Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, March 10, 1904, Image 3

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    Spring Medicine
- TLcro U no other Kwon when good
medicine 1 so much ticcdod m la tha
Tbe blood U Impure, weak and
Imporerlslrsd a condition Indicated
y pimples and other eruption on the
ftce aud body, by deficient vitality,
loss of appetite, lack of strength, tnd
want of animation.
Hood's SarsaparUla
and PlUs
Make the blood pure, vigorous and
rich, create appetite, give vitality,
strength and animation, and cure
all eruptlont. Hare the wbolo family
begin to take thorn today.
M Hood's Barttparllla bat been uted In
oar Utility (or tome time, and alwtyt with
good retultt. Laat spring I waa all ran
down and got a bottle of It, and at ntual
rccelTed treat benaflt." Ml a Bsulai
Botes, Blow, VI.
Hood's) tarsaparllla promises to
sure and keeps the promise.
Education In Russia.
Of the children of school age in Run
sla 17,000,000 are receiving no Instruction.
Arid Lands Made Fruitful.
ThoM pari-hart, dry, arid plain of Mont..
rTi arm i'isiiii. til piwm..
Coin., Aria., lituho and oihar dry ln1 rmno
qulrkiy and give a llg yltild whan ilauuii to
halmr'a Mll, llim llarlrjr, Mai-aruiil Wheat,
hi i'aj r.aruaai waia, miii'iii I'tiuar unn biii i ,, ---
nroinu iimnnla. aikivc icam u uouriau ana I en i uie uurung 01 hit nenri.
a a-v
Sally la Oar Alia
Of all the flrla that are so amart
Tbare'a vou Ilka pretty Bally;
Kb la the darling of my heart,
And aba II v In our allay,
Thar la no lady In the land
I half so iwtrt aa Bally;
Hhe la the darling of my heart.
And she Urea In our ally.
Hit father he make cabbage nets,
And through Uie atreete doee cry 'em;
Her mother aha aalla lace long
To audi a pleas to buy Vm;
Hut aura such folk could ne'er beget
Bo awaet a girl a Bally!
She I the darling of tny hurt.
And she live in our alley.
Of all the dnyi that' in the week
I dearly lore but one day
And that's the day that cornea betwixt
A Haturdsy and Monday;
For then I'm drest all In my Wat
To walk abroad with Bally;
Bite la the darling of my heart,
And the llvaa In our alley.
My master carries me to church,
And often am I blamed
Becauae I leave him in the lurch
As soon a text ia named;
I leave the church In sermon time
And tlitik away to Bally;
laugb at drought and arid aulla.
jiiht Mini lix: im in turn.
and thla nolle to John A. Halior Hwid Co., I.a
t riMMi, Win., lor their dig catalogue and farm
ed aanila, (1'. U.I,)
lows pays lady school teachers lets
than sny other Bute, the sverage salary
being f J0.01 par month.
Bewara of Ointments for Catarrh Thai
Contain Maroury,
A mercury will nirelr deatroy the aertM of
auiell ami ooniplelaly derange Ilia whole jya-
lein wheneniering u lurougn me tnuiom ur.
:aoe. Bucri arilelei abtium tie tar bo umki as-
rept on rretrrlptlun from reputatila pbyaM
Clana, ailha damage they will do Uten fold to
th (ikkI Tou can poealulr derlr Irom thero.
Hair Caiarrb Cure, manufactured by V. i.
Cheney A Co., Toledo. ()., eonialna no mercury,
ami la taken lniernaily, ailing directly upon
the blood and murou anrlacea of tha aratein.
In buying Haifa Catarrh Cur b aura you gel
i genuine
It la taken Internally, and made
a Co. Ttll-
the i
In Toledo, Ohio, by If. J, Cheney
Bioniaia ire,
hold by I'riigglxa, tirloa 78o. per bottle,
llaU't Kami! I'M ara tha bare
Mother will Had Mr. Wlnalow a RnntMng
fyiup iba beat remedy to oaa lot Ibalr abUdraa
me UMUimg aaaaun.
Fragallfy and sobriety form the beet
tllxlr of longevity.
Perrin's Pile Specific
He Use feists It WIU Xet Core
And the lives In our alley.
