I HAPPENINGS HERE-IN OREGON . ' KNOW TIMBER BUSINESS. Many Men Coming From Middle Western States. There l Indication of a Urge I m mi gration to Oregon tbla aprlng from the Middle Western States, of a nature that will bo very Important In tbe ,tviiuiiiant of tbe timber resources of the sate. C. H. Stewart of Albany, one of a number of poople- interested in timber claims, too applications for whirh wir suspended because en tered In the wrong district, baa been corresponding with tbo holders or bus inn (1ml claims, with a view to con certed. action In the matter of getting imiicittliinii reinstated. A number of people In tbe Middle w.yim mi iii i. ii am Included In tbe lUt of holders of suspended applica tions. Those people have been com ..,.,i,.ni..,i with bv Mr. Stewart, and .. m at...... Imiua llHt fttrt a groat many 01 iu " , . , letters to the- effect that they will be here this spring to assist In looking th matter UD. i...in ihu rnumn of the corre FLEET SHUT OUT. CHANGE IS URGED 4- POWER FROM MORGAN LAKE. La Grande May 8oon Have Suburban Electrlo Lines, I .a Orande. Moraan Lake, situated about two nillea above La Orande, baa tu.i.n thrirmiirhlr tested BS to the amount of power and water that can be obtained from It. The power win bo used for different Important things for the benefit of La Uranoo ami tne community. More power will be used for the electric light plant ami 10 run a motor lino to Hot Lake and other polnta In tho county. , , The enKineer reportoa 10 mo uiun of the electric Unlit eompany mat their plan was entirely reasiuie ana nractlcablo. Tho plana call for a frac tion over two miles of pipe and the' nower obtained through the pipe will he enual to GOO horsepower. Tbe res ervoir when filled will contain water enfflcient to furnish this amount of power for a period of one year, with' out receiving any additional supply In other words, when the lake is fliieu It will contain enough water to sup- GOO-horsepower. i ne ... . I.eeirt. l.1.e a. ik tt (..ii.ui tin u t 1 1 rri n i ruin iiiin i in nntui bis ponaenr '"l " J V. Ii,7A ui . . i. .minted 1100 feet above the i vv Bii'rinMiii niii.iiiKHMi m - - - - - Z ta a id the two Dakota to the power station, which, according to tho et that they will remove to Ore- plans of tho engineer will be located ami to realde and invest their means near the alto of tho Old Town flouring v i ..,i. .n.i th necessary mills to mill. Russian Ships Cannot Return to Vladivostok. London. March 9. Tbe Japanese legation here has received no official Information regarding tbe bombard ment of Vladivostok. It Is believed at tbe legation, however, that the Jap anese are now between the Russian Cruiser squadron and Vladivostok, and there Is reason to believe that the Russian squadron Is In tbe vicinity of Posslet Bay. Russian official dispatches do not mention this squadron, and this fact lends color to the belief that tbe Jap anese warships have abut it out of Vladivostok. It la pointed out at the Legation that if this la true, tbe Rus sian vessels are in a critical position since they must run the gauntlet of the Japanese squadron off Vladivos tok or the Japanese squadron off Port Arthur, before reaching a Russlon port. In a dispatch from St. Petersburg a correspondent of the Standard gives a rumor that tho Czar has received telegram to the effect that the Japan ese fleet bombarded Vladivostok all day Monday. According to this rum COMMISSION ASKS REPEAL OP BET AND STONE ACT. LAWS TO BE VOTED UPON. In Umber ana tne necusmuj .u... put It on tho market. This will bo done both because of tho great op- i.i I In rtrnirnn