THE HEPPNER TIMES. THURSDAY. DEC. 17. 1003. Subscription, $1.00 Por Year. NOTICB TO PATRONS. New uit cases, tits and suspenders atlhel'alr. Be sure and read the Fair add this wrck, there's money in It lor you. O. K. l'arnaworth ai pstengr for Portland thli morning on a brief bus- iirii trip. W. IC Pruynt left Iblt morning for Portland and lllllsboro where be wi.l spend the holiday. W I). Hancock, superintendent of the All rlmnicn In 'lvrlLmiiciii, and all cor- i.'ii I tiMiim Ml'HT tie li ft Kt thin nlllco hy M oiliiuulay inHn, illitrwli tlipr will bu bld over uiiiii inn ioiiowiiik wi', nnim ui . . . , . . . e.rly TiiurxUy i.i.irniti, atid"i i coal mines, la In the city today on but Ui'Uyvil by ala, aim i'L.'rKiin4iii whU li eo (nut UK well lw niml tmrilor III III woek, i li'KKi" rt'iiiemlH'r I i A i'linri(a ol II vo emu a linn will lm nmdo tor )Ulillnliliig "Htxilulloii ol Culi'lolumw." NOTES. In from Wll Blockhorse P.K. Bell yesterday. R. J. Howard of Cecil, was a visitor In thli city Tueaday. Louisiana Purchase, pillow topi pin trays at The Pair. Mrt J. L. IlrigK 1 vUiting with lathes In Portland this week. T.J. Merrll of Hardtnan, did business ladles In this city Hie first of the week. lames Drown o! Lexington, was In and re inrss pertaining to the niinea. A number of Odd Fellow of thlsdly, went to Lexington last night to partici pate In the initiation of several can didatei. A $70. sewing machine to be given away by the Heppner Drug Company December SI. Kevery 50 cent purchase entitles yon to chance to secure tine free of charge. Mrs L. K. Cohen will sell the com- plio stock of millinery now on exhibi tion at her parlor at greatly reduced prices. She also bas a new line of nd children's Uoaks, furs, etc Three doors below Palact hotel. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Bartholomew (OF town Tuesduy transacting business. - Wm Luelling was a business visitor in this city Tuesday from llardman. Stoves from p 00 up, Steel Ranges from 15 up at Haines' Furniture store. 1. M. Cowdrey wss a visitor lu this city the first of the week from Hardman. J. R. Nunamsker of Spring Hollow, was trsusactiim business in town Mon- day. were passengers this niorulug lor Port' land, where they will visit lor a few days. Their daughter, Miss Klise, will accompany them on their return to spend the holidays at home. Joe Huffman, who has been running the lodging departmeut of the Mountain house th past few weeks, took his de parture Sunday, presumably for his former home in Missouri. He hired a rig to take him to Echo, where "hit took Ceo. W. Sperry was In town Saturday, the train, stating that he was going to from the Pcnland headquarters, on bus Colfax, but it is the general belief here inets. that be went to Missouri to join his W. B Fluley, of Lower Sand Hollw, family who went east a month ago. It ... in the -li tranuuitlnir business i reported that he left indebted to a Saturday. number of persons here in sums rang W. n. McAllster. poatmasler and real tom on 10 huodred do,u"' eatate dealer of LeainHlon, was here on It is safe to predict this early lu bis business Tuesday. J. M. Hayes, of Upper Rhea creek, was a tmsiuess visitor in the city the first of the week. Ally. S. A. L. Curley, of Arlington, spent esterday in Heppner looking after some legnl matter. The cook nt the Palace hotel, Mr. Reed, was called to Portland yesterday on account of the illness of his wife. II. D. Vaughn, who was here from lone Tuesday, reports five new cases of typhoid fever in his town the past week. Cuy Boyd was railed to Arlington yesterday to attend the funeral of bis career that Heppner uiacktnan wtii equal if not etcelj Davenport, the noted cartoonist. A sample ibHt of his work now on exhibition at the First National Bank in this city is a splendid piece of work, showing Hepp's rapid ptogters as a cartoonist. Ho is at present engaged on the Mo ning Call at nights which paper daily puh)jhes his art work. The fart that 'he Call bas given space for bis work is evidence of its merit. Hepp is now engaged during the day as private secretary for a large law firm In San FranciHco, and evenings is the only time be has to devote to his art work. The Times Is pleased to note bis ti 01 8 F. Tennis, who died there rapid progress as his many friends here will be pleased