-Henry Carey.
Tbe l'caalmlat.
Nothing to do but work,
Nothing to eat but food.
Nothing to wear but clothes
To keep one from going nude.
Nothing to breathe hut sir
Quick at a flash tl gone;
Nowhere to fall but off,
Nowhere to atand but on.
Nothing to comb but hair,
Nowhere to sleep but in bed,
Nothing to weep but tear.
Nothing to bury but dead.
Nothing to eing but tonga,
Ah, well, alaa! alack!
Nowhere to go but out,
Nowhere to come but baca.
Nothing to aee but alghta,.
Nothing to quench but thlrat.
Nothing to have but what we've got;
Thut through life we are cursed.
Nothing to alrike but a gait.
Everything move that go.
Nothing at all but common en
Can ever wlthttand theee woes.
Ben King.
"Almost anything ran be bought tin re
suxar, 1 per pound; cotton, cloth,
leather, needles, crockery, tinware,
dyes, lime, charcoal, meat, slaves.
camels, norm-, food of every variety,
Including tomatoes, wheat, tamed ga
telle and hyenas, wild cats, birds, any
thing and every tiling. The money of
the country Is still the cowry shells,
of which the king sent ns 400,000 as
a present, but the Maria Theresa dollar
Is taken, and the great men gladly buy
up any quantity of gold and sliver
coins, for the llausa Is an adept at
working in sliver and gold and is as
proud ss he Is skillful. Moreover, be
smelts bis own ore and works up bis
native iron In wondrous shapes. The
city bas thlrteeen gate (which are al
ways cloaed at sunset), and Is some
twelve or fourteen miles In clrcumfer
ence. On the whole, , It lies four
square, but some of tbe walls are
little Irregular."
There Is dignity In majesty even In
the heart of Africa. It Is said of one
African monarch that each morning
after breakfast he leaves his hut and
opeus bis grout umbrella and then de
clares before all the earth that tbe sun
may from that moment shine. Those
who would visit the king of Kano on
bis throne must take off their shoes
and even their stockings and bow their
beads to the ground. Three hour an
English mission waited at the palace
gates, and then "a low murmur a rote,
a pathway was suddenly cut and a
magnificent warrior pranced np and
drew rein at our feet This was the
wazlrl, the second man In tbe king
dom. Tbe palace, a splendid specimen
of mud architecture, was a mass of
people and the courtyards were
crammed. While we stood In Uie
Judgment ball, which was thronged
with well-dressed men squatting on the
floor, suddenly ail the Internments of
music buret forth, our umbrellas were
snatched from our hands and we were
hurried Into the king's splendid au
dlcnce chamber. At the far end, on a
rich red dais, was seated the king,
wearing a black rawnl, which covered
everything but his eyes. He is said to
lie about 80 rears of age and to be
quite white, but he Is more probably
copper colored."
Catarrh Robs Women of Health and Beauty.
Pe-ru-na Makes Women Healthy and Beautiful.
Miss Amanda Johnson Farichlld, Wis., writes:
"I write to tell you how much Peruna benefitted me.
For a number of years I had pain in my head around
my eyes, and I thought it was because my eyes need
ed treatment, so I went to an occullst and had glasses
fitted to my eyes and wore them for some time, but
felt no relief whatever. In fact, I felt worse than be
fore, and came to the conclusion that the trouble was
not with my eyes, but with my head and that it must
be catarrh. As so many of my friends had used Pe
runa with benefit for this trouble, I thought I would
try It. I was notaorry that I did so, for in a short time
I began to Improve, and in four weeks my eyes were in
splendid condition, my general health wag much Im
proved and all the catarrh of the head was gone. I was
glad to get rid of this trouble and am glad to endorse
such a good medicine as Peruna," Miss Amanda
How Thla Old Time Popular
Cam to le Written.
This Is bow the late Septimus Win
ner came to compose "Listen to tbe
Mocking Bird." Tbe account Is
furnished by the composer's son, J.
Gibson Winner of Philadelphia.
"It was suggested by listening to a
colored man, Dick Mllburn, known as
Whittling Dick,' Mr. Winner said.
