THLMIEPhIEK TIMES. THURSDAY. DEC. 10. 1003. Subscription, "61.00 Per Year. NOTES. C. N. Slilnn wn In town on Friday Ust tlSnSSCllrig tlUkllltt. K. W, Turner, Sand llo ow fanner, was teen on our tta ttt Saturday. Tbos. W. llowu, was a buslnew visitor In llejiputr on Saiu;dy lakt. John Kinsman l'M-d cuilond of beef ( at.le to Tioulda e lust Monday. T. A. Rhea m a p?i .tuner for Fore land, on Itut Monday mornings train. Fiauk Geul.y and Wife tf Blackhorse, were sten on our streets Saturday last. D. W. Iloruor spent several days the past week lu Albany and Foilland on basiues. J. M. Ilsgar telurnrd Friday f.oru Por'.land where be had been on a bilrf tjun.ue ttip. Mirt Virginia Deaton, editor and publisher of the lone Font, visited In llrppner over Sunday. A.J. Cook of Lena, was a passenger Monday for I'eadlctou, liere bo went on a b: !tf bu!nea trip. Frank Sloan of Lower But e- ctetk, was in the uity the latter rait of last week trsnsacting busluets. W. V, Van Vac'.Of of Coldendale, a b oUicr of Ally. S. E. Van Vactor, It be e this week vlsllliig with hit brother. M. A. 8u1er, of Gilnnell, Iowa, a member of lue Iowa Eiggy Company la in the city iu tbetuteieal of bli company. Nat Webb depai'.ed Uat Silurdav mo-.utng for Idaho, where be goea to look a ier bis s'uwp iuteres.s of that Hrnry Akhbnub left the lat'.er pa;t o! last week I r Sau l'rancisco, whe e tieexpec:stor.niiu duiingthe winter and tpilu. Johnny Woodard, a prominent fanner and atockraler of creek, spent 'x few days in the city the latter part of laat week. II. D. Wood waa a fassanger on Monday moin!ng,a train for Toitland, where he goea to tpenJ a few days Wait ing with friends. A. M. Ma;kbatu of Clarks Canyou, relumed Mondav from a business trip to Portland, and incidentally to witness the Asa E. Thomson trM. Kd Mills, fo:uierly wilh II. C. John aon'njang of carpenteia, but mote re cently with I'ueO. R. & N. Co., hat re turned to Heppue r to spend the winter. In selecting your holiday candiea ynu should not overlook the Ilrppnpr Drug Company. They carry a full line of Cuntber's candies the best on the market. Ilenoner Uu'on No 11488, American Federation of Labor has organized with a membership of (17. Senil-mouthly meetings will be held at the K. P. hall The Heppner Drvg Company now has on dinplsy an elegant line of holi day goods and novelties. Call and look over their line before making your aelecUon. The Rev. John Warren, was a pasnen ger on the out goiug train Monday morning for Fori land. Thence be will return to Pendleton, where be will spenJ a week. Work on the dwelling of Geo. Swag- gart on Court bouse bill is processing as rapidly as weather will permit and a' ready looms up as an ornament to that pirt of town. Posters are out announcln a grand ball (o be given under the aurpices of Wbilniore Lodge No 45, A. O. U. W. on Chrulmas uluht. December 25, 1003, at Robert's hall. A 70. sewing machine to be given away by the Heppner Drug Company December 31. F.every CO cent purchase entitles yon to a chance to secure sane free of charge. S. D. Daker of Condon, left for hi horns bit Monday morning after spend trnr a few davs here In attendance of a the M isonic services. Mr Burker la ttromlnent merchant and sheepman of Condon. He recently erected a $10, 000 brick building in Condon. While in The Dalles Monday we met J K Mclireuor, cupetiutendrnt of th Thompson Creek coal mines who report that his company now have a new drill and niHchinery on the grounds and will begin drilling for a new shaft miles neater the railroad than their old shaft If a seam of coal is struck at this point of sufficient thickness a riew shaft will be sunk and coat mined from this shaft which will save the expenne of construe tlon of a mile and a half of railroad, a uui that is well worth the effort to save. New suit cases ties and suspenders at the Fair. Louisiana Pu-chase, pillow tops, and pin trsys at The Fair. Percy Oarrigues Is visiting a few days in l'oilland thia week. Fred Waroork, of the Gazette, is visit ing In Portland H is wrtk. A. Andrews is .very sick this week with crvsipelas of the face. lie sure and