ntlll 1)0- 1 tho r hTorous weather that Printed Pamphlet, of Direct Primary has prevailed in their homo states an(j .0Ca Option Measures. during the present winter Salem. Secretary of State Dunbar They are all suosianua .... - from fc6 ,,rlnt Iiavo nan " i th Aral eonle business, and have been on the ground he i first c opbL in fir, .i-iin mid are c the conditions here. They will come hero seeking a new new ior opi tlons. where there are abundaat re sources and a climate In which life can bo enjoyed and work continued the year round. LEGISLATURE WILL DECIDE. Unpaid Indian War Claim Will B Presented to That Body. Salem, Secretary of Stato Dun bar ha prepared a circular letter which ho Is sending out to all Indian War veterans who havo unpaid claims agulnHt tho State. Ho Informs them that since tho appropriation has been eahaualed ho has no further authority TIM- Forests Should Be Sold at Values Fixed by Appraisers Change MomcsKsd taw-Hkhards, Pine hot t and Newell Advocate Ketrlctloo of Commute tloa Clause. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Citltad States. PrMnt Thwl.re KooeT1l VK-Hril)nt . hrnniri o( tl .W. R. Mrreterjr Triry - I.ymni J. M irUry nt Interior... E. A. liltrbw t-rrtrT of W ar K. K. KiiA IWwrtarT ol N .. John p !"H WtniMi.r4,.ii.l Cberlm F.mnrw Hnilin A ttornTnrel ....John W.'iriftgi fcr.ir.il Arrlrnlturo Jim" Wilmm Com beoerel Lnd onie......BiDfur liermeo tat VedarBl Oflolale. I John II. Mttahetl Beostors. I chee. W. Kullon ' 1 WllllamM.n Cotisrcwmeo 1 .TbomM H. Toneue InlTol ReTenoe Collector.. V. M. Imnne Mrtrlct Jae C. B. Mllw l.rnlt lnAu W. B. (jlltrt .nnnlnl.il tiVtha PrpalltAllt. On I t .(.(.lot 4 lli.m.f J.H.Hall IlinDliu tyyi,.uv;. "J " 1 5, 1 1 1 W V U r h. .1 M M TMll I lui i. ' ' m " m Washington, March 8. The corn- October 22, 1903, consisting of W. A. Richards, commissioner of the gener al land office; Glfford Plnchot, chief forester of the department of agri culture, and F. II. Newell, chief en gineer of the reclamation service, to make suggestions regarding revision of (he laws relating to public lands, has made to the president a partial report which was sent to congress to day. It recommends the repeal of the timber and stone act, and the substi tution of aultable provisions for Bell ing, after appraisal, the timber on public lands that Is needed in large or small quantities for industrial pur poses. The committee also recommends Vailed states Land OfSeere. TBS DALLES, OBIOOK. Reciter J7 f- tne Receiver. Hecelrer.. .Otis Fatteraon LA OBAKDS, OSEQOX. , a. W. aartlett .-,,,,11 J- O. Bwacjtheimef TICKETS To and Irom all POINTS EAST via SHORT LI5B ST. PAUL, CULUTH, MINXEiPOUS, CH1C123 AND POINTS HIT. State ef Or" Gorernor.- Oeo. JE. tnamner.aiB nf Mtaui .. Jt. I. Dunbar Tr.aaurar C. 8. Moore ThroTjKh Fatai and Tonrtrt Bleepere: Dlnlni and Bullet bmoklng Librarj Can. A ttori,ey-eneral - Bupt. oi rnbllo Int true tloa... l-rlnur .A. M. Crawford i. H. Ackerman R. Whltaey R. 8. Bean .F. A. Moore I DAILY TBArXa. FAST TIME. Qti nram JnilsTM r " i f V WrtlsartAtl Clerk Board Bcbool'Lud ' ComraiMion vratft fhsimneriftlll ,.. , .m -,. ini.,t coinmiiieo ...... . rThabuimbT ,i "i f. "..r w v. i nH;. the rePeal .or ? Iaw perm'"? ar ri::?&i i,.tfsideTsadfninfaioIt4. v..v ........ - -w isignmeni OI eniTies uuuer tuo ucren i Veurluary Burgeon..nm. scuib, ri I iog ucxets, loutea, en., cau on oi vnn uuin wcio buuk. and law. fl.nt urees the importance oi will .... ... , - , .!.... siMit them to th nexi m-kibiiui. This Is In accordance wun a law prescribing th duties of the See retary of State. The claims now In the bands of the Secretary of State amount to $35,227.06. It Is understood that Adjutant General Oantenbeln nas received claims amounting to $15,000 more. Whether tho remaining claims will be raid rests entirely wun me ii' uie. Artlclee ol Incorporation Fllsd. .l-Arille of Incorporation wr nid In thn ofhee of the Secre tary of Slate last week as follows: Farmers' Irrigating Company, Hood River, $75,000. Warrenton Grocery & Hutchor Com I.nny, Warrenton, $5000. Htiinfleld Irrigation Company. Kho. ITiODO. Object to construct an Irriga tion system In Umatilla and Morrow counties, taking water from Umatilla river and Hutter creek There Is much curiosity here con- fi ominiatratinn of law cernlng the resisting power of Vlad- 0Bpecaiiy as t0 those provisions re Ivostok, which has been long regard- latl t0 obtaininK an adequate per ed as the Gibraltar of the Far Last. n.anent water BUpDiy. Vladivostok Is known to be better It BdVocates the restricting of the equipped as a naval base, and to have commuUtion clause of the homestead greater docking and repairing to- wnere 8uch entries are located sources than Port Arthur, but doubts ,,. rclipa or where the les of tho pamphlets con-1 are expressed as to the character of land chiefly valuable for timber. It Rprentatirel II fill I IIH 1 Ullllli I --- ' - . .. . I . . mm ... e11l ' . ..I e mr IfltlfA 7.nrairriL with talnlng tho full text or trie direct pn- us aeienses. nussia. uus uu BtuCu HUggeilt8 the outlines for a law permit- ' rk. .mi .mn inary law and tbe local option jaw, mere ior u years, anu ii wuw ting homestead entries upon agricui- .. i. i. w ...in i. .nii i,.nr. Vi z ii. iMiti',n innonllv considered Drouanie mar. me ...i i,.. uhi. nn.i muriM and icountr Clerk . . . . I j..f..nu.o iin p-ntin at this tilace are of I ... .. j ,.i. - I County rsherin. on juiib . i - " " " ' . line survey nuu uetiiynuu ui uiu &- fountT Treasarer. N'lnety tl wmsand ctH'l"" or eacn pum-1 a somewnat ousoieie cnarmiCT. rlcultural lands by metes and bounds county wir. nhl..i will . nMnlerl' Thrt Tir nb'-r has It Is unaersiooa mai aunng im ,. .hnn hv th reeular svstem. county nrveyor. already turned out 30.000 copies of tho past tew years all the available new thug permltting tne agricultural lands conn'ty c local option law, arid ho.ouu cop)" o; guns anu war mmeniu wun;u iv to be selected along the valleys ana ibtoci ln the direct primary la. The form"i possiuie to sena over me singie-oue tu embrace the good tillable land wlth- II. is 20 pan.s and the latter 6? pages j rans-oioenaa rmuuuu out taking In extensive tracts oi siae useu ior me Birt-iiKiiieuiiis ui u vni Arthur and points in Manchuria, leav- The recommendation also is made ing Vladivostok with old-type guns of tha. when ian(l8 are restored to entry short range. It is reported that Viaa- tomnnmrv apereeation anmle Ivostok is ill-supplied with provisions tlme Bnouid be allowed homesteaders counaunen. and necessaries. tfl pftrclse their riehts. Kivlne them Ulsnatches from Toklo published (hn nri-fwcnrfi nvpr nerROns who ma V I d...... this morning speak of the sacrifices wl h to geIect th land by the U8e of Treanurer being made by tne Japanese nation. According to the Dally Chronicles correspondent at Toklo, the Mikado Is abandoning all luxuries, the court following bis example, and all are go- Slith. Judicial Dletriet. Clrenlt Jnde W. R. KUH FxoeecuilDg Attorney T.O.HaUey H.DICKSOH, City Ticket Agent, Portland, Or. J.W.J?HAION.T. P. A., . m Third 8U. Portland, Or. A. B. C. PENNI9TON, O. W. P. A.. 612 ilret Ave.. Beattle, Waih. Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator waiter rare 'J. " - ruvirm ,.... A. G. Bartholomew i V V (.rlliin County Commlnlonerg J'"';''.E.'c.'AiihbauKb Vawter Crawlord ,. E. M. Hhutt .. ...U. Llcbtenthal W.L. Saline J. KelthlT .JavW.Bblpler Dr. Kintner A. C. Kirk 'The Milwaukee County School Baperlntendent. Loroner. .. nepec mr In a few days the -retary or unite will distribute thee pamphlets to the several counties in si'lttclent q-.mnil- tles so that each votei may lfve one. free of chmge. Mayor f the Coming Evnts. Stato Convention, KMrM Maccabees. I'oriland, ..larch r'.,.m n....,,. ,i..ru unit AmtltorS to audit claims in Issue warraiua. UU1, 1 Portland. March 25 nri.HiTVn mo ciuima u scrip or other form of entry. DAMAGED BY SHELL FIRE. Uarabal D.C Gurdeoe A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night between St. Paul gnd Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, "The only perfect trains in the world." 0. K. Farniwortii UnderBtand: Connections are made with ,.J. P. Willlame I ' ... L. w. BriKge i ah xranscontinemai anea, assuring w Beppner Tewa Offlesre. Frank onnara J. J. Roberta ...Geo. Noble K. W. Rhea PbUCohn Tom Quald Republb nn primaries April 2. Republican County ('(inventions, lng to live abstemiously until the war Anrll 7. la ended. First Con- April 13. second Portland, Republl an Convention, gresHlonal District, HaWra, Republl . i. Conventlmv Congressl .i.ed District, Anrll 13. Republl' nn State Conveitlon. Port' land. April 14 Democr I . rYrT-ntlon, Conntv. 1 'i , April It treon Mtlt-nien's Association, Portland. April 16. Ienioet u(l Stato Convent "n, prt land, Apr i ' . IKii Kb i'oitlanil. Anrl 2012 I!nlvt.i-fc.lif ttt tlria-on-riclflc l'"l versltv di but1. Forest Gne. April Annual reunion, Impart pent of Ore gon. G. A It., IUkmI Itlver June u u HOPE 13 ON LAND. Japanese Make Impression on Batter ies at Port Arthur. Nlu Chwang, March 9. New arriv- fmm TVii-t Arthur fnrfl rm thA 111. 0 IIUU. A V . V " " " " " I .... mors in circulation here last wee mai comtabie... Beppner School Dletriet. Plrectore-T. J. Matlock, E. it. Bhutt, J. M. Hagar. Clerk-L. W. Brlggi. Preclaet Offleera. Russia Considers That the War Has Hardly Begun. SL Petersburg, March 8. Although ... i. v I almost four weeka have elapsed since ue. but there has been an absence of n..i -iuuibu . . ' . . . t.- the Japanese fleet nrst attacKea ron i conceirea acuon on mo pari, m the westerly batteries have been bad- i i ly damaged by the Japanese sneii fire. Desultory bombardments contin- passengers the beet service known. Luxurious coaches, electric lighta, steam heat, of a verity equaled by" no other line. See that your ticket reads ria "Tha Milwaukee" when going to any point In . p. wmiamal the United States or Canada. All ticket u. B. ueui 4. agenia seu mem. Arthur, here the war la considered hardly begun. Heavy land fighting upon which the fate of the campaign depends, Is not expected much before the end of April. By this time Rus sia will have in the field, exclusive of the large army of men required to guard the railroads, four army corps, each with a cavalry division and an artillery brigade. All that has hap- When Prospect It Flittering. Pendlel n. "I do t"t think I have ever seen the whe-l outlook I pened so far, or Is golrig to happen un- good at ti.ls time or the "r ,l ?. tll theRe forces are in the field. Is con . ..I . T.n.n. & Hoofing Company. "I1 ,,.1, 12 . ,. u" i m 2 elv n- sldered, according to the Russian i pniii m i"' nl in.' it- . . . . . . h tniiiii .i.. xi. iii.u,.i. wtiii u ri-lvii.w to he notnlne more man me Khli nlng Hupply Company, Port- Lherlff