Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, February 18, 1904, Image 3

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Dry, moist, icaiy tetter, all forma
of eczema or salt rheum, pimple
and other cutaneous eruptions pro
ceed from humors, cither Inherited,
or acquired through defective di
gestion and assimilation.
To treat thcita eruptions with
drying tnodicinea is dangerous.
The thing to do is to take .
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Which thoroughly cleanse the blood,
expelling all humors and building
up the whole system. They cure
Hood's Baraaparllla pnrmnnrntly curnd J.
O. Jllona, Kranka, 111., of erixms, from which
be bed suffered for some times ni Ml
Alrlua Wolter, Hoi 213, Alg-mia. Wis., of pim
ples on her fafle and bark snd chafed (kin on
tier body, by which she bad been fn-etly
troubled Thar are more tontlnionlaU la
(Tor of Hood's then ran ha pulillalied.
Hood' Sarsaparllla promises to
Cur and koepr the promise.
Breaneban, tha Olante B-a Hitter,
Uivea l'elnteon tha (Itrni,
Confidence and Kood eye are the prin
cipal ruing a baseball player tuait
pudxfM If be wlhe to become a good
batter, together with the ability to
Judge from the location of the oppos
ing fielder where they expect the mnn
t the bat to hit the tall. The men
who its lids clone to the plate while at
the bat aud bear In mind that every
pitcher, no matter who be la or what
bis reputation may be, must put the
ball over the rubber, can, with prac
tice, become a good and, I may aay, a
dangerous bitter, even If be baa not
the natural ability of aonie of the
great batter of the past and present,
In the Illus-
says Roger ftreariaban
trated Hportlng News.
One very bad fault many young
player have 1 the bablt of pulling
away from the plate, as It la called,
when a ball look as though It might
poaeibly bit the batter. How many
times bare you seen a man atep back
from a curved ball which a aecond
after "cut the plute" and waa called a
strike, much to hi dlscomforture?
The remedy for this, I think, la a aim-
pie one. which can be mastered by
any young man possessing the nerea
aary confidence: It la simply to atep
forward and meet the ball before It
cross- the plate. In thla way, the ball
la always In front of the batter, and be
Is, ao to speak, on top of It before It
Many pitchers have a puullng drop
ball which looks essy and fadea away
from the bat when you atrlke at It.
On the other band, many of the best
boiinen are now using a rise ball
pttbeed with a aide arm motion. A
batter baa a much better chance to kill
either of these balls by atepplng Into
tbem te the limit of the batter's bot
es they approach tbe plate, Tbe same
thing appllea to bills either on the In
adds er the ontslde of tbe plat.
It la much easier to bit tbe bsl by
running In on It. By meeting the ball
early It can bo sent In tbe direction
of the left field. Tb old theory that
If you wish to atrlke a ball toward the
rleht field ion must strike at It after
It has crossed tbe plate la pretty well
exploded. By stepping In and meeting
tbe ball In front of you It Is Juat as
eaay, If not easier, to drive It toward
right field aa It la to pull It Into left
A Business View.
"He go to church regularly now. I
"And be never used to go before?"
"Wbat'a tlie reason?"
"In a generous moment be was in
duced to suherribe to the church fund,
and bis busineM training teacbea him
to always get the worth of bis money.
If they'd got 9 100 more from him he'd
go to both morning and evening eer
ke." Chief q Post.
Oae af the Moat Msrreloas Cootrlv
see Is tbe WorlJ of Industry.
Glass has at last been successfully
blown by machinery and, aa has gen
erally been the case when mechanical
means supersede band methods, all
feats of hand blowing have been out
The secret of the remarkable Inren
tlon Is still bidden, but specimen of
tl.o work done have been a how if. Tha
cylinders are of Immense size, the larg
est being thirty Inches In diameter and
Uneteen feet long.
Tbe new machine I the Invention of
John A. Lubbers, a glassblower of Al
lejlnmy, Pa. It baa been built at the
Alexandria, Ind., branch of the A inert
can Window Glass Company's plant.
The process of blowing window glass
Is simple In theory, but difficult In
practice. On the end of a long tube
a maa of molten glna Is collected,
This 1 then heated In a furnace and
gradually distended by blowing Into
lurjie tube with straight side.
To accomplish this without the pecu
liar twisting and manipulation employ
ed by the human glassblower has pus
tied many clever Inventor, and tbe
Lubbers machine was made suceeitaful
only after a great many experiments.
