r it TIMES. vJJ VJs 3 .. ii 1 NiU VOL. VII. IIKITNKU, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1904. NO. 15. P P P t P P P P P P ' P P P P P P P P P P P t i COUPON Good for 10 cents on a 50 cent purchase of any of the following goods. SLOCUM'fl WHITK PINK AND TAR SLOCUM'8 WIHTK PINK BLOCUM't? I'KOTOKAL KXPKCTOUANT '.' "DrCOSTA'S BLOOD AND LIVKIt PILLS . DiCOHTA'S PINK LIVKR PILLS " "III N 1)00 COUN CU UK. COLUMBIAN TEA ' SLOCUM'S RAUSAPAlttLLA. GOLDEN OIL CAHBOLATED AHNIOA HALVE. PAIN PLASTER fcCAU'lNK DANDRUFF CURE ' . Two coupons will ,h taken on a $1 purchase of tho above. We guarantre all the above remedies, if not satisfactory, money will lw cheerfully refunded. , , , . SLOCUM DRUG CO. s see mm mmxii QOOOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooooc Heppner Transfer Company eOOOOOeOOOOOSOOOOoOOOOoOOOOOOOOaeoOOOeftOoOOOOOeOOo? Grocery Store Special Sale Wo are stocking up with a complete new. line of groceries, and in order to make room for the new stock we are offering h Choico natural leaf tea 25c p value, now 15c o Illackliri 25c can now 15c Cnerrii'H ()0 20c Poik A Hearts 15c now 3 for 25c Dried prunes 10c i ow 41b for 25c ecial prices as follows: Dried apples 12 Jc val now 31b 25c Dried p-ach.-s 12cval 31b 25c o All 5c Cigars now 8 for 25c o All 10c Cicara now 4 for 25c 0 All 15c Cigars now 3 .for 25c MONOI'OLE THE REST CANNED GOODS I.i:FFI.ER & ASH B AUG H HuccHors to W. A. Andrews. JUST POrjTI! )f KLOCUM'H DKUO 8TORR, MAIK 8T. -O- ROCK SPRINGS COAL DRY CORD WOOD We are Prepared to ' . ; offer prompt service. I' f '' o ' ' We have five good teams and your orders for Wood, Coal and anything in the drayage line will receive careful and prompt at tention. . CONOVER & GRAY 500O0O0OQO0 ooooooooocooc Bonn DDI John T. Whistler Says it is Best Irrigation Scheme WORK TO COMMENCE SOON GfRR&GOX j Contractors and Builders ESTIMATES AND PLANS I ' FURNISHED ON ALL WORK j I A share of the patronage solicited. I HOUSES MOVKD and REPAIRED j Oiiice one door nortli of Scri viier's blacksmith shop, Alain street. Jtriii''M-''llt."l't.w itV-!tiH!flHfi:ii:i .:(!'. IVudi &' .tr)Wi:S'.JrMK!l. 5, BLOODED STOCK ...TELEPHONE... 1 LIVERY BARN v e 1 Meadows & Sons, Props. Wlllad1snumlrcririonnilnw rlRi, both Buggies and llk, and offer you nrH-cUMservIra You will wW ceurteom treatment. A ilisrs o( your ptrongo SOLICITED LOWER MAIN STREET Heppner, Oregon S s 1 I I keep constantly on hand g for sale Jacks, Mules and tine : I Driving Teams and Saddlers. I AIho one Norman SialHon, i Black as a rat-en, weight 1C00 pound, lour years oia. 1 I keep a kennel of registered 3 Scotch Coolies, the best stock j jj and farm dog known. jj I The best and HICHEST BRED STOCK j in EaHtern Oregon. Anyone de- siring any of this class of Stock I will tind it to their interest to S g Tt t Vv 111V Kb (IVI'IIVl I VI V ? r p ptifArm mr tj miimMMiiMmMmuiitinnniiimi ARTHUR SMITH Watchmaker and Jeweler I HEPPNER OREGON ..Palace Hotel.. HEPPNER, OREGON. Cet appointed Motel In EaHtern Oregon. Every Modern Convenience. Lighted by electricity. Beet Meals in the City. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PHIL MKTSCHAN, Jr. Prop Grocery Store DECORATED SKMM'OUCELAIN WARE FREE By purchasing $2;",00 worth of goods at this store you re ceive free of chargj a set of this beautiful ware .... MONOPOLE GOODS Re ra q ruber kvehythinq : " NEW AND FRESH No Stale Goods . . CALL . . And see us and we will treat you right. BINNS BROS. mm TEt0UB5.ES HI Sad Tbwlfonl'f BlMk-Trabt a fxd mrriloin for liver iIiihw, It rnr.il my mid after he bad tprmi $li)0 with rlorton It I all th.nd icino I tk." MRU. ( AhOLlNI MARTIN, Ptrkwaburf , W. Va. If your liter doea not art reg ularly go to your drupgint and secure a packaffe of Thedford'i Jilai k-I)raia'lit and take a dose tonight. This pre a family niedicina freet the Conatipated boweli, ttirt up the torpid liver and eauHt'i a Lcalthy accretion of bile. The.lford'i Black Draught will cleanaA the Uoweli of nn puritiea and strengthen the kid IieTi. A torpid lirer invitee coldi, biliounei, chilli and fever and all manner of lick neat and contagion. Weak kid-' rc.Ti rpKult in Dright'e diwane which claim as many victims aa rwiaumptlnn. A CA-cent Fatkaae of Thedford'i Iilatk 'raught should aiwavi be kept ia the Louie. "I iw4 Tbmlford'i nik Druih fur ll.r aud k dajr oom JjUInU and found nnth if uiri ft " W'lLIJAM COmIk, Hf bUhead. lit. ' THEDFORD'3 BLACK- Cor. Main and Willow Bta. HEPPNER, ORE. Three Thousand Sheep are Re ported to Have Been Slaught ered In Lake County Recently By Cattlemen. John T. Whistler, of the United States geological survey, in charge of the rec lamation services in Oregon, has made a favorable report to the secretary of the Interior upon the Bntter creek irrigation scheme. He has so