March, April, May There is ft best time for dolus everything that in, a time when a thing can be done to the lxHt ad vantage, moat easily and most ef fectively. Now is the best time for purifying your blood. Why? Because your system is now trying to purify it you know this by the pimples and other eruptions that have come on your face and body. Hood's Sarsaparllla and Pills Are the medicines to take they do the work thoroughly and agreeably and never fail to do it. Hood's are the medicines you have always heard recommended. JUDICIAL DECISIONS. Where a claim ban been oncondltlo' I rannol recommend Hood't Rarperlte too hithljr m lehiy m a sprint mllrtns. When we take it In the spritis we s f bHertliruufb the summer." Mas. . II. NuU McCrayi. 'a Hood' arsaparllla promise t our and keeps the promise. HOW MEN MAY LIVE LONG. ally withdrawn a like clslin bnt for a J different amount mnj not be filed after tbe aspiration of the year upon the' theory that It Is an amended claim. ijflVS In re K. O. Thompson's Bona, 10 Am. i B. It. 581. Under statutory authority to exercise the right of eminent domain to secure land for a purk, It is held. In Laird vs. IMtlsbura- l"al. 61 U K. A. 832. that Dude They say cigarettes will tura ,an1 neHji for addition to free the skin yellow. Mrs. I'rlin That's llbrary bulldlnjc located In a public so. Kvery time I catch my boy smok-' ... mB Mkn itiU lie K1'1 tannea. aiau ami rut Ja comrade of general grant (4 Ooldwlaj Smith Tall the ftaorst ef Ills Toutbftilness and Vlor. Qoldwln Hmlth, the famous historian, dues tor, JournallHt and essayist, who Is the literary life of Canada, baa brought out a good deal of comment on the problem of old age, with mental and pbysleal soundness, by his own pinion of the Influences which have course! A suit in equity to enjoin a Judgment creditor from prosecuting a multiplici ty of proceedings In garnishment to nhlAi't etemrit wsiree fif laborers, me- urn to love a girl who had , cnaulclli , t..rkg t0 tbe payment f two."-Chlcngo Hew.-d.jM,, iadsm.nt ,, bcld in giever vs. Union r, 11. (Neb.), 61 L. R. A. 318, to le maintainable. Where property Intended to be cov ered by the policy has been destroyed, and Its owner has received from other Insurers more than Its value, It is held In Insurance Co. of North America vs. ttchall Md. 01 L. K. A. 800, that Iot of it. HKrtmnn What kind tf equity will not compel tbe Issuance of game. Native No game at all. Just t poiu-y 0f insurance In accordance bunting. Illustrated Bits. ihe pro virion of a contract to Willie Mamma, I told Aunt Helen Insure, he grew homelier every day, Mrs. i aood fttllh on part 0 the appU Kllmson You didn't tell her I siild so, cant for n()Uranee In denying tbe ex Sid you? "I had to, or she would have jMUIu.e of a iny infirmity Is held. Id whipped me." Brooklyn Life. . Htandard Ljfe & , ins. Co. va. Sale "What are they going to do when ' (C. C. A. 6th C), 61 I IL A. 337. not they git through tearing up the to prevent Its rendering tne poucy voiu, streets?" "Lav 'em down ajtaln. of where the policy expressly states that. How else would anybody be If a statement of Its non-existence preHM, "Do you think you could ever marry for money?" "No. But I'm sure I iiuilil soon I a million or Herald "They suy that, after seven rehear sals, Cburllo Hwlinmlngton actually stumbled-through the wedding cere mony." "Overtrained, I suppose." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Hportsman Any good bunting In this part of the country? Native DO NOT BELIEVE PE-RU-NA HAS A SUPERIOR FOR CATARRH." Pe-ru-na Is a Catrrrhal Tonic Especially Adapt ed to the Declining Powers of Old Age. mPMmt- w - .... belped blm celebrate his eightieth able to tear 'em up later on. silly V shall be untrue in any respect, me poi- blrthdsy in good health and able to do Baltimore News. Icy shall be null and void. brilliant and valuable work In bis Rder -Hoott mild a clever tblmc to- Non resident aliens are held. In Bon- chosen field of labor. dnv: said that luck Is a irood bit like thron vs. Thoenlx Ught and F. Co. Professor Smith thinks that he