is ' '0P1Y . fCT- I I ii XL i VOL. VII. 1IE1TNKH, OUKGON, TIIURSIKY, NOVEMBER 20, 1003. NO. 3. . -! ,'r r ! I; Pectoral Expectorant Will Relieve that Cough or Money Refunded. Slocum Drug Co. Fresh Groceries.. Fresh stock of Staple ami Fancy Groceries. New and fresh goods being added daily. Large lino of Fine Cigars, Tobaccos and Confections, zzzzzzz W. A. ANDREWS JUST SOUTH UK KLOCUM'S DRUG KTOKK, MAIN BT. ...TELEPHONE... t m m I LIVERY BARM Meadows & Sons, Props. m will add Dumber of horwi and new rig, both Bugg-lna and lUk, and offer you i flrit claM icrvka, You will rerolvo eotirtvoui lrotmunt. A ilmro of jrour lroiigo " . . i I 11 t U 1 W ff ' D IT Li i 1 i 1 If m LOWER MAIN STREET - - - - Heppner, Oregon m ..Palace Hotel.. KEPPNER, OREGON. Beat appointed Hotel In Eastern Oregon. Every Modern Convenience. Lighted by electricity. Best Meala in the City. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT PHIL METSCHAN, Jr, Prop Grocery Store WE have opened a Grocery Store in the Avers Building, Main Street, where we are prepared to serve the public with a Stock of Groceries Complete in Every Detail, and we respectfully solicit a share of your trade MONOPOLE GOODS Remember 'O3OO0OCOOO9 GOOOOOCOOOGOi Heppner Transfer Company -0- ROCK SPRINCS COAL DRY CORD WOOD We are Prepared to offer prompt service. We have five good teams find your order for Wood, Coal and anything In the drtiyune lino will receive careful and prompt at tention. MILLER & Co. ooooooooooo ooooooooooooc inimnmmmnimmnHinnmiiiiHi CONOVER & GRAY General Dealers In COAL and WOOD All orders given prompt attention I Ofllco Pattersons Lumberyard j Terms Strictly Cash MHIUIUMIUUUIIMMMUIUUHUIWmUi EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH No Stale Goods And eee us and we will treat you right. BINNS BROS. Cor. Main and Willow Sts. HEPPNER, ORE, THEY'RE HERE! An immense stock of Fall and Winter Shoes AT M. LICHTENTHAL'S The pioneer boot and shoe denier of Heppner, who al ways carries a big line of Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Etc. Repairing a specialty, and satisfaction guaranteed. 0d stand, West side of Main Street. Practical Horseshoeing Shop just South of S Meadows' Livery Stable. ' I ThoB. Hrennan, Heppner, Ore o00000000000 CRESCENT STEAM LAUNDRY First Class Work Guaran teed. Trices Reasonable. EVERYTHING NEW AND UP-TO-DATE. Laundcrer of 15 years ex perience in charge. Delivery wagon collects laundry Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Deliveries are mado Wed nesdays and Saturdays. We solicit a share of the Heppner patronage. Wills & Williams, Props. 30000000 ooccoooc ran Legislature Will Convene Special Session December 21 CATTLE RAISERS COMBINE Stockmen of Susanvllle Coun try Will Ship Direct and Avoid Middle Men's Profits -Will Also Establish Local Markets. Governor Chamberlain by a procla mation iirmod floturday morning hisl called a spuclnl seraion of the Oregon legislature to convene at Salem at 10 o'clock Monday forenoon, December ai. The purpoae of the legion ia to correct the (Indict in the tan law arriving from Hie amen Imonta made by the passage of uumte bill 107 last winter. The law aa it atan la now, does not authoilze a tax levy in January, and without a change In the law the atate, moat all the countlct, oitiea and achool (II. tricta would lie without funds to pay Intercut on warrants. The Interest expense from thin cause, It ia estimated, would be from $100,000 to fioo,ooo, while the coat of a sclal session, if brief, will not exceed $20,000, and will probably be much Icai. The call for the apeciul session merely makes reference to the act that needs correction. When the Legislature haa organized, the Governor, aa required by the conalitutlon, will deliver to them bia message, atatiug the purpose for which they were convened. Governor Chamberlain alao ordered a special election In the Nineteenth Sena torial District, coin posed of Clatsop county, to Oil the vacancy caused by the election of C. W. Fuhoo to the United Stalea Senate, and in the Ninth Hciitttorlul District, compoaed ol Crook, Grant, Klamath and Lake counties, to (ill the vacancy caused by the elec tiou of J. N. Williamson to Ccngress, The special elections will be held on December 16. which went Into effect last Sunday, are satisfactory to stations on the Hopp ner branch line, being a little more convolent than the old schedule. The Heppner branch train now leaves Heppner at 9 a. m, and arrived at 5:10 p. m. The departure cf the train, it will be noted, is 45 minutes later than the old time, whii:h, will