r , Th ni e riaiBis o . ... By JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD .. . . , a; by I'nubleday Dnran Co,, 1 no. CHAPTER XII Continued 22 Ho tumid mi - n n 1 1 it ii t m, n ml no one Viii-w III story. An officer found ho win acquainted wllli tli country, and ho ni tiuiilit a I .iik Otoriif) scout In ttino to lm captured hy ItoRxri and IiIm rniiKcn on Christmas eve of 17fift. lie 4-miiifi1 In January niii win hark at I'orl Ciirllluii curly In February, when It learned Hint I'll nl Tai'he In d been tiiin nf tint l iciu li oMfcrs nt (Inwi'KO. Vint tlml lm luul been killed, Jcetin felt a pang nf regret. Lately he lui'l been thinking nf I'll III Tnrlie and (if 'liiliii'lli'i mother, wondering what Ihelr nlilimlit would be when some day ho t til (1 llii in what had liujirui'l after tli nuiHNiici o nt Tontctir manor. There U no letter of Information which rover Hi" lapse In Jeem' mili tary hNiory between February and August of 17".'. lit which lime lit whs present nt (ln rupture of Tort Wll Hum Henry, or Kurt Cenrge, nml wit nessed lliii iiuincre of ll r.iigllsh H ii rrl hi iti hy ut iitroltiitila French In illiin li'i by the A tiffin k Im. Here Jeems tm i i luivn experienced nn un nsiial thiH k, fr 'miii n f i cr tin killing, when In their madness some of (lie In llnn were rooking English flesh n spit nml In kettles, ho cmne upon the Mark f rocked priest who hnd accom panied the Alu'iinkl nml foiuii) him to tie t lie Jesuit. I'lerre Itouliaud, who liuil mad Tolni'tte hi wife nt Chrnuf ili). Father Itmihnuil m even then preparing tlmt eyewitness ilortimeiit which wnt tetllel to become a vain hie pert of Jesuit end French F.ng 11h)i history, em! whoae hunilrei) or jnore ace yellowed pages, written moat ly hy torchlight amid scenes of hor ror, one limy rem In the Jesuit archives nt (Juehee. The prlet saw Jeems, lint o Intent was he upon hi task and o (rent were the changes wrought hy sixteen month tlmt he 1UI not recognir hi in, Bin Jeein left till prnence without making himself known. After Port William Henry end the I ei 1 1 1 In li t Frenrh successes which pre coded It, Jeein began to feel the In evitable pressure which U Imund to crush the life from a country t tint Ii 'iiornimily outweighed hy It antag onist' Th Ktigllsh rolniite hnd put nn end to quarrels among themselves, and tnlllioti and a hnlf people were tut In motion ecu I tut the eighty thou umi (I In New France, and hehlnd thU Inundating force were powerful F.ng 1lh armies and a ktlll more powerful Kngllsh niivy already Inspired hy 1'ltt nnd Wolfe. A Te Penin were sung because of hi vMorles, Montcalm knew Hint New Frnnre wn hovering nt the brink of ruin, hut nt no time did the outcome of hi heroic context pre with greiiter certainty upon himself thim upon Jeem. A the ruptured cannon were rushed from Fort Wlltlnm Henry to Tlcon lerojtn, Jeem surrendered hlmnelf, a Montcnlin wn doing In another wny, to the lut rhnpter In hi fnte. There wn no K"iil nt which he rntild nlm, nothlue for which ho could piny; win ning for Cntindii, ahnuld the iiilrm-le of ultlninte victory come, could hold no more of noliire and hnpplnen fur lihn Hum defent nt the Imnd of the Vjigllnh. There were time when hi rretich nnd Kngllsh Imdy wn dlvldeJ " nt'iihiHt llxelf, when hi mother and cpt.lhiih Adnms and nil they stood for looked upon him questlotilngly from out of the pnst a If he hnd turned Irnltor to ome preclou piirt of them, yet In aurh a way that they could not condemn him. In hour like these, the spirit of Tolnetle ciimo to Id aide nnd plnred her hnnd In his, and he knew It wn fur her he wn fighting, for the home which would liave been their, for the country she -would have mnde a pnrndlse for hint. Hlie grew neiiror aa the lurenesi of an nppronehlng end crept upon hltn, nnd lie felt tho beginning of a comfort he liad not known before. It wm the roniolntlon nf omctlilng uhout to hap pen. Something that waa troinendoua nnd flnnl. Souietliltig tlmt would have