to learn of hia success. uncle, B. Tuesday. Already the holiday trade Is quite brisk with Heppner merchant, with eood nroipects that it will eclipse all former years. II. I). Wood & Co. have sold their confectionery business to D. Crosley of Tacoma. The Utter will take charge of the busluess this week. Geo. YV. Chapin, a prominent farmer and stockman of the vicinity of Hard man, was transacting business in this city Monday and Tueaday. Instructor T. K, Carr reports that the Call and Settle. All persons indebted to the firm of Stewart & Kirk are requested to call and setllo by January I, 1SXM. Accounts not settled 15y above named date will be placed in the bands oi an attorney for collection. We desire to balance our books on the first of the year. Stewart & Kirk. Bllllous Colic Prevented Take a double dose of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Heppner Junior band is getting along as soon as the first indication of the nicely and will soon be far enough ad- disease appears snd a threatened attack vanced to appear in public. I miy be warded off. Hundreds of people Rememlier that with each 50 cent u he ttaudj in this way wjth perfect I rol . purchase of Dabrooks perfumes entitles ucceaa. wor saie uy oiocum irug v.o. you to a chauce on a beautiful perlume R690iuti0na of Condolence case at Heppner Drug Company. " I U It urn a a It liaa ti nacul tl.a I Iran ft W. O. Miller has disposed of his In- R-hanltedRoler of all to call from our terest in the drayage business to Con over & Grsy and has purchased the city delivery and expreaa business. In selecting your holiday candies you should not overlook the Heppner Drug Comoanv. They carry a full line of Cumber's csndies the best on the market Ciiarles A. Brown of Condon, wss here a day or two this week ' looking after some matters pertaining to the Hattie Klntclsv estate, of which he Is admin- iatiator. The Heppner Drue Company now has on display an elegant line of boll day goods snd novelties. Call and look over their Hue before making your selection. Frank F.. McKuight of Butter creek, who was in town last Friday, reports range good on upper Butter creek and that aheep are doing splendidly so far without having to be fed. Thus far the weather bas been very favorable to the stockman with the short hay stack. And If It will only keep up its present gait long enough there will be bay to sell next spring. Those desiring christmat photographs -houblcall early and thereby avoid pos sible delay on account of lad weather at last moment, 25 to 35 per cent reduction, satisfaction guaranteed. fl. U. Austin Wells, who was recently c quitted ol the charge of passing counter felt money by the federal courts at Port land, arrived here Saturday evening. An says be is glad to get back home avin and meet old eriiuaintancee and neraonallv proclaim bis innocence of I the charge. Ceo. V. Vincent, who was in from Butter creek yeaterday, reports that since the rabbit cane. 7 started up at Kcho his section Is being relieved of some of Its surplus hares. The rabbits have become quite nuisance In the Butter creek country, ssys Mr. Vincent, ,1 ti 11! Oi ! 1 u: midst our Brother Charles W Ingraham to answer to the final roll call above, and Whereas, Brother Ingraham was a true and faithful member of our order and it is just and fitting that proper recognition lie taken of his many virtues and good deeds, therefore be it Resolved, that Heppner Loege No. 358, llenevoleut and Prote tive Order cf Elks, mourn him as an honored and worthy member of our order and one "who loved his fellow man," and we ex tend to his relatives and friends the sin cere sympathy of this lodge and the universal sympathy of our order. Resolved, that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the lodge, a copy lie given to tho Heppner paprs and also to the lone Post, and a copy to the family ot Brother Iugraham. Frank Gilliam Jamkr Hart J 0 Woolkhy Committee. x v BLOODED STOCK I keep constantly on hand for sale Jacks, Mules anil fine Driving Teams and Saddlers. Mho one Norman Stallion, Ulack as a raven, weight 10UU g pounds, four years old. I 1 keep a kennel of registered Scotch Coolies, the beBt stock and farm dog known. Tho best and HICHEST BRED STOCK In Eastern Oregon. Anyone de siring any of this class of Stock will 