Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, February 11, 1904, Image 3

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Invites Consumption
It weaken the dcllruto lung tissue,
deranges tlio di.-esllve organ, and
break down tlio cncrul health.
It oftcu cause headache ami dliri
Iicsi, impair tlio taste, (mull and
bearing, and affect the voice.
living constitutional disease It re
quires ft constitutional remedy.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Uadlcally and permanently curei ca
tarrh of tho nose, throat, stomach,
bowels, and more delicate organ.
Head the testimonial.
No substitute for flood' acta Ilk
Hood's. Bo sure to get Hood's.
"I was troubled with catarrh 20 fears.
Boeing statements of cures bjr Hood's Bar
saparllla resolved to try It. Four bottle
ntlrely cured ma." Wii.lum Buxsm-h,
11U0 Cth Bt.. Milwaukee. Wis.
Hood's Sarsaparilla promisee to
cure and keeps tho promise.
Record for Quick Work.
A luiif of bread litis been on ex
hibition which wan the reHiilt of a re-roril-liiukinn
experiment lit Illocklcy,
in Worcestershire, KhkUiii1. From the
Hum the wheat was cut in the fluid un
til a loaf of bread was huked was only
thirty minutes.
rio Cure l a reineflv for coughs, oolds
ami consumption. Try it. Prlue 25 eeuU,
A druggists.
To Break In New Shoes.
Alwsys shake In Allen's Hoot-Eaae, a pointer.
It euro hot, sweating-, Klilng, swollen leel.
Curra coma, Inirruwiii nails and littiiluns. At
all tlriiKKtaU and shiie stores, Vte. Imn'l icw(
atiyiilailtut. Sample mailed KUKK. Address
Alleu H. Olmsted, U Hoy, N. Y.
The Ruling Panlon.
Pylng Actress Can't I recover, doc
lying Actress Then send for the
undertaker and let's have a dress re
lieurmil. The part is entirely new to
STATS Of Ollln, I'm or TOLEDO, I
l.tMiel'lltlHTY. I
P-NK J. ( msnst mskraiiaih that he Is the
rilor i.arter ol Ilia linn ol V. i. t'HKNtr A Co.
(loin; business III the I'll ol Toledo, Count?
nil Male aforesaid, a tot lliai aal firm will par
tha aum Ol ll.SK IH.'NUHKll IiOI.I.AKH lor earn
ami every raw ol Catarrh that Cannot bo cured
br the ua ol 1UU.S Catarrh utae.
Bworn to before tut ami siibecrllied In mi
preaeuce, thtsttb day ol Pccember, A. I), lnoi.
t I Aotarw Public,
Ilall'i Catarrh Cnre ta tasen Internally and act
uracil on in oiooa ana muroiia auriaues ol
1M lyalem. nenu lor leatuuoniaie, irre.
Y. J. I'll KNKy A CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 74c.
iiaii'i ramlly tldt are lb beat.
FITS Prrman.ntiy i nrmi. wo fltaor nanrouam
Ilia air Sraldar'aua.ornr.KUnaOnwt Narra
kaalrr. Knl t' rrS trial bnlllaanfl lrllw
In. R. lL Kllua, UJ..H' Ar. b hi . l'bUal.ltUa, l a.
The AudUioce Worse.
"Ila-a-al I am mad, mad!" ranted
Hamphat, the tragedian, la the dun
geon scene,
"Huh!" snorted the man in the gal
lery, "you ain't near as mad as us (el
lows that paid to get In." Philadel
phia Press.
Teoslate and Billies rtniiar areas.
Tha two amatol fmlilar viand on rarth, on
fuaxl lor 14 tona bay ant theothnr no tonafrran
lixlitrr r aire, iirmri rv.rj-where, ao d"a
Vlrtorla Kax, ylaldliig aw.Uuu Iba. aheep and
awlua 1ok1 r aera.
jurt aaxu Vv in nian to tiis
John A. hUr hrl Co., l.a Croaae, Vi la , and
rrorlra In return their bl catalog and Iota ol
laru aeed aamplea. V. V. t.) ,
The Longeat Day.
