THE HEPP11ER TIMES Pabtsbed Bwrj Thare4ay. HEPPNKR OREGON EVENTS OF THE DAY Comprehensive Review of the Import ant Happenings of tbe Put Week, Presented la Condensed Form, Most kjkery to Prove Interesting Officers have a bandit rifle for a clew in search for Oregon express robbers Japan will face big odds on the Yalu river as the Russian force is the larg est. Russians believe that the Chinese of Manchuria are secretly aiding the Jap anese. Wichita, Kan., women Bhow their disapproval of Smoot by hanging him in efligy. Circulation of counterfeit Japanese money in Corea is causing great an noyance. - Japan expects a long war and urges all her citizens to tome to the defense of the country. Russia will let China make protests, if any are made, against the British advance in Thibet. The Santa Fe is building stockades around the Topeka shops preparatory ffor the expected strike. Kouropatkin is willing that the Jap anese shall win a few victories in the hope of luring them on to Harbin. Secretary Hitchcock has assured Ore gon entry men that filings made in good faith will stand, even if the timber and stone act is repealed. Japan has finally allowed war corre spondents to proceed to the front. Tbe house has voted down the senate amendment to build a military road in Alaska. St. Marys, Ohio, reservoir, one of the largest in the world, is in danger of breaking. Odessa gave a warm welcome to the Russian survivors of the battle of Chemulpo. Russians captured a Japanese steam er, seized maps, telegrams, etc., and then sunk her. Semi-official advices give the number of Russian troops in the Far East as nearly 200,000. Russia is too busy with Japan to fel low or make any objection to British advance in Thibet. Anotker attempt has been made on the life of Pope Pius, this time by two men disguised as clergy. It is reported that Japan atfer bom barding Vladivostok, dropped a number of floating mines in that vicinity. The three bandits who held op the Oregon express and killed a messenger got no loot from the wrecked express car. Rains make the flood situation in In diana more grave. French court decides the Panama canal case against Colombia. The Botkin murder trial baa been re sumed with the ury alleged to have been bribed. 'William J. Bryan has been decided againBt in contest for (50,000 in the Bennett will contest. I'ansof the Jamestown exposition prove an obstacle in the passage of the Lewis and Clark lair bill. Senator Clark, ol Wyoming, says land ring boasts of spending money to secure repeal of present laws. F. A. Heinze and superintendents of his mines have paid fires of (20,000 for contempt -of court in Montana. The Oregon express was held up at Copley, Cal., and Express Messenger O'Neill killed. The treasure box was carried away. Bell, of Caliornia, created a sens tknVin the house by declaring that vet erans in the soldiers' homes in his state are robbed by the canteen system. Russia is found, technically, to have fired the first shot of the war. John Mitchell will come to Colorado to conduct the miners strike. The Lewis and Clark exposition received a setback in the house. bill It is estimated that the damage from floods in Michigan will reach (5,000, 000. Admiral Makaroff is expected to as sume the offensive at the first oppor tuaity. Foreigners believe martial law at Niu Cbwang will cause all save the French to vacate. The Servian government will remove from office all who were implicated in the assassination of the late king and queen. Many towns In Indiana along the tributaries of the Ohio and Wabash rivers are still suffering from the floods. The Cunard Steamship company's re port for 1903 shows a profit of (1,350, 630. Ten deaths are reported as a result of the storms in Northwestern Arkan tat. Colorado militia has thrown three miners and two business men In the bullpen. French deputies have passed the bill to suppress teaching by religious orders. NOW WAIT ON IDAHO. Engineers Are Ready to Report on Oreat Irrigation Project. Washington, April 5. The Boise Fayette irrigation project in Idaho has reached the Btage where, tlaving re ceived the endorsement of the engineers of the reclamation service, it is ready to be reported to the seen tary of the interior for his approval, as soon as the state land board has designated what disposition it will make of the 60,000 acres of land belonging to the state and lying under this project. It is doubtful if the secretary of he interior will pass on this project until a clear and explicit statement has been received from the state authorities as to the policy which will be followed by