SIGNS FOR A CANAL UNITED STATES TREATY APPROVED ,UY GOVERNMENT OP PANAMA. It Ratification Wat Joyfully Received Throughout the Uthmua No Amend mehta War Mada Members of Pro visional (lovernment Qlad Matter la Mow Off Their Hand. Panama, Dec. 4. In the grand union of the government palace, the treaty between the United Wales Riid tlio gov eminent of Panama was signed at 11:3.1 tlilH morning ly tlio member of the junta and by all tlio ministers of the republic. No amendments were mode Senator Arrango, president of tlio sen ate, wan tint first to sign. A numlier of prominent tieraons were present, in rinding Kenor lirldl, president of the municipality of rutiuina, and General Huertas, commander-in-chief of the force of tlm republic Tim ceremony was jmrformed In pub lic, numlier of the eitiwms of Panama crowding tho dtrs of the salon. A big Unit of tlio now republic, was draped m hind the tablo cm which tho document wan signed. Photographs were taken of tho iirlnclnal siiMiers hm they at tached their signatures to tho treaty Henor Arrango announced that tho treaty would not only bo signed, but tho fact of its ratification would I pub Imbed tiilN afternoon, winch was none, i n in announcement wan Krrwi with great applause by tho assemblage. Imiiioditttely More ntachiti( hin wljcua turo to tho treaty Hcnor Arrango read a decrees in which wan recited tho fiwt that an agreement had linen entered into Itetweeii Philippe Jliinnu-VarilU, representing tho republic of Panama, and Secretary of Klato Hay, represent inn tho United Stated. Thin wan fol lowed by tho text of tho treaty. Tho member of tho provisional (ov erturn rtt are iileawd and gratified that tho matter is now off their hand. WAR CLOUD OONB. N1NEQREAT CANALS DKOfS WAR PLAN. OFFICIAL DIRKCTORY. Russia and Japan I fleet an Agreement In '.orea and Manchuria. Paris, Dee. 3. Tho Assoc iated Press learn that Japan and Russia are on the verge of settlernnetof tho Far Kastern controversy, which promises to dissi- pato tho war cloud that ban wen hang ing over lMth countries. J mi seuie niotit will I the result of the negotia tion! which have lioen impending for some time st, and which wcro asslst hI by tha friendly representations of Franca to Russia and of ureal uriutin to Japan. The two nations Lave prac tieallv airreed upon the basis of a treaty, the signing of which can be prevented only by noma unexiiected development. The bald of tula forthcoming agree' incut follow: Russia will accept the two agree merits entered Into by Japan and Corea, lated lWJfi and 1H08, respectively, mxW.p wh eh Janan secured various right in Coroa, including the mainton mm of a imrrlaon at Heoul. In ci rhamra for this concession, Japan will accept Russia s treaty wltn L-mna re specting Manchuria. H it imneveu. thouifh thi cannot re stateo positively that Japan and Russia will reiterate nt,i,..rt of the nrinelules of tho "open door" and tho integrity of China nd Corea. In diplomatic and official circle here much gratifleotlon I expressed at the satisfactory tilago upon which the ne gotiation between Russia and Japan have now enteral. Information ha n received bore to tho effect that Japan in constructing at Seoul barrack for 1,000 men, tliougn ana now main tains onlv BOO in the Corean capital. Thin i accented a an indication that Japan contemplate tlie strentgncning of her garrison at nooui. THE ARTIFICIAL SHIP CHANNELS OF WORLD IMPORTANCE. lOeneral Reyea Finds Such talk Don't Affect America. interest Therein I Particularly at tha Present Time Because of the Panama Agitation Enormoua Sum a Money Kxnended In Their Constrvo tion Sun the Moat Important. CUBA MUST MAKO BIO LOAN. CRUIXER SBARCHrS TOR BOUOTA. Pirate Clalma of the Army for Rack Pay la Crowing Rapidly. Washington. Doc, 4. Herliert ('. SouierH, I'nited States minister t Culm, railed at the state department today to discuss tho Cuban situation with Secretary liny. President l'alma in Htriving to adjtiHl tho claim of the veteran of tho Cuban army for back pity, but la i on fronted with an enor motif. Increase in tho amount of thcHu claim. Oriuinally thu claim were nlxiut 10.000,000. but now Incroaeed to 152 000,000. lnaildition, tho civ iliaim who were eiftployed by the revo lutionary government before Cuban in ltendcwe