Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, February 04, 1904, Image 5

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    ,1! Y
THURSDAY. FEB. 4. 1904.
Subscription, S1.00 Por Yoar.
All I'hmigna In ! vertlwiuotit. end nil cor-
imiiiiiiii Mimr if i"fi at m i
H'mlnnwlitjr tiiHiu, otlmrwl lliir will bn litilrt
ovor until tli liillowliiH wk. Waalin Ui () to
Sria early 'fliursilay inoriiliiK, mid cr.nniil tm
ulayul ly '! '"' i!i..TMiiloui!fc wlilrh ran
lust as wll Ixi lilmt earlier In the wwk,
I'Ikh'h remeinlmr Ihla.
A ehara til nvn runts ft linn will 1 inclu lor
publishing "Ki'suluttons ol Contluluui-e."
Mr. and Mr. W. B. Hancock and
daughter were paeeengere for rorlUnJ-r--Ti corner-stone laying and tbe
T. II. Wilson of lone, waa a business
visitor in our city I'ridey.
J. I Jenkins wan In town Monday
from bia Right Mile ranch.
Fred Bartholomew Waited oyer Sunday
with Caatle Rock friend.
BenJ. K'og and wife of lone, were
visitors in Ileppner Tuesday.
C. N. Srott ol Lexington, waa trading
with Ileppner merchants Monday.
V. M. Lovgren of Wgt Mile, trans
acted business in this city Saturday.
Alty. C. I? Kedfield went to Portland
Tuesday to spend a lew days on business.
W. L. Mallorr was nn from lone
Friday last looking after his Interests in
this city.
lvd McDaid of Lexington, waa In our
city Monday looking after aotne bus
iness niattera.
V. B. I'inley was in town Saturday
from bis lower Sand Hollow rauvh for a
load of supplies.
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Bartholomew of
Castle Rock, visited relativee here a few
days the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. ljrown were down
from Minion creek Monday doing bus
iness with Ileppner tnerchanta.
J. 11. Barker and T. D. Mathews,
prominent citixeus of Butter creek, were
transacting business iu this city Friday
nd Saturday.
Tbe person who borrowed my saw,
with V. V. S I randed on the handle,
will do me a great favor by returning
aaoie at once. W. P. Sckivneh
Married:- At lha Palace hotel in thia
city, January 2.1th, by Rev. J. V. Craw
ford, pastor of the Christian church, Mr
Ralph Ht mer n4 WimLuU Cm, both
Laid The Corner Stone.
Tuesday to visit for a few days.
Jamea M. Ilayei waa In from his Upper
Rhea creek stock ranch this week at
tending to some business nnt'ers.
IM Hule's new reshlenee being erected
in the south part of town is nearing com
pletion. It is a two story frame with
modern conveniences.
Mrs. M. A. Cochrsn of Mitchell,
Nebraska, arrived In the city Monday on
an extensive visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. Asbbaugh
J. M. Spencs, at one time a resident
of Ileppner, bnt now a business man ol
Pendleton, rpent yeslerda in our city
visiting with old time friends.
George Frencli had tbe misfortune to
almost sever a thumb from bia band while
splitting wood Monday. It seems that
he waa using a long handed ax and the
handle caught In bis clothing, causing a
mistroke, resulting as above stated. Dr.
Kistner dressed tbe band and be ia
getting along nicely.
Aeseteor Gove and Deputy Sheriff Hill
are very buisily engaged this week draw
ing a map of the city of Ileppner,
atrictly up to date. Now if they will
mak some blue prints when they have
it finished it will be appreciated b
many who would be willing to pay a
reasunable price for good up to-date
map of the city.
C. II. Bullit one of tbe prosperous
stockmen of the viciuity of Ilardman,
waa in town Monday. He reports that
bis range stock are looking well, t ius
far without feed except what they get
from tbe pasture, and that some of bia
cattle are almost fat enough for beef.
Mr. Builii says stock of all kinds are
wintering well on tbe pasture in bia
section, and unless the remainder of tbe
winter is very aevere they will be in
better condition than Is usual at the open
Ing of spring.