them in disposing of these lands. Un der th provisions of the reclamation law of June 17, 1902, tbe right to use water of lands in private ownership cannot be sold for a tract exceeding 160 acres to any one landowner, and such landowner must be an actual bona fide resident on such land, or occupant thereof residing in the neighborhood. It is within the discretion of the secre tary to set the limit of area for each homestead, which limit shall represent the acreage which, in his opinion, may reasonably be required for the support of a family. Under the terms of this law the farm area under the Boise-Fayette project will probably be set at 40 to 80 acres, according to the locality and character of the soil. GOVERNMENT AID ONLY HOP& Taft Says Philippines Cannot Oct Nec. essary Railroads Without It. Washington, April 6. Secretary of War Taft was before the senate com mittee on the Philippines today to go over the Lodge and Cooper bills for the amendment of the act providing for the civil government in the Philippines Great interest was manifested in the section providing for aid in railroad building by authorizing the Philippine government to guarantee an income of not exceeding 5 per cent on capital in vested in the construction and equip ment of such roads. Referring to- the sections of the bill providing for the government building of railroads in the event willing capital was not found to undertake the projects, Secretary Taft said that he did not favor government ownership of the system, but he had offered it as an alternative, after hav ing investigated thoroughly the experi ences of the British government in In dia and the Dutch government in its colonies. Senator Burrows inquired if it were not possible to interest capital in rail road bnilding in the Philippines with out government aid. Secretary Taft said he believed a few links of a sys tem might be constructed, but not the general railroad building needed lor tbe progress of tbe islands. TAKINQ ADVANTAQB OP WAR. Diplomats Confident Britain Is Moving Because Russia Is Busy. Paris, April 5. The British advance on Thibet is attracting widespread at tention, the general view being that it is due mainly to Russia preoccupa tion in the Far East. Government officials are inclined to share this opin ion. An ambassador said today : "It is manifest that Russia's hands being tied gives Great Britain an op portunity to advance in Thibet. As part of the same diplomacy, Great Britain is re-establishing friendly re la tiona with Prance, thus neutralizing any French opposition to the Thibetan program." In this connection the ambassador related a conversation with Foreign Minister Delcasse regarding the Fash- oda incident. It was pointed out dur ing this conversation that if the inci dent had occurred while Great Brit ain's hands had been tied by the Boer war, the future of Central Africa would have been entirely different. It was the conclusion of those taking part in the conversation that the time to settle minor scores was due to the preoccupa tion of your adversary elsewhere, and it is the diplomatic view that Great Britain is now adopting that principal and advancing in Thibet while Kussia is elsewhere engaged. 100,000 Men Have Crossed the Lake-. Berlin. April 5. One hundred thous and men and 6,000 horses, besides con siderable artillery, have crossed Lake Baikal since the outbreak of the war, according to the Tageblatt's military expert. Writing from lake Baikal un der date of March 19, he says that he found that the authorities had done everything imaginable for the comfort of the soliders on the railway and the lake, and that the railway equipment was admirable. All the bridges sre steet, with stone abutments and are carefully guarded. Damage Will Be (2.000.000. Cincinnati,' April 6. Floods in Northwestern and Central Ohio today broke all previous records, but dis patches indicate that the wstots are re ceding, especially slung the Miami val ley. The damage from Fiudlay south through Troy and other olnts as far as Hamilton Is estimated at (2,000,. 