The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, June 12, 1931, Image 4

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    Prepared for Rioters in Warsaw
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Here ire two members of the police force of Warsaw, rolnml, In their
uew equipment designed for combating political rioters. The steel helmet,
cuirass and shield are supposed to be bullet-proof.
Deaa of Mao, Uaivertity of
In "Mister Antonio." you may recall
the mayor of th- town was a most
exemplary citizen
when he was at
home. He walked
discreetly; he
went to church
regularly, and la
word and deed he
set, before the
young people of
the commuLlty In
which he lived,
an example of
virtue and prob
ity which only
the morally am
bitious could ever
hope to attain. It was when he went
to th city where be was not known,
and where he could keep things dark,
that he cut loose, so to speak. lie
was not averse to a little liquor and
a gay night or two, but he did not
want anyone In his home town to find
ft out He had an ambition to be
thought well of, so that when he was
guilty of a moral delinquency It was
always behind closed doors.
It Isn't what yon do that really mat
ters, a good many people seem to be
lieve, It Is what you are caught at If
things can be kept dark no oue should
I learned to smoke when I was a
boy of seventeen on the farm. My
older brother hurrying to get off to a
dance a dozen miles or so away of
fered me a couple of nickel clears If
I would run out the buirzy and hitch
tip his horse. I accepted the offer and
later smoked the two cigars without
batting an eyelash. It did not make
Tb sick, but In spite of that fact. I've
tever cared a great deal for smoking.
I Imagine that during the last fifty
years I have smoked on the average
as often as once In six months.
Gordon Is principal of a high school
In northern Illinois. One of his stu
dents, It happened, saw me once tak
ing my semiannual smoke and report
ed back to headquarters. Gordon
Jumped me about It the next time he
saw me. It was wrong he told me;
I was setting a bad example to young
men. He seemed shocked.
"Don't you smoke?" I Inquired.
"Yes," he replied; "but I never let
my boys see me."
"Well, maybe I smoke once In a
while," I replied, "but I'm not a
There had been some drinking fid
lowing the PI Eta dance, the neigh
bors had called the police nnd two of
the fellows had been taken down to
Chief Magpie U Fflid to be the only
survivor of the Indians who fought
General Custer In the buttle of the
Little Rig Horn. He lias lost track of
his ago. He never sleeps Indoors or
on a soft bed, eats no sweets and
takes dally exercise chopping wood,
like the former kaiser of Germany.
iw M'x
t." Vijf
i v;
the city cooler to spend the night
Their names were In the paper the
following morning, and I called the
hend of the house to talk over the
"I'm awfully ashamed of the affair,
dean." he acknowledged to me. "I did
my level best to keep the fellows
quiet, but In spite of what I could do
they would be noisy. I hate like the
dickens to have a thing like that get
out It's bad for the organization."
I admitted it, but the thing that In
terested me was the fact that Allen
was not particularly com-erned with
what had happened. His concern lay
In the fact that be had been unable to
keep It dark.
(fi. lilt. Wntm Nwtppr Union )
He's OJ A
There are, In Greater New York.
l.SOG.&sO telephones. They are used
for 8,000,0)0 calls per day. That is
understandable enough, as a great
part of the business of this largest
city In the United States Is done by
telephone. There was a day w hen some
body in the home usually went to
market Now most of them telephone.
Brokerage houses do most of their
business over the wire, although late
ly the switchboard operators In these
pWices of Investment and chance have
not been so busy. Stores, hotels, news
papers, buslm.'sse of every description
find constant use for the telephone.
You don't run over to a friend's or
neighbor's place any more; or, If you
do, you first telephone to find out
whether he Is In. The working boy
used to have to wait until evening to
call on his girl. Now he can tele
phone her In his noon hour and gen
erally does. Women make half-hour
social calls over the phone. An In
teresting bit of news can be relayed
Instantly. All htimnn emotions, which
can be transmitted by the voice, trav
el over the wires.
I sometimes have wondered what
would happen In a city such as New
York If some day the telephone sys
tem suddenly were destroyed. I can
think of nothing which would paralyze
or Isolate a city quicker. The renult
for a time would be panic and chaos;
although the telegraph and radio
might take up some of the burden.
A man who stnmers tells me that
he never has any difficulty In pro
nouncing any word If he closes his
eyes. He worked that out from the
discovery that he never stammered
when talking In the dark.
