Heppner times. (Heppner, Or.) 1???-1912, December 10, 1903, Image 3

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Sarsaparilla Is unquestiona
bly the greatest blood and
liver medicine known. It
positively and permanently
cures every humor, from
Pimples to Scrofula. It, b
the Best
Blood Medicine.
"Dlil you iiiako any Impression on
tho young professor?"
"Goodness, no!? Throe of his
aunts, IiIm ulster and a cousin worn
there listening to every word I sull to
Mm. "-Detroit Kroo l'ress.
rrniKitPitlir i.urwi. rrnfltaornwrvoiMiUMl
nr nmd.y'a uaouf Or.K llno'adrml Nrv
JltMr, Hfllll fur ITrM.ll'J lrtt.lh.illi....t..i!
lt, H. 11. K lino, I.UJ..M) Anb i'ltlalliila, 1'a.
I'rrslJent Dli' Costly Saddle.
Co, Cortiiiu of tho Mexican army
linn present)! l'rNtliMit IMhb with n
middle tliut cost f'JO.DOa. Tim colonel
lis spent Seven JeilM superintending
its production.
Too Suggestive.
"Tlmt new waitress must an," snid
tho landlord of tho select hoarding
) ion HO.
"Wlmt has slm done?"
"Why, when him wan to auk tho
guests if they would have l a or coffee
she mi id, 'N'aino yer drink order,'
Chicago Jtecord I lerald.
Wyndham and Duval.
During a recent dehate in the hotis
of common on tho Irish land bill an
opponent of that measure, referred to
Mr. Wyndham, chief Ns-retury for .Ire- (
land, who In very handsome, ax a
charming highwayman who waft rob
bing tlio Hi It ish taxpayer. Hiscritio
applied to the chief secretary theepl-
tapli on Claud Duval in Coven t (iarden
clmrch: "Hem Ilea Duval. Header.
if male thou art, look on thy pune; if
femalo, to thy heart."
iiva'a Discovery.
"I!y observing tho fall of an apple,"
remarked tho tnorali.ro, "Newton dis
covered the law of gravity."
"Yen," rejoined the demoralizer,
"and thousand of years previous
Mother Kve discovered the gravity of
the law by merely biting an apple."
Chicago Sewn.
Cloae Enough,
First Cat Willio Pussy and Tommy
Kit tie had a milk-drinking content lant
Keeotid Cut Which beat?
First Cut Tommy Kittle, by a lap.
fllame All I'pon the Berries.
A small parishioner in Aberdeen
brought a banket of strawberries to the
minister very early on. Monday morn
ing. "Thank you, my little girl," he
saw, "tiicy are very Doauuiui iierrics.
I'.ut I hope you didn't gather them yes
terday, which was the Kabbath day?"
"No, air," replied tho child, "I
picked them thin morning. Hut they
wan growin' all day yestciday." Stray
Venerable lariat Completae 40 Yaara
of Continuous Perrlce on tha Super
ior Conrt Hench of Cook County. 111.,
A Moat ricturcMjae Flgura.
After court nowaday the venerable
Judge Joseph K. Gary, of Chicago, fa
mous throughout the country aa the
Jurist More whom the anarchists
were tried and convicted for the Hay
market riot and murdera aeveutcen
year a ago, may be seen late In the aft
ernoon of almoat any aunny day draw
ing hla little grandchildren about In
hand cart In Ontario street. At flrat
sight the stranger knowa the Jurlat for
gentleman of the old achool. He
stops the cart load of Jubilant youth
and turn hla kindly, forceful face al
ternately from the speaker to the
youngsters. Hla coat la black of old
fushloued cut hla trousers are black
and wrinkled from the knee clear
tlowu to hla plain, old-fashioned boots.
ao itillt
offer One Hundred lollarii Reward for any
Daan ol ratiarrU that can uul becurotl jj ilaU'i
Catarrh ( urr.
f. 1 . H EN K Y A Co., Prop. , Toledo. O.
