f to as WHITE SALE Commencing Thursday morning, ending Satur day night, 3 days of ex traordinary bargains in WHITE She Jmsi WHITE SALE Commencing Thursday morning, ending Satur day night, 3 days of ex traordinary offerings in WHITE GREATEST SALE CF MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Ever Offered to the People of Morrow County ! f f if f ) ) HAINES . Furniture Co (Successor to WliLI.S & COMPANY.) Commencing Thursday morning, and continuing till Saturday night, we will throw open to the public the most complete line of MUSLIN UNDERWEAR ever shown in Heppner, at prices way below all competition The QUALITY is THE BEST to be had; the FINISH is perfect; the TRIMMINGS are the most dainty; the result of a combination of these good points is a veritable DREAM in WHITE, and the prices are so low they fit in with the dream idea perfectly. If you have not received circular price list ask for one. OUR ANNUAL WHITE FAIR Commencing Monday, February 15, Ends Saturday, Feby. 27. to to to to to to to to to AN 2 WEEKS WHITE GOODS SPECIAL BARGAINS All White Goods Reduced in Price Carpets, Rugs, Mattings Oak, Ash, Fir and Maple lk-d Suits $18 to $15 Tho most complete- lino ever shown in Heppner Fine pillows and comforts. All wool blankets, made at Union woolen mills. Nice new pat terns of Floor Oilcloth, at 35c and 10e per yard Linoleums, at - - f0e and Gfc per yard New Home Sewing Machines, the best on earth, from $3450 to $50. Organs $H0, $05 and $110 Stoves and Ranges And Cooking Utensils, Cheap. Crockery, Lamps and Clocks, Win. A. Rogers' Silverware Anything not carried in stock cheerfully ordered, cheaper than you can Bend for it BRUCIC IIAINICS, Prop Except Thread Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Laces, Silks, Dress Goods, Waistings, Llannels, Finings, Table Linens, Towels, Crashes, Sheetings, and Pillow Cases, Quilts, Lace Curtains, Blankets, Knit Goods, Underwear, Cor sets, Lawns, Organdy and Mull. Men's Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Night Shirts, Sweaters. . V Sf f lf HARDWARE we have a complete stock of SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, NAILS, VIRE, ETC. Chlnaware Decorated with Heppner Flood Scenes a Useful and Pretty Souvenir flic ItPDOflPQ TITJIFQ I mem0oa mnd the lnd asod toT otber I Ilk llft-l I lla.ll I Illlft-Va Published Every Thursday by A. J. HICKS O SUBCRIPTION One Year Six Months Three Months RATES: O SI.OO 75 SO and more profitable crops. The announcement of candi 'ates is about the firgt evidence that in tent in the coming campaign is beginning to liven up. The or ganization of the Roosevelt Club in thiB city Saturday evening will Enured at th Pwtofflce l Hepyuer, Oregon Mcond-rUu matter. RAWLISK FOKT KO. . O. A. R. MKKT Al Odd hrllom' Hull t llrppner, CTerjr third btiirdy ol ei n muoto. 0. W. Kh. Adj. U. W . Smith. om THURSDAY.FEB.il. 1904 The Ralaton Land & Stn k Com pany ia the name of a new organ xation of Portland capitalists, h' have secured option on about 15i acrea of land near Arlington which they pro pose to irrigate from ar teeian well. 1 0regon as its interests will be augmented by the development of this section of country. This com pany ia now gathering data for the extensive advertisement of the resources of our county and if it succeeds in bringing a large number of visitors to our city and county thir decision to locate and also nave a tenancy 10 warm up become Dermanent reEidents de- the political attnoeph-re in Morrow j ,argeiy upon the maniler in county somewhat. While there is' hich the good hand 0, fellowship utile nemg earn mus tar mem i i8 extended by our people. But known to te a numner oi aspirants for a, bast a few of the county there are numerous other which a commTcial club ways in can be donbt difficult to find in Morrow county, and is therefore very dear. The BAIN Wagon Gilliam & Bisbee c Special Session. A ppenial fern-ion of theeonniiis"ioner cou't of Morrow county, U liereby called to convene in the court houne, Heppner, Oregon, February 12, 1904, at 10 a. in. of said day, for the 1 urpose of re-form-! injj and creating new school dist rictn, or for considering any tlier business that nity come before tt e court. T. W Ayf.ks County Judge tx ....I .......... II.. U. f... . ' ..m.rB..u nitiui.,., of much more benefit to its town is that there wi 1 be some spirited, j auJ PUrrounding country than in : hough fr i.dly contests before the'the reCepti0n of prospective home- seekers. It can assist in the ad- The American Wtxil and Cotton ! Reporter, the publiher of which ! was until the last flection an offic-r i of the Nati nal Vmlrowe" A-1 Soriation, says the recent meeting of the association in Portland wa j the larrst tonvention of hep ! men ever iVM in th United States. 