Or 3tw utni VOLUME XV IONE, OREGON) FRIDAY, June 12,1931. NUMBER 1 PRETTY HOME WEDDING RUSSELL IKI.DMAN "Miss Hazel Orrnl l'Yldrmm, dtuhttT of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fldman, and Mr, Kmil K. Huh Bel, tun of Mr. ami Mrs. Itil li V. KuhhoII of Key WVnt, Florida, we:e married Monday morning, NOTICE OK ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS UKKKIJY GIVKN to the K'fMl voters of School Dint. No. .'" of Morrow County, Oregon, the Annual Meeting cf Haid Di.1 triet will he held at lone kcIjooI house, to b gin at the hour of ; 1 :;',() o'clock, p. in. on the third Jnnii K t (hi. t,l,.nw,nt ranch ' M"l"y in Juno. iMfinjr the 15th 1 omu of the bride's piinnU Kev. S'Z, .' ' ' , , W. W. Head, pastor of the Con gri'jndional church at lone, read the inarriHge service at ten o'clock, und imnieiliatoly afterward the wedding breakfast was nerved M'l,. :.... : 11. ..i r.. iu I i in; iiii-fiiiiK in luut.-ii tur uie purpose of electing one School Director for three years, one School Director for two (2) years, one School Cleric for (1) year, to Q One Flag, One Nation Evermore i D The bride wore her traveling , voU. tht? Hudjryt an(1 thetran I I A I suit of black and white ilk. H,risaaum 01 ",J,nt'88 UHUai Ul BUcn flowers were sweet peas. pansicsjnic',i'l,ntf in uituiiii ui iiic Kiunu inu imiiu clait the bal!oUlull nut be counted until one lumr ififf tlif time ui fur the meet lni tu li u I Until the count biiilnt, any lili.il volcrt iliall be entitled to vote tipon jny buklncit before the mei-tfn. ltcJthU23J Jay uf May, 19.11. ATTEST: DvIIj M. Corson Ruth li. Mason IhttrUt L'letk C'hm'n School Hoard md ha by breath. She was attend ed by her sister, Miss Katheryn I' t'ldjnan, wl.o also wore a suit of Mack and white. The bridegroom's attendant was Mr Neil Shurirnan of Heppnre. Shortly after the w.'dding breakfast, the bridal I arty by nuto for Corvallis. Here they visited for a day and then proceeded on their journey over the Uosev- It highway to Los An freles where they will make their homo. The best wishes of a host cf friends go with tlitiii. Mrs. Rus.U'1 is a graduate of the I igh school at San J oh1' Cal ifornia. She t'ttonoed It'. tikeWul ker Dusiiiess I'oik-ge, I'orlland, for one term and is a graduate of the school of pharmacy of the Oregon State College, Corvallis, She is a member of Kappa Delta Delta sorority, andanactive work er in Teminiu-i ami 0. K. S. While at 0. S. C. she was elected to Kho Chi, honorary in pharmucy and to Phi Kappa I'hi, most desired honor society in the col J -ge, For the paat elevon months .nhe ha held a Ksition in a phar macy in Sheridan, Montana. Mr. Hussel is a graduate of the University of Florida and also holds a higher degree from Ore gon State College. It was while (nt i nurd on Lit cter Ifl&BBSiv if ' if ; j& Clark & Linn J& Carpenter Work, Painting, Pa per Hanging and General Re pair Work. Success is a treasure and work is the key to it. 5 OF HIGH 0;:CH1NE WORK -CAREFULLY KJDONE. t M tor$ rcjrounJ. 0 Hearings poured PI tanU filled to re ground sliafls t I- R.ROBISON 4 ALL IVLMJN T 0 3 0 MACHINE SHOP p h 4merican Legion Auxiliary A Biwcial meeting of the Amer ican legion Auxilary, was hcltl u4 the Hlain Blackwell home Tues day afternoon, June 2. At this time. Mrs. Catherine Belchff. of The Dalles, state committal woman, paid her omcjal visit, i She was accompanied by Mir. KstherKuebel, also of The DalUp. Before coming here the ladies J had held a similar meting in, Condon, and from lone went o1 44 IL'ppner for an evening meeting. At the close of an interesting and instructive sesion, Mrs. Blackwell served orange sherbet, wafers and coffee to her Guests. School Election, Monday! Aermotor wind mills and Fairbanks-Morse gas Engines at P. G. Balsigers Work wihle you wait MP ummYrq D?rd $ I'OO You'll Soon Be Wearing ThemTool C ornea who know, are discovering that the tome careful attention to detail characterizes these mi peril new silk stock lugs, at their extremely modest price,' which you expect to find only in thoxuoro expensive hose. Select yours hero today in the season loveliest shades. Full Fashioned, of se lect tjuallty Japanese Silk, Chiffon and Service Weights. Added reinforcements for ex tra strength ond longer wear, AN ASTOUNPING DOLLAR VALUE! WE REPAIR Boots, Shoes, Harness Saddles, Auto Tops Side Curtains. Leave Repairing at Oscar Cochran's E. G. Noble HKPPNER - OREGON 3 ort Your Home-Town Merchants.' Suppt Buy Your Meats at IONE GASH MARKET SPECIXLS every SA TURDA Y Phone 32 Tone, Oregon 3 BERT MASON IONli OREGON I 1 i I I S i it Now is the time to look your spring machinery over. You may need some extras for your plows and harrows. WE HANDLE THE JOHN DEERELINE Don't forget our Red & White spe-1? cials each Saturday and Monday. They will save you money. 