PPK 1 N Ji-rfJi VOL. VII. 1IEITNE11, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1004. NO. 21. TIMES. TUT TH? ill lb JiY) Signs of Spring . Coming is a warning that Your ..Blood neodrt attention. You cannot tell what . disease may bo lurking there. There's nothing better, cheaper or handier to use than the Red Blood Tonic and Laxative Pill They should bo used by every one dur ing tho spring months, Every box guaranteed to give satisfaction. 1'rico 60c per box. SLOCUM DRUG CO. Grocery Store DECORATKD SEMI-PORCELAIN WARE FREE By purchasing 125.00 worth of goods at this utore you re ceive free of chargo a net of this beautiful ware - MONOPOLE GOODS Remember EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH No Stale Goods . . CALL And see us and we will treat you right. BINNS BROS. Cor. Main and Willow Sts. HEPPNER, ORE, GROSHEIIS AND ZOLLINGER Have just opened a new Mloon at tbe corner of Main and May street! . Finest Liquors and CigarB Pendleton Beer. On Draught Hot and Cold Lunches Heppner, Or. Pat Dougherty and William Morton Duel With Guns. TROUBLE OYER WAGES CfRR&GOX Contractors and Builders ESTIMATES AND PLANS FURNISHED ON ALL WORK A share of the patronage solicited. HOUSES MOVED and,REPAIRED Office one door north of Scri vner's I blacksmith ibop, Main street. Anyone thinking ( icrurtnf a mnuument !' a departed re lative or Iriunrt Will do well to gel our prtcei before purchasing elsewhere. We aro prepared to do ill Cemetery and building work at reduced prlcea. M0NTERASTELL1 BROS. . 4jiarwwatarwitar.tr--sir mrm mrmttmiK n4rf rfo ttjtmmm m..mmrm mmm ww-mmm rTT Heppner Marble andGranite Works GENERAL DRAY I have engaged in the gen eral drayage business and so licit a share of the patronage All kinds of dray work done with promptuess and care. ATAL 19 Dougherty, Who Is A Wealthy Sheepman of Butter Creek, Was Shot Through the Lungs and Will Probably Die. Willitm Morton, a sheephiirder, shot and fatally injured Patrick Dougherty early last Saturday evening at tbe ranch of the latter, about 30 miles from tbe city. Morton bad been employed by Dougherty for several weeks. Saturday misunderstanding arose over tbe matter of wages. Both men became enraged, and Morton left the ranch, say ing be would return later to adjust the difficulty. ' Morton went to Pendleton, secured milk making. It grows in tbe orth Yakima district abundantly, where ex periments have been carried on for several years, and is naturally adapted to tbe billy, sandy soil found in tbe northern and western portion of Uma tilla county. , Many homesteaders in tbe vicinity of tbe, Columbia- rivir on tbe northern border of Umatilla county are going to experiment with all the dry land crops possible, in hopes of finding something that will produce a good crop of forage, without irrigation, as there is a large rea there that cannot be irrigated,' and is not suited to wheat. . 38 caliber revolver, and returned to Dougherty's place. Dougherty had ex pected trouble and armed himself. When the two men met there was an exchange of shots. Dougherty received a wound directly over tbe heart, which the physicians say will prove fatal. Morton was captured by Special Deputy Armstrong Sunday morning at a farm house three miles from Dougherty's ranch, returning to tbe city with the prisoner that afternoon. Morton says he shot in self defense, but refuses to talk further. Doughorty is a wealthy sheepman and has lived in Umatilla county for many years, LEXINGTON ITEMS J. T. MITCHELL Soooooooc HEPPNER POULTRY YARDS MINOR & I0VK, Props Breeders of C. B. P. Bocks and S. C. B. Leghorns From March, 1, Epgs for setting $1.25 for 15. From Choice pen $2.25 for 15. Bingle Birds or Palr FOR SALE Heppner Transfer Company i rati Republican Nominations for State, and District. . HERMANN AND WILLIAMSON- F. B. Vangban waa in our city Mon day from lone. Geo. Pearson of Butter creek, is re ported to be quite ill with plurisy this week. Edwin Andrews returned Tuesday evening from a short basinets trip to McMinnville. Andrew Carlson, a ptominent farmer of Eight Mile, was transacting basinets In town Tuesday. Mrs. J. W. Matlock 'who has been visiting with a daughter at Spokane the past few months, returned Saturday. Dr. Taggart reports the arrival of an eight pound girl at the home oi.Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayman on April 16. A. C. Petty s was in our city Tnesday from lone. He ia very much encouraged with the crop prospects in his locality. Wo Matlock of Lone Rock, returned Saturday from Portland, where he took Geo. Perry to a hospital for medical treatment. lie reports that George waa getting along nicely when he left. James Ross of Dale, and Percy Hughes arc reported to have purchased 200 head of yearlings and two-year old steers from Wm. Hughes a few days ago. We did not learn the price paid for the stock Thos. Grimshaw purchased this week 2000 head of yearling ewes from O. B. rarnswortn, paying tnereior (1.75 a head. This is the first sale of sheep thii haa been reported in Mot row connty thit seaaon. Voter who have not yet registered will bear in mind that there yet remain only abont three week in which they can rejrf-ter to entitle them to vote at the coming Jane election. The re- resident '8t,t'on booke close May 15. The Oscar Mitchell ranch, which waa sold at aherifFa sale Tuesday afternoon. of Portland, arrived ... j,m i k Mr. Mitchell himself for Miles Mulligan left here Saturday morning for Washington. Wm. Ferguson, formerly a here, is visiting among friends here Dr. F. P. Opie, -0- FRESH GROCERIES I have Just received a new stock of groceries, 'full and complete in every line, and am prepared to fill all orders for large or small quan tities. : : : s ' : ' : : W. M- Ashbaugh. THE PASTIME All The Leading BrandB of ClRorB in Stock. ::::::: Agents Hazelwood Ice Cream FINE ASSORTMENT OF CANDIES t ABhbauKh & Ayern. , ROCK SPRINCS COAL DRY CORD WOOD We are Prepared to offer prompt service. We have five good teams and your orders for Wood, Coal and anything in the drayage line will receive careful and prompt at tention, CONOVER & CRAY oooooooc He will probably . locate $2000. This ranch, which is located at the mouth of Rbea creek, ia conaidered . . i ....... ... waa neia among the best in tbe county ol its sue school and the price for which it sold is a very reasonable one. ' Rev. W. O. Miller will preach at the ome lhree faonthi oa Methodist church next Sunday morning RDet creek, upon a charge of burglar!- here Monday. here. Tbe 8th grade examination laat week. Se vt ral pupils of our tried it Hon. C. W. Phelps Gets Nomi nation for District Attorney and W G. Cole for Joint Rep- . resentatlve. At the Republican state convention held in .Portland last Thursday the following ticket was nominated i Supreme Judge Frank A. Moore, of Columbia county. Dairy and Food Commissioner J. W. Bailey, of Multnomah. Presidential Electors J. Jf . Hart, of Polk; James A. Fee, of Umatilla; Grant B. Demick, of Clackamas; A. C. Hough, of Josephine. Delegates to Republican National Convention At large H. W. Scott of Multnomah ' S. L. Kins, of Benton : W. B. Aver, of: Multnomah, and Ira S. Smith, ot Mal heur. First Congressional District J. U. Campbell, of Clackamas, and J. M. Keene, of Jakeon. Second Congressional District Charles H. Carey, of Multnomah, and '. C. Richards, of Baker. In the Sixth Judicial district, com posed of, Morrow and Umatilla counties, Hon. G. W. Phelps of Heppner, was nominated by acclamation. The Congrssional districts as well as the state convention were quiet affairs. There were two candidates for Food and. Dairy commissioner, J. W. Bailey and Charles Holmes. The reeuJt of the con test waa 215 to 142 in favor of Bailey. Both Williamson and Hermann had a walkover for the nomination as con gressmen from their respective districts.. W. G. Cole of Pendleton waa the nominee lor joint representrtive ol Morrow and Umatilla counties. and evening. We were much pleased to see Byron Tyler in town Saturday. He is rapidly regaining his strength. W.P. McMillan returned from Port' land, Saturday. He bad been in at tendance at the Cdngreealonel convention Wm Southerland. who has been in zing a aaloon at Spray and taking from a slot machine about 136, was found guilty by the Wheeler county court Monday and sentenced from Fossil to one year in the penitentiary. Hon. J. M. Glass, the prohibition lec turer who spoke in the M. E. Church Monday evening, was given a very large hearing and good attention. He is a speaker of considerable force and the employ of D. P. Doberty, resigned thoroughly posted on his subject, which HAMILTON WATCHES We are showing some 17 and 21 Jewel Hamil ton Watches, Silver or Gold filled, dust proof cases, most reliable watches made, at mod erate cost. P.0.B0RG, Jeweler and Optician. his position, Monday, and went to Hepp ner. Charlea P. Barnett. of Pendleton, has been visiting among friends a few days. He will remain daring the shearing season. The Odd Fellows will celebrate their 85th anniversary, April 20, at this place, makes his lectures quite interesting He fully explained the proposed local option amedment to the constitution which is to be voted upon at our coming state election. 