THE HEPPHERTIMES. GOT THrBETTER OF MORGAN Fierpont Morgan's direct, blunt way overrides most people, but one man, a Wall street broker, got de cidedly the better of him in a rer bal encounter. The broker had fail ed in an exceedingly shady fashion, and Mr. Morran had been "let in" THURSDAY, FEB. U, 1904. Chamberlain's Stomach and Llvr Tablets, Uneaalled for Con stipation. Mr. A. R. Kane, a prominent druggiat of Raster Spring, Kansas, says; "Chani herlain'a Stomach and LWrr Tablets are, in my judgement, the most superior preparation of anything in use today or constipation. They ate sure in action ml with no ten lency to nauseate or gripe For fale by Slocutn Dru Co A LITTLE NONSENSE. ,Th Youngater Who Discovered New Kind of Insect for omcthmg like $40,000. But There is a child known to me tiie broker continued to bow to his we were great friends in the country victim as though nothing of the J Contest Notice.' last summer who once, as sne sai vin(j occurred, une morning . Department of the interior, ruin-d states on the doorstep beside me, thought- 4i10 millionaire said to him in his Lamiotiuc, TbeDaiu-r regou, January u fullv scratchme her brown and mos-i vprv sternest tone, bee here, Mr. 19 . A sufficient coutrst atfailavlt having been uunu uiucu i oo-iiuu-i-u, juu vo "'v. c."" filed In this office by James T. Downing, con- "Sand flies and mosquitoes are yOUre able to pay, but 1 11 let you U,UIU against homestead entry No. wcw. tertainly bad enough, but if we had 0(j jf Y0U wju cease to recognize mo made Februarys, tor se); M'i sec. u, losom flies here I just couldn't j whcn, vc nieet." "Why, my dear swuswUSec.w . n, nw ttio . . j ... , Township 6 8 Range '25 K., by James F, Kur- sianu iu - , r Morgan, was me tuo uu "Bosom flies!" said I. "What on arth are they ?" "1 don't know," she returned, "but they must be something awful. We sing about them in church. There's something about hiding in warmly returned the broker's salu- not due to cmpioym old rocks to get away from them, i tation, though he never did so pre- ri "rf f l' I V 1 J GENERAL MECHANDISE In aMition to our ventral stock of morclmndiso we special attention to the following lines : : : lesire to call ! Comforts and Blankets and there's something about their bitihg so hard they draw blood. "Why, what 6ong can you possi bly mean?" I asked, still unenlight ened. "Why," she said, "you must know that song. Everybody sings it. It says, Let me, too, the bosom fly.' " -Washington Tost. sua "2 " , ,-, , i. t, i. ...... ..i.i smiling reply, "I would not deny Jamt.9 F, Furlong has failed to establish his mvself the pleasure YOU refer to for residence on said tract; has never lived on the twice the sum named." It is said " l aa WM no ,,H"y aoanuonw ( o , . , . the said land, and does not now, and has not O to be a fact that ever since that . ,. ,lx ni0lllh, , resllllH, brief conversation Mr. aiorgau naa Morrow county; that aia sieged absence was ment in the army, navy or uited Stales during lime nf u-nr' RHiit Martina are herebv notified to At The Churches. Christian Church- Every Sunday, bible school 10 A. M., preaching 11 A. m., Y. P.S. C. E. 6:15 P. M. preaching P. M. A cordial invitation to all. J.V.Crawford, Mm.ster. Even Worse. . a viously. v 8 At M. E. Church Services next Sun day at 11 A. M. and 7:00 P. M. Sunday School at 10 A.M. ou are cordially invited to attend. H. L. Bihghtol. Pastor. appear, respond and offer evidence touvhlng said alligation at 10 o'clock a. m. on February 27, liM, before Vawter t'rawford, county clerk, at his office at Heppner, Oregon and that final hearing will be held at 1U o'clock a, m. on iiarcu a, ih, Deiore me negisier una ne- i r cetver at tne l niteu Biaus uina umce in i lie , Dalles, Oregon. j Da saia coutesiani naving, in a proper , iO sffadavit, filed Dec. 15, im. set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notice can not be made, It is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. Michael T. Nolan, J21-f25 Register. There will be preaching at the M. E. church, south, every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 pm. Sunday school at 3 pm. A cordial invitation is extended to all. F. C. Adkins, Pastor. There will be regular services in the Baptist church ntxi Sunday bo h morn ing and evening. J. W. Mount, Pastor. Odd Fellows hall. All Saints Episcopal Mission. February 7, Qjequagesima Sun day. