I'aannoe ofOrana-e Irftavea. One of the remarkable Industrlce of 1'arnguay la the preparation of the ea aciice of orange leaves. More tliau 150 years ago the Jesuit prlesta, who then ruled that secluded country, Imported orange aeod and planted grovea, which Lave now become liuiuenae foreata, filled wltb imall eatabllsbmeuts for ex tracting the eeseuce, which la exported to France aud tho United States for uae lu aap and perfumery maklug. It la also employed by the natives la I'araguay aa a healing ointment and a balr tonic. aS. f oa run rARTtcutAas Mnret Mttle Imp. The other duy at a rural railway tatloti a colored mother who wu waiting for her child exclaimed, aa the youngster waa handed to her from the train: "Lnwd blesa hla honey-sweetnesa! Ain't ho do blackest, awectest little Kiitnn dat ever you did see'" Atlanta CoitHtltiitWin, For forty year's t'lso's Cure for Con sumption haa mired coughs aud oolda. At arugguti. j'rice uo cn t. Nwnarlntc Hpolle Horses. A well known owner of race horses, not ni nu a sentimental person, re cently Hindi) on order forbidding hla employes to talk In loud tone or to awenr In the stiiblo. "I hnve never yet aeen a good iiwinnered horse," lie siiys. "that waa being aworn at all the time. It hurta the feelings of a sensitive borso, and I'll keep my word good to discharge any man In my employ If I catch lilm awearlnic with In the hearing of any horse la tula stable." How's Thla? W titter One Hundred Dollars Reward fo? any cean of Catarrh thai cauuol be Cured by Halt's catarrh l ure. F. J. IIKNKY A CO., 1'rot. Toledo, 0. We, the uti'luriUneil, have known . I, Cheney lor the laai 16 years, and believe him trlaUy honoralila In all bualneaa Iranaao loiia anil flnaurially able to carry out any ob ligation! mails by their firm. V iht ii 1 huax, Wholraala I'rucrlata, Toledo, O. Wamuno, KixNiM A MaaviN, VhoUale prug Toledo, (. Hall's! aiarrb Cure la taken Internally, act IniC dlrently UNn the Moot and uinooua eur tai:ea ol the ayauun. I'rtre 760. per bullae. Hold by all lrUKglata. Testimonials tree. 1111 a Family Pills are the beat. lany Ilande Make Light Work Tourist (Id Utah) Polygamy la no longer practiced, I am told. Ex-Mormon (dejectedly) No, and lt'a a ah a me. Only one wife! What good la one wife? Juat a trial, that's alL. "How aoT' "Everything la at elxea and aevena. Nothing ever done. Iluttona off, tneala balf cooked everything wrong. In the good old daya we had one wife te aew on buttona, another to darn etorklnga, another to boas the aervanta, another to do the ehopping, and another to attend to the dutlea of aoclety. A tuan bad eome comfort then." RHEUMATISM AN INDESCRIBABLE TORTURE Because Rheumatism sometimes comes on suddenly it doesn't prove that it ia a chance disease or one due to accidental causes. It takes time for it to develop, and is at work in the srstcm long before any symptoms are felt The blood is tha first point of attack, and the poisonous acids that cause the aches and pains are then distrib uted through the circulation to different parts of the system, and settle in joints, muscles and nerves ; and when the system is in this condition it needs only some exciting cause like exposure to night air, damp, chilly weather, or the cold, bleak winds of winter, to arouse the slumbering poisons and bring on Rheumatism. The severity of the attack depends upon the amount of acid in the blood and the quantity or acnu matter in iue joints and muscles. Some peo ple are almost helpless from the first, while others have occa sional spells or are uncomforta ble, restless, nervous and half tick all the time from the nagging aches and pains. Rheu matism is a disagreeable com- F anion even in its mildest form, t grows worse as we grow older, and frenuently stiffens the joints, draws the muscles out of shape and breaks down the nervous system. A disease that origin ates in the blood, as Rheumatism does, cannot be cured with ex ternal remedies like liniments and plasters ; such things scatter the pains or drive them to some other part of the body, but do not touch the disease or improve the condition of the blood. The thin acid blood must be restored to its normal of up the general health at the same time. Write for our special book on Rheumatism, and should you desire any special information or advice, our physicians will furnish it without charge. Wt SWIFT SPCCiflC CO., ATIANTA, CA KmL jlanei ' V M -ST Vr;CHii-' i-... .n'I'i; '-iV Vi" 'v r aeewueare Atncimuu, 3X I'lreit Mtrcxet, L.I2WIH t IraariuHexa I miATTI.ll MI'OK A Nit That Tired Feeling It a Common Spring Trouble. It's a sign that the blood 1 