D. S. Bsrlow, one of the successful
farmera of the Eight Mile country waa in
tbe city on business Saturday. He pre
dicts tbe biggest ctop in tbe history of
Morrow couuty. He bsses bit predict
ions upon the fact of tbe largest acreage
ever sown to grain In tbe county and
tuai mere nas never been more, tt at
much, tuuiature lis tha ground at W
season of year Mr Bur low thinks that
services connected therewith at the new
Episcopal church in this city last Friday
afternoon, waa a very pleasant event for
the members of that church. Since their
churcli was destroyed by the flood the
members have been very diligent in
raising funds to rebuild, and now that
the foundation of a church that will
coat not less than $3,500 ia completed
the congregation baa reason for gratifi
cation. The corner-stone laying waa conducted
under the direction of Kev. Wm. Sey
mour Short of Grace church, Astoria,
who waa aaaisted by Rev. W. E. Pot
wine of Pendleton, and Rev. John
Wsrren of the Ileppner church. An
appropriate musical program was ren
dered in addition to the ritual services.
Tbe attend ace was quite large.
What r They?
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets, A new remedy for stomach
troubles, biliousness, and conatipation,
and a good one. Price 25 cenla. For
sale by Slocutn Drug Co.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the county court of the fUate of Oregon
fur Morrow County.
in tbe matter of the estate of James Jones,
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
hai filed In the County Court of the state of
Oregon for Morrow County bia final report as
Executor of the last will and testament of
James Jones dweaawl, and Mnturday the 6th
day of March 9M at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.
of tald day has bn appointed by tbe said
court as the time and the County Court rooms
of Morrow County Oregon a the place for the
settlement of said account-.
8. f. OARKiorn
f4-n3 Kieoutor.
Roosevelt Club.
A. Meeting has been called for to
morrow, Saturday night, Roberts' opera
house, for the purpose of organizing a
Roosevelt club, and all republicans who
can make it convenient to attend are
requested to be present. A number of
prominent republicans are Interested
In the matter and an enthusiastic club
is expected to be tne result of the meet
ing, so come oat and help the move
Game Warden at Work.
It is reported that the game warden
has taken steps to bring to justice a
number of persons who have been viola
ting the game law by unlawfully killing
deer in the Blue mountains. We under
stand that several arrests have been
made and others will follow.
Whether there i any foundation for
the charges the Times is unable to state.
Notice of Flnl Settlement.
In the County Court of the state of Oregon
for Morrow county.
In the matter of tbe eatate of L. P. Jones,
deceased .
Notice Is hereby given that tbe undersigned
has filed In the County Court of the state of
Oregon for Morrow county his final report as
administrator of the estate of V. V. Jones de
ceased, and Hatnrday tbe fitb day of March
1904 at tbe hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of aald day
baa been appointed by tbe "aid court an the
time and the County Court rooms of Morrow
County Oregon as tbe place for the settle
ment of said account.
M. Auhbaioh
HmZ Administrator.
1 '
M I nzles Swaggart.
B. F Swaggart went over to Pendle
ton tbe first of 1 he week to be present
at the wedding of bis eldest daughter
Maude, who was united in marrage
yesterday evening to Gordon Minxiea of
Walla Valla, at the 8 safari residence
in Pendleton. Only invited friends and
relatives were present to witness the
of lone.
R. F. Hynd, who is now bookkeeper w'ln growing shower or two
for Balfour. Guthrie Co . at Portland. M,7 lhe yield wiU tclu"' 10 "J Pr"
came no S.turdav to visit with friends a Tioui J"". or Perh,t" be". nd wil
few d.ys and to look alter hie Morrow no n,ore "in -v"'8e croP
county interests.
There will be a grand ball in the
Artisan ball LexingUn, Friday night,
l'ebruaryji, 1SKM. Everybody cordially
Thompson Creek Mines.
The promoters of the Thompson
Creek Coal mines, ahich are located
Mr. Fred Clingin and Mihs Ora Hale
wera anlMit la uiartlaga- fir- (Ilia ' ctty
vesterday evening at the residence of
the groom. Tbe Times joins their many
friends in extending congratulations.
much peased with recent developments
J. K. McGregor, the superintendent
of the mines, who returned from the
Invited to attend. Be sure and don't Doar Bnc0,u- Wsr,iniitoo, are very
miss a pleaaaat time. 'It
Harry Egbert, murderer of officers Jno
West and John G. Satton, in Harney
county Uat October, waa b.agtd at the fleW MonJ7 evnin- ' lwn
penitentiary at salem last Friday. He
died game, and In a abort speech warned
his enemies.
J. II. Prad, a Blackhoree farmer, was
in town Fr'.day last. He reports splen
did prospecta in bis sectloo for the com
ing crop. While tbc alternate freezing
nil thawing la hard on wheat be doss
not think it will injure crops to any
ajTeat extent.
ating the drill steadily the past few
weeks and the results obtained are
very encouraging. He has sunk five
boles in a dl'tanue of (wo and a half
miles, along the valley In tbe coal flidd,
an I in every instance has struck the
regular coal ssam 12 feet in thickness.
