Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, January 14, 1904, Image 2

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"Joeffe's rate." "Utile Sweetaean." " Lottl. ta Sewing Slrl"
-6odmcr of ll.!Mn." " WttM fo Win." "Dim ma
Taorp," "Nora's ttgacr." CfcCfe.
CnAPTEU XX. (Continued.)
Captain Grant, swing he had tho upper
hand, kept on.
"I have searched far for yon. Carol,
but at last I have found you. Will you
go back with me?"
All at once there flashed across the
mind of the young girl a thought of the
past and the actions of this man toward
her. He had acted as no gentleman
would or should act, and she now recoil
ad tmm him as if from an adder.
"Tiir m Kir. " she cried. "I would
return to my mother, the only one left
for me to love the only one."
"Oh, say not so, Carol," he exclaimed,
passionately. "I will confess that I be
gan this suit without much love, as a
man of the world, but I found in you a
woman worth winning and 1 have grown
to love you madly. Say that I may have
nh. eive me but the faintest
hope and I will cling to it as a ship
wrecked mariner would to a plank that
had been thrown within his reach. I
that von disliked me, else I
would never have used my influence with
vnnr father to hasteu our marriage.
give me for the past, Carol, and give me
a grain of hope for the future. ith your
Wo I hnnM he able to do much in this
-ithn.it it I feel like a rudderless
waaaoi' drifting at the mercy of fate.
it;. n-nrHa were eloauent. his acting of
the very finest order, for he saw what he
believed to be a good chance, and. as
ted from her lover, hop
ed to catch her heart in the rebound; but
.i, ,aif.rnthnmed his motives and shrank
from him as though he were a spirit of
evil. , T
"I can never be more to you man i rm
now, Captain Grant. My heart is too
eore to think of love. Leave me in peace
to return to my mother," she said, slow
ly His face flamed and a fierce light shone
in his eye. It seemed as though he was
tempted just then to carry her off even
against her will, but on second thought he
dismissed the idea.
"As you will, Miss Kiehmond; your
word is law to me. Good by until we
meet again," and he vanished in the di
rection the gypsy girl had gone.
with me proofs that will dispel all those
terrible charges of the past "
"Peace," he said, interrupting her. "I
would not look upon one of them for a
king's ransom. Oh, did I not find out the
truth for myself? Has it not been the
consciousness of this that has pierced my
heart like a kuife at times, rendering me
almost mad? Wife, wife, I have atoned
in suffering for my sin."
"1 believe it, Lawrence. What 1 have
suffered shall remain sealed within my
heart; you can Imagiue it; but never will
you hear the story from my lips, ihe
most bitter blow of all came to me wnen
I heard that iu your anger yon had ap
ted wa a very wise move on the part et
the girl.
Meanwhile, how progressed affairs with
Jack? Itememberiiig all the cruelties ha
had heard of and witnesxerd. Jack was
visitimr hi lust indignation upon the
mad house dot-tor. He had just about
finished his work when a cry of alarm
from Nora reached his ear, and looking
up he saw in the moonlight three of tho
kceers rapidly hearing down upon them
from the direction of the house.
Casting the limn and apparently lifeless
form of the sadly demoralised doctor
from him, he sprang to his feet. Two
keener were only a doscn yards away as
he bounded through the opening while
Nora held the gate open for him. and no
sooner did she see that he wns safe than
with all her strength she closed the pou
derous structure.
Jack was quickly at her side and see
ing the key in the lock comprehended her
strategy. Just as he turneit tnis tne tnree
keepers on the Inside hurled themselves
igainst the covered gate, but luey nan
een a few seconds too late.
With a laugh Jack hurled the heavy key
far away among the bushes. Then, hold
ing his revolver In one hand ana assist
plied for aud received the decree of di- jjora wjta tne other, he rapidly left
vorce? mat i was uo ionser jum n;. ue snot.
It would be some time at least before
. .... 1 1 i. -
a reiriuariy organised pursuit coum ir
started, for they would have to first I shipping trust business. I And that
suseitate the doctor, and Jack chuckled . f neonle who are
to think what a sweet task they would informed on that subject,
have before them, as he remembered hovr,' .... .
