Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, February 04, 1904, Image 7

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Work Mat Jut Deg un tor On Hundred
Mora Men are Sura to Mava Pcrlahod
Remains ot Many art burned to
Crip and Ail ara Horribly Mangled -Bereavrd
ara Stupefied With Oriel.
Plttnhurjr, Pa., Jan. 29. Three day
liave elapsed since the tcrrlhle catas
trophe at the llarwick mine of the AI
loglienjr Coal company and tonight at
midnight 71 hodles have lieen recovered
and hrotight to the surface. Only one
has been one of horror in the little vil
lage on the hill above the pit mouth,
hut even while the blackened liodien
were brought from the top of the shaft
and then on sleds to the nchoolhonne
on the hill above, where the undertak
ers were ready to receive them, tliere
seemed to prevail in the community a
a clutch that repressed their naturul
feelings of passionate anxiety and sor
row, th rim realization that there in
mill much work to be done Ix-foro the
full extent of the catastrophe has been
The Allegheny Coal company tonight
in an olllclal statement positively ad
mitted that all of the men who were In
the mine when the explosion occurred
are dead. There are 171 names on the
lint, which doe not Include Kelwyn M.
Taylor, or the two men who were on
the tipple alwve the mine shaft when
the exploxion came. Nor does the lint
Include the name of Daniel Lynle, of
CaHtle Hhannon, whose body wan found
in Hie luine tiiin inornliig. le wan
one of the nien who went down in the
mine to work hint night hut became
separated from the rent and wandered
off. II in iKxIy wan found sitting with
liia hack to the wall of one of the
House Bill Make $n inetead of $6 Per
Month the Minimum.
Wellington, Jan. 211. Kepresenta
tive Hilloway, of New IlampMhire,
4-hainiinn of the committee on invalid
ennlmis, today introduced a distinctly
service arid age penNioii hill, which
will give to each soldier who served HO
ilayn Btul w ho rear hen the age of 01!
yearn, fS Mr month; (ill yearn, 910 per
mouth, ami 70 yearn, $12 jr month.
In addition to the foregoing rate, hi
hill given to the men w ho nerved two
yearn or more an additional increune of
'l a month in each of tho above
rite hill increanen the minimum of
jH-iihlixiN allowed to S ht month, in
stead of (), which will Increase the
pennionn of 12,3114 soldiers who are
liiW on the. nil la at Itl wr m.,ntl,
The bill further providen that the ni
eionn of w idows who married nobliern
prior to January 1, 1870, and w ho are
now on the rotln drawing (M, Mini I he
increaned to $12. Heretofore the law
ban ln-cn that they conhl not get $12
unlenn their hushundn die of disease
contracted in the nervier.
tleuM Committee Diecuiac Recommen
dation! of Moody.
Washington, Jan. 2J. Recretary
Moody concluded hia rrciuiuiendatioiin
tslay liefor the hoiin committee on
naval affairs. He presented two plana
prepared by the general hoard of the
navy an the building plan for next
year. The flrnt wan I in mm I on an ex
pendittire of $31,000,000, ami included
provision fur one battlenhip, one arm
oreil cruiser, three protected rruiwrn,
four wont cruisers, two nUAdion col
lieri and two nubmarine boatn. The
aeoond plan providen for an expendi
ture of $:i0 ,000,000, and in a duplicate
of the flrnt programme with elimina
tion of two of the ncout cruiwrn.
The et-rctary recommended building
naval ntationn at (iunntanamo, Cuba,
ami Suing Hay, I. I. The ntation in
Cuba ultimately, in to cont $12,000,.
000, and the one in the I'liilippinea
$11,000,000. One million dollara in
awked thin year for the (iuantanamo
ntation, and a little Icwn than that
amount for the one in the I'liilippinea.
Japan Takes 20 Steemers.
Victoria, It. C, Jan. 2!. The
Mteumer Kaga Maru, which arrived thin
morning, brought newa that 20 nteam
em hud locn commnndered by the Jajx
anew government txdore nhe nailed, all
for the naval department. . The five
linern of the Australian line of the
Nippon Yunen Kainha, Including the
hint completed Mkko Maru, had their
lilting torn out and were hurried to
Yokohama to I fitted an torpedo-car-riern.