We the uttdiTitu lied, have k non v. i. Cheney
for Ui i.n.t If. rear, and hU.io him rf" t.y
ann rnlie lii nil hutliii l transactions ami flu
sncially h toi.rrjr uutaujr obligations made
I J tlu.ir Drm.
Whilaitt I'riiKKl.ta. Toledo,
WaU.inu KikkahA MaaviM,
Whuleie lri gii. Toledo. O.
in .vm.rrn v.m l taken Inlernally.ai'tirt
ii r !. of
nirtxiiiTou ma btiHut ami iniiOou
Uie ht.ii-iu. I'rti'e 7..c pi-r tmttla.
frilt0H. TeatlRinntan trrr.
liail'i Kamilr 1'tlie are the beU
Bold by ail
"John Henry, I'll thranh you aound
ly if I ever catch you telling another
utory that len't true."
"And yet, ma, 1 heard you miy to
the tniniater that I bad great imagination."
Th ShorteitWar
out of in 1 1 lack ot
to use
St Jacobs Oi
Which affordi not only lure rtt,
but a prompt curs. It K,tlii,
aubduea, and ends tha aullerlnf.
Paper Clothes.
Taper clothes are the latent novelty
A Berlin tailoring houno is now offering
complete (utper suits fur $2.50. The
prospectus gives mil lriHtruciions lor
meaMiiring one's self, and the firm also
advertises in foreign journals, evidently
exH!cting to do uu export business.
The material is woven and pressed, of a
dark cream color, und apparently not
very ligbt. World's I'aiKT Trade Ke
Trying Tlmea.
"It must bo very trying for a modest
girl," ho remarked.
"Why?" ahe asked.
Hho cannot turn from the naked
truth without running into a bare lie
Comes to America to Learn.
t. . ft ir f r. .
it. jseiuario rmn, a prominent sur
geon of Lima, Peru, lias started for
New York to study the latest advances
in medicine and surgery and then re
port his observations.
The Temperature.
"Why do you watch the thermome
ter on tho wall bo closely?" queried the
"IVcause," replied the untrained
nurse, "the doctor said it the tempera
tore got any higher I was to give you
another dose of quinine.
No Kick Coming.
Mr. Koxc This portrait doesn't look
like my wife at all.
Artist I know it doesn't, but it
looks like she thinks she looks.
AS It Sometime! happen.
"How pretty Miss Covins looks in
white! SViio is that girl standing near
her, with tho big, red hands?"
"That's her sifter. She washes and
irons Miss UovIuh' gowns." Chicago
a written agreement made between the
princess and Kliodes In -June, 1899.
The affair has caused a trpmendoti
eiisalloii In social and political high
places In Knglsnd.
That tbe suit of Princess Ha.lziwlll
will l resisted to tbe utmost by the
trustee of the Itbodea estate, which
Include such men as I-ord Kosobery,
former premier, and Earl (Jrey. la un
doubted, and almost Inevitably there
will follow n series of disclosures hav
ing to do with the secret history of the
exciting period of Month African em
pire building Immediately prec.ding the
lioer war and perhaps bearing directly
upon the disasters to Hrltisb anna In
the earlier stages of that wonderful
struggle. Much of the public sentiment
at the time blamed Joseph Chamber
lain, then colonial secretary, for bring
ing about the costly war, as well as for
the ridiculous fiasco of the Jameson
raid nxD the stronghold and chief
' Wise Old Man.
Methuselah was showing bis friend
around the ;-emisos. "And what is
that vast w;iMio'ie for?" anked the
friend. "Oh7That Ts to store my
birthdav presents in," replied the old
man. Thus we see that a green old age
has its advantages.
Perrin's Pile Specific
No Cam Exists it Will Not Cart
Vnthem will Sn4 Mr,
ft rup the bent remedy to t
it ieetaiog teaeon.
Wlnnlow Snot hint,
ae lor t&eir children
At 2 In the Morning.
"Seen the comet?"
"Nope. No use to me. My wife
never anks me for any excuses."
Cleveland Plain IValer.
,That blood poison existed among the ancients lias
been proven beyond question. It lias been traced back
thousands of years, and is as old as the Pyramids. This
blighting curse lias been handed down from nation to
nation and from individual to individual till it has
spread to all parts of the world.
