Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, February 04, 1904, Image 8

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THURSDAY, FEB. 4, 1904.
At The Churches.
Chr'stian Church-Erery Sunday, bible
school 10 A. M.i preaching 11 A. M.,
Y. P.S. C. E. 6:13 P. M., preaching
7 P. M. A cordial invitation to all.
J. V. Crawford, Minister.
Avnendi Seemed to Bs Rather
Appropriate In a Way.
The young minister had got his
first charge, and when he conducted
the services for the first time in his
church before the large and critical
congregation he acquitted himself
very well, and his sermon was evi
dently well liked. Still, underneath
his smooth and glossy new coat his
heart was beating with a painful
nervousness, and when the sermon
was over and he began to read the
usual notices he was so flurried de
spite his outward calm that he over
looked the notice of the mothers'
He was about to announce the
last hymn when the old deacon, who
liked the young man very much,
came down the aisle and whispered
to him not to forget the notice.
"You must please the womon, you
know," said the wise old man.
The young minister blushed and
read the notice and then turned to
the hymn, the first line of which he
read aloud, as wa9 the custom of the
church. And then he blushed hard
er than ever, and the congregation
could not forbear to smile. The line
ran: 4
"Lord, what a thoughtless wretch
am I." New York Times.
At M. E. Church Service next Sun
day at 11 A. M. and 7:00 P. M. Sunday
School at 10 A. M. You are cordially
invited to attend. II. L. Bihghtol
Odd Fellows hall, All Saints Episcopal
Mission. February 7, Sezagesima Sun
day. Sunday school 10 a. in. Morning
service 11 a. m Holy Communion noon
Evening service 7:30 p. ni.
John Warren
Missionary in charge
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablsts, Unsaallsd for Con
stipation. Mr. A. R. Kane, a prominent druggist
of Baxter Springs, Kansas, says: "Cham
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are,
in uiy judgement, the moat superior
preparation of anything in use today or
constipation. They are sure in action
and with no tendency to nauseate or
gripe. For sale by Slocuui Drug Co.
A Story Without Words.
Perfect Confidence.
Where there used to be a feeling of
n ieainess and worry in the household
when a child showed symptoms of croup,
there is now perfect confidence. This
U owing to the uniform success of Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy in the treat
ment of that disease. Mrs. M. I. Bas
tard, of Poolville, Md.. in speaking of
I er experieuce in the use of that remedy
cays: "I have a world of confidence in
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for I have
used it with perfect success. My child
Garland is subject to severe attecks of
croupe and it always gives him prompt
relief." For sale by Slocum DrngCo.
Foreclosure Sale.
By vtrture of provisions ot foreclosure con
tained in a certain chattel mortgage given and
made by Thomas Keyes, party ot the first part.
to C. . Woodson, party ot the second part,
dated the 4th day of November, 1905, to secure
a certain promisory note made by Thomas
Keyes in favor of C, . Woodson, and of even
date with said mortgage, for the sum of Sixty
Dollars and twenty-fire cents, bearing interest
at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, due in
sixty days from date thereof; which mortgage
was given upon the following described pro
perty, to-wit:
One two-year old heifer; five yearling calves,
four heifers and one steer; three sucking
calves, 2 heifers and 1 steer; one red dehorned
Durham cow; two red Uerfordcows, white feet,
breast and tip of tail; one two-year old black
heifer with white face; one red two-year old
better with white breast and tip of tail; one
red and while spotted two-year old heifer with
star in face; one red two-year old steer; all the
above described cattle being branded thus
extending clear across the bark part of
both hips about six inches below the root o.
the tail, and marked with a hole in each ear.
Also one red two year old heifer with white
stripe along the back unbranded and un
marked; also one gray horse, 7 years old,
weight about l'i00 pounds, named Major, un
branded ; one white stallion, 8 years old, weight
about l.'X pounds, named Jefferson, un
branded; one brown stallion, 12 years old,
weight about 1400 pounds, named Baldy, un
brajuidd une a&an ol..liaras. . Hmtmtim w
white mare 7 years old named Lucy weight
about 1M, unbrajded, and one black horse (
years old, named Babe, weight about I.VjO, un
branded; and which mortgage was recorded In
the office of the county clerk of Morrow
Contest Notice.