Three nteamera of the American
route to San Francim'o had Is'cn taken
and will be made auxiliary rruincrn.
Kalwr May Slip In.
1'arin, Jan. 2l. The St. IVti'mburg
correMindciit of the I'arln elition of
the New York Herald ban telegraphed
an extraordinary ntory'to the effect that
iermnny and Ienmnrk have reachel
an timlerntanding under the terms of
which, In the evnt of (irent Hrltnln
fighting with Japan against Ituania,
tiermany woiihi amicably " occupy
CoH'fih(fen with a owerftil force, clon
ing the llaltlr and preventing the Kun
ninn fl(Mt from leaving.
Will IW Rutnla'a Uet Word.
iWrliu, Jan. 2'.l. The rarlrorren
Hitideul of tho lierllner Tagnblalt
claims authority for the statement that
the forthcoming liuwlnn nolo to Japan
will le ICnssia's last word In the mat
ter. The torrenpondeiit says also thaj
Itunaia is particularly oppoaed Ut the
fortification of Menampho,
Idaho Senator Makea tile Maldea Speech
Hone Tatka of Panama.
W'anhlngton, Jan. 2H. The time of
the senate today wan again divided be
tween connideration of the Panama
mention and other mihjoctn. There
wan only one s'ieech on the canal, and
it wan made by (Hone, of Mmnourl, who
npoke to a renolution directing the sen
ate committee on foreign relatione to
make an inventigatlon into the 1'anama
revolt. He contended the circum
ntancea Indicated complicity on the part
of the United ritutes in the secession of
1'anama, and urged that In the interest
of the country'! goxl name, all the
facta should be known.
Ileyburn, of Idaho, made bin first
speech in the aeuate in support of a
renolution introduced by himmdf pro
hibiting railroad companion from tak
ing up land in a ootid body in lieu of
land in forent renervatiotm.
A number of billn were panned in
cluding one for a memorial bridge
across the Potomac river at Washing
When the senate convened, Ileyburn
mmle an aildrenn on Inn renolution di
reeling a ntay of proceedingnon applica
tionn to patent even numbered sections
of public landn In lieu of odd numbered
nectlonn, held by railroad companion in
forent reserves. He complained that
the prcnont law pennitn railroadn to
surrender worthlenn landn, and take up
other territory of mutih greater value.
The renolution wan referred to the com
mltUe on public landn.
The Sultan of Morocco Finally Qlvct
$50,000 to tho St. Louie Fair.
Kt. Louis, Jan. 2H.In the lint of
nationn which are to be reprenented at
the world i fair by national pavilionn,
Morocco probably will be missing.
Secretary Ktovens states that it in not
now exixM twl that Morm-co will official
ly participate by erecting a pavilion,
but that nome une, dotibtlenn, will be
made of the $50,000 appropriated.
According to information received by
the eijiMitioii ollicial from Com mm
nioner J. W. H. Iangcrnian, who re
cently returned from a minnion to Mo
rocco, being empowered an the sultan's
commiHHioner on bin return, the
amount appropriated hy that potentate
wan $.r)0,l)00. Ancnt thin appropna
tion an interesting ntory in told by Mr
Danfortli, assistant to Comminnioner
Ijingermnn. The amount wan not
given with very good grace, according
to Mr. Dariforth, who quotes the mil
tan an naying:
"Here in $50,000. Take it. I don't
care whether you une it for the world'
fair or put it in your own pocket.
Jon t know where St. Imis in, except
that it in somewhere in the United
Ftnti-n, and I don't care. And pleane
tell President Francln, whoever he in,
to atop writing mo lettern about hln
fair, an I am tired of gettiny them."
Ruaeiaa Minister Olven to Uoderitand
Delay Is Too OrcaU
Tokio, Jan. 2H. The Japanese gov
ernment bun diplomatically intimated
to I in r on Ie Koson, the Russian minis
ter, that an early response in desired to
Japan's recent note to Russia. It is
calculated here that the Japanese note
reached the Russian cabinet on the af
ternoon of January 111, and it in felt
that nnllicient time hnn elapsed (or itn
consideration and the preparation of a
renjionxe. The Japanese government in
conscious of the possible necessities of
the military and naval situation, and
in unwilling to Mrmit evasions and de
lays which are designed to gain time.