At the upper end of the valley, where
a shaft was first sunk, the coal seam
waa raach4 at a depth of 85 feet, but at
tbe lower end. two and a half miles
Sugar Beet Yield.
The exigzr beet crop of the Grand
Round Valley has netted the growers
95,ooo this season. The yield of beets
waa ii,ooo tons last year, while the 1902
yield was 9,000 tons. One ton of
beets will produce 340 pounds of sugar.
The 12 000 tons produced aSS.ooo sacks
of 100 pounds each, or J, 8S0, 000 pounds,
and the sugar sells at 5 cents per pound.
Thus the gross output was $144,000.
In The Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow county,
J. A, Tbompnon, Plaintiff
P. William as admfnlntrator of
the entatenof HermlmAbrahamnick deceased,
and of Antone Abrahamilck deceaaed, Elnle
Meyrs, William Berger, Johanna Abrabamalck,
and Anions Abrabamnlck beirs at law of
Hermlne Abrahamaick and Antone Abraham
nick, defendants.
To EUie Meyri, William Berger, Johanna
Abrabamilck and Antone Abrahainsick of the
above named dvlendanta.
In tbe name of tbe Ktate of Oregon; You
and each of you will take notice that you and
each of you are hereby required to appear and
anewer In tbe above entitled court and cause,
on or before Tburaday tbe lOtb day of March
1SM, taid date being six weeka from January
2Mb 1904, tbe date prescribed in tbe order for
the first publication of tbla summons; and if
you fall to so appear plaintiff will apply to the
court for tbe relief prayed for in his complaint
to-wit: For Judgement against tbe defendant
J. P. Williams as administrator of the estates
of Hermlne Abrahamsick deceased, and of
Antone Abrahamsick deceased, In tbe sum of
Hi.00 and accruing Interest at rate of 10 per
cent per annum and the further sum of tto.00
attorneys fees and the costs and disbursement.
of this suit, and for a decree foreclosing
certain mortgage made and executed by said
Hermlne Abrahamsick and Antone Abraham
sick both deceased, on the 24th day of Novem
Ut 19W, to Jennie Hocket, now owned by
plaintiff npon the following described prcm
Isetto-wlt: Lots four and five In block five tq
Jones' addition to tbe ton of Heppner Oregon
and that said premises he sold to satisfy tbe
amount reunq 10 t aua pnipuo upon saiq
mortgage, and for such other relief as may be
equitable. This summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof by order ol Hon. W. R.
Ellis, Judge of the Oth Judicial District of
Oregon, which order Is dated at Chambers at
Pendleton, Oregon on the 2fith day of January
9104, and prescribed that the Ortt publication
of this summons shall be made on the 2Mh
day of January 1904, and the last publication
thereof on tbe loth day of March 1U04.
0. W. Pmilps
J2K-mlO Attorney for Plaintiff.
The Largest Shipment of Shirt ever brought to Ileppner has
jtiBt been received at
And Ready for Your Inspection
C'l THR RFAlfiN WhTOurtl''d,! in Men' DrM & Negligee
:g J 1 1 Li laLflkJUll Shirti hM donWed itseif each -ear 8ince 1900 ig
DHOAUDU ONLY THE IUkAIj which i. absolute!.
And no other Shirts
wear equal to the
To suit every condition of the Purse. Those Negli
gees with collar attached, and ties to match, at 75c
and $1.00 each defy competition, and if you want the
best going, put up $3.00 and take one of those ele
gant Cream Luster wool Shirts, or that beautiful Do
mestic Pongee, the Pink of Perfection, and at the top
in Style. Every sort imaginable at interesting prices
We want you to come in and look over this the most $
comprehensive line of shirts we have ever seen. If $
you can t do this take a peep into the window as you H
v pass, but
State Central Committee.
Portland, Oregon, January. 29, 1904.
The ltepublican State Central Com
Rijttep la hereby called to meet la the
City of Portland on Friday, thai nth day
o( February, 1904 (Abraham Lincoln's
birthday,) in room ia Hamilton build
ing at 10 o'clock a. m , (or the purpone
of aeWting the time and place for hold
ing the neat State Convention, appoint-
8. C. Jack la la receipt of Alfred u WM BW m ing delegate, to ..id convention recotn
........ a I I n.ati.liiid .1.1 la I . at 1 . 1 linn an I a at a
ioet, which fact reveali the dip of the
coal aeatn.
