The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, June 12, 1931, Image 5

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The Plains of Abrah
v & $ ' - V
v iciemifie
Natural "Bridge" Once
Across Behring Straits?
The theory (if a lurid connection
In the North between America mid
Aula la not a now nu. It grew out
(f the very piilpiihlo fact, Hint thoro
1 anthropological ii ml lingual rela
tionship between the Inhuttltnnts of
tho two continents, Tho AnIiiIIc
origin f noun-, if not all, our abo
rigines Imn long lieell a theory of
students of native life In Ainorlen,
but theories ns to how tho Asiatics
crossed tho 1'iieltlc hnve differed
mid Still do. Naturally, because
ltchrltig Nlriilts In rmrrow, cruising
tlmt witter In dugouts or even on
log (if Wood him lieell tho favorite
lui'tliod of accounting for tho Asiatic
luvnslnii, yet some, hold thut through
a series of years tho transpacific
Journey wns niiiilo from Island to I
In ml through tho Smith sen. The
wenk point of tliexo theories Is the
fuct thnt thrlr holders hnvo not gone
fur enough buck In yeiirs to admit
of grent toiKigrnihlrnl changes. They
hnvo taken geography as It now Is
mid hnvo had to assume a witter
journey as tniernt!ve. Their wind
did not go deep enough Into tho
geological prut (o envision such a
land connection as an ancient red
wood forested bridge, or Isthmus,
connecting tho continents.
Kill Rats
Without Poison
A Ntf EuitrmUa1of thai
Wont Hill livestock, Poultry,
Dogs, Catt or even Baby Chick
K R Oran ba uad eho-il lh horn. barn i poul
or yard with ahaolula nMr It eontelna M
Samy feimm. K NOhmidt ol Squill, ae itcom
wniltabyU S lrpl el Agriculture. ovan druS
anilfrttie ConnaMt procraa which Inaurre ma a
Imum alrcncth Vt by County Aiantaln
rat illllng campalfne Moan - Sack Coat aatae.
InalM uiin K R O. Iha original Squill eater
ruinator All drugglata. poultry euptly and eatd
houaa, 7ic. SI IV IIU lllratt li dcalrr eeuagl
upplyyou K K O Co, Sprlngfteld Otil
Quito Right
Co! I on What Is your renson for
believing In tho I '.I lutein theory of
Space over inn tier)
Helton Well, after going to tho
trouble of rending all about It ll
seems a a (mine not to bellevo It.
I'athflndi-r Mngnsliie.
Too Muck
Mrs. liltiy Vm I understand yon
rooked for tho Heystor Peysters.
Why did you lenve?
Cook Applicant Well, mum, after
their stock went down to not bin'
almost, they was always borrowlo
my rsrl
Do Definite
Fiinibo Wliut tlmo do dta train
get to Jackson?
Conductor Four five a. m.
Sambo -Yaasuh, but how long fo'
five? Capper"a Weekly.
At a Daaco
"What la thnt old bnchor growl
ing about V
"Says lie doesn't like Hp rouge."
"Pet he never tnsted any."
Curio of Succots
"What's the cause of her unpopu
larity?" "She won a popularity contest."
A cliiiniplon only hints five or alt
years. I.Ike a niovlo actor, lie hnc
to make liny while the sun shines.
It Is a Imppy wife who anys, "My
htmhand wnnts inn to wenr ns fine
clothes ns lie ran afford."
Why are lawyers hhvnya shy of
a case thnt Isn't fee-slide.
Admire your conscience; It Is net'
er falsely a yes-man.
Philosophy Is only discretion.
PHYSICIANS call this period
"Menopause." It is the dreaded Cliange
of Life. Women ihould face this
period with well-balanced health, or
dangerous symptonu may appear. This
Is tiifl time when deficiencies in gen
eral health must be helped. Every
woman approaching middle are should
take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion, that splendid herbal tonic.
Every package ol Praicrlptlon contain!
0 Symptom lllank. Fill out Iha lllank and
mall It to Dr. Plerca'i Clinic, Buffalo. N. Y,
lor FREE medical advice.
by Doubled? Dorsn Co., I no.
Tu rt itnsi waved and bagpipes
screamed defiance as Montcalm walled
for reinforcements which never ciime,
and the bushes and knolls and corn
fields were taken by fifteen hundred
(,'uuadlana and Indians whoso guns an
swered with a roar, Pack and forth
the Initio raged, and l'runce began to
Then came ten o'clock.