Contagious blood poison, as it is called in modern
times, begins with a Small 6ore or nicer through which,
the virus enters the blood. This is followed bv inflam
mation and swelling of the glands of the groins, a red eruption breaks out
on the body, sores appear in the mouth and the throat becomes ulcerated, and
as the disease takes a deeper hold and the blood becomes more thoroughly
infected, the hair and eyebrows drop out, the skin is spotted with copper-colored
splotches, the bones and muscles ache, and it teems to the vicLim of
this monster scourge there is not a sound spot in the whole body.
.The horror of this awful disease
can never be told. The one who con
tracts it suffers in body and mind,
and if the poison is not eradicated
transmits the taint to his children,
and Coutagious Blood Poison thus
becomes responsible for many of the
ills of childhood Skin Eruptions,
Catarrhal Troubles, Sore Eyes, Scalp
Disease, White Swelling, Scrofula
and others just as bad. S. S. S., the
great vegetable blood purifier and
tonic, ban long been recognized as a
radical and safe cure for Contagious
lllood Poison. It counteracts the
deadly virus and cleanses and puri
fies the diseased blood, and under ita
tonic effects the general health im
proves and soon all 6igns of blood
poison are gone. The strong mineral remedies, Mercury and Totash, which
are so often prescribed for the disease, dry up the sores, skin eruptions and
! all external siena. but leave the stomach.
and digestion ruined and the system in
such condition that tlie disease usually
returns in worse form than ever.
S. S. S. is guaranteed a purely vegeta
ble remedy. $i ,ooo is offered for proof that
it contains a single mineral ingredient. If
vou have blood noison write for our sneeial
book, describing the different stages and giving all the symptoms, with
directions for treating one's self at borne. Our physicians will furnish any
information or advice wanted free of charge.
Aaareaiiltof Saarloua blood dleordep
rny blood beoame polaonad and 1 Buf
fered eeverelr with Rlieuraatlarn and
other eympioma not neoeaeary to men
tion. A friend of mine told Hie thnt
had been cured of my trouble by B. 8. 8.,
and upon hla recommendation I began
Ua nje. After uairifr It tor some time my
blood waa thoroughly olaanaed of all
polaon and made uuro and trout again-
I wleh nlao to tealt of ita tonlo prop,
rtiea. While purging my blood of
lmpiirltina, It built up my general
heultu, Improved my appetlto, gave iue
lnureaaed strength, and I felt better la
every way.
I am a great liellarer in S. B. B., and
wlthiileaaure commend it to all la nee J
Of blood madiotnn.
Your very truly,
633 Walnut bt., Lebanon, 1'a.
Plxo's Cure U a x'md cousrh Aiediclne,
It has cured couirhs and colds for lorty
years. At drugging. 25 cents.
Childish Amusements In Boston
"Are yon going to play horse?"
asked the benevolent gentleman who
takes an interest in children.
"Certainly not," answered the little
JSoston boy. "We are amusing our
selves by the assumption that brother
Waldo is an ichthyosaurus and that I
am a prehistoric man in pursuit of
Cold Beauty.
Towne What a haughty creature
lias rather a foreign look,
town or the Hoer republic, and It Is b- him." Washington Star.
jieteu inai siariuna revelation win
be mnde In this connection.
Prlnceas ItadzlwlU has only recen ly
reiurneo to ngiano rrom ;aje J own, ,e jg mi6
where she whs released a few weeks i,aun't at.'
lu.f.A ....(... .. . I . LJ ....
liuiif in mm, muT m-rrillK in Kmurm Y pi l.nt I'm m
months of a two years' sentence lm- from Boston. Her name is
pos4.il on her In the spring of liX2 for philalelphia Press,
alleged forgery of Cecil Hhodes iame
for sums aggregating $2fX),ooo. Her,
trial for forgery was In progress at the
time the great empire builder diet,
and revelation made later went far
lo aliow that the great man's end was
hastened by the scandal of the prln
eefrf arrest, and the rumor persist
ently connecting her name with his In
a love affair. He had acquired a repu
tation as a woman hater, hut undoubt
edly came tinder the Influence, for a
time at least, of the princes. "Nobody
ever pretended tj undea-stand the
friendship which existed between
them, nor the subsequent quarrel which
separated them. The trial of the suit
may make this knowledge common to
the world.