The encourglng and flattering feature
of the proKect work o far it that
wherever the aeam has been pierced a
12 toot itrata of aolid coal ia revealed,
Feel a I'.KH wall paper aamplea, more
leautiful than ever before; also Portland
fwnplea. If you with be will furnish
liouae lining at 3 centa per yard. A
quantity now on band. Hall paper
aia ctnta per roll and op.
mending date for boiling primaries,
and for the tramaction of uch other
hualneaa as may properly come In-lore
the coinniillae.
IIahkimon Aixkx, Fhank C. Baker
Scretary. Chairman.
Thie will be a public basket social ,Dj nturaly enough the promoters, all
given by tbe ladies of SanSoud Rebck ah e( whom are lleppnar men, feel that
lodge at X. O. O. 1'. ball on Friday, jj,,,, ve , proimrty that la worth a
Febrnary 6, 11104. All
Tiled to bring a basket '
ladiea are in-
with name In-
aide. All baskets will be sold to tbe
highest bidder and tbe proceeda will go
towaid buying new robes fur the Rebekah
(earn. Program free, everybody Invited.
Doors otn at 7 P. m.
mint of money. The company has
aacured alxuit IKKK) acres of land la the
ami Olds, which is located only five
miles from the Northern Paciflo rail
road, and an almost luvcl grade to con
nect the mines by rail with the main
Tbeaerieaof meetings at the Baptist P,
church closed Sunday evening. Tbe One of the chieffcatures la the central
interest bas been marked and at each lotion this coal field holds, being 25
eervlce tbe attendance large. At tbe n,(Pi over Northern Pacific Kallroad
M. K. church a aeries of mretlngs were Jrin deep water at Olympla, 45 miles
commenced Sunday and will continue (rom Tacoma over Northern Pacific IUil
daring the werk and perhaps two or ro.j ,mj joa miM from Portland, at
Jhree weeka. . present time the Urgent market on
Three bomea In Condon, tbote of Wm. the Pacific roast. The analysis of the
If. Dunlap, John R. Clark and tbe Wal- coal proves it to be equal to any on tbe
lars family were quarantined Monday coast, and In quantity a conservative
morning on account ol smsllpoi. The estimate places that at over 30,000,000
illaraaa la In a verv mild form and aaltiina.
eeoo as the authorities were aware that The promoters find safe In laying It
the diarase e listed la the town every will be one of the greatest producers In
precaution waa taken to prevent lie the Found Country, when brought to a
spread. -Globe, I full stage of development.
Auto Line to Burns.
The rKrt reached us from what arc
pears to be authentic source, that the
management of the Columbia Southern
11. U. ie at this time contemplating the
early establishment of an automobile,
paaaenger and freight line between
Shatitko and liurns. This report. If
true means a great deal to the so-called
Inland Kmpire, and is the truth of
greatest interest of every clliseo of
Harney Valley, and to more than four
fifths of tlie entire population of the
country. It ia true we are scarcly ready
and willing as yet to concede the fact
that line like thia would any where
near serve the purpose of a It. It. Into
this valley, but it must l admitted by
everyone who is at all familiar w Ith tbe
various eite naive and important uses
now made of the automobile, by not
only Kuropeao countries, but by our
own, that well equipped automobile
line with moderately good roads and
grades is second to the full-fledged rail
road as a means for the transportation
of passengers and freight. Hums Items.
Have just opened a new
saloon at the corner of
Main and May street
FlneBt L,lquors
and Cigars
Pendleton Beer
On Draught
Hot and Cold Lunches
I leppner, Or. .
Wawhliig and
Ironing Done
and In
May Street, East side of Creek
Gee Wall, prop.
Real Estate
And Fire Insurance
Mbitds a flbatteuson
If you have a Farm, Grazing
Lands or City Property for
Sale call on us. Or if vou
Want to Buy we can suit you
as we have a Long List of
Properties to Select from.
Land Scrip For Sale
0000000d00060000000000000o00000 0000000000000000
First class work,
A fit guaranteed.
Reasonable prices
May street,
Government Land Scrip.
If you want to eecuro a tract of government
land, buy scrip and get titlo immediately without
further trouble, wo can sell you any quantity
from 40 acres up at price that will surprise you.
All of our scrip is fully guaranteed and wo
attend to all matters concerning namo in U. S.
Land ollicc until patent issues without additional
charge. -
HUDSON & BROYNHILL, The Dalle, Oregon