Something must have broken In
Montcalm's heart Ills Judgment wav
ered, and bo gave the fatnl command
which raised England to the suprem
acy of the world.
The French had formed with bayo
nets flied In five short, thick lines,
four white and one blue; the Kngllsh
stood with double shotted guns lo a
long, slx-joluted thin red line. level
ground Isy between. Had England
dvanced, history might have written
Itself differently. Hut England waited.
France advanced.
Jeems went with her. He was al
ready hit. A shot bad caught him In
the shoulder, and blood ran down his
rm and dripped from bis fingers. Ho
felt no pain, but a slumberous feeling
wss creeping over him as he stsggered
on with tho lines. lie saw Mont
cnlm ride along the front of his men,
cheering them on to victory; bo noted
tho gold embroidered green cont bo
wore, the pollnhed eulrnss at his
breast, the white linen of his wrist
band, and be heard bis voice ns ho
asked, "Don't you want a little rest
before you begin?" The answer,
"We're never tired before a battle!"
rose about him. Jeems' Hps framed
tho words which were repeated like
Increasing Mauls In a storm. Hut the
sun was growing less bright to his
An advance of forty or fifty paces,
then a pause, another advance, another
panne. In the way regulars fought at
that time on flat and open battlefields,
and Jeems measured the distance be
tween himself and the red line of the
Ilrltlsh. At each halt be fired with
bis comrades, then loaded and ad
vanced. The red line bad broken
precedent It nindo no move to play
Its part In the prescribed routine of
war, and continued to stand Ilka a
wall. Openings came In It where
crimson blotches sank to the ground,
but those who remained were unmoved
and stendfust as they waited with
their double shotted guns. A tremor
ran through tho French, a thickening
of men'a breaths, a quickening of their
heartbeats, a crumbling under strain.
while the melody of the bell stole
softly over the Plains of Abraham.
They halted again lea than a bun
dred paces sway, and atlll England's
thinning line did not fire. A man
Close to Jeems laughed as If nerves
hsd cracked Inside his bend. Another
gasped ns If he bad been struck.
Jeems tried to hold himself erect.
The weird sensation came over hltn
that the armies were not going to
fight, after all.
Then he heard bla name. It wss
bis mother calling hi in. lie answered
with a cry and would have swsyed
toward her If hands had not dragged
biro back. "Mad!" he beard a voice
ssy. He dropped his gun as he tried
to wipe the blindness from his eyes.
Things cleared. There were the red
line, the open space, sunlight some
thing passing. Thoso who lived did
not forgot wbst they saw. England
took the atory home with her, France
gave It a little place In her history.
For a few seconds men were not look
ing at death but at a dog. An old,
decrepit dog who limped as he walked,
a dog with one foot missing.
Jeems made so effort to calL
Then came Montcalm's command
"Forward 1"
He marched wijh the others Into the
swa of death, blind, groping, strain
ing to make the dog hear words which
never passed his lips. There was no
longer a day. No sun. No red wall
before blm. Put bla ears atlll caught
the tramp of feet and the melody of
the hvll. These died In a roar, the
roar of double-shotted guns. England
fired at forty paces, and France went
down In a shapeless mass of dead.
With the front line fell Jeems.
It wns a long time before Jeems
again beard the melody of the bell.
When ho broke through the blackness
which hnd overtaken hltn on "the
Plains of Abraham, he found lilnmelf
In the gonernl hospital under the care
of the nuns of thut Institution. It
seemed ns If only a few minutes hnd
pasxi'd since the crash of the English
guns. Hut It wns the middle of Oc
tober. Montcalm and Wolfe were
dead, Quebec lay In a muss of ruins,
and England wns supreme In the New
world, iilthout;)) the battle of Salute
Foy hnd not been fought From then
until lnte In November, when ho was
strong enough to take advnntnge of
the freedom of movement the Itrltlsh
gave to French soldiers who hnd been
wounded, lie thought frequently of the
three-logged dog thnt hnd passed be
tween the French and English lines.
He snld nothing of the Incident, not
even to Mere tie Htnlute-Clnude, the
Superior, who took a special Interest
In blm, nor to nny of her virgin sis
ters who cared for blm so tenderly In
the dark hours of bis struggle for life
and tho more hopeful ones of his con
valescence. Ench day of Increasing
strength added to bis suspicion thnt
what be had seen and heard were the
Illusions of sensee crumbling under
the effects of hurt nnd shock, and he
kept to himself whatever fallh be bad
In them.