wa achieved have united to prenent their chiima for comj)enttt tion, tho allowance of which would in crcitHe the total amount which the I'uliau government mtiHt borrow to at eaut 175,000,000. The committee which w appointed , to float a bain of 1:15,000,000 hun re ttirninl to lIuvHiut, and in now meking to modify the condition of the loan to fnako it acceptalilo to New lurk and Kuropean finam iern, mainly in tho di rection of increiimng the Interent frm 5 iKr cent to about 0 or 7 iwrecnt or of lowering liclow the 00 per cent the DroiioHod amount for wliii h the bond were to Iw pluctil on tho market. Shin Much Wanted by Both America and Panama. Snn FraneiHco, Dec. 3. The little trunboat lUiyota, which left here uto- ber 7 of last year for l'anarna vo sweep the acft of all enemies of tho i,oiom biun uovernment, ha liecome the object of iteurch of the United State men o war. A letter received yenterday from an officer if tho :ruiar lVton, dated at Panama, ntftte that the cruim-r hm juHt returned from tlireo Iay warcl fur tho Itouota. which hu been do dared a pirate, and i much wanttjd by ti nour remiblic of Panama and tlie American warhir. When tlie now inthmlan republic lu.iKted it flair, tho liotrottt, controlle bv the Colombian, liaHtily weighed l.r .nebor. and after firinir noon the nitw nut for the ooen M;a with tiie I'ft dilla. her erMtwhilo enemy in the form er relxdlion, in hot purnuit. Tho Pa dilla i not tho equal of the Jioogta end anon wa dintanoeu. Tl.a llrurotn Hit at lttt ftCOUnt te llevetl to Iks hovering iomewhere in tb vicinity of Panama by, for report were received at tho ithmu that the vchw had captured two F.ngliHh merchant vewel. A reward of 50,000 for the capture of the Bogota wa immediatoly offered by the Knglinh governnient. The Kiinboat i dinowued by tlio I olom- biim government, which we in her act of piracy no end of trouble. MAN'S FINQI'R IS SENT BELL. SHARP CHINCSB SMUOULGR. Many Chin Bow Mint tlaa Railroaded Orientals In, Vancouver, lKn 4. -What immigra tion oflicial connider to ho one of the lurgcMt inutrt(1iug operation carrietl on for Homo time aero the boundary ha iM'ell exposed by the interception of letter to Cliiu llow lling, of Portland. The letter bear tlio Mtanin of tho firm of Sam Lett Wo, of Vancouver Chin How lling i believed to be tho vleverent Chinemi in tho buHine of getting Oriental aero the line and wa hero a month or ho ago. Hi echeme of railroading them through fit Cloverdalo and Bometime by launch or fiHliini: boat aro known, but once they are on tlio Amreican ido and in oHcHion of cert ideate it i a difllcult matter to obtain evidence millic icut to warrant their deportation. Treaty Will do to the Setat Soon. Washington, Iec. 4. -It i expected by tho prcidcnt that tho treaty with l'anuinii providing for tlie count ruction of the iMthmiitn canal will bo returned to Wiifhington within two week. Tho indication now aro that tho treaty will bo traiiMinitted to tlio Hcnato before the adjournment of congren for tho ChriHtinii holiday. Senator Cullom, clialrinan of the foreign relation com mittee, believe that nerioti opposition to it ratification would Ih! developed, hut cxprcHHcd no doubt of it ultimate ratification. Letter Saya Era and Head Will Follow If Troops Remain. Denver, Ioc. 3. Aljutant (ieneral Roll today received from Tellnnde a letter wranoeti around a human finger. Tho letter Htated the finger belonged t IT. 11 to a man who tlmappeareu irom ieu iirii!i Mime time aso. and etatcd if the triM.i. were not withdrawn from Tell tiriilo tho man' ear and then hi head would follow in a few day. The letter wa igned "8 N." A nhvaicmn who examined the linger aid it wa evidently cut off shortly be fore tho letter wa mailed. It develop toniirht that the bloody finger came from tho office ol a local anrtfon. and it i charired that it wa oent to (ieneral 1VU a a joke hy cer tain newRpaper reporter. (ieneral Hell tonight inmied a Rtatemont, in which lie declare he ha placed the matter In tho hand of the pontal authorities and no effort will Iks "pared to eoouro the aiprehonion and punish ment of the partte reaponHihle lor the hoax. Panama Commlmlonera Start Home, New York. Iec. 3. Dr. M. Amador ... i i.i and rreuerico iMiyu, mitmi tomuuB' Rioner from the