The Planter's Daughter 25 FATE'S REVENGE By MRS. ALICE P. CARRISTON Author of "A Waif from the Sea," "Her Brightest Hope, Wayward Wlnnefred," etc. CHAPTEll IV (Continued.) And now nearly four yean had pass ed since the troublesome events, and the Courtlandt family, accompanied by Lu clan's widowed mother, were on. their way back to their native land. Sylphide had opposed this atep as long as she dared, and had only given in at last through fear of arousing her hus band's suspicions. Between the two ladles no sympathy and no confidence had existed from the first of their acquaintance; by tacit agree ment they seemed to be antagonists from the day they met. The haughty old lady regarded her beautiful daughter-in-law with a suspicious eye, nor wss Sylphide for an Instant unconscious of the espion age. When the child was born, the elder Mrs. Courtlandt appeared to claim it as her own; for some reason, which she was powerless to explain, she always shuddered whenever she saw the band some boy in his mother's arms. "She'd like to rob me of him, Syl phide often thought, bitterly; "proud, old creature, I hate her more than she hates me!" Under the circumstances, it was use less to attempt to induce Sylphide to go to Mrs. Courtlandt's home upon the Hud son, when they arrived in New York. She was resolute upon that point She would go to a hotel with ber husband and child until a suitable home was se cured for them; she would not be the guest of Mrs. Courtlandt! So It was arranged that Mrs. Court landt should go at once to her country seat, accompanied by her son, while Syl phide, with her 3-year-old Leon, and Di ana, went to the Fifth Avenue Hotel to await her husband's return. A handsome suite of rooms was engsged, and the party were made as comfortable as wealth could make them. The only actual cloud upon Sylphide's arrival In America was the fact that the first night would have to be passed with out her husband. As the twilight bonr begsn to approach she grew more and more lonely and rest less. Gsxing into the busy Squsre fail ed to amuse her, and when Diana sug gested that she should go down to the public dining room for dinner as di version, Sylphide felt the cold perspira tion of apprehension start out at every pore, and she curtly commanded her maid to order dinner in their private par lor. When the cheery gaslight dispelled the gloom, the young wife and mother be came more cheerful, and taking her boy upon her knee, she sang him a sprightly Creole song, that she had not thought of in four long years, until the child laugh ed soil clapped bio tiny hands Id afee. Suddenly Sylphide psased, with a song upon her lips, as an authoritative knock sounded upon the door. Obeying a sud den impulse, she sprang to her feet, hand ed the child to Diana, and answered the summons herself. A hall boy stood before her In the lighted hall with a visiting card upon a silver salver. Sylphide did not hear him ask whether she were Mrs. Lucisn Court landt; she picked on ti card and glanc ed at the name Inscribed thereon. In sn Instant every drop of blood in her body fled with a sickening rush to her heart; but, though she turned as pallid as the dead, abe uttered no cry, and did not . stagger. "Ask the person to wsit In the public parlor," she said, with a supreme effort; and closing the door, she passed swiftly into her dressing room. CHAPTER V. The nsme Inscribed upon the card, which Sylphide tore into little bits and cast Into the open grate the moment ahs had escaped the curious eyes of Disns, wss the nsme of Oscsr Couramont. Had she been slone, she might have quailed. But she had a secret to conceal even from the mulatto, faithful as she wss. Therefore, when Disna called to ber to know what had happened, Sylphide an swered with enforced calmness; "Only a messenger from my husband. I am going to him in a moment." Meanwhile she was touching her pal lid, haggard checks with rouge. Thanks to this snd the tiger heart in her bosom, there wss no pallor and no sign of ter ror upon her beautiful face, as she swept slowly down the grand staircsse, crossed the spacious ball snd entered the splen did suite of parlors. A hand rained the silken drapery that hung in the srehwsy Vfore which Sylphide stood, end like a Cash ber antagonist stood before her. At tight of blm she recoiled, snd ut tered a stifled cry. Was this revolting wretch before her her cousin, the hsnd- some Oscsr Cotiramont? Was it pons! Lie that four years could have worked such an appalling change In any human being; It, was a wonder that the attendants lmiow stairs had permitted such a dls