Tin' - IONE INDEPENDENT I0N15. ()i:i;C()N Friday, J u t 12, 1931. Lexington News Mi Anmliil SlruJlmjii Ccorge McMillan ami wife were ;) from Cherry villc for a visit ovvr i lie week-end N.toinl IV c Miliau who ii.s litcii i:;liinji In I'or'luiul. relumed with tlum ac companied by At line Sone also ol Chcrryviik A'.iss Stone and Hie McMillans (Itpattcd for tluir homes on momlay. Mildred Suidoid departed for Lyons, Oregon, where she w id vis it timing tin MiiniDtr. Word has hem received by Am abel Strodtman that Misses Helen Fidconcr and Helen Wells ore enjoyirvj their vacation at the ranch home ol Miss Falconer': f.iilur near Ininaha, Oregon The yountf ladies who were ins! rucor In the Lexington school dmin:' the pist year. luvc i-cen lu.r.r jiueslsat several 'ui l. ivrtiijn parties in Fntcrpmc. Dr. and Mrs Kay White of Oak land are visitii jj fi kin's nd rila tnvcsln tnis city. Miss Opal Leach has as her K'.iest Cora Johnson of OakLiiJ. Mis Johnson will hc.rinumbrel as a Turner rcsidn t of Lexington. W. K. Harnett ami fa vily wer. dinner msts in tl.c K H. ilia home. K. A. I Jacket t ;,'id wife spent spent Sunday at IliJaway. A m n herofotCer people also motored to the mountains on that day. Amonn lhe?e were c.ui alien. IMu-rt McMillan, Alec Hunt, A I'.. Hunt, with their wives an.' :. i: ... lv.!her Inrtioin and Eva Wil cox. Mrs. Kvcrcltc Maiiman of j'(t. land Clay Long and wife of San Francisco have heen visitors a! the R. II Unc home. NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING A wci k-tnc fishing hip j k. Blue Mountains was cnjoed In a number of young men ofth;' vicinity They were Vernon Sc tt Ray Phillips, Sanford Iul Nichols and Janus Leach. Rose and Vester Thornburg returned home the first of the week froui I'endleton where they madeashorl stay with their mother. "The average mokcr wastes enough on tobacco by the time lie is lifty years of age to pay fora good home and furnishings. '1 he money Silent for tobacco j would pay the expenses of ourj federal government-army, navy post-office, congress, President, Vice I 'resident, cabinet and all." Wherefore do ;e spend youi ; wvr.ej for u.u ahull is not! tread, and ,t;ur fibo) .'or that' u huh satis;. i .'.' t.ot? j If you taker.leciiol habitually: you: I 1. In.: re your stimaeh, liva,' ii.eii.i.ys, heart, blood-vesseis, nerves, and brain. 2. You decrease your opacity for work. U. You lower Use grade of your n.ind and morals. . You lessen your longevity. 5. You entail misery upon your descendant. Is a riK re business proposi tion: Is your ulass of beer your battle of wine, your high ball or yoin cocktail, worth such a price? THE HILLS AHEAD llif hiils abend look hard ami strep and high, .V; ! "fen we b"h'W th-m v !. a sigh. Hut as we near them level grows the road ; Wo find on every tlupe with ev ery load Tiv.' climb is not so rtci'p the- tup so far T!ie hills ahead look harder than they are There; never ernes a h.iil-a task--a (!a I! it as we near it-easier the wav. : NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voter of School DiHtfict No. 35, of Morrow County, State of Oregon, that a School Mect'ting ( f Haid district will be heid at thi school house on the 15th day of June, 1031, at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of discussing the budgat herein after sctout with the levy ing board and to vote on the proposition of voting a special district tax. The total amount of force needed by the said school district during the fiscal year beginnig June 150, 1032, and ending June .'50, 1032 is estimated in the following budget and includes the arnouns to be received from the county (school fund, state school fund, ele mentaay school fund, special district tax, ahd all other moneys of the district. Winn the lui.ltf. t nu-t lhitf l la! Jin conni-ttion with the annual ichool ma-linK, the follliwini' provUinn of lit lion 2)2, School l.nwi of 1929, ulioulil he ol'St rvcd: "Unill (lie liallottare counted at kat one hour aft er the lti if t-t tor the iinitiii in tiiklt let of the tt'eond cl.nu-i, any It Kill voter oi the iJitirkrt (hall he entitled to vote upon any matter he fore the meeting BUDGET Estimated Receipts I' lar-cc on Land at beginning of school year (third vond.iy in June) for which this budget is made .