owes ij.rhtnlnif. for It seldom strikes twlco (Ariz.), 61 L. It. A 603, to be entitled ueh to his freedom from hard tanks, . h,. uaje biaf. Heedt-r Yes. and to maintain an action, under statutes as a rule neither of them needs to. authorlnlng actions to recover aara- reunsylvanla Punch Bowl. ages for injuries causing death for tbe her acute. ! no benefit of certain of the relatives or good at all fur me. They only weigh decedent to be brought by all the par- tho heft of two hundred pounds, an ties entitiea tncreio, or oy anj one or Oo'm near to two hundred and fifty, more of them for tbe benefit of all. IvrJ'f r I'll 4v ' . CNJ1MIM a. MtWKFA A TRAVELER AT 8EVENTY-ONB YEARS OF AGE. In school or otherwise, when a txy. He was a sickly child and bis chance of even average length of days seemed poor. But ho was allowed much fre- dom In boyhood, to roam the field nd play Instead of sticking closely to books or taxing his mind severely. It is hardly necessary to say that iold win Hmlth was still a young lad, how ever, when he began to work jealous ly In school, and at Kton and In the university he was a brilliant student Another point he makes much of Is his lifelong habit of working In the early morning rntlier tlmti lute at night, and retting sleep In the hours of durknex, nature's time for rest. lie bIho testi fies to his coiiKtant care as to outdoor exercise and his moderation In estiug and drinking. Cleveland leader. Benjamin F. Hawkea, of Washington, D. C, Is One of the Three Liv ing Comrades of Qen. Grant In His Cadet Days at West Point. Flannlgan Well, man alive, can't yo git ou thlm twice? Philadelphia Press. Playgoer I suppme the leading lady Is very huppy after getting all thoso bouquets. Usher Oh, no, only got five. Playgoer (Jraclousl Isn't that enough? Usher No; she paid for six, 1 believe. Philadelphia Press. Kittle Paul told me last evening I was the prettiest girl he ever saw, BcMsle Oh, that's nothing; he said the same to me last year. Kittle I know. dear, but his taste may have Improve! Boston Trait- A "nualed" IlrMcgrootn, "What's the queerest marriage fee I hIik o then, you know you ever received, Judge," was asked script Magistrate Charles T. Dumoni yesier- i'rlHouer. whv did you strike this day. ssys the Cincinnati Commercial munr .-lr (nl pi,mM your Honor. TrllMinn. he cam to m suddenly and said "The qucereM on7 ' repealed '"o .,, w .,. ... Well, what hurt magistrate. "Well. I'll tell you. Tbe ... .... dor ..vhv. you . your other day a colored couple eniereu my nollor Ann Is my wife." Cleveland olllce with tho demand, 'e wains " Halii Denier. ... ..n I a I IK W . .1 ..II I.... la. . ,.!,. I" "I accommoilate.1 them, and when - - . - - . ... I aiiL u1 tin iMiptuiP A fiifilllitft 111 With IU "T c U 11111 mini" . f ... t.mA t 11 flirt VdllllL' lull II I "ir " - mil; mil .. ...... v. ...... i- t .1... .it .... marry people for the fun of It. ,,.. TI.a ...... ta n nut.miiiliw ''l"",;i '"- - 1II1I IIINII HUH nrJIw.i I . . , , . .I,.r . masrv. boss. I hsln't Eot HO ii-n"T MUM.' I.n nlll. 'Yon eiral DUSMan- sue-1 navp iwo very uer ir.u ag-s want to rob a fellow. Didn't I Agnes and Florence He Which Is psy 75 cents fo' a license T I hain't tne more popular r wu. AKm-n . cot no mo' money " unnn m're i"inunr .unn r....,-...- uni..i .... .it ii,. f.. I vr rnl rrom imoni me Eirni. iiiinmuve urn m Florence. 1 am partial to gooi 100' tng girls." KaiiHas City Journal. In re Jones. 10 Am. B. B. 613, holds that where the proof does not show that notes of a debtor given upon clos ing an. account for goods were accept ed In payment of tbe amount then due, Hhe ' and while unpaid the debtor buys more good on ojen account, which he owes for at the time of his adjudication, the payment of tbe notes within the four months' period constitutes preference which the creditor must surrender as a condition of proving his claim, as both the amount of the notes and the new credits must be considered as part of . tha MmA 1ii!f.itednefUi. I In a. recent letter from 611 Q street, 8. W. Washington, D. C, this venerable gentleman says oi