1 convention. Last Monday the county cWk turned over to the sheriff the 1903 tax roll for collection, and the sheriff and bis deputy are buisy just now sending out statements to th- tax payers of Morrow county, it will Im remembered that the same old tax law is in force, which embraces the following conditions: Three per cent rebate is allowed if U the tax is paid before March 15th; the fitst half is delinquent after the first Monday of April; vertisement of our abundant re sources, and there are a hundred and one ways that it can benefit the town and aid in its upbuilding, if its membership is made up of live and energ- tic citizens. Roosters for Sale. I bate some full blood BU-k Menorca and R. C. White Leghorn roosters for sale cheap for the next 30 days Call on or address. C K Jones, Eitiht Mile, Oregon. Since Game Warden Nye caused the arrest, and thirteen or fourteen hunters were fined, venison is no Another Case of Rheumatism Cored by Chamberlain's Pain' Balm. The efficacy of Chamberlain's Pain Balm in the relief of rheunisti-tn is being demonstrated daily, Paiker Tripleit, of G'lgsby, Va , says that Chamtxjrlain's Pain Bltn gave him permanent relief from rheumatism in the l ack when every, thing else failed, and he would not be ithout it For sale by Slocum Drug Co the last half is delinquent alter the While Oregon is practically solid ; Monday of Octolr. Dn.in for Roosevelt, b t us not overlook j 1U will be charged 10 per cent enalty and 12 per cent interest. I ties are important things to remember. the fact that in the political centers of the Kast he h.ts opposition that will have to lJ reckone I with. Rooaevelt as president, by hi farlessnes and forceful na, b" i-ndeared liimetl lo the couimoi tM-ople; but in so doing h Ii h run muck of corporal in interest, an uncotnfortab'e snsg. in his 011 party. Eugene Register According to the Vancouver Columbian the Clark rounty prune grower will probably have to hold their crop over a whole year, owing to the ibpresd m-.rktt Th ptice of prune, in very low an I no buying. Th bulk of the crop Is still in th- packing hooes w iln no indications of a change In the market. The result will U county. The O. R. & N. will tha bunded of acres of prune j d iublless lw very willing to grant lrre will I dug nut th coming jatopowe along its line in Kastern The Pendleton Commercial Club houid have the hearty support ol ll Kast rn Or gon towns in its ff ri to in luce the various rail mails to grant stop-over privileges in the stales ol Oregon and Wah inglon to the visitors of the Lewis and Clark fair during l'M'. A resolution has In-en adopted to that effect by the Pendleton clul an 1 other cities will 1m asked to join in the movement This is another reminder that Heppner liould have some kind of an or gAnitalion to further the interests and unbuilding of our town and At Cost to Close Out For the next 20 days we will sell at cost Lee's Egg maker and Groesbeck's Egg producer and Condition powders, also all Ladies' purses go at cost. In stationery we make these prices: First National Grocery Carries a Full Line of Fresh G HOC 12 HIES AND PROVISIONS A splendid Lino of Gents' Furnishings: Hats and Caps, Underwear, Sweaters, Gloves, Efc Prices are Right and u Good Fresh Stock to select from T. R. HOWARD, HEPPNER, ORE. 3 w 3 5 oioiooiiiinao orrr-rrrrrrrrr O I The SaHm Abestract STttle Quaraotv GNnmivi V S ? c O - INCOPORATICD We lia ve tlic only wet of Abstract nooks in Morrow Countv - - - 'J o Hbstracts au& plats (urnlsbcJ) on Abort notice MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SMITH, Socretary, - - - Heppner, Orogon 5 ha Tablets 3 for 10c loc Tablets for 10c 15c Novels for 10c 2.rc Uox Htationery 20o 20 Box Stationery 15c 15c Uox Stationery 10c Heppner Drug Co. Heppner Marble and Granite Works An) mho llilnklnc n( Mriirlh a tnoiiiiiix'iit for a (l'iriil r Ullvanr (rli'txt W ill do well to t iitir ifi'i tM(ur purcliiulng elMrlium. Ws are ri'mre1 l do nil Ci'inctiTjr n l IiuIIIIiik tli t ri'liii-it rl-ii. MONTERASTELLI BROS. THEY'RE HERE! An immense stock of Fall and Winter Shoes AT M. LICHTENTHAL'S Tha pioneer tKM)t and them dealer of Heppner, who al way rarries a big line of Hoofs and SIkx-h, Kuhhers, Ktc. Kepairlng a Serialty, and satisfaction anaranUHMl, Old Stand, West lids of Main Btrvet. CORDON'S I LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE I -MMaMaMBMaasBiaflassBaiBMBaMaMMBW Wm. GORDON, Prop. Ili added a namttrr of First Cla Imreea and Ne both Itnirulna snt Hark, and nfTx'S umi flrt elans trrvlrs, and yon will r-civs conrisous treaimnnt. A thnra of yonr patronagi I : t i SOLICITKIl 4 w w w MAIN STREET, - HeDDnor. Oreuon. Jr t 1' ,1