Daughter The Planter'! 2S FATE'S - Bt MBS. ALICE t I Author of "A Waif from the Sea," "Her Brljhteat Hope," K "Wayward Wlnnefred," etc. REVENGE . CARR1ST0N CHAPTER XII.-Contlnued.) In the dhnneii of the shsdowy hall after the outer glare she scarcely no ticed the form that loomed before her until two armi encircled her and ehe felt herself drawn Into her father, embrace. "Claire, my darling child !" exclaimed the old tnan ferrently; "how happy, how mnH.rihlr hDDT I am to-dayt Dr. riMitiim haa lust left your mother. He hmm mad a thorough examination, and la entirely eatfofied with her condition. A great change hae taken place In her, whth hm aaauree me will be permanent." Claire etrussrled out of that fond em brace, and etared at her father in amass ment. , "What do yea meant" ahe faltered; -.r, u v fhnt moths-'a life waa In . a v AtnrtirT' "We hve purposely kept you In Ignor ance of the facta," waa the smiling re "hut now that all danger la past, I can epeak frankly. Yes; we entertained the eravest fears for your poor mother'a life. Greshain warned me that our mis erable poTerty waa killing her by mcnea. "Killing her!" gasped the girl; "kill l mother!" "Tea. mr child; and her sanation la Ana to the thoujrht of your marriage, your happiness to this respite of peace and comfort. nlr turned away with a ghastly pal lor overspreading her countenance, which the dim light of the hall served to con fab and ataairering towarda the stair case she supported herself for a moment upon the newel-post. "Merciful heaven!" she thought, her brain In a dizzy, sickening whirl; my refusal to marry eignifiea our return to the misery of poverty, and tnat win ain my mother. Father, if I have been of ndrantaire to you. do me a favor in re turn!" She paused an instant for breath, and then went on swiftly: "When Mr. Courtlandt aaks for me, beg him to ex cuse me; say that I am overcome with diffidence anything you choose, so long as I do not see him until to-morrow. Father, will you do this for me?" "Certainly, my child," waa the sur prised rejoinder; "you shall not be dis turbed to-day, I promiae you. But, Claire," he added hastily aa she relied the etair rail and aprang up a few steps, "Claire, there is something it la our duty to Inform you of to-day'." "Ym. yea; I know!" she panted, glane- tna back at hie anxious face; "you mean the Door little child whom we have to reooanlze. I aarae to fc; I will receive tlm whenever Mr. Conrtlandt sees fit to l.rtne him to me." A.od mm It pmUmem mod tortltuda hmd alike departed, ahe Bed up the staircase and vanished in her chamber, locking the door behind her. No less mystified than relieved. Philip Burgess gazed after the white robe with 1t fluttering violet ribbons until it waa loat to view. "She knows all!" he muttered; "who1 oould have told her?" In apite of the Innumerable questions with which he waa plied concerning Claire's mysterious disappearance, the old man was aa good aa his word, and Insisted upon his daughter being left undisturbed. i AU that day and until the following morn In if Claire's wedding mom peace and auiet reigned throughout the Bur- cess mansion. It was not until Martha Dunn entered her young mistress' cham ber at 8 o'clock that the very ffcadows that lurked In the radiant sunlight were startled by the tidings that she brought down to Philip Burgess. "Send for the doctor!" cried the faith ful creature; "Miss Claire- Is 111, very ill and looks as If she were dying!" It waa no exaggeration. Poor Claire iiad nassed a night the horrors of which must ever rem sin a secret with her, so that when the dawn broke it found her In great exhaustion. Greshain, upon his arrival, aSded fuel to the fire of excitement by atatlng that Claire might be able to be dressed and stand long enough to be married In the house, but be should forbid her making the exertion of going to church, as she anlirbt expire on the way. To Luclan Conrtlandt, who drove hastily over upon the receipt of the startling tidings, the wily doctor aald: "It will be Just aa well, perhaps, for you to make no public parade of the cere many, since I am Informed that your first wife Intends to be present" "Sylphlde here!" gaaped Courtlandt, in dismay. "She la ataying at the village Inn under the name of Mrs. Hastings. So the soon er and more quietly the affair la gotten over the better!" CHAPTER XIII. Dr. Greeham'i advice waa followed In every particular, and