7 t THE HEPCHEK TIMES. THURSDAY. MAR. 10. 1004. Subscription, 41,00 Per Year. NOTICE TO PATRON8. All rhutixM In n'lvcirtliw-tiiniiu, (m) a) r0r .iiUiluii MUHT Ixi lilt at tlili olltca li Hiiiiiljr noon, othnrwtaa tlmy will ba Imlfl vr until Ilia lollowliis erk. Wsalm to no to nrasa early Thursilay morning-, ana rMinot I ltilayail by '!. ami :t.-roiiiliii:fc wlillih can Hint at wull b fl Iwrt aarllnr III tlia watik, li'aaw ruiif inlMr Oils. A rhurna l five emits a Una will tw made fur Ipubllatilng "lUinoluUulia ol C'ouUolvm ." NOTES. B. O. Sigahy, nude business trip to Kbe country lust Sunday. Harry Ilnrtbolomrw wit passenger for Portland Salurlay. M. J. Pevin ofSsnd Hollo, wasscen on our streeta last Saturday. W. II. Bennett returned Monday from visit at hi borne in Portland. 0. C Plruiiuingi of Callow, waa visitor in Ilrppnrx over Sunday, Ale Lindsay ef RUea crek, waa trans, acting buin in lwn last Saturday. S. E. Notion of Lralngton, waa buslnrai viaitor In the city Saturday lait. Born At tbe home of Mr. and Mra. ' Ollie Andrew, in tbl" city Marcb (1, a aon. For Rent Furnished rooms, apply to . .' Mra W. K. Walbndge at Altert Wrl it : residence. uj3-iii17 'ohn Adami ol Htrdmnn, wai trana tacaJ ng t.mlnei in tula city tin- laiUr ipaeiof laat week. R.ii Turner a prosperous farmer and stoclciirr ol Sund Hollow, ass in tbe uvty on laisitiee la. I Situiiy, V lOwt, a prominent o kman of upjx lllirr.on crrtk, waa transacting busisroa in bwn laat Saturday. Mra. E ff. .Slocum ook their little datiKbter, WiJr, d, to Portland laat Thursday for sacdical treatment. Ralph Feeney, slate organizer for tbe A. O. U. W. U in our el'y thi week . looking after the interetta of the order. Al s Thompson, who baa been with '. his family at Portland tbe past month or more, returned laat Thursday evening. Mr. and Mr. M. C. I'uqua of Right " Mile, were in town a few day ibia week at tb b. Ui l of Mra. Saliag, ho iil4 Tuead y ntybt. Judge T. W. Ayers bas ordered a fine 1 lawn built at tbe County pour bouse In t thi city, which enhance the appearance ol that property several thousand per cent. Already we are beginning to have i t ream of balmy spring weather, and the oldest aettler agree that thi ha been one of the mildest winter in tbe history -ol the country. 1 Nellson, a proaperoui rancher of he icinlty ol Hardmsn, waa in town Moada 00 bueineae. He report grain grow1 ui.ety and stock conditiona very oeJial. "locality. afcr. and 1 'r- John Kinsman returned W Sit unlay f,oa Io1. Kanaaa, where Uhty wrr calls It couple of month ago on account of Ikt eertou illneea of Mr. n.man'aaueAei t wbo died on Feb- w lary 14. C. M. AIIyn,a frK'P"u farmer of Lexington, wa ia tb city trenaactlng budnea last Saturday. Mr. Allya re port that propec ' ' Ur r'ln yield the coming Kaaofl were never better in hi section. Tbe bnavy now fall In' lbe ,,0 n,oan Uln the past winter ia go 0 w ,0 lht rancher and stock man of ,n alley. It Insure a sufficiency of wa ,f ,of gation purpose, also an aht idnce f water for stock during tbe dry months. Moses Aibbaugh, who la entiat 1 business at the bustling little tot Irrlgon. wi a lleppnrr visitor . t9tt Sunday last. II ba great confidence the future of that little burg, and t) Timea trusts that tblt confidence has not' been m'splaced. Tbe great demand lor residence houses will oo doubt be partially supplied tbe coming spring, aa many of thoe who . bave sultsblt lota are going to build toon ' (or renting purposes. This la a splendid investment and It It surprising tbst ' more do not take advantage of it Tbe sheriffs office presvnta a bwry scent Ju t now, and the connty exebrektr being replenished to the extent of at-owt f 1.000 a dny. Most of the taxpayers are taking advantage of the thre ftt teat rebate, which la allowed la caae oil tbe late cbsrged agaleat you svre paid by nit Tur.lsy, March 1Mb. Aft tat not paid before April 4th will ! !eUn. quaat. J. L. Jenkina waa in from Eight Mile yesterday. Mrs. D. O. Justus returned yesterday evening from vialt in Portland. Mr. Ileulet, manager