Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, April 14, 1904, Image 1

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4 11 IN
NO. 23.
TT tt
Signs of Spring
Coming is a warning that Your Mood
needs attention. You cannot tell what
(lineuHo may bo lurking there. There's
nothing better, cheaper or handier to
use than tho
Red Blood Tonic and
Laxative Pill
They should be used by every one dur
ing tho spring months, Every box
guaranteed to give satisfaction. Trice
f0c per box.
Estate We have a few rare
bargains to offer in
both city and (arm
property. Choice
residences or lot
(or investment or a
home, at all price.
Morrow County
Farm Property...
We have (arm prop
erty ranging in price
from fU to (20 an
acre. Stock, (arm
implement, crop
go with farm when
preferred by purchaser
Grocery Store
Ily piirchncing $2.r.(X) worth of goods at this ntore you re
ceive free of charge a set of this beautiful ware ....
No Stale Goods
. . CALL
And see ub and we will treat you right.
Portland City
We have seenred
for aale 60 choice
residence lute in
Stewart I'ark addi
tion to Portland,
all ready for build-
ing; 20 minute
ride from poetolttce
Its are 50x100 feet
and at price offered
(fHO to $175 are
unequalled a an in
vent merit. Terms
$15 cash, balance $5
a month, no interest
Notson & Hicks
Heppner and
Lexington, Oregon.
Cor. Main and Willow St..
A. J. HICK8,
The New Episcopal Church
Heppner Marble
and Granite Works
Anyone thinking of aerurlng a
monument for a departed tt
lntlre or friend Will do well to
get our price! before purchulnt
W. ar prepared lo do all Cemetery and building work at reduced prlcei.
Heppner T
Bishop Morris Conducted the
Services Assisted by Revs.
Potwlne, Short and Warren
Rev. Potwlne's Farewell
The dedication of All Saints Memo
rial church, which was solemnized In
this city 8andajr forenoon at 10:30, was
a very impressive service. The dedica
tory services were conducted by Right
Reverend B. Wistar Morris, Bishop of
On-gon, Rev. W. E. Potwine, secretary
of the diocese, the Rev. W. Seymour
Short, of Grace church, Astoria, and
He v. John Warren, micsionery in
The Episcopal church was barely
finished, but it was desired that the
dedicatien be held before the departure
of Rev. Potwine for his new field in
Honolulu, as he has been identified
with the Heppner church for more than
20 years.
At the evening service Rev. Potwine
delivered his farewell sermon. The
church was crowded to its utmost
capacity. Proceeding the sermon
class of five were confirmed : Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Morrow, Mrs. Phil Metcban,
Mrs. A. . Patterson and another lady
whose name we did not learn.
Following the sermon Bishop Morris
gave a brief review of the church history
in the Northwest and more particularly
his diocese.
The new Episcopal Memorial church
is one ot tli prettiest mod wott coo
veniently arranged churches of Hepp
ner, one in which the congregation may
well feel a just pride. The collections
during the day were $50.07.
Bend and the railroad consume too
much time for busy men, therefore they
have taken this means of overcoming
the difficulty.
This new an to is of Michigan make
and is known as the Cadillic. It will
seat (our people and be driven by a
steam engine of eight horse-power. It
is said tbt the machine will run
"wherever a wheel will turn." While
it is something of an experiment in
this country, there is no doubt it will
prove success(ul and upon the service
of the first machine will depend some
what the development of automobile
transportation in interior Oregon.
Bend Bulletin.
Ilrwdera of C. B. P. Rocks
and S. C. 11. leghorns From
March 1, Eggs for setting
11.25 for 15. From Choice
pen $2.25 for 15. - -
Single OirdB
or Palrn
Wo are Prepared to
offer prompt service.
We have five good teams and
your orders (or Wood, Coal and
anything in the drsyage line will
receive careful and prompt attention.
I liavo just received a new stock of
groceries, full and complete in
every line, and am prepared to fill
all orders for large or small quantities.
are showing some
j W. M. Ashbaugh.