of t'ms'Ula coutty, ow ns a f'11 prologue to the real drama, land, I10D0. tract of wl.eat land at ..iiftlana. ine The crppiing of the Port Arthur l.utke Manuractuniig i mpr. grain is vry smmgij . nfnrt,.nate In that It gave i -or i-1 .m.. ...u... .... iiuu a iii nn n Plan. inei'"-v acreage n tln r'rvitlon "'! around the enemy the command of the sea ai Adams. Athina and 1 "Ux In alxnit I the very outset. !t Is, however, of In. though t) u good nniiitiona m iy in dure a f" 'rnier l sow more." PC HTLAND MARKETS. manufai turlng. Inc., Portland, liquors, flee furniture land. $r,0,00O. Pranll 4 Co., cigars. 12000. Campbell Transportation Company. Portland. 150,000. I .a ('.ramie Mercantile Company, i. ;rande, $20,000. Maccabees llulldlng Assorlatlon. ItoHoburg. tlfi.000. Oklahomans at Independenca. Independenco. Klvo families of Ok lahomans arrived here from Californ ia this week. Tbcy have rounn two residences In which they have moved until lietter accommodations can be M-curel. They sre pleased with the country, and state thiit they will lo cate here. They state that they are In communication with some f0 fami lies In Oklahoma who are contemplat ing coming West and will settle In this slate If they are sntlnfled. as the cold winters In tbe East aro uriving many west. K. of P. at Psndleton. The District Convention of tbe KnlKbls of Pythias was held last week Hall and was ainn.ie.i i.y 77c; blue- ton: Wheat- -Valla Ws-ils, stem, 81c Valley. t2: ilarley-K.-cd. $J.2! lr brewing. I -'.; rolled. 2tf 25. Plonr Vu'lev. n.iOHi 3 !5 per l-T- rel; han' v l.st s'rulght. H54.2 ; ilears. li'i'.'nt; hard wheat paten s, I M 4.20; iluii i. M .'iy4; bard wlirat patents. Hfiil' !. rraham. 3.t"8 3o; wh..i m! it, tVMfti.OS; i ve Hour. 9 r.8 u 4.t: Oata.N.i. 1 white. IMTV.'J 1 '0; grav. ft.10ffl.15 per rental. MlllHtuffs-Hran. $1819 per ton; middlings. $2 f.OTf 2: short, f 1920; I chop. flM; linseed, dairy rooa, 13. llav Timothy. IUir(i7 per ion; clover, f 1 U( 1 2 ; Sraln. fi:313; cheat. IllfflS. Vegetables Turnips, sue per sacs; tsrrois. o-: iM-ets. fl; parsnips, ft: rabbsgo. Ii2c; red cabbage. 2c; let nice, head. 2r.fff " per doxen; hot- relatively small Importance from the standpoint of the main strategy of the war. whether Port Arthur stands or falls. But al long aa it holds out, and the fleet la harbored there. It will constitute a potential menace which will restrict and hamper Japan's op erations, and the Russians are deter mined to defend Port Arthur as horo lenllv as they did Sevastopol. No lame aarrlsona will be retained there; 10.000 men are as good as 100,000 for defense, while the more men the more mouths to feed. There are enough provlslona there now to last for eight months. In addition, there will be a division of Cossacks with mountain batteries on the peninsula in oniMise Undines and harass the Japanesse warships Ior a couple or. days. All ot the civilian popuatlon has been expelled from the town. A beavlly-laden train waa aeranea near tbe town Saturday, but it Is not known how much damage was done. The wreck was caused by an obstruc tion being placed on the track by Jap anese agents. There has been no recent damage to the Russian squadron at the hands of Japanese, the cruiser Askoia has oeen floated, and Expert uncnnsi now ae clares that he can save the battleship Uetvizan. The attempt to repair the drydock so that it would accommodate the battleship Uzarevitcn nas Deen ahamloned. and she will remain in a disabled condition until the close of the war, or until she can be sent to Vladivostok, where the drydock is large enough to accommodate her. N'ln