INFANTS' SHOES Colors rnd Black, All Sizes now in the new ones are here - - - 25C TO SI.75 BOYS WASH SUITS 50c to SI.75 Boy a Straw Hnta 50CT0 75C SPECIAL SALE OF READY-TO-WEAR GOODS WW Our Ladies' Tailor Suits, Coats and Skirts are now all in and in order that you may start the new sen son right, we will make special' prices. on these for the next two weeks. Ladies you cannot offord to let this great opportunity pass unnoticed. You can get the full season's wear of these new, stylish, perfect fitting garments at end-of-season prices. Don' wait till the best ones are gone, come now. Regular $22.50 Ladies' new Eton suits of black voile, cheviot and black broad cloth, capes and skirts trim med in silk braid $18.75 Regular $18.50 Ladies' new Eton suits of brown voile trimmed with stitched tafftta and buttons $14.75 Regular $12.50 Eton suits of black cheviot and mixed grey suiting, braid trimmed, $9.75 Regular $10 Eton suits in black or cadet Venitian, cloth and cadet voile, stitched $8.75 Regular $8.50 Eton suits of navy cloth suiting, straps and button trimming '.....$5.75 Ladies' Champavgne silk coat with triple capes and pleats, regular $13 50, $11.75 Ladies' black silk Eton coats lined and faced with white silk, regular $12.00, .-$9.75 Silk and cloth shoulder capes for evening wear $1.75 to $7.45 A" WORD - Millinery News During the special sale we will offer the choice of our best Pattern Hats, values from $7 to $8.50 for $6.45 Ladies' trimmed and walk ing Hats, the new colors and shapes, values $4 to $5. .$3.75 One lot of Ladies' and Chil dren Hats 25c To the peoplo of Ileppner and vicinity. 1 have just opened n Dry Good, Cloth ing and Shoo store. Your own judg ment will certainly convince you that you will get goods now at moro than 25 per cent cheaper than you would have to pay in other places. : : : : i The Reason Is that I am going to remain in this town and do noi, expect any profits whatever on my sales for the first two months. No humbug, no bluff, facts only. Pleas noto the address. : : : WHITE FRONT M. ST AM, Prop. New Wrist and Carriage Bags We have just received a nice shipment of the new things in carriage and wrist bags, aud the popular Florodora Bag con taining small money purse, mirror and scent bottle, a very convenient and serviceable bag There is a good assortment of colors and shapes in these, and the prices are very reasonable, a Fair prices always are, thr-y run from 05c to $2.00 New Hosiery Ldiea' new lace and plain lisle hos, new pattern, 75c vilue, for.. 50c Ladies' lacr and plain hose. Top .... 35c Ladies' new lace hoae, Toi av black. . . . i.'5c Ladies' fast i lack plain cotto . hone. .. 18c Larijea' fast black donWe ole, Topsy ...13c La- ieV faat black or trey cotton hct-...10c Misses lace hone in colora 25c Misses plain lisle Topay black hope. .. 25c Mioses fine ribbed Ti pa black ' . . . .18c Children'! medium ribbed black hot . . ,10c Boya' buckskin heavy ribbed hoae 25c Boj' bear j- ribbed repay black hoae. . . ,18c rm 4t HARDWARES wo have a complete stock of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, WIRE, ETC. China ware Decorated with Ileppner Flood Scenes-n Uneful and Pretty Souvenir THE HEPPflER TIMES. Published Every Thursday by A. J . HICKS' O SUBCR1PTION One Year -Six Months Three Months - KATES: O Sl.OO 75 50 Entered at the Poatofflce at Heppner. Oregon at aecond-rlaas matter. RAWLINS POST NO. 81, G. A. R. MEET AT Odd Fellows' Hull at Heppner, every third Saturday of each month. G. W. Km a. Adj. u Vt SMITH, Com. THURSDAY. APR 21,1904. Politics in Morrow county are at i a rather low ebb just now. But tnere is always a mil Deiore a Btorm, and if tbia is any criterion we may expect pretty warm times a little later on. The fartneri ot Morrow ronnty feel now that they are very sure of a fair crop tbia season let come what may, and if the season continues as favorable as it is at present the largest crop in the history of the county will be harvested. With the abundance of moisture already in tbe ground, the splended growing weather, with occasioual light showers, is Indeed very encourging. j on account General Conference of tbe M. . church at Los Angeles commen cing May 3, 1904, and the National As sociation of Retail grocer- at San Fran cisco May 3, to 8, 1904. Ileppner to Los Angeles and return by steamship $44 55; by rail $43 85. Ileppner to San Francisco ani return by steamship $25 85, by ra 1 $30.85. Tickets will be sold for steamer sailing from Port and kri 23, 24, and 25. Via rail from Portland April 23, to 30, inclusive. Return limit June 30, from Los Angeles, and J one 15, from 8an Francisco. Stop overs will be allowed in C .liforma only, and only on return trip. For further p articulars inquire of our local agent. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, April 9th, 1904 Notice of Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution and order of sale duly Issued by tbe clerk of the Circuit court of the county of Morrow, state of Oregon, dated the A'th day of March 1901, In a certain action The BAIN Wagon Gilliam & Bisbee THEY'RE HERE! Notice is hereby given that the follow- , In the Circuit court for mid county and atatc, tng named settler has bled notice of bis ir-tentioa to make final proof in suppo t of his cl im, and that aaid proof will be made before Vawter Crawford, Countv Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on June 3rd, 1904. via: William Sprouls of Heppner Oregon, H E No. 9523 for the NEtf NEtf Sec 34 and NW NWX Sec. 35. and tiW4&VV 8ec. 26 To. 3 S R. 2'iK. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residri ce upon and cultivation of said land, viz: . George Smith. Laton lones. John Sprouls, Jtff Jones, all of Heppner, Ore gon. Michael T. Nolam, a21-m20 Register. . "I have used Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets with most satisfactory results," says Mrs. F. L Phelps, Hous ton, Texas. For indigeston. biliou-ness anc'l (tonsti pat ion these tablets are most excellent- For sale by Slocum Drug Co. Hon, G. W. Phels, who was the nominee of the republican state convention for prosecuting attorney from the sixth judicial district, is one of the most prominent young attorneys of the district. He is a man of good judgment and good business ability, firm in his con victions and a tireless worker. These qualifications have builded for him a large and lucrative law business and placed him abreast of the higher data in his profession His high character and unquest ioned legal ability C'Upled with his strict integrity makes him the logical candidate of his party, a man whom all claBne can support. Excursion Rates. The O.K. AN. Will make tbe fol lowing round trip rates from Ileppner Whooping Cough. "In tbe spring oi 1901 my children bad whooping cough," says Mrs D. W. Capi s, of Capps, Ala "I used Cham berlain's Couh Remedy with the most satisfactory results. I think this is the best remedy I have ever seen for whoop ing cough." This remedy keeps tbe cough loose, lessens the severity and frenquency of the coughing spells and counteracts any tendency toward pneu monia. For sale by Slocum Drug Co. Summons. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Morrow. Patrick McDald, plaintiff, va. Catherine Kcancy, Frank Reaney and J; II. rorayme, uciemiauia. . To Catherine Reanijr, Frank Reaney and J. II. Korayllie, defendant; j In the name ol the Htate of Oregon, you and' each of you are heretir required to appear In the alxive Untitled court and cause and anawer ' the complaint ol plaintiff Hli-d aajalnst you, on or twlore Thursday, May 121 h l'.'t, aaid date! being alx wecka from the dale of the Drat pub lication of thli auminona, and If you fall to no appear and answer for want thereol, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In hla complaint. The relief prayed for la that you and each of you le required to apear In aald court and defend any riant claim or title you may hare In the followingdeacrthed real rowrty,to wit: The aouth-eant quarter of Hection M, In Tp, 1, North Range li Kant W. M. That at the hearing- all conflicting clalma be He! lie. I and determined liv the court, and that the title to aald Innd im confirmed and forever vested In the plaintiff, and the cloud now upon hi aaid title lie removed. Thla aummona la aerved upon you by pub lication thereof by order of the lion. W, K. Kllln