scan: And young Iovell cried, "0, where dost thou hide? 'm loneome"without thee, my own dear bride." They sought her that night, aud thty sought her next day, And they sought her In vain when a week passed away; In the highest, the lowest, tha loneliest spot. Young tovell sought wildly but found her not And yean flew by, and their grief at last Was told as a aorrowful tole long past; nd when Lovell appeared, the children cried: Seel the old man weeps for bis fairy bride." At length an oak chest that had long lain hid. Was found lu the castle they raised the lid, And a skeleton form lay mouldering there In tha bridal wreath of that lady fair! O. sad was her fate! In sportive Jest She hid from her lord In th old oak chest It closed with a spring! and, dreadful doom, The bride lay clasped In her living tomb! Thomas Haynes Bayly. tell, but the ones who are piepsrlnt volumes of biographies of the moneyed men of the country In which the per son approached may have bis history written up at so many thousand del Ian a page. There la also tha biblio maniac, who fastens himself upon Mr. Morgan to dispose of some ancient torn, colored In red by a uiouk and in yellow by father Time. Mr. Gates has had opportunities to place himself In the class with Ksntos- Dumont as a navigator of the air and to become a second Castro In the for mation of a new South American re public. Three men with theories of airships who needed only money to make them fly have offered Mr. Gates a handsome share In ventures If he would produce the capital for construction. Mr. Hawley, who was a protege of Collie P. Huntington, has been be sieged more by Western promoters be cause he came from the Pacific coast Offers of Interests In mines In the Western States and In South America, Mexico and Europe have been cast at blm as If the whole world were a Klondike and be the first miner on the ground. A MICIHeAN MAYO R SAYS "1 Know Pe-ru-na Is a Fine Worn Out System. Tonic for a THE CITY BOY. "Only Watting." Only watting till th shadows Are a little longer grown, Only waiting till the glimmer Of the day'a last beam Is flown Till the night of earth is faded From tha heart, once full of day; Till the stan of heaven are breaking Through the twilight soft and gray. Only waiting till tha reapen Have the last sheaf gathered home, For the summer time is faded, And the autumn winds have coma. Quickly, reapen! gather quickly The last rip hours of my heart, For the bloom of life Is withered. And I hasten to depart. Oulr waiting till th angels Oreo wide the mystic gate, At whose feet I long have lingered. Weary, poor and desolate. Even now I hear tha footstep, And their voices far away; If they call me, I am waiting, Only waiting to obey. Only waiting till the shadowe Ar a little longer grown, Only waiting till tha glimmer Of the day'a last beam Is flown. Then from out the gathered darkness, Holy, deathless stan shall rise, By whose light my soul shall gladly Tread IU pathway to tua sines. Frances Laughton Mace. am j-sw. mm s 3 BOIL PYRAMIDS OF PAIN Boil show the blood is in a riotous, feverish condition, or that it has grown too weak and slug- flrinK irk thrnw nfT tllA Knrtilv imntiritia uliiMi L'-. then concentrate at some tpot, and a carbuncle or boil is the result. To one already enfeebled by disease, boils seem to come with more frequency, causing the intensest pain and greatest danger to the already weak and debilitated suflerer. All skin eruptions, from the sometimes fatal car buncle to the tpitefuf little cat-boil, are caused bv bad blood, and the only way to avoid or get permanently rid of them is to purify and build up the deteriorated, polluted blood, and counteract the humor and noisons : and nothing will do this so auicklv and thoroughly aa S. S. S., which is the acknowledged king of blood purifier and great est of all tonics. Where the blood has become impoverished and is poor and thin, no medicine act go promptly in building up and restor ing it richness, purity and Btrength. The time to Cure Allegheny, Pa., June 11, 1803. a in hofnrA it r1v0. rrom tne age or twenty or thirty I waa aorel a DOll 1 peiore It aevel- i.fflt0t.d with large, awful