to1 do with her nnd with him. Ho knew whnt It wa and waited pa tiently fur It na another yenr pnssed. Then dime Tlconderogn, that July 8, 1758, when over n apnee of a hun lred acre one could not walk with out aliilnlng tho aolea of his shoci with French or KiikIImIi blood tlmt red day In blatory nnd herolim when threo thotmiind toll-worn, hiiruaacd aeldler of New Franco faced six thousimd Itrltlsh rcgulnri nnd nine HioiikiiimI Anierlcnn mllltliiinen; tho 4liiy on which Jeema nnd hli comrade drove buck tho wave of scarlet nnd pild nnd n thmiNnnd kilted Hlghlund cr of tho Hlnck Watch led by Dun can Cnmplioll of Inverr.we, until, na Montcalm wroto to his wife, even tho bullet-icnrrod trees seemed to ha drip ping blood. Through hours of tumult nnd death, Jeems londed and fired, nnd Blabbed with Ills bayonet, nnd tho thing for which ho was wnltlng dkd pot como. Men fell Around hltn, tens nnd neon1 and hundreds of them, as tho day wore on. Ho anw whole ranks Hhlver nnd crumble before blun!s of fire. Hut when It was ended nnd tho KngllHh dropped buck In a Inat aimiHh Ing defeat, ho wus tinscnlhed except, for bruises and ponder burns on his -fleah. Ab Hut Montcnlin retreated, und thU puxxled Jeem. The army beKiin to leiirn the t rut h as, weary nml foot lore, It turned toward Quebec, Hit piiclty, folly, Intrigue, and falsehood had fed nt tho heart of New France until It wu honeycombed by the rot teiuun of dissolution. Montcalm wn It one slur of hope, nnd a autumn came, then winter, It leetued to Jeem that Moiitciiliu'i (iuil hud deserted hlin. The St. Lawrence win filled with lirlt lli shlpH. The linrvct w-it meager, and a barrel of Hour rout two hundred fninc. Kven Mmitnilm ate horso flesh. Ktlll he did not lose fnlth In (iod, A thousand scoundrel headed by Vntidreull had fattened on the na tion's downfall, and he pmyed for them. "What a country l" he ex claimed, ''Here all the kimve grow rich and tho honest nun are ruined." A fti;litlng mini, a man of aword and deiith, he kept hi fill Hi to the end. "If we are driven from the St. Law rence," he w rote to hi wife, "we-will descend the MUsliixIptil and make a final stum! for France among the Kwamp of Louisiana." Thus planned and prayed the man whose bleached skull I now shown Pi visitor In the L'rsullne convent at, Quebec. Through the spring nnd sum mer of 17'ti, Jeem watched the splderi a they w.ive their web ever closer about Quebec, the Inst French stronghold In Amerlcn. It wa In May of 17.".fl Hint Tolnette hnd been killed, and It wn In May of 'M that he first law from the Moiitmurenrl shore the mighty rock which so long hnd been the mlstres of the New world. Four month Inter, on the mmt eventful September 13 of written his tory Unit "To-morrow Morning" which will never be forgotten he stood on the I'laliii of Ahruliam. Moiiti-nlm's (iod wn about to com plete an Immaculate elegy which hung In the sir like a mlk'hty chorus waiting for ' whispered command to begin. To Jeem Hulaln, faring the sun and the thin red line of the Itrltlsh acrosi the meadow where Abraham Martin had grated hi rattle, fate wa bring ing an end to uncertainty and chaos. It had missed hlin at Fort William Henry, at Tlconderogn, at Mont morencl, but here he could feel It presence an escape a relcne from bondage something greater than Iron or flesh a the crlniMiii lines drew nearer. He felt the spirit of what Montcalm had said to bis doomed heroes a few minute before. "Cod U surely watching out the I'lulus of Abraham today." CHAPTER XIII It wa ten o'clock, the hour of the crisis. At dawn It had been fogey; at six shower had .'alien ; now It wa hot. It mtcltt have been July Instead of September. In darkness twenty four Itrltlsh volunteers had climbed the steep hols'it from th river, hang ing to bushes, digging their finger Into crevices of roik. craw ling with their face against the earth, making their wny foot by foot. "I nui afraid you cannot do It," Wolfe hnd said, looking at the pllllke