17 and 21 Jewel Hamil
ton Watch em, Silver or
Gold filled, dust proof
cases, most reliable
watches made, at mod
erato cost.
P. 0. B0RG,
Jeweler and Optician.
Musical Entertainment.
The musical given by the Heppner,
Jr., Band in Roberts' hall Friday even
ing last was exceptionally good, and
was duly s ppreciated by a large audience.
The program consisted of overtures by
the orchestra and band, vocal, piooo and
violin solos, and and a recitation by
Miss Hazel Carr, who is a reader of
considerable ability.
The piano solos were rendered by
Miss Fay Bartholomew and were ex
ceptionally good selections. Miss Bar
tholomew is a pianoist of marked abi ity
and her selections were well received.
The vocal solo by Miss Lilian Cochran
was received witn an encore. Alias
Cochran baa a splendid voice and her
renditions are always appreciated.
Miss Lutie Rasmus also has a well
trained voice and her solos are heartily
But none were mere appreciated than
the violin solos by Miss Mary Lena
tileon. As a violinist Miss Nelson h
few equals
Walked Against Time.
No event has occured in Heppner of
recent date that would compare in
point of genuine interest and enthusiasm
to tbat made manifest in the walk
against time by Harry Cummings Mon
day afternoon. .
For some time there had been con
siderable talk regarding Harry's ability
as a walker, and on Saturday evening
this talk culminated in a wager of $40
to the side as to whether he could walk
18 miles in hours, Harry putting
his own money against that of Tom
Stanage's vtho claimed that he could
not perform the feat. So from Satur
day evening until the close of the
conte-t against time excitement ran
h'gh and considerable side betting was
done, probably between $200 and $300
being up at the time of the start.
Dan Stalter, Billy Crank and Fred
Blaumer were selected as judges and
Geo. Cod Be r as timekeeper and the
start was made at exactly 3:30 from the
corner of Main and May streets, over
lap of 2130 feet.
A little less than 46 laps, each of
which had to be made in an average of
four minutes and 33 seconds, was the
requirement. Of thee 24 lap were
made in the following time : 4 15, 4-35,
4-30, 4-40, 4-15, 4-15, 4-40, 4-20, 4-45,
4-30, 4-30, 4-40, 4-40, 4-50, 4-37, 4-40,
4-40, 4-40, 4-50, 4-45, 4-40, 5, 5, 5.
This added gives one hour, 57 minutes
and 17 seconds, and the exact distance
traveled being 9.68 miles.
Ai the end of the 24th lap Cummings
Situation Better Than Was
at First Thought
Sheep Suffer Much More than
Cattle Loss of Flocks Nor
mal, However, and Practi
cally no Loss In Herds.
The John Day News summarizes the
livestock situation in the interior as
follows: "The live stock business,
which was so gloomy during last week,
has materially improved during the last
few days, and stockmen are beginning
to take an inventory of the damage,
which is not so heavy as had been
looked for. As the weather moderated,
the days and nights assumed an even
temperature, neither too warm nor too
cold, and stock did not give up as they
would have done had the sun came out
hot by day, and the nights become
chilly and stormy.
The Bear Valley stock was mostly
moved to the range country with no .
great loss, and is now doing well on the
young grass.
'One of the largest owners in the
county stated that losses in sheep were
considerable, but not at all panicy. .
For himself he said he bad suffered no
greater loss than the normal, among
the flocks which he kept at home and
run for himself.
"Ex-Sheriff Newt Livingston reported
the situation bad in bis section of
country, on the Middle Fork, and told
all the aspiring candidates who asked
tor delegate, to give them bay, and
they would get them faster than in mny
other war. A good mmaj nerds had .
been turned out on the hills, and con- ,
siderable loss had ensued.
"Along the John Day valley, and es- -pecially
in the upper section, the loss .
was no greater than it generally is,
hich is only nominal, according to
J. B. Johnson.
"Izee raisers have continued to get off
All The Lending
CinrB In Stock. :
DrundH of
Agents Hazelwood Ice Cream
AnhbuuKli & Aycm.
