lHfc JONE INDEPENDENT Fuhliahrri Kvry Friday by W. VIiwi),F.tor-ruhliW SUBSCKIPTION One Year $1.50 , SixMonihi 0.TS ThiwMomh. 0..W , EniereJ as worn) Class tnatu at il poatefftre at lone, Oregon, under art r,r y.mh X IS79. Friday, June 5, 1931 zt?am?rt?tt:tMxttttiix-i-nnfu lUistrictthe question of increasing tho tav Wv for th. vonr 1S.1l.:a In our desire to he men iftd '" over the amount limited by section pendulum has swung in l ivor ol t anicle xl of the Constitution the prisoner and far atcay from ,') of Oregon. protection o' swiety. ' The reasons for increasing such Prcsuk-nt foou-r k'vy are paying off Warrant In- debtedness. Personal Mention The amount of special tax rro- posed to be levied for the said Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ries and is J1?;6!-,8? , v, j ,m , , . Dated (h i 23J Jay of May, 1931. five children of Toppenish, Wash. ' were Saturday night guests at 'U orf '' " R ! ,JIjst" the home of Mrs. Ries' mother, ' mn' - Mrs. Ella Davidson. piCNIC AT OLDEN HOME Edison Morgan is moving, this i.oW-ivl week into the Troge residence in yr and Mrs. L. A. Palmer, Mr upper lone. antj MrSi rlt0rgs Peck and sons Mrs. Elmer Griffich, fieorrc Arthur Keene and family, Mr. and June visaed from Saturday -a-d Mrs. Van Winkle and ch:l until Tuesday in Portland. kr.!drrn, F. W. Winnard. Miss to Grifith and Katherine accompa-jiah Eskelson, W. E. Crosby, Arch- nied them as far as Arlington wh re they took the train. Also going to Arlington was Mrs P. I J. Linn who enjoyed a short vis.t with her son, Thomas Griffith. land daughters, Mr and Mn F an his wife and two chilirer.lHoskins and sons, Rov Lieuallar, Colum i Atase Oh.WLataStory! By Peter B. Kyne Elmer Qarke had money to burn, and there were plenty of people willing to hand him match. Here U sprightly, stir ring tale o! now ycu have it; now you lose it; now you find it again maybe.ItttPeterB.Kyne, America's great story teller at his very best. New Serial Star tin 2 In m ,dfflrk HeRE you can name your price and still de cide .. . ."I will buy only THE leading make of tire . . . Goodyear." INDEPENDENT GARAGE lone - Oregon l, .m I .ft swk, emim op-i Tax Levy Over, Amount Llnv! jitcd by Section 11 Art. XI of State Constitution. I Notice is hereby given that an Action will be held in School District No. 3o, of Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, at lone School house in said school district.June 15, at 1:30 p. m., for the purpose of sub mittiog to the lepal voters oj said ie and Vernon M tinkers. From the lone community Mr.and Mrs. Noel Dobyns, Mr. and h'rs. Sto'.t Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Heme!! wife and two sons, Junior Maron. ! George Tnjder. wife and sen, Vr. ' ... . . and Mrs. Carl Barlow and so Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Heliker, Ton' a'd and Harriet, A. M. Zink, Irtnk Mvson, !V rs. Ida Hutt, ; Mnnie Normoyle, Geneva Petty john, Jennie, Muriel and Al ee' Patters, Lonnie, Jim and Err! McCabe. Also presnt C. X. r-1 m'go and Milo Strandness, of Pa -; iette. Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. llaul.r I Dobyns of Portland uud Mr, u. ) ilrs. Liuus Andcraun and famiiy , of Weston. j i j Personal Mention ! .recetly arrived from Californi... L. E. Dick, w ife and two sons, of Pomeroy, Washington, motortd to lone. Decoration Da', return ing home Sinday. While, hen they were guests in the Bert Ma son home. Richard McElligott of Portland ' is here looking after his farming J ! interests. IJ J Mrs. Elmo McMillan and Rev-J erly who have been guests lor some time in the Emil Swanscn home left, Friday, for their home! in Salem. Mrs. Jone Collins and Bert Rotts arrived in lone, Wednesday of last week and are at the Char-' leyBotts home They came from; Seminole, Oklohoma, by auto, ! making the drive in six days. The distance h 2,200 miles. Woik v.hi'c tu wait m .,r.; rKVERt. IHLLS.