Department of the Interior, I'nlted States
Land Office. The Palles, Orcgou, January 15,
19 4.
A sufficient contest aftadavlt bavins; beeu
filed in this office by James T. Downing, con
testant agalust homestead entry No. llMti",
made February t, 1902, for SE'i K Hec. 14,
8W-i 8w Sec. IS and V NW)sJ Section 24,
Township 6 8., Kange 25 K by James F, Fur
long Contostee, in which it Is alleged that said
James F. Furlong ha failed to establish his
residence on said tract; has never lived on the
same at all, and that he has totally abandoned
the said land, and does not now, and has not
for more than six months past resided in
Morrow county; that said alleged absence was
not due to employment In the army, navy or
marine corps of the United States during time
of war: said parlies are hereby notified to
appear, respond and offer evidence touching
said alligation at 10 o'clock a. in. on February
27, 1X04, before Vawter Crawford, county clerk,
t his office at lleppner, Oregon and that
final hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. m, on
March 5, VXH, before the Register and Re
ceiver at the United States Land Office in The ; .
The said contestant having, In a proper
aftadavlt, filed Dee. 13, 1W3. set forth facts
which show that after due diligence personal
serTice of this notice can not be made, it Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
be given by due and proper publication.
Micuail T. Nolan,
J21-125 Register.
In addition to our general stock of merchandise wo desire
to call
special attention to the following lines
Stupendous offer made by a
well-known Phlla. firm.
Disagreeable Man.
Algy Gwace has a hahwid fa
ther. When I awsked him tor her
hand I said, "Lore (or your daugh
ter has dwiven me hawf cwaiy.
Cholly And then, deah boy ?
Algy Then the old bwute said
Uu, eh ? Well, who completed the
Jobr lvansaa City Journal.
Good Results Guaranteed.
Ambitioua Writer My friends
advised me to bring you these jokes
They tell me I have humor in me,
iWhat would you advise me to do?
Editor1 Take some sulphur and
molasses. ChclKca Gazette.
Thousands of persons In all sections
of the country have been healed
by this wonderful discovery.
Don't read this advertisement if you expect
to get something for nothing, because you
won t. We have a good article and we want
money for It. Be sensible.
If you had something that was worth a dollar
would you give It free? When you read an ad
vertisement where you get something lor
nothing, that something Is cither no good or
else theyare up to some tilrn Ham" game.
We are not running a patent medicine busi
ness, so rest easy on that subjwt.
We do not know the word failure never
have and never will. The educated and higher
classes are the ones we want to reach. We
reach men and women in all walks of life.
Men and women, who to-day are before the
public as national characters have had our
confidence and the benefit of our experieoee.
, n is a 2im rrrmiry pronuri. one mat will Ui
r more apprvriau.f rife more it Is Cried.
! "Fresh from the bath and as good as she
looks." This old saying describes our clients
jtoaT. We have a VITALIZEH-not a patent
I medicine. It tones the system, centralises
weaknesses of all descriptions makes an even
temperature all over the tKxly and in lact It
muses a new man and
Comforts and Blankets
We have a good assortment of these goods, of excellent quality,
at very low prices
Our stock consists of a good assortment of mens, ladies and chil
drens up-to-date shoes, at the right prices. We also have a few
odds and ends in this lino which will be sold regardless of cost . . .