while the little church In the village waa filling with a crowd of townsfolk, curious to see the strangers from the city, the clergyman was speeding away In bis carriage to sol mnlze the wedding ceremony ait Elm- wood. When they bad attired her In her anowr robes of costly satin, with the veil and orange btoneoma In her hair, her ap pearance waa so absolutely ghastly that, but for the nervous flashing of her rest lees eyes, she might well have been mis taken for a lifeless bride wrapped In the erementa of the grave. The moment bis experienced eye rested upon her livid fsce, Dr. Oresham whla oered to the clergyman in attendance: "Be as expeditious aa posrible; I have jny (loobts whotiber she lasts until the benediction I But In that he was mistaken. With remarkable nerve Claire kept her feet at C'otuttandt'a aide. When, however, the 1t "amen" waa pronounced, she sway ed blindly, and bad not ready banda plac ed her gently In a chair, she would have fallnn. And vet not word had Wen exchang ma htween the bride and groom, and though Luclan Courtlandt would have rted aa many years as you have kflovra her days. But, my good sir, you have but one wife, aa your child haa but one mother aiM I am ahe!" "Sylphide," he faltered, advancing a step, but pausing abruptly aa though her accusing eyes distilled some baleful Influ ence; "Sylphlde, why are you here? What have you come to do?" "Why am I hereT" came the sharp re tort; "are you aware that It la two mortal weeka since I have aeen either you or my son? I am here to aatlafy myself that I I have not been forgotten. Since I have been separated from you. she continued pfceously, "I have become as one mad; the strangest fandea have taken posses- sion of te. I Imagine that you have abandoned me forever, that I ahall never aee you again; a fiend keeps whispering In my ear that they have atolen your ViBr am4 mv -hllii' hrt from me. been glad to have apoken some reassuring jIatTen n,lp nM( i doubt the very sun- wows to tne sufferer, uresnrm uumcu whJch u all tn4 warmth I have left him out of the room with the murmured lif words: I she pressed her handa upon her eyes "Leave her alone for the present; she . instant, as though etrlvlng to blot needa rest." I ont some hideous nrosDect: then, remov Later In the afternoon, when the eun . th.m ah. ,n..i,i in OW4oned dee- sent it oiooa-rea iance wruugu vw . erl(on. ed blinds of that atately Uower-scentea .rw, muit be an end to thla! When- drawing room, the widow ooumanat - horrible vagaries overpower found herself alone with the bride. Ap- m j ttust D4 placed that I can see preaching the chair where Claire lay ap- I yovu petk t0 you parenuy ki in a usy umui, t "Impossible!" he Interposed, nnniy. aald with tender solicitude: . "ti'hlle Claire Uvea I muat not I will i BT.ii r bp 1 -a an jsj-aar wagea bill to keep the plnco In gqpa order, what waa expet'ted to bo a pleasure becomes an annoyance ana a bore. A small plnce, well caret! ror, and everything kept up nice and or derly gives far more satisfaction than an overgrown plnce that la a drag on the means of lt owner. In all our operations we are too apt to think we can do more than we really can. In gardening matters It la especially so. Box for Carrying Kga fl M a bottls, All nmifisu. l.iiwotl, Ma Impure Blood 'Will you not. retire to your room and j not M youJ rest vou. my dear?" Claire raised her heavy eyes witn a total absence of expression as sne re plied: Thank you. madam, 1 am resting here." "Are you suffering?" "No; I am only weary. I may aay ao now. I euppose, witn a xaiui uiuo, "aince the comedy Is over.' Bending over her, Mrs. Courtlandt pressed her lipa lightly upon the pallid brow. "I admire your bravery," ahe said. "I have need of considerable yet, murmured Claire,, "in order to face the enemy." "The enemy! Whom do you mean?" "Thoae who wish me dead." "My dear child, my fondest hope and dearest wish are to win you back to life and health. I would give the last drop of blood 1ft my veins to see you well and happy r 'Ton have a kind heart, madam!' There entered at that moment a little child, with a marveloualy beautiful face. "It la true, then!" aha panted;" my suspicions a correct. Tour paternal solicitude Is all a farce; you have clever ly disembarrassed yourself of me in order to marry a woman who, in all probabil ity, is no more an Invalid than 1 am! In the very desperation of deepair, Courtlandt glanced from