read the Fair add this week, there's money la it for you. MUs Mary Maddock of Condon was the gtttst of Miss Kalie Quaid lust week. f'1.00 up, Seel Pangea from $:i5 up at Haines Fumliu e store. Mis Katie "Quaid returned Saturday from Por'land where she bad been to take her uncle Patrick Quaid to St. Vincent hospital. C. A. Rhea returned Tucaday eveniug from Portand where be baa been look ing after bis packing bouse Interests the pact two weeks. T. A. Drlskell wss thrown from a borse Tuesday and bis arm badly hurt. Dr. Higg' dressed the injured arm and Mr Driklell is getting along nicely. Remember that with each 50 cent purchase of Dabiooks perfumes enti les yon to a chauce on a beautiful perlume cae at Heppner Drug Company. Those Christmas photographs shou'dcsll early and thereby avoid pos- sible delay on account of bad weather at last moment, 25 to 25 per cent reduction, satisfaction guaranteed. B. G. SiCSBKH Henry Heppner departed la.t Hon day morning for Portland, where be goes for tned'eal treatment. Uncle Heniy'a health has been falling for some time, and be makes this tiip in the hopes oi finding relief. Kd Sa".ng and family, Clyde Saling and Milt Megan, deputed the first of the week for Cuniuv'.Ile, where they have purchased farm property fiom Geo. J. Corrln, and where they will mske their future home. Frsuk Glascock returned Mondaj from Portland where be has been at tending the Holmes bufiiml.j college the past few months. He waa obliged to leave college, at least for a time, on account of failing eye sight. MisL. K.Cohen will sell the com- p'ete slock of mlliuery now on eth'.bi lion at ber parlor at greatly reduced pi Ices, biie S ko hat a new line oi ladies and cl'Ild.ea's C'.oa'.s, fore, e'.c. Three doors below Pl:.e hotel. , Among the ou of (own visitors who a'leuded the Masonic initiations in this city FiMay nighl we;e ihe following: C, O. Porlwood clerk of G liiatn county, S. B. Baiker, l).s. Wood and Brown and Mr. Cameron. Jack Warren, who has been visiting the past two weeks v.'lh bis father, Rev. John Wanen, iu thia el'y, left Mouday for Portland where be will vis't for a few weeks bcfoie going to the Alberta coun try to locate permanently. Cbiis to cliers, has moved his ex change saloon into bis new concrete building. The inside ia band finished and is one of the finest buildings In the city. Johnson and Neb-on did the wood work, whiie ih; paiul! Jg was done by I. N. 1'ialer. Mrs Geo. Conger and Miss L'cx'e Mallosk returned Friday from Portland where they went to witness the rendition of the celebrated plsy "P.en Hur." They report that it was jutt spiendid MINOR & COMPANY EN 8" I 6 v 9J V !5 9 tk. COMPANY 1 J IV one of the uio-t brilliant plays they ever wiluessed. Dr. Hings reports the arrival of a nine pound boy at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Mortis Devore of Ha dmau, December 7. AUo an eight pound boy at the borne of Mr. and Mia Eenj. S'.aulon of Eight Mile, on December 0 And a nine pound boy to Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Lee of Lex ington, on December 4. Kuimet Cochran, who was In Heppner the first of the week from Monument, reports that s'.ock are doing well in Grant county. The fine wealher the past few weeks has made the stockmen much more hopefcl and all are now con fident that they will have sufficient hay to lake their slock through the winter. v ni nnnrry ATnnif ULUUULU OlUUtV S T 1 t . . 1 i Keep consianiiy on nanu I for pale Jacks, Mules and fino 1 Driving Teams and Saddlers. I Also one Norman Stallion, Black as a raven, weight KHM) pounds, four years old. 1 kfep a kennel of registered Scotch Coolies, the best slock and farm dog knewn. The best and HICHEST BRED STOCK in KaHtcrn Oregon. Anyone de siring any of thia class of Stock will rnd it to their interest to write me at Heppner, Oregon, B F. SWACGART. !' tnnmiuHimmMMMtmiMMMMMUMm v.V -r.-r.