deficient In vitality, Just m pimples and other eruption! are algus that tho blood la Impure. Iff a warning, too, which only the bazardoua fall to hood. Hood's Sarsaparllla and Pills Remove It, give new life, new cour age, atrcngth and animation. They cluunso the blood and clear the complexion. Accept do substitute. "I felt tired all the time and could not aleep. After taking llood'a narsaparllla a while I could ileep well and the tired feeling bad gone. Tblt great medicine baa alao cured ma of acrofula." Maa. C. VI. Root, Qllaad, Conn. i Hood'a Saraaparllla promises to our and fceepa tho promise. In Chicago. Mre. I'orkchopa That Mra. Grain pit la trying to Introduce some new fangled ideas In society. I'orkcbops What's the matter with her now? Mre. I'orkchopa Why. aha aaya lt'a no longer good form to take atran gera to see the abbatolr. I'uck. Mother! will ft ad Mra. Wlitalowa'i Soothing syrup the bealremeuy to use lor their ctuldreu a urlng tho teething ponoa., APHORISM8. We may mend our faults as easily as cover them. LMwyn. Nothing Is so great an Instance of ill-manners as flattery. Fielding. No man la so liiHlgnlflcant as to be sure his example cuu do no hurt Lord Clarendon. A propensity to hope and joy is real riches; one to fear and sorrow, real poverty. Hume. There is no dlapute managed with out paaalon; and yet there ia scarce a diapute worth a paaalon. Sherlock. Gaiety la not a proof that the heart is st case, for often in the mid at of la ugh tor the heart la sad. De Cecils. . Only they who are goaalped about goaidp. Intelligent people talk of things; Ignorant people of their neigh bors. Colton. If we did but know how little some people enjoy the great things they poaaees there would not be much envy In the world. Young. Contentment la a pearl of great price, and whoever procures it at the ex pense of ten thousand desires, makes a wise and happy purchase. Balguy. RHEUMATISM Itt ELBOWS, WRISTS AND KNKES. TJrbana, Ohio, Aug. BS, 1008. t,aat winter I bad a sure re attack of Rhaumatlem. It etaxted la the right elbow, and from there to my wrleta; the riant wrlat waa the worse. It baoama swollen and extremely painful. My left knee iolnt waa tha next place to be at tacked. It became awollen and of couree painful. The naxt point to be aflectxt waa the hip and ankle, whtoh save me much trouble. I waa barely able to -et about fr eome time. I waa under treat ment of a physician for awhile, but est ting no better I beg-an H. S. 8., and after teams' It for totut lime I waa entirely relieved of the it heumatletn. All a wall in and soranees dieappeared. I roneider B. H. B. an eicallent remedy for Itheuina. tie in and all troublea having their origin m ma uiuvu. . ORirriTH KELLY. 408 SloomfleM Ave. purity and strength, so that all poi sonous substances may be carried out the system, and no medicine accom plishes this in so short a time as S.S.S.. which not only neutralizes the acids and counteracts the poisons, but builds "BEE LINE" BUGGIES Are nt maniifai'turer r(iilar ronalrurllun, but Our Own Special Construction Put np with full knnvtleditr of the re qulretnenta of this rough western coun try. Mads to stand up, and will stand np, better than any huMr mM at any thing like mo price, ii you want a J"'KKT " tlerats price, try our He line." You can't beat It. We flaw aim a.i.i'f vi bkoui, agon HTAVIIU CO. POUItNI), OUItOON noiMit lFZfff:?'i a10 :4JnVention Te aaltncsa of the Ifcad 8ea is at tributed by W. Akroyd in conaldorable degree to air borne salt from the Med itcrrmioan, KjpoHlng- pure oil of turpentine nil ed with one per cent cf oil of lav ender is the fluent of all simple meth od for purifying the air of a stuffy room. leather railway ties are made by grinding scrap leather very fine, sub jecting to a refining procetta, and com pressing to different grades of bard ueH in a moulding machine. A IJrltUn naturalist sukkckU that the destruction of animal life by heavy rains has received too little attention. Tlw mortality among lnaects and all small animals is certainly very great In a late experiment in Switzerland a Scotch boiler was found to be J59 degrees 0. hotter at the upper part thun at tbo lower part, and the tem peratures chnngod but slightly after two hours. As this peculiarity Is a chief objection to this form of genera tor, a teat of other boilers is desired. Tho Fuel Builders. These are the ferns, which in the cnrlwiiiferous peri od attained a rauk growth. The spores of the ferns, found on the under sides of the loaves, which answer the pur pose of seeds, form a brown dust, and this diiHt, heated and compressed, com poses great