bolls on my faoa and ops, when It It in a State body. As soon as the? would haalnpinoneplaoe J ini.lmimn (...,.,'. they would break out In another part of tha body, Of incubation or formation end thla oontlnuad for ten year. I tried averji in the blood; for boils are, thins-Ioould hear of to get relief, butnothlnr nfter all onlv this imniiri. did me any a-ood. I bad but little faith In 8. B. B. alter an, oniy me impuri- doln- mQn,i wh.n i t.n u. but after t&kin. ties and poisons bubbling It for ahort while the boll becan to dlaappear, tin tVirniirrh thn sliin end 1 eontinuad on with tha medicine, taking sis bot UP. inr..ugn 110 B1"ni antt ties, end all the bolls entirely disappeared. Five this Wlll Continue in spite yeare have elapsed sinoa that time, and X have r j i . never been bothered slno. showing that the cure oi poulticing anu lancing wa, p.,,,,.,,,,,,. x had eome thirty or forty of till the blood gets rid of the most pstnful bolla one aver bad, and to ba j. ... ,it.,i" entirely rid of them by your great purifier, its accumulated poison. B. s, b. cuts me under a debt of rratitnd to way to iop dohs is - - to attack them in the blood. and this is what S. S. S. does. All danger of boils is past when the blood has been thorouchlv nurificd and the system cleansed of all mor bid, impure matter. I? you are subject to boils, then the same causes that produced them last season will do so this, and the sooner you begin to put your uiooa ana system in gooa order the better the chanco of going through the spring and summer season without boils or other painful and irn tating skin eruptions. S. S. S. is guar anteed purely vegetable, and can be taken with perfect safety by old and young, and without harm to the most delicate constitution." It is mild and pleasant in its action, and unequaled as a cure for boils and kindred eruptions, Write us if you would like medical advice or other information. T1IE SWIFT SPCCIflC CO., ATLANTA, OAs THE PENALTY OF WEALTH. Millionaire Whose Uvea Are Made Miserable by Craukaand Promoter. Three men In the Wall street dis trict, New York, receive requests In the courso of a year to back schemes the financing of which would break the Bnnk of England or bankrupt the government of the United States. They are John w. Gates, J. ricrpont Mor gun and Edwin Hawley. These propo sals run through the whole gamut of human Ingenuity, from a new method of scratching matches to the promo tion of a South Amerlcnn revolution or the prevention of earthqunkes and other seismic disturbances. They pour In by letter and persons from all quar ters of the globe. These things are the penalty of spec tacuiar wealth. They are some of the troubles that beset the man who makes bis millions with a blare of trumpets and under the glare of limelights. Mr. 0 u tog bas been bounded so by inportunste persons that be hardly dares set foot In the street He was Importuned In restaurant after restau rant until In self -protection he bad a dining-room fitted up In bis office and there be now takes bis luncheon. Mr. Morgan baa been forced to adopt the same method. One of tho-things that bothers Mr. Morgan most, although It cost blm no money, 1 the camera with a fiend be hind It It there 1 ono thing be hates more than all others it Is being photo togruphed, and be has become an adept In springing from the door of his office building Into a coupe and banging the door behind blm . It was he who wus the recipient of the pro positi that he finance a scheme for making earthquakes Impossible. Just after the eruption of Mount Telee a Frenchman wrote him, most earuestly asking hla help and assuring blm there were millions of dollars In the plan. Scnrcely a dny but soma ninn writes to blm of tho nuearthlng of a priceless painting, disfigured by time, but bearing beyond all doubt traces of the work of some desd master. An other class of men whose palms Itch for some of the Morgan money are ths book agenta, not only the Inoffen sive ones who bav editions d luxe to Why He I Generally Left In tha Bear by the Country Boy. That the country Is the better place to raise boys Is the teaching of all ex perience. Go over the list of the men who have done things in your city. A large majority of them are country bred. Why? The boy wherever you find him needs wide spaces for the development of the vital forces that are in him. lie Instinctively covets elbow room. 