presented it to the authorities that Chief Engineer Newell, in making his report lo Con gress, places the Butter creek project the most feasible in Oregon. Speaking of the work in Oregon Mr. Newell said as follows. "In Oregon there are three projects bich we have been studying with care. We have been examining the whole state, and while thos three are perhaps not the best, tbey have attractive points. We started oat to see if we could take ont the Snake river and bricg it along into Oregon, but it was found a canal could not be brought out there. The next question was whether tho Umatilla, which flows by Pendleton, could be brought out and stored in the Butter creek region. It ia apparent that we van there make a retervoir not a very good rest voir, but we can probably store and utilize water there for the recla mation of 50 000 or 60,000 acres. This I all good land mad the extut of the irrigation it limited only' by the water supply, and we roughly estimate that we can put water on to the land at a cost of from $10 to (15 per acre. J "The second project is in the ex treme eastern part of the state in the Boiee valley, where the waters of the Malheur and its tributaries may be stored and used in the vicinity of Vale and Ontario, where there are 40, 60, or 100,000 acrea, mainly public land. "The third is the Silver river which flows out into Malheur lake. There are broad marshes around the lake which are now used for cutting bay, and we propose to take some water without in juring those hay lands, if possible, store it and attempt to develop that country in there. who will make a thorough investigation of the affair. While only a meager account of the killing can be had at this time enough has been learned that the killing was done by five masked men and certain parties are suspected and startling disclosures are expected to take place in the near future. - The cause for the killing is attributed to the fact that the sheep were on range used by cattlemen. While the amount of sheep reported killed may be overestimated it is a hard loss to Mr. McKune and he . will leave nothing undone to hunt down the parties -who did the killing. flllEflllil Irrigation Building a Town In Morrow County SILVER MEDAL CONTEST Good Showing In Morrow. The sheriff sold the following: parcels of property last Saturday for delinquent taxes for the year 1902 : A. G. Jennings WJ NE and W &Ei, Sec. jo, T. 2 8. R. 23 E; sold to G. W. Dykstra for $7.99 and costs, taking a certificate of sale at the rate of six per cent per annum. J. M. Conoway Lot 9, in block 11, Mt. Vernon addition to Heppner; sold to G. W. DykBtra for 79 cents and costs, at six er cent interest. " Isaac Hinkle W XE, Z XW, Section 35, T. 1, 8. R. 29 E; sold to W. L. Smith for fi.7o and costs at six per cent interest. A. G. JenningBNW section 30, T. 2 S. R. 23 E ; sold to A. Rood for $3.32 and costs, at six per cent interest. It will be observed that the owners of the land sold when redeeming the same will have to pay only six per cen in tent on the purchase price. In nearly all the other counties of the state the rate of interest baa ran all the way from six to 1000 per cent. - Out of about $63,000 charged against the aher;ff on the 1902 tax roll tor col lection all have now bee-n collected ex cept $20.82 for which the above property was sold. Lake is the only other county in the state of Oregon that can beat this record for tax collecting. Lake has every cent collected on the 1902 roll. When compared with most of the other counties, which have from one to several columns of delinquents on the tax roll, this ia an excellent showing. Heavy Snow in Mountains. J. W. Stewart, who came in from There may be attributed two causes I Mahogany ridge Sunday, reports the for this very favorable result. One is heaviest snow fall he baa even known the prosperous condition of our county, in the mountains. He says that within and the ether prompt and due diligence 1 eight hours Sunday snow fell to a depth on the part of the sheriff, who doubtless ot two feet, and that when he came out feels a just pride in the good record made it was four feed deep and still snowing, along this line. Travel through the moantains is very The 1903 tax roll, which has just been I difficult and will be until the roade turned over to the sheriff, contains are broke. Mr. Stewart came down to 1 PAMT. Sheep Killed on Range. A dispatch from Trlneville, dated last Sunday 13, says three thousand head ol sheep belonging to Guy Mc- Rune of Silver Lake were shot and beaten to death by five marked men in the vicinity of Christmas Lake a few days ago. The report which reached here gives the following account of the killing. The sheepherder (or the McKune sueep came in from the sheep caa p near Christmas Lake yesterday bring ing