hiat'knes above. Hut they did. Namelca In history, they deMroyed the old map of tint world ittid put another In Its place. In that hour twenty four men ruined France, gave rise to a greater Eng land, rrcutcd a new nation. At the top, Vergor, the French offi cer, slept soundly with hi guard. To him fate might have given the glory of keeping the old map Intact. lint be was killed before he could wipe the dare of slumber from bis eyes. Wolfe's path wa made, and llko a thin at renin of red ants the Hrltlsh continued to nscnid the trull which had been Mused for them. Vnudreull, the governor, the arch villain who lost half a continent for France, lay In hi cozy nest of In iquity a short distance away dream ing of sensual days with the faithless Madame do I'ticim and planning a fu ture with tho king's own' mistress, La ronipndour. Across tho St. Charles, expecting the Itrltlsh In n different di rection, sleepless, worn, robbed of every chnnce to win by the weakness and Imbecility of this favorite of a king's mistress, was Montcalm. Gave Life to Further In order to discover tho yellow fever germ Pr. James Carroll sacri ficed his own life by permitting an Infected mosquito to blto him. He was member of the honrd thnt wn ap pointed by the United States govern ment to Investigate the ncute Infec tious diseases then occurring on the Inland of Culm, lie submitted himself to Inoculation, with a consequent se vere attack of tho fever. Ho recovered, but died seven years later In Wash ington, September lfl, 1007. Ills death was regarded as nn ulUinuto restiH of tho dim-use. Doctor Ctirroll was born In England June B, 1854, nnd was a physician ajid surgeon In tho United States army nt tho time of his nppolntinent to tho Ilnvuna yellow fever commission. Th other members of the hoard rah am WNU Harirlc. Jeems was with tbu battnllon of Culeiino which had come up from Its camp on the St. Charles at six o'clock In the morning, Its white uniforms thronging the rldgo of Huttes a-NcTeu, from which It beheld the Hrltlsh mole hill growing Into a mountain. About him Jeems saw the Plains of Abraham, and a strange song was In his heart as he thought that Tolnett had been of this soli and that her great great grandfather had given name to the earth soon to run red with blood. The i'lalns were wide and level In most par!, with bushe and trees and cornfield dotting them here and there. They were the front yard to Quebec, a field of destiny lying be tween the precipitous descents to the St Lnwreuce on one side and tint siuikellke, lazy St. Charles on the other, with a world of splendid ter rain spreading In a panorama under the rye. As he lay watching with the men of (lUlenue, Jeem could scarcely have guesed that this scene of pastoral beauty wn the stage upon which one of the epic tragedle of all time was about to he enacted. A feeling of rest possessed hltn, as If a period had come to mark the end of the confu sion and unhapplnes which had held hlin a victim for three years, and he felt mysteriously near the presence of Influences be could not see. He was a product of times when faith In the spiritual guidance of the sffalrs of men was strong, and It was not diffi cult fr blra to conceive that Tolnetta was close at hi side, whispering la word w hich only hi soul could hear that he had come home. Six o'clock grew Into seven, seven Into eight, snd eight Into nine. In front of him England was forming. Hehlnd him, tricked and outgeneraled, Montcalm was rushing In mad haste across the SL Charles bridge snd un der the northern rsmpart of Quebec to enter the city through the i'alac (ate. At the edge of the I'lalns of Abraham the boyish Wolfe, poet and philosopher, wa preparing for glory or doom. In the quaint, narrow streets of the town were gather ing hordes of Indians In scalp locks and war paint, troops of itarved and cheated Canadians ready to make a last stand for their homes, bat talions of Old France In white unl form and with gleaming bayonet, battle