When at Inst be was able to mingle
with the disarmed populace and the
crowds of soldiers In the streets, he
wna strangely unlike the old Jeems.
lie bad been badly wounded and real
ized thnt nothing less than a mlraeu
lout Intervention which the nuns as
cribed to the mercy of God could have
kept blm beyond the reach of death.
A ball had passed through his shoul
der when three others struck blm at
the discharge of the English guns.
That they hnd failed to kill blm he
did not accept as a blessing. The Im
pression grew In him that he bad
Hie Exeurslone Wsro Short and He
Wandered Alone.
been very close to bis mother and
Tolnettc and thnt a fate not satisfied
with bis unhappltiess had drawn him
bnck from them. This thought estab
lished his belief thnt Odd's appear
ance as well as bis mother's voice and
the ncnmcs of Tolnette had been
purely spiritual.
Hut whenever he saw a dog In the
streets of Quebec he looked to see If
one foot was missing.
Ills excursions were' short and be
wandered alone. He saw a number of
bis comrades, but they did not recog
nize him and he did not feel the Im
pulse to let them know who he wns.
Flesh bad dropped from bis bones
until be resembled one approaching
death Instead of escaping It He
wnlked with stooped shoulders. Ills
eyes were sunken, and his hands, In
one of which he carried a staff, were
emaciated to the thinness of extreme
age. The small Interest life had held
for blm seemed to have shriveled with
the strength of his body. The English
rekindled the spark, his mother's
English, the half of himself which he
had tried to bate. They were not act
ing the part of conquerors. They were
unbelievably friends. From the
gallant Prlgadler Murray to the com
monest soldier, they were courteous,
humane, generoua, dividing their ra
tions with the starved citizens, shar
ing their tobacco with them, helping
without pay to build np ruined homes,
ench day working themselvea deeper
Into the good will of those who had
been cheated and despoiled by Gov
ernor Yaudreull and his degenerate
crowd and by the weakness of the
king of France. Even the nuns and
the priests welcomed them, men nnd
women of God who for two hundred
yenrs hnd fought tndefatlgnbly for
New France. Honor and chivalry had
Odd Beliefs Long Held
The Greeks, when they ask for a
blessing upon those afflicted by sneez
ing, "claimed to follow tho example
of Prometheus, who stole celestlnl
fire to animate the beautiful figure he
hnd made of clay; ns the fire perme
ated Its frame, the newly formed crcn
ture sneezed, nnd the delighted Pro
metheus Invoked blessings on It." Ac
cording to Aristotle, the first mnn who
conceived the Idea that the head was
the principal sent of the soul, re
garded the sneeze with great respect
been line It wns the most manifest op
eration of the head. Hence the com
pliments of the Greeks nnd Komnns,
"Ixmg may you live; inny you enjoy
Some rabbis explnln the custom by
declnrlng tlmt not long nfter the cre
ation, God made a general decree thnt
every mnn should sneeze but once,
whereupon his soul should depart
from his body without previous warn
ing or Indisposition. Jacob got the de
cree withdrawn so thnt man can sneeze
ns often as he chooses without dan
n Ahz it jr
WNU Henrico.
come to conquer Quebec and hnd
brought such friendship for Its peoplt
that a lirltlNli soldier was hanged in
the public square fn stealing from a
resblent of the town.
Jeems felt this comradeship of bll
enemies. At first be wai taciturn and
aloof and talked only when courtesy
requlrod the effort of blm. He ob
served that many eyea regarded him
with a pity which added shame to the
burden of bis distress, and at times
when he was struggling to hold his
stooped shoulders erect, sympathetic
hands came to help him In spite of
himself. His health returned slowly,
but In the second week of his freedom
an Incident occurred which sent a
warmer glow through his veins. He
heard two soldiers talking on the
street. They were talking about a dog
a three-legged dog that pawed lo
front of their line as they had stood
ready to fire upon the French.
When be returned to the little room
which he still occupied In the general
hospital Mere do Kalnte-Claude
thought fever bad s-t Itself npon blm
again. The next day, be went out
looking for the dog and found others
who had beheld what his own eyes
bad seen. Put he asked no questions
except In a casual way, and did not
revesl the reason for bla Interest He
knew the dog could not be Odd, yet It
was Odd for whom he was seeking.