'Jnd It to their interest to 8 nrlln mn at Hennnnr. Oriumn. I - - - - , , B. F. SWACGART. MINOR & COMPANY MINOR & COMPANY MINOR & COMPANY Xmas Suggestions A WORD TO THE CHILDREN KRIS KRINGLE'S KINGDOM Is Heppner, and his subjects are its children. His palace is Minor & Co.'s store. He is the best ruler hia wil ing subjects will ever know, for he las made ample provision for all A Word to the Men. The woman is a freak who will not love you more if you loosen up the strings to your wallet at Xmas time. Just a word to the wise is sufficient. You never saw your wife with more kid gloves than she thought she needed and new ones are always appreciated. Oct her a nice glove box and buy one or more pairs of the Eekay Kids (for there is none better) and put them in this box and pre sent it to her Christmas morning. They are only $1.75 a pair, or the Famous at 11.25 a pair. We have them in all sizes and in ail the leading colors and black and white-f 1 2', and $1.75. I Genuine Hand Made Mexican Drawn Work. The ladies all admire such work, is most artistic and beautiful. A six-inch Doily with drawn work borders 30c 14 inch piece, 4 inch border of drawn work beautifully designed $2.25 20 inch piece with 0 inch border of the drawn work a dainty thing $3.00 20 inch piece with C inch drawn work bor der very fine $6.00 Fifteen inch round piece, linen center and- hvejnch border of extremely fine Tentnffe wneei S6.00 Hand Made Battenberg. These goods appeal to the refined taste all, being real hand-made and beautifully designed, 1U men, all lace center, 65c 19 inch all lace center, rich pattern,, $1.50 1G inch square piece, linen center, five-inch lace border, $1.25 8 inch square, linen center doily, 2 inch lace edge, 25c Ladies, Stock Collars. You should see the new ones just in few days. They are elegant and no mis take. Must be seen to be appreciated. Prices .60 .75.85 1.00 1.251.50 heir needs and wants for the com ng Merry Xmas tide. He has made this store his distributing sta- ion for all the toys, games and dolls for this locality, so . children, you must come and SEE what a grand array of nice things he has eft for you, for we can't begin to describe them. 1 he most amuping of the Toys ig "the performing sea lion," a real moving, living, ureaunng inmg. The trained Ostrich drawing a cart with a darkey driver, runs and walks and the driver whips, 1 he battle ship In action. The auto mobile with rubber tifes goes like the wind. Guns that shoot and guns that pop and Ships and Games, all kind9 of nice things. Linen bookB, Tool Cheats and Hanks, boldiers outfits and the like. Chil dren come early and stay till you have seen every thing. A Word to ttie Women. And if you will listen we will make it ea for you to delight your husband or sweetheart with the present too present him Xnui mnrnina Being a man. with onlv man's ideas and lustra feel sure you will pardon a few suggestions. Just take a peep into our Men's Haberdashery a minute Men have a weakness for nice things the same as you do and a nice Umbrella always delight nim, and here you will find a nice 38-inch Gloria cover on a steel frame and rod with an imitation carved ivory handle and only $2.75 1 a 38 inch Ui with a horn $4.50 A better one with a 38 inch Union Silk cover and a steel frame and, with a horn handle gold tip auu icruie iui NECKTIES We never have too many, and this new lot of Four-in-hand ties are as pretty and good as you see at $1 00, but we marked them 60c Other styles too numerous to mention at 35c and 25c Suspenders INDIAN ROBES We have iust received a shipment of these fine robes from the Pendleton.Woollen Mills, the prettiest we have ever had yet. They are just the thing for cozy cornerB, Lounging robes and couch covers. Try one One Lot At - - $4 75 A Better One - 5 00 Fine Wool - - 5 75 Best Lambs Wool - 6 00 Extra Heavy Shawl, Fringed Both Ends,- Very Fine - - - - $7 00 Men are Biver overstocked with suspenders till they have a pair for each pair oi trooscrs Those President Suspenders put up but one pair i J a box are the beat suspenders made Silk and cotton webb 65c All Silk webb only $1.25 Being put up is a beautifully decorated box makes them a very desirable present. Men s Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs, all white, 25c and 40c Cheaper ones at 10c Colored bordered Silk and Cotton handkerchiefs for men in a nice assortment. The Man from the Gro cery side lias a Good Word for all. Gordon Hats The very latest blocks in all the leading colors and black $3-oo Silk and Wool Mufflers In a great variety of prices rang ing trom 25c to S3.00 And intervening prices to suit any purse. ' Cushion Tops and Cords. You see here the best line in the city from which to choose. Prices 65c to $1.25 Cord, 15c pr yd Ladies' Handk'fs Our as.