MN' wm V9 lev - -r- IO.ME INDEPENDENT IONIC, OIJKCON Friday, June 5, HKH, I do most nnxiousl wish to we the higher tletfrcus of edu cat'on jriven tothw higher degrees of jrenius, and to all de j.;i uh ti it, i.o much as may ennMe them to rend and under stand what is going on in the world. Tin t Jfviwn NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING at school ci.osr; The end ha come, an come it must To all things; in the sweet June day The teacher and the ucholar trust Their parting feet luHvptmte ways. They part: but in the years to he Shall pleasant memories cling to each, As shells bear inland from the sea The murmur of the rythmic beav'i One knew the joy the sculptor ! i.;k When, plastic to hu lightest toi t h, Hit clay-wrought inodclslowly g, . f To that fine gruce ilt-Mred so much. fc'o daily grew before her eyes The living f! ape! '.vliim i she wroul.i strong, U'luN-r, iiiuo.'i i.tly wise. 'J he child's thought with the's h ait. And one shall never quite forget 1 be voice that called from lica:n and play. The firm bntikindly hand that set ller fed in learning's ph usant vvajs. J'llni C. Uh'ttWr NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voter of School Distfict No, 35, of Morrow County. State of Oregon, that a School Meeeling of Raid district will bo hcni at th school house on the 15th day of June, 11)31, at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of liscuHiin,'j the budgat herein after set out with the levy ing board and to vote on the proportion of voting a special distric tax. The total amount of force needed by the said school district during the fiscal year heginnig June 30, 1032, and ending June 30, 11)32 is estimated in the following budget and includes the amouns to be received from the county school fund, state school fund, ele moritaay school fund, special district tax, ahd all other moneys of the district. When the budtfi.t meeting i held In connection with Hit annujl ichixil meeting, llic fnllhwlntf provision of ttlion 232, School l.owt ofl92V, thoulil be oliu-rvid: "Unill the ballot are counted at leatt one hour aft er the Nine et tor the met ting in ilUtrliU of the second chiuei, any le Kiil voter oi the u'Utiltrl shall be entitled to vote upon any matter be fore the mretiriit BUDGET Estimated Receipts INDEBTEDNESS Amount of Bonded Indebtedness $34,000.00 Amount of Warrant Imlebtet'dejs 15.1C3 G4 Total Indtbtcr.tfS $4P,1G3 C4 Ualsd this 23rd day of May, 1031. Attest: Delia M. Corson - Ruth R 'asson Dist. Clerk Chairman of fcclml Board 9 1. Balance on hand at beginning of school year (third Monu:.y in June) for which this budget is made $ 2. From county school fund, ..$ 991.21 3. From state school fund 220. (K) S From tlfiii -i.tnry school fund 1417.80 0. For tuition, pupils below highschool.. 050.00 7. From county high school tuition fund for tuition and tr;nortati"n 2181.13 10. Total e ti.-natc-l receipts . Estimated ICxpenditures ' $5819.20 EDITORIAL Element. High Total I. CKNEUAL CONTROL 1. Personal Service: EDUCATION "Tli? JtiiMihitioii vj J mil ion is llir t liiii!niil its youth" Our reat financial system U sick so is our eelucat. ional system. In each of these immense enterprises there is a fundamental law 1u.i iuiu.cel and it is only a matter of cxpeiment and time until each will be headed toward per fection. Many seemingly great educators are slower in learning than some of their dullest puiils. They employ every rem. edy from pills to crutches to keep the akward body of edu. citiou on its feet, in order to hold the good will of the peo ple and thus retain their jobs. In short they cater !o spoiled children and ignorant parents just because it looks best. As a result we, the people of this vast nation, pay as much hard earned money for the progress of education as we do for the suppression of crime. We are going nowhere fast. Here's the trouble-Parents have acquired, the idea that knowledge is something that can be poured into a child. No greater lie was ever believed. The whole