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning service 11. Evening service 7:30 John Warren Missionary in charge RADIUM RADIOS RADIOS RADIOS Stupendous offer made by a well-known Phlla. firm. RADIOS RADIOS RADIOS She Do you know anything worse tnan a man ia&mg a .ub without asking for it? He -I do. She What, for instance? He Asking for it without tak ing it " Making It Easy. "My dear sir," wrote the editor to the persistent young author, "in or der to simplify matters somewhat, we are Inclosing a bunch of our 'de clined ith thanks' notices. If you will put one of these in an envelope with your manuscript and mail it to youxvell, it Will make It easier lor chamberlain's Cough Remedy for 1 have all ol us and you win De saving u,ed it wiln Effect success. My child Real Estate. Lexington town property $550 will buy a six-room house, four 1ob, email barn, young fruit trees. Can be irriga ted. Enquire of S. E. Notsos, Lexington. Perfect Confidence. Where there used to be a feeling of aaiaiiaraf and worry im . tbu fcooaebold when a child showed symptoms of croop, there it now perfect confidence. Thitj ment of that dietase. Mrs. M. I. Bas ford, of Pooiville, Md., in speaking of er experieuce in the use of that remedy -avs: 4 I have a world of confidence in ''-In- something in postage as well." Chicago rost. Professional Jealousy. "I stand at the head of my busi ness," remarked the professor of phrenology, "while you sit at the foot." "You have said it," rejoined the chiropodist. "But just the same the lantruac of the corn is more forci ble than the lingo of phrenological buniDS.' Chicago Kecord Herald. Thoughtless Mist Cutting. That Miss Cutting is a fierce proposition." "Vhv so?" "Well, I proposed to her by let ter, and after rejecting my proposal in clain terms she wound up her f :.u ...,' reply wnn very iruij juuis, dnuia polls sun. ' A Domestic Mystery. TluhbT (walking the floor at Z a. m.V I'd Jut like to know why this baby persists in staying awake every night. Vifey Really, I can't imagine. 1 never have any trouble keeping him Cl asleep in the daytime. New York Wtukly. Harmony Desired. Enippe Why did Jolmson hire til such portly people lor ins servants? Tucnue lie nvs that his wife insisted upon having them like that o they would match lu-r new heavy dining room furniture. Syracuse Herald. Asked and Answered. "Do vou believe in marrying foi lore?" ankcd the girl whose face was !ier nrincipal miefortunc. "Not iifeeesarily," replied th gray haired parson. "I have often married for money." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Stimulation. "B pood boy," said Uncle John, nd maybe when you grow up you can be president. "I that ao?" answered Willie ex- .itdlv. "And ride on the rngine! (h, you Ut I'll be good!" Buffalo xprrM. . Thousands of persons In all sections of the country have been healed by this wonderful discovery. DEaR FKIKNPS: lx. n't rrti'i advertisement If you expert to Kit something (or nothing, tMeue you won t. We have s kkx1 article and we want money (or it. He seimible. If vou hud noiiietliuiK th"t was worth s dollar would you give it (rev? When you read an ad vertisement where you get omuihing (or nothing, that omething is either no good or elite they aie up to Mime "nun nam game. e are not running a patent ineiiiiiie bum ncss. no rent eay on that suhjeet. We do not know the word (allure never have and never will. The edueated and