The Ione independent. (Ione, Or.) 1916-19??, May 29, 1931, Image 2

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    Chicken Chop Suey
Chicken Chop Suty
trrtparM bv the fnlted lliia rrartr.vent
ot Asrlcullure.) WXU Same.
Perhaps you have always thought ot
chop suey as t dish that It too un
usual and foreign to prepare it home.
A a matter of fact, chop suey Is un
known In China; It originated In
Chinatown in San Francisco, In an
attempt to give visitors something out
of the ordinary. It Is made with such
Chinese ingredients as water nuts,
bamboo shoots, bean sprouts, soy
sauce and often dried mushrooms, as
well as chicken or pork, but a very
food dish closely resembling the orig
inal chop suey in flaTor may be made
with vegetable that are common in
most American localities. Soy sauce
is sold in a great many groceries, and
the chop suey will be almost perfect in
flavor if joa can get it If not. Wor
cestershire sauce will do. Soy sauce
contains a good deal of salt, so the
amount of salt needed In your chop
suey will depend on which kind of
eauce you have.
Why not invite your friends or fam
ily to try a Chinese supper some eve
ning ? If yoa have any Chinese acces
sories or decorations, so much the bet
ter. At least, you can make chicken
chop suey and rice the main attrac
tion, with preserved ginger for dea
ler! The Chinese do not use bread
and butter, because they have the
rice, but you may aerre it if your fam
ily prefers. The vegetables on which
w depend for vitamins are Incor
porated la the chop suey-onlons and
celery. The recipe below Is from the
bureau of borne economics of the
United State Department of Agri
culture. 1 fowl, welching t
to 4 lbs.
I cups of shredded
I cups of shredded
1 reea pepper,
I cups of chicken
1 tsp. cornstarch.
I cups sliced Bra
ill nuts or
Jerusalem arti
chokes. 4 tba. soy sauce.
t tbs. fat
lVti tap. salt, de
pesdlng on the
mount ot salt
In sauce.
1 tbs. cold water.
rut the fowl on a rack In a kettle,
half fill with boiling water, cover
tightly, and simmer until the meat la
nearly tender. Let cool in the broth,
remove the meat from the bone, dls-
Hints for Housekeepers
Dried fruits are ome of the best
confections for the children be:ause
the sweet Is less concentrated,
e e e
Prevent rusting In the oven by leav
ing the oven door ajar for an hour
after baking to allow any moisture to
e e
Pastry improves by chilling, so aft
er the dough Is mixed, wrap It In
waxed paper and keep It In the refrig
erator a few hour.
Mattresses will last longer and be
more comfortable If they are turned
frequently, sunned and cleaned with a
brush or vacuum cleaner brush at
tachment n
Story for
"What In the world Is the trouble?'
asked a squirrel with a bushy tail,
who happened to be near a place In
the woods where he saw a little girl
was crying.
"My name Is Mnhnlla," said the lit
tle girl, "and I've lost my oh, oh, oh.
I've lost my" then she sobbed and
sobbed nnd couldn't say another word.
Pretty soon one of them said:
"Let's ask our old friend, Mr. Cllant,
to suggest some way of stopping Ma
halln from crying."
"Oh," said Mahalla between her
Bobs, "he may eat me up and stop my
crying that way. Rut I've lost" and
then she burst out crying again.
"Dear me, no," said the squirrel,
who had suggested the giant. "He I
the kindest plant you can Imagine."
All the other squirrels who had
come around, too, to see whnt waa
the trouble, said:
"Bushy Squirrel I perfectly right.
What he says Is so. The Olnnt Is
very kind."
"Yes," continued the first squirrel
who had spoken to her, or Pushy
Fqulrrel, as he was called, "he I out
lest friend. He lives In a cave Just
little way off, and whenever we gc
to call on him be gives us nuts to
Is a Welcome Dish
! Cult Delicious,
card the skin, and cut the meat Into
small piece. Cook the green pepper
and onion In fat In a heavy skillet for
three or four minutes, turning them
frequently. All the celery, chicken
m pa t, salt, and broth, cover, and sim
mer from five to eight minute, de
pending upon the tenderness of the
chicken. Mix the cornstarch and cold
water until smooth and stir Into the
mixture. Then add the nuts or arti
choke. Add the soy sauce in suffi
cient quantity to give the desired
flavor and more salt If neccessary.