Teacher You must remember, chil
dren, that lec. 21 is the shortest day
we have. Io you rememlier the long
Freddie Yes'm. It's July 3, when
you're waiting for firecracker day.
Dr. C Gee Wo
Thia wondtrfal i'hu
dm tor la rHM
f r-ftU bfciuM ha nire
xHifia iihui or ev
il . lliM ara fi?n up
tn Aim. Ha ura wdh
IImmm oni1arftil 4 hi
hrrtia, rHHa, hmta.
tht am anttretlf ui-
hiHiwn in intMlH aJ a-.-
rura fn Una ramairr. Timmiili tltf u of
ihtia hrmifNM rpiiciliMi Uitej fumoua (lM'bir
ktiima id avtion if ovr av diffrnt iviu
liai, whW-h h aiitTrHMifiniy ua tn tHff"rMl
d(wa- H anaranlta to rtira ratiarh, Mih
ma. iHDg, thrissi, rhriiiiiailaiii, norvituwnessjeL
lomfti li, Itvwr, kxlnt-ya, tic; liita hunt!r4a f
IrtiUrnonlalev lliara nnHlvrai. tail art
MHt htm. I'tlnia tml of Ilia riif wrim for
hlanka and rin-uiwa. Hnd atatiiu, CUNUlr
The C Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co.
2 HI A Mar t., rUanJ. Urafo.
IflstUllVH Pft.
Washington Farmers
and Stockmen Indorse
Prussian Stock Food!
t save exl Crmlu at.. rnnf for tha pa
tl,.-. .i.r..r . .r . lain aiirPJ. .i"l H"'i
HAS NO lOUAC. I limine th.irmia-li ran
,,!. r li 1..11J. mi tl.a i.i. m In imn.1 ann
!,. Il( and III III" animal. I mr
ll-lrf ttti.ln.-aa I nntl III mtp In.lwtt' wn-n tru
a'v.rtiine ill" ttone II will INCaiAbE
tha Hue ttf mllta ui a maracd iWrt-. Alt elili
v.taita anlin.i.. rl.-e In Miri-tilar thai are
l,- SCOURS rreaaian nu a rtt.tl ell
ebwS Uie aialxlf a. II ! tnmrlf I Sere Irian
man. klti'l. at ft"l. Imt I
gai I'A
r-ttit.l'lrr I'MIlMI Nt.irkrttnn
lha HIST nn the niaral
l...i. 1 hi, uur. Iiinu'
pull, Waalb
Inrraaae tn Milk.
pin u. tiiir Ilia 1'ru.atan
St S "! etlh r rnllrh
r-w I Sml haratilr ntllS
Ha Iwtraa rl trtMn ON I U
hi (tots raoo
TWO (' r I- eat k biIIUm.
fi TaaaawiistM, Hta-afonl
I Waae.
Vt Ilia ..4!r.
rVBILAaU RKKI CO., rertlaad. Or.,
aw " "
.Ma. M .
I.lttle difficulty should be encoun
tered In the completion of the i'annma
canal by tho United State government
once work Is begun ami If, a goes al
most without saying, the proper treat
ment of the technical (pueatlons are
handled according to the lesxons of ex
perience, writes Honor In Phlllippe
P.umiu Varllta In the New York Sun
day World. Tho United State will
hnve unusual advantage In Its work.
It can profit by the experiences of the
French engineers, who have worked on
the problems for nineteen years.
Already more than riO.OOO.tXX) cubic
yards of earth have been excavated
This ha removed all of the smaller
dlmeultlos and practically all of the
great technical obstacles.