"Dick was a unique character.- He
found Infinite delight in
Miss Flora Hauser, 1032 S. New
Jersey street, Indianapolis, Ind.,
"I think I must have been
troubled with catarrh ever since I
was very young, aggravated each
time I caught a cold. This did not
prove sufficiently serious to be ob
noxious until last winter. Then
my head and note were so stopped
up that I felt I must do aomething.
Peruna was recommended to me by
a friend. I used it for four weeka,
and found to my relief that It cured
me. I have not had a bit of trouble
since. My head I clear, and I can
afely affirm that Peruna cured
Me." Mlt Flora Hauser.
1 k;tt2. ,.V:.o.vy
Can Be
or Attractive
Te Break la New Saoas.
Alway ahaka la Allan' Foot-Saaa, apoaMar.
It earn hul. laMllm. arhlni. wollaa !.
t'ora eortia, ingrowlug aalla and bunion. At
all drogtlata aud abna itoraa, Ita. Ixio't arravl
anvautiatltuta. Ham pla mailed FREI. Addreaa
aiico a. uimavM, i nov , n. I.
Baaaawkat IHffaraat.
Ia that dog of yours a polntarT"
asked the ticket agent at the vHlagg
"No," replied tbe weary hunter who
ras returning to the city with au
empty game beg, "he's a disappoint-
ITM Parmanaaur faraa. wofltaor
aftr rat dar'a aa of Ir K Una' (Iraat N
ibn-r. fMnd for Fr trial tmttlrann trUaa
. k. U. Kllua, An HI, I'blladaljihla, fa.
Familiar Articles,
"Dey ain't teachin' so much
deae days."
"No, it's so cloae home now, folks is
well acquainted wid it." Atlanta Con
i X
Bfaaaacaaaalta Maa'a laraatloa, ta
Take tha flaca mt Waal,
The Invention of a leather crotatle.
dcalgned to take the place of sleepers
made of wood. Is attracting a great
deal of attention in railroad circles,
writes a Bprluiffleld (Mass.) corre
spondent of the New York Mall and
Express. T. W. Dunnell of West War
reu. Mats., Is the Inventor. Wbilo
studying the art of paper making be
learned that there was a scarcity of
lumber in the country and that the rail
roads unod annually 120,000,0(10 ties
for renewals alone. Ties of steel, iron,
glass, stone and of grass and sawdust
composition had been made, but there
were objections to all of these. 8o he
set to work and finally hit upon a form
ula which acems to answer the pur
In the manufacture of his croastle,
which weighs 123 pounds, the scrap
leather from shoe shops Is taken Into
a dlslutegrator, ground very tine, aub
Jected to a refining process and mold
ed. Tbe tension of the molding ma
chine can lie so reitulated that tlea
hard enough to take a spike or tlca
through which a spike caunot be driven
can be turned out
Tbo three great essentials In a cross-
tlo are apparently found In thla leuth
er, for It is guaranteed to bold a spike.
the fishplate will not splinter It and It
will not rot. It Is exported to aland
service for thirty-live jours. Sample
ties put down twciity-clplit months bko
In the West Fpringfleld frclcht yard
of the HosUm and Albany road do not
show the lonst wear. Itondinnstcr ful-
llvau of tin! ItoNton and Albany snys
the spikes hold as woll ns when first
driven instead of working loose, as In
the wooden tics. The ordinary chest
nut tie now In uso must lie replaced
every two yenrs.
Mr. Dunnell propose to turn out B,-
000 tie a dny for the present The
New York f'ontrnl Is planning to tost
liss Gannon, Scc'y Detroit
Amateur Art Association, tells
yOUng WOfUCn What tO dO tO the invention In It New York yards.
avoid pain and suffering caused
by female troubles.
" Pear Mb. Pik k n au t I can con
actentlonsl.T recommend Lydla I',
rinklmni's Vegetable Compound
to those of mr sisters sufTcrinir with
female weakness and the trouble
which so often bcfull women. I auf'
fered tor months with penornl weak
ness, and felt so weary that I had hard
work to keep up, I hud shooting pains,
and was utterly miserable. InmydiS'
tress I was advised to use Lydla 11,
Plnklmm'fl VcjrotnMo CJoiii
jioiiikI, and it was a red letter day to
me when 1 took the first dose, for at
that tlmo my restoration liegan. In
tlx weeks I was a chanced woman,
perfectly well In every respect 1 felt
so elated and happy that I want all
women whoaufrcr to eel well as I dwi.