1.1.,-w .. ,.,..l.k .l.i.. t.M- ha, wnimi) mm mini jwu iu iu "
II1UI K luc limn uu""v v. .... ...... - - . . .
i.. i.fro ti wB a.oiB with him. don't seem to have an adequate Idea
U IMS - - " - . . .
Tho neighborhood of the mad house of Us slgnmcance. .inen we inmmi
was siiiBitlarly lonely, not a house being 0f the trust question generally and ita
t outer Pa- l;r in sight either up or down the river, but j,ossble relation to socialism. I always
rwhoWuturer And Jack knew where he was aiming for. hav- c,Ump1 that the trut were object
"It is my wife. This is retribution. My
:n u. fi.tinit me out."
As these words fell from the lips of
Lawrence Richmond he stood as if rooted
to the spot The woman who lived in
the haunted mill raised her head proud
ly and her eyes were looking into his so
that he found himself gazing speechlessly
upon the face of that wife whom he had
not seen in all the years that had passed
since he drove her away from him with
curses that were to be so bitterly repent-..d-curses
that were to come back home
to roost-curses that had ever sin re
mained in his memory use piague ii,
l.bu'h would not be erased though at
The burnt mortgage -wmmmwrnm .
in nnon the little fire, but he had com-
"It was false, and whoever told you
that willfully deceived you. I never ap
plied for a divorce, never received one.
so far as the law is concerned, you are
as much my wife as you ever were,
though the bitter past can never be wip
ed out never, and we must ever remain
"Oh. Father In heaven, I thank Thee
for this mercy. Husband, let us then
try and foreet that bitter past. It has
darkened our lives
should it shadow our
she stood before him, a light shining in
her eves and a flush upon her cheeks that
had not been seen there for many a day.
Lawrence Richmond seemed dazed,
"Do I hear aright? Are you an angel
that you can live down all natural feel
ing of outraged innocence in the past
that you can kiss the rod that smote you?
Ah! what a soul is there back or tins,
a noble, womanly soul, and I am unwor
thy to receive you. Do not touch me, for
I have done you the worst" wrong a man
could do a loving woman, his wife thrust
you out into the cold world as though you
were accursed.
"Hush. Lawrence. Let peace reign
between us, and when Carol comes she
will Mess onr reunion. Poor child, she
has troubles enough of her own."
"And I am the miserable author of
them, but if heaven spares me I will
make the future speak for itself. I will
from this moment cast off the miserable
cloak that has hidden and almost strau
eled what good thoughts were in my
heart, and show a new nature to the
world. My poor wronged wife, would it
be too much if I dared to kiss your hand
in token of this new peace and the for
eiveness you extend to me?
For answer the old lady put ner arms
around his neck and held up her face for
him to kiss. He trembled like an aspen
leaf, and then, bending down, gently
kissed her,
The oast was healed, the abyss span
ned, and In the future they could go for
ward hand In hand down life's decline.
He could make no reparation for what he
had done, but it was enough for her
that he had expiated that wrong in sor
row and remorse.
and so it would seem
From this calm and joyous contempla
tion of the future they were suddenly
aroused by the entrance of Carol, in
' "Talk about your bright, intelligent
women!" said tho loquacious man.
"There Is one of tho most entertaining
and delightful conversationalists I ever
met I was with her pretty nearly the
whole of the evening and I never en
Joyed myself more In my llfo. No, she
didn't talk so much. Some women
seem to think they have to chatter all
tho time to to agreeable. And If you
bring up any sensible topic they try
to switch it to some trashy, frothy
novel or gossip about neighbors and
servants or something of that sort; but
she isn't that sort.
I was explaining to her alwut that
came and before applying for the situa'
Alone throueh the dense undergrowth
thev made their way, leaving the mad
house further behind them all the while,
but although for a time all seemed going
well, danger was not far away.
Suddeuly Nora laid her hand upon the
arm of her companion and brought him
to a full pause.
"Listen!" she said, hoarsely.
Thev stood like statues for half a min
ute, their ears on the alert for sounds.
Then Jack recognized a cry as one he
had often heard among the swamps of the
South. It was the long-drawn bay of a
The doctor had set loose his dogs.