The three greatest oltacies original
ly encountered In the building of the
canal were the Culebra cut, the control
of the water of the Chagres river and
the climate. The first of these dim
cultlcs, the technical ones, have a!
ready been practically removed. There
Is now a trench lOO feet deep cut across
the Culebra saddle and this must only
be deepened 00 feet In order to com
plete it
Culebra offered one of the greatest
difficulties for a time. The superior
purt of the cut was found to be com
posed of soft, spongy, yielding, sliding
soli, and the enormous mass, to bo re
moved, necessitated tho employment
of machinery of great power, and
therefore, of a great weight, which It
( - JrJr";"-., ; hi
' r i I r "TTr--- "
wna difficult to maJntaln on such a soil
The trench over Culebra Is now done
to a point where excellent soil has been
found and as a result the cut la prac
tically eliminated aa an obstacle. This
great problem I waa fortunate enough
to solve myself during the last years
of the life of the old company.
Changing Hlrer'a Canree.
Another and seemingly limurrtiount-
able obKtaclo was tho control of the
water of the Chagres river. In 1802,
In my book, "Panama, Past, Present
and Future," I recommended the build
ing of a huge earth dnm at Bohlo
across the Chagre river and the deriva
tion of the water of tho artlliclal lake
thus forced to the westward of the
canal between the take and the sea.
The United States engineers have
adopted this method and a dam will
be built at Ilohlo, fourteen miles from
Panama, the only modification being a
sure elevation of about twenty feet
above the level I hnd projwsed for the
lake In 1R012. Much of tho valley of
the Chagres liver will of necessity lie
flooded with this artlliclal hike. When
the problem of what to do with the
water of tho Chngres river was solved
one of the greatest obstacles to the
successful building of the cnnul was
The only remaining obstacle U the
climate. To my mind Unit was the
greatest of all. Now, with tho won-
Kuch Species Ha a IMatlnctlve and
Explanatory ltcelane t ion.
One does not need to watch a dug to
know all about Its nature. If the breed
to which he bclonjjH Is stated the aver
age man can tell his nature to a nicety.
The spaniel Is so culled because the
original breed of this beautiful and
Intelligent type came from Spain, and
the Hist arrivals In Lngland were
called Npanlsh dogs.
The Hplta dog got Its name from
Its sharp pointed non Spitz"' mesna
shurp point" In Herman and the rpiu
was a raroviie ucrman oreeu oeium
he became known In England and
America. The Spitz Is known also as
Dalmatian dog, because his native
home Is In Dalmatla.
The dachshund Is another rtierman
breed and his funny name almost as
long and funny as the dog himself
la a German name meaning "Hanger
dog." Tho orglnal dachshund was
used for drawing badgers and the dogs
atlll are great favorites among German
hunters, although the breed has be
come a little too delicate for lighting
such a gray old warrior a a the badger.
The fox terrier earned his name not
from any fancied resemblance to the
fox, but because long ago, In the days
of "merry England," these terriers,
much larger and stronger then, were
used everywhere by sportsmen for
drawing and killing the fox, they being
aent down Into his burrow. It Is sit Id
that no good fox terrier ever backed
out of a burrow without hla fox. If
he came out be had tlio dead fox
gripped. If he didn't get tho fox he
didn't come out, but died there.
The bulldog used to drive cattle, ami
a be was trained to meet tho rush
ea of the bull by seizing htm by his
Boat sensitive point the nose the
dcrftil progress of science and Judg
ing by the eitraordlunry Improvements
In sanitation made by the United Mates
in Cuba. I am convinced that the dis
advantages of the climate will be
wiped out The sault-ry problem, too.
Is solved. With American military
methods applied to the canal zone, the
sanitation of the Isthmus Is complete,
as the unitea mates win nave me
mnklng of sanitary laws not alone for
the canal zone but for the cities of
I'll nn ma and Colon as well.
To Plght the Moeqalto.
Scientists have demonstrated that It
Is a kind of niomjulto, the atygomla or
the culex fttsclatus, that carries exclu
sively the yellow fever Infection, and
as It Is known to be within the possi
bility of a rigorously enforced sani
tary law to destroy the mosquito
plague, and therefore the cause of In
fection, this evil promises to disappear.