of tbe Pair (tore, 1 In Pendleton on business tbla week. Ed McDaid of Lcsington, waa in tbe city a couple day thi week on business, Thomas McCullough of upper Willow creek, waa a visitor In tbe city Monday, II. G. Sibley returned Saturday from a three month vialt with relative in the eaitern atatea. furnished room, bath room in con nectlon. Block and a balf from Bank. Enquire at Time office. m24 Mr Harrison Chaptn and Mr. Kelly of llardman, were united In marriage at tbe Palace hotel Monday. E. E. Bartholomew came up from Caatle Rock Monday to look after aoiue buine matter at Ileppner. Ed Micbell wa ailed to Tbe Dalle Saturday to attend tbe funeral of an uucle which wa held Sunday. ' J.J McGee returned Saturday from Monument where he ba been aurveying tbe paat nix week fur Emmet Cochran. 8, W. Morgan, who la in tbe abeep bu Iness near Arlington, waa in thi city tbe Aral of the week looking alter aome business matter Mr. L B Cobn and daughter Gladys returned Monday from Portland, where Mr Cobn hut teen (electing her spring lock of millinery. Mim Lre Woolery, who ba beru visiting in Poitlund for some time, left Moudat lor Kansas City, where it i reported ahe went to get married. Mra, Walter Shaw, who bat been vitiit- ing the pen mouth or ao ith the family of ack II cud on Sand Hollow, left T.esday for her borne at Dawaon City. Dr. P, R. Swluburn I having the ground prepared for a new brick block jual north of tbe Pair tore. The build ing will be 2o feet front by 76 feet deep and "wo atorie high. W. E. Koyae of llardman. ba aecured a c lOlrect to plow up a large acreage of bunch grata laud for W. P. Dutton wet of town. Mr. Dutton la going into farming more in the future. Mr. and Mra. Pat MiDaid of Ella, were visitora in Heppner Tuesday. Mr. MrDaid aays that stc;k in bis section are in fine condition, and that grass ia coming along at a rapid rate. Joe Hayes returned Monday from Klickitat county, Washington, where be had been for a week endeavoring to buy stock for the Portland market. He was not successful in making purcbaea. Tbe second of the series of socials being given by the Woodmen of tbe World and Women of Woodcraft will be held at tht K. P ball on next Friday evening. Thia will be for Woodmen and wives and Women of Woodcraft and husbands. S. C. Jackson is in receipt of Alfred reefs 1104 wall paper samples, more beautiful than ever before; also Portland sample. If you wish be will furnish house lining at 3 cent per yard. A quantity now on band. Wall paper aix cent per roll and np. II. M. Olden, a proaperoui farmer of Eight Mile, who waa in town the latter prat of last week, report that the crop are looking fine. The only drawback with the fa Burn now it the extreme wet weather, which ia retarding apring seeding. If tbli eaa be accomplished in March, said Mr. Olden, it will be In time to insure good crop, if other con ditions are favorable. Judge W. R. Ellia will bold aa ad jour 1 term of circuit court here beginning this (Thursday) morning. Besides the case of Warrea va. Stanley, involving the ownership of tbe wrecked residence ouee standing ia Court atreet and other civil auita, at leaat two criminal caaet witlU tried tbe State va. the three Dagos, fur holding op and robbing R. Hcrbfcn, at Irrlgon, two month ago, 4 the StaUt t. C. A. Doyle, for as- tuultlatg China Jin with a dangerous , vopoa Jat November. If the tfrory that aa abundance ol mtdstur i the winter time meant goo d crop tke sallowing season proves corMc next aoa't yield of wheat ought lo be hnmner ia Morrow county. Parmc.a with whom we bave talked oa this question say that the ti ground ia many places la wet to a depth of four lent. And the wet season it not over yet. Of course It will take a few rains la May and June also aa ebaaace of hot i'.ast winds to Insure good crop, yet tk.' great surplus of moisture la gnaraa te vf fair crope let come what majr. A. B. Stanley, the Ine Rock mer- cliatt, ia a buaiueaa viaitor in our city thia week. T. J. Mahoney, of tbe lone bank, wa in Heppner Tueaday, looking after aome