riffht to left, Im- uotently hoping to find some proof or a convincing nature that would satisfy this moat obdurate of doubters; as luck would have It, Fate atepped in at the eleventh hour, and discovered to his wandering eye a web-like bit of lace which Claire had repeatedly pressed to her lipa, while she occupied the chair beside which It had fallen unnoticed. Darting upon It, Courtlandt held It aloft by the two cor ners before Sylphlde's eyes. "Take back thoae words!" he cried; "ah. do not turn your eyes away! Look at that stain. Her blood, her life blood! Let the tight of it dissipate your fears; ahe will not laat long. But I conjure you have pity upon her; let her die In peace." She crept a step or two towarda mm Repairing Harness, ars.a mttii,iti hivn oiii lefliner Moat noultrvnien are familiar wnn .,,, .mi number of Darts the egg carrlera used on the market ft( narnwB iUon breast, pole and and those who have a considerable holdblck tXnv1i ettn be made of these, nnantltv of eirffa to handle Use these . ..,1. wnrk RnWt a carrier.; the farmer, however te m J h f , bret tr8P( aw I th. -'"; mnm. the habit of carrying egga In a basket lfMten Mp one pnd. 18 or bwel regular witn Ayer e e-ine. and often many or them uecoiuo u. v- ,ncheB from tuli Rnap cut away all but Iran Miilt1nfF In fVina lilorable loss. I he illustration ahowa one of the doxcb Ayer's Impure blood lways shows somewhere. If the skin, then bolls, pimples, nshes. w me nerves, then neuralgia, nerv ousness, depression. If the Sarsaparilla stomach, then dyspepsia, hlllousness. loss or appetite. Your doctor, knows the remedy, used ror eu years. - Ratnrnlna tmn Oubaa waf, I s IitrfMt wrwik. ttf blo4 Mil. jii tr IMllh t ,.H. Hl f boHlM ( Aft I ICO. Uoaataa, Srsoe, le, bottle. J.e. aysa oo., if"-, for which may be made from cheap mate rial and which will answer aa well as the boxea sold for the purpose. Any grocer who handles quautltlee of shipped eggs will give a customer some of the cardboard filler audi as are uo In the crates; then buy some cracker boxea and fashion a nont box like the one shown, cutting tho paste board fillers with a sharp knife ao that they will fit the wooden box. Boxes made to hold one Cozen eggs and others to bold two dozen will bo large enough. These boxes ought to 1 great, wondering eyes and ringlets of jet and u(d hw. hand npon hl, wrtot black hair that touched hia waist. With a glad cry he opened hia tiny, dimpled arms and ran to the elder Mrs. Court landt. Grandma."' he cried, affectionately, nestling In that tody's anna. "Who ia this child?' demsnded Claire. "Can you not guess? lie cells me grandmother." Attracted by her voice, little Leon walked ahyly to Claire, exclaiming: "Oh, what a pretty, white lady! Won't yon take me in your lap?" Claire stooped and cast her anna about him. I cannot lift you, my darling," she faltered, after a valiant effort; "I am not strong enough. WVtb. glad alacrity Mra. Courtlandt ralaed the boy and placed him on CI airs' a lap, while the latter murmured, kissing the eweet Hps: "Tern, thmmm mrm hia feature, his eres his son!" and with a euddm access of af fection, gathering the child to her bosom, "and my son!" "My mamma," faltered the child, with a puzzled expression. "Yea, Leon," said Claire; "are you not willing? Will you not be my boy?" Yes, yes," cried the boy; "I love you. white lady "So, Luclan," she faltered humbly, "your houae la cloaed to me? And you will not come to me? And I may not see my child? "No, Sylphlde. You ought to know by this time thst the word of a Courtlandt ia Inviolable; I had rather die 'than break 1L So long aa Claire ahall live, I will fulfill the sacred duty that the title of huaband imposes while Claire lives, yon shall remain an utter stranger to me. Rut when God In' hie mercy baa called the poor aufferer home to him, then we will return to you, Ieon and I, and we will never more leave you. I swesr It. "It Is well," ahe rejoined, preraing her 11 lis for one Instant upon hia hand, and then relinquishing it aa one replaces a dead hand upon the pulseless breast. It Is well. I know what your plighted word means. I will wait.' ) 5p oood harjcebs iiouaie. Aa Obituary Mtiod. Edward L. Adams, reprewntlng the United Statea aa Conaut General at Stockholm, Sweden, was for several years editor of the Ilocheater Democrat and Chronicle. While occupying that position he wrote an obituary notice of a nelghlwr'a child, whoao troumfs had caught Are during a fourth of July cel ebration, burning the little fellow so Imdly Hint he died In coiuhmiuoimw. Mr. Adams ended hia article with the mato iiifiit that the aynipntlitoa of frlonda would go out to the bereaved parents. Ills shock next day may Kwtiiny ua Imagined when the types made him any have covers with a hasp coming down -- - t.