masses of coal. Jet is also another work of these little builders. A new luminous fungus has been for warded to Europe from Tahiti. It is auld to emit at night a light resembling that of the glow worm, which it re tains for a period of twenty-four hours after having been gathered, and it is um-d by the native women in bouquets of flowers for personal adornment In tho hair and dress. It is believed to grow on the trunks of trees. According to a recent pamphlet by an Italian doctor, a sure way of re storing life In cases of syncope is to hold the patient's tongue firmly. After two other doctors bad worked for an hour without reault over a young man who was apparently drowned, be thrust a spoon , Into the patient's mouth, seized the tongue, and worked It vio lently until the patient gave signs of life. Considering the possible Influence of alcohol upon human evolution, Dr. Harry Campbell assumes that such civ ilizations as those of Babylon and Egypt may date back thirty thousand years aud that agriculture by migra tory tribes may extend back thirty thousand years more, but concludes that tbo use of alcohol as a beverage baa not Wen known more than ten thousand years, lie Dnda no reason to believe that, aa waa auggested eome years ago, the dlttoovery of fermented ll'juor gave the first civilizing quicken lug to the brain of ape-man. Observations as to the height of the diurnal sea brroio are few in number, albeit of considerable importance. By tneaua of a captive balloon, aeut up from Coney Island a number of years ago, It waa found that the average height at which the cool Inflow from tha ocean was revlaeed by the upper warm outflow from the land waa from Ave to alx hundred feet At Toulon, In 1KH3, the height of the aea breeze waa found to be about thirteen hun dred feet, and a distinct off-ahore cur rent was found between nineteen and twenty hundred feet. Sloro recently liny on the west const of Scotland. I lues, using kites, hnd noted that the kites would not rise alxive fifteen hun dred fwt on sunny afternoons, when the ou-ahore breeze wos blowing. ONCE SAVED ELKINS' LIFE. Weet Vlrictnlun Kravuvd from Peril by I tit ml it Cola Youniccr. Senator Klklna, of West Virginia, talked for the first time the other day of hla late meeting with Cole Younger, the Missouri bundlt, recently released from the Minnesota penitentiary, it developed that Younger came to Wash ington to enlist the Influence of Sena tor Klklu and other prominent public men who showed Interest lu his affairs. In an effort to K't the terms of his pnrole from the Minnesota pardon Ixnird modified lu Important particu lars. ViMiiik'iT cluluied that the condi tions Import! upon lilm as a "ticket of leave miin" form such a handicap that he la priictlcilly debarred from making a living in any legitimate war. Many versions have hecu given of tho mniiner lu which Younger an vis I the life of Senator Klklua in Missouri nearly a half a century ago, but Sena tor Klklua uiys that none of them have Imhmi accurate. The incident occurred Just after the fight at Independence, Mo. Klklua anys It waa about o'clock In the afleriKHiii and lie was returning "from seeing s girl." He was mount cd on a good horse, bad a new pair of cowhide UmiIs and a new broad brimmed lint, lu rounding a turn of ths road he almost rode Into (Juan trella' grille, The particular portion of the orKanUatloii which took lilm pris oner was known as "Psrker's men. Klklns anys be tins always bcllcvo! tnai ouo or inn reaaoua why he was Immediately accused of Indug spy was tho desire of si.ine of the rough fellows to have his new tmots, bis fine horse and his broad brimmed bat, aa they did not hesitate to say that In their belief such possessions were "too good for Yank." There was but one man In the command that Klklns kne that was Cole Younger. Younger and niktns had lived In the same neighbor hood In Missouri as boya together and Cole declared that Klklns bad father and brother In the Confederate army and It was impossible that be could be iy. Klklns said: I told Younger to stay mighty close to me, as I did not like the looks of the fellows who surround ed me and the way they talked to me when they told me to alt down on a big walnut log alongside the road. Cole said he never had a man before or since quite so respectful to him. I in stated upon hltn standing in front of mo all the time. It was a good thing. too, because there was no question that if it had not been for Younger's determined attitude and his announce ment that he would take a shot at the fellow who harmed me while the lend ers were disposing of my case