Peruna: "I have tried Peruna after hav ing tried In vain other remedies for catarrh, and I can say without reservation that I never felt a symptom of relief until I had given Peruna the simple trial that Its ad vocates advise. I do not believe it has a superior, either as a remedy for catarrh or as a tonic for the de pressed and exhausted condition which is one of the effects of the disease." Benjamin F. Hawkes. a good . medi cine for chron ic catarrh of the stomach and bowels. I have been troubled severely with It for over a year, and also a cough. Now my coukd Is all ""n and all the distressing symptoms of catarrh of the stomach and bowels have disap peared. 1 will recommend it to all as a rare reaoedy. I am so well I am contemplating a trip to Yellow Stone Park this com tng season. How is teat for one 71 veais oW In a liter letter she says: "i am onlv too thankful to you for your kind advice and for tbe good Health tnat i am enjoying wholly from the use of your Perona. Have been out to ina Yellow 8tone National Park and many other places of tbe west, and shall al ways thank yon for your generosity. Mrs. T. E. UUie Strong and Vigorous at the Age of ' Elgltty-eight. Bev. J. N. Parker, TJtica, N. Y, writes -In Jane, 1901, 1 lost my sense or hearbur entirely. My hearing naa been somewhat Unpaired for several years, bnt not so much effected but that I eeald bold converse witn my friends: bat In Jane. 1901. my sense Hr Af first t AiA nnt know that I of be&rmK leit me so uai 1 coma near Peruna was a remedy lor this disease, no aowam i who mi..n t t,ari thst ia HnnA wan eni- troabled with severe rheumatic pains fornix rotarrh t tH Penina. f or la I in bt Vmbs. I commenced taking grippe and found It to be just tne rerana ana now my neanng is tr ti,ir,. toisk Rmr-v I stored as aood m It was prior to June, I.i.. .11 Pe-ru-na Used In the Family for Years ROne , cannot nveeL too highly of Mrs. K. West, 137 Main street, Men- Peruna, and now when elghty-eignt w .riioi- "Wa hAvH iiBeii vears old can aay it naa invigoraieu " " . . - . 1 n o T XT To- Peruna in our family for a numDer or ray wneie aymeui. - years and when I say that it is a nne aer. medicine for catarrh and colas, i know what I an talking about. I ... . ... unit i.ui inu A contract for the purchase ana saie , .. of 8Udden changes; Isaac Brock, a citizen of McLennan county. Texas, has lived for 114 years. In speaking of his good health and extreme old age, Mr. Brock says "Peruna exactly meets all my re- It protects me from tne of phosphate rock Is held. In Louden back Fertiliser Co. vs. Tennessee Phosphate Co. (C. C. A. C). 61 U H. A. 402, not to be void for lack of mutuality, hfw one party agrees to take from the other all his consump tion of such ro'k In his business as a rtlllser manufacturer, for a term of years at a stipulate: price, wiiicu me other agrees to supply, It being stnteu that the annual consumption Is esti mated at a certain amount under nor mal conditions, tiut that the purchaser shall be entitled to demand double that quantity If desired. tbat couple." I ' Many women are denied the happiness of children through derangement ol the generative organs. Mrs. Beyer advises women to use Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Dua Mas. Piaanini I suffered with stomach complaint for years. I f ot so bad that 1 could not carry my children but five months, then would have a miscarriage. Tha last time I hnmne prepnant, rny husband rot me to take Lydia I- l'inkliam's table ('om pound. After taking the first bottle 1 was relieved of the sick ness of stomach, and began to feel bet ter In every way. 1 continued its use and was enabled to carry my baby to maturity. I now have a nice baby flrl, and ean work letter thsn I ever could before, I am UUe a new woman." Mas. FnARK Barin, S3 H. Second bt., Merdlrn, Conn. 5000 ftrfn If '' t tea 11 far anal f ttmmi k an4ai FREE MEDICAL ADVICE TO WOMAN. Don't hesltAt to writ to Mrs. iMnkham. Hh will understand yoarcasft perfectly, and will trr-at tou wltlf kindness. Her advlc la free, and the, address Is Lynn, Ma. a. No