The future course of the Japanese
government in a carefully guarded se
cret. The length of time that Japan
in prepared to await the pleasure of
Russia in unknown. It eeemn probable
that it bun Ix-eu determined to act de
cisively within a few duys. The popu
lar temper ban lung opponent further
While many objected to Japan taking
the Initiative, a majority would now
welcome the issuance of a brief ulti
matum and a declaration of war if
that should prove ineffective. Some
outside opinion here inclines to the lie
lief that the activities of Japan will he
limited to the aelsure of Cores, which
enterprise, it la thought, Russia would
not oppose.
Adopts Uold Standard.
Washington, Jan. 2H. A lxlated re
Mirt ban Ix-en received at the slate de
partment from United States Minister
Renupre, at Hogota, upon the monetary
law of Colombia, w hich wan passed by
the Colombian congress at itn last ses
sion. The bill providen that the mone
tary unit shall le the gold dollar of the
United States; that future emission of
aMT money lx plohlhited J that in
the departments and provinces w here
silver ban hitherto Ix-en current coin
age it shall keep to the gold unit and
all puHT money burned.
Ctar Moves Troop.
Port Arthur, Jan. 2. It Is reported
that alxmt I'll) wagons loaded with
army stores have left I.lno Yang dally
for the past four days for the Yaln riv
er, where it in intended to concentrate
H ,()() Port Arthur and Mukden troops.
The authorities assert that the hostility
of Japan conixls tnobllixntion on the
Yalu, ant on this river Itussia lias
heretofore carefully avoided alarming
Con a by an appeaiame of threat-ning
Consula to Reach Posts loon.
Washington, Jan. 2H. t'nder the
provisions of the treaty with China,
the state department Intends to di
patch at once by tlm shortest route,
Messrs. Cheshire and Iavldson, the
two consuls to Mukden and Antung,
Tbry wllltw alilo to reach their Hie
In Ova or all weeks.
Only One Employ Who Went Down In
tho Morning Has Returned No Warn
Ing of Dlaaater Rescue Imposslblo on
Account of Foul Air-Many Heart
rending Scenes.
Pittsburg, Jan. 27. From all that
can be gathered at thin hour, between
10 and 190 men are lying dead in the
headings and passageways of the Har
wick mine of the Allegheny coal com
pany, at Cheswic, the result of a ter
rific explosion today. Cage after caue
has gone down into the mine and come
up again, but only one miner of all
those that went down to work this
morning Las lxn brought to the sur
face. The rescued man is Adlcjph
(iuina, and he is still in a semi-conscious
condition at the temporary hos
pital at the rude scboolhouse on the
hillside above the mine.
in aauiMon to me miners who were
at work when the explosion occurred.
It is now believed by practically all of
the men of the rencue party who have
come up the 220-foot vertical shaft for
a warming and a breathing spell that
Sclwyn M. Taylor, the Pittahurg min
ing engineer, who platted the mine.
and who was the flrnt to reach the bot
tom after the explosion happened, is
also now among the list of dead. Of
thoeo in the mine all are probably
dead. '
The explosion occurred at 8 :30 o'clock
wim morning, ami me nrst warning
wan the sudden rumble under the
ground and then a nheet of flame fol
ioweu up me uoep nnaii. liotn mine
i . i .i , ...
cages were hurled through the tipper,
20 feet above the landing stage, and
the three men on the tipple were hurled
to the ground. A mule was thrown
high above the shaft, and fell dead on
ll . mi a
mo grouna. ine injured men were
brought at one to this city, where two
ol them have since died.
As soon as the rumble of the explo
sion and the crash at the pit mouth
startled the little village, the wives and
children of the men below rushed to
the scene of the disaster, but to gain
no encouragement. There was no way
to get into the deep workings. The
cages that let the men into he mines,
and brought them out again when the
day's work was done, were both de
All day long there was a jam of wait
ing women and children about the
mouth of the pit. There were calls for
assistance and for surgical aid from the
men in cnarge oi me mine, but it wan
not until 4 o'clock this afternoon that
the flrnt attempt at rescue was "made
This was a failure, as the two men who
had volunteered were driven back by
the foul air. Shortly after 6 o'clock
Hclwyn M. Tmjrlor and m of blm mmmkti-
snts signaled for the engineer to lower
them into the shaft. Taylor is still
down there. Three times efforts have
IxH-n made to reach him, but so far
without avail.