9 I St I , i! i Bristow & Johnson Women'sTcpic Club Ruth Rietmann, Sec. Social Events BIRTI IANn!vERS ARY t y t . .. a ha,W surprise Wednesday af-;hosteS8 to thg T . tnrioon.JaneS.wbfrn Eeyera I of j CIub Saturday af tern00n at hcr her 'nends came to remind her northof Ione ranch that anc her year had rolled a-s fj,Cr-ture was the subject under nund and it was aKain her birth-1 d,SCUSSion and an interesting pro day anniversary The little party !jrram WM prcsented Strawbcrry was planned and earned out by , shortcake and iced tea were 8ery. her four daughters who proved ; ed to th , Ite8MeB themselves tobe kindly hostesKi.!b3n of the dub there vm Convegatm gzmei. 0 Rietman made the afternoon pass quickly. Sam KA Alfre( Nel3on and Delicious refreflifr.ents consistinjlQ,. jiecj oi sanawicnes, iruu saiau, caKei and punch were served by the four daughters, Mrs. Lloyd King, Mrs. Robert Helms, Mrs Henry Rowell and Miss Hazel Frank. Mrs. Frank was the recipient of many beautiful presents Guests jolly gathering Saturday night present were Mrs. Sam Hatch j when Willows grangers held their and daughter Barbara Ann, Mrs; old time fiddler's contest There Grange News OLD FIDDLERCONTEST Cecil hall was the scene of a M R. Morgan, Mrs. Paul lialsig er, Mrs. Walter Lubanks, Mrs. Leonard Larson and daughter, Shirley, Mrs. Ray Robinson, Miss Myriam Hale, Mrs. Laxton Mc Murray, and Mrs. Franks six grand children, Lauretta and Iris King, Lilly and Hazel May Helms, and David and Edith May Rowel. Personal Mention Gladys Brashers, member ol this year's Ione high school grad uating class, left, Sunday, for LaGrande to enter the Normal training school. Mrs. Ruth B. Mason of Locust ChcpterNo. 119, is attending 0. E. S. Grand Chapter in Portland this week. She made the trip in Continued on last I aye PRODUCE WANTED Frawley Clarke Produce Co. oi ortlan 1 will be represente ii this terri'o y as last year by W. . Eubanks. We solicit your Produce trade. a. 3 it i Phelps Funeral Home PHONE 1332 Heppner Oregon mi 1 were five contestants; Harry Pet erson, OliverKincade, Harry Yar nell, Emmet Botts and Oscar Lundell. Oscar Lundell and Em met Botts tied for first place in the first performance, and were forced to play again, with the re sult that Emmet Botts was given first place and oscar Lundell sec ond. The judges were Mr. Spauld ing and Mayor Montague of Arl ington, Lea Howell, Gladys Drake and Linea Troedson of Ione. Fol lowing the contest an old time dance was enjoyed and supper was served. A capacity house wa3 in attendance. 4-HClub Picnic People from far and near gath ered at the H. E. Cool ranch on vVillow Creek for the 4-H Club picnic, Sunday. It is estimated that 200 people were in attendance. A very interesting program was carried out and the day was alto ether a happy one The children .vere served with ice cream, a fift fromSheriffBaumanof Hepp ler. Mr. Wood, master of the Olex rrange extended to the frknds tere to attend the Olex 4-H' calf :lub picnic to be held on Rock Jreek next Sunday. Masons Entertain Stars The Masonic brothers cntcr taiued the ladies of the Eastern Star, and other invited guests. Wedneday evening, June 3. The gentlemen were genial hosts and the evening was indeed a pleas ant one. Strawberries, icecream and cake were served. This is an annual affair. Few people give any attent ion to the climate of their emotions. Eat Pride of Oregon Butter and Ice Cream Complete Funeral and Service in our New Home $50 and Upward A respectable burial without charge for those who cannot pay, from Cases' Chapel SHIP YOUR CREAM TO MORROW CO. CREAMERY CO. We Make The Butter In your own county From Your Own Cream Eat Pride of Oregon Butter & Ice Cream Morrow Co. Creamery Co. V. C. Cox, Manager.