reputable object to mount the stsirs and run the risk of terrifying the ladies be might chsnce to meet Sylphide, In sll her pride and beauty, wss horror stricken, and stood speechless. Coursmont wss the first to speak. With mocking obelssnce and a remnsnt of the old, ssresstie smile, fie ssld: "I see you recognise me In spite of the change In me. Since it Is your work. how do you like It? Ton have brought me to the verge of poverty and starva tlon." ir "Tea, yon! Had yon remained abroad another month, I should have worked my nasssge out and come to you to demand my rights. I'm tired of this sort of thing. You are my debtor for keeping mum about that secret of your birth, nd I want the matter settled up. A grsylsh pallor, which the rouge but erred to sccentuate, settled upon the young wife's face, aa she fsltsred, with a violent struggle at self command "What do you demand T" "Whst I demsnaen tour years ago, come next October; and I want to have the thing arranged bere and new, fur U six months every cent of your property likely to be wiped out by this war that ia going on." You still seek one-half of my proper ty r I want my half!" waa the dogged re tort. It la no longer in my power to part with It." "Why not?" "I have a son and heir." "You have a son!" he sneered; "so I've been told. Well, for his sake, then, you had better comply with my wishes." "I refuse!" "So be It! Besr In mind that It la yon who have declared war. Whatever hap pens, you are alone responsible. I'm a desperate man, Sylphide Couramont, and I'm alck of your trifling. The cutting manner In which he pro nounced her maiden name struck Syl phide more powerfully than all his moods. She waa dased, wondering what he could mean, dreading to seek an explanation. When she came to herself she found that group of ladies and gentlemen had entered the apartment, and that Oscar Couramont had vanished. She braced herself, and then sped wildly out into the brilliantly illuminated corridor. All about ber the guests of the hotel were leaving the dining hall, laughing and chatting gaily. Into every face ahe encountered she stared, as though bereft of her senses. She even dscended the remaining flight of stairs to the rotunda, only to be driven back in very ahame by the crowd of men ahe met. Her only thought waa that she had lost him, lost her only hope of salvation. Too late she became convinced that he waa desperate, aa he had said, and would do heaven only knew what She dared not think. With lagging steps, clinging to the stair rail for support, she dragged hei weary way up to her rooms. Outside the door she paused a moment to summon up a glimmer of courage and a wan mock ery of a smile. Then she csutiousiy turned the knob and opened the door. The lights hsd been turned low. Little Leon hsd been Isid among the pillowa upon the bed, and Diana slept the sleep of the just and weary, in her chair be fore the fire. With a low wall, that aeemed wrung from a bleeding heart, the wretched woman flung herself upon her knees beside the bed, clasped the sleep ing ehlld In her arms, and rained pas sionate kisses upon his soft, Bsxen carls. "Oh, my boy, my boy, my boy!" she sobbed, "thsnk heaven, you are not old enough to guess your mother's woe!" "Oh, mother In heaven, darling mother, hear me! strengthen and comfort me! lin not listened to the tongue of evil gossip, yet the cross is heavy to bear. Shield me, guard me, for I am alone and in danger. Save me the love of husband and child; 'tis all I ask!" In the chill gray of early dawn, Diana came to her and toucher her ahoulder. "Miasy Sylph, Missy Sylph!" cried the faithful creature, "get up and go to bed!" Sylphide rose slowly and painfully. Pressing her hands upon her schiug eyes, she said: I must have slept, Diana; I need no more, bee, 'tis morning! I had better dress for the dsy." At ten o clock a telegram was handed her from her husband. Eagerly she opened It and reed its cheery contents: Have beard of a lovely residence near Yonkera. Shall go to see it before re turning to yon. Love to you and kisses for the boy." Hesvens, bow she kissed that scrap of senseless psper! Te the poor, agonized soul it seemed like a ray of vivifying sunlight let In upon her dungeon keep. r rom the moment of its receipt she brightened op. She fsncied she felt a strong arm encircling her and supporting ber. Diana asked permission to tske little Leon for a stroll in the squsre, snd was resdily permitted to do so. When left alone, poor Sylphide went to her trunks, drew forth their contents and made se lection of the costume which hsd been m(nt praiw-d by her