in the startling news that the cam had been visited by five masked men the night before and 'the larger part 1 of the band of sheep were slaughtered The five masked men were heavily armed and proceeded to do their work In a deliberate way. The herder wa first taken rare of and while one man guarJed him the other four procecde with their part of the work. 1 he sheep had been rorraled for tt night ami were easy to get ai. 1 lie I took the night tor their work, usin ; knives, club and guns in the whole 1 sale slaughter. With the approach ol .1,. II... ll .l. .I.i...ni. ilt Ik. i UiiJ vw iiitfii a'n.t.v w M j I parting injunction that other sheep j uilng that range would be treated In a similar manner unless they were moved son. j They ha I done their work well and only a small remnant f a tnd ol over Jooo sheep was left. Upon receipt of the news Guy McKune ratna to this , place and telephoned Sheriff DunUp Heavy Snow Fall In the Moun tainsSheep Camp on Sand Hollow Robbed The Heppner Team wins Basket Ball Came From Lexington. A Bennett, : Editor of the Irrigon Irrigator, was in Heppner ' last Friday in the interest of a school district for Irrigon. Mr. Bennett says that Irrigon now has a school population of 30 and is entitled to a school and he was here to appear before the county commis sioners at their special session Friday. The new district was formed. Mr. Bennett predicts a very bright future for Irrigon, and says it is now having quite a boom. Last October the town consisted of a postoffice and a dwelling, but today it has 30 houses and new one are being commenced al most daily. He says that since October 250 different partis have purchased land und:r the ditch, and that almost every train brings in prospective buyers. Silver Medal Contest. The contest by ten yonng ladies of Heppner for a siver medal, at the M. E. church Friday evening, was a success. Although the attendance was not aa targe as it might have been, yet there was a fair sized audience present. Otherwise the event was a big success, all the young ladies acquitting them selves with credit. Beahim the contest (he program con- stated of select music by the church choir, a selection by a male quartette and a solo by J. A. McKee. The medal was awarded to Miss Beightol, while Miss Wattenbnrger was given the honor of the second best reading. about $65,000 to be collected. To District Clerks. Heppner, Oregon, Feb. 11, 1904. I tend you today blanks for taking the annual census report in order that you appear Monday on a charge of deer bunting, but his case waa dismiased for lack of evidence. Sheep Camp Robbed. J. II. Edwards, who waa in town may comply with the law which re-1 $ aturday from Sand Hollow, report quires every district clerk to enroll an- that Ms sheep camp, near the head of nuallv during the last week in February, the creek, was robbed a few days ago for school purposes, all persons in bis f a quantity of provision, some bedding districts over four and under twenty I pt''r articles that are used in a years of age. camp. It appears that it was a couple The census n port thus taken ihall 5,, from Lake View who did the ba submitted to the districts at the pilfering, and that they stopped a couple annual meeting, ana all corrections l n'K" in iui cuj, sieepiug in newan necessarv sha 11 then be made, and the Kirks barn. The last seen of them clerk shall then file bis original report tley were headed for the north and are In his office, the same to be and remain ou ' county ere this. . w.w " Basket Ball Came. .. 1.L t..t t1.. t . . I I the annUMl census report in his annual .. . T... , ,.m. , W.uWuu,,..p.1uirUU1 . R.lr,1..ln .1,. Lit. l. n ... S-e section M, Art. 4, school laws of ,ulteJ , fc (o, b . Oregon. Yours truly, .u.mnlun9iA.nii., ,1. .., ' thea.me. n C !. !. . -' ('ii a si s vi t- i vita When You Have A Cold. ,,otn hle ,mt Heppner team was The first action when you have a cold K 't for the Lexlugtons, yet should be to relieve the lungs. This It the latter gave them a metry che. best accomplished by the free use of fe line op of the teams was as follows ; Cbatuberlain's lougn Kemiy. This .. . . , . , n-inMinr Islington rrniril llnnrhva tna touun tnuritl ami I causes its eipul.lon from the air cells of C,,t' W ""Me Capt. C IWach, 0 the lungs, produces a fret eiectorallon, r.lrfr Ayert, f Howard Lanw, I and opens the secretions. A complete Cure soon follows. TMs remedy will cure a ecvet cold la leas lime than any other treatment and it leaves the system in a natural and healthy condition. It counteract any tendency toward putu tnonia. For sale by Slocum Drug Co, Carl Ilhea, f Uoy Bretheara, I Carl Farnsworth, g It B Wil.oi, g Jee Hale, MF Parker, g Oiin Yeager, mgr, M Parker, mgr. A return game will he played In Heppner In the near future.