Capes and Jackets
I' ,
The remainder of our stock of ladies' and children's capes and
jackets will be closed out at actual cost : : : : :
Trunks & Telescopes
Wo now have a full lino of fino trunks of various styles and sizes
all at very low prices, to which we invito special attention : : :
carry a
Our stock of groceries is now very complete. We
line of canned fruits and vegetables of the choicest
make a specialty of Schilling's l&est Making Powder, Extracts and
Spices, which never fail to give entire s ' sfaction'O-oO'Cw
wr.. U . I I ...111
county, state of Oregon, at page , book 4 of iihln a few vears be a Dart of every hosi.li.l
mortgages, on the 6th day of November, 19U3, ; and surgical institute of our land. No germ
and was assigned to i. M. White by C. K. Wood-: can stand the force of contact with this new
. . , m. i a i . ,. . .discovery. Kheiimatlsm aud debility Hee be-
ouucmuwHiuiij.im, tore It. The mliihtv force of the turbulent
Notice is hereby given that on Friday, the waters of Niagara are in comparison with this
12th day of February, 1904, at 10 o'clock In the ?" P"';1 1,11 01a '"hloned CAN Dl.t Is
forenoon of that day In front of J. M. White's
Uvery Stable in the Town of Lexington, Mor
row County, Oregon, I will sell at public
auction all of the above described property,
or so much thereof as may be necessary to
satisfy the claim of said J. M. White on said
note and costs, to the highest and best bidder
for cash. S. M. Whits
not some one
It Is hardly
Assignee of mortgage
In the county court of the state of Oregon
for Morrow county.
In the matter of the guardianship Estate, of
Ruby Brock and John . Brock, Minors.
It appearing to said court by the petition
this day presented and filed by Henry Howell,
guardian of the estate of Ruby Brock and John
E, Brock, minors, praying for an order of sale
of real estate, that it Is for the best Interests
of said estate, that the real property belonging
thereto, to-wlt
An undivided two sevenths Interest In and
to the N W'4 of section 1 Tp. 2 H. K. 21 E. W. M.
be sold for the purpose of the better invest
ment of the proceeds;
It Is hereby ordered that the next of kin and
all persons interested in said estate of said
minors, be and they are hereby directed to ap
pear before the above entitled court en Friday
February 1 , 1WH at the hour of ten o'clock In
the forenoon ol said ay, at the county court
room In the couuty court house In lleppner,
Oregon, then and there to show cause, If any
exist, why a license should not be granted tor
the sale of said real estate as prayed for.
It is further ordered that a ropy of this order
be published in the lleppner Times once a
week for three successive weeks, before the
hearing of said petition.
listed this "th day of January, l'Jt.
Jlt fl T. W. Avxaa, Judge.
One person writes, "Why did
discover it beloreT"
Another says. "Bo simple
From the far West comes the unsolicited re
sponse, "A God send to humanity."
Walcott Christie, of New York, the Well-
Known author, says, "My success in a great
measure is due to 'Radios.' "
Weakness of certain organs la responsible
inrsiiuivs.es. neouiniup your system so
mat a ois-sse is an Impossibility. If your
uigesiive organs are out oi oraer, II your Mood
is impure, II you can t sleep, eat or attend to
business, I will cure you and guaranteed to do
so. I will give you a written guarantee. Could
you as a aoyimng morel
Delight your friends, astonish relatives, and
mase wonnernit experiments with this ne
metal-KADll-H HI Li'HJDK of Zlne activity
MMti. mgr o.wi0,.'s). We give you this as a
present when you order "KADIOH." This
alone Is worth several dollars of any man or
woman's money. Acts the same as X-rays.
Hlmply wonderful. RxocxsEa This Is A
We hav a lew rare
1iari;ainn to offer in
both city anil farm
property. Choice
reilence or lots
for investment or s
home, st all prices.
Morrow County
Farm Property...
Livery, Feed & Sale Stable
Good Hacks, Buggies a d Saddle
Horses for all parts of Interior
Best possible care talcen of horses left In our charge.
Horses, Harness, Sii'Ulei and Vi'oiclrs bought and sold.
Crain for sale. Call an see us; w.s'll treat you white
Also Baled Hay snd
812 Ilreicl Bull. ling
fbiladelphlr, fa.
Knclosed find one dollar for which send
me a treatment ol "RADIOr." In a plain
sealed wrapper, and also one RadloHulphlde
of Zinc activity.
If I am not entirely satisfied and Iff am
not cured you agree to KKrT.NU the money
1KOI HI.K. Von are to send me written
contract to that effect.
Name ...
Mate .