republic of Panama, Railed for Colon today on tho Hteamer Seguranca, having completed their treaty iniHHion to thi country in two week. It i expected that a aoon a thev reaidi tho ithmu a roiiHtitution will bo framed and arrangement mane for tho early election of a prewident and other permanent official for the republic. Carlo Aroeina remain at WuHhinlon a secretary of the now le gation. Washington, Dec. 2. The renewed attention being given to the proposed iHthmian canal at thi time lend es pecial interest to a dic.UHioii of the itreat canal of tlie world, presented by the department of commerce and labor through it bureau of statistic. The Suez canal i URiially considered tlie most important example of slni canals, though the numlier of veel tasing tiirougii it annually doe not equal that paing through the canal connecting Ike Superior with the chain of great lake at tlie south. In lengt h, however, it exceed any of the other great hip canal, it total length lieing 00 mile. The original cost was 95,000,000, and for !the canal in its present form slightly in excess of 100,- 000,000. Tho revenue of the canal is apparently large in proportion to it cost, tlio Statesman's Yearbook for 1001 giving tlie net profit of 1899 at 64.153.CC0 francs, and the total amount distributed among the share older 61.538.02K francs, or about 10 per cent of the estimated cost of f 100, 000,000. The canal connecting the Hay of Cronstadt with St. Petersburg i des criWl a a work of great strategic and commercial importance to Huia. Tho canal and sailing course in tlie !av of Constadt are about 16 miles ng, the canal projier lx:lng about six miles and tho boy channel about ten mile, and they together extend from Cronstadt, on the gulf of Finland, to St. Petersburg. The canal was opened In 1800. The total cost is estimated at about 110,000,000. Tho next of the great ship canals connecting bixlies of salt water in the order of date of construction in the Corinth canal, which connect the gulf f Corinth with the gulf of Acgina. Tho canal reduce the diwtance from adriatic port about 175 miles and from Mediterranean ports about. 100 miles. It length is alnnit four miles. There are no locks, as l also the case in both the Sue and Cronstadt canal The work was begun in 1884 and com pleted in 1803 at a cost of about f 5,- 000,000. The Manchester ship canal, which connect Manchester, England, with the Mersey river, Liverpool, and the Atlantic ocean wa opened for traffic January 1,1894. The length of the canal is 35 miles, tlie total rise from othe water level to Manchester leing 00 feet, which ia divided between four seta of locks. The total cost of the canal is given at 175,000,000. The revenue in 1001. according to the Statesman's Yearbook, was (121,128 pounds, and tlie working expenses, 483.2R7 pounds. Two canal connect the Baltic and North sea through (Jermanv, the first, known as the Kaiser Wilhelm canal, and having been completed in 1895 and constructs! largely for mili tary and naval purposes, but proving also of great value to general mercan tile traffic. Work upon the Kaiser Wilhelm canal was liegun in 1887, and completed a above indicated, in 1895 Tho lentgh of the canal is 61 miles, the terminus in the Haltic sea being at Kiel. The total excavotion amounted to about 100,000,000 cubic yards, and tho cost to about 40,000,000. The Welland canal connects I-ake Ontario and Ijtke F'rie on the Canadian side of tlio river. It was constructed in 1883 and enlarged in 1871 and again in 1900. The length of the canal is 27 milt;, tlie numlier of locks 25, the total rise of bx kage 327 feet, and the total cost about 125,000,000. The annual collection of tolls on freight, passen gers and vessel averages about $225,- 000. ami the canal i open on an aver age about 240 day in a year. Tlie canals of Sault Ste.' Mane, Mich., and Ontario, are located adja cent to the fall of tho St. Mary's river, which connect I-ake Superior with Ike Huron ami lower or raise vassela from one level to the other, a height of 17 to 20 feet. The canal belonging to tho I'nited State wa beaun in 1853 by tlie state of Michigan and opened in 1855, tlie length of the canal lK-ing 5, (174 feet, and provided with two tandem lockR, the original cost lieing f1,000,- 000. Tho