scarred veterans of Sarre and Liinguedoc snd Itousslllon and Itearn, fed on meager rations for week but eager to fight for Montcalm. Ahead where Jeem was looking, were quiet and order and the stole sureties of England's morale. I'.ehind w-ere cour age and chivalry and the Iron sinews of hemes In the throes of excitement nnd undisciplined rush. Jeems saw none of this and Doth lug beyond the distant red line. The I'lalns lay In sunshine, w ith bird wings flushing, crows feeding in the corn fields. The earth was a great oriental rug warm with autumn tlutlngs, the woods yellow and gold In a frame about It The gun of Samoa, of Sillery, of the boat In the river made sleepy detonations, and on the rise of (Suites n-Neveu Jeem might have slept, lulled hy that never-ending monotony of sound, the warmth of the sun, the blue of the sky, the stillness of the I'lulus. He closed his eyes, snd the sliver nnd gold mists of sun set rose about him, the ends of days In which he saw the I'lalns peopled again, first by Abrnhain Martin and his cows a hundred and thirty-four years before, then hy Tolnette, his fa ther nnd mother, Hepslbnh Adams and himself. Here was a place he had known, n plnce hi feet had trod, his soul hnd lived. He heard th earth whispering these things, ths earth which be held between his fingers as If It were Tolnette's hands. In the town, priests and nuns were praying, and a bell sent forth Its melody, a cheer to mnn, another ap peal to God. New Franc was on her knees, and Montcalm was on th I'lalns, some of his men coming through the gnte of St. Louis and some through that of St John, breathless and eager, to where the banners of Gulenno fluttered on the ridge. tTO DC CONTINUED.) Fight on Yellow Fever were MaJ. Walter Reed, also a phy sician and surgeon of the United States army, Dr. Jesse I-nxcur and Dr. Arlstldes Agrnmonte. Doctor Ijis car accidentally contracted the disease during the experiments nnd died, and Major Heed died of appendicitis In Washington tho year following tho conclusion of the experiments, his death occurring on November 23, 1W2 Lair Weather As defined by tho weuthcr bureau, a clenr day Is one on which the sky Is three tenths or less covered with clouds. Tho word "fair" used In con nection with the weather forecasts In dicates that three-tenths or lew of clouds nnd less than .01 Inch of pre cipitation are expected during th p rind enve-cd h the forces" SB MARY GRAHAM BONNER. . torrl.ril ii ftpus M Wis tl fl4M THE LOVELY MUSIC Th robin received message from some of the winged fairies who help to make the music of Fairyland o wonderful. Of course, you know though, that the one who lead the little orchestra of the fairies, Is the Fairy Vbab. Well, th ones who were taking around the mes- W''AY9pa f,,r ,,ab YfUntl'Cf'.Jn went to th nests of, the robins near by and at the side of each nest they put a twig on which were the words. "Come to the concert tomorrow morning. Every "Com to t h Concert" robin Is wanted! The fairies will sing snd play and the robins are asked to sing too." , .Nobody else but the robins nnd the faLrle would have understood those words on the twig for It was Just a way the fairies had of pulling the bark on the twig which made the rob ins understand. Th next morning, bright and early, th robins were awake. "It's the day of the concert," they said, and they chirped happily while they were pruning their feathers and making a great effort to look their best. Grandpa (tobln had on a fine waist cont of red snd hi trousers were of speckled gray. His cost wss of dull brown and un der his right wing he carried a walk ing stick. All the other robins looked very handsome too. They began to fly OTer the tree where the falrle had said th con cert was going to take pTace. And what should they hesr but a constant pounding on th trees. "Peck, peck, peck," they heard, i "They must be the ones who'r go ing to play the drams," said the rob ins, and they said this after hearing the