Lubbers has invented aeveral labor
ed vlng devices and this latest triumph
Is likely to make blin many times a
millionaire when It Is generally In
stalled. Skilled mechanics from the Westing
bouse factories In Pittsburg have been
working behind barred gates and high
wiills for mouth In tbe erection and
Installation of tbs machines, which no
man other tban old ana skilled em
ployes of the company was allowed to
Patenta have not yet been granted
on certain parts of the maohines and
therefore the secrecy.
So confident Is the company of the
merits of the machine that It la pre
paring to spend thousand of dollars
In Its Installation in all Of tbe forty
one plants controlled by it In various
parts of tbe country.
It Is expected that tbe device will
do away with band blowers altogether.
Bo confident are the men that this will
bo the esse that many are getting out
of tbe bueluesa. The better class of
blowers earn from H50 to $000 a
month. New York World.
sea's Bora Boande Waralag Note
to the Uaradeaated.
UK sight of a
wrong 1 the only
commission the
true man need.
Glittering gen
eralities are a
likely to hurt tbe
devil as tissue pa
per bullets.
No wonder soma
are tired of rellg
Ion wben they
lake It nil in kan
gnroo letips.
The ministry will never be a soft
sniip to tbe man with a sensitive soul.
When an avocation become a voca
tion It tntist prove itself to be a virtue.
The man who Is winking nt Iniquity
to-diiy will be working with It to
Ktllt of pride lift you above the peo
ple to-duy and lay you In a puddle to-
People who cannot endure children
In the home will find heaven n very
unplenannt place. '
Good works Is not tbe price of a
ticket to heaven, but tbe proof of tbe
right to enter there.
The men who can stop drinking
when they get ready usually stop be
cause there are so saloons In the grave.
Tea In a "Kt!arToirV
Her is a good stury sbout a woman
of tbe "new-rich" type who aet up a
pretentious eatabllsbment In New York
with tbe view of gaining an en
trance Into society. Among her choice
possession wa a Kuxalan tea urn
wrought In embohsed brass. Tbe term
for tbla device la "samovar," and the
woman treated ber new urn like a
new toy. She gar a reception In or
der to exploit ber tea device, and ber
guests were In continued subdued fits
of laughter because their hostee saidt
"I do so lovt tea out of a reservoir,
This reeervotr came from Roasts. Of
course It Is really a tea urn, out I
prefer tbe national tern, don't yonr"
New York Pre.
A Good Oaeae,
"John Jones, tbe patient who cams
la a little while ago," said the attend
ant In the out-patient department.
"didn't give his occupation."
"What was the nature of ate troo
blr asked the resident physician.
"fnjury at the boss of tbe spine."
Tut htm down as a book agent"
Philadelphia Preae. ,
Qatte m Family Help.
Newlywed Do you think you
help me to economise 7"
Mrs. Newly-wed Oh, John, I never
told too before. I can do my own
manicuring! New York Sun.
When a woman read ber husband'
old love lettttrs, a certain expression
sets Into ber eyes, snd she says, dla
dalnfulty: "My. how be baa changed."
Two of a Kind.
S'.ie If there's any one I defeat mors
than another It's a man wbo la forever
talking shop.
lie tea, be s almost as tiresome as
tbe woman who 1 constantly talking
shopping. Caeeelrs London Journal.
- - - - . im ii it - ' '"ii'V ii i-- - l i
American Rumen Object to tbe I'etty
(Miners Placed Over Them.
The great number of desvrtlons In
tbe navy at tho present time is appall
lag. It Is one of the greatest if not
tbe greatest problem with which the
navy department bos yet bad to con
tend. During a single month recently
there were 300 deaerters. The reason
of this dlMgrace to the "pride of our
country" can be attributed to many
caiwe. ,
Within the past two or three years
on experiment has been made which
ban, It seems, proved a complete fail
ure. Recruiting stations. In charge of
iwviil otllcers, have beTi ojH'ned
tliroughout the Interior of the country.
Here are enlisted men of aluioot every
occupation. When a sufficient number
are recruited they are sent In crowds
to the different receiving ship on tbe
Atlantic and Pacific con sis, where they
are aitaln transported to trululntr-shlps.