wonmn rver rrgrcttnl havlnr written her, suwl all lias tielpeu tuouaaQos. P.N.U tU. 10 104. HEN WliUtif ta4arUMa)lM Mrs. KallliiK You haren't Rot thnt nlendtd butler now Mrs. Parvenu- No, he was a fraud. Mrs. Kalllnu In Iced? Sirs. Parvenu Yes, he firs;ot hluiHclf once and ueKlc-tel to drop his "h's," w we discovered he wasn't P.nulNh at all. Philadelphia Iedftvr, I How dhl you enjoy the opera? Hhe )h. It was Just splendid. He Iteally? Hut It was all French, wasn't It? She )h, no! Of course. mme of the handmtmcMt ones were un mlstsksbly Psrlslau. but then? wera msny pretty gowns that were evl dently maile here. Philadelphia Press. The Widower: "A widower." remark ed the elderly female, "always reminds me of a baby." "How's that?" queried the young g-lrl. "Purlnjj the first six moiitns he cries a good deal, the next six months be begins to take notice, and tbe odla are aipilnst his getting safely through his second summer." Chicago News. Launched on H,B Uterary Career. 1 understand your son has decided to go In for literature." "Yes. and he made a spleudld start already." "You don't sayf "Yes; he weut to auction this morning snd bought a second hand writing desk for only four dollars and ninety-eight ceats." Catholic Standard and Times. "Now," said Mrs. Ulggleson's cousin at breakfast on the morning after her arrival, "don't mske company of tne. I want to be treated Just as If I were one of the fsmlly." "All right," re plied Mr. ltlggleson, helping himself to the tenderest part or tne steak, "we'll try to make you feel right at home." Chicago Kecord Herald. The squire's pretty daughter texsm- lulng the village school) Now, chil dren, ran you tell me wbst a miracle Is? Tbe children look at one another, but remained silent. "Can no one an awer this question?" the new curate asked, who was standing behind the squire's dstighter. A little girl was suddenly struck with a brilliant Ides, (the held np her hand excitedly. "Well. Nellie?" the squire s daughter asked, smlllnc approval "Please, miss," the small child replied, breathlessly, "mother says twill be a miracle If you don't mam the new curate." London ThVBlta, vwm mo In rood aDDetlte; it Elves mo atrpnirth: It keens my blood in tood circulation. I have come to rely upon it almost entirely for tbe many little things for wnicn I neea meat- cln. . ,' , t "When epidemics of la grippe first began to make their appearance In this country I was a sufferer from this disease. have taken It every spring and fall for four years and I find it keeps me robust, strong, with splendid appetite, and free from any illness. A few years ago it cured me of catarrh of the stomach, which the doctors had pronounced incurable. I am very much pleased with Peruna. I am 87 veara old " Mra. E. west. Tn old aee the mucuous memDranes hecome thickened and partly lose their function. This leads to partial loss or near ing, smell and taste, as well aa digest ive flisturoancea. Peruna corrects all this by its spe cific operation on all the mucuous membranes ot tbe body. One bottle will convince anyone. Once used and Peruna becomes a life Ion a; stand-by with old and young. Mrs. P. E. Little, Tolona, 111., "I had several long sieges with the writes: "I can recommend Peruna as Mr. W. B. Schaader, of Terra HIU, Pa., writes: I get siek every winter, and had a spell ot cold m February, 1899, I coaM not do.anytmng tor aimosi iwo months. In December, issa, I saw one of your books about your reme dies. Then I wrote to Dr. Hartman for advice, and he wrote that I siiouia commence the nae of Peruna, and how to take care of myself. "I did not lose one day last winter that I conld not tend to my stock. I am sixty-three years old, and I cannot thank yen too much for what you have done tor me." It yon do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Pe runa, write at once to Dr. Hartman, vine a full statement of your case and her -will bo ptoamtd to gtr you hi valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus. Ohio. Milk ana Water. Boston leads tbe big cities of the ARGENTINE FOSSIL BEDS. Krmaina nt Kulnct