-w-wie Hint "the sympathies of a large circle over a staple so that the box may bo the best outside ply. vet a buck le i bun locked if need be. These boxea will punch a number of holes and th. n coat but little If made at home a. -ug- you are. The pole and bold tarta P"f. --,1 .trictiv fresh may be made from old light rc. D .... inll...,m.l,t. eggs o'f good size aa well aa uniform in A belly-band for chain hart.es. would NotwUl((tftmllng tho disparity In slxe they can be marketed In theae have a large loop at one end ln-tcad numU,rB Cbr,M xm.t of Sweden boxea at a higher price than If market- of a buckle. marched bravely with hia 8.000 men ed In a basket; try It and see If it Is A back band for plow harness n ay auJ b mm not ao. Aa an extra Inducement to the oe maae irom .u itunslana. consumer wrap each egg In white belting. The leather belting, If pretty ,.NV,mt , your ohwU your nujPa. tissue paper and twist the ends of the fair, will make good traces. rlUOlmlrnt,Hl one of hia trusted! These hlnta are not for V l Kl,IM,ra)B( taking such a frightful SL , rink?" valuable new harnesa. One should be venr careful about riveting on uiese. ... . t viVado of The Illustration show, how I maae a , w ku(t ..lhat . CMr a I . . ... t.MBajM Tlit aWn 1 1 ciamp tor ug "- " isn't the whole cheese.' COMVEMtHT KOO BOX. keroscno barrel stave, fitted In block ao the bolts will draw at least Inch. Thl. makes It clamp the work at top. Uae two -lneb bolts. Thl. clamp, If properly made, will hold any part of the harness while being sewed. w. A. Clearwaters, In Iowa Homestead. To Move Wire Kencee. It often becomes m'cenary to move Shortly afterward the domonstraUon win complete. Chicago Trlbuno. It takes two to make a quarrel until you have one of your own, and then It la always the other one who makes It fctucursa. Some people thluk success meana a fence from one part of the farm to simply to get rich. Others thluk It r i . . . . a. i . . ,... in a s round 1 another, it is a simple mauer 10 iuo menna raereiy i "ry uui t jn. wuw th urn twisted She' slowly aathered her dark wraps orange, and lemons. Have the eKgs posts, but the wire presents a more of these deflnlUone la alout a. near about her and Dranared to detrt: but. atrlctlr fresh of aood size and clean, difficult problem. The most common correct as the otner, says a pliuoso- as though the place exerted an Irreeistl- and you'll find that the tlasue paper method 1. to alowly and laboriously nlier Die apeu, sne turned to one or tne win- .., wl1 tnm readily and at roll It up on a bnrrel, haul it 10 me dowa and adjusting the slats of the blind, looked out npon the aun-lit garden with the lawn beyond. "I am somewhat more at peace with I myself," she murmured. "She Is really very 111, and Luclan feels more pity than love for her in her suffenngs. Still it good prlcea. Indianapolis New.. Diseases of Bheep. The disease, which have been found most troublesome and atublorn are those occasioned by parasltea. Of place where It la wanted and as alowly unroll It again. A much better and quicker way Is to take a couple of old i wheels, the larger the better, and fas ten them together by nailing pieces of board to the spokes next the axle. Kyes That Act Independently. Many animals possess more than two eyes which do not act together. A leech, for example, haa ten eye. on the top of It. head, which do not work in concert, and a kind of marine worm hna two eyes on the head and a row Claire suddenly raised her eyea Lncian Courtlandt stsndlng npon the threshold of the room, silently regarding the lovely picture. Quickly putting the child from ber, ahe exclaimed: "Mr. Courtlandt, I anppose you have come to receive some tidings of me; make your mind easy on that score; I am suf fering horribly." house! I stand alone, forlorn; with every man's hand against me. I must hsve a friend at court, here on this very spot! are: Stomach worm., lung worm., intestinal worm., tape worm, and nodnlar worm. For tana worm oil of male fern I will know from hour to hour how fares this