Graduates Choose Sheer Frocks
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i fa C-'H. '
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As to the matter of being prettily
and modlshly frocked, fashion has
some extremely Interesting Informa
tion to Impart to the "sweet girl grad
uate" to be. The Important message
has to do with 'ie high style value
placed on fine sheer cotton.
It la smart to wear frock of the
Ingenue type which charm because of
the Children
eat and sends home nut to our moth
ers and father.
"He tells us wonderful stories of
his adventures. He's a big as the
cave but he can curl up way Inside
Followed by an EnormDu Clant.
where none of the real people will
bother him.
"He' afruld if he came forth they'd
iut him In a circus and he doeBlove
the wood so much,
"Why, he Bays," continued the squir
1 1 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I II I I t M I I
I Good Things for the Family Table j;
i I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 I III I
"Suppose that this her veel."
ay the skipper with a tioan,
"Should Ion hr eonrln'a, run ny
and bump upon a stone,
"Suppoe alio d shiver and no down .
when eav oureelvri we
The mat rplle.
"Oh, Mow in eyes!
"Suppose, ag'ln, ah shouldn't."
Wallace Irwin.
There Is no dinner dish Unit Is more
popular. If we except chicken, thnn
Baked Ham
Sonk a hnm over
night. In (he morn
ing put It Into a
kettle with one
onion, one carrot,
s I s peppercorns,
one bay lenf, six
clove auU water to cover. Simmer
for three or four hours until tender,
liemove the skin and stick with whole
cloves; bake In a roasting pan, bast
ing with the hnm liquid and cider,
using half of each. When the hum
is well done stir some brown sugar
Into the cider snuce and spread all
over the ham and brown. Serve hot
with the liquor from the pan for
Deviled Lobster. Cook three table
Voonfuls of onion, one tnblespoonful
of green pepper, tbree tabicapoonfuls
of butter very slowly until tender.
Add one and one-half cupfuls of lob
ster meat and sprinkle with two table-
their apparent simplicity no matter
how sophisticated, In reality, that sim
plicity may be. And so the style
wise graduate will be receiving her
diploma gowned In quaint dotted swiss
of crisp organdie or fine embroidered
butiste this season.
Organdie Is a favorite with design
ers, especially the new embroidered
at Bedtime
rel, "that when the drcu cornes to
the town nearby, the only thing he
misses about It Is the peanuts, and
be wishes for them so we can have
"That Is how kind he Is. He's al
ways thinking of others."
Malmlin had stopped crying nnd had
decided the glatit must be Indeed very
wonderful If the squirrel were so
fond of hlrn.
And so she let them go off for hlrn.
In a few moments they came hop
ping and Jumping along followed by
an enormous giant.
Some of the little squirrels were
perched on his shoulders, and when
he snt down they hopped and seam
pored nil over him.
"What' the trouble, little girl?" be
asked, nnd his voice was bo very kind.
"I've lost my six wild strawberries,"
Mahnlln answered.
"Six wild strawberries," squealed
the squirrels. "V011 needn't have erled
over those we can get you more than
"Hut they were In a basket of sweet
crass," said Mahnlln, "nnd such a dear
friend gave me the bosket."
"Oh," said Mr, Clant. "we will hnve
to And that." And Le looked all
I I M 1 1 It I HI I II II 1 1 H M 1 1
I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I M H I H I I I I I
spoonful of flour, one toaspoonful
each of mustard, salt and paprika to
taste, with a toaspoonful of Worcester
shire sauce and a cupful of cream.
Cook a minute or two. Place In ram
ekins or shells nnd hake well covered
with buttered crumbs.