liutinet matter. II. E, Warren, the llardman merchant, 1 attending to aome business matter In Heppner thi week. Mr. Ceo. Conaer returned Tueaday evening from a couple of week viait witb friend In Pendleton. Mr. Charlea Anderson, mother of Mr. Brnce Hain, went to Portland Tueaday where ahe will enter a hospital for medical treatment. Tbe commlMloner of the general land office bat by order directed that all proof, affadavita ar.d filing may be made and taken before U. S. Commla aionerG.W. Ilea whether tbe land ia located in tbe La Grande or Tbe Dalle land dlatricta. Mra. M. J. Saling of Eight Mile, died in thia city Toeaday night, aged about G5 year. Her death wa not unexpected at the bat been i.i poor health for aome month. Her remain were taken to llardman where abe will be buried in the I. O O. F. cemetery today. Constable J. P. Louy brought two prlaoner up from lone laat Tueaday evening, and they will board at the Hotel de Sbutt during the next 20 day. Their name are N. E. Mathewa and J. E Arkelson, and they hail from Boise, Idaho. They were hoofing it to Heppner on the railroad, and when they got to Cecil tbe role a tarpaulin from Melvin Logan, the postmaster Logan followed them to lone and bad them arrested. They plead guilty and were aentenced to 20 day each in the connty jail, which inatution now contain five prisoner. ! LEXINQTON ITEMS B. M. Booher is on tbe sick list C. A. Morey went to Heppner Tnesday. W. B. McAlister returned from Port land Saturday. Mrs. E. Thompson went to Walla Walla Tuesday to viait relative. John White has erected a new hitch ing rack la front ot hia hop. Glen Davla 1 out of acbool thia week, ue,D 'la P wun "a. L.l l. I J. K. Johnson moved into the house next to B. M. Boober's last week. Mra. Elmer Rlggs ia in Heppner under the care of tbe doctor this week. The game of basket ball Saturday resulted in a score of 18 to 5 in favor of Lexington. N. A. Leach, of Walla Walla, arrived here Srturday on a short visit He left Tuesday for borne, Clark and Mia Lottie Davia returned from Portland last Wednesday, where Miss Lottie bad been consulting an ocnlitt. Solomon Click arrived here from Oregon City Thursday evening. He was looking for a game of horse -shoe. He went ont to bis ranch Saturday. Notice to Democrats. Noli, e is hereby given that tbe regular meeting of democratic primaries for the e'ection of delegate! to the coanty con vention from our county, will be held on Saturday, March 26, 1904. At tbe usual places, with the following ex ception. Matteson prect-, Abrahamaick building South lone " Council chamber! North lone " J. A. Woolery'i office Gentry " Sam Meadowi office The democratic convention for the nomination of a county ticket and the election of delegates to the slate con vention will be held on Saturday April a, 1904 at the court house in Heppner. The apportionment of the delegates li based on the vote ol Governor George E Chamberlain on the basil of one dele gate at large one for every fifteen votes, and one tor every major fraction of eight votes, making a total of 58, as follow 1. Heppner, 5 Mt. Vernon, 6 Gentry 3 Matteaon 9 Honth lone, 6 North I'ine .....3 liry 4 Islington, 4 Ina -...j Dry Foik, 3 Cecil 3 Kliiht Mile, a rineClty 1 Alpine 1 Weill Spring t Irrls-on , 1 The primarbm will be held at one oMix k p. m. end tbe convention al 10:30 a. m, L. L.MAT1AM X Hxxxt BurKMA Secretary Chairman. Primaries and Convention. Tbe Morrow County Republican con vention la hereby called to meet at the court bouse in Heppner, Oregon, at 10:30 a- m. on Saturday, March 19, 1904, for the purpose of placing in nomination candidatea for tbe variona county office! and to elect live delegates to represent Morrow county at the state convention to be held in Portland April 14, 1904. The primaries for Morrow coanty will be held from one. to three o'clock p. m. Saturday, March u. The place for holding the primarlei in the variout precinct! will be at the usual voting place! : The apportoinment of delegate! wai based on the vote for Judge Bean at the last