The wonderful advance made in elec
tricity will be of great advantage to
the United States In building the canaL
When the French company was at
work steam was about the only agent
at the engineers' command. This ne
cessitated plants at short distances
along the entire work. As black men
were the engineers, this was not high
ly satisfactory. These engineers were
careless and there were many acci
dents and delays, with a corresponding
Increase In cost. With electricity the
black man cannot by error Injure the
appliances, and the possibility of burn-
lng hla fingers will make him wise and
Summing up the difficulties' the
American engineers will have in build
ing the canal. It may be truthfully said
that they will encounter none which
the lessons of experience do not permit
of solution. It la a large work of
which the essential obstacles have been
overcome. It will revjulr a alrouir.
disciplined administration, and tie men
who direct It must be fully Imbued
with the knowledge of the country and
of Its necessities.
The eminent engineers of the Isth
mian Canal Commission have made a
most thorough and complete study of
these questions and their experience
will tie of great value to the successful
completion of the heroic undertaking.
Intcreatlac Facta.
Here are some interesting facta
about the Panama canal:
Canal's total cost, nearly, . . fJOO.OOO.OOO
Panama Canal Company's
all are $40,000,000
I.eugtli -it! miles
Time of pnnMipf S to 10 hours
Present time (New York to
Sim Francisco via Cane
1 lorn GO days
Time vin Panama canal (np-
proxiiiintei 24 days
Aiintini irnlllc (eNtimatedl. . .7,000 vessels
Trrtvel asved Liverpool to
Yokohama 4,(MK) miles
Preheat nnviKsltle stretches. . . . IS mites
Siill ti be eoiwtrurtcd o4 mil
rrraent depth 'JM fe.-t
sturdy, brave dog came to be known in
time us bulldog. In some countries he
Is kimwu as bull biter.
The beautiful ltienhelm spaniel is
mimed after lileuheliu castle, where
this ilog wus tlrxt made fashionable
in the time of the great Marlliorough.
The King Charles do owes ltd name to
the merry monarch.
The various hrcotU of bound of to-
dny are fulled hounds bceatise they are
the present survivors of the time when
all hunting dogs were used to hound
game. In the early hunting ilnya of
England every dog that was used to
accompany the hunt was selected malu.
ly for his speed nud endurance. There
were hounds that were supposed to
follow the game by accut, ami others
which were supposed to sight It a long
way off, but all were expected to be
able to run the game down. Conse
uucntly, while the name of hound,
or bund In the aclent Saxon, was first
used for all kinds of dogs, it finally
came to denote bunting dogs only;
that la why we call our runnlntr dosi
hounds Unlay, such at greyhounds,
hounds, bearhounds, decrhnunds, etc.
Object of (suspicion.
Mabel (who has spent the summit
In the Grcait Mountain) Papa, doe
Mr. HJackson come from Vermont?
Papa Yea, dear.
Mulici i nen wny tiocan t ne y
'Ifgosh? Soiumervllle Journal.
Kewartlrnl Effort a.
Hopeful parent You never know
wlutt you can do till you try.
Hopeless awn No, ba Jove, that's
ao! Now, upon my word, you know I
used to think I eouldu't blow smoke
rings. Detroit Free I "Tee.
Love may laugh at locksmiths, but
he who laugh last laughs beat.
Colds Invariably Result
tressing Diseases.
PE'RU'NA Doth Protects and Cures a Cold-Read Proof
i Gordon rLS c pfO X 'vJ ' z-- W .
Miss Rose Gordon, 2,102 Oakland
av., Oakland Heights, Madison, Wis.,
'A few yeara ago I caught a severe
cold, which resulted' In chronic bron-
chltla and catarrh. Our family physi
cian prescribed mediclnea which gave
temporary relief only. I began taking
Peruna and Improved at once. Two brt-
tlea cured me I recommend Peruna to
all sufferers, and am most grateful to
you for your valuable medicine." Miss
Rose Gordon.