I doubt If tho State of VVeat Virginia would ever have been able to avail itself of my services. Cole said It was not true that they wanted my boots and horse, but they were greatly enraged because the day before they captured me Par ker, their leader, and old man Christo pher had been killed. They were bent on revenge." EXPERIMENTS ON THE BRAIN. Electricity Ts Not Dang-erona When a Mild Current la feed. Experiments on the brain of a living subject with electric currents have been comparatively rare, as there baa prevailed among physicians and phy siologists the idea that srjch a course of experimentation was extremely dan gerous. There have recently been puoimneu. However, records of some experiments carried on by M. 8. Leduc, with the object of using the electric current to produce sleep and of study ing Its effect on the brain generally. In early experiments It was shown that the brain la the best conductor of elec triclty in the human body, being about 3,000 times more conducting than mus cle. It was also observed that when a continuous current was Dassed through the head from one ear to the other, that the sensation of giddiness was produced and that objects ap penred to revolve In the same dlrec Uons as the current flowed. However, when the electrodes are placed on the forehead and neck and the current sent from back to front the effects are In nocuous so long as a mild current Is used, and In aoine cases may be bene-1 flMa! inwirrllni, n If T a.ia . .. t ' snHafWrnr ,mnf i. J f . iiampere. at thirty tlts. w hich Is X atTbu tlZ'i o?d forr hold D ith my friends; end for nine-tenths of the period of but in June, 1901, my sense of hearing Interruption. The first effect noted left me so that I could hear no sound5 was the disappearance of the faculty , whatever. I was also troubled with of speech, after which followed the rheumatic pains in my limbs. I corn loss of the motor faculties. Under or- tnenced taking Peruna and now my dlnary conditions there Is no affection hearing is restored aa good as it was of the respiration or putae unless the prior to June. 1901. My rheumatic - v. . v J WIIV V IIS Ml UJ It current Is increased, and then U may ceaae. The patient Is said to awaken Instantaneously from the electric aleep I and to experience a feeling of refresh-' ment Frankly Owned Ills Fault, Altboua-b there baa been complaint of late about a growing lack of disci- i pllne in the ranks of the French army, the demoralization has not. It Is be lieved, progressed seriously, as the fol lowing incidents, coming from a French naval port, will Illustrate: I A general holding a high command made his appearance a few daya ago at the barracks of an Infantry regi ment, which. In obellence to his orders. was promptly drawn up In the yard. Then he explained the reason In a brief address. He said that aa he waa walking In the town attired In mufti 1 on the previous day a man belonging to the corps, who was the worse for liquor, accosted blin rudely and asked him to stand blin a drink. "Let him step out of the ranks," he concluded. Immediately a bugler emerged, and, saluting, said: "it is I, nion general." The incident is characteristic and nprupoe of It one la reminded of eueli an adventure which befell a certain French marshal. A grenadier, who was exssperated at some Injustice that had been done him, pointed his pistol at him and pulled the trigger, but It did not go off. Without moving a muscle, the veteran cried: "Four days In the cells for keeping your arms In bad state." The bugler's honesty can scarcely have failed to lx an extenua tion of his offcnre In the eyes of the general. Kumumnril by Name. An exciting lover's quarrel was once brought alHtut by the young woinin's irldental reading of a telegram where in the unfortunate lover bad rpoken of Ms new yacht In term of endearment. omitting to mention the fact that licr- aldlne was only a loat A similar blunder Is reported by Philadelphia paper. There- were five paacngcrt In the street car, and aa it approached a crossing tho conductor called "Will iam!" One man got up and went out "Ann!" announced the conductor, and a woman left the car. Tucked away In the corner waa a little man with a foreign-looking face. When the conductor called "George!" and another passenger alighted, the Utile man awoke to the situation. He roe, tlptiHtl down the aisle and whis pered lu the conductor: "Before you calls out de name of do 1 lady In dcte. I'll tell you I wants to git off soon. My name Is Paul." Purely MenlaL "I don't think be has any mental bal ance." Why, that's hla strong point That's the only sort of