"Come." said Jack, hastily, "let us fly.
lessons in socialism. It Is only que
V A if
Mrs. Anderson, a prominent
society woman of Jacksonville,
Ra., daughter ot Recorder I
Deeds, West, says:1
"There are but few wives ami
nntiwri who have not at times eu
1 can talk dured agonies and such pain as only
".r mvsolf-l ",n ow '' 1 .wllh. ".h T.7"rB
T . y a'..-1 knew the value of I.ydlrt K. lMllk-
tlonable In my mind whether if you
eliminate tho stimulus of personal ag
grandizement the scheme might not fnll
to pieces by Inertia, but If we anow
that tho substitution of benevolent mo
tives will have eh? Yes, I told her
"Why not?"
. "Interested? You never saw a wom
an more interested. She listened with
tho most rant attention. When I can
got an inspiration llko that
tolerably well and I fiatte
"Oh, pshaw! you're Joking. 1,miii,ttmn Vegetable OoiiipoutiU. It
woman deaf! Why, sho oouuin l u a femarkablo ntedlclne, dllTereni in
deaf. aotion from any tmior aver auow uu
"Oh. yes, I don't mean to question : thoroughly reliiiuia.
vour veracity. Hut f she's dean un, "i nave sm en -
juur lrmiiji i ........i .... iv It limit, ntirtlllltieufc
tnlnlnWon That's 111! llierO IS umn-i .... j - , , . .--
about that. Deaf! Not a bit of It; no
more deaf than I am. Nonsense. Weil,
If I was a butting man I'd Just take
you up on that proposition.
"At nny rate, If sho was deaf I
never noticed It, and as I told you, I
was with her almost all the evening."
Chicago Dnlly News.
bene Qt who were cured in less than
three months after taking your Vege
table Compound, while others who
were clironlo and Incurable came out
cured, happy, and In perfect health
after a thorough treatment with this
medicine. 1 have never used It myself
without gaining great bencut. A
few doses restores my strength and
appetite, and tones tin the entire
sytem. Your medicine has lieen tried
. . i ..... i. ....... I nlltf otiditrsa
cording to the percentage of nltrogly j d. Anushhosi. iil Wash-
cerln It contains. Nitroglycerin, jn(rt,n st.. Jacksonville. Fl. $ooo
whence It derives Its strength. Is com- ftitifwiginaiofuboMiutiimmialitrouintttim-
....i ,..ic . i ..,! n,,.l nltrle kMiuutannot b proHvetd.
add. compounded together In certain Tl-cil'rltc Anil Urn on y
portion's and at a certain tempera- - bVS
ture. Nitroglycerin, though nut the i. iVdln k lMnU-
Slnce 1870 the German population strongest explosive known, being ex- Vegetal! Compound will
has Increased 10,3-15,014. ceeded In power by nitrogen and other correct nil aiu'h troiHl in onco
New York has had 55 United States product of chemistry. Is thus Mr the l,T rtMiiov twr Uio cnuw.
Senator, in 110 years. most terrible explosive manufactured ""j'"
In India nearly 25.000 people die ev- to any extent Nitroglycerin by Itself , U"rial
.,..,. ....bft titles 18 Ht "are 10 uanuiu, iiem-v ujuimiu
ery year as a result of snaao m .
' ' . . Is preferred.
Buenos Ayres proposes io t - extensively made and ron-
monument in honor or me iucu; . , h v Uvd Ktntoa un,ilr Uu,
The doctor himself must be with those . Garibaldi. various names of (ilant. Hercules, Ju-
Ilalloonlsts who ascended about nv pU(,r nd M&a powders, all of which
feet in Europe founu a contain anywhere from
who are in our rear, and, should they
come up with us, they would just as soon
let the brutes attack us. Can you run,
She showed him that she could, but the
thickets barred their progress consider-
,b!y. They had the satisfaction of know
ing, however, that their pursuers were no
better off. for they could hear tho impa
tient noises given vent to by the hounds
as they struggled In leash.
Jack still had his arm around his com
panion, but had long since replaced the
revolver, as he needed nis goou ngni nana
to assist him in his passage through the
thickets, and, besides, he would probably
have plenty of wsrning ere the pursuers
came upon them.
(To be continued.)
"We are lost!"
Such was the cry that fell from the lips
of Nora Warner as she realized the
dreadful nature of their situation.