Chwane is now occupied Dy a small detachment of Cossack cavalry TEDFIKLD VAJ VACTOB For rates, pamphlet or other infor mation , address, Office. Opposite Flrtt National Bank. Beppner. J- lSktr' ATTORNEYS-AT-lAW G. CBAJiK B. KISTSKE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Offlos, Patterson's Drug Store. AGAIN ALARM IN BALKANS. Sultan Rejecta Memorandum Present ed by the Reform Powers, Vienna. March 9. The optimistic feWIng regarding the situation in the Balkans has afjaln given way to pes simism. The Sultan was reported to have emphatically refused to ratify the Natchovttch agreement, and his at tltude occasions much anxiety in me Bulgarian Eovernment Teleerams received here today de clare further that the Sultan has re jected the memorandum presented by the reform powera as well as the de mands for the gendarmle commission W. FHELPS ATTORRET-iT-LiW. Office in Odd Fellows New Building. Beppner. Oregon. H. B. Row, Trav. Paaa. Agmnt. General Ara TOBTLAXD. OREOOX. Dr. Al. B. Metzler DENTIST Office in Odd Fellows' New Building. Call and See Me. B. A. E. EIQ03 Rooms and 4 ODD FELLOWS' BUILDINQ Bealdenee at Henry Johnaon's. Beppner, Oregon. Ill .Siea!'V M G. W.KEA. ATTORNEY-IT-UW B. B. Commlnloncr. noroeetead filing and all I final prooil malt. Office ons door eait P. O., Borg's Jewelry Store. BirrNia OREGON .. i I. ...,.o,wl In Invent nir the TDla commission IB niuiwiig F'"" t li.-iiij ,i .v. u Th. l.-n Mvll aronll Kress in no wui r. a itv v. . r- are reported to have broken aown un der the strain. city. Flood Peril Is Passed, llarrlsburg. Pa., March 9. The Ju- a nlata and Susauehanna rivers nave been falling all dny and Weather Ob- Fare to St. Louis Fair. Chicago, March 9. A committee of the Transcontinental Passenger As- nl MiikIc hi ,i. ,.RI,t..s nud vUltlng Knights. ". P " '". 1 server wmn.n . a. uh.i.v w godntlon t0(lny d(.rl(lod to recommend This dlHtrl.t. No. 10. is com, I of ' , J" B':? '1 J "wri will continue to fall for 24 hours. The t0 ,he Knnpra, me(.nnK of the Mm. ,he following: Damon. No. 4. 1'endle- 'r -V, -V ' liol. n sn V ' Ic rcr gorge, above and below llarrlsburg ,.t Ion the adoption of "circuit rates" ton: I'Mhl""'. N. -" Alb.-.,,.: Hfi-h- ' J ' J ! V'L. If 1 75 ff " 4 l'r are still Intact and there has been no for the 8t. Ixh.Is Exposition from Ta- ma No. 4H. Weston: Pl-lades. No. round. '" " ' '"-'-J ,' mvcmr.nt In tho Susquehanna river cflc coast points. Under this ar- 71 II.-IU: ller.ul. s. No. 71. Milton; ,"-". . '" h-nre the break of yesterday and In the rRngement. the rate from the Coast to Toi.hu. No. M. Adams. V n 7v- 1 VuT r cs.e at High Spire. The conditions st. 1ou,8 through Chicago will be $75 . lloney l if .1 .1" r r can. .nM,ri ,hv an ni- ti:?r.n ,tiri m Kt liu In and S72.50 Independence -Krcbb Un-. ho '"nn "' Ll'jf,,. ' Ln' provement over yesterday and unless Llrect t0 Chicago through St lxuls - r.hae. the ll-nd.-rson Murphy '. ."'"." " e,' "" , ';, u , iliere Is a sudden rise In the river, it Is The question of stopovers being al l"'t'ii, H..i '' . prbe sweets. -e in sbiks, . , lnwnd here was not settled. The com llll III, Have pinn-u a mia.