Washington, D. C, 609 H Street, N. W.
Dear Dr. Hartman: "I used to think
that the doctors knew all about our
aches and pains and were the proper ones
to consult when sick, but since I have
been alck myself I certainly had good
reason to change my mind. During the
winter I caught a heavy cold, which de
veloped Into catarrh of the bronchial
tubes and an Inflamed condition of the
respiratory organs. The doctors were
afraid that pneumonia would aet In and
prescribed pills, powders and packs until
I sickened of the whole thing, as I did
not improve. One of the ladlea In the
Home had a bottle of Peruna and ahe
advised me to try that. Shortly after I
began using It I felt that I had found the
right medicine. I used two bottles and
thev restored me easily and pleasantly
to perfect health. While my atomach waa
very delicate. Peruna did not nauseate
me In the least, but oave me a oood ao-
petite, aid I wien te expreee my grati
tude to you for reatored health." Mlsa
Rosalie Von Struenning.
Hope for Him.
"Ah!" he said, as he led her back to!
her seat after the waltz, "I just love
"Well," she replied, as she at
tempted to repair a torn flounce,
"vou're not too old to learn. I'liiia-
delphia Press.
Positive and Negative Pleasure.
Wife I wish we had a nice large
country place where I could give a gar
den party.
Husband Just for the pleasure of
inviting some of your friends, eh?
Well, yes, and the pleasure of not
inviting some. Modern Society.
AStrjclaUe rrcparaiionror As
similating UicFoodandBcguIa
Lng rte Slumacbs andDoviicls of
rromotes Digcslion.Chccrfur
ncss andlu-'st.Conlalns neither
OpiumIorphine norHiiicraL
Mx Smva
In iarraa Qafat t
Jtskaafre1Va I sWl"aJl
Arjofccl Rcmcdv forConsllpfV
Tlon, Sour Stouwch,Diarrtioca
Vorms Anvulsions .rcvcristv
W3s ftnJLosa of Sleep.
Tac simile Sigrtnlure of
KrV 1,K"
,,. I a. . , KM, ..... " " . ' n.H-"'.!.. -. 1 ..'. 1
ii :flH-a ii HurHiiA
in. Catarrh, Which Sets Up a Host of Dis
Is the Beginning of Most Winter
Ailments Pe-ru-na Protects
Against and Cures Colds.
There is no fact of medical science
better established than that a teaspoon
full of Peruna before each meal during
the winter season will absolutely pro
tect a person from catching cold. Now,
f this is true (and there is no doubt of
it), thousands of lives would be saved,
and tens of thousands of cases of
chronic catarrh prevented, by this
simple precaution within reach of ev
ery one.
After a cold has been contracted a
teaspoonfull of Peruna every hour will
shortly cure it, leaving no trace of it
behind. After chronic catarrh baa be
come established, or the first stages ol
chronic bronchitis or consumption have
been reached, it will take much longer
to effcet a cure.
It seems strange that aa well known
and well established as these facta are
any one should neglect to profit by
(them, mna yet ao aouoi tnere are minyi
who pay little or no attention to them j
Immense Potato.
Chas. II. Martin, of Franklin N.H.,
reports one potato weighing two pounds
and fourteen ounces, and twenty that
filled a half-bushel measure, and
we'ghed twenty-nine pounds and seven
Mnthers will find Mrs. Wlnslnw'a SnotMne
err up the beat remedy to use tor their children
die teeming eeaaoa.
Crowded Out.
vou find your
ticht squeeze?"