higher clanites are the ones we want to reai-b. We rearh men and women in all walks of life. Men and women, who to-day are before the nuhlte as national eharaeters have had our rontidenee and the benetit of our experieoee. It in a tfith century prtxlm t, one that will be more apprerlnted the more it is tried. -rreMta from thm balb isd g-tMMI h Jookt." Thin old saving dewribea our elfentn toaT. We have a V IT A LIZ EK not a patent medicine. It (ones the system, centralizes . . . t g -.v.." 01 an iii-w-riiiioii uiaaen an even H Owing to the uniform success Of wbatn temierature all over the body and in lai t it L.l.,.1! Cnnoh RetneHv in the treat. I makes a new man ami woi.ian. Radios will ,r...u - j within a few veara 1 a am can Hand the lon e of contact with thin new discovery. Kh- iimatlsm and debility llee be fore it. The mighty force of the 'turbulent waters of Niagara are In comparison with this new product as an old fashioned CAMiU Is to KAIill M. One tx-rson writes, "Why did not some one discover H belore?" Another says. -Ho simple, it Is hardly creoioie. From the far West comes the unsolicited re sponse, "A (tod-scud to humanity." Walcott Christie, of New York, the Well, known author, says, "My succsss In a great measure is due to-Kadioa.' " Weakness of certain organs Is responsible for all diseases. We build up your system su that a dis-ase Is an Impossibility. If your digestive organs are out of order, if your blood Is impure, if vou ran t sleep, eat or attend to business. I will cure )ou and guaranteed to do ao. I will give you a written guarantee. Could you atk anything luoreT "RADIOS." 8 8. 8 8, : 0 v i 8 t r VVu have a good assortment of these goixls, of excellent quality, at very low i -vices Shoes TT Our stock consists of a good assortment of mens, ladies and chil drens up-to-date shoes, at the right prices. We also have a few odds and ends in this line which will be sold regardless of cost . . . Capes and Jackets The remainder of our stock Of ladies' and children's capes and jackets will bo closed out at actual cost : : : : : Trunks & Telescopes We now have a full line of line trunks of various styles and sizes all at very low prices, to which wo invito special attention : : . Groceries We carry ji bra mis. full We Our stock of groceries is now very complete. line of canned fruits ami vegetables of the choicest make a specialty of Schilling's Best Making l'owder, Extracts and Spices, which never fail to give entire s ' sfactiono 8 RHEA & WELCH hin a few years fie apart of every hospital I surgical institute of our land. No germ Garland is subject to severe attecks of croupe and it always give him prompt relief." For sale by Slocum DrngCo. Notice of Final Settlement. In the county court of the Btate of Oregon (or Morrow County. In the matter of the estate of James Jones, leeeased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed in the County Court i-l the stale of iregon lor Morrow County his final report as Executor of the last will and testament of amek Jones de eased, and Saturday the Mil lay of March 1! at the hour of 10 o'clock s. m. if said day has been appointed by the said ourt as the time and the County Court rooms if Morrow Couu:y Oregon the place for the '-ttlemeot of said account. 8. P. (JAKBKit rs ft-mS Kiecutor. REAL. Estate Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the state of Oregon lor Morrow county. In the matter of the estate of L. P. Jones, leeeased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned 'iaa filed In the County Court of the stale of Iregon for Morrow county bis final report as idmlnlstrator of the etat-of L. V. Jones de- eased, and Saturday the Mh day of March I'sit at the hour of in o'clock a. m. of said day has been spixilnted by the said court as the Mine and the County Court rooms of Morrow ounty Oregon as the place for the settle ment of said account. M. AsllHA'CH ft nil