1 MX
Eggs for Sale
Hard Plymouth Hock
egg for sale for setting
purposes. Mated with
high grado rooster just
from pen at Portland.
Eggs per setting of 15 $ 1
Galloway, Ore.
was convinced that he could not make
the distance within the time and wiiely lucky " 0010 haT nd "D8 WM re
gave up the chase, which was preferable KTied to- 80 tht u over the country
to further exertion against a lost cause. the rave ""S6' hich seriouelr
Although Cummings lost he made ni uvestoc. interests baa ap
..... .1 mmii : u . u . M:H:MHM
a anod walk, heinir ! than thrM 1 1 y-ocw wnu ws uiiuiuiuiu
mlnnt! hh:nd arhndnln tima ( tVihrm'"
A purse of $31 was made np and
given to Harry wnicn will partly rem-
burse him for his loss.
Amber Cane and Millet.
Col. R. C. Judson, industrial agent of
the O. R. k N., distributed last week a
large quantity of amber cane seed among
the farmers in the vicinity of Echo.
An Open Latter.
From the Chapin, S. C, News: Early Thi mI J to grow luxuriantly on
in the sping my wife and I were taken ine aneil "naieei on 01 trie &ouin
with diarrhoea and so severe were .J west, and Col. Judson thinks it can b.
pain, that we called a physician who "ccessfully grown on the arid land.
prescribed for us, but his medicine failed 1 1 Qt
to give any relief. A friend who had a The syrup from this cane took first
bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera Pr,M th pri "Potion, and the
and Diarrhoea Remedy on hands gave b "mple of it along to prove
each of us a dose and we at once felt the to iumtn "cellent quality of
effects. I procured a bottle and before the syrup made from this variety of cane.
hbe titi perfect control 01 using the entire contents we were en-1 He ftlto distributed a quantity ot
the bow and her notes are so clear and ureiy curea. una wonacnut remeay 11 iwj anj broom corn, which he
distinct that they almost speak M"4W to try an
a . filt is I V-e fMIIVJi ABU HfflCUJ 19
.... for sale by Slocnm Drug Co.
alone was well worth the admission. I
(or which she was highly complimented. Cattle-Growers' Convention. Margarita Fischer.
The selections by the young band There will be a Convention ot Cattle- The Margarita Fischer Company will
were much appreciated, and showed Growers of Oregon held in Fortland. commence a tnree night engagement at
market imnrnvmAnt. The oood at- Aoril 16th. beuinnlna at 10 a, m.. and Roberts' Opera bouse to-night. ThU
tendance at their musical is evidence continuing in the evening. The people well known and popular company has
that the people appreciate the efforts of Interested In this great industry are a stronger cast than ever before, con-
the band boys and are willing to tender earnestly requested to be present, as sistlng of 15 artists of ability. Heppner
substantial encouragement whenever subjects will be discussed of the greatest people are assured a higher class play
an ODDortunliv is offered. Importance to all cattle-men.. The than ever before produced by the com-
- 1 1
meeting will be held at the Auditorium, pany. Fopular prices.
Automooue Line in urogon. K.,mftn nn TMr ,
The first automobile to run between st Qbaht Mats, Secretary. Dissolution Notice
Hbaniko and Bend has been purchssqJ I The copartnership heretofore eiisting
and It is to be ready for service as soon Auction Sale. between the ondersigoel, having this
as the roads become passable. This Will sell at public auction at Cant- day been dissolve by mutual consent.
machine, however, Is not to enter the well's bicycle shop on April J, 1904, all accounts outstanding will be collected
general carrying business, but is owned L kinds of utensils used for cooking by C. A. Leifter, and all liabilities will
by and for the use of the Deschutes I purposes, suitable lor shearing and be paid by W.M. Ashbaugh.
Irrigation & Tower Company. The harvest crews. Also a large bake oven Dated this April 10, 1904.
officers of that company concluded that nJ double harness la good condition. C. A. Ltrrua
nresent methods of conveyance between Lib Caktwiu. Auctioneer. I Wabsm M. Asoaarosi