AnlmaU Are Fre quently Found in f-onth America. Professor William B. Scott, Ph. I)., of Princeton university lectured at the Art gallery the other evening lief ore ie department of geology. Brooklyn iiHtltute, ou "The (Jrvnt Awnum Fossil Bed of South America." Pi-o- feswir Scott lsi(ed these ImhN In con nection with the various expeditions sent out by Princeton, making ills last , rip lust Hcuson. so that the Information Unit he brought was tne latest, m uMition to I lie discovery of fossil n nittiM the expiMbtlon discovered thnt (lie southern -Mines are oi mucii nuer coltciciil dnte thsn has heretofore been supposed -tne I'liovfne; mm I'iitiiuoiiiu presents the appearance of a prehistoric PoiiihII In that It 1 covered with von nnlc nsh In the sam way. in a now tTfxwritina- machine returns . . a-h.n tha end! of a T. T. reached! so that the operator country in the use of milk, the daily Is not compelled to pause. average wins v" Sne llltewise leaus in water consump tion but this does not imply that there Is any mixing of the two. Boston Ad vertiser. 80 Bu. Macaroni Wheat Per Acre, inlruduoed ty the V. 8 Pept. ot Agr It l a treineudoui cropper. yleWlns In food lanrt SO bu per cr, and on dry, arid lands, iuco u are (oim ' In Mont.. Idaho, the Dakoia. Colo., etc.. It will yield from o u 60 bu. ThU V. heat ,nv Hiielmsiid Henna Barley and hromuii In- emus ma mun-n ismar uiw.. - t ble to irrow end latten hog snd caitle wherev er oil lound. Jl'ST l"KSI 10 CFMT8 AND THI KOTira to the Tbe John A. 8aUer Seed Co., La t'rone. WU . and they will send tou free a sample of this W hem end other term sreili, together with thrlr great raialoK, alone wi l. h Ilnt.uo to any wide awai-e farmer. P. C. L. 1 (0 BOUSE POWER WITH TWO HORSES Can be (rtta with Wwf nson's Mallrahle Stamp. Puller: every cattuns warranivd. flaw or no flaw. Write for raudiw. - , - Houlh Berxl steel Flows, 14-Inch, f9.00. Houia Bend Chilled Plows, 14-hirh, t7 ". EE1ERS01I MACHINERY CO. Arrangements have been mads for tel ephonic communication between various towns of Lancashire and Prance French legislative snnctioa is awaited. Bewara of OlntmanU for Catarrh That Contain Mareary. As mercury w 111 surely dettror tbe seni ol men and completely derange tha whole sys tem wbenenterinc It through the macoui tur- eucb article! tnouia nerer do aseu ex- r in to :cet. The U'ds are wondei fully tieii fossils. 1 lef ore the Iiridife was erecieti Cbeneyaco., Toleoo.o., contain no mercury between the Ainerlciill tMiitlnelits ani mal llf" In South America was much like that of Australia, but w hen Central America was formed the northern ani mals inlk-ruted and some of the ml criiut existed much longer In their new home than in the north. Such was nttt An t.rii-rtntuma from reoutmble rlim si thadamaire ther will do U ten fol tbe good you can possibly oenre irom inem. llsli'i Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. 1. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercary. and it taken internally, actitif directly upon the blood and mucous inrfacet ot tha tyitem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you gel the genuine. It Is taken internally, and made to Toledo, Ohio, by F. i. Cheney A Co. Tesii- Bonialt tree. Hold by Druggists, price 75c per bottle. tlaU'g Famuy ruu an in d--v Auer's Alpin flowers and plsuts are so quick- i.. ..i,.ir tlirer. of which ex- W becomlnc extinct that strong measures .I-. v,.-. !.... a r fiir iMTfcet snec- are to be taken in th future for their imens (or nesrly so). In the world, on,, prtiervstlon. In Manhattan. i - A stranire thing about msny of these strange looking! skeletons was the fact that their tusks were formed of the Incisors Instead of the canine tveth. In many cases the Istter are extremely small. It requires great care to get the fossUs out of the surrounding bod and generally the material Immediate ly Investing tho object la very hard, being composed of volcanic ash and 60 per cent of csrtHtnate of Mine, prob ably tbe deposit of rainwater, an other striking observation was tnat fossils found In Panta Cnia beds are