husbsnd in the hap py days beyond the sea. It wss a won derful and beautiful confection of dell cate violet silk and rich old Ivory-tinted laces thst set off her marvelous brunette besuty to perfection. She sdded a spray of lovely pink roM-s to ber bosom, and the faultless toilette wss complete, With Just the slightest bit of coquetry she glanced st her enchanting reflection In the mirror when all was complete, and seated herself In the embrasure of a window that overlooked the square to watch for her child and await the ar rival of her husband. Suddenly she beard the door of the room open and clone. She sprang to her feet with parted Hps, snd outstretched hsnds, a glad, expectant smile quivering upon every festure. The smile vsnlshed instantly as she ssw, atandlng In the cen ter of the apartment, not her clUld, not her husband, but the proud, ststely worn sn whom the world regarded as ber moth er In-law. Attired In rich, trailing garments of uncompromising black, the elder Mrs. Courtlandt formed a startling contrast to the younger. She bowed coldly In ac knowledging the chslr which Sylphide ad vanced, and aested herself. "You are doubtless surprised to see me bere," she aald, stiffly. Sylphide bowed, and ssld In answer: "May I know to what I owe the honor of this risltr "To a pslnful duty," wss the curt re sponse. "Shall I spesk plslnlyT "If you please." Then csme the blighting words more cruel than death: "I have come for my son's child!" turned she said: "I beg your pardon, I must have mis understood you. You seem to have left my interest in the boy out of the ques tion, madam." 1 said sdvliiedly my sou's child!" csme the rigid response. "Naturally you are hi mother, I suppose, but so, un fortunately, any claima you may lay upon him -will be vastly to his detriment. must perslat in calling him my son s child and entirely Ignore you In the matter." "Madam!" Had the haughty old lady possessed the merest taint of cowardice in her heart she must have been appalled by the silent exhibition of desperate, quivering wrath that was presented to her view. Feeling that the ominous silence thst ensued waa valuable time lost, Mrs. Courtlandt aald: I am not in the least surprised at your display of Impotent rage at finding yourself baffled at last; I anticipated it and have come prepared to parry it." "Stop where you are! Can you be so obtuse aa not to learn that you are both insulting a wife and outraging a mother?" "And can you be so witless as to flat ter yourself that, sooner or later, your destiny would not fiud you out and hunt you downr , My destiny, madam! What do yoa mean V "That tainted blood Bows In your veins, that you are a slave, that yoa have juggled my son Into believing that he waa marrying his equal in station, and nave borne mm an innocent cuild to a heritage of woe!" She rose as she spoke, and, as if crush ed by this avalanche of horror, Sylphide recoiled to a aofa and rank upon It, cov ering her face with her hands. . Making the most of the advantage she had gain ed, Mrs. Courtlandt continued: I do not blame you for wishing to marry and be a mother, Indeed, I feel some pity for you, but I can never for give you for having trapped a free-boru, reputable family in your scheme." She paused, and, without raising her head, poor Sylphide murmured: Who told you of this thing?" I know not I received an anony mo us communication this morning, stat ing the facts and inclosing proofs that your father, Col. Couramont, married slave girl in Louisiana, and that you are the offspring of that union. Whether your father had married this half-breed in good faith, or whether he had been tricked, as my son haa been, the papers do not show, and I know not Have you those proofs with you?" Sylphide demanded, in a tone out of which all courage, all hope had depart ed. "No; they are at home, but shall be at your dispossl whenever you desire to examine them. Sylphide shook ber head sadly and clasped her hsnds In her lsp with a ges ture of pitiful eloquence. Well," she faltered, brokenly, "what do you propose to do?" "Adopt Leon." A spasm of lntensest agony passed over Sylphide's pallid face, but she com mended herself, even granting that her iudomitable spirit were not utterly crushed. "And must I part with my child?" "For hie aake, yes." "And whst Is to become of me?" "You csn live like sn honorsble w6m sn, as no doubt yoa are, barring your culpable deception of my son. And am 1 to be forever separated from my boy?" Since yoa oblige me to say it, ahe answered, firmly, "yes forever." "And never see him again?" Mrs. Courtlsndt hesitated. Perhapa her mother's heart was troubled by the piteous appeal. (To be continued.) SOLDIERS Of THE CZAR. RUSSIAN FIELD BATTKHY. A COSSACK. S ! ..III.. I., I..