This paradoxical gtate of mind both
ered hln, and he wondered If his lliness
had left blm entirely sane. To think
Odd bad escaped Tlaoga's vengennce
and had wandered through hundreds
of miles of wilderness to Quebec
would surely be an Indication thnt it
hnd not He continued to seek, trying
to believe be was making the quest a
diversion which was healthful for his
body, and that curiosity, not hope or
faith, was encouraging blm to find
the three-legged dog. As Lower Town
was the home of nuut of the dogg, he
spent much of his time among Its
ruins, but without success.
His search came to an unexpected
end In St I.ouls street where many
aristocratic families of the city llvei
Nancy Gagnon, who hnd been Nancy
Ixtblnlere before her marriage to
Peter Gagnon, and a dearly loved
belle of the town, described the Incl
dent soon afterward In ,a letter to
Anne St Denis Hock, and this letter,
partly unintelligible because of Its age,
Is a cherltihcd possession of that
"I hnd come out of the house (she
wrote) In time to see a strange figure
pause nenr the Iron gate which shut
blm out from the plot of ground where
the dog was watching little Jeems at
piny with some blocks and sticks.
He was a soldier In a faded uniform
of France, with a hospital badge on
bis arm, and had apparently Just
risen from a terrible sickness. As be
staggered against the gate with a
strange cry, I thought he was about to
faint and hurried toward him. Then a
most amazing thing happened. TW
dog sprang straight at him, and so
frightened was I by the unexpected
ness of his attack ti nt I screamed at
the top of my voice and snatched up
one of the baby's sticks with which
I was about to beat the animal from
his victim when, to my still greater
astonishment, I saw that both man
and beast were overcome by whst ap
peared to be a paroxysm of recognl
tlon and Joy. The action of the dog
together with my scream set Httl
Jeems to crying lustily and my terrl
fled voice brought Tolnette and my
father to the door. Shall I ever for
get what happened then? Tolnette
started first toward her baby, then saw
the man at the gate, and the cry which
came from her lips will remain with
me until my dying day. In a moment
she was In that poor wreck of a sol
dler't arms, kissing him and sobbing,
until, with the antics of the dog and
the fiercer shrieking of the child, to
auy nothing of my own wild appear
ance with the stick, we were beglnnln
to attract the attention of the pub
lic. . .
Concerning the Sneeze
ger. Therefore, whenever a mnn finds
himself still living after a good gusty
sneeze, people should express their
gratitude with a blesslnjr.
Gave Name to Uniroriit
Howard university at Washlnct
Important negro college, wns named
for 0. O. Howard, a nntlve of Maine,
a brigadier genernl and corps com
mnnder In the Union army In the CI
war nnd In subsequent Indian wn
He wns commissioner of the Freed
men's bureau In reconstruction da
and wns noted for his Interest In
elevntlon of the colored rnce. Ho w
a lending donor of the university's
Yoi Indeed
"Will you please complete for me,'
requests an Ohio Stute Journnl sub-
crlber "that old proverb which begins
'A friend In need T "It runs
thus," accommodated the up-to-date
editor; "A friend In need Is one who
bns been playing the stock market
"It appears that you have become
nvolved In some conspicuous party
disagreements," said the friend.
"Don't let that fuct worry you." re-
olned Senator Sorghum. "What you're
earing uhout Is merely some team
practice work to make sure that we'll
nil be fit when the time comes to get
together for the big argument with
the political enemy." Washington
Ploying Safe
Young Hubby I en rest what did
you do with thnt rubber plant. Aunt
Agatha gave ust
Young Wife I put It upstairs.
honey. Why do you ask?
Young Hubby Oh, for no particu
lar reason. I was Junt wondering what
kind of salad this Is."
Heroine ics, and there by the
gates of the mansion I began to sob,
"H here ' stand b-barefooted In t-the
Comedian How realistic! How was
It received?
Heroine Why. the gallery began to
throw old boots.
A Fine Opportunity
The cold In my head
la a thing that allura
All mjr frtendi to expound
On their favorite curea.
"What are you thlnkln of doln' with
your boy, Joe?"
"Well. I thought of trying to get
him Into the polf-"
"The police I Why?"
"Well, they're sure to 'ave 'Im one
way or another." Cambridge Chron
icle, England.
Doctor Your wlfv i mind ts dis
Jones Great Scott I'll get the dis
ease, too! She's been giving me a
piece of hers every morning for 20
Claude It ln'l always the prettiest
ptrl who eels the hetit husband.
Clara Muybe not, but she has the
most chances to.
Not in Real Life
Though he was fairs
She loved him atlll;
But twaa In tho "ketch
At tho vaudeville.