On these they are given five weeks'
training In the rudiment of wnuian-
sblp; they are then drafted to regular
men-of-war ami entered uin the rou
tine of the service. Here they become
known as "Incubator enllors." As a
general rule these men have never e'ep
salt water and have less Idea of what
constitute a sailor' life than It Is
postilble to Imagine. This sudden I
chsnge of living Invariably brings on
dbwatUfactlon. All this, of course,
only tends to Increase tbe raw recruits
Our navy la by no means tree from
foMgm'iT It la. In fact, overburilened
with them. Many of tbem, on account
of their aeiiniannblp, are made petty
officers. Thus born snd bred Ameri
cans are auienieded In the aTvlee of
their own ountry by foreigners, msny
of whom cun hardly apeak tbe English
langiiaue. Though theee foreigwrs
are always coou marines, wing iov iu
best part Norwegians and Swede, they
have not the knack of discipline and
re Intolerable to anyone with Ameri
can principle. Agnm, accoruing 10
the prevent )stem of maintaining tbs
navy, a sailor Is never wttbHl that
he never knows bow lonir be Is to re-
muln aboard the veswel on which be Is
serving. Hence be knea sll Interest
in his own ablp, being constantly
thrown among stranger.
In Hpite of the new ration Introduced
Into the eervlee It la not much better
off. The men are now, as always, re-
nulred to nay In part for their meals
out of their own pockets, 'in equir
alent to ratlona served Is supposed to
he 30 cents. In which esse the men
never receive the benefit of the cheap
ness of the market If all ratlona were
commuted, Inntead of every fourth one.
as at preaent, which neoeejitate a
landsman, whose pay la only $1 a
month, to pay 3 of tbU amount for
hi own ssililtenoe. It would go far to
ward relieving the eervlee of one of. Its
worst fsulta and one that Is causing
great numbere to desert and return to
their home. Harper's Weekly.
The world of
medicine recognizes
Grip as epidemic
Medical Talk.
La grippe is epidemic catarrh
spares no class or nationality.
cultured and tbe ignorant,
crat and tbe pauper
the aristo-
the manses and
the clabees are alike subject to la-
grippe. None are exempt all are
Have you the grip? Or, rather,
has the grip got you? Grip is well
named. Tbe original French term, la
grippe, has been shortened by the busy
American to read "grip." Without
intending to do so a new word has been
coined that exactly describes the case.
As if some hideous giant with awful
Grip bad clutched us in its fatal clanp.
Men, women, children, whole towns
and cities are caught in the baneful
grip of a terrible monster.
The following letters speak for them-
eelveaas to the efficacy of Peruna in
cases of "la grippe or its after effects.
After Effects of La Grippe Eradicated
by Pe-ru-na.
Mrs. Fred Weinberger, Westerlo, Al
bany county, N. Y., writes:
"Several years ago I had an attack
of la grippe which left my nerves in a
prostrate, condition. Then I had
another attack of la grippe which ltft
me worse. I had tried three good phy
sicians but all in vain. I gave Peruna
a trial. In a short time I was feeling
better and now I am as well as any
one." Mrs. Fred Weinberger.
Hon. James R. Guill of Omaha.
Hon. James R. Guill is one of the
oldeslt and most esteemed men of Oma
a number of times. He endorsee
runs in the following words:
"I am 63 years old, am bale and
hearty, and Peruna has helped me at
tain it. Two years ago I hsd la grippo
my life was despaired of. Peruna
saved me." J. R. Guill.
A Relative of Abraham Lincoln.
Mr. Silas 8. Lincoln, who resides at
913 I. Street, N. W., Washington, D.
C, has the honor of being third cousin
to Abraham Lincoln. He writes:
"I had is grippe five times before us
ing your medicine. Four years ago I
began the use of Peruna, since which
time I have not been troubled with
that disease. lean now do as much
work at my desk as I ever could in my
life. I have gained more than ten
pounds In weight." 8. 8. Lincoln.
Pe-ru-na Not Only Cured La Orlppe
but Benefitted the Whole System.
Mis Alice M. Dressier, 1313 N. Bry
ant Ave., Minneapolis, Minn., writes:
Last spring I suffered from la grippo
and waa partially cured but the bad af
ter effects remained through the sum
mer and somehow I did not get strong
as I was before. One of my college
friends who was visiting me asked mo
to try Peruna and I did so and found
it all and more than I expected. It
not only enred me of the catarrh but
restored me to perfect health, built np
the entire system and bronght a happy
feeling of buoyancy which I had not
known for years." Alice M. Dressier,
, An Actress' Testimonial.
Mies Jean Cowgill, Griawold Opera
House, Troy, N. Y., is the leading lady
with the Aubrey Stock Co. She writes
the following:
"During the past winter of 1901, I
suffered for several weeks from a severe
attacK of la gripe, which left a serious
catarrhal condition of the throat and
"Some one suggested Peruna. As a
last resort, after wasting much time
and money on physicians, I tried the
remedy faithfully, and in a few weeks
was as well as ever." Jean Cowgill.
