Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, April 28, 1904, Image 1

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NO. 25.
Signs of Spring
Coming is a warning that Your Blood
needs attention. You cannot toll what
disease may be lurking there. There's
nothing better, cheaper or handier to
ubo than tho -
Red Blood Tonic and
Laxative Pill
They should bo used by every one dur
ing tho fpring months. Every box
guaranteed to give satisfaction. Price
60c per box.
Grocery Store
By purchasing $25.00 worth of goods at this etore you re
ceive free of chargo a set ol this beautiful ware - -
No Stale Goods
. . CALL
And see us and we will treat you right.
Cor. Main and Willow 8t.
Have Jnst opened new
aloonat tlte corner of
Main and May streets
Finest Liquors
and Cigars
Pendleton Beer
On Draught
Hot and Cold Lunches
Heppner, Or.
Umatilla, F. B. Holbrook.
Sixth Judicial district, for district
attorney, J. H, Raley.
The following delegate were elected
to the national convention : Governor
Over Range Question w ffigl.er Grade" Than Last
' F. Batcher, Baker City; J. B. Matlock,
i i et i
JB0IT0W tOUnty Sneepmen. Eugene ;F.B. Holman, Portland ;C.E.
Keuneia, ueppner; James Uleaeon,
Portland; T. B. Sheridan. Rttebnrg,
ONLY FOUR , TOWNSHIPS Dd Sarauel M- Garland, Linn.
Powerful influence wai brought to I
bear on the convention by admirers oi
William Randolph Hearst to have the
delegation instructed to rapport him in
the national convention, bat when the
motion to that effect wai presented, it
wai voted down by a vote of 151 to 115,
Contractors and Builders
f cariuiTPSiNnPLANS I
A share of the patronage j
solicited. f
J Office one door north of 8crivnera
blacksmith shop, Main street. f
Pdue Mountain Reserve not
., Affected Co m mlttee Ap
, pointed to Look Into Matter
Quite an excitment prevailed here
the first of the week among sheepmen
on account of Secretary Hitclicocks
order prohibiting sheep from being
grazed on the Baker City reserve. At
first it was thought the order included
the whole of the B'.ue Mountain reserve,
which would practically pat the sheep
men out of business in this p.rt of the
With this belief a mass meeting was
Year's Clip.
Texture of Wool Is Better than
Last Year Owing to Better
Condition of Sheep, and
Quantity Greater.
It is believed by expert sheepmen
The platform commends the adminis- thatthe wx1 iB Morrow connt'
1 ill 1 l?,,. t ' i t
trationof Governor Chamberlain, the rwon wl" 8r8QB "",e mu
eight-hoar labor law, recommends re
guiation of extortionate freight rates
- , . Anyone inmiun" vu.. .
Heppner Marble zzztZTz
and Granite Works SET"
We are prepared to do ill Cemetery and building work at reduced price..
BreederB of C. B. P. Roclts
and S. C. B. Leghorns From
March 1,' Eggs for setting
1.25 for 15. From Choice
pen $2.25 for 15. - -
Single Birds
or Pairs
I have engaged in the gen
eral drayage business and so
licit a share of the patronage
All kinds of dray work done
with promptness and care.
amom -
to the Pacific Coatt, and the enforce
ment of the anti-trust law.
Mangy Horses in Horse Heaven
James Wright returned home Thurs
called at the city hall Tuesday evening, day night from the Horse Heaven conn-
with Mr. Geo. Conger as chairman, and try where he has been several days look-
last. Sufficient shearing has already
been done that an estimate can be
arrived at with a measare of accuracy,
and the concensus of opinion among
sheepmen is that wool will be better
in both quantity and quality than last
years clip. The mild winter has left
the sheep in better condition than
usual which is favorable to the growth
ing after his sheep interests. He re- sa well as to the quality of the wool.
porta that about 400 head of mangy There is some diversity of opinion as
horses have been driven scores the to the price of wool. Woolgrowers
Columbia from Umatill county, Ore., generally believe that the price will b:
a committee of three, composed of Hon.