The great gate was locked, and Jack
timl fnili'.l tn find the key. Then lhi-r
' had come that mocking laugh, and, turn
pletely forgotten it in the excitement still
more intense producedTjy tnis asiounaing
He had wronged this woman terribly
In the past, in a manner that had shock
ed him whenever he thought of it for he
had afterward learned that she was as
Innocent as an angel and had searched for
her. but she could not be found, sod the
old doubts crept over his mind again, ob
scuring it and in thai dread moment he
only saw what a splendid chance for re-
wonira llAit frill I P tO her.
Should she so desire she could crush , ing, they had beheld the mad-house doc-
i,s . nrlo l, nw. This was why tor Close neuinu mem, nis evil iace
tk. fiinw nf horror had entered his wreathed with a demoniac smile of tri-
1,in h tnd there, still clutching her nmph, as they could readily understand.
i .i-f .n fWwlv. laDil. to cap the climax, the alarm bell
-n,, hu fin-ho,! mwn hl mind the h(l commenced to ring out its brazen
Jt. UCU t,M. V 1 I .
late act and word of the noble woman, netes oi warning.
and his eyes almost unconsciously were The poor girl had suffered so much of
turned npon'the fire where the document la'e that her spirits were readily quench
was still smoldering, though past recov- ed and she believed that ail was lost. All
"My wife!" he muttered, "my wife
come back to me from the dead? Oh,
1 am dreaming. This is some horrid
taunting sicter. My wife is dead und
Ism her murderer.'
st could do was to cling to the arm of
hit lover, who would soon be so power-
lets to save her, and look as if horribly
fsVinated at the fiendish doctor.
Vortunately for her she had in Jack a
mister mind, one quick to act and ready
He groaned with mental anguish, rnd to perceive. He saw at once that there
it stirred the woman's heart to its" full
denth to hear the man whom she had nev
er erased to lore thus exhibit his terrible
"Not so, Lawrence. Y'ou see before you
the unhappy woman who was once your
wife. The years have come and gone
since last we stood face to face, years of
suffering to me. and yet I have patiently
awaited the will of heaven. Perhups
there may be more in this meeting than
we either of us Imagine.
"Not dead, not dead." he muttered,
with hushed breath, as he gszed esg.-rly
upon ber, "oh, then heaven has heard my
prayer. He has sent you to me that the
last set of my life should be my stone
ment to you. There, see me kneeling at
wis only one chance left for them. In
lets than five minutes the minions of the
demon doctor would be swooping down
u)"n the spot.
"The key search for it
Tliwse words fell quickly from hl lips
in a hoarse whisiier, and of course, were
intended for the girl. His thoughts were
bent upon other subjects, aud suddenly,
like a tiger, be sprang at the doctor,
Nora Warner saw them clinch and fall
bnavily uon tne earth, and tneu, wltn a
mental prayer for ber lover, she turned
to hunt for the missing key,
That Jack had the best of the fight so
far she readily believed, for the doctor
hsd been taken rather by surprise, and
be did not fancy that he was able to
your feet, with the pride, the cursed pride C'tie with her lover, lor whose prowess
that ru ned my life and yours, trampled sue seemed to nave a great admiration
down forever. Oh. can yon forgive tne Besides, it was quite certain that the
for the past, my wretched mistake which miid-honse doctor would have made an
1 have deplored In tear of blood ever o-itcry so ss to have drawn sonic of bis
since? I know I do not deserve It, but keepers to the spot, had he been allowed
if you could only forgive me It would be the liberty of doing so. and the fact that
the act of an angel. Pity me, pardon he did not gave Nora hope.
Blie bad an Indistinct recollection of
He had sunk at her feet In abjiwt mis- having from the grated window of her
erv. His mind was once more cleared of I cell seen some one place the key on sev
all donbts. She was deeply affected byleral occasions In a different hole from
this evidence of hi contrition, sad ber that which usually contained It, and ber
whole frame trembled, while the tesrs thoughts were very busy a she endeavor
streamed down her cheeks,
"Kneel not to me, Lswrence, for what
sin you committed against me has long.
long since been forgiven. My set of a
minute ago prove that I have nerer
eessed to love you. Ask the great Mus
ed to remember where this receptacle
All at once It seemed to flash across
her mind like an Inspiration. She uttered
a low cry of delight and hope, mingled
with fear lest the key should not be
cr above to forgive you, but do not kneel there, snd, springing forwsrd, Inserted
to me.