$ l'mm county school fund, 991.21 3. I'Vom state school fund I I'ii in ' in Try school fund (I. For tuition, below hihschool . 7. From county high school tuition fund fortuition and tr'n.-mwtaVon . 10. Total evUmaU-d receipts 220.00 1417.HI C."0.(x) 2181.13 $5&;9.20 Estimated Expenditures I. (;K'KKALCON"niOL 1. IVrsomd Service: Element. High Total THE KILOWATT KIDDIES ARE INVISIBLE ICE-MAN Tll!2 KILOWATT CIULLKS Stand (juicily on watch to see that your food is Kept below the fifty-degree dan ger point. They are senlin.-l.; of safely, ever to gnanl The Kilowa't Kiddies r. on tlic duty at you Electric Kcfrigcral.-i v.hcther t u r.rc there to watch tl.cm or no1 They have i ever 1 ccn L n v.n to leave footprints on the spotless li.u.tiin of ,vr' kiielh-n. Yet their service decs not end with providing nvre ice . Charlie and Clara Kil owatt see to it that their ice cubes are just the right si.c to tinkle tantaliin;;ly in ftlasnsof the bevchryit clul's. The Kilowatt Kiddies in your electric Refrie;.:!or nr.akc the most delicious frozen sair.ds and deserts,- even ice cream. All you d. is mix the ingredients,- tl ey do the dot rest. In few rolc-dr the Kilowatt Kiddies perform morn satisfying Uutn as the invisible icemen accompa nying every lilcctrical Refrigerator. Pacific Powerand (1) Superintcndept.. $i."i;j0. (2) Cler; 2.-. 2. Supj lies 20. 15. Klections and publicity G.. 4. Legal service 15. ft. Total expense, Ccn Control III. INSTRUCTION -TKACM.vt: 1. rorsonal St-rvice: (1) Teachers $120). (2) '! ..ching.... 112'). (:?) Teaching 1215. ( I) Teaching 1X0 2. Supplies TA 0. Text biwks. desk and Ind. 10. J. Text blinks. 110. G. Total Kxpcnsc Teaching IV. OPERATINN GF PLANT 1. Persona! Sorvite (1) Janitors & other Serv. $310. 2. Janitor's supplies o0. 3. Fuel :;oo. 1. Light and power . UK). 5. Water 15. 8. Total Expense of Operations V. MAINTENANCE V HE PAIRS 1. Rci)air and replacement furniture and Equipment $ 10. Repair and maintenance of buildings and grounds 100. 4. Total Expense Maintenance & Rep. VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES 2. Library books; $ 25. 3. Supplies, repairs, etc ... 10. ',1 Transportation of pupils C) iV'n-d j.-vloe.... 1M5. 5. Tola! E;;vns2 Atxla; y Agencies.. VII. FIXEP CL'ARGES 1 Insurance ;I100. 5. Total Fixed Charges $770. 25. 20 35. 15. $2i30.CiO $1350. 1215. 1215. 50. 10. &S960 CO $270. 50. aoo. 100. 15. $lbOO.(K) $ 10. 100. $ 75. 10. $220.00 INDEBTEDNESS Amount of Bonded Indebtedness $34,000.00 Amount of Warrant Indtbtcddejs 15.1C3 G4 Total Indebtenefs $4(MC3 C4 Datsd this 23rd day of May, 1931. Attest: Delia M. Corson - Ruth V,. Masson Dist. Clerk Chairman of School Hoard S ' ' ! 'ifPnt'. -' 'A i' S f T aVi i i hyi ii ill I 0 CsrJqWt hH fyl SERVICE i I 83. 2020.00 I $100. $200.00 Light Company 'Always at yur Service" "lx7i3EliT SEi.,iCE 1. Princl; bo':ds 2. Print!,. ! on warrants. 4. IntciY-' ,n bonds 4 Intoiv t on warants I) Total D.htSvTricc ... X EMERGENCY 3. Total Em rency .$1500. 1285. 1S)X 1(!00. $SGS5 00 $535.00 Summary of EMimatcJ Expenses or U.iniycni from June :'0, )31 to June 30. 1132 I'ersonal service Supplies.. Maintenance i; '. ivpairs Debt service Miscelanoeas Emergency Total. pthi;;.vu 200.00 220.00 80S5.00 1120.00 . 535.00 $25510.00 RCCAPITULATION TuLul estimated q.inses for thj year $25,510.00 Total Estimate! receipts not including proposed tax 5,810.20 Habnce, anvmr.L to be raised by district tax . TF YOU went to bed poor and woke up to find yourself possessed of a million dollars, what would you do? With ruth less satire and keen humor Peter B. Kyne vividly portrays the ex citing adventures of Elmer Clarke with his suddenly acquired mil lion; how he had to side step, duck and run to (p escape the "gold diggers." Fiction of Dash and Thrill New Serial for For Butter Wrap si L-ttr H?ads, Post ers, or printing: of any kind go to the lone Independant Q In Memoriam ;1M '-V-" A few: f-kjiTiTT I V V. V , .. .. ,: . ....... . .., . Tk,-il-'1',.l ' 7'..V. .'-V I.--10T;. y ----- - x jT.t $19,GG0.8e