Fig Cake. Kent three egg whites
with one half cupful of sugar and add
n teaspoonful of vanilla. Heat three
egg yolks with one half cupful of
sugar, the grated rind of an orange,
a toaspoonful of baking powder sifted
twice with a cupful of Hour, add three
tnblespooufuls of orange Juice and
fold In the egg mixture. Melt four
tslili-spoonfuls of butter In a cakepun.
add one half cupful of brown augur,
one cupful of chopped llg and a
sprinkling of broken pecans.' Pour
over this the cake mixture and bake
'JO minutes In a moderate oven. When
done turn tipsTdo down. and serve with
whipped cream. Stewed npriivt,
canned pineapple or any fruit desired
may be used for this delicious cake
Deviled Chlckei. Prepare a sauce
of salt, pepper, dry mustard, parlka,
grated lemon peel, lemon Juice, Wor
cestershire sauce and a few drops of
tabasco sauce. Add a lump of butter
when the sauce Is at the boiling point.
Now add cube of cooked chicken and
serve when well heated through.
Vienna Steak. Take one half pound
each of veal and beef finely chopped,
organdie which to see I to covet.
For the graduating frock we can think
of nothing prettier than white, or If
preferred, flesh-colored allover em
broidered organdie. Of course It must
have a full hemline with fitted hlp
llne. however, for that I the "trick
In dressmaking this season, to accent
a slender silhouette with a sprightly
flare commencing above the knees.
The nornml waistline of this youthful
gown will be defined with a girlish
sash. The sleeve will be either little
puff or perhaps a ruffle or two or
suggested by a bartha or capelet.
I.ater this charming dress will go
dancing In the moonlight or, topped
with a wlde brimmed summery hat. It
will appear at garden parties.
It Is rather difficult for the girl se
lectlng material for her graduating
frock to choose between embroidered
and plain organdie which I lace
trimmed, the latter to be worn over a
taffeta slip. Clever thing are being
done with lace and organdie, one of
which I posing the crisp transparent
weave over a lace foundation slip.
The graduating frock being white
would be mounted over white lare, but
for the party dress the organdie Is
apt to be any lovely tint anil the lHi-e
underneath should be a perfect mntch.
The attractive organdie gown pic
tured has a simplicity about It which
tunes in charmingly to the graduating
scene. Tills dainty dress features
bands of lace artfully Inset so as to
form a front panel In the skirt, the
double rape repeating this trimming.
(, 1111, Weelera Newii.apar I'nlnn )
: Doughnuts and Refreshments Popular j
(Prtrd r the t'nlle1 rpartment
of Agriculture.) VVNU Srvlr.
Good tender doughnuts, freshly
made, are useful for Innumerable oc
casion where elmple refreshments are
culled for. At church sociables and
other community gatherings something
Inexpensive but popular Is usually
served, and doughnuts, with a bever
age of some sort, answer thl need
admirable. When a chance caller
comes during the late afternoon,
doughnut with coffee are much ap
preciated. After the evening 'four
some" at cards, doughnuts and a fruit
drink are appropriate.
The United .State Department of
Agriculture gives the recipe. below for
doughnuts. The ingredient given
make about 40.
1 cup milk. t tp. baking
4'A cups sifted soft- powder.
wheat flour.
1 cup siiKar.
t tpp. salt.
M, tip. cinnamon.
4 tap. 11 11 Urn-K.
1 tsp frit
2 CtfKI.
Place the fat In a warm plnce until
It becomes soft, though not melted.
Combine with the sugar. Stir In the
beaten egg yolks, nnd ndd alternately
the dry Ingredient, which have been
Blfted together, nnd the milk. Add
around, nnd down behind a fern was
the missing bnskt with the straw
berries. Then the Giant nnd nil the squirrels
set to work arid gathered many wild
strawberries so thnt Mahnlla's basket
was filled when she left them.
She loved wild strawberries nlmost
better than nny fruit and she was
very happy about having such a lot
of I hem.
The giant was happy because he
bad proved to one more little girl thnt
11 giant could be a dear, friendly soul,
and the squirrels were happy that they
bud been the one to briny all this
So you see, although the V-ry be
gun with tears. It ended very f.applly.