A Southern Judge Cured.
Judge Horatio J. Goes. Hartwell,
Ga., writes:
"Some five or six years ago I had a
severe spell of la grippe, which left me
with systemic catarrh. A friend ad
vised me to try your Peruna which I
did, and was immediately benefitted
and cured. The third bottle com
pleted the enre." H. J. Goes.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
isfactory results from the use of Peru
na, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giv
ing a full statement of your case and
he will be pleased to give you his valu
able advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President ot
ha, Neb. He has done much to make I The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
it what it is, serving on public boards j Ohio.
'lue Kim! You llavei Always liought lins borne, the sljrna-
turn of Clins. II. Fletcher, nnd liu bent inudo under his
nerftoiinl auprrvUlon lor over :itl Trnra. Allow no one
to dceclvo you In this. Counterfeits, Imitation nixl
JiMt-us-p.MMl are but I'xporluiruts, nnd rndnimrr tuo
ItciUtli of C'blldiTit experience ngnlmt Impertinent.
Cnaforbv Is a harmless substitute for Cuer Oil, Pare
rorle. Drops nnd Honthlnif Hyrups. It i i'leawnnt. It
contain neither Opium, Morphine nor oilier Nnrcotlo
nuhsUnee. Its nee Is Its fuarmitwe. It destroy YVnrm
nnd alhtya I'ercrUhne. It cures I)Lirrii it und WIshI
Colle. It relievo Teething Troubles, cure CoiiMlpittlnrt
svnd rijttuletirv. It iwinlniilutcs the Food, regulates the
HtoniM-li mid lloweW, kU"iT healthy sun! iialunil sleep.
The Clilldreu l'muice Tbo Mother' I'rleud.
The KM You too Always Bought
Bcari tho Slgnaturo of
"Yo' nebbah had eny experence wld
wives, did yo', bruddah?" asked hen
pecked Remoa.
o, sab," replied Mm, Due i ve
raised mules." Chicago News.
Btits or Obto, citt or TOUtOO,
Fbaxk J. cmikiy makee oath that be 1 th
senior parter of tha firm ot F. 1. r him IT A Co.,
dolns buiineea Id tha CUT ot Toledo, Couuly
od Hiaia aloreaeid, and mat said nrm win pay
theium ol ONK HLNUKfcD DOLUaKa lor eacn
snd arary caee ol Catarrh that cannot be cured
67 U UMOI HALL S lATiaim VLaa.
Bwnrn tA tofnre me and aubiicribed In my
presence, thu eta day oi December, A. D. IMS.
l"M Xtary Public.
Bail's Catarrh Core It taien Internally and acta
directly on the blood and mucoaa euriaoea of
IM syatera. tend tor tetlmoniala, free.
r. 1. CHK.NhY di CO., Toledo, a
Bold by druiflau, 7oc
UaU's Family fills axe u best.
Mistake la a street Car.
Paid a man on a street car who had
already given up his seat as he nudged
a familiar friend who still kept his:
"Why don't you get up and give the
woman's seat?
She who was standing, glared at
"Sir!" she said, "I will have you to
know I am a ladv'."
"Ah! Beg your pardon, madam,
h r.nltl nolitelv. "I took you lor a
woman!" Portland Oregonian.
Sura SiftL.
"I think the count is in love with
me," said the first heiress.
"What makee you think ao?" in
quired the other.
"He asked me today how mucn j
was worth." Philadelphia Press.
Effective Way to Clean Bottle.
A Water bottle that has become
stained and dirty should have a few tea
leaves and a tableepoonful of vinegar j
put into it and should then be well j
shaken. Rinse out thoroughly with j
clear water. If the bottle be stained it
ill be well to let the tea leaves and
vinegar remain in it tor some hours,
and it may be necessary to use a bottle
Poor manl He can't hdp it.
He vets bilious. He needs a
good liver pill Ayer's Pills.
They act directly on the liver,
cure biliousness. Lw.Um:
Perrin's Pile Specific
No Case Exists it Will Not Car
Want your moustache or beard
a beautiful brown or rich black? Use
nrrt m. or wnim o r. nan caWaJwr. f..
FOBTABLK and drill aay depth,
ay ami er aoraa pow.r.