G.W. Phelps, D. O. Justus and Robt,
Hynd, was appointed to look into the
matter, and if necessary, prepare a re
monstrance. But before the meeting and turned out on the ranees of Hone equally as eood if not better than last
Mr. Phelps communicated with the Heaven. ' The state veterinary inspector season for the reason of the better
La Grande land office and found that will be notified of this violation of the quality, while the buyers maintain that
the order Included only four townships state law and have the horses driven it will be slightly lower. J. H. Gwinn,.
in Baker county, and was made as a back to Oregon if possible. Yakima secretary of the Woolgrowers' Associa
p'rotection of Baker City's water sup- Republican. tion says that in his opinion the price
p'y, and would not materially affect the These are the mangy horses that the will be as good or better than last year,
sheep industry. State Veterinarian of Oregon ordered which would make something like Wi
Our people had reason to become dipped recently. But to avoid the cents for the Morrow county clip.
unnerved on this subject for had the trouble and expense of dipping the Reports from shearing pens say that
order included the Blue Mountain re-1 Indiana crossed them over to Wash-1 the wool is generally lighter and carries
serve one of the greatest . industries of I ington. 1 lees dirt than is usual. For this reason
our county wouia nave oeen killed
I deader than a door pail, as upon these I
Hods a majority of our sheepmen de
pend for a summer range.
I have just received a new stock of
groceries, full and complete in
every line, and am prepared to fill
all orders for largo or small quan
titles. ::::
W. M. Ashbaugh.
........... .....
All The Leading Brands of
Cigars In Stock.
Agents Hazel wood Ice Cream
We are Prepared to
offer prompt service.
We have five good teams and
your orders for Wood, Coal and
anything in the drayage line will
receive careful and prompt attention.
Scab In Grant County.
To the Brae Mountain Eagle, Stock
Inspector George Irving, of Monument,
stated that while he had only com
menced bis first semi-annual inspection
of the sheep of Grant county be had
C. M. Clay Gets 2000 Head for found quite a number afflcted with the
St. Louis Market. scab. This is particularly true la the
C. M. Clay, representing the Camp- Monument country where he says 25,-
bell & Reid Range Horse department 000 diseased. This will necessitate
of the National Stock Yards, "Illinois, the sheep owners shearing somewhat
was in town last week on his av home earlier than usual in order that "their
from an extended horse-buying tour of I bands may be dipped
the interior. During this trip he made M' 1'ving is inspecting the sheep
a large .nomeber of purchases from aloo the Jnn D7 lley thi week
some of the leading stockgrowors, ag- hut as yet has made no report as to the
gregating more than 2000 head, but con- condition he finds the sheep in this
siders that he is only so far opening up pan ol the country,
a profitable and extensive trade for bis
I firm and the same kind of a market for
the growers of this section.
If the market holds firm, Mr. Clay
thinks he mil be able to handle most of
the surplus stock ot this section, of the
kinds in which be can profitably deal.
The fields of the recent purchase ex
tend from Heppner, in Morrow county
through Grant, to Burns, in Harney
growers in the sand district expect a
better price than formerly.
Some sand wool has been sold already
at prices ranging from 9 to II cents, and
a price as high as Z cents for the
better grade of this wool is thought not
to be improbable. The first sales day
at Heppner will be May 26. While .
there seems to be an inclination on the
part of many to tell at private sale be
fore the sales days, it Is not believed
that a great number of growers will sell,
for the reason that the advance buyers
are offering a lower price than owners
expect will prevail at the sales.
The past winter has been very favora-
ble to the sheep industry of Morrow
county, little feed being required, and
the loss has been practically nothing.
Sheepmen will generally be satisfied
with prices paid last year.
Every one is so busy that they cant
even "Rubberneck."
Tillman Hogoe went to Heppner on
business Thursday.