-WVU all I l.!:rT H Just wh-t t read in the Papers, or vhat 1 s-e as I prowl hlthrr anil thither, mostly thither, Was Washington about Ion days ago. and saw quite a tow of the Hoya that wan still atayltijt thoro that wnsont up tor re-election this year. You can tell the ones that aro noln.t t run. They have ti rush Homo and atari tllnir thlnss up. nut the ! ones that are sot for a year or aa I more they tan kinder lay aroynd and i sorter mix v.th l ia Lobbyists, and 1 hr.ve a good timo without sottln? ; blamed for It. j Was up to New York and spoke tor i the Newspaper Publishers Association, , thata a Cms that gathers In from all over the Country once a year, and j belong to an Association to help be; j t.T each others coiuTlonr. then go ! horn.' mil wiUu Editorials against , L'nlouUut. Not all of en, but lome do. i Hut we did l.'.ve a flue Clnnt.. Ar:w 0. Carter from Ft. Worth. Owner of the Star Telegram, was the Toast Master and be nade a mighty R,i?d o"o t io. !! alv.sijs wan a good u'.-iv:. V t th ' rs the ftrat tlmu ;:uy L:.i ever h.id to u him to talk, a'ld they rouldont have picked a bet- ! tcr one. He kuew the Newspapers j and he knew the alupo thy were R j und ho Ur.cv: t'so t'lape tho Uunj.i ' v ere in. n id h ? Jj!.t shaped his re mark4 ordingiy. Pretty near every big Publi-her l.i America was there, they hsd Just uaJ a Convention, but like most conven nou they hud done nctuinn but "Ue :v" " ,ak "KeaoUr- uurcf i'n:venttniiH vou are lust about UoHed. At th'.s Convention there was aonio li'.t.e aniniosiiy axalnst tha adverth inj on the radio, that Is it ha 1 bci n a direct collection with Newapjp t ad vertisins. and dideut bavo the Invc't went and pay the tax,s liiut tho runers ar compelled too. So they naturally took that phato up. and 1 come riiht down to it t'uito In nj j roason why they should give thj radio ' prosrammea all tie freo advertiain;;. J It ehould be paid for the saiuo as a Theatre d'.c?. Hnt some of them j o.' t'i.' Iue-.t:.ai.i. tU.'jr I...-' : -u viiil r'.z' t '"J FOHK' o her I'll ' ; h ive to come lu and destroy ihu wurtr. i of their iuvc.itmtntj. Well they v.as klndej forKettitia; heu the Pio'u'.h: tlaa amendment come in and put nil the Brewery'a and Ubstillery'a out cl bii.Mm."s with no recourse t th courts or any ehim. Even if you ar - ! jf '.:U'U':t.t:tt.t:i:.nee-nnn:t:!'tt.::.u.nn.:it I : IONE INDEPENDENT j JOB PRINT "ICNE BLACKSMITH SHOP We are prepared to take care of your slutting requirements by the installation of an 0 e'ectric key way machine in a wide range of sizes. secoml hand combines for Til "" 1. 1 V!lipUIII.J new .wiuiMiita. , i M Js7 I P. O'Mprn Pmnnlnr ? U. SUBSCRIBE FOR l i Tili Li INDEPENDENT j $1-50 A YEAR When You Visit fleppner 1 Eat A: The f "Elkhorn Restaurant" jCoodMeals IJtstofService I Lunch Counter if r tru ... t i uysician and burgeon :; Office In Masonic Building ; ; L Trained Nurse Assistant :: fleppner, . Oregon i: In favor of t.vo Amondmcnt, It as le;IUmato to than, and it It ws voted out Uiey jhould hnve had socio claim. So somo of these yej kliuler made you think what thos' feltowt. had to atand (or. llut Its nil a lot of 'Iloey." Tho radio wont put tho Paper out of ISusl ness. Wo not to havo nomelhins he Hides toothpaste, so we will always road the papers, besides If It wa;ent for the Peanut