"oh. womsn, every word yon ntter
sinks me Into an abyss of shsme, I n,e
myself a fool, a knave, a brute. I am
not worthy to touch the hem of your gar
ment. May heaven hies you snd for-
rive me, he moaned.
She made hlin rise, even assisted him,
end, .weiik and trembling, he sank bark
into a cluilr. slmot lumps Me of motion.
The fierce will, the strong frame, they
her hand In the orifice.
Hunk heaven, the key was there!
Kagerly she drew it out. All then wss
not yet lost. She lost not a second In
inserting It In the lock. It wss a ponder
ous key for ber hand to turn, but excite
ment had lent her new strength snd she
ws a giant for the time being. The key
turned, the gate wss open.
When she realized this fsct the young
woman uttered a cry of Joy, snd hsstily
How the Great Lawyer Won Hope
1cm Cane.
James Sandusky, who Is an old and
well known traveler, and who has re
cently settled In Chicago, while com
ing In from Pewee Valley on the elec
tric line told an Interesting story alsiut
Henry Clay, the great Kentucky states
man. Mr. Sandusky in nis youtn lived
In Mr. Clay's district during the
time when Henry Clay was at his
prime as a lawyer.
"A man was once being tried for
murder," said Mr. Sandusky, "and his
case looked hopeless Indeed. He had
without any seeming provocation mur
dered one of his neighbors In cold
blood. Not a lawyer in the county
would touch the case. It looked bad
euougb to ruin the reputation of any
The man. as a last extremity, ap
pealed to Mr. Clay to take the case
for him. Every one thought that Clay
would certainly refuse. But when the
celebrated lawyer looked into the mat
ter his fighting blood was roused, and,
to the great surprise of all, be accepted.
"Then came a trial, the like of which
I have never seen. Clay slowly car
ried on the case, and It looked more
and more hopeless. The only grouud
of defense the prisoner had wns that
the murdered man had looked at him
with such a fierce, murderous look that
out of self ilef ense he had struck first.
A ripple passed through the jury at
this evidence.
The time came for Clay to make
hla defense. It was settled In the
minds of the spectators that the man
was guilty of murder In the first de
gree. Clay calmly proceeded, laid all
the proof before them In his masterly
way. Then, Just as he was about to
conclude, he played bis last and mas
ter card.
'Gentlemen of the Jury,' be said
assuming the fiercest, blackest look
and carrying the most undying hatred
In It that I have ever seen, 'gentlemen.
If a man should look at you like this
what would you do?'
"That wns all he said, but that was
enough. The jury was startled and
some even quailed on their seats. The
judge moved uneasily on his bench.
After fifteen minutes the Jury filed
slowly back with a 'Not guilty, your
honor.' The victory was complete.
"When Clay was congratulated .on
his easy victory, he said:
" 'It was not so easy as you think. 1
spent days and days In my room be
fore the mirror practicing that look.
It took more hard work to give that
look than to Investigate the most ol-
000 feet In Europe founu a contain anywhere from ftO to HO per
ture of 27 degrees below lero. cvnt of nitroglycerin, tho residue of
The present average height of a Brit- the compound being made up of rot
lsh man of 30 is 5 feet 8V4 inches, an (,. atone, nonexploslve earth, saw
increase in 50 years of an inch. dust, charcoal, plaster of pari, black
It Is figured out by some one that powder, or some other substance that
the average traveling man, preacher takes up tho glycerin and makes a
or teacher talks 12.000 words a day. porous, simngy mass.
John Morley will deliver the address Nitroglycerin was discovered by
at the opening of the Technical Col- Salvero. an Italian chemist, in 1915.
lege in Pittsburg in the autumn of Dynamite Is prepared, by simply
jjj kneading with the naked bands 23
ph snd Princes, of Wale. P cent of Infusorial earth and 73 per
are the possessor, of 19 pianos, every
one of which wa. a wedding pres
ent We export f 20,000,000. worth of coal
lueaa about 3 ,!- V
"Does your daughter's husl-and lov.
her as devotedly as ever?" "He
when I'm around," replied her flaugu-
teis husband', mother In law, grimly.