1911, YV enters Ntroiwi t'nluu.
1 1 Ml H I I H I 1 1 It II I I I I HI
aeaaon well with salt, pepper and
onion Juice, with a grating of nutmeg
and a lit (In lemon Juice. Cook ever
coals or under gn from eight to ten
minutes. Servo with creamed butter
and paprika spread over each steak
Parsley may be used If preferred.
very hot frying pan If lightly greased
limy be used Instead of the broiler.
BtufTed Dill Pickle. Take two
large dill pickle and core the long
way with an apple corer. Fill the
renters with seasoned cheese nnd
chill. Serve cut Into thin slice am!
use them at r garnish for a canape.
To cream butter easily scald the
bowl before using.
(Ti, ty3l, Vottn Nwt'irr t'hlun )
Vegetable Stew Makes
Complete Meal
:t........... ........
A substantial stew made of several
different vegetable I liked for
change once In a while. When It Is
served on toast It I almost a men I In
Itself. The bureau of home economic
of the I'nlted State popart incut of
Agriculture recommends the niotliod of
niske It described below. The chil
dren will enjoy a savory vegetable
stew for a mid day lutu h, and It will
be good for them.
t cup diced salt
f rupi diced ruta-
tnK turnip
1 mall onion
I rups diced po.
H tP ae
I cupe hot water
K tap. tail
t Hp pepper
Fry the diced snlt ork until crisp
Itemore the pork and some of the fat
from the skillet and brown the onion
and turnip In the remaining fat. Add
the potato, salt, ssgix and water.
Cover nnd simmer until the turnip I
tender, iteinove the rover and cook
until the stew has thickened some,
what. Add the browned salt pork,
peper, and more Snlt If needed. Serve
with crisp toast.
Gingersnaps That Will
Kctain Crispncss
If the fanUly like glngrr snap you
ran make them sometime at home by
the recipe below, from the bureau of
home economics. These ginger snap
should be kept In a tightly closed tin
to retain their crlspnes.
I cup mnlaiaee.
H cup duller or
other fat.
I V4 cupa lifted flour.
H tap. soda,
t tlx autar.
I to t tba e-inftr,
1H tap. salt.
Heat the molassc to the boiling
point, and pour It over the fat. IM-
solve the soda In a tnblespoonful of
water. Add this and the sifted dry In
gredlciits to the molasses nnd fat. Mix
well and mnke Into a long roll a
large around a the rookie are to be.
Wrap Ihlf roll of dough In waxed
paper sn put In a cold place to chill
for several hours or overnight. The
dough miiHt be cold through and
through to cut properly. When ready
to bake, cut the roll Into very thin
slices with a shnrp knife nnd bake In
a moderate oven (.'!.V di-gn-os Fahren
heit) until lightly browned, lu-move
from the pan while hot.
only a small quantity of liquid at the
start. And the flavoring and fold In
the well-beaten egg whites last. Itoll
out the dotich about one third Inch
thick without liniidllng It nny more
than necessary. Cut out the dough
nuts nnd fry In deep fat, hot enough
(.'17.') degrees Fahrenheit), to mnke a
doughnut rise to the surface quickly
nnd to brown each side In about one
minute. Iraln on brown paper. When
dry, they may be rolled In sugar.
One of the secret of aurces In mak
ing doughnut I the use of a plain
mixture such ns the above. A rich
dough tends to nbsorh too much fat
I Ji.4J '.1 , h
Tinder Doughnuts, Freshly Mad.
In frying. The dough should be rolled
smooth nnd not too thick, for a rough
surface absorb more fut, and a thick
doughnut doe not cook entlrelj
through In the nhnrt frying period. If
the fat I not hot enough the dough
nuts wilt be greasy. Doughnuts can
be forced under the fat to make them
brown evenly nnd quickly by pushing
a wire frying basket down on them.
Man's Standby Doomed
Itevolving door for homes are now
suggested. Here goo down-troddeo
man' Inst mode of self-expression.