sound, snd also seeing the mem hers of the woodpecker family there, "Ves, we're going to beat the drums, and also find some Insects for our breakfast Inside the bark of the trees. "We're going to do two things at once, and do them both better than some can do two things st once." They laughed about this. They real ly weren't conceited. Mr. Downy Woodpecker w-as wear Ing a black and whit suit which wss most becoming. Ill collar was or red ! It was a truly, beautiful one. Soon came Fairy Thab, her little fairy musicians and the Queen of the Fairies. "(lood morning all,' they shouted. "Good morning," chirped the robin. And the Downy Woodpeckers be gan beating the drums by way of saying good morn ing. Then the music began. Fairy Ybab waved her silver wand while her little head went from side to side to keep time with the music. On her head she wore her best sli ver crown, and her "To Beat th Drums." huir was very black and very long, Mr. iHiwny Woodpecker and his family kept perfect time with their drum-drum drumming, And the concert was a glorious one. The robins never sang better, At least the Fairies said so, and I heard several grownups who didn't know what had been happening, mak ing the same remarks. Good Adric If a hard lesson Is to learned, do not spend a moment fretting; do not lose a breath In saying "I can't," or "I do nut see how," but go at It, and keep at It. That Is the only way to con quer It. If a fault Is to be cured, or a bad habit broken off, It cannot he done by Juat being sorry," or only trying a lit tie. You must keep fighting It, and not give up fighting until It Is got rid of. Who Can Answer This? If a Hottentot tot taught a Ilotten tot tot to talk e'er the tot could totter, ought the Hottentot to be taught to say aught, or naught, or what ought to be taught herT If to hoot and to toot a Hottentot tot be taught by a Hottentot tutor, should the tutor get hot If the Ilotten tot tot hoot and toot at the Hottentot 'utor? Outlook. Hot Dog Ted My feet hum like the dickens do you think a mustard bath would" hclpt Nod Sure 1 There' nothlig better than mustard for hot dogst Mm mm wm 111 Turkey Refute to Part With Old Royal Galley Turkey's precious royal pleasure galley, dating from the reign of Sul tan Mohammed IV, will neter be sold no matter how many fluttering offers are mode, according to the di rector of the nazal museum at latan but, Turkey. A lirltlsh enterprise re cently offered the government a large sum for this unique craft, proposing to tak It to the United States for exhibition purpose. Th offer was rejected. The galley, believed to date back to 1050, Is 40 meters long, r'4 meters wide, Vk meters deep and weighs I.'jO tons. It was manned by 144 men, three to each jar. Thelalnt use at that period was so good that even now It Is almost as fresh as when new, particularly the blue. The gilded prow Is long and sharp, but the remainder of the galley Is curi ously overhung after the fashion of ancient Venetian craft In the stern Is the Imperial cabin with a triple cupola supported by columns and completely overlaid with mother-of-pearl and tortolsd-shell mosaic, stud ded with garnet glass. The ruhln Is flanked by two gilded gryphons and entered through a balustrade adorned with four large balls of cloudy crys tal. In addition to this masterpiece of medieval boat-builders' art, there are 13 other caique In the same build ing graceful craft once propelled with glided oars, scores of which are stacked In the half-forgotten naval museum beside the Golden horn. World Awaiting Volume of Poetry by Eskimos Knud TlasrnusHcn, the Arctic ex plorer, ha sprung a surprise upon the world He has celebrated his return to civilization, after many years of wan dering In the wilds, by publishing a volume of poems by Eskimos. It will be Interesting to s.