Miss (Ji ila Oanmok, a.'.u Jones St.,
Detroit, Mich., Secretary Amateur Art
Association. $!)000fo,fttt If ordinal of abo
HI ft frvMng f"'"" faflnot a pradvcit.
Wlionono considers that Miss
Gannon's letter Is only nnn of tlio
countless hundreds which we
re continually publishing In the news
papers of this country, the great virtue
of Mrs. Plnkhaia'a uodiclue must be
dmltted by aU.
Cltrofa Hundred Thoaaanil 1'eopla
tik Iliad In Many Intricate Art.
The next of Great Krltnln's wars la
qutto likely to be In Knuo. Few peo-
plo kyow whore Knno Is or whnt sort
of people Inhabit It, but all rending
niou will doubtless bo fn miliar with It
ore many years elRpse. Nut many
will accept tho description of the
Hausns that It Is "tho center of the
world," but Knno, without unlng the
luntfiiiiKo of extravaunnco, must bo
ranked among the wonders of Africa.
Its hlK'i walls lucloso a populiitUm of
100,000 people, living In houses which,
thotiKh built of mud, are not by any
means to tie despised aud which line
broad streets and roads which would
put many Ixmdon street to shnuie.
Most of tho houses are shaded by trues,
and one traveler bas doscrlliod the ap
pearance of the town as being that of
"a big beautiful garden. '
Tho gront market, snys this travel
er, who visited Knno a year or two
ago, Is one of tbo wonders of the world:
about tbe city whistling in imitation
of a mocking bird, at tbe same time
tramming an accompaniment upon tbe
"My father met him on day, and.
struck by bis remarkable performance
as a warbler, aald to him, half In
"'How would you like to have a
song for your mocking bird, Dickf
"The negro glared at father in ab
ject astonishment and then, with a
laugh that echoed through the block,
" 'Dat would be mighty nice, massa,
an' I would be much ohleeged f yo
massa, ef yo' done gwlne to do sor
"The compass of Dick's voice was
hardly an octave, and in order to fit
him properly the melody was made
very simple. That same evening my
father composed the words and music.
"The words which ran higher were
to be spoken by the darkey, not sung,
except where they came within his
range, followed by the whistler's clever
Imitation of the bird. Dick was a
very good natured fellow, but not en
dowed with much Intellectual capacity.
Night after night be came to Mr. Win
ner's music store to learn the words of
the sonir. Try as he would, father
could hot teach him the words.
"Eventually, however,, Dick master
ed one verse. Mllburn, nevertheless,
had Ideas of his own. He bad a fine
sense of humor, and Improvised lines
to the music, suggesting ridiculous
fnnclos to attract the laughing crowd.
It was not long before his Idea or tne
mocking bird song Itecatne popular and
add.-d greatly to Dick's local roputa
"The song was published In ballad
form soon after and quickly took hold
on the public. It was sung all over the
country, and Is Just as jsipular to-day
as It was forty-seven years ago.
"Father sold it to I.ee & Walker,
Philadelphia firm, for $5, and during
the twenty-eight years of Its copy
right never received anything beyond
the price at which It was originally
sold. The profits from Its sale have
exceeded 1 100.000. perhaps the largest
amount ever realised from any must
cal composition of It class,"
- - ' - itiiA E-ino ii 11 icrfi
na of Annoying Catarrh. r'-rn 'mk'g,-n-
n, Hartman has nrobablv done r!ncured of cbronlc catarrh by us- a preventive and
more than any other physician toward "c"r ue anown.
popularizing a means of escspe from Many a girl has regained her faded
tha fnrla! deformities, such a watery beauty, many a matmn h.
i - r - w - v va aa aaas a u a vaa i
wandering I eyeg( twisted nose, offensive breath, ed the day of her comely appearance
a preventive ana noi wb.ii
catarrh has fastened Itself In somo
part of the system.
Peruna act quickly and beneficially
on the Inflamed mucous membranes
lining the different organs of the body.