'iue boyish swath is a wide oue. He Is ueoessarlly noisy. He bubbles over for the same reason a tea kettle does, He Is full of spontaneity and runs over. In the city he Is cribbed, .ca blned and confined. He has little chance to let himself out What won der the roundly developed country lad beats blm to the goal. Poor city lad.. Here Is the picture Secretary Shaw gives of him, In a re cent address: "The boy Is the most valuable product of society, but In the city he Is not fairly treated. He lacks a chance for the free play of bis na ture. His parents seldom give blm a gymnasium or a D0P or even a room of bis own. They are afraid he will spoil the furniture. Jt Is too expen sive to let him do as he pleases. So they give blm money and let him go to the streets wblcb are often an open gate to bell." The picture Is true. Poor city lad. There are no wide echoing fields or shady woods where he may wander at bis will, giving full play and proper vent to the life forces that run riot In bla veins, there Is no call of the wild. For him there la no company and touch of Na ture which the country boy knows and, feels. At home they say of the city boy that be is rude and awkward and de structive. What wonderl The only wonder Is he doesn't explode. He Is all boy. That's why he Is worth rais ing! Expressions oi energy in the boy spell Force. He has In blm the mak ing of a man. Why scold him and spoil bis temper for being what he Is? Why spoil blm by trying to make him what be Is not? An unspoiled boy city or country- Is about the finest thing on two legs. He Is affectionate under his vest He Is sympathetic If you know how to reach bis sympathies. He Is honest And frank. And above all, be stands for fair play. Later on, as a man, he may lose many of these virtues, but as a boy be Is admirable. Give the city boy his chance. Let him go to the country at every oppor tunity. Let him build a (hop In the back yard or In the cellar If be choos es. Give blm a room of his own. Of course the room wlll be topsy turvey betimes. Of course. He Is not a young gentleman. He Is i boy, God bless him. Let blm bring his comrades home with blm. Iet them together romp and raise caln. Give the city boy a vent The country-raised boy has beaten the clty-ralsed boy because he has had a better chance. Des Moines News. If- ' l f ' ' Hon. Nelson Rice of St. Joseph, Mich., knows of a large number of grateful patients in his county who have been cured by Peruna. , Hon. Nelson Rice, Mayor of St. Joseph, Michigan, -writes: The Peruna Medicine Co., Colnmbus, Ohio ; Gentlemen: "1 wish to congratulate you on the snccess of your efforts to win the confidence of the public in need of a reliable medicine. I know Peruna is a fine tojiic for a worn out system and m specific in cases of ca tarrhal difficulties. You have a large number of Kratcful patients in this county who have used Peruna and have been cured by It, and who praise it above all other medicines. Peruna has my heartiest good wishes." Metson Rice. - MADfH ADDII M AVIcatarrh in any form or la grippe. A mi .vv,.,... ...... -r nf Weak Nerves, Poor Diges-! tion, Impure Blood, Depressed Spirits. The sun bas just crossed tbe equator on its yearly trip north. The leal To him equator is shifted toward tbe nortn nearly eighteen miles every aay. With the return of the aa a comes tbe bodilv ills peculiar to spring. With one person tbe nerves are weak; anotb er person, digestion poor; with other the blood is out oi order; ana etui om en have depressed spirits and tired feeling. All these things are especially true of those who have been suffering with course ot reruna is sure to correct all these conditions. It is an ideal spi ing; medicine. Pemns does not. irritate it invigorates it strengthens. It equalizes the circulation of the blood, tranquilizea tbe nervous system and regulates the bodily functions. reru ns, unlike eo many spring med'eines ia not simply