highway robber who haa deprived me of name and love, and trampled my moth erhood beneath her feet. Should ahe be- ' . , I should be about two feet apart Now . . ' . f Scab la caused by a parasite, but It t,k. two n,,nk, .nd fa,ten nrm,T to f.r,U. baI "n ? ' "on .!"P..0t a j 1 - ina no nd wniru ufMB not hcl wilu iuh U external rattier tnan tne mosi un- th ,d f th wa-on box so tbey geroua, which are Internal. The latter wl Mtend backward about four feet Mount the wheel, on these planks so I trsy the slightest symptoms of improve- Claire, retract those cmel words, m(fnt l mnit know u Mon othnre ,. mn t0 the favorite remedy, a I he cried. As she did not speak, and In the awk ward pause that enaued, Mrs. Courtlandt took little Leon's hand and led him to warda the door. "Good-by, little white mamma," lisped the child, and then went tripping away. "Good-by, good-by," sighed Clslre; then, turning to Luclan, she sdded "Pardon the Irritability of an Invalid. I beg you not to be offended if sometimes I am lacking in a due sense of my obliga tions, "Obligations!" cried Luclan contritely; "the obligation is entirely upon my side, Do you fancy that I fall to appreciate the Immense sacrifice you have made for me to-day?' Claire shook her bead sadly, aa she answered "No, no; my part of the contract will pact it so that I may take her fate Into tea spoonful being a dose. Two tea my own nands. But whom shall l sa- .noonfula of Dowdered areca nut is cure?" .1.. trnnA rameriv. One teasDOonful The words expired In a startled whls- f tnrpentlne yta jn mik Is said to sr A nn nb eat-Aft amAra i4i a n!ana mtrA I w . . the head which doe. not act with the other two. A bee or wasp ha. two large compound eyea which possibly help each other and are used for near vision, and also three little simple eye on the top of the head which are em ployed for seeing thing, a long way off. FOR MOVllfO WIBE F BUCKS. Sometimes wa msy learn more from man's errors than from bis virtues. Longfellow. laxative. connect the wheel, and drive astride I posaesaed of keener bearing than white The latest remedy for atomach 0f the wire. One man turns the wheel people, worms and nodular worm. 1. what 1. while the other drives, and the wire known a. the Iron remedy. Give In can be rolled up an fast a. the team grain aulphate of Iron (copperas, can walk. To unroll fasten wire to Boraetime. called green vitriol and 0ne of the corner posts, drive abend gleamed through the open elata Into ber own. Had fate sent her an accomplice? (To be conttnnerl.) That Ended the Argument. "Dey'a no use ter lose time prayln wen a mad bull', takln' after you," said Brother Dickey. "De thing ter mugt mt confoundcd with blue vlt- and the wire will unroll Itself.-C. V. ao is ter ciimo a ure. ,, . i.i ton mmooa of the r- i ot i i. n....i.ii. T IA Tl .1, Ttrilll I riUi;, B UUIW " " . VllvjjUl, III uv. kuuii ' juu.i... Buli UUK1 "u"u," A, l.lrt.flva Inmbs. ulVO daily , i , .i "e biB a i jnoue coiue mou,- ru tw0 weeUg then Btop one Week and Wood Ashes for House Planls. ed ae tree down? Loive again. Mix In water and apply It la not generally known that wood "Well," eald Brother Dickey, "dey the water to tne FtLn, Mhe)li mixed wirh compost, are very alnt no use ter go inquirin too far ons0Hna la also considered a good beneficial for most pot plant.. Palms not be fulfilled until I am gone. Would Inter de mysterle. er Providence!"- remody for atomach worm.. Borne are wonderfully benefited, and ao hte you nave cnosen me, naa you Deen toia Atlanta Constitution. .p,.nmr.nles thla remedv. as crotons. dracnenas. marantas. In fact Unili,a ai-w w r ' v . . .a. A t a at f4 ass KnirlnrV hnan I all tr a era nlantl T n munff Imta riiiAa "I .uppo.e ahe think.,' from what "" of A d,0M n- when the plant ha. nearly "hausted Bl.ia OI OUO UUICTilvuuiui .wu. 1 iuo iuii. 