Grain and grau is growing, the early
sown fall wheat covers the ground.
0. Bergstrom's family have the whoop-
Among other bands which he lat conl nd hv h,d t0 1ult cnoI
bought, he mentioned the Nealsn stock. W. W, Brannon made a trip to Uepp
The grades handled are especially 1 ner Friday with spuda fo which he re-
range horses, and the different bands ! ceived $1.00 per sack.
are regraded into carload lots, shipped Chaa. Jenkins started out shearing
to St. Louis and there sold to local yesterday. He is with the Bleakman
dealers. The home men then take the crew. Tbev commence at Tom David-
different grades to the various classes 1 son's today.
of customers. Rather chilly on peaches Friday night
Some of the larger and stronger anl- botwnlle u BBdoubtedly thinned the
mala are sold among the farmers. The fruit bod lhert don,t to u My
We are showing some
17 and 21 Jewel Hamil
ton Watches. Silver or
rtnlrl fillnrl dust DTOOf liMer 0nM ' g00j Kr,d"re di,p0,ed material damage done.
Oold tilled, UUSt prOOI o t0 men who do light driving; such as
cases, most reliable
watches made, at mod
erate cost.
P. 0. BORG,
Jeweler and Optician.
milkmen, laundrymen, and liverymen.
As the price paid varies so greatly
with the classes and conditions of the
stork that this phase of the question
was not gone into. John Day News
Ashbaugh & Ayers.
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Perry Ham was over from Lone Rock
Friday for seed barley. He reports
stock coming through the winter In
good shape in the Lone Rock country
and some feed left.
Summerfallowlng is In full blast now,
Democratic State Ticket. It would be a good thing if the ground
At the democratic state convention could be harrowed la good shape as fast
held in Portland last week the following as plowed so as to store the moisture by
state ticket was nominated : making a mulch of fine dirt on top.
Supreme Judge Thomas O'Day, Mult- C. E. Jones has one exceptionally fine
rornahj for congress second district, field of wheat. It will average 10 or 12
Robert M. Veatch, of Lane; dairy and laches high and Is a good sUnd and
food commissioner, 8. M. Douglas; 00d color. Bill Leathers also has an
presidential electors, John A. Jeirerey, tltrtfi Mfieid of wheat. Spring grain la
of Marlon j T. H. Crawford, of Union; coming up nicely and looks well, a few
W. B. Diller, of Columbia, and J. II. ,re Dot throuuh seeding yet but this
Smith, of Clatsop. week will about wind It up. ,
Joint represetatlve ol Morrow and April 25, 1004.
Many Sheep Killed.
It is currently reported that two
bands of sheep were shot into last San-
day night north ol the John Day river
in the Mt. Vernon country and that the
number killed sggregats 250 while the
number wounded is equally as large.
One band was owned by Geo. Clark
and It is said was ranging at the time
on Dry creek on road land he had
rented from the Eastern Oregon Land
Co. His loss is placed at 148 killed and
about the same nsmbe; wounded, many
ol which will die.
The other band was the property of
W. T. McKern and was ranging at what
is known as the Juniper Flats. His loss
Is reported at about 100 killed and the
same number wounded.
These losses will fatl bsavity on the
sheep owners, and will not have a ten
dency to make range affairs any more
agree sole in the future. Both Mr. Clark
and Mr. McKern are prominent residents
of Grant county and the affair is much
regretted .-Canyon City Eagle.
An Open Letter.
From the Chapla, S. C, News: Early
la the sping my wlfs snd I were taken
with diarrhoea and so severe were the
pains that we called a physician who
prescribed for us, but bis medicins failed
to give any relief. ' A friend who had a
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy on hands gave
each ol ns a dose and ws at once felt the
eflecta. I procured a bottle and befote
nsing the entire contents we were en
tirely cured. It Is a wonderful remedy
and ahould be round la every household.
H.C.Bailey, Editor. This remedy Is
lor sale by 81ocum Drug Co.