Inhabitants Become Panlcstrlcken
Lose All Their Property.
Aalenund, Norway, Jan. 27. The
fire which swept over this town yester
day morning destroyed every building
In It w ith the exception of the hospital.
The 11,000 inhabitants of Aalesund
were compelled to camp in the open, an
only a few damaged and uninhabitable
houses were left standing. The chil
dren of the town had to tie housed tern
porarily in the church at Borgund.
The panic among the people was so
great after the outbreak of the flames
that all attempts at leadursihp or dis
cipline became out of the question; no
excesses, however, were committed.
The ixHiple first endeavored to save
some of their property, but they soon
found they had quite enough to do to
save their own lives.
The destruction of the tow n was com
plete within a couple of hours from the
time the Are started. Over 20 steam
fishing boatn and many sailing smacks
were sunk in the harbor in order to
save them from the flames, but three
steamers and many smacks were burn
ed. It is believed now that only three
tx-rsont lost their lives.
Asiatics are Wanted.
Johannesburg, Jan. 27. A monster
petition signed by 45,100 white male
adults In the Transvaal, requesting the
passage of a law providing for the im
ixirtation of Asiatic labor Into the col
ony, will lie presented to the legislative
council by Kir (Seorge Farrar, chairman
of tho Fast Kami Proprietary group of
mines. It is claimed that as the total
white male population of the Trans
vaal is K0, 000, and as 15,000 govern
ment employes did not sign the pe
tition, it represents the views of 70 cr
cent of the white residents.
Oermany Sees Japan Is In Rarnest.
lVrlin, Jan. 27. As the (ierman
government understands the present
nituntlon, the hiding is such at Tokio
that Japan will declare war unless
Russia answers her demands favorably.
Russia recognlxea this, and accordingly
Intends to accept enough of Japan's
points to make the Tokio cabinet f.el
that a sufficient cause for war no longer
exists, and w hite tho forthcoming note
will not satisfy Jspan.lt will prrverit the
poesihilty o a declaration of war.
Wants Arid Land Reclaimed.
Washington, Jan. 27. Senator Hey.
burn today Introduced bill appropri
ating 1 10 ,000 to provide for an exam
ination to determine the feasibility of
reclaiming the overflowed lands of the
Kootenai river In Northern Idaho and
XI on Una,
L levator Men lei Chlcaro Skyscraper
Stick to their Poets.
Chicago, Jan. 26. Fire in tho 20-
story Masonic temple cauned a panic
among the 4,000 occupants of the build
ing, and damaged the stock and fixtures
of tenants to the extent of $20,000.
All occupants of the building eacated
ithont serious injury through the
bravery of the elevator men, who re
mained at their poets operating their
cars while dense clouds of smoke filled
the building.
The fire broke out in the suite of five
rooms on the fifth floor occupied by
Robert Friedlander & Co., manufactur
ers of X-ray apparatus. A lighted
match, carelessly thrown by an em
ploye Into a pile of excelsior in the
packing room is believed to have start
ed the fire. There was a large number
of X-ray vacum tubes stored in the
company's rooms, and these exploded
the moment the heat reached them.
The thousands of occupants of the
building, with the memory of the Iro
quois theater holocaust, which oc- j
.... ..,..! .., t.tf l.l,.l. u !
i c4 uuv vim-Alan ui'ji. Hnaj, ircDU
In their minds, were alarmed when
rushed to the elevators. Many women
fainted in' the scramble to get into the
elevatcrs, but none was seriously in
jured. The large building was emptied
within half an hour after the fire was
discovered. Hundreds of men and
women groped their way through the
smoke and came down the stairs.
That the damage to property and in
dividuals was not greater was probably
due largely to the efficiency of the fire
drill of the employes. When the great
fire bell at the top of the rotunde
sounded the alarm of fire, 'every jani
tor, engineer and fireman in the build
ing responded and long before the fire
department had reached the scene the
temple fire brigade had attached hose
to the stand pipes which extend from
the basement to the roof of tha struc
ture and eight streams of water were
turned upon the conflagration by the
volunteer firemen. The fire depart
ment used but little of its hose, the
building's equipment being called
into use.