-. ' I LI " """" ' II Ml I i a. s.f fc I Ayer's One dose of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral at bedtime prevents night coughs of children. No croup. No bronchitis. A Cherry Pectoral doctor's medicine for all affections of the throat, bron chial tubes, and lungs. Sold for over 60 years. " t fcss Arsr's OnsrrT rsetnrst In mv or ikiii yit. Tusrsisituimns snusi r rough. sst e)W, tapefisilr fur iai Working for 8 access. Charles Warren Stoddard, In fait Recollection of Bret Ilatte" In the New York Time, says that to Hartes Interest and criticism be Owen all that la best In his literary effort. Fastid ious to a degree, Harte could not over look a Lack of finish In the manuscript offered to blm. He was not afraid to apeak his mind, remarks Mr. Stoddard, and I. know well enough what occasion I gave him, yet he did not judge me more severely than be judged blmwlf. HI humor and hi fancy were not frightened away even when he was In hi severe critical mood. Once, when I bnd sent blm some verse for approval, be wrote: " The AllmUw' la better, but not best which Is what I wanted. And thin, yoa know, Cohrldge has prior claim on the bird; but I'll use blm uu lew you send me something else. You can. If you like, take thi as a threat" He bad a special taste In the choice of titles, and I have known blm to alter the name of an article two or flirne times In order to make the table of contents handsome a ml harmonious One day I found him pacing the floor of his office, knitting his brows and staring at vacancy. I wondered why, lie was watching ami waiting for word, the one word to fit Into lino of reeenUy written prone. I suggested one; It would not answer. It must be a word of two syllabi. or the natural rhythm of the sencuce would suffer. Thus be perfected bis prone. Once when he had taken me to task for a bit of careless work, then under his critical eye, snd complained of raiao numwr, i tuoiigni to turn sway hi wrath by a soft answer. I told him I bad just met man who bad wept over a certain passage In one of Lis sketchesw "Well," said Hart, "I wept when I wrote It" CHAPTER VI. Had a thunderbolt fallen out of the clear heaven, Sylphide could not have been more amssed. For a moment or two rhs stared blankly at the rigid face before her, striving vainly to fathom ber Lit suae surprise. At last speech re- Flsh are unusually scarce In Lake Erie. roroelaln Is being used for water pipes. American fashion plates are used In German tailor shops. . The United States sold Korea about $400,000 worth of goods last year. A portrait of Marconi Is en graved on one of a new Issue of Italian stamps. California produces more oranges and lemons than any other State In the Union. The United States mint at San Fran cisco Is the largest Institution of the kind In the world. Iowa pays women school teachers less than any other State, the average salary being $30.91 a mouth. The port of New Chwang, at the mouth of the Liado River. Is the great est bean market In the world. The secret of the art of writing la to have somewhat to say, and to say Just that and no other. Richard Grant White. A London firm of tea dealers hss leen fined for including In the weight of package of tea sold the weight of the paper wrapper. The Russian officials are considering projects for dredging the mouth of the Pntschnra. in order to ' UUllse the stream to better advantage. The American automobile made It debut at Odessa for the first time dur ing the last yesr, and a few machine were sold which have given gnt sat- lsfactlon. The city of Grenoble, France, install ed Its new system of electric ligbUng from a water power source twenty seven miles distant. In the valley of the Romancb. The shark has returned to European waters. In the Rattle, where sharks bad been unknown since 1759, they have made their appearance In consid erable numbers. Special district technical school for Improving the artistic education of the working girls and designers are about to 1 opened in certain centers In St Etlenne, France. A concession has been granted to a civil engineer, Mr. Eugenlo de An drade, for the building of an electric railway between Rio de Janeiro and Petropolls. Work must be begun with in two years. The freuuent discovery of new dia mond mlues In the Transvssl and Or- nge River Colony Is resulting In im portant orders being placed with Brit ish manufacturers for diamond wash ing machinery. The islHtid of Cyprus, in the