responsibility for 'learning' has been placed on the teacher. A teacher can teach and that is all,- the pu pil mnst do the lcsrr.lng if then i any done. The modern pupil comes into the doss room, slouches into his seat and looks at the teacher, fishy-eyed as much as to say, "well, here I am, now learn me, damn yt u." Here's the cure. Fire every loafer in the entire system. Help educate these who truly feel the need of such posses sion. We would'nt Keep inefficient men on a job - why keep them in a school? They're a hindrance and a menace to our country. The time is not far distant and the trend is fast on its way when editors will be compelled by the treat underly ing law governing our educational system to turn their atten tion from tlx notions of people and use their own neglected brains to bring about a method to help educate only thoje who can be educated an let the others drop. That's the way the law works, People, like water, reach a level. We must be hopeful. K volution needs time. Look at the automobile twenty years afco. Melvin L. Kailian (1) Superintendent.. $15;',0. (2) Clerc .... 2.'). 2. Supplies 20. 3. Elections and publicity 35. 4. I'gal service 15. 0. Total expense, Cen Control. $21M.M III. INSTRUCTION -Teaching 1. Personal Service: (1) Teachers ...$1200. (2) Teaching 1125. (3) Teaching 1215. (4) Teaching .. . 1350 2. Supplies 50. 3. Text books, desk and Intl. 10. 4. Text books. 110. (i. Total Expense Teaching . $1)00.00 OPERATION GF PLANT $770. 25. 20 35. 15. $1330. 1215. 1215. 50. 10. IV 1. Personal Service (1) Janitor. & other Serv. $5 10. $270. 2. Janitor's supplies 50. DO. 3. Fw-I 300. 300. 4. Light and jover 100. 100. 5. Water 45. 45. " $1800" 00 $ 10. 100. 8. Total Expense of Operations . V. MAINTENANCE V REPAIRS 1. Repair and replacement furniture and Equipment $ 10. Repair and maintenance of buildings and grounds . 100. 4. Total Expense Maintenance & Rep $220.00 VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES 2. Library books $ 25. 3. Supplies, repairs, etc 10. 3. Transportation of pup-'ls (i) rriijul sorvL'e 1635. f. Tolid Expense Agencies VII. FIXED CHARGES 1 Insurance 100. 75. 10. 835. $2020.00 $100. 5. Total Fixed Charges $200.00 IX. DEBT Si-.;, VICE 1. Principil In bonds $1500. 2. Princi . :.l on warrants . . 4285. 4. Inter: 't on bonds 1900. 4 Interest on warants 1000. 1) Total lk-bt Service $g683 00 X EMERGENCY 5. lotal Lm ency $535. CO Summary of Estimated Expenses For School yew from June 30, 1031 to June 30. 1932 DISSKNSION Hecnt meetings of the State Board of Control have been marked by disagrecnt with Hal I loss in the storm center. I. ? .li'iful Pro, r lli'lici'l I.hiiSh Hli'M'iii ' n will Hie iif 'nr nf I if ir:iyir i;limln'i "When ilic iliiy relnrns." Tin' completo pinyer Is: "When I lie ilny returns, return lo iir, our kiiii mill comforter, nn1 cull in tin wllh mornliiK Moon imil with morning lionrln eiiKor lo Inhor vnitvt to lo lmppy, If linppim u ahull tic our portion n ml If Urn il.iy hImII he mnrkpil for sorrow, . iiii to en dure tt.M ... 4 , V1' ' '' "V ' w. r ' 1 re. Personal service Supplies . Maintenance iuM repairs Debt service . Miscelaneous Emergency. Total $1130.00 200.00 220.00 8(585.00 1120.00 . 535 00 $25510.00 I on. Ihil I toss Recapitulation Total estimated expenses for the year $25,510.00 Potal Estimat d receipts not including proposed tax 5,819.20 Balance, amount to be raised by district tax $19,CC0 8o' Mlui.Mli 1 K.t till 'Vfj ll M SERVICE Vlr B. Kuiv TF YOU went to bed poor and woke up to find yourself possessed of a million dollars, what would you do? With ruth less satire and keen humor Peter B. Kyne vividly portrays the ex citing adventures of Elmer Clarke with his suddenly acquired mil lion; how he had to side- 4tv step, duck and run to (gSjjr escape the "gold diggers." Fiction of Dash and Thrill New Serial for For Batter Wrap?i Lvj;r H;ads, Post ers, or printing of any kind go to the lone Independent In Memoriam 'Vi M. I 1 . 'V tN. .,'. f. ' .:. ,.iTV: .' yy"H t J. D