Dalles Canal Will Not Be Delayed
for Lack of Funds.
Washington, Jan. 26. Senators
Mitchell and Fulton have made a thor
ough investigation of the status of Ore
gon improvements, in view of no river
and harbor bill at this session. They
found that only one project can be
taken care ot in trie ordinary way in
the sundry civil appropriation bill
and that is the cana' nd locks at The
Dalles. The senators were advised by
eliaf Mnginaara that tjmra eu
on hand January 1 an unexpended bal
ance of $1,200,000 for the bar at the
mouth of the Columbia river. The
amount for the river between Portland
and the sea was less than $100,000.
For this project Major Langfitt recom
mended $1,200,000, but the war depart
ment cut the amount down to $500,000,
believing that no more than that
amount could be utilized in one year.
It was stated by the chief of engineers
that the half million, if it could be ob
tained this year by any means, would
be sufficient nntil a river and harbor
bill conld be passed early in the ses
sion, perhaps before the holiday recess.
The engineers recommended, and the
war department concurred in the rec
ommendation for the appropriation of
$500,000. In addition, $125,000 is
favored for dredging. It is deemed
very important, the senators say, that
this appropriation should be made, but
under tho existing conditions it cannot
go in the regular sundry civil bill, in
the regular course. All of the Oregon
improvements, except The Dalles, are
affected, and it is doubtful whether
anything can he done before January of
next year. It is the intention of the
delegation to make tho very best fight
possible to get the necessary funds for
carrying on the Oregon improvements.
Russian Troops Expect War.
Victoria, B. C, Jan. 26. Four Ital
fans, who have been working on the
Manchurian railway, who arrived by
the Victoria from Yokohama today, re
port the Russian soldiers all expectant
of speedy war with Japan, have lieen
panning through there and large detach
ments of artillery have been arriving,
Great camps of soldiers are being made
at many jiointa ready for concentration
on the Yalu frontier when necessary.
Fortifications were lieing
erected in many places
in Man-
Coit of Field Maneuver.
Washington, Jan. 2(1. A request
for an appropriation of $1,245,300 for
field maneuvers fur 1005, and of $1,
255,400 for the name purpose for the
flncal year of IDOrt. wan trannmitted to
the house today from the war depart
ment. It in proponed, General Chaffee
says, to hold the maneuvers in two of
the four military divisions of the
country each year. During the present
year they are to be held in the Atlantic
anl Pacific divisions.
Oreat Radium Discovery.
Austin, Tex., Jan. 20. What is said
to le the richest radium bearing earth
In the world has lieen discovered in tha
Llano gold and coal fields, 115 miles
north of this city. Humors of the dis
covery of the earth liearlng a large per
cent of radium In the Llano have been
persistent for soma time, and today
thene rumors were verified by the re
turn of a party of scientists who had
visited Ui mine to investigate the reports.
I' a I td Statae.
f rISrnt
Vtea-Prmildent ...
Srrrne, y oi Hil
Mreiar? of Trurf.....
Scrtar jr of Interior. ......
fccrtr7 f w '...
Sscretarr of Ny
Postman tr-Hm-rl...,
fcacrctary of Asrlrnlfnre.,
Com General Land Office.
.......Tho!or RonoTl
W. R. !,.?
I.Tmin J. (.ara
. A. Ilitrhroci
E. K. Hoot
-John D. Ixrg
.CliarlM r.ainrj Smith
John W.Orirsa
James Wilson
........ Blnger Herman
Stat Federal Offletals.
mm.tOT. 1 John H. Mitchell
Bene tore, j Chae. W. Kulion
conireeraen.. J Thom.e H. Tonnue
Internal Revenue Collector..... ...... I). M. Imnne
IiHtrlet Jedge r. b. Bellinger
Circuit indue. -,, .i... B. Gilbert
Mitrict Attorney J. H. Hall
V. H. Marshall ..W. F. Mathews
United States Land Offleare.