at physic or stimulant or nervine. It ia a natural tonic and m- vigorator. If you do not receive prompt and sat isfactory results from tbe use of Peru na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv ing a fall statement of your case, and h will be pleased to give you hit valu- able advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Jarring an Actor. "What did you think of my death scene?" ssked the actor. "Well, It seemed to me it came a little too late In the piece," was the reply. Chicago Evening Poet. Mothers will llnd Mrs. Wlnalows's Soothing Ijrup the best remedy to uao tor their children during the teething penou A drop ot blood which might hang from ths point of a needle contains 1,000,000 red flattened corpuscles. IwWpIpvLIOUOR-MORPMINE-TOBACCO I 'tfr HIBITS PERMANENTLY CURED - . sc- ro ruu. s-atkulap MtwawmimieiiwrE.- poHTttNo wt, The president of tha Republic of An dorra, in the Pyrenees, gets the smallest salary paid by any civilized government It ia only $15 a year, and he thinks of asking for a ten per rent increase, which would make it $10.50. Making Good Cltlsen. A 13-year-o!d Italian boy lately pre pared an essay on the duties of cltlien ship, for a club in New York. Among the rules which he laid down ire the following: "If I want to be I good citizen I must be true to my country, true to my state and true to my city. It I do not vote I wlll not be doing my duty. 1 must have my own Judgment to vote for the man I think Is best qualified for the office for which he has been nominated. If I don't I won't be doing my duty. I must not let anybody bribe me to vote for a man I think not fitted for an office. It will also be my duty to be Industrious and self-sup porting, so as not to be a burden snd a nuisance to the public. I must pay taxes, so that the povernnient can be maintained and the omcers or tne gov ernment paid, because the government Is for my good. H hen It Is necessary I must help to maintain order and al ways be ready for public service, and In case of war servo my country. I should know the history of my country and be an Intelligent reader and close observer of current events." Perrin's Pile Specific The INTERNAL REMEDY No Cast Exists it Will Not Curt Bnsala's Purchases. Russia bought from the United States In 1008 nearly 120,000,000 worth of goods, which Is double the average for previous years, ind sold the United States nearly lll,ntA),000 worth, which is an increase of 0) per cent over pre vious years. We give a man credit for being level-headed If be isn't abovs our level, in v;e alt W YOU CAN EARN $25.00 PER DAY (letting Water. OU or Coal wHh AUSTIN WELL DRILLS Marie In all sizes snd styles. Write (or Csls- un ana ni oi uiers in West. HOWARD E. BURTON, Assaycr and Chemlit BnKimcii prices, Jold. Sllrer. Lrd. SI : Uold. hiu Tr,7jc; liold. Sajc ; lncorCoppr, e l. Cyanide tmts. Mailing rnvplapert and full prip lint ftentonappllca tinn. Control and I'mpln work solicited. lie. Colo. Itelereuce Carbonata .N'al't Can. B U V FROM YOUR DHAUHR LiTpj?'' Beall A Co. U Commer cial Block. PORTLAND, ORB. W. I DOUGLAS S4.00, S3. 50, S3.00, S2.50 UNION UnPG BEST IN MA OK. OrlUtO TH WORLD. Iou.glas Bhoea are worn by more men than any other make. Tlie reason is, they liold their 6hape,iltte tterywear loncrer. and have greater intrinsic value than any other shoes. 8oJd Eomryufhlr. J M.mmm. M m m mnm prlra on lultHM, hiU(l WL qe C'oruna Coltakln, which le Mm wHra cmnMded totmttia flnmit I'atanS LrathftrrvS fvi-mlucafl. fait Color yrtili usatf. lihiiaa rr tu.5tt cnti ttr. w rtt fur Cnuins. XV. J- XMJ LOLAS, Brockton, Mm, P. N. U. No. 181904. v-ttltiff to frd vrtlar pi I inn ppvre. i wan "BEE LINE" BUGGIES Ara not manufacturers rcsrul&r construction, but Our Own Special Construction Put up with full knowledge of the re quirements of this rough western coun try. Made to stand up, and will stand op, better than any buggy Bold at any oe. II taing like the price. you want a troiKi oil fsvty sa a moderate price), try our Itee Line." You can't beat It. We have the " Bee Line " Koad ugons. MITCH 12L,L 300 Flrat BtrsMt. L.12W1S 5fc STAVUR CO. 8POK AMIS Hranoheai H1IATTUU noiMit