000. Four lives have lwen lost. Twenty towns are without natural gas. Several cities are without ower or waterworks. Working Hard te Get Fleet Ready. Paris, April 6. According to a St. Petersburg correspondent of the Fho do Paris, work Is carried on night and day at Cronstadt In order to prepare a fleet to leave there at the end of July or the beginning of August for a war port in the Far Fast, which Is expected to be free from Ice in three weeks. TIME IS PRECIOUS TAYYNEY MAKES PLANS TO 1905 FAIR BILL. TEST Will Try to Bring Matter lip Under Sua pension of Rules House Leaders Hesitate About Qrantlng a Special Rule and the Session la Drawing to a Close. Washington, April 4. The leaders of the house, hesitate to invoke the power of a spceiul rule to secure consid eration of the Lewis and Clark expo sition bill, if it can be avoided, and Chairman Tawney has decided to try to Drmg the measure up under suspension of rules. He will call the bill up to day, unless the Oregon men do not deen the time opportune. Those in charge of the bill believe it will be better to find out just what strength the bill has in the house, and this will be shown on a suspension vote, even if two-thirds of the mem bers of the house necessary to supsend the rules do not vote for the measure. The time is drawing so near the end of the session that further delay may be dangerous. WINS CANAL CASE. Panama Company Has Perfect Right te Sell Its Property. raris, April 4. The first civil trib unal of the Seine today decided the case of the Republic of Colombia against the Panama Canal company in favor of the .defendants. The decision holds that the complaint of Colombia is not receivable, and condemns the plaintiffs to pay the costs of the action. This decision has the effect of removing the legal obstacles in the way of the trans fer of the canal concession from the company to the United States. The decision is a long document, fully reviewing all circumstances .of the commission and reviewing the ar ticles of the treaty, etc., principally ar ticles 20, 21 and 22 of the treaty of March 20, 1888, whereby the company acquired its rights. these rights," the decision says, "have the manifest purpose of assur ing the full exercise of sovereignty over he canal. It results from what is es tablished before this tribunal that Co lombia is not in possession of the terri tory traversed by the canal. By com' ing before he French court in order to obtain its rights over tbe canal, Colom bia tacitly admits its inability to itself control the canal. It therefore follows naturally that it has lost sovereignty over the territory traversed by the canal. It also appears that this sov ereignty is maintained by the new re public of Panama, which is in actual possession of the authority and power and administration and its policing. Under such circumstances it only re mains for the Panama company to ac cept the actual situation of authority and the facts relative to the territory embraced by the concession. There fore the action commenced by Colom bia is not receivable." Although no formal notice of appeal was given, it was stated at the close of the court that Colombia and Bonaparte Wyse, the original concessionaire, would appeal. It is said that an ap peal will not cause delay, since today's decision is held to confirm the com pany's full right to transfer to the United States. AMERICA WILL RESPECT IT. Consul Miller Olves Notice Rcgardlm Martial Law at Mu Chwang. Niu Chwang, April 4. United States Consul Miller today informed the citi Kens of his nationality of the United States' arquiesence in the proclamation of martial law by the Russian author! ties heie. The Inited States gunboat Helena will leave Niu Chwang tomor row. The British gunboat Kspiegle is awaiting additional instructions. Russian authority has been estab lished here without friction. There is no apparent alarm, although movable projierty is being partly removed. It is understood that immediately after the 11 ships now here are loaded, the port and river will he closed, as the work of providing for a system of de fense at Niu Chwang is prorgesHing. Nation Wins Point In Land Frauds. San Franclsro, April 4 The govern ment won its second lnq-ortsrit point In the technical battle over the alleged land fraud (we today, when Commis sioner Heacot k denied the motion of the defendants, r . A. Hyde and Henry P. Dimond to dismiss the complaint and discharge them. Commissioner Heacot k is deciding against the ronten tionof the defendants, said that the rer tided copy of the Indictment established a prima forie rae against Hyde and Dimond and that the competency of the V ashinglon court had been proven. Factory Girls are Killed. Scranton, Pa., April 4. Six ferona were killed and Sve fatally Injure.) by an explosion In the factory of tin Dirk an Squib company, at 1'rirebiirg, near here, Unlay. Twenty girls were em ployed In the factory. What canned the explosion is not known, but It I said that one of the girls threw a squib Into the stove and that the force of the eiploalon was so great that it wrecked the building and set fire to it. The squibs are used in