Mediter ranean, win nave a raiiroaa. u is re ported that an amount of 5.0is,m francs has leen appropriated for tne construction of a narrow gauge rail road line across the Island. The Sungarl River emptying Into the Amur la the waterway for the north- ern part of Manchuria and drains a district twice the sire or the Llao wa tershed, but having little. If any more. flrst-clns agricultural country tribu tary to IL American stationery Is being more and more appreciated In Europe. Aus tria export a large uuuntlty of paper, but renlly good letter paper Is exceed- Inely scarce there, pens, pencils and ernsers of Austrlnn manufacture are likewise Inferior. The whole Import of live geese to Germany amounted to O.ITJVIM In 1SSJ0. In 1W1. and 7.2M.H5 (valued at $.. In RxC. a steady Increase which Is typical of most food Imports which supply the great mlddl classes of the German people. The French Minister of Finance has Just published his report of the receipts from the tax on bicycles Tor the year l'3, the total sum collected on &7D.750 bicycles being 0,$1.2 francs ff 1,38s.- 247.001. The numiwr tins incressed from 220.810 In 100 to the above fig ares In IWtt. Puiplclous. Mr. niram OflVn I don't see why you should suspect the new servant girl of gossiping among the neighbors. She seems rather close-rnonlhed. Mrs. lllrarn Off en -Rut I've fllacov ered that she's slso closeared lose to the keyhole. Philadelphia Pre a. T Emperor Chsrle V. lived In vol untsry till during the last years oi his Ufa. Ills chief occupation In hi retirement was devising "ew viand to tempt bis gluttonous sppetlte. uno, one acre of such land In cultiva tion being equal In value to 100 acres of grain, and Mis Hall's farm has fif teen acre of pine, with five of bananas and 204 uncultivated acres. There Is also no easier or more pleasant work, particularly for a woman, than pine farming. All she has to do Is to order nor slips, select her land, hire her help and superintend the planting. Then she can rest for a year or two, leaving nature to do It work. In twenty-four months or less the fruit will bo ready for the market It Is not all play, but there Is seldom any worry as to the successful marketing of the crop; for the pineapple, coming, as it does, when strawberries are pretty well over and the peach crop not yet at its holght, Is always heartily wel comed. The expense of putting the land un der cultivation la comparatively small, amounting to about $WW for the first year, while each succeeding year bring the cost down. If no help has to be hired the expense can be reduced to about $50 an acre, with an expendi ture of about $20 more before the first crop Is produced. The returns In the case of Miss Hall's farm last year were $1,000 an acre. The cultivation of the land after the crop has been set out Is a matter which requires almost no attention. The only danger la from the drought to which the plnenpplo district of Florida 1 li able and which occur between the time of blooming and the time of ripening. Sometime these drought are ot a month's or six weeks' duration, with a total rainfall of an Inch, and the effects are serious. The pineapple leaf, however, make It resist nt to drought, onle It I broken, which happen very early and cause the plant to lose It moisture. Special care must be taken, therefore. In all operations In the groves not to bresk the leaves. The harvesting of the pines requires skill and care. In the first place, the gatherer must know Just when to pick the fruit The crates going by freight by summer must lie filled with fruit that la Just turning. Those go ing earlier in the season, or to a short er distance, may hold fruit quite well colored. The gatherers wear leggings which reach to the knees and canvas mittens. They stand in rows, and aa they break off the fruit by a dexterous twist they toss It to the "second help- era, who stand In the pathway lotween the rows of pines. These "seconds, as they are cnlled. stack the fruit up carefully In pyramid rows, after which It Is gathered and put in field crates and baskets, to be taken to the pack ing sheds, Here long tables cover the four side of the room, and the workers sort anil wrap the pines accordlug to slxe and grade. There is no way of measuring the fruit; It hns to be done by guess, but In a few weeks a man tiecom so skilled In selecting pines of uniform slxe that the packers have no trouble In filling the crates. It Is In the groves that most care must be taken, for a fine specimen can tie ruined by lielng carelessly broken. The gatherers are the most skilled of the latNirera on a pineapple planta tion and they receive the largest salaries. femll; (or slhl yari, Thsrslsnutolns sousl la II rmiKii, ssa eiu, perimiT .or ilt.o.M-Sl. W. II. brM.BIilb7, .,SO.,ll St. All rtrnmlii. for f.e. svss on. Night Coughs Koep th bowel open with on of Ayor's Pill mt bedtim, Jut one. Life csn be sustained for sorasthisg like thirty days on wster slous; with but dry food one could lire but a quarter el that time. For fortv year's riso's Cur for Con sumption has cured coughs Bud oolds. Al druggists. Price 24 cents. A sharp tongue Is the only edged tool that grows keeusr with constsnt use. Irving. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genu I no Carter's Little Liver Pills; Butt Bar Signature of ; v. PeMasll Wrapper Piles. TarrssMU mm mmr CARTERS IP nt ItlftAtlC nt Dicmctts fXI nuoutiitt. FOiTORMUVU. rot COHJTIf ATlOf, roi t ALLOW SKII. rOITMCCOMPUZICiJ CURE SICK HEAOACHI.. W. L. DOUCLAS 3.3 &'3 SHOES SI W. L. IougUs Shoe have by their excellent style, easy-lltttng, and superior wearing qualities, sM-hleved the largnst sale of any shoos In the world. They are lout sa gnod ss those thst cost ynit (4 to $5 the only difference. Is the price. Soli Imrywhtrt. Look for nam and pries on bottom. . Ifeiiiclas as Curoiia LLi xWjw WJ.m Colt.kln, which Issvsrywhsrs ronradMt to hatha finest I'atant leather yet .r(iurl. fort Coif f .! . NkSMkf stll,tr.sitrs Writ for CsUlog. W. !..! (las, Bretktos, lass. &'ari.-;2 FLORIDA PINEAPPLE GROVE, Tosnaa Meetla? with Ores! Baccass la lfelslnsi Frail. From a hard working life behind the footlights to a calm and peaceful ex latenc among the pine of sunny Flor ida Is as grest a chsngs aa con Id well be Imagined, but this la whst has Just happened to Miss Jessie Ms Haiti of New Tovk, who for a mere song be came the owner of a rdne-epple grov of 244 acw In southern Florida. There Is nomoreprolltiiblelnvesunent thsn t plnapjil farm In good condl tlon, according to th New Tork Trtb- Tlie Judge Who "Cared." Hy the retirement of Justice Mayer, who tho other day presided for the Inst time at the children's court, the city loses a useful public servant. Fitting estlmony to this loss was rendered In court by the representative of chari table societies. Hut the best word was spoken by Meyer Cohen, a "probation boy." when he said, a little hoarsely; "I was one of the first boys to come under you. You've lieen the best friend ever had. You seenied to care whether I was tmro or not, an' I wish that you wasn't going away from here." Perhaps Justice Mayer was a trifle honrse also the weather has been so treacherous when he replied that ha should always take an Interest In his young friend, and that "there are lots of you here In New York who don't have half a chance." It Is because "half a chance" Is mors than some poor boys get, and be cause If they were put with hardened criminals for slight offenses they might thereafter have no chance at all, that the children's court wss opened. Msy It always have a man on the bench who "core." New York World. DONT . GET WET! i A5 YOUB DtAltD POB THt SLICKER MADt fAMOUS BY A IMPUTATION ATTENDING OVID MODE THAN HALF A CtNTUDY.. TOWER 5 armnt and' fe nau art maoc or wc bck msUncJs In black or yellow for all kind of wet work. TUr ACTION IS GUAOAXTEf D If YOU 3TKI TO .THE SIGN OP THE flSH. M TOWfS CANADIAN CO l.n. TOSOMTO fM I' 7 High-Priced Advertising. An advertiser paid $'. for the privilege of painting th name of bis product on a big chimney In lower New York where It could be seen from the North Itlver ferryboats. Among Ih Girls, Lulu Bb ssys her fsce Is ber fortune. Flora IV ml Well, I suppose there's such thing as a fortuns In brass. rhllsdelpbla IluIleUo, Dr. C. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT Tills wnnilsrfal Chi- s S(-tir Is est STat bsrauas he m Mnpls wiuiuot opsrs. Uoa thsl srs fivss ns In dls. Ms curas with thuss Wnsdorfiil t hi hsrhs, roots, huila, harks snd fflahlS thai srs sstlralf a ft n.iws in aisdiral riuw la this suaslrr. Through Uis aas of Hum hsrnilras nm.rtlM Uiis famous aaevir knows Uis arntos of avsr fcJS 41 Rarest rsnv S.IIM, frhlrh h ssrMmilr asss la rtiSmnl diseases, lis f.israniMS in eara sstiarli, aaih a.s, lung, throat, rhsuinsttsm, BsrTou.osss, sunnsrh, llvsr, klnnrrs, sto. hss ssnnrsds of testimonial. I'hsraas monarat. (all snit s him. I'sllents out ef iha rliy writs for hlsnktsnit'lrriiisrs. Send ..snip. CONSUL 1A11UN HKK. AtlUUKwt The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. til Aldsr St., rNwUsad. Orsgss. avMssuss passf. P. N. U. Ma. 11-1904. - jw-s.;,: rltlMf Is) advertisers please I mm Sals as par. I