"Yes: we've squeezed out a lot of
company already." Detroit Free
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
ami eetmwa eesseeare. mrm eesM erra.
s .ft
and go on catching cold, acquiring
chronic catarrh, bronchitis and con
sumption. Catarrh May Permeate the Whole
Mrs. Mary E. Sampson. West Derry,
Rockingham county, N. II., writes:
I hail terrible headaches, both ears
run and I was nervous all the time, also
had trouble each month; was deaf in
one ear for thirty years. I took six
bottles of Peruna and one of Slanalin
and am happy to say that it is the best
medicine that I ever tised. I am not
so nervous, my appetite is good, every
thing I eat agr.ea with me, and I am
feeling better in every way. 1 think
Peruna is a Godsend to women and a
blest-ing tosuffering humanity." Mary
E. Sampson.
If you do not derive prompt and sat
iefactory results from the use of Peruna
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving
a full statement of yo ir case, and be
will be pleased to gie you his valuable
advice grot s.
Addreai Dr. Hartman, President of
The Unrtsama f f taWuni, Cwiimbtw,
POKTAHI.K antl drill lay depth,
by ateam er hone poe. r.
Wa ehallrnf eotrlriaUtioB.
SfS aa Srae Ilha4raare raianee
"'J la3 Foot Morrison St., rBrtland, Ore.
Sadler Natlomad Oata.
Most prulioe Gala ea eena. The
V. 8. iJepl. of Arrtculture, Waah.
Inftoo.aavai "helxrr's Oata are the
beatoul oforrr funr hanUrm enrts
yielded In V toroD.io l a bu.. Ohle 1
"7 um Kraiia vat
17 bo., Mk lilia Ut bu., Mlewurl
2U bu.,an4 North Iiakotalluba. per
blur's taiaet. I.ta ts. at 1.
i II of oar Farm and VrrMaMa lUwria are
r4ne u a, hml n,Ul up u bg jmiiU.
I ll "milat w wtairirr of the aa'. It Is
11 1 ''wn "" '-al. tn-try; n. tm, l..i
U ' ' '" S"ln f"n.Ui,i mi of u.n ai
Jtat.hna Su Imu tit r.n ami 4 tt-na t. tr
airew ur rr ai-rft. itrat.at atwa Iweaea
BeUcrsj Million Dollar Crwass.
Jtoat taJkad ef vraM on eanri. rditore aa4
t """ I'mI"ih, ,n4 aviH uiturai Uiimt
eralaa II W1II..H.I atlnti ,irt u t.a e IMS)
f "i.t. wnw w. t awf i tt
Salaer Teeaslaitc.
Sa)aars Tanatnte amttntt lis rvh
Seaat. l-ly altM ha frttm fita B-rt- t.f
taa k .11 in SU darai l1.l,a M,, w
" " w - , 1 . ... .
w..i . iaeam, I a, n aat-
et Salt-.
Crauaae sua 4 1 Intra.
Celt large - ef run mn4
eiwa . a -4 in iuao. ,
Oitarate erae s 'e eyr-e. H,t
Swla ara earranlM. H -a
a ai-al ep-iailr ot Qrai.n. and
t iu wa, rx)'l-f I'l.rti., i tn.l
lelflae.ini,a, rallr ae4 Btil
aurieel ,aaeria.ia.
Fortee la S lean pal
and the mim ef tt la (entw are
I awwl
I I ( l
aj-tDli. Ir.ltwlit.a
pi i-i.
ef at..,, f-e-iit-f ens rear
rai'mnin t. Illy.
en, it ua iieis
IssS lea ssai
I'Mtl J
TiF arrej,n.ijiiipnellliraoeatrll br
MVl lr' U,''r J ettnvlaom.
I r W A Fw S YUM.
J1 lalur's ewrilait UrUj. f.i . ear I.
ill star's ewkaiiart l.ra. sut as. si,
Il taiHt's kl(rarsala.t-4a. awL
' .1(11 Saiew's t Ijiiaa.tlaait, tia ka. serL
1 ul taltar's fatalata. I '.I . ear L
e r . i
11 (iiiiixtiiiiiiinii. ri
V4 Beet ( ! arre. I aoa I'as r
rj i tt. . it 4.wtMa pi
alsHll s-t
tieeel Ageais.