election, as followt: One delegate at large and one for each 15 votes or major fraction thereof cast for eu pre rue jude. Each precinct will be entitled to representation at followt : Heppner Mt. Vernon... Gentry. lone South... .7 6 .4 A Wellt Springt...2 lone, North 4 Dairy..., 6 Dry Fork 3 Lexington 4 Lena 3 Irrigon ,,1 Matte son 8 Cml ...3 Eight M le 3 Pine City 2 Alpine 2 Total 62 W. W. 8M BAD Chairman Republican County Com. W. L. Smith , Secretary. If troubled with weak digestion, belching or aour stomach, use Chamber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will get' quick relief. For sale by Slocum Drug Co. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOU ASSESSOR By the solicitation of my friends I an nounce myself a candidate for assessor, subject to the will of the Republican convention. G. A. Blkakma. of Dairy Precinct. FOR ASSESSOR. I announce myself a candidate for tbe nomination for assessor subject to the decision ol tbe Republican county con vention. S. E. Willis. of Mt Vernon Precinct FOR COONTY JUDGE. To The legal voters of Morrow county, Oregon. I respectfully announce my- sell a candidate lor tbe office of county judge subject the will of the Republican County Convention. Very respectfully Gko. J. CCHKIJf, FOR CLERK. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Clerk subject to tbe decision of the Republican County Convention of Morrow Connty, Oregon. Jambs Hart, FOR ASSESSOR. 1 hereby announce myaelf a candidate for the office ot Assessor subjuect to tbe will of the Republican County Conven tion. J. W. Shi ply. FOR CLERK. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Clerk aubject to the will of the Republicans of Morrow county Vawteb Crawford. FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candidate 1 iur sunu, suujeci to ine decision 01 me ' republican county convention. E. M. Shctt. FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. I am a candidate for County School Superintendent, subject to the decision of the convention on Mardh 19, 1904. E. Jay Merrill. GROSHENS ZOLLINGER Have just opened a new saloon at the corner of Main and May streets Finet LiquorB and ClgarB Pendleton Deer On Draught Hot and Cold Lunches Heppner, Or. MINOR & CO. I THE STORE SPRING STYLES ARE PLEASING '1- .1 It - I- s -I. ' ; " ' ix Coorrirht iu tnr fl V" W Fischer Co. VERY PI FAS I MR is the rUUnOIHU Cally frtf Cnpinn - i i ! ' lj F..iB. vut jjicocuiauoa is CO IX:A h "yZ. I : 1 '4wf.i--l .... ' 'f'4j ;'' i -'.' t 1 V choiceet.gooda are concerned. The new styles differ from the old fe in essential details. The fabrics and patterns come this season in almost infinite va- B Mi riet7? particularly suitable for !yj the man, who demands quality before he thinks of the appearance, B ,Ci We have Onlv in aav tViat tYta rtr.nA V X- t. f J. 1-! X, tells the wholn stnrw Cliir miar-ir, " 'J' b-"' ! everv suit. ' WHITE SALE STILL ON I Real And Fire umbiteis & If you have a Farm, Grazing Lands or City Property for Sale call on us. Or if you Want to Buy we can suit you as we have a Long List of Properties to Select from. Qsnjarjauauafl jmQ Land Scrip For Sale 0OOO00066o0O0OCOO0.06e60O0600O0i006006Oi60e00 00fl0 1 LOUIS & PLEISS I ! -TAtt noc ! First class work, A fit guaranteed. HEPPNER, 0OOO0OO0000000O000OCCO0OOOO0000OO0OO00OO0OO00OO00oi Government Land Scrip. I If you want to secure a tract' of government land, buy scrip and get title immediately without J further trouble, we can sell you any quantity from 40 acres up at prices that will surprise you. S All of our scrip is fully guaranteed and we j attend to all matters concerning name in U. S. Land oflico until patent issues without additional J charge. s HUDSON & BROWNHILL, The Dalles, Oregon 0" OF. QUALITY 1 s -1 verdict of those who have criti- ; examined the advanced mnda j ., l , ... l i praciicany complete bo far as the R summer in color and weisht. For 9 arA tV u. i j 'I. J " vuas vl UO UittB-CrtS .l.fl iA 4 Estate Insurance Patterson o o e o Reasonable prices May street, OREGON. iny I I f ' 10 t