balance he baa. lit imagines be baa money in the bank." Philadelphia Iedgcr. Many t'hurvhe In Australia. Auairalla baa more rburvhe per raplta than any other country. Hhe has 210 churches to every loo.Ota) fco-pie. A VENERABLE PASTOR GUREO BY PE-RU-tIA Pe-ru-na Is Catarrhal Tonic Espec ially Adapted to the Declining Powers of Old Age. In old age the mucous membranes become thickened and partly lore their function. This leads to partial loss of bearing, smell and taste, aawell as digestive dis turbances. Pernna corects all this by its specific operation on all the mucous membranes of the body. One bottle will convince anyone. Once used and Pernna becomes a life long stand-by with old and young. Strong and Vigorous at the Age of Eighty-Eight. Rev. J. N. Parker, Utica, N. Y.. writes: I in june, lyui, l lost my sense ol her entirely. My hearing had been "iSnAvatrVtaf m e-vn i n.A 4 .aa f pains are all gone. I cannot speak too highly of Peruna. and now when 88 The spring Is the best time to 44 PfMI' mmmm rvker. j CVerV nrlnO- ThA tvatam 1 r,liiv.flBt.il ku MlMf V. Tkl. , f r "J " " 1 medicines more effective. A short j wi spring, win cure ota, siuDDom ment for veers. Everybody should on catarrh. Addresa the Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. As Other Bee t'a. Chapperton Ma fwiend Sapleigh la aw sewiously ill, doncher know. Miss Caustique What'a the trouble. Chapperton The aw doctah aaya he has concussion of tha bwain. Misa Caustique Indeed! Did be ac cidentally bump hla head against a cob web I During leap year every eligible young man should be equipped wltb a chaperon. 1'lie Kind You Have Alwavs ture of Cluts. II. Fletcher, aud 1ms been made under hlsj personal supervision for over ao years. Allow no one to deceive you In this. Counterfeits, Imitations and jHt-a-frod0 are but Experiments, nnd endanjrer tbo bcoltu of Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a barmless substitute for Castor Oil, Parr. Rorle, Drops and Noothuip Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Narcotic nubstaiiee. Its aero is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays rcverihneH. It cures Dhtrrhu-u and AVInd Colie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, reirulates the Momncli and I!oVcls, giving liealthynnd natural sleet). The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. The Kind You Me Always Bought Bears the In Use For " waaaat. SIX . sw7-jt-JzT THE IMPULSE oit have it. You competent. Sit right down today and rCDM WIT ITT V wnrt snctwl in write for our catalogue, which U-lla , rRUitl WHIUil n,.gin txlay you all alwut our splendid equipment. ! bi prepare for a business career. We araarr jii are eneiyr ear eJucatyou for practical buainesa, E ER X KE-WALKEB BUSINESS CQLLE6E ' ! and assist you to a position nhen PORTLAND OkLOON I i M)r(iii l.siaJil,aai HOatf fto more ailk. HOOS (row and I ' " """" I aM-v-4i-l L,t,h-J mil S r Hand Hoot,. rwaiUKU HSU tW imwrimfM,,,, years old can say it has invigorated my whole system. I cannot but think, dear Doctor, that you must feel very thankful to the all loving father that you nave been permitted to live, and by your skill be such a blessing as you -have been to suffering humanity." Kev. J.y. Parker. A Bishop's Letter. T. II . Lomax, D. D., Bishop 2nd Diet. A. M. ., of Charlotte, N. C, a rites: "I recommend your Peruna to all who want strengthening tonic and a very effective remedy for ail catarrhal complaints." T. H. Lomax. If yon do not receive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Peru na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv ing a full statement of yoor case and he will be pleased to give you bis valu able advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. treat catarrh. Nature renews herself mrj vFi TT . a ma icuucia course of Peruna, assisted by the balmy cases oi catarrn mat nave resisted treat- have m coov of Dr. Hirimin'i Lrt hnnLr Age of Deception. Misa Elderleigh If I had my life to live over again Misa Springer (interrupting) Why, X thought that's what you were doing. Misa Elderleigh What do you mean? Misa Springer Mr. Huggins said you told him you were 23 last month. P. N. U. No. 161904. HIS writing- to advertise re please I mention idis paper. I 'A nJlKAi ltnuirlit line, hnrnn tim aiimn. Signature of Over 30 Years. awaaa milt, aiav t. errr. WM I I 'll I rf'lIpL tm At PRUSSIAN STOCK FOOD, f&e ftrrairef (nnffonr mntl j,k r.. a . work on U tred. COWS (Itt more aad rkaer fat UB quUkar If gica tbla food. '""'' ' aiee tries n) ea Moated euae wllk eM freeelaa laejeey Ca, Ii. reel, Mlaa. r.rlUil, Ur Coast a a eat