Administrator. RADIUM RADIUM RADIUM Delight your friends, astonish relatives, and make wonderful experiments with this new mctnl-KAIijr.H HI l.l'll HlK of Zinc activity .si.csi, rngr n.WsV. We give you this as a present hen you order "RAIiIOrt." This alone is worth M-veral dollars of sny man or woman's money. Acts Hie same as X rays. -Imply wonderful. Kr.MKMHKa Tills is A I'KKaKNT. OFFER OFFF.U OFFF.K Hiss KAIllOH CO. SI 2 lirexel Building i'hlladclphlr, I'a. Knclosed find one dollar for which send me a treatment ol "K ililOH." In a plain sesli-d wraier.and also one kadloHulphlde of .trie activity. II I am not entirely satisfied and If I am not cured you agree to KKKC Nf the money and OSK lxiU.AH fcXTKA I-OK MV 1 Kol Itl, K Vou are to scud me written contract to that effect. Name Address City Btate o a We hav a few rare imrgHins to tiffer in both city anil farm proTty. Clioice reBiilences or loig for invftttnii-nt or a home, at ull prices. Morrow County Farm Property... THE RED FRONT Livery, Feed & Sale Stable ST IS WART ik KIRK, PropH. Good Hacks, Buggies a d Saddle Horses for all parts of Interior Best possible care taken of horses left In our charge. Horses, Harness, Sit 'dlra and Vihiclrs bcught and sold Crain for aale. Call so l r us; we'll treat you white Also Baled May and We have farm prop erty ranging in price from $ii to an acre. Stock, (arm implements, rrop lio with (arm when preferred by purchaser Portland City i Property The Overland Limited is the most famous of transconti nental truins via Omaha. IJ'.-twcen Omaha and Chicago it runs via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Railway Double lnily ff-rvice Torthind to Chicago via this mute All mcal nerved in dinintr wra. We tiave nernred lor sale 50 choice resilience loia In Htcwart I'nrk ss I 1 i -lion to 1'iiri Intnl. all ready (or ttin tl itiu; L'O minutes iile (kiiii pustollice Ixitg are rV)xl(K) feet and at prices i.flcreil W to I75 are tirieqiiMlled aa an in vestment. Terrn $15 cash, ImUni e $5 inntith, no interest Notson & Hicks Heppner and Leilngton, Oregon. A.J. IIICKK, Heppner. First National Bank OK IIICPPNICR- RHKA .. RUI'.A... Presidi-nt .Vice I'rrtKlrnt r.KO K. L. W CONSHR. PRKKLANU., Cashier ..Assistant Cashier Transacts a General Banking Business KXCIIANGR ON AIX PAR IS OF THIS WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD. Collections uimle on all poind on rea' snnahle terms Surplus and undivided profits f.'15,000 00 8. K. NOTSON, Ixinulon. M. t. ROWE. Onaral Auen 13.4 Third St. Porthnul Our Koatlily r..M;- " w"l Ic; yr". ' ' 1 v...!s ( 1, v ; T. -i it t'..e ADvnr.Tici:.'. of any rct;pon.'...; i , , h,:iL, .JmitiiU'iWi t.(Uiid B'hI hsrnj all in vty u-miI re. ' ' I 'A i ' I ' Real Estate Bargains. 1'srm alf section if goo whral land; ffiur tnilra from IeiiUKton warehouse; jff)od house and fencrs, other Improve m nt. Stock, (arm machln'ry an ' crop vn with ranch. This Is a WkMiri the rlre ask d, $6000, as party rnmpellnl J to K" elsewhere on account of his wife's 1 Liberty Meeit Market GUY HO YD. Prop. Beef, Mutton, Pork and Veal Poultry In Reason. I'tsh on I'ridava Hih eat Market IMce Paid (or I'at Stork. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE I a. '''III H Troc MaxNt DsaiaNa 'Ml'' CoermoMTt 4a, nmsan1liit likst'li an1 Arrii ins ansf ni ' f frtir t,ftm,ti Itmm Ut im an tfivetil"! W rft,haltlf rsliMl'la i (miniunMsv .,,..trtrtlr..i.B.1..,ll. ftANnSOf ntll'alMtia asMtt Irwm. i'1m aawtirf f,. p4ila. 'ins lan liir.msh Miinn A tu. rwle SJS-MI wn n'SII, B lha Scientific Jliticrican. r t f"if ftH'sttU, fi. pair anil val lixatinn. Call Timet ollke lor particular. the ri k kamlanfflats flttarat4 astl. f raw4 mtr. fmmtim ft atV ltiltSn f.uirtial, l pra,s. 14 a "if nH-nitea, L ai4 lifail eaaialara. Km. New Ynrlr VW. Illill IU1I1 Hraawti im,m. at IT ft, Waahiuatum U U The Timea an J Weekly On Ionian. Tlie Titnna and Orruonlaa f 2 a 7 ear.