You can't slum a revolving door. Ar
Kansas CluzeUe.
From the beginning of expectancy
until baby I weaned, Phillips' Milk
of MagncMlit perform I Im greatest
aervlco for many women.
It relieve nausea, heartburn,
"morning sickness," Inclination to
vomit; help digestion, lis mild lax
ative, nctlou fissure regular bowel
Phillips' Milk or MagiieNht Is bet
ter than lime water for iieiitrall.lug
cow' milk for Infant feeding.
All drugstores have Phillips' Milk
of Magnesia In geiieroiH 'J.V and fiilc
bottles. Always IiisIkI on the genuine,
endorsed by physicians for Ml years.
Uurne Library Closed
Diiiihcoio Palish library, founded
III IT'.ni by Hubert Hurns, t tin poet,
when farming at HIINImihI, Scotland,
bus Just been closed. Itiltal libraries,
ahlch were aided by the Oirneglu
trustees, have killed It. The book
of the library lire being given to
recreation rooms In the dUtrlct,
Hurns was the first librarian nnd
mcitihcrNlilp was by subscription. In
recent years there was too great a
lb-crease In membership for It to sur
vive. HAN. FORD'S
Dalsom of Myrrh
HuKtra m.e llur ViUlaJ
iMperte Low an
to mm! II t mi on tftole
tLOKt-lloN MIAMhNl-I.UItnruila
eunMrtlon with 1'arkar i Hair lUlaem aUkMlhe)
Stair enft and fluffy, to br rnail of at drug
iala. illeraaOxnitcal Wurte. l'alchoue.N.?.
final erar 1(1) nart h ana
bulk, ellr.f. eteaa, email aula
or tavoa, IrvaHliie, Oat
Gray's Ointment
frrn dfifiWt re W. F. Ofi
Co. N.!,.iUa. Taaa list
U boi taiar)rlaU vk. r il"d lf IW-
daat Aadrea Jactm. W rlU f In abaaua.
Norlb Americas Cold
Ten year ago the gold output of
the I'nlted Stutel win three time a
great a thnt of t'atiuda. Today
rhlelly owing tu the Increase In Can
ada, the two cminlrle produce al
most equal quantities.
Fvrrctt. WaOi.
-"Whenever I
am not feeling
good or n iticr my
self getting nerv
ous and the lejvt
bit rundown I
take a bottle (
Dr. Pierce' Fa
vorite Pretcrin.
1 1 o n and it
straight nin
right up, givci me new life and energy.
I think it is the finest medicine any
weak and nervoui woman can take."
Mrs. Walter Ivothdii, 2521 Harrison
St All dealers in medicine.
If 70a want food mrdlraj a.lrlte
virile to lie. I'lnrc'e t Hale, lluRnla,
N. V. f.arl.iae wmppre from medlrlnf.
Km rharie tor Ihle eardra. Bead lUe If
ye want trial paraaf a.
Colt Da Strong
It takes a persistent tUli to swlin
against the current of modernism.
American Magazine.
Some great minds have some smalV
need watching
Let Dr. Caldwell help whenever your
child is iVveru.h or upset; or has
caught cold.
llis simple prescription will make
thut bilious, headachy, cross boy or
fnrl comfortable, happy, well in just
a few hours. It soon restores the
bowels to heullhy regularity. It helps
'"break-up" a cold by keeping tlio
bowels free from ull that sickening
mucus waste.
Ymt have, a famous doctnr't word
for this laxative. Dr. Culd well's record
of having attended over 3.ri00 liirths
without loss of one mother or huby
is believed uniipjo in American
medical history.
Get n hotlln of Dr. Culdwcll'i
Syrup Pepsin from your drugstore
nnd have it ready. Then you won't
have to worry when any member of
your family is hendachy, bilious,
((assy or constipated. Syrup Pepsin
is flood for ull nKcs. It sweetens tho
bowels; increases appetite makes
digestion more complete.
D. W. D. Caldwcli'
A Doctor's Family Laxative