malt, vrhtlo those found In the Pam pean are large. Brooklyn Kagle. Proof I'oaltlT. j "Why, doctor," protested the Indig nant female, "you evidently believe that women haven't any brains." "On the contrary, madam," replied the gmtf M. I, "1 have actually seen them at autopsies," "At least t cannot be pointed out as having made a loveless marriage," said id old maid to-day. A man meets with a financial reverse when he tarns bis money the wrong waj. We know whit all good doc tors think of Ayers Cherry Pectoral. Ask your ow n doc tor and find out. He will tell Cherry Pectoral you how it quiets the tickling throat, heats the inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. e arsr'i Cherry Pectoral Is wall known tn sr family. We think It U the brat uiaUlelue lalhewotld foreolhandeoll., KaTIB I'BTBaaoS, I'elalouta, Cel. J mm A-A3 a.xawiaav Loss of Time, Lee of Money. Loss of Place, Lost of Comfort, all follow In the train of Sot using St. Jacobs Oil For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatica, Sprains It list cored thousands. Will cure you. Price 25c end 50c .- IV.. Me., fl et. All rtm.rHH for f. C. aV nmmW, VBS CO, Ma.l UNICN W. L. DOUGLAS 3.&$3SHOES W. U Ioimlas shoes have by tUelr excellent style. easy.Uttlng. and superior wearing qualities, achieved the largest sate of any shoes In the world. They are Inst as good as those that ooat yon Si to S3 the only difference Is the price, oWa t serswsere. Look for name and price on bottom. rtoiivlaa nana Cnrsnt f'oltskln, whlrh la er)r w here) eonreiUU lo hatha Hnest I'atant leather J-et prod urwd. Ftl Ce er (t'ff . Sho aja.sii.isc.nira WrIUferCatalec. W.L.Dslaa, Wrec ktea. ass fm : r sa. ii 1 1 V JIJ.l r VI Sj I I I Salseva National Oato, Most proline Oats on carta. The V. 8, Depk Of Afrtcuiture, Wash. InctOD.aajrss 'tSuir'i Oats are the beat out of ever four hundred aorta tested by as." This grand Out yieMed la Wisconsin V bu.. Ohio lit bu., UlrhUsn X31 bu., Missouri iM hu.,aiMl North DakoUllubu. par acre, ami will posttl veij do ss wrl I by foo. Try It, sir. and he eoovlaced. A Few Swora to Ylclda. hltsr'i tWslan tarkr. 1-1 . f 1. lalvr't Huarkailetr tsrs. tot kt. r L IsImt'i tic rar Salt. IA ks. rr i. kiw't V laltlaU,ll ka. Mri. kslw t rsUtats. n kl. aw i. tsliar't tM, l.kut ,t. an i. An of our rarwi and Vatstabls Sds are pedicras tors, brad Of hi npteblf jialua. Salacra Spelts (Eouner). Oraamt eonil woadrr ot ths as. It la Botry'BBocwiiwt.BorrTs.n.jr oaui but s ssJrn rontblnsiionof lltrrnall, yM.llns W W f (tain sn.l Ions ot n, h Strsw hsf r- srrs. (, rn Ir.l UA fuoU oa aattB. lwsawsOeeeriiwhare. Satsere Utmost Dollar Cr Moat lalkrd of (rate on earth, pditort snd (Vlir fnif.soi4 snd Am.ultarsl Lsrtturrt pralM it WKI.Wil Slltill Jirlilt 14 Imis Of tuA lajaadkvtsuf rssiursbnidas, par acre. Salara Tcoalnte. Salarr't Tenants wsatkwry sum its prodi hs INMn nrr. 111 rich, fnlc una Bcrnfi ok fast alaU Is (u asTs; jxlilinf luilt toral of rrvsn fiMl.l prr a.-ra, dufr ws Tcrjsbara. Aaaf. Wask Bvui as aorio. pri Asf, ! na . SHI, BVUIB aaKl Llowera. Only large neasis of giain and' eWtns fur ami as Autan.a. Oprrsui otot t un arm. Our essts are warrsnird. ws msks ,rsat spnriaKi of Oibsm and rwl the name of thai paasr. we will ai hi j,m a 0( tmrm eatd awnplra, Inrhadtna tun.a of atMivs, irwiiww wiia our nunantn Mn psirs lllua. wsim ca'sHiM. ior aui in atampa, esd fee te-Srj. Tr SSMl.W a-sva' ,: m Hard Coughs One of Ayer'e Pills at bedtime will hasten recovery. Gently lasatlva, ik nr i v. i STota-woor lsa . M I ta. bLj aaVs t y'lfi ti rim fi. PRUSSIAN STOCK FOOD, tb Ortatft Coo 'Wu nee attr mark I'mtteaer known, HOMI9 ao mora work on krsefrrd. oOsva aire mure aad rkber milk. MOOC grow and fatten quicker bt aisca this food. MAKtasioaonow. oooo roa a-runTio catvia. II l hlift uesssss iswMlllMr I ni aat an wttr m ruea aw awr w norm iwhis. ni ns. I a ssuvsktiwi swid srk th plan rro. I skiw trUt. it mm mtvm wit faiiatavav r W 3 1 t tan rssalla-r. W. UKuuaa, Miftm, Sse. rMIf I aa-paee Hsnd Book. rrssataa tasse4y Cs Ii. Ptet, MlaS. rUBTLAJIU tKEU tHfw rertlaav, Ow., Caewt AeaU