-e the poems In English. We may be sure Itasmussen has presented them worthily In print, for. with hi Euro pean education, he has the advantage of being half an Eskimo, and so thoroughly understands his subject It seems natural for primitive peo ple to talk of wild picturesque poetry, onrhymed, but full of beauty and Imagination, such as we see fixed for all time in the musical name which the Red Indians gave to rivers and lakes and mountains In their native land. It will be remembered by some that scholar have declared the Es kimo language contalnt, only about two hundred words, which should add greatly to the labor of the poets. Mailt Co 50,000,000 Miles More than 50,000,000 mile were traveled lost year In about 15.O00.0o0 hour by automobiles carrying Unit ed Slstes mall. Dr. Pierce's TeHet r best for liver, bowels nd stomach. On little Pellet for Uiativt thre for a cathartic. Adr. Caught Cold Likely nenry Your engine Is coughing bsdly again. Ford Shouldn't wonder. 1 had Its muffler off Inst night Of WLIVERTROUBLES Coated tongue, bad breath, constipation, bilj eusnen. nausea, indigestion, dizziness, insom nia result from acid stomach. Avoid senoui illnew by taking August Flower at once. Get at any gooi druRRitt Relieve pnmtik (weetrni stomach, livenl liver, aidsdis-estion Clear out poisons. You (eel fine, eat anything, with yUCUST pLOWER Freedom Will Be Short An eaglet, his egg blasted out of a cliff near Los Angeles, Calif., has been hatched In an Incubator and is hobnobbing with baby chicks When the primal urge comes to cat his birth-fellows, he will be presented to an aviary. Castoria corrects CHILDREN'S ailments Wt HAT a relief and satisfaction it is for mother to know that there b always Castoria to depend on when babies get fretful and uncom fortable! Whether it' teething, colic or other little upset, Castoria always brings quick comfort; and, with relief from pain, restful sleep. And when older, fast-growing children get out of sorts and out of condition, you have only to give a more liberal dose of this pure vegetable preparation to right the disturbed condition quickly. Because Castoria is made ex pressly for children, it has just the needed mildness of action. Vet you can always depend on it to be ym-. Feen-a-mint is the answer. Cleansing action of smaller doses effective because you chew it. At your druggists the safe and scientific farttfte. FOR CONSTIPATE OLD l.MTFIl ST ATM COIN1 .WASfCT. Tours may l vlubl. Wrlia lint To S. LrltUTZ. Hon Hi. Msrsnai) Lak. N. T. J II have PIMPLES or SKIN BLEMISHES Cut Out This Ad and Mail to ... CtNTUtY NATIONAL CHEMICAfc-CO. War1 4 Crets Sti rotron, N. J. For a FREE Cake of GLENN'S Sulphur Soap 33i Sulphur A hoapltillty llada Its bis heal xprawtoa la thia qaisitalr appoiottd hotel. Famed for lis cl Uai Dia ls Room asd LoHm Shop S3 tot Also 835 Geary Apartmtnu .T'C I 11 - Hi 5 Mf..rVs'rVI Oregon & CauTornia Directory HOTEL ROOSEVELT SAN rRANCISCO'S NEW FINE MOT IT. trrrj room wllh tub ami sflowrr tt.iX) U) LtuO Jonea at Eddy. Garapa uodrri Mt. Start Now! EARN BIG MONEY a to au pr cent paid wans l.niinf. Pnaitinn aurftd. Larturra weekly. 33 llfea. W rlta for catalog. Mfll FD SYSTEM of colleges lYIULtrl 7! 1Wrd SL Partlwia, Ora. Hotel Hoyt Special winter rata by day, week or monia PORTLAND, ORECON 4 MenUfiy t tnfnof Corner th asd Hoyt Sta., Near Colon Station. UDYAGQITSSSb5?S Every farm houe needs it.Wnte for information. BEALL PIPS A TANK CORPORATION Portland ... Oretoa W. N. U, Portland, No. 21-1931. Preparedness Young Husband Last night when I got home my wife hnd my chair drawn up before tho fire, my slip pers ready for me to put on, my pipe filled and Cynic How did you like her new bat Tit-Bits. h-i.--.Ym -.Tut aliumasr.--- AVsjftaaSr Pi Saws"' w SMk,Lastki ItsM lN tfftflrmV Tl 'I MMtnl TioT!Aico ntf ferri- effective. It is almost certain to clear up any minor ailment and cannot possibly do the youngest child the slightest harm. So it's the first thing to think of when a child has a coated tongue, is fretful and out of sorts. Be sure to get thSj genuine; with Cliai. If. Fletcher's signature on the package. i I CASTORIA