Houston Posit
...... . m m-M uM Wlnalnw'e SoolHtnS
itvrup lh bl rni4r to iw lol Uwtf cMliirsa
000 tons Of coal a year and luta ta luur
15,000,000 more.
The United States ha. gone into the
propagating business to the extent of
hatching and distributing nearly 1,200,
000,000 fish a year.
Paris has no less than 1.210 classes
of workmen. There are, for Instance,
581 classes engaged In the chemical
trade and 370 In metal Industries.
' Australia has more churches per cap
ita than any other country. Sho has
210 churches to every 100,000 people;
England has 144, and Russia but 55.
Figures recently published in Chris
tiana show that the amount of money
sent home from the United State, by
immigrant, from Norway last year was
In Maine there are 10 spool facto
ries that cut up enough white birch
trees to make 300,000,000 spools a year,
about which are ultimately wound 50,
000,000,000 yards of thread.
There are In round number. 3,50,
000 telephones In use In the United
States. Their use has Increased ten
fold In the past six years. There are
nearly 250,000 telephones In Tarm
King Edward has conferred a baro
netcy on .Lord Mayor Ritchie, of In
cent of nitroglycerin until the mixture
assume, a putty condition not unlike
moist brown sugar. Before mixing.
the infusorial earth Is calcined in a
furnace In order to burn out all or
ganic matter and it is also sifted to
rrnr-ir-w-tot,. nlH Whll atlll
moist it I. squeezed into cartridges,
which are prepared of parchment pn
per, and the tiring Is done by fulmi
nate of silver In copper capsule, pro
vided with patent exploder..
Nitroglycerin Is made of nitric acid
one part and sulphuric add two parts.
to which Is added ordinary glycerin,
and the mixture Is well washed with
pure water. The Infusion Is coinfxised
of small microscopic slliclous shells
which have lost their living creatures.
The cellular parts receive tho nitro
glycerin and hold It by capillary at
traction, Ixith Inside and out The
earth is very light Water Is expelled
from It by means of a furnace and
then In the form of a powder It Is
mixed with nitroglycerin. Nltrogly.
cerln tins a sweet, aromatic, pungent
taste, and the peeullnr property of
causing a violent headache when
placed In a small quantity on the
tongue or wrist. It freezes at 40 de
grees Fahrenheit, becoming a white,
half-crystalllred mass, which must Isi
melted by the application of water at
a temperature of alsnit 1)0 degrees
The Anxlou. Mother-Are you .ura
my son has appendicitis? The Emi
nent Specialist W. can tell you bet
ter, madam, after the operation.
Ta Break la Ftsw Shoes.
Atwsri ihsis in Aiwo'i root-ts . a powflsr.
Jl euro hoi, altiif , " hlng. twolUn leet.
Curra corn, lnsrowlDg nail and bunion At
all dnilu snd no lor, V t'tTt eet
anysutMiiiute. Harapl mailw1 FREE. Addre
Allen S. Olniiled, U Hojr, N. Y.
"Uls world ala t aqusre," growlea
little Mickey. "Why notr s.ked Jim- .
my. "'Cauaa the only onea dat let
fre peanut, ar elephant, and JhjI ice
men." Chlrsso Nw.
rio' fur 1 a good coiit-h aiedlctne.
It has cured eoiifha and cold for forty
year. At druggist. 'iA cant.
He I'd like to meet Ml Bond. Sha
Why? "I hear she hss thirty thou
sand a year and no Incumbrance." "I.
she looking for one?" IJfe. ,
riTa rrmrfillf mrt. WnSUor narroura
Mid flr Bmtrfr,u'!nr.K!lnirNnr)
Hmuim Hnit t't rrMll trial huUamt mwtlea.
In. a. il. Kllua, 1A4-.0U Atrti St.. i'tillailatpula. re.
The Masculine Theory.
Wife I wonder why the fashions
for women change so olten?
Husband Prolbly for the pnrjMsm
of enabling them to correspond with
the feminine mind, my dear.
Horrible Thought.
Here's an astrologer who predict,
that King Edward is shortly to pas.
through a lot of trouble, a dark cloud
hanging over the empire. Home hor
rible calamity, don t you know.
I ll 1s t Alfred Austin is writing an
ther ode. Life.