Judge of the alaive entitled court, which order la dated the ajat day of March Itmt, and prescribe! that thla aummoni ahall he nub llshsd for a period of ill tucceaslve weeki from and after aald date, (1. W. Phki.i-s mil may Attorney for 1'lalntlff. Notice o' Sheriff's Sale By virture of aa execution and order of aale duly issued by the clerk of tbe Circuit court of the county of Morrow, state of Oregon, dated the 2Sth day of March 1904, In a certain action In tbe Ircult court for laid couuty and state, wherein J. A. Tboropton plaintiff, recovered Judgment againat J. K. and C. . VanWinkle defendant!, for the aum of two hundred and eightyelght and fifty one-hundredtb dollars, and the further mm of thirty dollan attorney's fee, and coata. and disbursements taxed at twenty one and ten one-hundredth dollan, on the 9th day of March 1901, Notice Is hereby given that I will on Satur day the 30th day of April 1M, at 2 o'clock p. m. of aald day, at the front door of tbe court houae in Ileppner, Morrow county, Oregon, acll at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, the following described pro(erty, to-wit: Tbe eaat half of lot eight X In block three (3) In Preston Looneyi addition to Hepp ner, Oregon. Taken and levied upon aa the property of the (aid defendants or so much thereof aa may ba neceaaary to utUfy the said Judgement In favor of J. A, Thompson and againat laid defundanta together with all cost aud disbursement! that have or may accrue. E. M.Hiirrr, Sheriff m.ll-a'-M by W. 0. IffLL. deputy. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, Mar. 1I, 1904. wherein J. A. Thompson I'Uintlff, recovered Judgment against J. P. Williams aa admlnla. tratorof the eatate of Antone Abrahamalek deceased, and Hermlne Abrahamalek deceased defendants, for tbe the aum of five hundred thtte and eighty seven one-hundredth dollars, and the further aum of forty dollars attorney'! fee, and coata and disbursements taxed at thirty seven dollara, on the 11 tb day of March 1901. Nt tlce is hereby given that I wIllonBaturdar the loth day of April WA, at 10 o'clock a. in. join Id day, at the front door cf the court home In Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In band, the following described property, to-It: Lou four (4) and live (.') In block (') in Jones addition to the town of Heppner Mor -ow county Oregu.i taken and levied upon as the property of the aaid defendants or so much thereof aa may be necessary to aatlafy the aald Judgement In favor of J. A. Thompson and againat said defendants together with all coati and disbursements that have or may accrue. E. M.Uhutl Sheriff jn31a28 byW, O. Hill deputy Dated at Heppner, Oregon, Mar. 2S, l'J04. An immense stock of Fall and Winter Shoes AT M. LICHTENTHAL'S a The pioneer boot and shoe dealer of Ileppner, who al ways carries a big line of Hoots and Khoi-s, Kubtmra, Etc. Repairing a specialty, and satisfaction guaranteed. Old "land. West side of Main Rtrtwt. ..GORDON'S.. 999 999 MWVrVaTVF'tMMf tVlttf IV . Eggs for Sale Bard Plymouth Rock egg for sale for setting purposes. Mated with high grade rooster just from pen at Portland. Kgga per setting of 15 $1 R. F. WIGGLESWORTH, Galloway, Ore. iaaaiiiiiaiiiassaaisisiaiMSaai BICYCLES.- The Rambler Ieodn BUY AN UP-TO-DATE WHEEL All kinds of repair work promptly at tended to. Bicycle Sundries. Opposite Palaco Hotel Lee Cantwell LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE Wm. GORDON, Prop. Hal added a nnmber of Firm Clans horses and New Rigs, both Bugiiies ami Hacks, and offers yon first class service, and you will receive courteous treatment. A share of your patronage S : : 1 SOLICITED ' 31 MAIN STREET, Heppner, Oregon. ..Palace Hotel.. HEPPNER, OREGON. Best appointed Hotel in Eastern Oregon. Every Modern Convenience. Lighted by electricity. Best Meals in the City. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PHIL METSCHAN, Jr, Prop 1 ...TELEPHONE... 1 LIVERY BARM " Meadows & Sons, Props. Will art'rt a number ol horsea anl now rlji, both BtiRRles and Hacks, and ollnr ou $ urst-viaas unlet, i uu wiu receive courteous treatment, A shars of your patronage 1 BULIUIIIU - LOWER MAIN STREET " l-Uppnar, Oregon