coal mining. Draft of River and Harbor Bill. Washington, April 4. The bona committee on rivers and heritors today com j leU-l Its draft ol an appropriation bill retrying approximately (3,000,000 to continue existing contracts for river and harbor work. BRIBES STOP TRIAL. Botkin Jurors Approached to Clear the Alleged Prisoner. San Francisco, April 2. -The second trial of Mrs. Cordelia Botkin on the chaise of having caused the death of Mrs. J. P. Dunning by means of pois oned candy virtualy ended in a sensa tional manner late this afternoon. Acting upon information that four jurors hud been bribed to favor the prisoner, Judge Cook ordered the jury into the custody of the sheriff until to morrow morning, when he will for mally dismiss the jury and begin the impaneling of a new one. It is al leged that besides four jurois who are said to have been influenced, an at tempt was made to br be the fifth one. hen the denouement came in coutt today, Mrs. Botkin'a attorney made a passionate speech, disclaiming that Mrs. Botkin or any one connected with her case was implicated. He also said that he would not continue with the present jury. The state's attorney concurred in a motion to discharge the jury. A brief investigation was hold by Judge Cook alter the jury left the room . Chief of Police Wittman testified that one of the jurors had followed him to his office aftei the noon adjournment, yesterday and said that on the previ ous evening a strange man had called upon him and said: "We have secured four jurors for the defense and want a fifth; we will give you (50." The juror told the chief that he turned down the offer, assert ing: "I am no such dirty man. I would not take (50 or (50,000." Continuing, the chief of police said that when the juror left the court room yesterday afternoon he was shadowed by a detective, who saw him secietly meet a woman with w hom he talked for several minutes. Judge Cook declared that the man had violated his duty in talking with anybody about the case. TERnS AMERICA MUTUAL FOB. Leading Russlsn Paper Now Urges an Alliance With Britain. St. Petersburg, April 2. The Novoe Vremya today executed a faeeabout, strongly supporting the idea of a Russo British understanding in an editorial entitled "The Blindness of England," in which the paper argues that the sue cess of the Japanese would be more in jurious to Great Britain than any other Euroean nation, and points to the United States as the common rival of both. It describes Japan as "Ameri ca's sharpshooter," and says: Remember that nation, in the per son of the commander of one of its men-of-war at Chemulpo, refused to join in the collective protest of the oth er foreign commanders before the Jap anese destroyed the variag and Korietz Kemembcr whose nag alone among all did not take on board the crews of our perishing ships. To the honor of England, the ally of Japan, It was not her representative, but the commander of an American ship. "The Americans wish to convert the Pacific into an American Mediterr anean. would that i to the advan tage of England? Does England not understand in her blind policy and hatred toward Russia that she is turn ing this ocean into an Amreican Medi terranean? Sooner or later the Euro pean countries will recognize that America is their mutual enemy. Why should not Russia and England, in view of their possessions outside of Europe, combine?" Mine In River. Niu Chwang, April 2. The Russians have improvised mines and anchored ables across the Liao river. This In exected to prevent the Japanese from coming up the river past Ymkow. The Russiun officials here sie dinappointed at the news received of the engagement Ix-tween the Japanese and Russians in the vicinity of the yalu river. Trust. worthy details, however, are still unat tainable. Mine Exploded by a Whale. Valdivostok, April 2. One of the mines in Possiet bay has been exploded by a w hale. The mangled carcass sub sequently was washed ashore. It bore evidence of the destructive qualities of the mines laid by the Russians In ex pectation of a Japanese landing at Possit-t bay. Alabama flakes a Record. Pensacola. Fla., April 2. With the arrival here today of the gunboat New port and Castine from Colon, the larg est fleet of United States warships ever assembled In target practice, includes seven battleships, five cruisers, seven gunloats, five monitors, two toriicdo- boat destroyers, tx-sides a numU-r of U-nders, colliers and supply Istats The fleet Wit dudes more than 25 vessels of various classes. The battleship Ala bama has established a new world i word for rspidity end accursUnewi