Willing to Leavs It Out
"Sweet are the ues of adversity,'
quoted the Tihilonophical friend.
Terhaps," admitted the prosaic
nan, "but I'm not hankering for
that kind of sweetness." Chicago
Not the Cheerful One.
"Then he didn't reall gire ac
cording to lus meant r
meanness." i'bikdelphia Pullio
Ons Good Word For Chirils.
Maud There goes Charlie. He
certain looks stupid.
Ethel -Well, he ncrer waa deceit
ful. New Orleans Times-Democrat
Real betate.
Islington town proturty Isso will
day a sii-room house-, (our loi, small
tarn, tmrg froit trns, Cs I Irriga
ted. Enquired H. E. N Orson,
The Overland
is the most famous of transconti
nental trains via Omaha. Between
Omaha and Chicago it runs via the
Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul
Double daily ncrvico Portland to
Chicago via thin route. All meals
eerved in dining curs.
134 Third St. Portlund
M, ft
moral Ag
We have farm prop,
erty ratiiiit in price)
from $ to an
srre. Hlock, (arui
imiilfmentK, crop
KO with farm when
preferred by purch
aser Portland City
We have pectired
for sale M choice
resilience lut in
Ptewart l'ark alili
lion to 1'nr'lanil,
all ready fur liuilil.
itif, 21) minuies
ri'le from poatoflicn
Ite sreT0xl(KI feet
ami st prit:esiiffereij
fHO to $175 are
unequalled as an In
vestment. Jer ma
ll.1) raah, liHUnce $5
a mnth, no interest
Notson & Hicks
Heppner and
Lexington, Oregon.
First National Bank
T. A. H1EA.
.Vice President
V..L. FKl'.KLANU.... Assistant Cashier
Transacts a General Banking Business
Collections made on all p.inls on reasonable terms
Surplus snd undivided profits f M.fXK) 00.
Liberty Meeit Market
GUY BO YD, Prop.
Beef, Mutton, Pork and Veal '
Poultry In Season. Fish on Prldsys. High
est Market Price Paid for Pal Stock.
Real Estate Bargains.
Perm alf section of good wheat land;
f.ur mllrs from Leaiuxton warehouse;
trood houas and fence, other Improve
nients. Stork, farm machinery and crop
ifo wlib ranch. Tbii is s bsrirsln s' the
price ask d, fkioo, se party U com pel led 1
to go elsewbcrt on sccount of his wife's '
tiralih. I
123)10 will burs pood sis-room tnW,
denre projierty In lleppner. Hlg acres I
of land ; good barn ; sll In very iiood rr. '
pair ami good Itratliin. Csll st Un
. i ST . m .a
uur ianatiiiy nib .ica'ra
will kep you po.-.tcd c.if.r
vork aaJ. inclhodi. ITailcd
Free to the I
y AovnnTiniNG r,-.Afi C
Rof any responsible house,!
s-ejSsj'l .IPI.'. " vjmMar t
M .4 Taane Manas '
Titueiofflcsfor parikulsrs. J J $ MA'Al jJ
1 tU?i'
Covsiiomts Afl.
Anrnna smiltnc askMett an4 SwnnO'Wi maf
enlrsif as.riiri our .trini,n fr whsahar an
InsmlMMl Is pf..hl,lf rui.nl.M. (innmuiilea.
ILmsMrletlf ..i.n.l.nU.l. HMIIRn0 ml'slnls
swit r ii1"M snrf f. u. uiiiif uaiama.
I'siMiia laksxi l l.r. .11 h Munn t Urralrl
If 11 malit, Jllh.Kllulisrt, talbs
Scientific flincrlcait.
A tianilsomalf ttlntrala4 mI, t srrMl rr
aita(Mn f anf .ii.iinn t-mfiisl, 1a,s. M S
sM kfail fiaaartMiHsra,
..r 1 fmir RM.Htus, II
MUNN & Co . New York
IKswt W'. OS r St. WaaHlastu IX U
Ths Times snd Weekly Oregonlsn.
The Times snd Oregon iso 2 yrsr.