give so much more time to get morning mall Into the office, This will be appreciated as heretofore in order to get a letter into the morning mail it was necessary to cut the morning nap about an hour short. The change on the main line is such that it is practically the same as the old as far as Heppner branch passengers are concerned. No. 1 west bound arrives at ttie junction at 11:50 a. m. and at Portland at 5 130 p, m., an hour later than the old schedule. But as there wa no time left for business in Portland on the day of arrival, the hour's difference in time will be scarcely noticed. No, a east bound will leave Portland at 8:50 a. m. and arrives at the Junc tion at 2:30, connecting with the Hepp ner train. The time of the other main line trains are of little interest to the people here as they do not connect with the home train. A CATTLE COMBINE. ltitiiiiiiuhiNi;iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiMiii'iiiitiMiiiiiii mmi'iHUuiimiiHiuiiimj I GftRR&GOX j ! Contractors and Builders ESTIMATES AND PLANS FURNISHED ON ALL WORK A share of the patronage solicited. HOUSES MOVED and REPAIRED I i Office one door north of Scrivnor's blacksmith shop, Main street. lllllllllttllMIIIIHIIillilllllllllllllllllltlllllll'ltlllltllllllttllllllllllllllll'IIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIItllllljlltllllliirf ARTHUR SMITH Watchmaker and Jeweler Right foment the 1 Ol'KKA H0U8K HEPPNER OREGON T A. SNOOK, Physlolan and Surgeon Cattle Raisers Will Ship Beef Stock Direct to Market. Tiie stockmen of the 6usanville country, and all of the stock raiting districta in that part of the state, have come to the conclusion that they are not getting a fair deal at the hands of the cattle buyers for export as well as at the hands of the retail men of the local markots, says the East Oregonlan. A company of these men, representing at least $(iO,000 in capital, have there fore banded themselves together for the purpose of realising more on their atock. It is their intention to ahip thoir stock to the coast markets direct, and to sell them direct to the meat companies, tuus saving ttie buyers' profits, besides also holding the poesl biiity of being able to force the price up to a reasonable figure. The company will have its own ship pers permanently employed, and the scheme will be practically a cattle pool, embracing all of the principal herds iu the iutrior. In order to got at the local dealers who, so the men claim, are not giving all that they could afford to for beef cattle, it is the intention of the stock men to cstabliBb retail markets in Pendleton and Baker City, If such a market is established in the cities mentioned, it will have a tendency to put moat bt fore the retail customer at a lowor figure than at the present time, for there will he no middlemen's profits to overcome. Just when the enterprise will be launched Is not at present known, but it is understood that the matter has been definitely decided upon, and that the near future will Bee the opening of the shops and the commencement of the retail work. OPERA HOUSE WELL FILLED Margarita FischoJ Company Played to Large Audience The grand Opera house bad a fair silted audience last evening to witness the production of the military drama, "The Flag of lm," ant '.th Flo tation was evidently entirely satisfac tory, judging from the pleased attitude of the spectators. The play is one in which there is a certain amount of heart interest, mixed in with a ju dicious measure of comedy, which combines to make a story which will not fail to hold the attention of an audience. The company on a whole appears to better advantage in this play, than previously, and the work of the caBt waagood, and cannot be complained of. Of course, it is to be expected that a company playing in repertoire will do better work in some of their plays than in others, unless the com pany is a very strong one, and as has beep said before the performance last evening was well rendered. Again Miss Margarita Fischer ap pears in the leading role, and her scenes were well carried out. Her work was very well done, and she played with the air of the finished actress tod was seen in the role of Annie Hewins. Salem Statesman. Seats on sale at ratter son & eons drug store. the an trail Full Ticket Selected With No Opposition. TRIAL OF ASA B. THOMSON Charles Cunningham Talks of Case Says H9 Dont Ex pect Any Political Honors. Very litte Interest haa become mani fest so far in the Heppner city election which will be held Monday, December 7. The slate as it now