Thus it will cure catarrh wherever
dry cracked lips, due to the ravaging by using Peruna.
effects of catarrh. Peruna prodTlceB dean mucoul
He has made chronic catarrh a life- membranes, the basis of facial sym
long study. His remedy, popularly metry and a perfect complexion.
known Peruna, Is the moat famous ... . . , . , .
remedy for catarrh ,n existence. ilIJVSm
Probably there is not a man or wo- do more toward restoring youthful
man. boy or girl, within the bounds or beauty than ail the devices known to and he will be pleased
the United States that has not heard science. valuable advice gratis,
of Peruna. By far the largest major- t,.v ,. ,, . laa. n, u.nm.n P.M.n nf
" M"V sa, aa WU7 lUSh 1 CI UUS tUIVO 1UUI VOO a-'t vuaaauf ivimuvh va
ity have used Peruna. catarrh wherever located, yet It is ad- The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
The multitude of people that nave visabie for everyone to use Peruna as Ohio.
The record for a sailing veteel Is 325
mile in a day; that of a steamer 500
Iireaaina; by Iott-rry.
The girls employed In the pottcrlet
of England are good looking and well
dressed. They bare taste which Is rut
tlvntod by the art work of the fac
torles. Many of them are more stylish
perhaps, than their position seems to
warrant, but this Is easily explained
They buy their clothes by a system
known as "Maxims." This menus that
twelve girls subscribe one shilling
week. The money Is held by a fore
woman, ami when mere is aunicient
cash to buy a bat or dress the girl
draw lots, end the winner has the new
dross, while the other subscribers bsv
to wait their turn. Then, In all the
glory of ribbons and finery, tho lucky
girl appears on Sunday.
Occasionally a woman enn do as she
please with no one to care, but a man
Is never so neglected that some wom
an Is not watching to see what be Is
up to.
It yon do not derfre prompt and sat
isfactory result from tne use of Pe
runa, write at once to Dr. Hartman,
giving a full statemaat of your case
give you his
Sweden sent three-quarter of 4,000,
000 groat boxe of match Imported into
thla cosstry last year.
q) o) u
aSSSf M -flaBB M jfc
Wataoatowa, Pa., July I, tgD).
Dear Btrai
I have sa4 8. S. B. for Catarrh of tbe
Inner aar, and ha found it aa xol
laot ramady for earn. I bad baas
troublad with taia dtaaaaa for yaara
and triad many tblna la aa effort ta
a-at rallaf, bat nolhing did mm any
rirmanant food until I baa a. S. .
bad a diaoaara-a from jny mr and mr
baarla waa ao nadiy aBaotad tnat i
eouM not bear tb tlok of a eloek. I waa
In bad ahapa whan I basan your mud.
Ictna. 8. B. S. ba dona away with tha
diaobarr and tny baartac baa baaa
wondarfully Improvad; ao much ao
tbai I oaa now carry oa a aoaveraatioa
In an actuary ton, wharaaa a yoar
at tbla waa Impoaalbfa.
Tour anadloino baa don wis a world of
sod and 1 do not baaitat to 1T ittlie
crault ltdrva.
Can b sntfa with Swniaoa'a MallrsM Stump
Puller; tvrry autlnf warrmQled. Saw vt no flaw.
Wrll forrstaloa.
houih Brn.l htal Plow. 14-lnrh, f.m. BoaUl
Bnd tblllrd Pkms 14-li.rb, r.au.
beierso! Machinery co.
Every Catarrh sufferer dreads the coming of winter, for with the first
breath of the " ice-king " this miserable disease is fanned into life and all
the disgusting symptoms return. The nostrils are stopped up and the
throat can be kept clear of mucous secretions only by continual hawking
and spitting. Catarrh is a nuisance
and source of annoyance, not only
to the one who has it, but everybody
else. The thick, yellow discharge
from the head produces a feeling of
personal defilement, and the odor of
the breath is almost intolerable.