Some one once compiled a list of
persons who never bad ridden on the
ek'vuled lines aud headed with Lil
Salinas, Wash, No regret not a.
particle. Only surpi'lso that anyone
should question her not.
Those were tho admitted foollmrs
of Alta Fickle, twenty, who deliber
ately sacrliloed her right arm to satis
fy her conscience.
Con lined to the county hospital here
with her r Iitt arm amputated above
the olbow, (.ho had not emerged from
the apparent religious ecstasy that Im
pelled her to place her arm beneath
tho wheols of a train. T queries con
cerning sorrow she might feel she
quietly answered:
"Sorrow T Sorrow for what?"
F.fforts to delve further Into the
motive were fruitless. Miss Fickle
merely repeated what she told as
tounded questioners.
"My arm was offensive to me and
1 cut it off."
Then she told again of the "mur
derous Impulses" which centered In
her right arm, and Justitled her act
Plane Line Now Runs
From Tashkent to Moscow
Tashkent, U. S. H. It. A regular
passenger air line between Tashkent
and Moscow was recently put Into
operation. It links up at one end with
tho Tashkent-Samarkand Kabul Hue
and at the other with Moscow-lWr-lln-Farls
route. Direct air connection
between Kurope and the near East
over Russia and Soviet Turkestan Is
thus estatUlshcd.
Indian Robber Chief Laughs at Police
Bombay. One of the most colorful
characters In all of the Indian resist
ance to British rule Is Uaja Shlvtjl,
the young Ithll robber chief of the
Khandesb district, who has been the
bane of 750 police In three districts
for a year.
This young Indian Robin Hood has
of New York
lian Russell. There are a numl f of
persona in this town who never have
ridden on the subway. One person
who doesn't use the subway Is Col.
Charles A. Lindbergh. He Is so tall
Calyak, which resembles moire sill,
because of its silky texture, Is used In
a dyed bisque shade for the afternoon
cout shown here. The cont Is trimmed
with a soft shawl collar and wide
flaring cuffs.
A"!h hit
m Mm
Offending Right Arm
by quoting Scriptures "If thy right
liand offend thee."
Members of tho girl's family her
father, Alfred, Ylsulia rancher, ntnl
Where Ignorance Is Bliss
carried a price of 5,0u rupees on his
Lea4 for months a reward offered
by the Inspector general of police In
Ilombay but the money has gone
a begging.
ShlvnJI has bocome the veritable
king of the Jungle In the vnut moun
tain fastncasi'S and wooded valleys
and m well known that his presence
In the subway would be a signal for
every one on the train to crowd Into
one car. The result Is that he has
to take taxis and, In the present state
of New York traffic. Is frequently lute
for appointments.
The one place Colonel Lindbergh
never Is late Is In the nlr. Like other
flying things, he Isn't so good on the
ground. I'ut lilin In the air and he has
the sense of direction of a homing
pigeon. Put him on the ground and
he becomes common clay. He Isn't
half as good In sensing direction.
And, speaking of horning pigeons,
the thing will) the greatest sense of
direction Is the but. A pigeon will
circle around a moment to get Its
bearings. A bat will go straight for
home In an arrowlike flash. The bat
Is the only creature that depends
largely on hearing for Its food and
well-being. If you want to rid some
cave or old ham of bats, start a talk
ing machine going In there. The bats
will leave nnd never return. Their
ears are so sensitive that a good loud
record Is torturo to I hem.
Some of the stenmnhlp companies
are employing what oppears to me to
be a clever way of making new cus
tomers. Paring vacation time they
take older boys from prosperous com
munities In the Inland states nnd give
them such Jobs as they cun fill. The
boys got an Idea of the pleasures of
ocean travel and a glimpse of foreign
ports. Then they go home and talk
about It, each one an unconscious hut
enthusiastic salesman. They assist In
making their home towns travol
mlndcd. (tl. 1130. null fiynrilRSU.)
North Carolina bus 108 public water
systems serving !)H),000 persons, or 30
per cent of tho state's poiulalu,
her sinter, Mis. Kdnn Itleks of Tubus
attributed the net to results of n
nervous breakdown, suffered by Miss
Fickle threo years ago,
of the Satpura range. He levies taxes
on tin villages ami compels them to
pay annual tribute. If ihejr refuse,
he rslils the villages and carries away
money or property equal In value to
his ssimmetit upon them.