For Two
The twins hud been brought to be
"What names?" asked the clergy
"Stenk and Kidney," the father an
"Hill, yon fool," cried the mother
"It's Kute and Sydney
Tho Military Trend
"Did you reprove thnt usher?"
"No, 1 spoke to the nmnngcr, an
he said the offender would be court
Helped Mankind
"Cnn anyone tell me," demanded the
Hyde Pnrk orator, "who did most In
the Nineteenth century to raise the
working classes?"
"Yes, guv'nor," replied one of the
crowd; "the Inventor of alarum
"Itjoiics hnd a good laugh at Smith
era yesterday."
"How's that?"
"Asked him to ride In the cur be
bought from him."
1 . :'K.
Dodge Old Ago
HATS WearineM. "nervee " anrl alwn.
Wnee made you old in the prime of
liter xou can recover youth and hold
it in spite of the passing years.
Ail you need to do is to help Nature
keeo uo vour vitality. I'erhana vour ova-
tern larks certain valuable elements,
which rcllows Syrup will restore. Soon
you can eat, work, play, and sleep as
heartily as when vou were twenty-one.
After the first few doses you become
more cheerful and energetic. Your
stamina increase. AsIc your druggist
for the genuine Fellowa Syrup, which
phyticians have been prescribinj for
Newspapers Make Cain
in Number of Readers
The aggregate circulation of pa
pers dally In this country and Can
ada Is 45.KjC.245 as against 41.110.-
tKH In 1X0, a gain of about a mil
lion dally readers, according to a
recent newspaper directory.
It Is a good sign If people are
reading more. They are attending
the greatest school In the world, as
somebody has called the newspaper.
This school takes up every morn
ing In the year and usually begins
Its sessions before breakfast. It has
a voluntary student body and Its
cost Is but a few cents per day. It
a" the cheapest tuition of any Insti
tution for adults on earth. It knows
no vacations and no holidays. The
teachers are on the Job all day and
through the night preparing the text
book for next morning. time la
taken out for examinations. If the
entrant gets nothing out ofjf, thnt
is bis fault. Truant officers are not
needed. Classes take up In homes,
offices, on nark benches, fti' tlw open
and even In commuters.fri
We may not have as miwo to our
pockets as we had a yedr ago; but
we have more tinder our huts I
Peddler Only Thou-lit;,
He Had the Ide&J Rake
Maurice Plvnr. the film su;nlsr,
suddenly got that spring" urge nnd
began to take a personal .Intercut In
his I'.everly Hills garden. Then the
aches and pains thnt cortie with uu
accustomed exercise mnd him piius
and reflect
It was while he was reflecMnrf
thnt a salesman stopped by and tried
to sell him a devil-grass rake. 'I
assure you." declared the peddler,
"thnt I have the ideal rake."
"Cnn I work It while J stt here n
front of the fireplace?" demanded
"Why. of course not. but"
Then yu haven't the Ideal mke,"
Los Angeles Times.
High Scoring
Wllburta and Jim were having an
Interesting time throwing wooden
halls at the open mouth of a black
comedian. It was a simple game giv
en to the children ns a Christmas
present Something went wrong ad
an argument ensued. It was a ques
tion of points. t .
"Au' stop jour cheating" ,
I'm not cheat In'. I've pot aix."
Then I've got ten. twenty, a hun
dred. "I've got a million, billion, tril
lion." said Wllburta.
"Well. I've got whllllons.' respond
ed Jim.
More Money or Whiskers-
If the Kstul employees of' the
Kovno district ot Lithuania do not
get higher wage mull Is to be de
livered by bewhlskcred postmen. The
ami shave strike Is on, and already
faces of the strikers are disappear
ing from view. The men asked for
Increased wages several months ngi.
but receiving no reply from the I.lth
unnlan postnl ministry, and knowing
thnt to strike Is Illegal, they stopped
the use of rnnors. If this Is not ef
fective, they say. they will place a
ban on sonp.
How It Goes
"Love, you know Is the greatest
"And marriage Is a post graduate
"And what shall we say of
divorce?" ; '
"Pivorce oh, that's getting ,ei
pelled from college."
Jp and at 'Em I
"I've solved the ni.vsccry of what
a hotel means when It advertises
'rooms $1 and up.'"
"What Is It?"
"I got one of the dollar rooms and
was up nil night."
Uia of Promues
"It Is so ensy to make promises,'
snld HI Ho, the sage of Chltjntown,
"that mnny nttcnipt to gain a liveli
hood by doing nothing eise."-Vash-Ington
Star. "-pf