Vendor Sons there wouldeul be any radio, tiood papers will always last, and Tabloids will continue to do a bit; business for those that cant road. Hut hove learned to know every Char acter lu America by their Plciutv alone. They have to rend little papers In New York and big Cities, they etm unfold a big paper, they have at go. room. Thoy like pictures of their f;i vorlte murderers Just like aomo oilier like their Movie Stars. Its u ttlii:t rn a murderer to druw well In the paers must b good looking. Its Rctiliij; so thore 1 nO ii.'j p." a t u man e m mlttliiR a crime, uo one will look at him. He Jttst cant Ket lu the papj.vt. Charley Bch..b was tho prlnelpil Speaker at the d! :: '.r. Ho says ho Is an optimist even now. and that we are not .t bad oft W H maby we alnt. This hunger tuny W only bo an Illusion Met at the Dinner I this follow Hoy Howard, of Serlpps Howard, that buy-) all the Newspaper. Thry bought the New York World, and combined It with the Kveninu Telegram. Well he and Serlpps are ml?hty keen fllrds. I also met Serlpps. Ho has whl:d.cr', and that with Roy's full dress erenliw cape, makes a mighty hard oniMcu Hon to beat. They are younr. full prcft-rra. and good credit, an.l a In like the only way to Uep froa s;l!l-c; your paper to i-n Ij f jint diusband It. Howard took me to bis line o:Hc He asked me Uat I win! 1 hive. I , to'd him Chop Suey. Its furnNhcJ like , a Joss house. He Is jsrowlns a :n. tie. nnd signs his name with two p ni at j 1 iil.. uiu iie v nui The Hoys were reany mitv rr wri i at the dinner, another or.d mir.hty j i -oo.l I'idleallon of l.nrd tlir.es. Som , of em Jut hod lo l wiuit lit.le lis ; , j cuiiid from the oi:-'r Itrt ft l. r'-iv. j I small town KdHors had to J-srt act , I Kouin d In orde, to Impie s. 11 it It wis j a fine affair; one of the b.-st I -vcr I attended, male s,j by Srhv a a i I , Carter and a good aud'enco. j (ii till M,S'ihl S'ic.:!. Ill ) j For DRM'KRS go w i'. G. P.al-, siger. j ITH SHOP" n n and a stock of shafting Jf We also have a list of sale. Agency for l!:. . j Dr.J.RMcCrady t Dentist X-Ray DIAGNOSIS Office; Odd Fellows Hld'g. Heppner Oregon J. 0. PETERSON EXPERT WATCHMAKER AND JEWELRY REPAIRER Hrppner, Oregon. Dr.CW. Barr DENTIST Phone M 1012 Ctlinan Bl)g, Heppner, Ore. Ev.!tiin arid Sjimljy apjintmsn rti: . V ( ! i WW 5 mi Tliere aise iimes when a'lelephone is woti its weight And at all times it is a precious saver of r,teps, saver of time, conservcr of friend ships. It costs but a Tin: Pacini: Th.kpiionj: I I ami M. M. M. JB,-e IONE S NEW HOTEL NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Ralph Harris Manager First Class Restaurant in connection Operated by Mrs. John Grimes 1 1 t tr.titt.:t'n-'.in : Before contracting or selling your wheat it Will pay you to see L Balsiger representing B. G. and Co. lone, atitututt . STRAUSS & CO. Grain Dealers, of Portland, Oregon Will Be Represented this Season by W. M. Eubanks It will pay you to see him before you sell your wheat. jA.B. GRAY M.D. V Physician & Surgeon ileppner Oregon Classes Fitted t ' v arm Implements VULCAN and OLIVER PLOWS, SUPERIOR DRILLS, FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES, MYERS PUMPS, STAR and AERMOTOR WIND MILLS. WINONA W VCONS. S Bates Steel Mule Tractor 1 PAUL G. lone, j, . $M LI 'i- 7 Ik Bvifil ma 2m w in aoia few cents a day. May ve install your tele phone? AMTi:i.ir.rupii Company r I M. A JJIi .J. I ft ! n.H::.ntttt..ttt . .. Oregon . n tt ttat-tt'tttutu U F' H- ROBINSON t .. Attorney & Counselor ' J At liw ; ll ITu-tl.-i. hi All I II., l i.iirl IONE OREGON BALSIGER Oregon i j tf