in firing all classes of guns. Will Make Channel for Warships. Cronstadt, April 2. The leebreske EriiiMi k Is hound hero from Revel to cut a channel for the warships which are awaiting their armor at the St lYtrrsliing yards. Lights will be burned to help the Krmack steer a straight rou rue through the Ice night. A coiresjMindent of the Itussky VMmostl writes from Port Dslny that the Russian rruiser Boyarln sank two hours slier striking the mine there Six of the crew were lost. Request A merit en la Retura. Seoul, Apiil 2. The military an (lint Itlrs have requested Brigadier Gen eial Henry T. Allen. United States military clerver with the Japanese army, lo return lo Hwml from Ping Yang until they ate able to provide Cuing accommodations. HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON 1 ! i ORANT CATTLE ARB, DYINU. Heavy Snow Palling and Temperature Drops te Zero. John Day A snowfall of more than a foot occurred last week in the higher valleys of this coanty. The' storm la suite general, but the fall Is not so great in the larger valleys. The tem perature tell to 14 below xero at this place. It is almost sero in the colder sections. Wtta very lew exceptions this is the coldest weather of the year. In some of the higher val leys the stock, situation is-decidedly serious. Bear valley stockmen are eu tirelr out of food. Although cattle are generally strong, grave feaiaaare enter tained. A disquieting miner has been grow ing, started by messages over the tele phone. In some places, herds being moved to bettor feeding grounds, have been overtaken by the storm and are now strung along the public roads, staggering and falling dead. In one Instance the road supervisor found it necessary to give orders to owners to remove carcasses from the road. Stockmen are grimly whetting their skiuning knives, preparing to save - the hides. Only a speedy raise In the temperature can save enormous losses. Sheep and horses have not suffered much loss yet. BAKER ODTTINO OUT OP DEBT. Economy In Expenditures Brings War- rants Nearly to Par. Baker City Baker county is fast get ting out of debt. Four years ago the bonded and floating dot t of the county was over (250,000. County warrants were way below par and the county burden was increasing fast. By practicing economy and calling a halt on reckless expenditure, the float ing debt has been almost wiped out. At the present rate the entire indebted ness will be discharged next year County warrants are now worth 00 cents on the dollar, which makes them practically as good as cash, because in vestors do not care to handle them on such a small margin. last week the indebtedness of the county was reduced about (30,000 by the payment to Union county of the amount due on account of the 'Tan handle" annexation. A portion of Union county, known as the "Panhan die" was annexed to Baker county by the legislature four years ago. Baker county had to pay Union county about (40,000 in settlement of various claims All this debt has now been paid. DISEASED HORSeS TO BE SLAIN. Domestic Animal Commission Orders Slaughter la Umatilla. Salem Six hundred horses, afflicted with contagious diseases, will be killed in Morrow county In pursuance of an order made by the domestic ani mal commission. The horses are owned by Indians living on the Uma tilla reservation and are afflicted with mange. The state board has made re peated efforts in the last two or three years to induce government authorities in Washington or at the reservation to take steps to stamp out a disease that threatens to spread to all parts of the state. All efforts proving fruitless, the board has at last determined to take radical measures, and the state veterinarian has been ordered to kill the diseased animals and bury them The horses are declared to be valueless because of their diseased condition. Warner Settlers Prepsre to Sue. Salem J. L. Morrow and other set tlers in Warner valley, J-ake county are In halem perlocung their papers preparatory to bringing suit to regain II ixtsHibie, the lauds which were awarded to the Warner Valley Stock company by the department of the In terior. The suit will be brought in the federal courts and will raise the question w hether the lands were swamp In character in 18(10. The Warner Valley Stock company holds under dcwls from the state, while the settlers claim as homesteads. Fallen Trees For the Fire. Salem The heavy wind storm lsst week Is likely to increase the amount of rordwood cut in this vicinity this year. Titular enough to make many thousand cords of wood was blown down and the farmers will cut much