11. C. Ashbauzh. who has been in Prescott, Arizona, the part winter, re turned last Friday. He does not like Arizona on accou at of the extreme dry climate. He says there was not a drop Arrangements are being made for a good of rain fell during his stay there from i7 i v r Portland. December 1, to March I. On nia return ill be the orincipal speaker. The The Margarita Fischer Co. The Margarita Fischer Company con cluded its series of engagements here Sunday evening instead of Saturday aa waa at first announced. This company, which has been re organized, is very much stronger than ever before and made a decided hit. Miss Fischer's support was so much stronger than at former engagements here that there was a marked improve ment in her appearance. Should Miss Fischer return to our city at any future time, which she ex pects to do, she will be assured a very large hearing. ' W. O. W. Social The W. O. W. and Women of Wood-. craft gave the third of their series of socials in I. O. O. F. hall laat Friday evening. A short program, consisting ot music, recitations, etc, was followed by light refreshments, after which various games and social converse concluded the evenings entertainment. There was a large attendance and as tbe he stopped over a few weeks in California, omen of W oodcraft are splendid enter but saw no place that be prefers to Ilepp- tertainers a most enjoyable evening was ner. T. W. Stewart, who was in from the mountains Saturday reports that the snow, where the sun got a fair ahow at it, la practically all melted away, the warm days of the past two weeks hav ing a telling effect upon it. However, he says the roada have suffered aa a con sequence of the high waters from tbe rapidly melting snow. The road from Parker's mill to Mahogany Ridge, along spent. Local Institute Dear Teachers : You are hereby noti fied that a local inatitute will be held in the public school building, lone, Oregon, Saturday April 30, TJ04, be ginning at 10:30 o'clock, a. m. All friends of education are invited to at tend. Yours very truly, J.W.Shipley, Co. Superintendent. ARTHUR SMITH Watchmaker aud Jeweler HEPPNER OREGON Lexington band will furnish music. There will be a barket dinner. Every body la invited to come. A New Forage Plant The new forage pant, teosinte, which has attracted such attention in the Yakima country, will be grown on several Umatilla county bill farms this year, says tbe East Oregonlan. Many Inquires have been made of local seed the creek, haa waahed out, to such an .,.,. ftlih .eed. while none eaieui wai .a buuok .l.-w.c. luvu awa j . at - .- la a S tit vaBnnt llmA It MUmi..,...M'. . " QuteBnperf,nctcomeng down from in the aping my wife and I were Uken will be introduced nere. man jMt FrUUy rapidly with diarrhoea and so aevere were the The demand for forage crops that will moitiDK snow had so swollen Willow pains that we called a physician who grow on tbe dry uplands of the county crtek that three bridges had been carried prescribed for us, but his medicine failed u .in. av.rv ear. and drv- and awav and It waa oeceseary to iora me w give any reuei. a irieou u-u - alfalfa, teosinte. Kafllr corn, sorghum creek. At one croeaing their hack etuck bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera cane and other hardy plants will, be in a anil so ugnuy mai me warn inn ui.naue. au.w; u ...uu. .. tested thoroughly In this county this oouldn't pull it out untlll a part of the each of us a dose and we at once felt the drift was removed. The horses swam eflecte. I procured a bottle and before It is claimed for teosinte that It grows for a few feet, but got Into shallow water using the entire contents we were en- .u . t.n,t .iil.nut Irrigation, before the back cauaht In the drift other- tirely cured. It Is a wonderful remedy and produces a heavy crop of coarse wiae they would have probably drowned, and ahould be found In every household ,l.iuir. which has proved to be but beyond a good wetting for the boys very nutritious, fir fat producing and no damage resulted An Open Latter. From the Chapin, S. C. News: Early II. C. Bailey, Editor. This remedy ia for sale by Slocum Drug Co.