Wood Sw. lire Sawn run by iteem or eao-
line engine, alwi the latext In w mill ma-
cninery, utiimp pullera, well drilling machin
ery, etc., etc.
Write tor your need.
Foot el MorrhMMi Street
Portland Oregon
w IE! fa!
r i
Experience baa eetahltnhed It as
a IwL Hold by all dexlem. You
aow they grove. 1904 Seed
Annnat postpaid free to all ap
pilcao la.
P. N. V. .
No 801003.
rare snes'i in
Eisberg. -1 1 WHKN "r1',n
6 f roenili.n thla
to adeertlaera pleaee I
paper. I
Loosely tied over an expanse of white
shirt Is a soft black neckerchief a
stock, you might say, of the period of
Henry Clay.
Judge Clary is now completing his
fortieth year of continuous service In
the Superior Court bench of Cook
County, 111., a record unequnlod by any
elective Jurist In the United States.
He Is a product of the State of New
York, but of Puritan extraction. He
was born at Potsdam, St. Lawrence
County, In 1821. His parent were Ell
Hush Gary and Orllla Easton Gary.
To-day he la not only older In point of
years and judicial service than any
other judge In Illinois, but he Is also
perhaps the wittiest, most satirical and
In some respects the most picturesque
figure who has ever occupied a seat on
the bench In the Middle West. Though
a man of few words, brusque tn man
tier, keen tn wit and often cutting In
sarcasm, seeking neither publicity nor
applause. Judge Gary's popularity has
Increased as he has advanced In years.
Snow-haired and bowed with his four
score years, he Is still alert physically
and menially. He pays close attention
to witnesses, clipping short their vcr
lioslty, reproving their Indiscretions
and punctuating the questions, of coun
sel with wit and apt Inquiries of his
own. lie looKs use a picture or
Adolphe Thiers.
Per a long time after he presided In
the trial of the anarchists his house
was guarded by the police, but this
was not done at his request. Detect
ives also kept him under their eyes in
his walks about the city. Put these
precautious are taken no longer.
Though he was often threatened and
warned during the excitement follow
ing the HayniarLet riots, he never
showed fear. Amtrehls! Parsons, Spies
and their six companions were con
victed of the murder of Police Officer
Matthias lMan lu May, lfs8t. Seven
received the sentence of death and
one was sent to the penitentiary for
seventeen years. During the trial and
afterward the friends of the accused
hlttorly denounced Judge Gary for his
rulings and conduct of the case. Put
his decisions were sustained In the
State and Pederal Supreme courts, and
his course went far toward solving the
problem of dealing with an element
which had announced Its antagonism
to organized society ami sought to de
stroy the whole fabric of enlightened
rrlncee Ku;l7.lwlll l.aya Claim to
$7,t0(,OOU of Cecil Kliodea' Katnte,
A suit of International Interest and
one which Is likely to throw a Hood of
k eVV . .
i t
light upon tho laitcr-dny history of
South Africa has been begun lu Eng
land by the Princess Itadzlwlll, against
the estate of Cecil Ithodea. The ault
(a for (7,000,000 and la based upon
The only violin In the world made,
from the claw of a giant lobster has
just been completed by John II. Dad
mun, of 429 Berkley street, Camden.
N. J. This unique Instrument, strange
to say, can be made to produce as
sweet musical tones as any high-class
violin. Its owner gives the following
as the story of Its life:
The lobster from which the claw
wm taken was caught off Gloucester.