-ortment is almost unlimited and the ones we show at 35o are the same that are sold elsewhere at 50c We have cheaper ones at 25c and 2 for 25c. FURS. Now men, if you want to do the right thing by your lady Christmas you can bardly pass these elegant furs, the as sortment we show will make it easy for you to select. Ileal Otter fur scarf, Ions front, satin lined, cord fastened $25.00 Sable Fox Scarf long and elegant $35.00 Beaver Four-in-hand Bcarf, silk lined, 6.00 Rat head scarf, long front, fur lined, 12.00 Many other styles and kinds at equally low prices. A few leit-overs at recuuecu prices. In the grocery department we are show ing something new, a complete line of The Rochester brilliant ware, it doeo not tarn ish or rust and is more durable than silver and looks as well. Our holiday suggestion is that you present yourself as well as your friend with a suitable (serviceable gift. Tea set, tray, cake basket or baker, in fact we have every thing from a wash boiler to a napkin ring, cheap'and reliable goods in all lines abound. Buy eome- thirjg known to be lasting. Rochester.bril iant ware, we have the exclusive sale of this ware. In decorated china we have some of the prettiest patterns of cake and berry sets seven pieces in set, prices from 11.50 to $3.00. Gold trimmed center floral sprays of hand painted buds and blossoms; usefu presents, in in is line we also nave cups and saucers, shaving mugs, chocolate sets table sets, if you could see them you would agree that a better selection could not have been made. Just four patterns in vases left in han painted, frosted and colored glass, very nice for Christmas presents Silver ware Rogers 120 penny weight Knives and forks, per set. . .11 75 to $3 00 Table spoons 1 00 to 3 00 Tea spoons CO to 1 50 Space will not permit us to describe every article we have that makes a pretty as well as useful gifts for Xmas, these are standard and good Bellers the year round and articles that will be appreciated, such as tho 1900 washing machine a labor saving device, or a complete eet of dishes. We have them in eeveral patterns pink green, purple and purple & green. We have not forgotten the children. Our assortment ol xmas Canutes, nuts and fruits is complete and they all ready know where they get the moBt for their money. We will have special sales Boys Suits and Overcoats There is nothing more appropriate e At i , . i .i or mese mtie men man one oi our ancy Junior suits in either Rus sian, Norfolk or Sailor styles, take r . iiii or instance a aaric Diue mixed Norfolk suit with embroideried shield and wide sailor collar, trim med with silk soutache braid and fancy, gilt buttons, ages 3 to 7 1 50 We are going to continue our pecial 20 per cent discount sale on neso goods during the Christmas season which will make this suit net you exactly $3 GO or would an overcoat for the boy be better, we have them from age 3 for ho little fellows up to age 20 for he young men. Kemember the 20 per cent discount special sale ldcludes these goods, making them extremely reasonable in price. this line during the holidays. I MINOR & CO. Men's Shoes These are sensible things to give. Mens Vica Kid Shoes latest styles $2,75 Better ones $3.50 and up Mens house slippers. Monkey vamp, pattent leather quarters 75 cents Oxblood slippers fine kid $2.00 Shoes For Everybody. , We are. 6till giving two pairs of 23 cent hose with every pair of childrens shoes we Bell, size 8 to 2. skin LADIES SHOES Ladies dress shoo beet French kid and french heel, turned Bole, a beauty 5.oo Ideal kid Bhoe, glove kid top, half french heel. $3.50 ' Ladies fur trimmed, cloth lined, house slippers medium heel and toe. $2.00 MINOR & CO. 6 4''- ffif aA aa i aT. a) m - I 4 .' I ) T ! . 4 m 4 m i but the hare cannery Is expected to thin the in out rapidly, . M"wttwttmftffftfMrtfttftet