The catarrhal poison brings on
stomach troubles and aQects the Kid
neys and Bladder. It attacks the
soft bones and tissues of the head
and throat, causing total or partial
deafness, the loss of smell, and giv
ing to the voice a rasping, nasal
twang. No part of the body is secure
from its ravages, catarrh makes
you sick all over, for it is a dis
ease of the blood, and circulates all
through the system, and for this
reason, sprays, washes, inhalers,
Jiowders and salves have proven
The way to cure Catarrh thor
oughly and permanently is to cleanse
the blood of the unhealthy secretions
that keep the membranes of the body
inflamed, and nothing does this so
sorely a.i A promptly as S. S. S. As
Ion? as the blood is poisoned with
Catarrhal matter the discharge of mucus and other disgusting symptoms
of the ijiscrable disease will continue. S. S. S. goes to the fountain source
of the trouble and purifies aud enriches
the blood, and so invigorates and tones np
the system that catching cold and con
tracting Catarrh is not so likely to occur.
Keep the blood in order and winter 'scorning
brinjr none of the discomforts of Catarrh.
Write us particulars of your case, and
let our physicians help you get rid of this
blood-tainting and stubborn disease. We make 00 charge whatever fol
medical advice. TIC S WifT SPtCtnO CO- A TIAMTA CM
no biqx or catarrh: in tqxo
Kraba, tnd. Tr., Au. 1, 1003.
Dear lira:
About iblrteaa yaara are I a a ad your
rinty for Catarrh. I bad baaa tronblad
wltbttfor about alaa yaara, but alnoa
tahia 8. B. . baa nevar baaa worrtad
wub It. I taal atla toraeotnmaad B. B. a.
aa a tar sax for tauarrb.
tumtr, I'lnk J!t or In.Hs-.tloa, A jrraat ILOtiB rtliritt ASS COS
6II10MI and a auit cur lot all alhutnt frota a bus baaaca aria.
1 tie, ttfas 1nf rttta,, lft rastrtara U fa4 frtarM " tr 4 ' IM MfM
ettrwaS tb.rsaxi f H. 14 f M..r.-f at4 9 M i "" 'a-H 1 1
tomai BattSff f ilrav mtm rwtwfttt tit tltU aa-ti fcfaw4 IV-tMaa 1 Xj.
rniCfl AT Df AttR.tsi V MAIL, tO-
fa'. .trf fV fa-al '
i i
S laWSJ SftllB, strlf, 14
tatVal faWSJ nH hSafi !' I
HSB a-sjlltlVP, M aaa4 t
aaaM M Swraa af ifel) ttv ar
ka4 Sw aa-Atliv tw IBM. IBttM tM
H traaa4 MiH bMjtifs) -aax S
W tW iwtkf pmmmt. m mtmu.
ar s s t n yw4a mm
(Mwartt MsfUlietn i IMi
lT . Mr .
fS. ' la fa tat.,U4.
! Isj. fer .
B7O.V Miwi.H'alU.,0,
lt tj. pmr .
IVhard pti Uu I t-4.
1 . Mr
ir J b. iuauwB Cl,
M Sk4vfX
B Ura axtuKUi, Ofaiatr
Csx "
!. ftwa
9f 9. ft, Msaaj-j, tiatwM 0X
4 m.
mt feataSsMB 1 X, V. ,
' " ir-at ta l liti.
ta"44 SX W. fas mmf
ttt I lu ffwey wB) Bat, mm
NatlosMl Oata.
f aarwai al B-wtttW, ar) Vwtt
MrtsWrt. It t lat fmrnt
fa-aaiast. ktaBB Ua iM f tf H.
BltllfMi iMlmr Gi
Bl-a UiSaal aT mtmm ta ,
4 W stssatat atf Mstl If
-ww4 aaB 1AM UlSSMwf Bfl 4i4
mf BaSf Sjafw.
rr f tVa, Im Htmmpm
m4 IM win sf fate -.
tl l41f mmm4 f lat af rWrtsj
pj4 aaaaawaa vail -ft. iB w
mm mimn wills, aatk eua tai
4-aaaaafc w ra lsittjt4
aattalsj( sVswtitwi a
I'WMIi (Ia4hiiii Blaewi
-- Tw Paas rS Wft,
TaaaaM) f MWbs
.fti.V' -Vy-V',-l
" -aa W 0
t'Uatli.AU ItaU CUM I vrllaaS, Or., Caaat Asaata
t"'v r
H 1 1 f a V V " f
11 Vl ' till II'IL 11
k A SMI -. 'k. 1 -4. I'a
A-4 Hi