Mass., In March, 1852. In time It came
to Concord, N. II., where Mr. Dadmui;
saw it. At that time the lobster weigh
ed 17 y pounds. A single claw weigh
r,-.i 'M
r n
The Kind You Have Always liou?ht has borne tho signa
ture of Chun. II. Fletcher, and lta9 been made under his
Jiersonal supervision for over UO years. Allow no one
,o deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-as-pood are but Experiments, and endanger tho
health of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Irops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
ana Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Ktomaeh and Dowels, giving healthy and natural Bleep
Tlie Children's Panacea The mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
mm: in i .ui ...jii.h I m . i in m 'iu," a tiw-m . inmivrrrm.i-vim
. B4 V.
M 25 in 50c Pk.
Mikn Hem La, ind Eecp, them Iirinj. Caret Cholera, Roup tni
11 Oiteuei. It Strengthen, Young Chick, arid Helpi Them Crow.
WOULDN'T BE WITHOUT IT. -Chan Lark, RosalJa, Waah., aara
he w.,ul'ln-t i- without fruiwUn Poultry Food.
PRODUCES ECCS.-Aa an eng proilutwr fnutlaa Poultry Food
bu no eujfcl a. 11. eajne, faloavllle, UbJo.
PruaalaB Pooltry Book, FREE. Parsaujr Reit Co., 8t Paul, Minn.
a-f . .- t
I'OHTLASII SfcKl) CO., 1'urtUi d, Or., toast Asenta.
ed 5 ,4 poumlM. The flaw that Mr.
Diulinuu jircsorvetl, after the lobster
had gone the way of such things, was
IS '4 Indies long, 7 Indies broad and
3V4 Indies thick.
1'renerved among other curiosities of
the lindinun household, the glaut claw
remained a elaw for many years. One
day It occurred to Ita owner that it
was shaped something like a violin,
and he tried tlie experiment of fash
ioning it to look more like that popular
instrument. After much patient effort
Mr. adimin managed to transform
tlie daw into a violin that could be
played. The tone was very sweet, but
not loud enough for an ordiestra. Ex
periment proved that by changing the
fittings and settings the tone could be
made much louder. As it Is now the
violin when played properly sounds
exactly like any other violin. It Is
doubtless the most curious musical In
strument ever made.
Sanders Disk Plow
. Simplest and most ierfect maile. Before you
give your ortier fur a liin Plow be sure to ex
amine the Zanders, r or sale by the old reli
able house of
Kitchell, Lewis & Stayer Co.,
Send for Special Circular
lit. V. A.
WISF RPOS Dentist; "The Fall ng." Third & Washington
Dr. W. A. Wla9 has found a are
and absolutely imiiiless way of ex
tracting teeth, and his 17 years' ex
jierience in plate worn enables him
to fit mouths comfortably with any
kind of falsa teeth wanted.
Pr. T. P. Wiss Is an expert at
crown and bridge work aud gold
uu. 1. 1'. laK
AYatcrways in Kurope.
It is evident that the value of water
ways Is fully understood in Europe.
Fiance, for example, has spent $iK,
XK),(XH) on these works during the
years 187D-11KK), and has increased the
total length of her waterways from
Ml miles to 2,030 miles, Including 401
miles of newly-constructed canals.
Austria has Hpent $1()5.1HH,(XK) on
waterways In tho years 1S4S-1SD8. But
the greatest advance of nil has been
made by Oeriyany. In 1882 the num
ber of steamers on her waterways was
8:t0, representing 33,155 tons. Ily
1807 this number had risen to 1,053
steamers, with 104,3(50 tons. The
length of her waterways In 1000, ac
cording to Imperial statistics, was 8,
708 miles. Tho total length of British
waterways in 1800 was 3,511 miles, ex
clusive of ship canals.
Diplomacy Is tho art of prdmlsing a
man what he wants In a way that will
make hi in cease to want It
A store full of perfect beauties de
signed expressly- for the holiday
trade J J J J J
Largest, finest collection ever
shown at any season of the
year j j jt
The same low prices anJ reasonable terms of
monthly payments prevail now that do at all
other times at our store. Write us for cata
logues and prices. Christmas delivery when
desired J o 5 o o
Stores 351 Washington Street,
corner Park, Portland, Oregon,
Spokane and Seattle, Washington,
San Francisco and Sacramento,Cat
largest, leading, most popular
and re!ible piano concern on the
Pacific coast J J J jt