..Jar P. Lneae
....Otis ratterson
...E. W. Bartlett
-J. O. ewackheimer
Btata of Oregon
Geo. E. Chamfxsrlaln
Secretary oi Btate . Jt. I. Dunbar
Treasurer C. S. Moore
Attorney-General ..........A. M. Crawford
Bunt, of fubllc luitructlon. J. H. Ackerman
Printer ..... J. R. Whitney
...... ....mm........K. B. I
Bnpreme Jodgee j ......F. a. M
K. B. Mean
Clerk Board School Land Commission
......Mart Chamberlain
Game Warden Alnha Oulmby
rih Commissioner F. C. Held, Astoria
Veterinary burgeon ..Wm. McLean. Portland
Sixth Jndlelal District.
Clrcnit Judge ..... W. R. Elite
rrotecuung Attorney . T. O. Hatley
Marrow County Officials.
Joint Senator .............Walter Pierce
Representative G. W. Pheli
tumy udge...........A.t. Bartholomew
County Commi..ioner. j;;;"";'..''
County Clerk Vawter Crawford
County Bheriff . E. M. Bhutt
County Treanrer.....m......M. Lichtenthal
County A eor.... W . L. Baling
County Surveyor , Keithly
County Hchool 8uperlotendent...Jay W. Hhipley
County Coroner ht. Kistner
btock lnipec tor ... ..B. C. Kirk
Beppaer Town Officers.
.Frank Gilliam
. J. Roberta
Geo. Noble
. W. Rhea
Phil Oohn
Tom Quaid
.....0. E. Farneworth
. 1. r. William
L. W.Brigg.
D. C Guidau
Heppner School District.
Directora-T. J. Matlock, E. M. Bhutt, J. M.
Hagar. Clerk-L. W. JBrigg.
Proelnet Offleare.
Juitlee of tb Peace J, P. William
Constable....... .... .Q. B. Hatt
"" MaUaaal Bank. Humuc.
Office In Odd Fellow New Building.
Heppner. Oregon.
Offloe, Patterson' Drag Btor.
E. EIG09
Room S and 4
Residence at Henry Johnson's.
Beppner, Oregon.
tj. 8. Commissioner. Homestead filing and all
final proof made.
Office one door east P. 0., Borg'i Jewelry Store.
Office In Palace Hotel, Heppner, Oregon.
Fin Bath Room In connection.
Shop two door north ot Palace HoteL
Shavlnfj Parlors
Tar Door South of Foetofflee.
Shavian-, tse
fetal raalliaa. lie.
Bathroom la Connoctloa.
To and from an
Through Palace and Tonrlst Sleeper; Dlnln
and buffet Hmuklag Library Car.
For rate, folder and full information regard
ing ticket, route, etc., call on or address
City Ticket Agent, Portland, Or.
J. W. PHALOV, T. P. A.,
122 Third 8t., Portland, Or.
A. B. C. DENNISTON, 0. W. P. A..
613 First Ave.. Seattle, Waah.
"The Milwaukee"
A familiar name for the Chicago, Milr
waukee & St. Paul Bailway, known all
over the Union as the Great Bailway
running the "Pioneer Limited" trains
every day and night, between St. Paul
and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago,
"The only perfect trains in the world."
Understand : Connections are made with
All Transcontinental lines, assuring to
passengers the best service known.
Luxurious coaches, electric lights, steam
heat, of a verity equaled by no other
See that your ticket reads via "Tha
Milwaukee" when going to any point in
the United States or Canada. All ticket
agents sell them.
For rates, pamphlets or other infor
mation, address,
J. W. Casey,
Trar. l ui. Agent. "
H. S. Rowb,
uenerai .
Dr. M. B. Metzler
Office in Odd Fellows New Building.
Call and See Me.
Union Pacific
Only Line East via
Salt Lake and Denver
Hirrnia, Oa.
rt Mn-
ior Kast and Wait
Fast Mail
rom fcast and West
or Kast and West
E press
trom East and Wet
:10 b. i
1:00 a.m.
:10 b. a.
tan Faicaaco-PoaTLasD Rotrra fiuamet
all trom fortlaod I p. m. everj t dara
Datlr Boat eerrtco between Portland. Astoria,
Oregon Cttr, Peyton, Salem, Indepandeoeo,
Cotvalll and all Colombia and Willamette
Biver point.
teamen between Rlparla and Leviiloe
leave Rlparla dallf al 0 a. nvi returning
leave Low Utoa dally illiNia.
I. B. RnadlMton,
Utftt Oiesee
Lira -Mas i