Ftrlllah Peeragft Mysteries.
The mysteries of the British peer-
don, in commemoration of his recent ago are many and deep. In the first
entertainment of King Ictor Em
manuel and Queen Helena, of Italy, at
Guild I la II.
The coal from the Glamorganshire
field in South Wales Is regarded as sii
place there are far more titles In ex
istence than peers to carry them.
Consequently there are several peers
who are blessed with a multiplicity
of titles. The Duke of Atboll has
perior to all other steam coal by the twenty two titles) the Duke of Argyll,
navies of the world. Its rival from the seventeen; the Duke of Hamilton, six
teen; tne Marqui. or nuts, nrteen1, tne
Duke of Buccleiich, twelve; the Duka
United States Is the Pocahontas coal,
from West Virginia.
According to the leading pnp.n" of
Vienna, Austrian exporting circles are
contemplating the fitting ont of a
. - . t . - aa fl sift tiir I iA it sat ttn 1 Af .
Bieninn.i." ,.... ,ll
hibltlon to visit the ports of the East ' , , '1 " ,
. .. . ... i. courtesy title of a jieer. heir appa
rent or grandson has no existence
of Alx-reorn, twelve, and the Marquis
of Ijinsdowne, twelve,
Often the eldest son of a peer carries
his father's second title, though
Indie, and Eastern Asia.
The United Kingdom ha. Increased
It. export trade aliout 7 V4 per cent
since 1H72. IU population ha. In
creased 30 per cent In the same time.
It exported to the United State, and
among his father, titles. At the prea
ent time nearly 100 peer whose sons
might Ix-ar courtesy titles are without
son. to Itcar them
Rlnguhirly enough, desplt. this pie-
case.' " Louisville Courier-Jour-
. . ....... . . l.it ... .... I I . I. I I. ...I.
aif-meil Wllliercil up ny Ilie mal lorce ot lnsnn om me ar mwrivu ii in me imn
thl demon remorse. I outside so that they could place a bsr-
"(h. Lswrence. I thank hesven for I Her In Ihe wsy of pursuit by locking the
bringing as fsce to fsce a. sin. 1 have gate sfter them, which It must, be admit-
Tenrs and laughter well compounded
make the .weetest Joy; grief and Joy
the truest happiness happiness and
pain the grandest soul. Dorothy Ver-
! non of Iladdon Hail
Germany fW),(Xi0.f)00 worth of goods (,,)nl of lI(.. ,h(,r, Rrn CMW( of
in 1872, and only W,Ot).000 in 11102. multli,llcstlon of the same title. Ther.
Water plays an Indispensable part In Lre. for Instance, five Lord. Howard.
both the environment and the Internal nTfl Jrd Hamilton, four !rd. Orey.
chemistry or lire, it rorm. more than four ixird. Stewart or Stuart, three
a a I a. M a 1 1 i LI - I .... a .a at a
nan me weigm oi mux uring luiiig. ixird. iwyie, mre ioro. iiruce, three
nd all the active part, of animal, and frd. Douglas, three Lords Hay, three
plant, consist of water holding the Herbert, threa Iord. Hill and
other Ingredient. In solution or .uspen- trea Lord. Montague,
Why lie fame flack.
Van Quia I heard you hd ronclnd
Kiploelv Discovered la IMS br aa ed to live In England altogether, Mr,
Italian tbemlat.
Few people know what dynamite Is,
though the word I. In common use,
say. the American Syren and Shipping
Journal. It I. a giant gunpowder;
that Is, an explosive material, varying
In Strang' and safety of b.T.4!lnj
Chumppson Chumppa Aw, that was
I aw me Intention, Vm t-ya-know?
But awftah ma visit In Lunnon, I And
that we're evsh .ao much maw Kng
Ilsh In Amewlca. New Orleans Times-
! Democrat.
Little Liver Pills.
Cluat Bear Signature of j
A) rac-MeiDe Wrapper Bills'.
Terr lU aa erf
la taka aa sagas.
roi oiniMCtta
rot iiuoum.e
ret the com run oi
laj i f"H netaw. naa "J--
Irta rrrrrt
l.all .nut all till Mill.
I ..! f rfc ula IJ-.4. L'S
It. Itma "t h, nmttft.ta