reads, if we are correctly Informed, ia as follows: For mayor. Prank Gilliam; recorder, J. P. Williams; treasurer L. W. Briggs, councilmen, Ed Day, Thos. Quaid and Fred Warnock. Of these all are for reelection with the exception of Day and Warnock. There is very little talk ao far in regarj to the election, and no enthusi asm and it is not probable that another ticket will be put op in opposition to the one here mentioned. Asa B. Thompson's Trial. "Oh its all politics," said Chales Cunningham, familiarly known as the sheep king of Umatilla county, in a conversation last night regarding the indictment returned by the frderal grand jury against Aea B. Thompson, receiver of the LaGrande land oflice, in weich Mr Thompson is charged with having solicited bribes to insure final proofs on certain batf-ad enteriea. : MrCu...&I.-y.iu &ibS tweeted Httft. political honors for himself out tf-iLe? affair, but the men who were fighting 1 it for him did, and he was going to stay with it now that he had gone so far. When asked as to what tie entire political significance was, he refused to aiate except that otherB than himself were interested in it. He said that Sato Jackson, of the Portland Journal, would be one of the principal witnesses for the prosecution. When asked as to who would get the place if Asa B. Thompson should be found guilty, he refused to say, only the suggestion of Al Roberts he laughed to ridicule. The trial of Asa B. Thompson comes " up for hearing in Portland tomorrow. Both sides claim to have a very strong case and both are confident of winning. Pendleton Tribune. BUI to End Overgrazing. Secretary Hitchcock haa sent to Con gress the draft of the bill to control grazing in forest reserves. The bill imposes a flue of not to exceed f 1000, or imprisonment for no longer than one year, or both, upon persons who know ingly pasture any livestock on public lands within forest reserves, without first obtaining permission from the Secretary of the Interior. Secretary Hitchcock, in his letter of transmittal, says the proper control of grazing within reserves demands that there shall be no overgrazing, and ex press the opinion that legislation he recommends should be promptly en acted to check an abuse that ia . be coming general in some states. iy Office next to Times office Residence on block west of M. E Church Train Time Schedule Changed The new time schedule for arrival and departure of 0. R. & N. trains, A Small Blaze. A fire in a room on the third floor of the Palace hotel caused quite a flurry of excltment Monday evening for a short time. An alarm was sent iu and the fire company responded prompt ly, but by the time the company was ready to turn on the water the incipient blaze had been extinguished by atten dants at the hotel. Only a small damage was done to the room, the- paper on the wall on one side being burned. The greater damage was to the wearing apparel of Miss Tilda Mor ris, who occupied the room. The fire is supposed to have etarted from the stove as ther was no lamp in the room and it started below the electrio wire connections. Only Makes a Bad Matter Worse Perhaps you have never thought of it but the fact mnet be apparent to every one that contipation is caused by a lack of water in the system, and the use of drastic cathartics like the old fubhionod pills only makes a bad matter worse, Chomberhvln's Stomach and Liver Tablets are much more mild and gentle in their effect, and when the proper dose, is taken thoir action is so natural that one can hardly realize it is the effect of a medicine. Try a as cent bottle oi'tnem. For Bale by Slocum Drug Co, Resolutions of Condolence. Whereas, in view of the Iobs Sustained by Willow Lodge No. 66. I. O. O. F. in the death ol our brother, Qeorge F. Welch, and of tha still heavier loss sustained by those who were nearer and dearest to him, therefore be it, Resolved, that it is but a just tribute to the memory of the departed to say that m regretting his removal from our midst we mourn for one who was in every way, worthy of our respect and confidence. Resolved, that we sincerely condole with the family of the deceased on the dispensation with which it has pleased Divine providence to afflict them, and commed them for consolation to Ilim who orders all things for the best, and whose chastisements are meant in mercy. Resolved, that this, heartfelt testi monial of our sympathy and sorrow be forwarded to the parents of our depart ed brother and to each of the news papers cf Heppner. . (Signed) L. A. Florence J. II. Campbell 5 M. Shutt Committee.