United State government. by consent of tho state, liegan in 1870 to enlarge the canal, and by 1881 had Increased its length to 1.6 miles. The state relinquished all control of the canal in March, 1882. In 1887 the jrovernment further enlarged the canal The Canadian canal, 1 miles long, was built on tlie north side of the river during tho years 888 to 181)5. Wash in ton, Iec. 2. Dr. Ilerran, tlie Colombi-n minister, has silenced all the members of the Reyes party nd the Iiolivar commission. The Colombians are now holding warm con ferences, in which they are attempt ing to find out just what steps should Ins taken to bring the South American republic out of the present squabble in the best form. General Reyes is known to have undergone a change of mind a to the best method of looking after hi country's interest here. War talk did not make any impression upon the United States. It is now presumed that Dr. llerran's advice is to be taken, and an attempt will now probably be made to bring Colombia out of the muddle with all the money p'lssible The return of Panama to the Colom bian union, and the retraction of all the steps taken by the United States government, are so far out of tlie que' tion that they will probably not be suggested. Reports from the United States min ister at Bogota and other sources that war talk in Colombia is becoming more widespread call attention to the fact that even if General Reyes mission to the United States accomplishes no other puriiose, it will serve time for the Colombian armies to mobolize and equip in case a campaign should be undertaken against the isthmus. It is now conceeded that the passage of troop by land from Colombia to the isthmus is not impossible. t Hi tod Rtt. fmlAml Theodore RorieTlt Vii'-l'fM1'nt. - t--rrirT t, sit. .W. R. IT KM fHry ot Trfn.iirj l.tminJ imit SMTfUiry ol Interior K. A. llit-hri T.r)r of Wr K. K. 0.t R r-tr ol Njr -John I). I-on FfntmMtfM.envral X'hrlM f'.mnry Smith AUiTnrj-4i-nrr .John W.Ortrr I HTMrT ol Arrirnltnr JmM Wilmm Com Oeueral Land Office...... Binger Hermtn TICKETS To nt from all POINTS EAST via Renaton. Htata Federal OfflnlaU. I John H. Mltrhell j l.'nas. W. Kulum I 1. N. W llliamwm 1 -ousreenmen- j Tbome H. Tonsue I n Urn 1 KTenue Collector I. M. IMinne Mutrlrt JtiU" C. B. Beilineer Irtnilt JadKe W. B.Oillwrt Mutrlrt Attornrr J. H. 1111 U. B. Mr.i.ll. .W. F. Mathews SHORT LIS RegUtftr... Receiver... Renter . Receiver., United State Land OfTlcar. THE IitlXU, ORKOOH. .......... Jy r. Lncas ,...,., Oti Fatlernon LA SKARbE, OBEOOH. E. W. Bartlett .......J. O. Bwackheimer ST. FAUUDULUTH, MINNEAPOLIS, CH1C&&3 AND POINTS KAST. State of Oregon. Governor ......Geo. E. Chamnerlaln rwwretary of Btate I- Kiinbar Tr...nrf - I,.ri. MIKHB Attortiev-Oenersl A. M. trawioro. Hm.i .f fntilln Iimtruetlon.. J. H. Ackerman rrinwrr , ..... K. B. an Supreme Judges I . .....V.k. Moore t V. r. nillTcmni CtrV UeArA Rfhnnl Land Commumion Mart t namoeriain Game Warden ...Alpha Qulmhy Huh Cotnmnwioner K. C. Reid. AMona Veu-rluary Burgeon W m. McLean, i-orllana Throurh Palace and Tonrlrt sleepers: Dining and bullet Brooking Library tars. DAILY TRAINS. FAST TIME. Hlnth Judicial Circuit Judge rrtnecutiug Attorney.. DUtriet. W. R. Ellis T. G. Hailer For rate, folders and full Information regard ing tickets, routes, etc., call on or aaareas II. DIOCSOM, City Ticket Agent, Portland, Or. J.W. PHALOS, T. P. A., 122 Third Bt., Portland, Or, A. B. C. DENNIHTOS, O. W. P. A., 612 Hrt Ave.. Beattle, Wash. P05TOFHCB FRAUDS. Figures Telling What the Government Lost by Corrupt Officials. Washington, Dec. 2. The amount of money secured by the corrupt offic ials and their confederates is email, as compareil to the total loss to trie government. To illustrate: There is no evidence that Louis received any compensation from Ault & Wiborg, yet during the first year of his ad ministration tlie expenditures for can celing ink increased over $10,000. Barrett received but $6,000 from Arnold, yet that company defrauded the people out of over $3,000,000. Machen probably did not receive more than $20,000 from the Groff fas tener. Yet the government has paid approximately $130,000 for that de vice, which represents a net loss, since the department continued, by the terms of the contract for letter boxes, to pay for the original fasteners. Beavers and his associates received loss than $20,000 from the automatic cashier. Yet the department ex pended $74,275 for this wholly un necessary machine. The total amount that the perpetra tors of these frauds themselves received cannot be definitely learned, but it will aeereeate between $30,000 and $400,000, wbile the loss to the gov ernment, considering the unnecessary supplies that have been purchased and the inferior quality of those fur nished by fraudulent contractors, can not be estimated w ith any degree of accuracy. Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator W alter Pierce Representative - (i- w- Phelps Cniiritv Judze A.O. Bartholomew 1 . , , . 4.. . M.Ortltin County CommlnDloiiers J K. C. Ashbaugh fount Clerk Vawter Crawford ! County Sheriff . K. M. Hhutt Count TrpKnrer M. Mchtenthal County Anne.... ..W. L. Baling Comity Surveyor J. Keithly Count Bchool Kunerintendent...Jay W. Hnipley County Coroner........... Dr. Kostner hUica intioeclor a. v. mr. "The Milwaukee Heppner Town Officer. ........r... Frank Gilliam J. J. Koberis w . Geo. Noble E. W. Rhea Phil Conn , Tom Uuaid I O. K. Farnsworth Recorder . .J. P. Williams Treamirer - ...L. W.Bnggs Marshal D.C uuruaue Mayor.. Councilmen. Heppner School District. Directors T. J. Matlock, E. M. Shutt, Hagar. Clerk-L. W. Briggs. J. M. Precinct Officers. Justice of the Peace. ......J. Constable... . .... P. Williams ...G. B. Halt A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil waukee '& St. Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Great Railway running the "Pioneer LimiUd" train every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, "The only perfect trains in the world." Understand: Connections are made with All Transcontinental lines, assuring to passengers the best aervice known. Luxurious coaches, electric lights, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other line. See that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point in the United States or Canada. All ticket agents sell them. R EDFIELD & VAN VACTOB ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office Opposite First National Bank. Heppner. VIRTUALLY SHUT OUT POWERS. Russia and Austria Propose to Have Ac. tual Control of Macedonia. London, Dec. 2. The Chronicle learns of a curious episode. "When the appointment of European officers to the Turkish gendarmerie in Macedonia was proposed, Great Britain asked that three English otlicers be appointed, thinking that each of the other powers would require tbe appointment ol a similar number. The government of Austro-Hungary, however, demanded the appointment of 180 Austrian offi cers, and uussia asKeu ior an equal number of Russian officers, the obvious intention on the part of Austria and Russia being the exclusion of all other powers from any real share in the control of the gendarmerie. The Chronicle savs the directors of the Macedonian relief fund have re ceived advices that pneumonia and pleurisy are working havoc among the refugees in the burned villages as the results of exposure and destitution. Russia Branching Out. London, Pec. 2. The Times' Pekin correspondent says that small bodies of Russian troops are patrolling the country around Hsinmintun, the ter mination of a branch line of the rail way between the great wall and Niu Chwang, on the pretext of suppressing brigands, although the region is per fectly quiet and peaceful. The Chi neso are daily expecting to hear that the Russians have occupied the rail road there and have resumed military occupation of the country down to the great wall. i w. Ur. PHELPS AIIORNEY-AT-UW. For rates, pamphlets or other infor mation, address, J. W. Casey, H. 8. Rowe, Tia. Pass. Agent. General Agent PORTLAND. OEEQOS. Dr. M. B. Metzler Office in Odd Fellows New Building. Heppner. Oregon. 