'l' - ' "1" -V ounces of milk. little depth, and a sprinkling of wood A solution of 1 per cent coal tar I. I ashes and fresh soil lm added, the also a good worm remedy given in plant win ue an ngui unin nine to re doses of two to four ounce.. pot To many a lover of flower, thl. bint to add a little wood ashes to com- Sapid Sheep Uncaring-. post will bring many a brliy toned Some of the wandering aheep shear- flower and much Improved tolinge. Indians and negroes, as a rule, are The population of Japan Is twelve times as dense aa that of the United States. that I could be cured?" she demanded. "Is not the mother of your son alive?" "Yes," csme the reluotant reply, "she Is alive." "Do you love her, or not? Answer me, upon your word of honor, as a gentle man. He turned away from her and wiped the beads of perspiration from bis brow, "How much you will have to say to each otftier the day after my death!" It la probable that hia patience would not have stood this last hard test had not a servant suddenly entered the room. "Mr. Courtlandt," he said, "there Is a tady at the door asking for you." "A lady!" he gasped; "what Is her name?" "Mrs. Ilsstlngs." "Sylphlde hare? now dared she come?" Ere he could command himself suffi ciently to articulate a word, Claire roae from her chair. "You see," she said, with cutting dls daln, "the poor woman has been neglect ed for two weeks, and she ha. corns to find you. ahe hear., that I'm a sad dog," aald the gay young artist "Oh, no, she doesn't think you are bo bad." "Not aa bad aa I'm painted, eh?" "Even better than that She Bays you're not as bad a. your painting." Philadelphia Ledger. i Bnfflclent to the Par. "I waa Juat telling my daughter,' Bald Mrs. Nooaens, "that It', really a shame for ber to play the piano on Sunday." "Why did you mention Sunday par ticularly?" asked Mra. Peppery. Phil adelphia Preaa. Called the HI off. Mra. Newed Mother has Juat writ ten that she will not visit us this summer unless you will permit her to Then, as she staggered to-1 pay her board. wards an Inner door, she cried: "She will not even wait untu I am dead!" As she passed out of sight be came to his sensaa with a start . He turned to find himself face to face with Sylphlde. "What are you thinking of?" he said. "Why are yon here here In my wife's very apartment? The rigidity of her features relaxed, the spell was broken, and In a low, tense tone that thrilled with Indignant reproach die replied: "Your wife, do you ssyt Ah, you use that word aa though you had been var- Newed I shall wire her at once say ing that I shall not permit her to do anything of the kind. A Price to Be Paid. "I thought," Bald the Bhopper, "that era of the Western sheep-ralalng State. The mixture should be worked Into have acquired wonderful speed. There the earth immediately or some of the I. a record of one man who sheared I ammonia In the manure will escape- 250 sheep In a single day. The aver- (nto the air and be wasted a for each man 1. about one hun- a-a ft,- men never tie a .boon. The Prolific Hcale. mv it hr the lew with the left The total number of descendants hand throw It so that they can squecae from one indlvldunl of the Ban Jose . ' i. wwopn their leza. and at scale during the time between the mid most before the sheep has begun to die of June and the last of November bleat the fleece Is falling In great s en calculated at SUlrt.OHO.Ioo. .. . . im .11 tlioaa mil Inna rihlnln thnr f,.,.1 fluffy masses, as aoon as me last clIo of the shears ha. been made ihe by sucking the snp from the plant ll.oy shearer kicks the fleece out of bis on. " not t0 be woa'red at Ihnt way. the struggling sheep I. released and races off, and another one is bun dled In. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature of 5ee Pae-SJaille Wrapper Dalew. a tree wmcn in mo spring was appar ently In good condition may be nearly or entirely dead by fall. n..,4nn. nmrArnXnw. Apple I reea 7U leers UKl. Ona of the misfortunes of garden On the farm or John Canon, near hi, saiu iu .mwrr, luaii , V nllvllle Howard roui.lv M!.rl this was s bargain; that I could get It, wtwi - v l" ,1.'Za I S Z-: f r a Bona,M n more wora man can oe carried cn "' " i"iiiou "WelL von can hava It" rootled the ' succeasf ully. Almost every one who seventy years ago. The land was pre deaTer'Vf ou a?.w hS u.ld. a house th!nk.,he would .Ike f-P -i.J11"! I'1 .11'! notes."PhUadelphla Pre.. i" n,T8. a mc" ?nr"en' "nu LT J" . . V 2Brcien l. conseaueniiT arranged. iut u5n a.ni,u. j un unimni nore a A ton of sugar beets yields 210 when it Is found, as It too often good crop this year. Many of Its trees pounds of refined sugar. found, that it requires an expensive re three feet In Olauietcr. Tary eaaall aa4 aa aaay . te take as sagaa, FOR RCAOACHL. roi DIZZINCSS. rOR IIUOUSREtt. ' FOR TORPID LIVER FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION ti cmh I nrarf TefataWavC CARTELS B CURE SICK HIADACHI. tUIII HUt All III! Mill. Cutuih Srup. TuMa Uoal. U In lima. Solil hf rtmirvi.t.