- ... - -. . rBlr.,! I'" c. E. WOODSON. Attorney-at-Law. Office in Palace Hotel, Ileppner, Oregon. OREGON SllOITlilHE axd Union Pacific Only Line East tu Salt Lake and Denyer TWO TRAINS DAILY. V. Fine Bath Rooms In connection. Shop iwo doors north of Palace Hotel. m tile plnc slid state they will place hI of lb available in! 11110 nop, n Is Ihougbt that something over f. Kill l.rt an iitanted. TbeV Will a nutnlier of hophouses and other bull-llnus. and will ime probably nearly l.ooo.ouO feit of lumber In their Improvements. Record of Sscsnd Oregon Volunttsra. uatm jh Hiato Printer has rom- pb-led and delivered to Adjutant (ieneral Klnier lh Hi) additional inplos of the official record of the Hvnd Oregon Volunteers. Th Ad jutant Tienersl will supply ono ropy of Ui iMMik lo eh member of the Bee t.nd Oregon. frni of barge. Cain of 100 Pupils. PiMitdb'tnn. Secretary llslley of the pf'ndletm s htMil dllrlit will file his renaus with th county superln toadest In a fw rlars. It shows a gain of 1"0 pupils over last year, there Fruits Andes, fancy, llsldwlns and Pplirenberps. ll.fi0ff2.SS per boi: choice, tHfl.r.O; cooking. 75e. Hutter Hweet cream butter. ac per pound; fancy crcsmiry. 27Hff 30c; choice creamery, 2Sc; dairy and store, nominal. Hutter Fat Sweet cream, 2Hc; sour rresm. zovic France Can Take No Offense. Tarls. March 9. It Is not expecled mlttee also decided to recommend the adoption of homeseekers rates aqund Jananraa Take Island. that Jspana Intention to build the bo- -n .......:. 11 a ..in an anrl. Tok o. March 9. Japanese OUri.iJu laiiiunii win i .u. - - i , - llolVonirTflrt oua clash with the owners or tne eany ron ' "."i.i.-.T. Tn ,.....!.. Tha nr ni eon- one or me r.uioi amuu . """" ',P"ur:: i::;." .I . nm. Fhruarv 29. They found only stores ur rresm. zsr. ,n lg96 A considerable portion ot coai ana siKnaunR ..- Poultry-Chickens, mtied. HH L, ,L i, y,.e .irPart heen laid under Russians having evacuated the Island " . , 1 e 1 1,1 " ' - . . I ... . n 1 Th. 1 , . u 1 11 n .nn. lie nor noiinu: eiirinsa. hiiibji i ,, v .....,i.. mi 11 la iinrt raioon 1 on reiiruaTT iJ. i '"""" " con Iw.na 13fII3M.e- turkPVS. live.l... ., , an.i.i.. tiaa It nua to nusn SOUinwara Biona wic , ., ... - - - iinai rurt-ian mniitii. ........ - . . . ltmiCe per tKiund: dressed. ISSJZOc; v, , nrti,nrt rVnnrh interests const from Posslet nay lowara bodk .inrka tH? 9 ner doxen: teese. live, I, ..1 r,,r,irin,i tha china, the correspondent continues se per pouno. rlahta of the Panama Canal company snn mo ia.i.. -i Cheese Full rream. twins, uvmc; r ently Is covering meir commuuica- Young America, 15c.. n.iiroail Mav Sell Lands. Hon with Vladivostok rt.()rrtnn ranch. I7frise. I . wf-nrc.rd. IQU rer prntiA. . y "'n5"n' 0T:r" " Another Flood la F.ar.d. I. 1 ,rP . i .u.hallr today passed Senator Foster'a hill nrlme. 24TIf.e Wool Valley. 17fllc:Fsstern Ore- Pittsburg. March 9. From present indications the Monongaheia ann ai Irrhnnv rivers will again be at a flood . : n, no s for the asme. and confirming stage tomorrow " "Tn "ZZnl les of sti'h landa heretofore maae men ana r.-iui-ine by this company. are preparing for a 20 foot itage. GE.NTRT, TONSORIil ARTISTS. UATlNu B CENTS. EYE SPECIALIST. Dally TIMS SCHEDULES. Dally Dirarrs Hirrsaa, Oa. Aaaivss rail Mall For Keat and West fl:00 a. nv rrorn KaatandWeet l:U a, av gipreae For Kaat and West 1:00 a, m. gipreae From Kaat sad Weet 1:10 a. m. STEAMER LINES. micc Drr.lll AR TRIPS TO ' Baji muciaoo-roBTuaiiB Rotrrs - ateamee m "Trr I ire- rorU.nd I p. . e.rr I a.ra ntrrntn mmu mun- ROW COUNTY. GIBSON & LOGAN Shavlnp Parlors ''SI Three Doers tenth el reetotBe. Dally Boat serrlee between ForUaad. Artorle, OT.fon CUT, Dartoa. Salem, Independeoee, CorraUU and aU Colombia aaa WUiaaMtM lUfet aotnta. aaavlaa, sse tlalreaiUaa, SSe. Bathroom la Ooaaeeilea, SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. Steamer betweea alparta aa4 Lvi1oa leave glperla dally at 4:9 a. ea. retoraial Veate Lewlewa aaliy al l:a a. su t. B. HeadlMtom. Beptaer, Orefee being this year His. gon, 12016c; mohair, 1283&C. 1