-r.' f MINOR & COMPANY $ i ;) Xmas Suggestions A WORD 'IX) TI-IH CHILDREN CHRIS KRINKEL'S KINGDOM T TT ' J 1 j t t 1 ... - is neppner, ana nis snDjecis are us cnuaren. His palace is Minor & Co.'s Is A Word to the Men. The is a freak who will not love you more if you loosen up the etiings to your wallet at Xmas time. Just a word to the wise is sufficient. You never saw your wife with more kid gloves than she thought she needed and new ones are always appreciated. Get her a nice glove box and buy on or more pairs of the Eakay Kids (for there is none better) and put them in this box and pre sent it to her Christmas morning. They are only $1.75 a pair, or the Famous at $1.25 a pair. We have them in all sizee and in a;l the leading colors and black and whlte-fl g5 and 1.75 , . Genuine Hand Made Mexican Drawn Work. The ladies all admire such work, for it is most artistic and beautiful. A six-inch Doilie with drawn work bordere EACH 30 CENTS 14 inch piece, 4 inch border of drawn work beautifully designed EACH $2.25 2tt inch piece with G inch border of the drawn work a dainty thing EACH $3.00 2G inch piece with G inch drawn work bor der very fine EACH $6.00 Fifteen inch round piece, linen center and five inch border of extremely fine Tentriffe wheel FOR $6.00 , ' . Hand Made Baltenberg. , Thege goods appeal to the refined taste of all, being real hand made and beautifully designed. 10 inch, all lace center, EACH 65 CENTS 19 inch all lace center, rich pattern, EACH $1.50 16 inch square piece, linen center, five-inch lace border, $1.25 8 inch square, linen center doilie, 2 inch lace edge, 25c otorc. He is the best ruler his wil ling subjects will ever know, for he has made ample provision for all their needs and wants for the com ing Merry Xmas tide. He has made this store his distributing sta tion for all the toys, games and dolls for this locality, so children, you must come and SEE what a grand array of nice things he has left for you, for we can't begin to describe them. The most amusing of the Toys Is "the performing sea lion," a real moving, living, breathing thing. , The trained Ostrich drawing a cart with a darkey driver, runs and walks and the driver whips. The battle ship in action. The auto mobile with rubber tireg goes like the wind. Guns that shoot and guns that pop and Ships and Games, all kinds of nice things. Linen books, Tool Chests and Dank?, Soldiers outfits and the like. Chil dren come early and stay till you have seen every thing. A Word to the Women. And if yon willlisten we will make it easy for yon to del -gut your husband or sweetheart with the Ipresent you presen t him Xmas morning. Being a man, with only man's Ideas and tastes, we feel sure you will pardon a few surest ions. Just take a peep into our Men's Haberdashery a minute Men bare a weakners for nice things the same as yon do and a nice Umbrella always delights him, and here yon will find a nice 38-inch Gloria cover on a steel frame and rod with an imitation Oiived ivory handle and only $2.75 A better one with a 33 inch Union Silk cover and a steel irame and, with a horn handle gold tipe 1UU ICIU1C 1U $4.50 NECKTIES We never have too many, and thia new lot of Four in-hand ties are as pretty and good as yon see at l 00, but we marked them 60c Other stvles too numerous to mention at 35c and 25c Suspenders INDIAN ROBES We have just received a shipment of these fine robes from the Pendleton.Woollen Mills, the piettiest we have ever had yet. They are just the thing for cozy corners, Lounging robes and couch covers. Try one One Lot At - - $4 75 A Better One - 5 00 Fine Wool - - 5 75 Best Lambs Wool - 6 00 Extra Heavy Shawl, Fringed Both Ends, Very Fine - - - - $7 00 Ladies, Stock Collars. W . a. iou snouia see tne new ones just in a few days. They are elegant and no mis take. Must be seen to be appreciated. Prices .60 .75.85 1.00 1.251.50 Men are n.ver overstocked with suspenders till they have a pair for each pair of trousers Those President Suspenders put up but one pair ij a box a-e the best suspenders made Silk and cot'on webb 65c All Silk webb only $1.25 Being put up in a beautifully deco.aled box makes them a very desirable present. Men Hems' :lched Linen Handkerchiefs, all while, 25c and 40c Cheaper ones at 10c Colored bordered Silk and Cotton handkerchiefs for men in a nice assortment. Gordon Hats The very latest blocks in all the leading colors and black S3-oo Silk and Wool Mufflers In a great variety of prices rang ing from 25c to $3.00 And intervening prices to suit any purse. Cushion Tops and Cords. You see here the best line in the city from which to choose. Prices 65c to $1.25 Cord, 15c pr yd . Ladies' Handk'fs Our as.