of the fallen tlmla-r Into rordwood. A thousand cords of fallen timber on single farms has Iteen reported in a number of rases. So far as timber is concerned, the wind was an advantage to farmers. Change Union County Seat. I A Grsndo A petition baa lieen filed with the county clerk by Recorder William Miller, to be presented at the next meeting of the county court, ask Ing the court to make the petition an Issue for the June election that the county seat I removed from Union to Im Grande, Its former site. This peti tion waa signed by 2,670 of Union county residents. UOOD ROADS FOR LA Mi. Association Formed at Eugene to For ward the Work. Eugene A meeting was held at the courthouse which was well attended and had for its object a consolidation of Interests and enerigwa in the direction of road Improvement In this vicinity. About 160 Interested citizens were pres ent, and the meetlng'organlncd by the selection of M.Svarverud chairman and F. M. Wilkins secretary. Professor J. M. Hyde of the uni versity, who has long made a study of road engineering, made the first ad dress on the subject and gave much valuable Information for consideration. President Campbell also made a good address, as did a number of others. A committee on organiuition made its report, and the Good Roads associa tion of I-ano county took tangible ami permanent form. A constitution was adopted and a good membership se cured at once. It is the hitontlon of this association to take active steps toward the securing of first-class highways in all parte of the county, and to work in the direc tion of securing judicious and scientific leturns for the money annaally ex pended for road Improvement. The as sociation declared itself in support of the Brownlow good roads bill now be fore congress and w ill use its influence n its behalf. Tlmbermea Must Pay Taxes. Astoria All the holders of large tlmlivr tracts in Clatsop county, with the exception of three, have paid their taxes on the 1003 roll. Representa tives of these three syndicates were here and tendered the sheriff CO iter cent of the tax, but the tender was re fused, although the sheriff said he would accept 60 per cent as a first pay ment, as is allowed by the state law. The tlmlxr men now assert that they will apeal to the county court for a reduction, although the chances of gutting a rebate are small. Fish Price Will Be the Same. Astoria Judging from present indi cations the opening price of fish the coming season will lie the same as dur ing the past few years 5 cent per pound for those under 26 pounds and A cents for those weighing 25 pounds or over. The cold storage men are now endeavoring to 'reach an agreement among themselves to increase the weight limit of what are known as "cold storage" fish from 25 to 30 pounds, but with little success. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Walla Walla, 75c; blue- stem, 81c; valley, 81c. Barley Feed, (23 per ton; rolled, (24025. Flour Valley, (3.9093.05 per bar rel; hard wheat straights, (4(34.20; clears, (3.854; hard wheat patents, (4.404.00; graham, (3.60(3.00; whole wheat, (3.65 4. 05; rye flour, (4.50Q4.75. Oats No. 1 white, (1.1&31.17'; gray, (1.101.12Jt percental. Millstuffs Bran, $ 18(3 10 per ton; middlings, (24.50(320; shorts, (10 20; chop, (18; linseed, dairy food, (19. Hay Timothy, (15(316 per ton; clover, (10 Oil; grain, (119 12; cheat, (11012. Eggs Oregon ranch, lxAc. Butter Sweet cream nutter, 30c per pound; fancy creamery, 25327ic; choice creamery, 23f24c; dairy and store nominal. Butter Fat Sweet cream, 28k'c; sour cream, 2fl)iC. Poultry Chickens, mixed, 12' 13c per pound; springs, small, 10(3 17c; hens, 13(314c; turkeys, live, 15(9 Me, dressed, 182()c; darks, (8(99 per down; geese, live, 8c. Cheese Full cream, twins, 12(4 13c; Young America, 14ftl5c. Vegetables Turnips, 80c per sack; carrots, 80c; beets, (1; parsnips, (1 ; cabbage, lj4'(a2c; lettuce, head, 26( 40c per down; parsley, 25c; tomatoes, (2W2. 25 per crate; cauliflower, 75r (1 per down; celery, 5Q80r; squash, 2c per pound; cucumbers, (1.7&C42.25 perdorwi; asparagus, Bfflllc; peas, He; rhubarb, 0c; beans, 10c; onions,, Yellow Danvers, (2(92.35 per sack. Honey (33.50 r case. Potatoes Fancy, 0e(l per cental; common, fiOf-' 80c; new potatoes, 3 So jer poind; sweets, 6c per pound. Fruits Apples, fancy Baldwins ami Spltxonlerge, (1.602.60 per box; choice, (l(f 1. SO; cooking, 76c. Hops 1003 crop, 2325c per pound. Wool Valley, 17(3l8c; Eastern Ore gon, 12ffl15c; mohair, 82!t35c. JW Dressed, Sf-US'o per pound. Mutton Dressed, 6(tf7c; Iambs, 8c Veal Dressed, 78c. Tork-Dresscd, 7G7c.