The outstanding acts of this moun
tain draper do. who still holds the
admiration and respect of other In
dians, Include the killing of a police
cotistnhie during a raid about a year
ago, a public thrashing sdndnlstered
to another policeman, nnd a mid ac
companied by arson In a nmrwarl'a
boune In the village of U'atpur Taluka
two months fig". All of these exploits
were carried out In the most daring
and sensational manner.
The slaying of the police officer
came when Ilajn shvajl was surprised
and surrounded by a raiding party In
the htiart of n thick forest. The offl
cer was the first to see the rebel
chieftain and made a dash for him.
Itaja ShlvnJI nt first made a sham
attempt to escape, but actunlly con
cealed himself In the tall grass. When
the pursuer drew cIm be shot hltn
through the heart and escaped.
The thrashing took place In the
presence of a large crowd gathered
In s village of I'etnt Taluks on a bs
ssar day. Itaja ShlvaJI atteuded the
basr and casually heard of the pres
ence of a head constable.
He hunted the policeman through
tho market place and when he con
fronted him. us If by common con
sent, the whole marki't place became
emptied of villagers, although they
remained as witnesses from the nidus.
The two met alone, and when Itaja
Shi vn l bad completed his thrashing
he added the Indignity of sticking a
dried fish In the policeman's mouth
by way of an outrage to bis I'.rHhinli;
superstition. The policeman barely
esciiped with bis life after being
forced to Itstt-n to a sermon on thn
Iniquity of tyrnnnl.lng poor villagers.
In nearly nil the villages be Iirs
klusimn and tho Inhabitants are evi
dently aware of his whereabouts.
Most of his secret haunts also art
known to the natives, but not even
the village children would breathe a
word about them.
i 'c a
Tom Conley, cnptnln and end, of Hit
famous Notre Dame eleven.
Arson squads are being formed
throughout Oklahoma In mi attempt
to reduce the number of iiicciidur;
nJi Feu?
H Little
"An' so I sen to that there Eng
lishman. I se;., 'Jest who do you think
you nreT' An' quick as n flash hu an
swered hack and sen, 'Slri you are
speaking to the third Hurl of Hamp
shire ntol the son of tho Pukn ot
Northumberland and Furl ot Hurrey.'
"Klght then I sees the Jig's up.
I'm a giiine guy, but darneil 1 I wag
going to take on all three "of Viu,"
"oh. that this letter to my love had
wings I"
"Why didn't you write It on fiypapui
Thst frsnkneas It virtue (sushi
II r Ihn you'll lieve tu own:
If you eltl varyllilitf you Ihousht
Tbty mteht rtrnuvt your tlphon.
Marriage Altered Him
In the smokerooiu of a club two
business men Just past middle agt
were criticising tho young men of to
day. Said one; "Look how reluctant tha
young men are to marry nnd settls
"That's so." replied the other.
"They seem to fear marriage. Why,
before I was married I didn't knu
the meaning of fear!"
Full Pay, I Suppose?
(Hie of the lady tourists to a west
ern reservutloii was a human ques
tionnaire, nnd at Inquiry No, l.onU
even the long suffering guide was los
ing his patience.
"Oh. tell me," she cried, "who Is
that great tull Indian standing by
himself over there?"
"Madam," answered the weary
guide, "that Is Sitting Bull. He Is o
his vacation." U. I'. Magazine.
Out of Date
Aunt Lucy If you keep such late
hours you'll ruin your pretty, natural
I'lillllppii They're not wearing nat
ural complexions now; they're oU co
crcd up.
"That old soldier said that during
'.h siege of Purls In 1S70 he lived en
tirely on mule meat."
"And tho old cuss has been kicking
ever sluce."
To Be Wished
How fnw nilslortunes would surprlat
Th men who strive oa land or a4
If each wire Indeed ss wise
As lie Ijelleves hlmnelf to be.
First Thing! First
"How Is It you don't come to Sun
day school, Katie?"
"oli,, miss, I'm learning
French and music now, and mother
doesn't wish mo to lako up rellglog
till later."
Prayed Firtt
"Do you uhvays look under your
ned before you say your prayers at
night?" asked the flapper nlcco.
"No, darling," replied the old man,
"first I any my prayers."
He Triumphed, Anyhow
"Is It true that several people In the
parquet fell naleep during the first
night performance of your new
"Yes, but thoy laughed In their
sleep I"
Very Handy
"Your son Is accused of stealing,
lave you anything to say for lilm?"
"Well, I'm glad M begun to do
something to support himself." Op-Uinlst.