-ortment is almost unlimited and the ones we show at 35a are the same that are sold elsewhere at 60c We have cheaper ones at 25c and 2 for 25c. FURS. Now men, if you want to do the right thing by your lady Christmas you can naruiy pass these elegant lurs. tne as sortment we show will make it easy for you to select. , Real Otter fur scarf, long front, satin lined, cord fastened $25.00 Sable Fox Scarf long and elegant . $35-00 Beaver Four-in-hand scarf, Bilk lined, 6.00 Rat head scarf, long front, fur lined, $12.00 Many other styles and kinds at equally low prices. A few left-overs at recduced prices. riie Man from the Gro cery side has a Good Word for all. In the grocery department we are show ing something new, a complete line of The Rochester brilliant ware, it does not tarn ish or s ust and is more durable than silver and looks as well. Our holiday suggestion is that you present yourself as well as your friend with a suitable serviceable gift. Tea set, tray, cake basket or baker, in fact we have every thing from a wash boiler to a napkin ring, cheap and reliable goods in all lines abound. Buy some thing known to be lasting. Rochester bril liant ware, we have the exclusive sale of this ware. In decorated china we have some of the prettiest patterns of cake and berry sets, seven pieces in set, prices from $1.50 to $3.00. Gold trimmed center floral sprays of hand painted buds and blossoms; useful presents. In this line we also have cups and saucers, shaving mugs, chocolate sets, table sets, if you could see them you would agree that a better selection could not have been made. Just four patterns in vases left in hand painted, frosted and colored glass, yery nice for Christmas presents. Silver ware Rogers 120 penny weight Knives and forks, per set. . .$1 75 to $3 00 Table spoons 1 00 to 3 00 Tea spoons 60 to 1 50 Space will not permit us to describe every article we have that makes a pretty as well as useful gifts for Xmas, these are standard and good sellers the year round and articles that will be appreciated, such as the 1900 washing machine a labor saving device, or a complete set of dishes We have them in several patterns pink, green, purple and purple & green. We have not forgotten the children. Our assortment of xmas candies, nuts and fruits is complete and they all ready know where they get the most for their money. We will have special sales in this line during the holidays. Boys Suits and Overcoats There is nothing more appropriate for these little men than one of our fancy Junior suits in either Rus sian, Norfolk or Sailor styles, take for instance a dark blue mixed Norfolk suit with embroideried shield and wide sailor collar, trim med with silk soutache braid and fancy, gilt buttons, ages 3 to 7 $4 50 We aie going to continue our special 20 per cent discount sale on these goods during the Christmas season which will make this suit net you exactly.... :...$3 GO or would an overcoat for the boy be better, we have them from age 3 for the little fellows up to age 20 for the young men. Kemember the 20 per cent discount special sale idcludes these goods, making them extremely reasonable in price. Shoes For Everybody. We are still giving two pairs of 25 cent hose with every pair of childrens shoes we sell, size 8 to 2. Men's Shoes These are sensible things to give. Mens Vica Kid Shoes latest styles $2,75 Better ones " $3.50 and up Mens house slippers. Monkey skin vamp, pattent leather quarters 75 cents , Oxblood slippers fine kid $2.00 LADIES SHOES and Ladies dress shoe best French kid french heel, turned sole, a beauty . 5-oo Ideal kid shoe, glove kid top, half french heel. $3.50 Ladies fur trimmed, cloth lined, house slippers medium heel and toe. $2.00 MINOR & CO. MINOR & CO. 1 i : 'Ol V 1 n Of. Mi k I P B&L , . li's - I