Waehalleace eoapMlUoe.
tm tm rnt ISi l ilil CMIqw
Permanently cnrea. woBUOtB
aUr rit dar'euarof iM.KIIne'aUnat M
um. Hrnd tot KrMB trial bniUe and tree
l..lLkUtoe,Lld--ir Anaaw. rhllatUlaHla,
'0 tr 4
In Uso For Over 30 Years.
ewa i mniT. tt aa iimii, er.
AtMiat Flaliea.
Flnh are Dearly the same wehrht as
the water In which they live, so that
they can move In It with great eaue.
Tho maj'4-lty of them alo have an air
blniblcr Inside of the body, which en-
ablia them to go up or down In the
water at will Wben a flsh uVln to
go down deep It iin pnwa the air out
ofthls tibiddi'r by means of rertnln
mimclen snl thus Increase the weight
of Its Idy, and whm It wWics to
rise again It takes off the pressure, the
bladd. fill with air sciilii ai! s
bcAHiux llKlit euotiKli t rtf.
I'reah Milk.
An Invention which li tbirllul s
about to revolutionise the milk tnil
la Mnt worke.1 In Ft himh. The milk
ta tt "C"rittiMH" In the oidiiuoy
aeiaee, but the water Is erm-trd 'r m
It by a Mitent prix-ewe. Ihe -iwiiT
that remains nmlsltis all the esiteiiilsl
eJentenut, and I rouverttd buck to milk
ky theaJini1'' addllloit of seven purls of
water to one of lbs milk ektrsci it
U cUlsied tliat It I tbe luvttiiliu of
Da, Juat of Hooton, ami a Uirmsa
Willie Thla ppT snys the dnk
ks In this country traveling In
acnMo." What does llwt ineaiiT
Pa tt prolMbly mesns that he hopes
at rhit way to dodge Ida creditors.
rkUadeJaliU Press.
Death Too Ex pen sire.
It is a significant fact that with the
phenominal Increase in the price of
coffins hss come a marked decrease of
mortality among local Chinese. The
natives lust cannot afford to die at the
nresent undertaking rates, and that's
all there is to it. Shanghai Times.
The Wonderful Cream Separator
does Its work In minute and leee lev
than I ner cent Duller fat. 1 ne price la naiuu-
jCjWEfi Waterproof
rr maics tverr sat covmt
loual Iu. afo.ir.llns to !. 1.74 uti.uoeauB,
and wh.n you have una yu would aet part
therewilb lor filly ttmea lia cost.
yviar snu THia nni(.-a
ju.t man tmib tyj y .
ZlZVT ttiS iS5"t feArr&ZZZnWA
rataio. fully dM-rlt.in thla ran.arkableCrea.n C07frrrtS'P22,-2ZrM'
ir. and Hundreds oi otuer vnna uu
(aria aeedt uaed by the farmer
coat nore yield aiori
aave all experiaiantlnf
save diiaefolnimenia. 48
year the Maeoara seaa.
Sold bv all dealers.
Seed Anneal postpaid
to all applicant.
Detroit. Mich.
I904 V 1
b4 alt rmtB thsvl
tnfsMit hof sf fttisi. poul
try. mUi. Lotasif hMi wlt
uH Ugr 1 Aor oblciu (row.
live epoa the bliwid whlh
.hcMlt.l fO n lf
ihrli il.ua it 6AVC8
FCSD a .ilr r.uni.
m u-4 lie l Ten oa krH nl
of vvnnln. 291,andS04
aalin. By auul kttlM
rauaeiaa simidv cc.
t. e.ut. mimh.
M pae Bud Bouk free
font L AMU HIIU GO,, ferllaad.
Vaul AgaaU.
P. N. U.
No. 8-1904.
WHEX writing to kdvertlaere pleevae I
aueBtlaa tbla paper. I
Tbe Happiest Man.
"Mars Tom should 1 de happiest
msn in d roiin' worl'I
"Think so?"
"I alio' die. lie sind three-
fourths er his time huntln , en del
yuther fo'th rutin what he huntt"
AtlanU Uontilutlon.
Tbla meant the Amerlrsn bualnea man.
II anyone has surpaaaed him la bUtury,
w don't know who It la. Reaolr to
enter buatnna finw. Write today for
our rataUue. Wa educate yoa prac
tically tor btialQeM sad autit yoa to e
eure a prmtUon when euiaiietent. Tbe
xpene U small.
rortUol Orrjoa
Pan's Master
Every seek and comer
of SUa so4 ether coun
tries has seea enbla
oa4 tha words
Thousands have bean cured of &
every (orra of pain and d Jelly V
and Neuralgia
Fries 25c svnd oUc