'RANK B. KISTNER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Otlice, Patterson's Drug Store. DENTIST Office in Odd Fellows' New Building. Call and See Me. DR A. K. IIIGG8 Rooms 3 and 4 ODD FELLOWS' BUILDINO Residence at Henry Johnson's. Heppner, Oregon. G. W. KEA ATTORNEY-AT-UW OREGON SilOJVrLME V. 8. Commissioner. Homestead filings and all hnal proofs made. i.., - . Office one door east P. O., Borg's Jewelry Store. AND I J HI 1 11 fj 'A.IIlLsi HEPPNER ... OREGON , T, . . uruy i-ine xiasi via c E. WOODSON. Attorney-at-Law. Salt Lake and Denver Office in Palace Hotel, Heppner, Oregon. TWO TRAINS DAILY. V. GENTRY, TONSORIAL ARTISTS. IIAVINO SS CENTS. Tine Bath Rooms In connection. Shop two doors nortn ot Palace uoteL Forty-Six Days Without Food. Winiiemucea, Ncv., Dec. 4 David CriHsman, a pioneer miner in this Htate, was instantly killed by a prema ture blast in a (mart, mine near (iolila lust night, lie had a record of thrill ing experiences, I'.lght Years ago ho was imprisoned in a mine near Winnc niueca by a rave-in, and was forty-six tlavs without food and without water except a small quantity of incited snow. When rescued ho weighed about fifty-six pounds. Believed Japan Bought Ships. PantliiKO do Chile, Dec. 4. The bat tleship LiU'rtad, now undergoing sliced trials on tho Clyde, and the battleship Constitution, now in course of con- strucrton there, have licen sold by the Chilean eovernnient for I9.000.000. It is believed that both ships have been purchased for Japan, Washington Wants Money. Washington, loc. 3. Senator Foster Is after more money for public build- inus in Washington. He bus Intro duced bills increasing the limit of cost of the Tacoma building from 1400,000 to fl,000,000; increasing the limit at Seattle from f.100,000 to 1 1,000,000, and Inrreasing tlie limit at Hptikano from 1100,000 to IH)0,000. lie also Introduced a bill appropriating 150,000 for testing American timliers, 23 per ... . . i it... .in.. cent to no expenueu on mo iuv vnm To Prolong Presidential Term. Mexico City, Dee. 3. An Important bill is before the chamler of deputies looklnir to tho amendment of tlm con stltution. so as to prolong the presl- detitlttl term to eluht years. This measure has some Influential sup porteis. Another Macedonian Rising Coming. Vienna, Dec. 2. IV is again reported that the Macedonian insurgents are aiming to renew their revolt next spring, ami as me ursi step along tins lino M. PratarscbefT has In-en selected to head a new revolutionary central committee. Kervia is reported to bo arming for war, and it is believed Rul- iraria will be compelled to take the field against Turkey early in the year, and that Kervia will aid her in consid oration of being granted old Hervla Dakota Divorces Null and Void. Des Moines, la., Dec. 2 Judge James A. Howe, of the district court, held ttslay that a decree granted un der the Dakota divorce statutes, if it is proven the mm resident litigant re sides there merely for the purppose of securing a divorce, ia null and void Hobson's Plan lor Big Navy. Washington, Dec. 2. Ex-Com- mander Richmond P. llobson, of the navy, has prepared a bill which he has requested Representative Wiley, of Alabama, to introduce in the house on the convening of tlie regular ses sion, for the purpose, bs he says, of making tho Liu ted Mates tho first naval power of tho world during the next 18 years. The bill makes a total appropriation of 12,750,000,000, a por tion is to be used each year. China Will Retaliate1 London. Dec. 2. The Morning Post says it has reason to oeiieve tne uni neso government has prohibited the recruiting of laborers for South Africa in any part of China. "Ihis decis ion," says the Morning Post, "is main ly due to legislation by the Dominion of Canada excluding the Chinese from Canadian territory." DR. J. W. VOGLE EYE SPECIALIST. Daily TIME SCHEDULES. Daily Departs Harrsita, Or. Arrivbs Ft Mall For Kast and West 9:00 a. m. Fsnt Mall From Kast and West t:10 p. m. Express For East and West 9:00 a.m. Express From East and West 4:10 p. m. MAKES REGULAR TRIPS TO HEPPNER AND MOR ROW COUNTY. STEAMER LINES. Ban Francihco-Portlakd Routb Steamer sails (rom Portland S p. m. every 6 days. GIBSON k LOGAN Shaving Parlors Three Doors South of Postomce. Dally Boat service between Portland, Astoria, Orei?on City, Dayton, Salem, Independence, Corvallls and all Columbia and W illamette River points. ShaTlnar, SSe Ualroutllua, too. Bathroom in Connection. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. Steamers between Rlparta and Lewtston leave Riparla dally at 4:t0 a. in.; returning leave Lewlston dally at l;SU a. m. J. B. Huddleston, Heppner, Orsioa